Help self-training in a correctional school of the 8th type. Analysis of self-preparation lesson plan (Grade 8) on the topic. We're getting higher

The quality of life of a graduate of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type largely depends on how well he has developed the ability to independently organize activities. A special role in the formation of the skills of independent activity belongs to self-training. Goals the work of a teacher in self-training in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type should be as follows:

  1. the formation of children's skills and abilities of independent activity;
  2. creation of conditions for consolidating knowledge, skills, acquired in the classroom, in independent work.

Why did the consolidation of knowledge, skills, and abilities turn out to be in second place? After all, self-training is designed specifically for children to do homework. This is true, however, in the work of an educator of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type on self-training corrective action comes to the fore.

In the theory of training and education of mentally retarded children, as a result of correctional work, the formation of general activity (general educational, general labor) skills is considered, which include:

  • the ability to analyze the conditions of the problem and identify a way to solve it (or determine that the method is not known, and decide who or what to turn to for help);
  • the ability to plan their activities;
  • the ability to control oneself in the course of activity and evaluate its final result.

Working on self-training according to the methodology that we will now consider, we solve a very specific and extremely important task for real working life: we accustom his pupil to act according to a certain algorithm of organization any their activities: read the task (instruction), check with the sample before work, ask for help if the sample is “not found” or “not remembered”, look at the clock while working, view the work done. We form habits proper organization of work in conditions of relative independence. Thus, we expand the range of tasks that a graduate of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type will successfully solve.

Now let's specify self-training tasks, considering all that has been said. Tasks are related to the formation in children of the following skills providing independent homework:

  1. ability to use a diary;
  2. navigate the learning task: read the task before starting its implementation, determine the method of its implementation, use reference materials (rules, memos, algorithms, sample tasks);
  3. seek help in case of difficulty;
  4. plan your activities;
  5. rationally use the time allotted for self-training;
  6. independently check the work done.

In addition to these tasks, the educator solves traditional educational tasks on self-training: he brings up a responsible attitude to educational work, activity, perseverance, the ability to work without interfering with others, etc.

Conditions for the effectiveness of self-training

In special pedagogy, a number of requirements are imposed on self-training, the observance of which ensures its effectiveness.

The relationship in the work of the teacher and educator

The teacher and educator must equally understand the goals and objectives of self-training. The duty of the teacher is to ensure that children can do their homework on their own. The teacher does not engage in self-training to fill in the gaps in the work of the teacher (does not explain the material again, does not conduct frontal work to consolidate knowledge, skills). The teacher and educator should observe each other's activities and be sure to discuss the methods and techniques they use to educate children for independence.

Compliance with the protective pedagogical regime

Self-preparation should be carried out after an hour and a half daily walk. In the last third of the walk, the teacher limits the motor activity of children, organizes calm games, activities, and easy conversations.

Self-training begins at the same time in the whole school, preferably on a call. In the lower grades, a physical minute is mandatory, in the older grades - a ten-minute break.

The duration of self-training is determined by the age of the children. In the first grade in the first half of the year, homework is not given, however, children need to be taught that with the call for self-study, they - together with the school - should go into the classroom. As a rule, the teacher organizes the reading of the primer, either reads aloud to the children himself, or conducts educational games. In the second half of the first grade, self-study lasts 30-40 minutes. In the second-fourth grades - up to an hour. In high school - up to an hour and a half.

Proper dosage of homework

A third of what was done (exactly what was done, not planned) in the lesson is given for home. In the lower grades, only one written subject per day is given (or Russian, or mathematics); reading assignment is given every day. In high school, the schedule is drawn up in such a way that children need to prepare no more than three or four subjects. It is desirable that teachers of the Russian language and mathematics coordinate the amount of homework with each other.

If we correlate these requirements with the total duration of self-training, it is clear that the actual independent work of children (executive part) is allocated in the lower grades 30-40 minutes, in the older ones - from 40 minutes to an hour. The rest of the time is the time for the formation of skills for independent activities of children.

The correct definition of homework by the teacher

In a special (correctional) school of the VIII type, homework is given in a differentiated way, and not only (and even not so much) in terms of volume, but in terms of complexity. As a rule, this means that the children of the second and third groups according to pedagogical differentiation, developed by a team led by V.V. Voronkova, receive a task similar to a well-designed and successfully completed lesson. It is for the second and third groups that the task can vary in volume. Children of the first group, the most successful in terms of learning, can receive a task that involves a somewhat greater independence of performance. Students of the "weakest", fourth, group must complete reproductive tasks at home (for example, write off the text, and then underline and inscribe the nouns highlighted in it).

Thus, the general principle of dosing and determining the content of homework in each individual case should be like this: the child must cope with the task, firstly, on his own, and secondly, in 20-30 minutes in primary classes or 50-60 minutes in senior classes.

Self-training structure

I Organizing time

II Didactic game

III Working with a diary

IV Children doing their own homework

but) homework orientation

b) task completion

in) self-test

V Checking the readiness of children for the lesson by the teacher

VI The result of self-training

Before the start of training The teacher should check the following points:

  • Sanitary condition of the class;
  • Readiness of reference manuals (dictionaries, algorithms, memos);
  • Readiness of children's workplaces: educational supplies, books, diaries, notebooks should be prepared by children before the start of self-study; it is desirable that the class has a shift assignment of a “self-study duty officer”;
  • The presence of books, entertaining material for those who completed self-training before the rest.

Consider the responsibilities of the educator at different stages of self-training.

Organizing time

The purpose of this stage is to set the children up for work.

To quickly and clearly start self-training, you can apply the following techniques: use the traditional “formulas” for the class of the beginning (“Look at me, smile, tune in to work. Sit quietly”); pay attention to the clarity of the organization of the workplace of children; praise the children for their readiness. In "difficult" classes, as well as on those days when children are more than usual tired, excited, etc. You can use the game form of self-training.

Here are some examples of game scenes:

  • Travel (on a train, steamer, etc.) on a “map” with such points and stations as “Send”, “Play”, “Information Bureau”, “Mathematical”, “Pisarevo”, “Depot ( self control).
  • Competition games:
    • “Sailing races”: for each child, a boat is attached to the board, which he can move himself, having successfully completed the self-training stage.
    • “Who has the longest train”, “To whom the sun has given more sunbeams”, “Who has more flowers in the clearing”, “Who will climb the ladder above all”, etc.
    • Who will get the prize from the "guest" (cartoon character, fairy tale).
    • Success screens.

Didactic game

The didactic game is held in the lower grades in one of the given subjects and should be related to the topic being fixed. The game can be played both in written subjects and in reading (to develop reading skills). You can also use the so-called educational games: attention, intelligence, memory. Apparently, the teacher should select the game for self-preparation, since only he can take into account the problems and peculiarities of mastering the topic by children.

In high school, conducting didactic games for self-study is not mandatory (although not prohibited).

Working with diaries

Diaries are kept in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type, starting from the third grade. In the first and second grades, children find a bookmark task.

After the introduction of diaries in the first lessons, you need to tell the children about their benefits, about their use by adults, be sure to show your diary. During several self-preparation, the teacher looks through the records of the children and checks how they find the task on them.

Working with a diary makes sense for a child if he really has to use it in order to find homework. Therefore, in self-study, in no case should you write down your homework on the board. The diary of the relationship between the teacher and the educator should also be inaccessible to children.

Since homework in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type is given in a differentiated way and, as a rule, contains several instructions, it is not realistic to write them all down in a diary. Therefore, from the first grade, you need to teach children to carefully mark the details of the task with a pencil in the textbook. Together with the teacher, the teacher teaches the children to use the bookmark. By the way, during the year, in classes like a “creative workshop”, the educator necessarily plans to learn how to care for textbooks: carefully erasing pencil notes, updating covers, making bookmarks.

At the stage of working with the diary, the teacher teaches children to identify rational sequence completing tasks and planning time distribution. The teacher explains that the written subject is the first to be completed, since here you need to "read, and think, and write more, so more attention is needed." You can’t tell children that “Reading is easier than mathematics and the Russian language.” Firstly, this can provoke an irresponsible attitude towards reading, and secondly, for some children, reading is the most difficult subject.

To consolidate, special games are held.

  1. “Dunno or Pinocchio come to visit, who, after finding homework, offer the children their sequence of work:

Let's guys do the reading first, because it's easier, and then the math, and at the end we'll have a physical minute. Children should not agree with the hero; on the advice of the teacher, they explain the correct sequence of work.

  1. Children are asked to explain to toddlers, forest students, etc. on behalf of the head teacher, doctor, parents, in what order you need to do your homework.

In high school, when several oral subjects are given, children themselves determine in what order they want to do the work. In some cases, the educator tells the students what type of work will require more effort and time from them.

A more difficult task is the formation in children time management skills in self-training.

In elementary grades, the teacher monitors the distribution of time. Children must learn to save time, to work without being distracted. However, even younger students need to be taught to “Feel” the time. For this, the following types of work are used.

  1. Teaching children to look at the clock while working. Already first graders should know the location of the arrows corresponding to the beginning and end of self-study.
  2. The use of symbolic clocks. On a large cardboard dial, the teacher marks with a color the sector corresponding to the time allotted for self-study. Moving overhead arrows, he draws the attention of children to how much time has passed and how much time is left. In grades 3-4, this sector can be divided into parts, marking the stages of self-preparation with pictures.
  3. Using a picture "self-study plan". The teacher introduces the children to the finished plan or draws it up together with the children, agreeing on what pictures will indicate the stages of self-preparation (for example, working with a diary - a picture of a diary, a didactic game - a picture of a ball, etc.). the plan is posted on the board at the beginning of self-preparation. While the children are working, the teacher will mark with a special icon (an arrow, an outline drawing of an alarm clock, etc.) at what stage the children are and how much work is left.

To form a “sense of time” in children, special games and exercises should be used as widely as possible: the teacher - in the classroom, the educator - during all regime moments (in particular, this can be done at self-training, at the stage of didactic game). An example of such an exercise is the game "What can be done for ...". The teacher shows the children a minute hourglass and explains how it works. Then he offers to find out what good things can be done in a minute. For example, tidy up the workplace, draw a person, water the flowers in the classroom, solve a few examples (“How much?”), etc. The results of this game on a walk are very indicative. Then two-three- and five-minute hours are taken.

Independent homework

The purpose of this stage is to teach children to be independent, therefore all the actions of the educator, his words, behavior are aimed at creating in children a sense of independent activity. The teacher can help in self-training, but his help should be perceived by children as an exception, and not as a rule.

The main thing requirement to the activities of the educator at this stage - minimizing frontal work and providing children with the opportunity to work at their own pace.

The teacher does not distract the children in order to “disassemble” the task frontally (this is the responsibility of the teacher in the lesson!), Does not organize frontal checking and correcting errors (the teacher will also do this). He does not sum up the intermediate result on self-study after completing one or another subject.

The teacher does not conduct a frontal explanation during self-preparation, even in cases where most of the children in the class cannot cope with the task on their own. In these cases, he stops the task in the subject, and writes in the journal of communication between the teacher and the educator that the children are not ready to independently complete the task. We emphasize that such situations can only occur in those cases when the teacher does not follow the methodology for determining homework, does not implement the principle of a differentiated approach. Obviously, such a teacher should be advised to improve his pedagogical literacy, turn to literature, attend the lessons of colleagues, self-study, analyze the activities of children in self-study.

Frontal work on self-training should be associated only with the formation of skills to work independently. For example, in the first and second grades, the teacher explains to the children how to start doing a written assignment (“task orientation algorithm”). During several classes (their number depends on the composition of the class), he frontally fixes these rules. As soon as at least half of the children have learned these rules (algorithm), the teacher stops reading the task aloud, and only controls the children. With those who do not follow the algorithm, the teacher works individually or in groups. Frontal repetition of the algorithm is necessary only at the beginning of the school year and every quarter.

homework orientation

When performing written subjects, the educator accustoms children follow the algorithm:

  1. Read assignment (we teach to start any written exercise by reading the task and repeating it).
  2. repeat rule (the child must determine and remember which rule the task was given to, find it in a textbook or on a card and read it).
  3. View a similar exercise in a notebook (i.e. find a pattern in class work).
  4. Write down the first lines (words) exercises.
  5. Check yourself.

Acquaintance of children with the algorithm is carried out in the first and second grades, as soon as there are written assignments that require an appeal to the rule. However, already in the second grade, it is necessary to gradually abandon the frontal analysis of the task and reading the rules aloud.

Completion of tasks by children

At this stage of self-training, the educator has two main responsibilities:

  1. Individual work with individual students on the instructions of the teacher(in cases where the educator owns special teaching methods and a close relationship has been established between the teacher and the educator).
  2. Help children with difficulties.

When children have difficulties and ask for help, the teacher should not rush to give tips and advice. First, the following types of assistance are used:

  • Suggestion to reread the task
  • Suggestion to reread the rule
  • View a similar assignment in classwork

Only if these types of assistance do not work, the educator points out the child to the mistake and helps to remember the way to complete the task, moreover on a similar example.

Self test

The purpose of this stage is to achieve an understanding of the need to check their work and form the habit of checking their work.

You should not overestimate the capabilities of children and set the task of forming techniques and skills of self-control during self-training (for example, independently use the technique of solving an inverse problem or performing an inverse arithmetic operation). But it is quite possible to form habits, for example, reread what is written, recount easy examples.

Solving the problem of forming in children the habit of checking themselves often encounters an insurmountable but artificial difficulty at school: correcting mistakes by children in written work is punished with a decrease in the mark “for inaccuracy”. The educator cannot solve this problem on his own, without the teacher and the administration, so it must be the subject of discussion in the teaching staff. It seems reasonable to make it a rule not to lower the mark for mistakes found and carefully corrected by the child - this skill is still more significant for the social adaptation of mentally retarded children than the ability to make a record without blots (which does not mean without mistakes). It is also necessary to specifically teach children to carefully correct work, to use a pencil in doubtful cases, and to make complex calculations on drafts.

To form an understanding of the need to check any of your work and to keep children willing to check themselves, you can use the following techniques:

  • Situations showing that the success of an activity, well-being and even life of a person may depend on a mistake made and not corrected. These are games (with appropriate explanations) of the type "Are you suitable for air traffic controllers, compositors, designers, etc."
  • Explanation of the dependence of the mark on the number of errors made.
  • Emphasizing the dependent educational success of individual children (especially weak ones) on the thoroughness of the check (at first, together with the teacher). This technique convinces the children that the time for self-examination was not wasted.
  • The use of "screens" on which children's progress in mastering the ability to test themselves is noted. In this case, the child will receive a prize, first of all, for the fact that he himself, without a reminder, tries to check himself and for the success of the check. We emphasize that it is the quality of the check that is evaluated, and not the absence of errors in the written work itself.
  • Evaluation of the check by a fairy-tale hero (wise wizard, Malvina, Owl, etc.)

Checking the readiness of children for the lesson by the teacher

At the end of the written subject, the children take turns approaching the teacher's table with notebooks. Checking the written work of children by the educator is carried out not in order to find errors, but to consolidate the habit of checking oneself. The teacher does not point out mistakes, much less correct them, since this is the work of the teacher. He evaluates the quality of the check by the child. When organizing this stage, the teacher uses the following speech formulas: “I check if you checked yourself well”, “Well done, worked great and checked yourself well” (if the teacher saw that the child was rereading the work), “You relied on yourself, you didn’t make sure that you were ready for the lesson, you didn’t check yourself”, “You need to check the work again” etc.

It is strongly not recommended to check written work frontally. This contradicts the task of developing independent work skills, reduces the responsibility of children (they believe that checking is “the teacher’s concern”), and makes it difficult to form self-checking habits (since children know that there will be a frontal check and are waiting for it). In addition, all children work at their own pace and complete the written subject at different times. By conducting a frontal check, the educator loses the means of encouraging organized and more independent children.

It is also useful for the educator to know that even in the classroom, when checking homework, the teacher does not require the correct answers to be voiced. He invites the children to either tell how they completed the task, or to complete and explain a similar task.

Checking "oral" subjects, especially reading in the primary grades, is carried out without difficulty if the teacher uses the "buzzing reading" technique in the classroom. In this case, the self-training teacher can listen to individual children, passing through the rows. To test the consciousness of assimilation of the material, the best technique for self-training is questions on the content. Questions are asked individually, with the same motivation as when checking written subjects. To check the quality of children's preparation for reading (fluency and correctness of reading, retelling), you can also use peer testing.

Self Test Summary

When conducting the result of self-examination, the educator evaluates (of course, qualitatively) primarily the independence of children. The emphasis is on success. You can repeat aloud the meaning of one or another skill being formed (for example, why do you need a self-test4 how to start performing written subjects, etc.0

In addition, the diligence of children, activity, perseverance, respect for time, readiness to come to the aid of a friend are noted.

Municipal state-owned special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities "Special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type No. 13"


6th grade

Compiled by: Efimenko I.V.


Yurga 2015

Self-training in the 6th grade.



diligence, accuracy, interest in learning

Correction - developmental goal: to develop auditory and visual attention, memory when calculating; develop the ability to comment on their actions, to give a verbal report on the completion of the task.

The course of self-training

I. Organizational moment

The bell rang for self-training.

Everyone, good afternoon everyone

Get out of the way, evil laziness

Don't stop learning

Don't stop working!!!

Guys, greet the guests with a nod of the head and give them a friendly smile.

I smile at you, you smile at me. Smiling can show your friendliness and make everyone feel better. A good mood always helps to cope with any task and achieve good results.

Guys, tell me, are you warm? (Yes)

Is there light in the classroom? (Yes!)

Has the bell rung already? (Yes!)

Is your self-training already over? (Not!)

Have you just started training? (Yes!)

Do you want to study? (Yes!)

So everyone can sit down.

Look in the diaries, in what subjects do we need to prepare assignments for tomorrow? But with what subject we will begin our self-preparation, you will find out if you guess the riddle:

(slide 2)

The lesson is interesting, on it we believe

All together examples, problems we solve,

Compasses, everything is for sure - without any romance.

Well, what's the lesson? That lesson...

Yes, let's start with the math. (slide 3)

In order to get us ready to do our homework, mathematics Let's do a little warm-up. (slide 4)

  1. Boil one egg for 4 minutes. How long does it take to boil 5 eggs?

(as many)

2) It's been three days since Sunday, what day is it? (Thursday)

3) If you eat one plum, what will be left? (bone)

Guys, who will tell you what topic you are studying in the lesson? (slide 5)

And who will name the components during multiplication?

Now attention to the board, let's count a little orally, numbers are given (slide 6)

145, 1268,3746,122,5478,9922

Name the even numbers

Name odd numbers

What number divides even numbers?

Let's repeat the multiplication table, as follows:

*** 4

Solve chains of examples:

*7 -13 \5 *7

55 \5 *8

We will perform the next task divided into two groups, we should connect the correct answers with examples with arrows:

4*5= 36 5*6 = 56

3*7= 34 7*8= 31

6*8= 21 6*9= 24

9*4= 20 4*6= 54

Table multiplication answers are given (slide 7)


Guys, these are the answers of the multiplication table for what number? (on 3)

And what was the mistake? (23 - non-table multiplication answer)

Checking homework.

Fizkultminutka. (electronic version)

Russian language

Strong, powerful, beautiful, great!

Beautiful, Russian is our language

Such as he did not see the light

He has no comparison!

Guys, what familiar things did we hear in this poem. What is this poem talking about? (About Russian)

We start doing homework in the Russian language (slide 8) and start with vocabulary work:

Group work

1) cards with vocabulary words are given to each group, an unstressed vowel must be inserted on the cards. After completing this task in groups, one participant from each group completes this task on the board.

Task card:

D ... bull, b ... wealth, m ... distance, woman ... on, k ... mandir, ... kean, d ... rector, ... ntenna.

Guys, who will name the topic that you are studying in the Russian language lesson?

(slide 9)

Guys from the proposed dictionary words, you need to make a phrase - a noun and an adjective. Then I show cards with the task, and you must decline this phrase according to the task on the card.

And now the attendants will announce which exercise is set to be performed.

Doing homework.

Checking completed homework.


- In order to find out which subject we are moving on to, we should read this word. - more (slide 10). We are starting to do our reading homework.

The attendants say what is assigned for reading, but before we start reading, we will do a little warm-up for the eyes.

Fizminutka for the eyes.

Now we will do a speech warm-up, remember the tongue twister with which we are working, speak slowly at first, clearly pronouncing the words, then with acceleration (slide 11)

We will talk

We will pronounce

So right and clear

To make everything clear.

We start reading the story "Puss in Boots", first with buzzing reading and during reading we determine how many characters are in this story. Then we continue to read the roles. Question work.

Summing up the results of self-training. (slide 14-15)

Self-analysis of self-training.

The purpose of self-training: instilling in pupils the skills of self-educational work on planning, mastering, consolidating, monitoring and evaluating the knowledge gained.


Educational: creating conditions for practicing skills and abilities in oral and written calculations; development of skills and abilities to use theoretical knowledge in practice when multiplying by a single-digit number in a column.

Developing: develop interest in learning through additional, corrective tasks, mental processes (attention, thinking, speech); motor activity (through various physical pauses) in order to increase the level of working capacity; cognitive activity; broaden the horizons of children.

Educational: to educate independence, activity, discipline, responsibility,industriousness, accuracy, interest in learning, a friendly attitude towards each other, to cultivate criticality and an adequate attitude to the results of their activities.

Correctional and developmental goal: to develop auditory and visual attention, develop logical thinking, memory when calculating; develop the ability to comment on their actions, to give a verbal report on the completion of the task.

During the self-training, I used the following teaching methods:

according to the method of submission of material:

Verbal (story, conversation, explanation);

Visual (show, demonstration);

Practical (performance of work using the acquired knowledge);

by the nature of the activities of students / pupils:



A variety of methods were used to involve children in active activities:

Collective forms of activity in order to form the experience of communication and work in a group;

Visual aids and auxiliary materials for the development of all the senses of the child;

Games - tasks for the development of fantasy, creativity, attention, memory, thinking, speech, vocabulary replenishment.

At the motivational-target stage, she created a positive psychological mood through the words spoken in the organizational moment, activated the attention of children, the students positively tuned in to self-training.

All practical tasks were aimed at fulfilling the goals and objectives of self-training and were built taking into account the age characteristics of middle school children. The children did not experience difficulties in conversations, they actively answered my questions. There were no difficulties in performing practical tasks. It gave only a positive description of the results of their activities, which stimulated the children and increased their activity in self-training. Used various types of checks: self-check, mutual check. To relieve tension and fatigue, physical minutes for the eyes and for movement, changing activities were offered.

In my opinion, all the guys were active, they were interested in the lesson. I think that the guys most of all liked to perform tasks with an oral count, a warm-up for the eyes. Due to the individual characteristics of the child's personality - slowness, Nikolay Petrov, Lera Matyukhina, Vanya Vishchenko, the guys did not quite fit in on time when doing homework.

Used ICT, student-centered approach (children assessed themselves independently), individual and differentiated approach

(individual tasks), health-saving technologies.

Educator I.V. Efimenko

Purpose: the formation of skills for independent homework.
Educational: Improve the ability to read the text and retell.
To consolidate the skill of accurately copying letters, syllables, words, sentences.
Strengthen the ability to solve examples.

Correction-developing: Correct attention, memory, operations of thinking. Develop listening skills. Understand what is said.

Educational: To form a motivational basis for educational activities, a positive attitude to the lesson, an understanding of the need for learning. Cultivate independence, discipline, responsibility. Correct attention, memory, operations of thinking.
Visual material and equipment: Masha doll, computer, projector, screen, multimedia presentation, textbooks on reading, Russian language and mathematics.


I. Organizational moment
Look how many guests we have in the class today. Smile at them, smile at each other. A good mood is the key to successful work in the classroom. I wish you all success.

II. Setting tasks, repeating the rules of work during self-training
1. Have you all seen the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"?
Today we will help Masha become smarter, teach her to read and retell together with the bear, write correctly, divide words into syllables and solve examples.
And so are you ready?
2. Checking the availability of school supplies on the tables:
Well done, as always prepared everything necessary for the lesson.

3. Masha asks: I wonder what you will do now?
Children: Do your homework.
- Guys, let's teach Masha the rules of work in the classroom.
We came here to study, not to be lazy, but to work. Working diligently, listening carefully.

4. We repeat the rules of self-preparation: The rule of "3" I "(I do it myself. I check it myself. I evaluate myself.) Masha:
- What day of the week is it today? - How many lessons did you have? - What subjects did you set homework for? - How do you need to work to complete all the tasks?
III. Math 1. Checking the order on the desks
2. Warm up
Educator: Guys, our guest Masha has prepared “Funny Problems” for you. I will read them to you now, and you will count the answer.
The mouse has two ears.
How many ears do two mice have?

A puppy sits on the porch
Warms his fluffy side.
Another one came running
And sat down next to him.
(How many puppies were there?)

A rooster flew up on the fence,
Met two more there.
How many roosters were there?
Who has an answer?

Five puppies playing football
One was called home.
He looks out the window, he thinks
How many are playing now?

Four ripe pears
It swayed on a branch.
Pavlusha took off two pears,
How many pears are left?

Led mother goose
Six children walk on the meadow.
All goslings are like balls.
Three sons, how many daughters?

Educator: What is your math homework today? (Textbook p. 28, No. 13).
4. Analysis of the task.
Educator: What number is obtained from the addition of the first and second terms?
The children answer.
5. Independent work
Individual assistance as needed.6. Physical education minute
The wind blows in our face
The tree swayed
The wind is quieter, quieter
The tree is getting higher and higher
IV Russian language
1. Warm up
Educator: Divide the words into syllables and write them down in a table. Desk, lesson, ball, magpie, garden, crow.
1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables

2. Repetition of the rules.
How do words move from one line to another?
Is it possible to leave one letter per line or wrap?
3. Analysis of the exercise.
4. Current briefing on the position of notebooks when writing, landing.

5. Independent work
Individual assistance as needed.
In the margins of the notebook, put yourself the expected mark for the work done.

4. Physical education for hands
It's time for a gym session
We will prepare our hands for the letter

This finger is a grandmother.
This finger is a grandfather.
This finger is mom.
This finger is dad.
This finger is me.
That's my whole family
V Reading
1. Warm up
We start with a speech warm-up.
We will talk
We will pronounce
So right and clear
To make everything clear.

Educator: What is your homework for reading today? (Textbook p.22).
2. Work with the story.
Reading with a teacher.
Buzzing reading.
Selective reading.
Answers on questions.

VI. Introspection
Educator: Masha would like to know how you evaluate your work in class.
VII. Summing up the work
Teacher: How did you rate your homework? Why?
Have you done everything?

Masha thanks you and says "Thank you" to you

Attached files


Target: the formation of general educational skills and abilities for the successful mastery of subject knowledge, skills and abilities.


- educational:

consolidation of knowledge gained in the lesson, the formation of skills organize your workplace, plan your current work, understand the educational task and aim yourself at its implementation, follow the sequence of doing homework within a certain time frame, exercise self-control and introspection of educational activities;

- developing:

development of cognitive processes of students: attention, memory, thinking, speech, development of skills and abilities of independent work with a textbook, expansion of horizons, vocabulary;

- educational

education of sustainable motives for educational activities, skills of culture and mental work, self-organization and self-control, a number of leading personality traits - honesty, diligence, self-demanding, independence.

Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop

The course of self-training

    Organizing time.

- Everyone, good afternoon everyone

Get out of the way, evil laziness

Don't stop learning

Don't stop working!!!

- Check: everything is in place, everything is in order

Books, pens and notebooks?

Who has it all

Can quietly - quietly sit down.

Well done! And now they quietly sat down, straightened their backs, took their shoulders back, put their hands on a “shelf”.

- Please tell me what date, month, day of the week is today?

Formulation of the problem.

In self-training, we must remember what you learned in the lessons and prepare for the next working day in order to feel confident tomorrow and achieve new knowledge.

Look at the board, in what subjects do we need to prepare assignments for tomorrow? But with what subject we will begin our self-preparation, you will find out if you guess the riddle:

- The lesson is interesting, on it we believe

All together examples, problems we solve,

Compasses, everything is for sure - without any romance.

Well, what's the lesson? That lesson...

Yes, let's start with the math.


Verbal counting.

In order to get us ready to do our homework,mathematics Let's do a little warm-up.

One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How long does it take to boil 5 eggs?

(as many)

2) It's been three days since Sunday, what day is it? (Thursday)

3) If you eat one plum, what will be left? (bone)

Next task: Count along the chain.

Next task: Increase each number by 5.

Now it's time to do your math homework. Can you please tell us what we were asked today?

Before you start doing your homework, let's stretch our fingers a little.

Finger gymnastics.

We open notebooks, beautifully write down homework and complete the task.

Sit up straight, feet together

Let's take a notebook under the slope.

Left hand in place

Right hand in place

You can start writing!

    Dynamic moment.

    Russian language.

- Listen to the riddle:

Each student writes accurately.

We read the rules, we learn by heart.

Well guys, what is this lesson? (Letter)

That's right, it means it's time to do your homework in writing.

But before you start doing your homework, I suggest you play a little.

Game "Snow riddles".

Doing homework.

Now it's time for the writing assignment.

And now we open notebooks, beautifully write down homework and complete the task.

Sit up straight, feet together

Let's take a notebook under the slope.

Left hand in place

Right hand in place

You can start writing!

Doing homework. Individual work with weak students. Additional cards for strong students.

Peer review of homework.

    Breathing exercises.

And now we will rest a little.


Solve the following riddle.

First by syllables, and now as we wish.

We learn easily poetic lines,

A story is instantly distinguishable from poetry,

Inspiration itself comes to us with a book,

And everyone in the lesson what? (Readings)

Speech workout.

Before completing the reading task, we will conduct a speech warm-up. Look at the screen. Let's read what is written here. We will read at first slowly, clearly pronouncing the words, then with acceleration.

Fizminutka for the eyes.

Let's work on the eyes a bit.

Doing homework.

Now it's time for the reading homework.

Can you please tell us what we were asked today?

Doing homework.

    Summing up the results of self-training.

So, guys, our lesson is over. We have done our homework, we have done a lot of additional tasks.You are great today, worked hard, coped with all the tasks.Thanks.

    III. Planning work, working with a diary.

    Opened diaries.

    What subjects do you have homework for? (Mathematics, Russian language.)

    What do you need to know well in order to accurately solve examples? (Multiplication table.)

    Game "Decipher the word" (slide 6)

    Keyword: ATTENTION

    Mindfulness exercises.

(Let's retreat four cells down from the class work and write down "Homework", below the word "Examples", between the columns - 3 cells.)

Fizminutka (slide 7)

V. Doing homework in the Russian language.

The game "Exclude the excess" (slide 8-9)

Noun, verb, root, adjective;

Prefix, root, suffix, predicate;

Subject, predicate, noun, homogeneous members of the sentence;

Night, forest, table, beautiful, autumn;

Warm, green, running, funny;

Moscow, desk, diary, chalk.

Dictionary work: doomed to immobility, canvases, fair, painter.

(We retreat down 2 lines from class work, write “Homework”, write down “Exercise” below and then do the task)


VI. Self-test.

VIII. Introspection.

They put things in order in their workplaces. Tell me, have we accomplished everything we planned? (Yes.)

Did they work well or not? (Good!) (attention to the blackboard)

And if you look at the mugs you have chosen, you are satisfied with today's work. Well done! I am satisfied with you!

The lesson is over.

Thank you all for your work!

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"Summary of self-training in the 8th grade of a boarding school of the VIII type"

Summary of self-training in grade 8.

Target: the formation of a purposeful ability of independent activity, the consolidation of the knowledge gained in the lesson.


Correctional and educational:

Learn to navigate independently in the conditions of homework (what topic is given, in what way is it done); to form an understanding of the need to check their work, skills of self-examination and self-control.


Develop thinking, attention, memory of students through didactic exercises, additional tasks; to develop fine motor skills, motor activity, through dynamic pauses, in order to increase the efficiency of pupils.

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate a conscientious attitude to educational work, discipline.

Equipment: textbooks, individual notebooks, task cards, books for additional reading, multimedia board, laptop.

The course of self-preparation.

I. Organizing time.

Stand up, please, let's greet the teachers of the school.

(Hello! Good afternoon!)

Workplace preparation. ( children checking the availability of educational supplies, their location on the table)

It's time to start doing your homework. Look at me, smile, tune in to work. I ask you to check whether you have prepared your workplace well. Whoever has order on the desk and has everything necessary for work, he can sit down.

- Guys! We have guests today. They came to get to know you better. Therefore, you must show your knowledge, try to be attentive, friendly and well-mannered hosts.

On the board is the phrase: "The guest does not stay long, but notices a lot."(slide 2)

What genre of folk art can we attribute it to? (proverb)

How do you understand its meaning? (children's answers)

II. Setting goals.

Tell me, what is the task before you in self-training? (student answers)

Reinforce the material you have learned in class.

And now, let's repeat the rules that will help us in our work: (slide 3)

    I got down to business - do not be distracted, do not interfere with others.

    Do everything quickly and accurately.

    Communicate promptly when you need help.

    Don't shout out, raise your hand.

III. Planning work, working with a diary.

Opened diaries.

What subjects do you have homework for? ( Mathematics, Russian language.)

The first subject in which we will complete the task is mathematics.

What topic did you study in class today? (finding the arithmetic mean)

Repetition of the rule for finding the arithmetic mean. (slide 4)

Solving the problem of fixing the rule. (slide 5)

What do you need to know well in order to accurately solve examples? ( Multiplication table.)

Let's review the multiplication table.

Game "Decipher the word"(slide 6)


Do you think this quality is necessary for our work?

Now, we will perform exercises that will prepare your body for hard work.

Mindfulness exercises.

    Lean back in your chair, rub your ears well, first only the lobes, and then the whole ear, with your palms. (15-20 sec.)

    Shaking your head. Drop your head forward, slowly swing from side to side.

Educator: Please open your math textbook.

Page _______, No. _______. Find the task you've been assigned? Instructions for completing the task.

Educator: - How will we arrange our work in a notebook?

(Let's retreat four cells down from the class work and write down "Homework", below the word "Examples", between the columns - 3 cells.)

Guys, do you have any questions about doing math homework? Whoever has difficulties in the process of work, raise your hand, I will help.

Whoever finishes their homework earlier will receive additional tasks.

Fizminutka (slide 7)

V. Doing homework in Russian.

The game "Exclude the excess"(slide 8-9)

Purpose: development of logical thinking, motivation of activity.

noun, verb, root , adjective;

Prefix, root, suffix, predicate ;

Subject predicate, noun , homogeneous members of the proposal;

Night, forest, table, beautiful , autumn;

warm green, running , funny;

Moscow, desk, diary, chalk.

What homework is given in Russian?

House. task page ______, exercise No. _____

Vocabulary work: doomed to immobility, canvases, fair, painter.

Please open your textbooks. Read the exercise and the task for it.

What is the exercise about? (about the artist Kustodiev B.M.) (slide 11)

Let's look at some examples.

Individual work: _______________________________________

How will we arrange the work in a notebook?

( We retreat down 2 lines from class work, write “Homework”, write down “Exercise” below and then do the task)

If you have no questions about doing your homework, then you can get to work. You have 10-12 minutes.


After completing the written task, gymnastics to relieve eye strain. (Visual simulator of Bazarny)

VI. Self-test.

To make sure that the task is completed correctly, you need to do a check.

VIII. Introspection.

Reflection: "Evaluate your work." (slide 12)

And now, guys, each of you will evaluate your work and answer the question “Am I satisfied with my job today”

IX. Outcome.

They put things in order in their workplaces. Tell me, have we accomplished everything we planned? ( Yes.)

Did they work well or not? ( Good!) (attention to the blackboard)

And if you look at the mugs you have chosen, you are satisfied with today's work. Well done! I am satisfied with you!

The lesson is over.

Thank you all for your work!