Standard for additional education teacher. A professional holiday for additional education teachers will appear in Russia. Methodology for organizing the work of an additional education teacher

ECSD 2018. Revision dated April 9, 2018 (including those with changes that entered into force on July 1, 2018)
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use directory of professional standards

Additional education teacher (including senior)

Job responsibilities. Provides additional education to students in accordance with its educational program, develops their various creative activities. Completes the composition of students, pupils of a circle, section, studio, club and other children's association and takes measures to preserve the contingent of students and pupils during the period of study. Provides a pedagogically sound choice of forms, means and methods of work (learning) based on psychophysiological and pedagogical expediency, using modern educational technologies, including information and digital educational resources. Conducts training sessions based on achievements in the field of methodological, pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies. Ensures compliance with the rights and freedoms of students and pupils. Participates in the development and implementation of educational programs. Draws up lesson plans and programs and ensures their implementation. Reveals the creative abilities of students, pupils, promotes their development, the formation of sustainable professional interests and inclinations. Organizes various types of activities of students, pupils, focusing on their personalities, develops the motivation of their cognitive interests and abilities. Organizes independent activities of students and pupils, including research, includes problem-based learning in the educational process, connects learning with practice, discusses current events of our time with students and pupils. Provides and analyzes the achievements of students and pupils. Evaluates the effectiveness of training, taking into account the mastery of skills, the development of experience in creative activity, cognitive interest, using computer technology, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Provides special support to gifted and talented students, pupils, as well as students and pupils with developmental disabilities. Organizes the participation of students and pupils in public events. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, associations, other forms of methodological work, in the work of holding parent meetings, recreational, educational and other events provided for by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodological and advisory assistance to parents or persons replacing them, as well as teaching staff within their competence. Ensures the protection of life and health of students and pupils during the educational process. Ensures compliance with labor protection and fire safety rules during classes. When performing the duties of a senior teacher of additional education, along with fulfilling the duties provided for by the position of a teacher of additional education, he coordinates the activities of teachers of additional education and other teaching staff in designing the developmental educational environment of the educational institution. Provides methodological assistance to teachers of additional education, contributes to the generalization of their best teaching experience and advanced training, and the development of their creative initiatives.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation, laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, developmental and special pedagogy and psychology, physiology, hygiene, the specifics of the development of interests and needs of students, pupils, the basis of their creative activity, methodology search and support of young talents, content of the curriculum, methods and organization of additional education for children, scientific and technical, aesthetic, tourism and local history, recreational and sports, leisure activities, curriculum for clubs, sections, studios, club associations, activities of children's groups, organizations and associations, methods for developing skills, modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental education, implementation of a competency-based approach, methods of persuasion, argumentation of one’s position, establishing contact with students, pupils, children of different ages, their parents, persons replacing them, work colleagues , technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution, technologies for pedagogical diagnostics, the basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment, internal labor regulations of an educational institution, labor protection and fire safety rules security.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in a field corresponding to the profile of a circle, section, studio, club or other children's association without requirements for work experience, or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of "Education and Pedagogy" without presenting requirements for work experience.

For a senior teacher of additional education - higher professional education and at least 2 years of teaching experience.

Vacancies for the position of Additional Education Teacher (including senior) according to the all-Russian vacancy database

The professional standard for additional education teachers comes into force on January 1, 2020. When and why the draft professional standard, which has undergone changes, is being introduced, you can find out from the article, where expert recommendations and files for downloading are available.

The description of the complex of special knowledge and competencies necessary for a teacher to perform professional activities to implement the auxiliary program content of the school education complex determines the professional standard of a teacher of additional education. Professional standards, in contrast to qualification reference books, which have lost relevance due to socio-economic changes of recent decades, fully embrace the paradigm of the educational environment, and the complex of additional education is no exception. The use of the professional standard for additional education teachers is necessary when:

  • establishing qualification requirements for an employee at the stage of making a management decision on suitability for the position;
  • allocation of job functions, powers and level of responsibility for a specific category of teachers, taking into account the specifics of the educational institution;
  • determining the list of job responsibilities;
  • organizing activities aimed at ensuring the rights and obligations of employees to improve their qualification level and streamline issues of remuneration.

Keep this for yourself so you don't lose it:

For up-to-date information on the procedure for applying professional standards at school, read the magazine “Regulatory documents of an educational institution”:

- How to check whether a teacher’s qualifications meet the requirements of the professional standard (checklist with comments)
- How the professional standard for additional education teachers has changed (changes in legislation!)

The vectors of state policy in the field of education, which determined the need to abandon qualification reference books in favor of professional standards - descriptions of the qualification characteristics necessary for teachers to successfully perform professional functions - were initiated back in 1997 through the adoption of the Program of Social Reforms in the Russian Federation for 1996-2000. For many years, the project remained in the stage of being frozen or finalized, but in recent years, regulatory and legal, and then management and organizational activities in this area have been intensified. On the eve of January 1, 2020, when the changes of the Ministry of Labor come into force, it is important for every head of an educational institution to once again update the question of why a professional standard for a teacher of additional education is needed, and to check whether all the changes are reflected in the local documentation of the institution and are being implemented at the school.

Let us recall that the application of professional standards in education, as well as in other spheres of the national economy, is due to the need to have a theoretical framework approved at the state level to update the requirements for applicants for positions and develop job descriptions that correspond to the realities of the market and the expectations of consumers of educational services.

The professional standard for a teacher of additional education has gone through a significant evolution: this legal act was in force since January 1, 2017, but due to the need for improvement it was withdrawn for two years. At the same time, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2016 No. 584, which provides for the completion of all measures to implement professional standards by January 1, 2020, the draft professional standard for additional education teachers comes into force again. The study and analysis of the professional standard “Teacher of additional education for children and adults”, carried out by experts, gives the right to assert that the presented description of labor functions will allow directors of educational institutions to streamline certain aspects of local documentation support and personnel work in educational institutions.

Conceptually, the draft professional standard for additional education teachers corresponds to similar legal acts developed to determine qualification characteristics for representatives of other teaching positions. The “General Information” section contains the full name of the type of professional activity (“Pedagogical activity in additional education of children and adults”) and code (01.003). The main goal of the work of employees subject to the professional standard of a teacher of additional education is the organization of activities for the acquisition of a set of knowledge and competencies, the creation of pedagogical conditions for the development of creative potential, the satisfaction of a set of personal needs for self-realization and health promotion, the organization of meaningful leisure time, as well as the provision of accessible means achievement by schoolchildren of the results of additional program content.

The section devoted to generalized labor functions presents all possible job titles for the implementation of additional general education programs, namely:

  1. Teaching (possible job titles - additional education teacher, senior additional education teacher, trainer-teacher, senior trainer-teacher, teacher).
  2. Organizational and methodological support (methodologist, senior methodologist).
  3. Organizational and pedagogical support for activities in the field (teacher-organizer).

I would immediately like to draw attention to the fact that before the introduction of the latest edition of the professional standard for a teacher of additional education, the assignment of the position of “teacher” was allowed only in organizations implementing pre-professional program content, but now this name can be used only for employees of children’s art schools (teachers, providing training in various types of arts). As for the job title “coach-teacher,” its use is recommended when organizing the implementation of pre-professional educational programs in the field of physical education and sports.

The list of necessary knowledge and skills, differentiated according to the names of job functions, contains descriptions of the areas of knowledge and competencies without which it is impossible to successfully perform job duties. The content of these sections should be taken into account when making management decisions about the suitability of the applicant for the position for which he is applying, the advisability of creating conditions for urgent professional development of the employee or issuing an order for his promotion. Thus, the use of the draft professional standard guarantees the possibility of building a competent management strategy in the direction of preschool education within the boundaries of an individual school and the system as a whole, and also contributes to the creation of conditions for the active professional development of representatives of the profession.

Job description of a teacher of additional education according to professional standards

The professional standard changes the system of requirements for the content of professional pedagogical activities in the field of additional education. Accordingly, the system of working with personnel must change, which necessitates a revision of job descriptions. At the time when the professional standard for additional education teachers is introduced, namely January 1, 2020, adjustments must be made to the school’s local documentation, in particular, in job descriptions - the wording on individual points must be changed.

Generalized labor function Labor function Formulations in the outdated and updated version of the professional standard for additional education teachers
Teaching in further education programs Ensuring interaction with parents (legal representatives) of children mastering additional program content when solving current problems of the educational process. Among the employee’s responsibilities, it is necessary to indicate, within the framework of his powers, the observance of the rights of a minor, the rights and responsibilities of mothers and fathers for the upbringing and development of children (instead of “... adults fulfilling their responsibilities”).
Pedagogical control and assessment of mastery of educational content in additional education programs. It is recommended to include control of changes in the level of preparedness of students in the process of mastering program content in the job description of a teacher of additional education according to the professional standard (instead of “Fixing and assessing the dynamics of preparedness...”).
Organizational and methodological support for the implementation of additional education programs for schoolchildren Monitoring and assessing the quality of implementation of additional program content by teachers. Organization of additional professional education for teachers under the guidance of an authorized leader (instead of “... and advanced training and retraining...”).

It should be noted that the job description of a teacher of additional education according to the professional standard is adjusted only in terms of qualification requirements. In the remaining parts of the local document, based on the draft professional standard, it is possible to indicate only those requirements and competencies of the employee that are really needed to perform professional duties, taking into account the specifics of the functioning of a particular educational institution. Thus, paragraph 9 of the letter of the Ministry of Labor dated 04.04.2016 No. 14-0/10/B-2253 indicates the possibility of distributing the list of duties and level of responsibility presented in the updated version of the professional standard for additional education teachers among several employees of the educational institution, which allows for the implementation of a complex of local , organizational and pedagogical activities in the area at the proper level.

Automatic replacement of the provisions of a job description drawn up on the basis of qualification reference books that have lost their relevance, in view of the approaching date for the entry into force of the professional standard of a teacher of additional education, is unlawful. After making changes to the local documentation regulating the procedure and content of work in the area (employment contracts, job descriptions, staffing), it is necessary for the employees of the educational institution to familiarize themselves with the new versions of the acts for signature.

Implementation plan for the professional standard for additional education teachers

The regulator recommended the gradual introduction of professional standards into the educational environment in order to conveniently replace outdated provisions of qualification reference books. But in light of the fact that the deadline for introducing the professional standard for additional education teachers is coming to an end (we remind you that by January 1, 2020, all measures for the implementation of professional standards must be completed), the heads of educational institutions, who have not yet managed to ensure compliance with the requirements in this area, need to intensify their efforts . First of all, create a working group, including not only teaching staff, but also an accountant, lawyer or HR specialist.

According to paragraph 1 of Government Resolution No. 584 dated June 27, 2016, the working group is obliged to develop a plan for introducing a professional standard for pre-service teachers, including the following points:

  1. The name of the professional standards that will be applied in the educational institution, taking into account the personnel composition of the organization.
  2. List of local acts and regulations that need to be amended.
  3. Information on the need to improve the qualification level of employees enrolled in the staff. According to the current version of professional standards, a further education teacher must undergo training in the specialty “Education and Pedagogical Sciences”. At the same time, methodologists in the field, whose positions cannot be applied for with education in the areas of “Humanities” and “Social Sciences,” were equated in status to teachers.
  4. List of employees who have already been trained to meet the requirements of the standard. Since the updated version of the document regulating the requirements for the professional level of additional education teachers does not contain a requirement for the employer’s obligation to train employees in professional programs, according to Art. 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the commission must decide on the need for retraining during certification. In pursuance of clause 2, part 5, art. 47 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, it is recommended that additional education teachers be sent to advanced training courses every three years.
  5. Stages of professional standard implementation (for example, preparatory and basic).

After developing a plan for implementing the professional standard for a teacher of additional education, having thought through further steps step by step, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of the employees of the institution. First of all, the staff must be informed about what changes are taking place in the school’s document flow. Step by step, publicly, explaining each step to the team, it is necessary to act in this direction so that there is no panic, rumors, or speculation.

Regulatory support

Federal level

Regional level


Regional innovation platforms for testing the professional standard “Teacher of additional education for children and adults”

Organizational and methodological support

Federal level

Organizational and methodological support for the process of introducing professional standards in the field of additional education is provided by the Federal State Autonomous Institution “Federal Institute for Educational Development”.

Regional level

Organizational and methodological support for the activities of regional innovation platforms for testing the professional standard “Teacher of additional education for children and adults” is provided by the regional resource center TOGBOU DO “Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth.”


Federal level

November 19-24, 2015 A public discussion of the professional standard “Teacher of additional education for children and adults” took place on the website (FSAU FIRO)

Professional retraining and advanced training of teaching staff

Programs of additional professional education (advanced training and retraining) for teachers in the field of preschool education based on the application of the professional standard “Teacher of additional education”, implemented in the Tambov regional state educational autonomous institution of additional professional education “Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers” in 2016, 2017.

Additional professional education programs

Professional retraining program:

1. “Pedagogy of additional education” (280 hours)

Additional professional programs:

1. Senior counselors in the program: “Organization of the activities of a children’s public organization in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” (72 hours);

2. Teachers of additional education according to the program: “Modeling of cultural and educational space for the individual development of a child by means of additional education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” (72 hours);

3. Heads of institutions of additional education for children under the program: “Managing the quality of additional education for children in the context of the development of a unified educational space of the municipality” (72 hours);

4. Summer health camp counselors: “Training teaching staff to work in recreation and health organizations for children in the summer” (36 hours);

5. Additional education teachers, directors of theater associations (studios) under the program: “Technological features of the implementation of artistic and aesthetic programs (modern technologies for working with children’s theater groups)” (36 hours);

6. Counselors under the program: “Technological features of organizing the work of counselors of the Russian schoolchildren movement” (36 hours);

7. Teachers of additional education in the program: “Technological features of designing additional general education general developmental programs” (36 hours);

8. Teachers of additional education in the program: “Practical aspects of the use of ICT in children's creative associations of arts and crafts” (36 hours).

Certification of teaching staff

Information and methodological materials

Methodological recommendations of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Education of Children and Youth of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science on the testing and implementation of the professional standard “Teacher of additional education for children and adults” (appendix to the information letter dated 04/26/2016 No. 09-962 “On the direction of information”) (on Yandex. Disk)

At the Extended meeting of the Presidium of the Board of Directors of additional education organizations “Implementation of the action plan of the Concept for the development of additional education for children in the territories” on February 26, 2016.

Presentation by N.V. Shcheblanina “Introduction of professional standards as a mechanism for ensuring the quality of additional education” (presentation by N.V. Shcheblanina at the V regional pedagogical readings dedicated to the memory of A.K. Brudnov “Availability and quality of additional education: relevance and development prospects” (April 22, 2016)

Approbation of the professional standard “Teacher of additional education for children and adults” by the Tambov regional state budgetary educational institution of additional education “Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth”

  • Accompanying text for the presentation “Questioning of teachers
  • The professional standard for a teacher of additional education establishes requirements for qualifications, work experience, basic and additional education of specialists. The employer is guided by professional standards when forming personnel policies and solving other organizational issues.

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    What information do professional standards for additional education teachers 2019 contain?

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    The approved document is used and taken into account when:

    • formation of personnel policy;
    • concluding employment contracts;
    • planning training;
    • conducting assessment and certification;
    • establishing wage systems.

    Please note: the professional standard of a teacher of additional education formulates the main goals of professional activity and regulates the necessary competencies for successful work.

    In accordance with approved professional standards, additional education teachers of the sixth qualification level can occupy the following positions:

    • teachers;
    • trainers-teachers;
    • additional education teachers;
    • teacher-organizers;
    • Methodists.

    Job description of the teacher-organizer taking into account the requirements of the professional standard “Teacher of additional education for children and adults”

    Professional standard for a teacher of additional education for children and adults

    The professional standard for a teacher of additional education for children and adults includes the following labor functions:

    • development and organization of implementation of programs, tools for studying the market of additional services. education of children and adults;
    • study of the services market;
    • development of programs and proposals to promote additional education services.

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    Skills of a teacher of additional education for children and adults:

    • formulate and submit for discussion with management concepts and market research methods;
    • formulate a sampling plan and develop research tools;
    • optimize the costs of such work;
    • test the developed tools;
    • coordinate activities and distribute research responsibilities;
    • process primary results.

    If a teacher is engaged in direct work teaching additional education programs to children and adults, the main skills are aimed at:

    • introduction of effective learning methods;
    • searching for an individual approach to each student;
    • introduced new methods to improve all basic programs of additional education;
    • organization of events aimed at maintaining the number of students of different ages;
    • holding presentations, exhibitions, and other events aimed at attracting attention to additional training programs.

    Required knowledge

    A teacher of additional education for children and adults has an extensive list of knowledge taking into account the age characteristics of the student population:

    • familiar with the list and characteristics of general education programs for children and adults;
    • basic rules for creating information materials;
    • methods that ensure student interest;
    • techniques and methods of persuasion;
    • ability to listen to the interlocutor;
    • methods of involvement in activities;
    • ways to quickly resolve conflicts.

    Please note that the gradual introduction of professional standards for additional education teachers will help optimize and systematize the activities of out-of-school work centers, implement effective personnel policies, and successfully implement new modern methods and programs.

    Features of the pedagogical activity of a teacher of additional education relate to his tasks, nature, means, the relationship between pedagogical leadership and the independence of children, and the position of the teacher in relationships with adolescents. These features, in unity with general pedagogical patterns, represent the specific possibilities of additional education pedagogy. Solving creative problems in collaboration with a teacher changes the psychological structure of the educational process as a whole, since a system of internal stimulation of the widest range of interactions, relationships, communication between all participants is created (like being with everyone, being carried away by a common cause, ambition is satisfied, pride in yourself, etc.). The system of internal motives that arises during the above interaction reorients, in turn, the motives and process of solving pedagogical problems by creating an integral semantic field in the space of creative interactions (13)





    V. P. Golovanov believes thata teacher of additional education is a specialist who organizes the educational process in direct contact with children in the sphere of free time,and identifies the following tasks of its activities:

    • providing additional education for children and adolescents, organizing their various creative activities;
    • staffing the composition of students in an educational group, section, studio, club and other children's association and applying measures to maintain the contingent during the training period;
    • providing pedagogically sound forms, means and methods of work (education and training), based on psychophysiological expediency;
    • ensuring compliance with the rights and freedoms of children; participation in the development and implementation of educational programs, bearing responsibility for the quality of their implementation, for the life and health of students;
    • drawing up a lesson plan and program. Ensuring their implementation;
    • identifying the creative abilities of children, promoting their development, the formation of sustainable professional interests and inclinations;
    • support for gifted and talented students, as well as children with developmental disabilities;
    • organizing the participation of pupils in public events;
    • providing advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them), as well as teaching staff within their competence;
    • when conducting classes, ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection;
    • participation in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work, improving one’s professional qualifications (3).

    The main and final result of the professional activity of a teacher of additional education is the student himself, the development of his personality, abilities and competence. At the same time, using the materials of the above-mentioned author, the professional activity of a teacher of additional education can be represented in the form of the following structure.

    Diagnostic activitieswhich is necessary for studying children, their abilities, level of development, interests and needs, as well as relationships in the children's community. But, in addition, diagnostic activity is also necessary so that a teacher of additional education, based on objective data, can subsequently evaluate the effectiveness of his work. It should be noted here that systematic diagnostic activity with recording and analysis of its results among practicing teachers can be found quite rarely. The reasons for this are the lack of necessary knowledge and motivation for this type of activity.

    Orientation and prognostic activity.The essence of this type of activity is to predict the final result. However, as you know, it is the goal that is the guide to the final result. Therefore, this type of activity is, first of all, expressed in setting the goals and objectives of pedagogical activity. The reality and correctness of goal setting depends not only on life and pedagogical experience, not only on professional pedagogical knowledge and skills, but also on how competently the diagnostic activity was carried out. For a teacher of additional education who has sufficient experience, the basis for predictive activities should be an analysis of previous experience, based, again, on data obtained during diagnostic activities.

    Constructive and design activities.The results of this type of activity should be formalized in a program of additional education for children created by the teacher. This activity involves thinking through and designing the upcoming pedagogical process, its conceptual foundations, forms, methods, technologies and content of the activity. The basis for this type of activity is the results of the two previous ones, because when designing future activities, the additional education teacher must clearly understand the goals and objectives facing him, take into account the interests, needs and abilities of the students.

    Information and explanatory activities.This type of activity is associated with the transfer of specific knowledge and skills to students, the formation on their basis of certain personal qualities and value guidelines. This is the direct purpose of the teacher. Of course, the content, technologies and methods of information and explanatory activities are interconnected with the previous components of the professional activity of a teacher of additional education.

    Organizational activities.This type of activity allows you to organize the pedagogical process, direct it to solve current problems and achieve the set goal. It is associated with the ability to interact with students and mobilize them for one or another type of activity. The components of this type of activity are pedagogical management and pedagogical leadership. The first consists of setting tasks, organizing their solution, controlling the process and evaluating the results by each group member. Pedagogical leadership is also provision and support of the desire to solve a problem, participate in the solution, achieve and be responsible for the result.

    Communicative and stimulating activities.The basis of the activity of a teacher of additional education is, as mentioned above, communication.Professional pedagogical communication is a system of organic socio-psychological interaction between a teacher and students, the content of which is the exchange of information, educational interaction, organizing relationships using communication means.It includes the ability to create the necessary atmosphere for interaction with children, maintain contact with them at the level of cooperation and co-creation, and also solve pedagogical problems using communicative means. Properly organized communicative-stimulating activities can act as a means of solving educational problems, as a socio-psychological support for the educational process, and as a way of organizing the relationship between the teacher and children, guaranteeing the success of training and education.

    Analytical and evaluation activities.This type of activity is associated with the need for regular correction of the pedagogical process. It is based on an analysis of the results of diagnostic activities, pedagogical reflection and, based on them, a real self-assessment of the achievements of a teacher of additional education, problem areas, successful and unsuccessful techniques. The technologies used, forms and methods of interaction with children, their effectiveness, as well as the degree to which the tasks and goals are achieved need to be analyzed and evaluated. The result of analytical and evaluation activities can be partial or even complete changes at all of the above stages of activity.

    Research and creative activity.The creative activity of a teacher of additional education is a necessary component for obtaining new, higher results of pedagogical work.Creativity is defined as an activity that generates something qualitatively new, something that has never existed before.Is there a place for creativity in teaching? There is an opinion that teaching is one of the types of art, that is, creativity. And today these two concepts are used to characterize the pedagogical process.Pedagogical art is the teacher’s perfect mastery of the entire set of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities, combined with professional passion, developed pedagogical thinking and intuition.An essential aspect of pedagogical art, according to V.P. Golovanov, iscreativity of the teacher, which is presented as the highest form of active activity of the teacher to transform the “pedagogical” reality, in the center of which is the child.

    Isolation and awareness of the features of pedagogical interaction when organizing educational work with children in additional education institutions allows for more effective implementation of pedagogical activities. These features include the following (6.1):

    Voluntariness and mass participation of children in extracurricular activities.In additional education institutions, the child voluntarily chooses a leader and a children's community in which he feels most comfortable. Voluntariness in additional education institutions is also reflected in the fact that a child can change classes at any time or leave the institution altogether. To retain him, additional education teachers cannot use the arsenal of disciplinary techniques that a school teacher has. Only the attractiveness of the activity itself, the forms and methods of its organization, the comfortable atmosphere in a children’s community of different ages and, finally, the bright individuality, sincerity and friendliness of the teacher contribute to the fact that the child spends his leisure time in an additional education institution for a long time. Therefore, studying the interests and demands of children, their dynamics in a changing sociocultural situation is one of the most important tasks of institutions of additional education. It is its solution that can help overcome the main objective contradiction in the activities of additional education institutions - between children’s understanding of their free time as recreation and the activities of an out-of-school institution as an institution of social education that solves relevant pedagogical problems.

    Differentiation of students according to interests and focus on a certain type of activity.The satisfaction of interest (at different stages of its formation - from curiosity to theoretical interest) is the basis for the motivation for a child to attend classes at an additional education institution for a long period. An additional education teacher, unlike a school teacher, is in a more advantageous position. This is due to the fact that in out-of-school institutions children are differentiated by interests, which, as mentioned above, becomes a motivation not only for choosing a direction of activity, but also contributes to the child’s interest in acquiring the knowledge, skills and abilities that the teacher imparts to him. And the proximity of the results of activity to the original goal becomes another incentive for such activity. A positive aspect of differentiation is that the child satisfies his cognitive and communicative needs in a community of like-minded people, that is, people (both children and teachers) for whom the same interests, goals, and, in many ways, values ​​are significant. This helps to create a friendly, friendly atmosphere, increase the creative activity of children, and develop their initiative and independence.

    The ability to adjust lesson programs taking into account the child’s individual interests, abilities and level of preparedness.The increase in the status of additional education institutions has led to an increase in the quality of educational services offered by these institutions. Additional educational programs, the authors and developers of which are additional education teachers themselves, are the result of a creative integration of comprehension and analysis of scientific and methodological literature and their own practical experience. The programs are based on an interaction paradigm, which implies the possibility of certain corrections taking into account the individual abilities and level of preparedness of children. The implementation of such programs in practice leads to the fact that in the process of pedagogical interaction the correspondence of the specific case and the personal capabilities of children is taken into account, conditions are created for the accelerated development of more prepared and gifted children, and an individual pace of transfer of material is ensured for children who have difficulties in mastering it. An important condition for their effectiveness is taking into account the priority activities of children in different age groups and other psychophysical characteristics of age.

    A feature of additional education for children, as mentioned above, is that it is provided to children in their free time and is carried out as a result of free choice, voluntary participation, and students’ selectivity of their educational path, mode, level and final result. This specificity is expressed in the need to design in the additional education program a special methodology for creative cooperation, the activities of a teacher and a child, a teacher and a children’s association, and a methodology for active and intensive learning. The specificity of pedagogical interaction in an additional education institution makes it possible to more fully use the potential of an individual approach in working with children, since in the field of additional education there is not such a strict attachment to federal state educational standards as in school, and the number of children with whom one works at the same time teacher, initially less than in a school class. All this contributes to the disclosure of individual abilities of the individual, his self-realization and self-determination in the new conditions of the sphere of free time.

    The generally accessible and socially useful nature of children’s activities, which has practical and personally significant tasks for each pupil.M. B. Koval identifies various types of such activities. These are, firstly, mass and group types of subject-based practical activities that contribute to the involvement of adolescents in the association, requiring them to demonstrate certain skills and a conscientious attitude to the matter. These include exhibitions, competitions, holidays, competitions, and festivals.

    The second category includes clubs, studios, sections and other creative associations of children who want to engage in systematic activities in accordance with their interests and capabilities. These organizational forms ensure equal opportunities for the participation of all interested schoolchildren, regardless of their abilities and preparedness. It can also be noted that the activities of children in such communities are regular and long-term, and the forms described above are used periodically and act as a kind of creative final report on the activities of any circle, club or studio in a certain period of time.

    In addition, forms and types of work are identified for the most prepared children and adolescents. These include student scientific societies, children's scientific conferences, summer away camps and expeditions. Participation in them allows children to expand their theoretical knowledge and test it in practical activities.

    An important factor in motivating children to study in an additional education institution is the practice-oriented nature of the proposed activities and the opportunity to see the results of this activity over time. In addition, the practical and activity-based basis of additional education is expressed in the fact that the child tries to independently solve vital problems for himself, which, of course, has an impact on his development.

    A variety of areas of communication, the possibility of informal communication between the leader and children.Communication is one of the most important means of pedagogical interaction. The joint creative passion of the teacher and children leads to informality of communication, which is highly attractive in the eyes of children, since it contributes not only to the establishment of a friendly atmosphere, but also to the growth of children’s self-esteem, sense of social significance and adulthood. Such communication creates genuine democratic and humanistic relationships, brings the child to the level of an active participant (subject) of interaction, strengthens the possibilities of the institution of additional education in organizing cognitive leisure for children, in expanding and deepening their knowledge, teaching them a specific task, in the development of individual inclinations and self-determination of the individual. .

    A creative and friendly atmosphere, an opportunity for a child to change his status in a group of peers.The atmosphere that arises in various children's communities of additional education institutions due to the features listed above provides a real chance for a child to change (increase) his social status among his peers. In addition, in out-of-school institutions, children's communities quite often are of different ages. This contributes to the fact that an older child, even one who occupies a low social status in the school community of the same age, can realize his leadership ambitions, taking advantage of higher intellectual and physical development than younger students. The specificity of pedagogical activity in institutions of additional education helps to compensate for the lack of attention and participation that a certain part of children experience in school and family; it is largely aimed at helping to solve the problems of pedagogically neglected and even deviant children by creating conditions for them to do feasible and interesting work that raises their status in the children's community.

    Thus, it can be noted that the features of the pedagogical activity of a teacher of additional education relate to his tasks, nature, means, the relationship between pedagogical leadership and the independence of children, and the position of the teacher in relationships with adolescents. These features, in unity with general pedagogical patterns, represent the specific possibilities of additional education pedagogy. Solving creative problems in collaboration with a teacher changes the psychological structure of the educational process as a whole, since a system of internal stimulation of the widest range of interactions, relationships, communication between all participants is created (like being with everyone, being carried away by a common cause, ambition is satisfied, pride in yourself, etc.). The system of internal motives that arises during the above interaction reorients, in turn, the motives and process of solving pedagogical problems by creating an integral semantic field in the space of creative interactions (13)


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