The position of a speech therapist teacher in a grade 8 school. Report “Use of typhlodevices in the work of a teacher-speech therapist at a correctional boarding school. Approximate skills for students to master the program

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Work schedule of a speech therapist teacher

For the 2018-2019 academic year

Monday 9.00-16.00

Tuesday 9.00-16.00

Wednesday 9.00-16.00

Thursday 9.00-14.00

Friday 10.30 - 13.30

At the State Educational Institution of Educational Institution "Kharlovskaya Boarding School", a speech therapist teacher carries out work on the correction of both oral and written speech. Speech therapy classes are held both in the first and second half of the day. Classes are attended by teachers from grades 1-6. At the beginning and end of the school year, a diagnosis of the level of speech development is carried out. Based on the results of the speech therapy examination, groups are formed. Classes are divided into individual and group. In individual lessons with children, work is carried out on the formation of sound pronunciation and correction of written speech. Group classes are aimed at the formation of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech. The main task of a speech therapist is to provide timely assistance to children in need of speech correction. In order for children to speak literately and beautifully, conditions are necessary that would contribute to the successful acquisition of speech. Therefore, the school has created conditions for the full development of students.

During the school year, a speech therapist teacher improves his qualifications by attending seminars and courses. Work is carried out with school teachers: attending school-wide events, attending lessons in order to provide assistance in their work to students with speech impairments. A speech therapist teacher also takes part in events, conducts classes, and shares experience with teachers.

Workshop “Design of special individual development programs for students with severe and multiple developmental disabilities”

Advanced training on the topic “Organization of training, education, correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of students with severe speech disorders”

Conducting an integrated lesson in 3rd grade on the topic “We welcome winter”

Practice-oriented seminar “Organization of psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance in the conditions of the Center.” Use of equipment in the system of rehabilitation and habilitation of children with disabilities. Mr. Dir.

Conducting an open speech therapy lesson in 2nd grade on the topic “Journey in the footsteps of the Snowman”

Expert activity in the regional remote festival of Masters “Theater doll (toy)”

Expert activity as a member of the jury of the regional distance Olympiad “I want to know everything!”

Participant of the “People as People” festival as part of World Autism Awareness Day.

Participation in the regional festival of children with disabilities “We can do anything - 2019”

Conducting an integrated lesson for grades 1-3 on the topic “Spring day feeds the year”

Qualification: first category
Teaching experience: 15 years
Patience and creativity, perseverance and victory -
Here are the main stages of a speech therapist’s work!

Professional credo: “Teaching is a unique profession where by giving you receive, by teaching you learn, by growing older you become younger.”

A speech therapist is a correctional teacher who deals with the elimination of speech disorders in children and adults. The specificity of speech therapy work in our school is determined by the nature of the disorder of higher nervous activity, the psychopathological characteristics of a child with intellectual disability, primarily a decrease in the level of development and the structure of the speech defect.
One of the main tasks of a modern school is to prepare a school graduate who would be able to communicate, listen and speak so that he would be listened to, and be able to evaluate someone else’s, and, of course, his own speech.
Speech helps a child not only communicate with other people, but also explore the world. It plays a huge role in the mental development of a child.
Speech disorders in children with disabilities are subject to correction with great difficulty, which is why the duration of correctional and speech therapy work exceeds the time spent working with their normally developing peers. Children with intellectual disabilities take longer to develop certain speech skills and stereotypes. In work, the use of self-control, as well as visual and auditory control of speech, is ineffective. Therefore, speech therapy work occupies an important place in the process of correcting developmental disorders of a mentally retarded child.
Speech disorders negatively affect the mental development of a mentally retarded child and the effectiveness of his education.
Properly organized speech therapy work contributes not only to the development of students’ thinking and speech and the assimilation of the school curriculum, but also contributes to the social adaptation of students.
The development of students' speech is characterized by a number of deviations. For the majority of mentally retarded children, a delay and slow rate of speech development, a limited active and passive vocabulary that does not correspond to age standards, and deviations in the formation of phonetic, phonemic and grammatical structure are typical.
Speech disorders in children with developmental problems are systemic.
Therefore, speech therapy is aimed at the speech system as a whole.
The most common speech disorders in primary and secondary school students are defects in sound pronunciation and disorders of oral and written speech. Therefore, much attention is paid to the correction of these defects.
The main objective:
- teach children to listen, understand spoken speech, form phonemic perception, expand and clarify vocabulary, develop speech, improve its grammatical aspect.
Tasks of correctional work:
Correction of the sound side of speech.
- production, automation and differentiation of sounds
- formation of phonemic perception, improvement of sound generalizations in the process of exercises in sound-letter analysis, in the formation of the syllabic structure of a word
Correction of violations of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech.
- clarification of active and passive vocabulary, its enrichment
- development of forms of word formation and inflection
Development of coherent speech.
Correction of reading and writing disorders.
Features of speech therapy work

  • Due to the fact that speech impairments in mentally retarded children are persistent, speech therapy work is carried out over a longer period of time than work with normal children.
  • The leading violation of these students is the underdevelopment of cognitive activity, therefore the entire process of speech therapy work is aimed at the formation of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization.
  • Taking into account the speech therapy conclusion - systemic underdevelopment of speech (mild, moderate or severe), planning is done in such a way that correctional work is carried out on the speech system as a whole, that is, each lesson includes tasks for the development of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech, lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech.
  • The need to implement the principle of gradual formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Golperin, D.B. Elkonin).
  • Maximum activation of analyzers, actualization of sensations of different modalities, as well as the use of maximum and varied clarity.
  • Implementation of a differentiated approach.
  • Correction of speech disorders should be linked to general motor development and fine manual motor skills.
  • The content of speech therapy work is in accordance with the program of teaching literacy and studying the Russian language.
  • A characteristic feature of speech therapy work is the frequent repetition of speech therapy exercises, but with the inclusion of elements of novelty.
  • Frequent changes in activities, switching the child from one form of work to another.
  • Careful dosage of tasks and speech material.

Why do you need classes with a speech therapist?
Parents do not always hear defects in their child’s speech. Often parents believe that bad speech will go away on its own. Unfortunately, it is not. Children with speech disorders often develop an inferiority complex. If a child mixes sounds in pronunciation, then he will also write, because the person first says what he is going to write. Correct speech makes it easier for a child to achieve success in society. Speech is an element of social adaptation.
Speech therapist classes are attended by students in grades 1-7. Groups are completed in the first two weeks of September based on the results of a survey of students in each class.
The work of a speech therapist is carried out in several areas:
1. Development of general and fine motor skills.
2. Development of articulatory motor skills and facial expressions.
3. Correction of sound pronunciation.
4. Correction of prosody.
5. Correction of the syllabic structure of the word.
6. Enrichment of vocabulary.
7. Correction of the grammatical structure of speech.
8. Development of coherent speech.
9. Correction of writing disorders.
10. Development of attention, memory, perception, emotional-volitional sphere.

educational institutions

(Letter of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 1998. No. 20-58-07in/20-4)

In connection with numerous appeals from management and teaching staff of educational institutions on issues of remuneration, duration of leave, assignment of long-service pensions, etc. to speech therapists and educational psychologists, the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation reports the following:

The salary rate for speech therapists in all educational institutions, regardless of their departmental subordination, is paid for 20 hours of teaching work per week, and for educational psychologists - for 36 hours of teaching work per week. In this case, it does not matter in what level of classes the speech therapist teacher carries out pedagogical activities. Teachers-speech therapists and educational psychologists of psychological-medical-pedagogical consultations, which are independent institutions, are paid a salary rate for 36 hours of teaching work per week.

In accordance with the tariff and qualification characteristics for the position of teacher-psychologist, agreed with the Ministry of Labor of Russia (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 22, 1995 No. 65) and approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated December 14, 1995 No. 622/1646 (Canceled Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 17, 1995 No. 46, as amended by resolution No. 65 dated November 22, 1995, sent by letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 29, 2001 N 20-52-1350/20-5.), remuneration for teachers and psychologists is made in the range of 7- 14 categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule. At the same time, grades 7-12 are established depending on education and experience in teaching or work experience in the specialty (i.e. if, in addition to teaching experience, there is experience in the specialty, then both experience is taken into account), and 12-14 categories - depending on the qualification category obtained based on the results of certification.

Based on the tariff and qualification characteristics for the position of speech therapist teacher, agreed with the Ministry of Labor of Russia (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 17, 1995 No. 46) and approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated August 31, 1995 No. 463/1268 (Canceled) , remuneration for speech therapists is carried out in the range of 8-14 categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule. At the same time, grades 8-12 for speech therapists in educational institutions are established depending on the availability of higher defectology education and teaching experience, and grades 12-14 - depending on the qualification category established as a result of certification. In addition, remuneration for the 12th category of teachers-speech therapists of psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations can be made if they have a higher professional education and work experience in the PMPK of at least 3 years, for the 13th category - if they have a higher professional education and no work experience in the PMPK less than 5 years, for category 14 - with higher professional education and work experience in the PMK of at least 10 years.

At the same time, paragraph 7 of the general provisions of the Tariff and Qualification Characteristics (requirements) for positions of employees of educational institutions of the Russian Federation establishes that persons who do not have the appropriate education or work experience established by the qualification requirements, but have sufficient practical experience and perform efficiently and fully the scope of the job responsibilities assigned to them, on the recommendation of the certification commission of the institution, as an exception, the same wage grade (up to grade 12 inclusive) can be established as for persons with the required education and work experience.

Clause 3.2 of the Model Regulations on the certification of pedagogical and managerial employees of state, municipal institutions and educational organizations of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 1993 No. 256, (No longer in force. For the new version of the Regulations, see: Education in documents. Interdepartmental information bulletin 2000. No. 17.S.46-54.) provides that an employee who does not have the required work experience and level of education included in the qualification characteristics can apply for any qualification category and receive it upon successful completion of certification.

According to the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 12, 1993 No. 10/32-T (agreed with the Ministry of Labor of Russia), for work in special (correctional) educational institutions (groups, classes) for children with developmental disabilities, wage rates (official salaries) of workers are increased by 15-20 percent.

The specific list of employees and the amount of increase in wage rates (official salaries) for work in the specified educational institutions (groups, classes) ranging from 15 to 20 percent are determined by the educational institution, depending on the degree and duration of communication with children with developmental disabilities.

For work with children with speech development disorders, the salary rate of speech therapists increases by 15-20 percent. If a speech therapist teacher works in a special (correctional) educational institution (or class, group) for children who, in addition to deviations in speech development, have other deviations in physical development (visual defects, hearing defects, musculoskeletal system, etc.) or deviations in mental development, then the wage rate is increased only for working with children with speech development disorders.

In accordance with paragraph 57 of the Instruction on the procedure for calculating wages of educational workers, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the USSR dated May 16, 1985 No. 94, increasing wage rates (official salaries) for work in special (correctional) educational institutions (groups, classes ) for children with developmental disabilities, new wage rates are formed for all calculations related to remuneration.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 54, paragraph 4) gives an educational institution the right, within the limits of its available funds to pay the employees of this educational institution, to independently determine the amount of additional payments, allowances, bonuses and other measures of material incentives.

The duration of leave for speech therapists, including speech therapists for psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations, is 56 calendar days. Educational psychologists working in schools, boarding schools, orphanages, primary and secondary vocational education institutions, special preschool educational institutions and in psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations enjoy a leave of 56 calendar days, and educational psychologists working in general preschool educational institutions, have a vacation of 42 calendar days (based on: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 1994 No. 1052). (Applied as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09/22/99 No. 1067, dated 03/20/2000 No. 240 and dated 02/01/2001 No. 79.)

Article 80 of the RSFSR Law “On State Pensions in the RSFSR” pensions in connection with teaching activities in schools and other institutions for children are established for at least 25 years of service.
The list of professions and positions of public education workers, whose teaching activities in schools and other institutions for children entitle them to a pension for long service, was approved by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated 09/06/91 No. 463 (with amendments and additions made by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09/22 .93 No. 953).

This List does not include educational psychologists and many other teaching staff. (As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 1, 2001 No. 79, the position of an educational psychologist is included in the specified List.)

The Russian Ministry of Education has repeatedly contacted the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of expanding the List of professions and positions of public education workers entitled to a pension for long service. However, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor and the Pension Fund of Russia, which considered our proposals on behalf of the Government, gave negative opinions on them.

Higher education. Graduated from the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after. AND I. Yakovleva, Faculty of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology, majoring in Speech Therapy in 2012. She has been working at the boarding school since 2002.
Speech therapy work in a special (correctional) educational institution of type VIII occupies an important place in the process of correcting developmental disorders of a mentally retarded child.
Properly organized, it can contribute to the development of not only the thinking and speech of students, but also the personality as a whole. As a result of the lesson, the feeling of infringement and constraint is relieved, shyness is overcome, and the child’s speech and general initiative gradually develops.

The development of students' speech is characterized by a number of deviations. For the majority of mentally retarded children, a delay and slow rate of speech development, a limited active and passive vocabulary that does not correspond to age standards, and deviations in the formation of phonetic, phonemic and grammatical structure are typical.

The specifics of speech disorders and their correction in mentally retarded children are determined by the characteristics of higher nervous activity and their mental development. Mentally retarded children are characterized by underdevelopment of higher forms of cognitive activity, concreteness and superficiality of thinking, impaired verbal regulation of behavior, and immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere.

Speech disorders in children are characterized by persistence. They are eliminated with great difficulty, remaining until high school.

At school, a speech therapist conducts frontal, group and individual classes. Test classes are conducted with students in grades 1-3. Their main goal is to teach children to listen, understand spoken speech, form phonemic awareness, expand and clarify vocabulary, develop speech, and improve its grammatical aspect.

Individual lessons are conducted with children who need production or correction of sounds, regardless of the reasons that caused the pronunciation disorder.

Groups are formed based on the homogeneity of speech impairments among students; the group size for classes is 2-4 children.

The following principles are used in the work:

Extreme attention to the development of phonemic hearing, the formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis:

Ahead of the program material for teaching literacy:,

Activation of vocabulary and development of students’ speech:,

The playful nature of the activities, their entertaining nature.

The speech therapist works closely with teachers and educators. Conducts open classes; “Speech therapy minutes” stands have been set up for students in grades 1-4.

At the end of the school year, the speech therapist holds a speech matinee, at which children attending speech therapy classes demonstrate their progress. The form of conduct and the speech material used depend both on the composition of the students, their age, defects, and on the goals pursued by the speech therapist when conducting this event.

Regulations on the speech therapy group

1. General Provisions

1.1. This regulation regulates the activities of the speech therapy group in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” dated July 24, 1998. No. 124-FZ;.

1.2. This regulation determines the procedure for organizing the activities of the speech therapy group of the preschool educational institution of the city of _____ No. _____ (hereinafter referred to as the preschool educational institution) in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, on the basis of the Instructive Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2000 No. 2 “On the organization of a speech therapy center in a general education institution”, the Charter of the preschool educational institution, the provisions of the preschool educational institution “On the regulatory and legal organization of speech therapy support”

1.3. A speech therapy group is created in a preschool educational institution - kindergarten of compensatory or combined type, if there are conditions for functioning with the purpose

1.4 The purpose of organizing a speech therapy group in a preschool educational institution is to create an integral system that provides optimal pedagogical conditions for the correction of disorders in the development of children’s speech (of a primary nature), in their mastering of preschool educational programs and preparing children for successful education in a comprehensive school.

1.5 The main tasks of the speech therapy center of preschool educational institution No.____:

– correction of oral speech disorders in children: formation of correct pronunciation, development of lexical and grammatical means of the language, coherent speech skills;

– timely prevention of reading and writing disorders;

– correction of deficiencies in emotional, personal and social development;

– activation of children’s cognitive activity;

– promotion of speech therapy knowledge among teachers, parents (legal representatives).

1.6. The activities of a speech therapy group can be terminated through liquidation by decision of the Founder of the preschool educational institution.

2. Organization of speech therapy work

2.1. Speech therapy groups in a preschool educational institution are opened on the basis of an order of the Department of Education and Science of the city administration____ and are staffed in accordance with the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution

2.2. Pupils with the following speech development disorders are enrolled in the speech therapy group:

General underdevelopment of speech of different levels (ONS) with alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia;

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (FFN);

Phonetic underdevelopment (PH);


2.3. Enrollment in a speech therapy group is carried out with the consent of parents (legal representatives) on the basis of an application and is carried out on the basis of a speech examination of pupils, which is carried out from May 15 to 30 and from September 1 to 15 annually. Examined pupils with speech impairments are registered in the register of children with speech impairments.

2.4. As a rule, children of the same age and level of speech development are enrolled in the speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution.

2.5. The speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment accepts children with alalia, aphasia, and speech defects caused by impaired structure and mobility of the speech apparatus (rhinolalia, dysarthria), from three to five years of age. The period of correctional and developmental work is 2-3 years. The maximum capacity of a speech therapy group is no more than 12 people.

2.6. The speech therapy group for children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment accepts children from 5 years of age with rhinolalia, dysarthria, and dyslalia. The period of correctional and developmental work is one to two years. The maximum capacity of a speech therapy group is no more than 15 people.

2.7. Children who have:

Speech underdevelopment due to mental retardation;

Dementia of organic, schizophrenic and epileptic origin;

Severe visual, hearing, and motor impairments;

Communication disorders in the form of early childhood autism;

Mental retardation;

Phonetic disorders that can be corrected at a speech therapy center in a preschool educational institution;

Diseases that are contraindications for enrollment in general preschool institutions.

2.8. For each child enrolled in a speech therapy group, a speech therapist fills out a speech card.

2.9. The main form of organization of correctional and developmental work is group (frontal), subgroup and individual speech therapy classes.

2.10. Group speech therapy classes are conducted in accordance with the training program for children with speech disorders.

2.11. Subgroup and individual speech therapy classes, as a rule, are conducted outside of classes provided for by the schedule of classes of a municipal preschool educational institution, taking into account the operating hours of the educational institution and the psychophysical characteristics of the development of preschool children.

2.12. The frequency of subgroup and individual lessons is determined by the severity of the speech development disorder in children.

2.13. Individual lessons are held at least three times a week:

With children who have general speech underdevelopment;

With children who have speech defects caused by impaired structure and mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia).

As children develop pronunciation skills, classes are conducted with them in a subgroup.

2.14. Subgroup classes are held:

With children who have general speech underdevelopment - at least three times a week;

With children who have phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment at least two to three times a week;

2.15. Duration of group speech therapy session:

In the older group - 20-25 minutes;

In the pre-school group – 25-30 minutes.

2.16. The duration of a subgroup lesson is 15-20 minutes, the duration of an individual lesson is 15 minutes with each child.

2.17. Between group classes, breaks of 10-15 minutes are allowed, between individual and subgroup classes - 5-10 minutes.

2.18. Every day, in the afternoon, group classes are held by the teacher on the instructions of the speech therapist teacher

2.19. The release of children from the speech therapy group is carried out by the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the educational institution after the end of the period of correctional speech therapy training.

2.20. In cases where it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis or extend the period of speech therapy work, children with speech disorders, with the consent of their parents (legal representatives), are sent by a teacher-speech therapist to the appropriate medical institution for examination by specialist doctors (neurologist, psychiatrist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, etc.) or to the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission of the city___.

2.21. Responsibility for children’s mandatory attendance at classes in a speech therapy group lies with parents (legal representatives), a speech therapist teacher, an educator and the head of a municipal preschool educational institution.

3. Management of a speech therapy center

3.1. Direct supervision of the work of the speech therapist teacher is carried out by the administration of the preschool educational institution.

3.2. Head of preschool educational institution:

Ensures the creation of conditions for carrying out correctional and pedagogical work with children;

Selects permanent teachers for the speech therapy group who have a higher pedagogical education, a first or higher qualification category and experience working with children of senior preschool age.

Provides the speech therapy room with special equipment and methodological literature

3.3. Scientific and methodological support, advisory assistance to teachers-speech therapists, coordination of the work of the city methodological association of teachers-speech therapists is carried out by a methodologist-speech therapist ___________

3.4. Increasing the level of professional qualifications and exchanging experience in speech therapy work is carried out at the city methodological association of speech therapists, at advanced training courses, etc.

4. Rights and responsibilities of a speech therapist teacher

4.1. The position of a speech therapist teacher is being added to the staff of a municipal preschool educational institution at the rate of 1 unit for each group of children with speech impairments.

4.2. Speech therapist teachers are persons who have a higher defectology education or a higher pedagogical education with mandatory completion of retraining courses in the specialty “speech therapy.”

4.3. A speech therapist teacher is appointed and dismissed in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. The speech therapist teacher is responsible for the organization and timely identification of children with primary speech pathology, the optimal composition of groups for classes in a speech therapy group, and the quality of correctional and developmental education for children with speech disorders.

4.5. A speech therapist teacher provides advisory assistance to teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents (legal representatives) of children, gives recommendations on how to consolidate correct speech skills in various types of child activities.

4.6. Teacher speech therapist:

Examines the speech of children in middle, high school and preparatory school groups of a preschool educational institution;

Examines the speech of children of the younger group on the recommendation of teachers or parents (legal representatives) of the child;

Completes groups of children for classes at a speech therapy center;

Conducts regular classes with children to correct various speech disorders, carries out preventive work during speech therapy classes to prevent reading and writing disorders;

Prepares documents for examination of children in psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations with the aim of placing them in special groups;

Interacts with teachers on issues of children’s mastering the program of a preschool educational institution;

Submits an annual report to the administration of the preschool educational institution and the speech therapist, containing information on the number of children with speech impairments in the municipal preschool educational institution and the results of correctional and developmental work;

Maintains contact with speech therapists in preschool educational institutions, with speech therapists and primary school teachers in general education institutions, with teachers in special (correctional) educational institutions for students and pupils with developmental disabilities, with speech therapists and medical specialists in children's clinics and psychological and medical - pedagogical consultations;

Informs the teaching staff of the municipal preschool educational institution about the tasks, content, and work of the speech therapy center;

Conducts explanatory and educational work among teachers, parents (legal representatives) of children, making presentations on the tasks and specifics of speech therapy work to overcome speech disorders;

Participates in the work of the city methodological association of speech therapists and the methodological association of the municipal preschool educational institution;

Improves his professional qualifications and is certified in accordance with current regulatory documents.

4.7. A speech therapist at a speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution enjoys all the benefits and advantages (duration of regular leave, pension scheme, additional payments) provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.8. The duration of working hours (standard hours of work per wage rate) of a speech therapist working in a speech therapy center of a municipal preschool educational institution is set at 20 astronomical hours of teaching work per week (18 hours of work with children with speech disorders and 2 hours for advisory work ).

4.9. The speech therapist conducts documentation:

Annual plan;

Register of children with speech disabilities;

Long-term plan for working with children with special needs and disabilities;

Timetable of classes;

Attendance log;

Register of children enrolled in the logo center;

Speech cards;

Individual notebooks for classes with children;

Speech therapist report for the year.

5. Logistics and financial support

5.1 The speech therapy room is located in the preschool educational institution.

5.2. A room with an area of ​​at least 20 sq.m. that meets sanitary and hygienic standards is allocated for a speech therapy room.

5.3. The speech therapy room is provided with special equipment.

5.4. Responsibility for the equipment of the speech therapy room, its sanitary maintenance, and repair of the premises rests with the administration of the preschool educational institution.

5.5. To treat the hands of a speech therapist and speech therapy equipment (probes, spatulas), a consumption standard for ethyl alcohol has been approved at the rate of 20 grams of ethyl alcohol per year per child with speech impairments.

5.6. Remuneration for speech therapists at municipal preschool educational institutions is carried out in the range of 8-14 categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule, in accordance with the tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements).

5.7. Speech therapist teachers at municipal preschool educational institutions have their tariff rates (official salaries) increased by 20% for working with children with speech development disorders.

5.8. Remuneration for teachers working in the speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution is made on the basis of 25 hours of teaching work per week.

5.9. Educators and junior educators (assistant educators) working in the speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution will have their tariff rates (official salaries) increased by 20% for working with children with speech development disorders.

5.10. For teachers of preschool educational institutions working with children with speech development disorders, tariff rates (official salaries) are increased by 20% for the hours of classes they teach in speech therapy groups.

5.11. For doctors and junior medical personnel working with children with speech development disorders, tariff rates (official salaries) are increased by 15% for working with children attending speech therapy groups.

5.12. The heads of municipal preschool educational institutions that have created the necessary conditions for the functioning of speech therapy groups receive an increase in official salaries in the amount depending on the number of groups:

If there are 2-4 groups – 10%;

If there are 5 or more groups - 15%