Amount specific gravity. How to calculate specific gravity as a percentage

Formula and algorithm for calculating specific gravity as a percentage

There is a set (whole), which includes several components (component parts).

Let us introduce the following notation:

X1, X2, X3, ..., Xn are parts of the whole.

They can be expressed in various units of measurement - rubles, pieces, kilograms, etc.

To find the specific gravity of each part of the population (Wi), you need to use the following formula:

That is, the value of each part is divided by the total amount and multiplied by 100 percent.

Specific weight will indicate the value, importance or influence of each element in the aggregate.

To check the correctness of the calculations, you need to add all the specific weights together - their sum should be equal to 100 percent.

Example of calculating specific gravity as a percentage

The company produced 100,000 notebooks during the reporting period.

Among them:

  • notebooks 12 sheets - 30,000 pieces.
  • notebooks 18 sheets - 10,000 pieces.
  • notebooks 24 sheets - 10,000 pieces.
  • notebooks 48 sheets - 30,000 pieces.
  • notebooks 96 sheets - 20,000 pieces.

It is required to find the specific gravity of each type of product.

To solve this problem, we will use the formula given above.

1) W1 (notebooks 12 sheets) = (30000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.3 * 100% = 30%.

2) W1 (notebooks 18 sheets) = (10000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.1 * 100% = 10%.

3) W1 (24 sheet notebooks) = (10000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.1 * 100% = 10%.

4) W1 (notebooks 48 sheets) = (30000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.3 * 100% = 30%.

5) W1 (notebooks 96 sheets) = (20000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.2 * 100% = 20%.

Let's sum up the obtained specific gravities:

30% + 10% + 10% + 30% + 20% = 100%.

This means that everything was calculated correctly.

Calculation of specific gravity in Excel (Excel)

If the population includes a fairly large number of elements, then the specific gravity of each element is very convenient to calculate using Excel.

Here's how you can do it (using the notebook problem as an example):

1) We draw up a table consisting of 3 columns: 1st column - name, 2nd column - value, 3rd column - specific gravity.

2) In cell D3 we write the formula for the specific weight of notebooks of 12 sheets:

Set the percentage cell format - to do this, click on the "%" button located on the toolbar.

3) To calculate the remaining specific weights, copy the formula from cell D3 to the lower cells (D4, D5, etc.).

In this case, the percentage format will be applied to these cells automatically and will not need to be set.

When finding specific gravity as a percentage in Excel, the “Increase Bit Depth” button can be very useful; it is located on the toolbar next to the percentage format button:

This button will be needed when the specific gravity is a fraction and you want to display tenths and hundredths.

4) The last step is to add the specific weights using the SUM function.

Competent management analysis plays an important role in running any business. Finance, assortment, costs - all this requires constant attention and optimal use to achieve better results. Many decisions and the implementation structure depend on the analysis of the assortment.


To calculate the specific weight products by revenue, divide weightь assortment for several products. Determine how much in absolute terms is for each group of goods. Then divide each group's revenue by total revenue. Convert the resulting numbers into percentages.

To calculate the specific weight products, perform similar actions. Divide the assortment into groups of homogeneous products, by suppliers or by any criteria. Quantity products in each group, divide by the total number of items products. Thus, you will see the most numerous and small groups of goods.

Usually more effective is specific weight A products by share of revenue. ABC analysis is based on this, which allows you to determine the highest priority product groups in the overall assortment structure. It also results in a grouping of products according to the degree of influence on the overall result.


  • The average specific gravity for a block is determined as

To calculate the specific weight liquid, granular substances or solid objects, it is enough to know the density of the substance and the acceleration of free fall. However, if the acceleration due to gravity is practically constant, then the density often has to be measured experimentally. There are several simple methods and tools for this.

You will need

  • Measuring container, electronic scales, calculator


To calculate the specific weight and pour the liquid into a measuring container and remember the result. Then pour the liquid into an electronic cup weight ov and vz weight weight and by the amount of volume. The result of the calculations will be the specific weight of this liquid.

To determine the specific weight and pour a certain amount of bulk into a measuring container, measure and remember the resulting volume. Then pour this into a cup of electronic weight ov and vz weight Yes. Divide the amount received weight and by the amount of volume. The result obtained is specific weight om of this substance.

To determine the specific weight and an object that has the correct geometric shape, calculate the volume of the object using a special formula. For example, to calculate the volume of a parallelepiped, multiply its length by its width by its height. Vz weight take the subject. Divide the amount received weight but for volume. The result will be the desired specific weight.

To determine the specific weight and a solid object, place it in a measuring cup and fill it completely. Remember the first volume. Remove the item from the water. Measure the volume of water in the measuring cup. Subtract the result of the second volume of water from the first result. The result is the volume of the given item. Vz weight take the subject. Size weight and divide by the volume. The result of the calculations will be the specific weight of this item. If the object is lighter than water and does not sink, press it to the bottom with a thin, long object before measuring.


In everyday life, concepts such as specific gravity and specific gravity (density) are often confused. The confusion stems from the fact that in practice, weighing is used in most cases to determine mass. Accordingly, mass is usually called weight. Therefore, first clarify: what still needs to be determined.

Helpful advice

Allow the surface of the liquid to settle before measuring the volume of liquid in the measuring cup.
The accuracy of the measurements obtained directly depends on the accuracy of the measuring and computing tools used: measuring cup, electronic scales and calculator.

Specific weight- this is an indicator of the force of the body’s influence on its fulcrum. Based on the SI system, this physical quantity is measured in n/m³. To find the specific gravity, you need to have only 4 data.

You will need

  • P - body weight;
  • V is its volume;
  • p - density;
  • g is the acceleration of free fall.


Video on the topic


Gravity acceleration is the acceleration imparted to an object in a vacuum environment by gravity. It is different for different planets of the solar system. On Earth it is generally considered to be 9.8 m/s². If technical calculations are carried out, then g = 9.81 m/s².

Specific weight of any substance is a characteristic of this substance, showing the magnitude of its gravity to a given unit of volume. In the SI system it is measured in n/m³. Depending on the source data, specific gravity can be calculated in different ways.



Weight and body weight should not be confused. Weight is the force with which an object acts on its fulcrum, measured in Newtons (N), and mass is a physical quantity that characterizes the degree of influence of the body on gravity (kg).

For calculations related to determining the specific gravity of a body in a liquid or solid state of aggregation, it is not at all necessary to have a fully equipped chemical laboratory, although laboratory scales will not hurt.


Take any measuring container. To determine the specific gravity of a liquid, pour it into a container and record its volume in a notebook. After this, pour the liquid into a laboratory cup () and weigh. Specific gravity is equal to the ratio of the value obtained by weighing a liquid to its volume.

If a solid body has a regular geometric shape, first calculate the volume of the object, depending on the shape of the body. So, if you need the volume of a parallelepiped, first find out the values ​​of its length, width and height. Multiply the resulting values. After this, place the item on the scale and find out its weight. The specific gravity of the solid in this case will be equal to the ratio of weight to volume.

If the solid is irregular in shape, place it in a measuring cup and pour . Record the volume. Remove the body from the water. Now measure and record the volume of water in the container again. By subtracting the volume of liquid No. 2 from the volume of liquid No. 1, calculate the required volume of the solid. Place the item on the scale and find out its weight. The specific gravity of a body will be equal to the ratio of its weight to its volume.

Use solid and liquid density tables to determine specific gravity. Specific gravity will be equal to the ratio of the density of a substance to its volume. The volume of a body is calculated by dividing its density by its mass. And the mass of the body, accordingly, will be the value obtained by multiplying the density of the body by its volume.

Please note: mass and weight are not equivalent concepts. So, the specific mass of a body will be its density. The value of mass by physicists and chemists is usually calculated as the ratio of the product of specific gravity and volume to the acceleration of free space.

Video on the topic

Any substance, including liquid, has two characteristics: specific gravity and density. By measuring or calculating these parameters, we can draw conclusions about a number of other properties of the substance. This measurement or calculation can be carried out in various ways.


Specific gravity is often confused with density, however, these terms have different meanings. Specific gravity is not a physical and chemical characteristic of a substance, since its definition includes the acceleration of gravity g=9.8 m/s^2. In other words, specific gravity differs from the same as weight differs from . Density is the ratio of the mass of a substance to its volume, and specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of a body to its volume: γ = mg/V. Since density is the ratio of mass to volume, to find the specific gravity, write it in the following form: γ = ρg.

If necessary, find the specific gravity by calculations and, or experimentally, comparing pressures. Based on the hydrostatic equation, find the value of this quantity as follows: P=Po+γh. This method is used when all three measured quantities are known: P, Po, h. The formula for finding the specific gravity in this case takes the following form: γ = P-Po/h. This equation is widely used to describe the action of communicating vessels. From experimental data it can be concluded that each substance in communicating vessels will have its own height and its own speed of spreading along the walls of the vessel. Knowing them, you can calculate the specific gravity of the liquid.

Archimedes' forces are also used to calculate specific gravity. It is known that the Archimedes force is a buoyant force. Imagine that you are given a load of some mass m that floats on the surface of the water. It is acted upon by two forces, one of which is the force of gravity, and the second is the Archimedes force, which pushes this body in the direction opposite to the vector mg. The Archimedes force formula has the following form: Farx.=ρgV. Since the product ρg is equal to the specific gravity of the liquid, write this equation in the following form: Farx.=γV. Now express the variable γ from this equation as follows: γ = Farch./V.

At the present stage of development of market relations, every enterprise takes care of the well-being of its financial condition. The financial condition of an enterprise is mainly influenced by its asset structure. Therefore, information about the rational formation and effective use of its assets is important for an enterprise. An enterprise can obtain this information by calculating the share of all assets of the enterprise.


First of all, in order to find the share of any assets of an enterprise, it is necessary to find the sum of all assets of this enterprise. The amount of assets of the enterprise is calculated using the formula:

A = B+C+D+E+F+G, where A is the sum of all assets of the enterprise; B – the entire enterprise; C – this enterprise; D – total number of machinery and equipment of the enterprise; E – the number of securities owned by this company; F – cash available in the assets of the enterprise; G – all patents, trademarks, know-how of this enterprise.

Now, having the amount of assets, we can find the share of any assets of the enterprise. The assets of the enterprise are monetary, non-monetary, long-term, working capital, assets, etc. Next, we will consider some determinations of the share of assets of an enterprise.


How to find specific gravity? Specific gravity is one of the main characteristics of a substance, showing how much weight a unit volume of a given substance has. Specific gravity is also sometimes called the density of a substance. Specific gravity is expressed in grams per cubic centimeter or kilograms per cubic meter.

Helpful advice

The concept of density is widely used in physics. For example, using a known density, you can easily find the mass of a substance. To do this, you just need to use the formula m=Vd. One unit of density is the density of a substance whose mass is equal to one per unit volume. Specific gravity is calculated using the formula y=P/V. The ratio of specific gravity and density is proportional to the ratio of weight and body mass.


  • how to calculate specific gravity formula
  • Table Proportion of balance sheet asset items

Specific weight is the weight per unit volume of a substance. Learning to calculate specific gravity is very simple; mathematically, this value is equal to the product of density and the acceleration of gravity or the ratio of weight to volume.

You will need

  • - hydrometer;
  • - an oblong glass vessel;
  • - "Eureka";
  • - physics textbook;
  • - calculator.


The specific gravity value depends on the location of measurement, therefore it is neither a physical nor a chemical characteristic. Roughly speaking, this is the force of gravity per unit volume. This concept is often used when analyzing the condition and type of soil or stone for construction purposes, when laying sewer and heating pipes, etc.

The specific gravity of a solid can be determined using the method discovered by Archimedes. In this case, the object is placed in a liquid with a unit density, and a special “Eureka” apparatus is used for measurement, which shows the volume of displaced water, thereby giving the value of its weight. Then the specific gravity of the body is equal to the ratio of its own weight to the weight of the displaced water.

Specific gravity can be easily measured using a hydrometer. It is a glass tube that is sealed at both ends, with a glass ball at the end. The ball is a fine shot, and at the top of the hydrometer there is a scale with the values ​​of the specific gravity and degree of the test solution.

Instruments vary depending on what type of liquid (lighter or heavier than water) is being analyzed. In the first case, the divisions of the device start from 1 and go down, i.e. in the direction of decrease. If liquids are heavier than water, then the scale is in , from 1 upward, in increasing order.

Remember that the specific gravity of a liquid changes depending on its temperature. Therefore, each hydrometer shows the normal temperature at which the measurement will give the best result. Bring the liquid to this temperature, and if possible, then the room in which the experiment is performed.


When analyzing the share of costs, indicators of both the total share of costs in production and the share of individual costs (for example, material or their components - raw materials, energy) are used. The formula for calculating the share of costs in production can be presented as follows: costs/cost * 100%.

For example, the cost of production at an enterprise consists of the cost of raw materials (150 thousand rubles), wages of workers (100 thousand rubles), rent (50 thousand rubles) and energy costs (20 thousand rubles). Thus, the cost is 320 thousand rubles. It remains to determine what share falls on each of the cost groups. Thus, the share of costs for raw materials is 47% (150/320*100), for wages - 31% (100/320*100), for rent - 16% (50/320*100), the remaining 6% is for electricity .

Types of production costs

As a rule, for analysis, not the total costs of the enterprise are used, but individual groups of costs. The following cost groups are most often used in economic analysis:

Material costs - the cost of materials, semi-finished products and raw materials purchased externally, this also includes the cost of transportation services, customs duties;

Energy costs cost of electricity costs;

Labor costs - wages, compensation, benefits of the main production personnel of the enterprise;

Contributions for social needs;

Depreciation of fixed assets - the amount of deductions for the restoration of fixed assets;

Other expenses (for example, rent, loan payments).

Production cost structure analysis

An analysis of the share of costs must be carried out to understand the structure of product costs and ways to reduce them. By reducing costs, the profit and profitability of the enterprise increases.

In various industrial sectors, the share of certain costs is different. Depending on which costs predominate, we can distinguish material-intensive, labor-intensive, energy-intensive industries and segments with a high weight of depreciation costs.

Material-intensive industries include, for example, food and light industries. In this case, the largest share of costs falls on raw materials and supplies for production. A reduction in the amount of raw materials used in production (due to rational savings) or its cost leads to a reduction in costs and an increase in the profit of the enterprise.

Labor-intensive industries include coal and mining. Here the main costs fall on the wage fund and social contributions. The profitability of production can be increased by optimizing the number of personnel.

Energy-intensive industries include metallurgical production. The most important factor in increasing the return on production is reducing energy consumption and reducing energy intensity.

Industries with a high share of depreciation costs are, for example, the oil and gas industry. If there is an increase in the share of depreciation in costs and in the cost of products, this indicates a decrease in capital productivity.

As a rule, the analysis of the share of costs is carried out in dynamics in relation to the previous period, or by comparing it with planned values ​​for the reporting period.

U The weight in any sphere is usually considered as the relation of the particular to the whole. Accounting is no exception. Here the share of income and expenses is calculated. Each of these operations has its own specifics and features. Neglect of the recommended rules inevitably leads to calculation errors. Their consequences can vary, from tax penalties to more serious sanctions against the taxpayer.

Calculation of the share of income: economic formula

In the economic field, specific gravity illustrates the value and significance of an object. The latter can be not only income, expenses, but also wages and taxes. Calculations are carried out using the same formula.

Calculation of the share of income involves dividing the sum of a separate column by the “total” indicator and multiplying by 100. A separate column corresponds to the indicator for which the specific weight is determined. In our case, this can be any of the income received by the business structure during the reporting period (income from core activities, investments, etc.).

The specific gravity is calculated taking into account derivatives and relative indicators. The latter are the intensity of development, implementation of the plan, etc. In fact, everything depends on the goal. Specific gravity is important for analyzing indicators and monitoring their dynamics. Using the above formula, you can calculate the share of certain categories of income in different periods for subsequent comparison of data.

Features of calculating specific gravity

Specific gravity is a relative indicator. It is displayed as a percentage. It is also possible to display it in fractions. The unit of measurement is determined by the very formulation of the concept.

As for the calculations themselves, everything depends on the accuracy of the input data. Accounting errors lead to distorted results. The relative indicator may be lower or higher than the real one. Both call into question the accuracy of analytics based on the data obtained.

Who will calculate the specific gravity?

Calculating the share of income is a task for. Before substituting values ​​into the formula, it would be a good idea to check the accounting status and the reliability of the data. Detected errors must be taken into account in calculations. Correcting indicators minimizes the risk of obtaining overestimated or underestimated results.

Is your accounting department overloaded with current work? Are you working with a private freelancer who cannot guarantee the accuracy of the calculations? Transfer the function to external control. Specialists from a specialized outsourcing company will perform the necessary calculation operations with a preliminary check of the accuracy of the input data. The customer company will depend on the volume, complexity of the work, and the inclusion of additional options.

Calculation of the share of income is carried out promptly. The resulting indicator can be used to assess the effectiveness of the economic activities of a business entity. But we do not recommend using it as the only criterion. Specific gravity, like other relative indicators, is characterized by some limitations. Accordingly, it is rational to consider it in conjunction with other relevant economic parameters. In this case, the analysis of the subject’s activities, income dynamics and operational efficiency will be competent, complete, and as informative as possible.

Among the many parameters characterizing the properties of materials, there is also specific gravity. Sometimes the term density is used, but this is not entirely correct. But one way or another, these two terms have their own definitions and are used in mathematics, physics and many other sciences, including materials science.

Determination of specific gravity

The physical quantity, which is the ratio of the weight of a material to the volume it occupies, is called the HC of the material.

Materials science of the 21st century has gone far ahead and technologies that were considered science fiction a hundred years ago have already been mastered. This science can offer modern industry alloys that differ from each other in qualitative parameters, but also in physical and technical properties.

To determine how a certain alloy can be used for production, it is advisable to determine the HC. All objects made with the same volume, but different types of metals were used for their production, will have different masses, it is in a clear connection with volume. That is, the ratio of volume to mass is a certain constant number characteristic of this alloy.

To calculate the density of a material, a special formula is used, which has a direct connection with the HC of the material.

By the way, the HC of cast iron, the main material for creating steel alloys, can be determined by the weight of 1 cm 3, reflected in grams. The more HC the metal, the heavier the finished product will be.

Specific gravity formula

The formula for calculating HC looks like the ratio of weight to volume. To calculate hydrocarbons, it is permissible to use the calculation algorithm, which is set out in a school physics course.
To do this, it is necessary to use Archimedes' law, or more precisely, the definition of the force that is buoyant. That is, a load with a certain mass and at the same time it floats on the water. In other words, it is influenced by two forces - gravity and Archimedes.

The formula for calculating the Archimedean force is as follows

where g is the hydrocarbon liquid. After the substitution, the formula takes the following form: F=y×V, from here we obtain the formula for the shock load y=F/V.

Difference between weight and mass

What is the difference between weight and mass. In fact, in everyday life, it does not play any role. In fact, in the kitchen, we don't make a difference between the weight of a chicken and its mass, but there are serious differences between these terms.

This difference is clearly visible when solving problems related to the movement of bodies in interstellar space and neither those having relations with our planet, and under these conditions these terms differ significantly from each other.
We can say the following, the term weight has meaning only in the zone of gravity, i.e. if a certain object is located next to a planet, star, etc. Weight can be called the force with which a body presses on the obstacle between it and the source of attraction. This force is measured in newtons. As an example, we can imagine the following picture: next to a paid education there is a stove with a certain object located on its surface. The force with which an object presses on the surface of the slab will be the weight.

Body mass is directly related to inertia. If we consider this concept in detail, we can say that mass determines the size of the gravitational field created by the body. In fact, this is one of the key characteristics of the universe. The key difference between weight and mass is this - mass does not depend on the distance between the object and the source of gravitational force.

To measure mass, many quantities are used - kilogram, pound, etc. There is an international SI system, which uses the usual kilograms, grams, etc. But besides it, many countries, for example, the British Isles, have their own system of weights and measures, where weight is measured in pounds.

Difference Between Specific Gravity and Density

UV - what is it?

Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of matter to its volume. In the SI international system of measurements it is measured as newton per cubic meter. To solve certain problems in physics, hydrocarbons are determined as follows - how much heavier the substance being examined is than water at a temperature of 4 degrees, provided that the substance and water have equal volumes.

For the most part, this definition is used in geological and biological studies. Sometimes, the HC calculated using this method is called relative density.

What are the differences

As already noted, these two terms are often confused, but since weight directly depends on the distance between the object and the gravitational source, and mass does not depend on this, therefore the terms shock wave and density differ from each other.
But it is necessary to take into account that under certain conditions mass and weight may coincide. It is almost impossible to measure HC at home. But even at the school laboratory level, such an operation is quite easy to perform. The main thing is that the laboratory is equipped with scales with deep bowls.

The item must be weighed under normal conditions. The resulting value can be designated as X1, after which the bowl with the load is placed in water. In this case, in accordance with Archimedes' law, the load will lose part of its weight. In this case, the balance beam will warp. To achieve balance, a weight must be added to the other bowl. Its value can be designated as X2. As a result of these manipulations, a shock wave will be obtained, which will be expressed as the ratio of X1 and X2. In addition to substances in the solid state, specific values ​​can also be measured for liquids and gases. In this case, measurements can be performed under different conditions, for example, at elevated ambient temperatures or low temperatures. To obtain the required data, instruments such as a pycnometer or hydrometer are used.

Units of specific gravity

Several systems of weights and measures are used in the world, in particular, in the SI system, hydrocarbons are measured in the ratio of N (Newton) to a cubic meter. In other systems, for example, the GHS for specific gravity uses the following unit of measurement: d(din) per cubic centimeter.

Metals with the highest and lowest specific gravity

In addition to the concept of specific gravity used in mathematics and physics, there are also quite interesting facts, for example, about the specific gravities of metals from the periodic table. If we talk about non-ferrous metals, then the heaviest ones include gold and platinum.

These materials exceed in specific gravity such metals as silver, lead and many others. “Light” materials include magnesium with a weight lower than that of vanadium. We must not forget about radioactive materials, for example, the weight of uranium is 19.05 grams per cubic cm. That is, 1 cubic meter weighs 19 tons.

Specific gravity of other materials

It is difficult to imagine our world without many materials used in production and everyday life. For example, without iron and its compounds (steel alloys). The HC of these materials fluctuates in the range of one to two units and these are not the best results. Aluminum, for example, has low density and low specific gravity. These indicators allowed it to be used in the aviation and space industries.

Copper and its alloys have a specific gravity comparable to lead. But its compounds - brass and bronze are lighter than other materials, due to the fact that they use substances with a lower specific gravity.

How to calculate the specific gravity of metals

How to determine hydrocarbons - this question often arises among specialists employed in heavy industry. This procedure is necessary in order to determine exactly those materials that will differ from each other in improved characteristics.

One of the key features of metal alloys is which metal is the base metal of the alloy. That is, iron, magnesium or brass, having the same volume, will have different masses.

The density of the material, which is calculated based on a given formula, is directly related to the issue under consideration. As already noted, HC is the ratio of the weight of a body to its volume; we must remember that this value can be defined as the force of gravity and the volume of a certain substance.

For metals, HC and density are determined in the same proportion. It is permissible to use another formula that allows you to calculate the HC. It looks like this: HC (density) is equal to the ratio of weight and mass, taking into account g, a constant value. We can say that the HC of a metal can be called the weight per unit volume. In order to determine the HC, it is necessary to divide the mass of dry material by its volume. In fact, this formula can be used to obtain the weight of a metal.

By the way, the concept of specific gravity is widely used in the creation of metal calculators used to calculate the parameters of rolled metal of various types and purposes.

The HC of metals is measured in qualified laboratories. In practical terms, this term is rarely used. Much more often, the concepts of light and heavy metals are used; metals with a low specific gravity are considered light, and metals with a high specific gravity are classified as heavy.

    To avoid confusion, I will create a formula from your assignment, i.e.

    We need to find the specific gravity

    There are two meanings:

    1 - some indicator

    2 - general part

    We need to find it as a percentage.

    So the formula will be like this:

    Specific gravity = some indicator / total part * 100%

    There is some common part. She takes it 100%. It consists of separate components. Their specific gravity can be calculated using the following template (formula):

    Thus, the numerator will contain a part of the whole, and the denominator will contain the whole itself, and the fraction itself will be multiplied by one hundred percent.

    When finding specific gravity, you must remember two important rules, otherwise the solution will be incorrect:

    Examples of calculations in a simple and complex structure can be viewed at the link.

    Let's consider the calculation of the share in percentage terms using the example of calculating the share of the average number of employees; for ease of writing, we will define this term by the abbreviation SCHR.

    The procedure for calculating the SCR is provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1, article 11.

    To calculate the NPV for each individual division, head office and organization in full, you need to calculate the NPV for each month, then the NPV for the reporting period.

    The amount of NPV for each calendar day of the month, divided by the number of days of the month, will equal the NPV for the month.

    The amount of NPV for each month of the reporting period, divided by the number of months of the reporting period, equals the NPV for the reporting period.

    In accordance with clause 8-1.4 of the Rosstat instructions, the SSR is indicated only in full units. For young, newly formed separate units, the value of the NFR for the reporting period may be less than a whole number. Therefore, in order not to conflict with the tax authorities, for tax purposes it is proposed to apply mathematical rules to calculate data, less than 0.5 should not be taken into account, and more than 0.5 should be rounded to one.

    The value of the NFR of a separate division/parent organization, divided by the value of the NFR for the organization as a whole for the reporting period, will be equal to the indicator of the specific weight of the NFR of each individual division and parent organization.

    First, let's understand what the specific gravity of a component of a substance is. This is its ratio to the total mass of the substance, multiplied by 100%. It's simple. You know how much the whole substance (mixture, etc.) weighs, you know the weight of a specific ingredient, divide the weight of the ingredient by the total weight, multiply by 100% and get the answer. Specific gravity can also be estimated through specific gravity.

    To assess the importance of a particular indicator, you need calculate specific gravity as a percentage. For example, in a budget you need to calculate the relative weight of each item in order to deal with the most important budget items first.

    To calculate the specific weight of indicators, you need to divide the sum of each indicator by the total sum of all indicators and multiply by 100, that is: (indicator/sum)x100. We get the weight of each indicator as a percentage.

    For example: (255/844)x100=30.21%, that is, the weight of this indicator is 30.21%.

    The sum of all specific gravity should ultimately equal 100, so you can check correct calculation of specific gravity as a percentage.

    Specific gravity is calculated as a percentage. You find the share of the particular from the general, which, in turn, is taken as 100%.

    Let's explain with an example. We have a package/bag of fruit that weighs 10 kg. The bag contains bananas, oranges and tangerines. The weight of bananas is 3 kg, the weight of oranges is 5 kg, and the weight of tangerines is 2 kg.

    To determine specific gravity, for example, for oranges you need to take the weight of the oranges divided by the total weight of the fruit and multiply by 100%.

    So, 5 kg/10 kg and multiply by 100%. We get 50% - this is the specific gravity of oranges.

    The specific gravity is calculated as a percentage!! Let’s say it’s a part of the whole. So we divide the part by the whole number and multiply by 100%.

    Then 10002000*100%=50. And so each specific gravity needs to be calculated.

    To calculate the specific weight of an indicator as a percentage of the total part, you need to directly divide the value of this indicator by the value of the total part and multiply the resulting number by one hundred percent. This will give you the specific gravity as a percentage.

    Specific gravity as a physical indicator is calculated by the formula:

    Where P is the weight,

    and V is volume.

    Percentage specific gravity is calculated by simply taking the Whole Specific Gravity to the Part of the Specific Gravity. To get a percentage, you need to multiply the final result by 100:

Determination of specific gravity

The physical quantity, which is the ratio of the weight of a material to the volume it occupies, is called the HC of the material.

Materials science of the 21st century has gone far ahead and technologies that were considered science fiction a hundred years ago have already been mastered. This science can offer modern industry alloys that differ from each other in qualitative parameters, but also in physical and technical properties.

To determine how a certain alloy can be used for production, it is advisable to determine the HC. All objects made with the same volume, but different types of metals were used for their production, will have different masses, it is in a clear connection with volume. That is, the ratio of volume to mass is a certain constant number characteristic of this alloy.

To calculate the density of a material, a special formula is used, which has a direct connection with the HC of the material.

By the way, the HC of cast iron, the main material for creating steel alloys, can be determined by the weight of 1 cm 3, reflected in grams. The more HC the metal, the heavier the finished product will be.

Specific gravity formula

The formula for calculating HC looks like the ratio of weight to volume. To calculate hydrocarbons, it is permissible to use the calculation algorithm, which is set out in a school physics course.
To do this, it is necessary to use Archimedes' law, or more precisely, the definition of the force that is buoyant. That is, a load with a certain mass and at the same time it floats on the water. In other words, it is influenced by two forces - gravity and Archimedes.

The formula for calculating the Archimedean force is as follows

where g is the hydrocarbon liquid. After the substitution, the formula takes the following form: F=y×V, from here we obtain the formula for the shock load y=F/V.

Difference between weight and mass

What is the difference between weight and mass. In fact, in everyday life, it does not play any role. In fact, in the kitchen, we don't make a difference between the weight of a chicken and its mass, but there are serious differences between these terms.

This difference is clearly visible when solving problems related to the movement of bodies in interstellar space and neither those having relations with our planet, and under these conditions these terms differ significantly from each other.
We can say the following, the term weight has meaning only in the zone of gravity, i.e. if a certain object is located next to a planet, star, etc. Weight can be called the force with which a body presses on the obstacle between it and the source of attraction. This force is measured in newtons. As an example, we can imagine the following picture: next to a paid education there is a stove with a certain object located on its surface. The force with which an object presses on the surface of the slab will be the weight.

Body mass is directly related to inertia. If we consider this concept in detail, we can say that mass determines the size of the gravitational field created by the body. In fact, this is one of the key characteristics of the universe. The key difference between weight and mass is this - mass does not depend on the distance between the object and the source of gravitational force.

To measure mass, many quantities are used - kilogram, pound, etc. There is an international SI system, which uses the usual kilograms, grams, etc. But besides it, many countries, for example, the British Isles, have their own system of weights and measures, where weight is measured in pounds.

UV - what is it?

Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of matter to its volume. In the SI international system of measurements it is measured as newton per cubic meter. To solve certain problems in physics, hydrocarbons are determined as follows - how much heavier the substance being examined is than water at a temperature of 4 degrees, provided that the substance and water have equal volumes.

For the most part, this definition is used in geological and biological studies. Sometimes, the HC calculated using this method is called relative density.

What are the differences

As already noted, these two terms are often confused, but since weight directly depends on the distance between the object and the gravitational source, and mass does not depend on this, therefore the terms shock wave and density differ from each other.
But it is necessary to take into account that under certain conditions mass and weight may coincide. It is almost impossible to measure HC at home. But even at the school laboratory level, such an operation is quite easy to perform. The main thing is that the laboratory is equipped with scales with deep bowls.

The item must be weighed under normal conditions. The resulting value can be designated as X1, after which the bowl with the load is placed in water. In this case, in accordance with Archimedes' law, the load will lose part of its weight. In this case, the balance beam will warp. To achieve balance, a weight must be added to the other bowl. Its value can be designated as X2. As a result of these manipulations, a shock wave will be obtained, which will be expressed as the ratio of X1 and X2. In addition to substances in the solid state, specific values ​​can also be measured for liquids and gases. In this case, measurements can be performed under different conditions, for example, at elevated ambient temperatures or low temperatures. To obtain the required data, instruments such as a pycnometer or hydrometer are used.

Units of specific gravity

Several systems of weights and measures are used in the world, in particular, in the SI system, hydrocarbons are measured in the ratio of N (Newton) to a cubic meter. In other systems, for example, the GHS for specific gravity uses the following unit of measurement: d(din) per cubic centimeter.

Metals with the highest and lowest specific gravity

In addition to the concept of specific gravity used in mathematics and physics, there are also quite interesting facts, for example, about the specific gravities of metals from the periodic table. If we talk about non-ferrous metals, then the heaviest ones include gold and platinum.

These materials exceed in specific gravity such metals as silver, lead and many others. “Light” materials include magnesium with a weight lower than that of vanadium. We must not forget about radioactive materials, for example, the weight of uranium is 19.05 grams per cubic cm. That is, 1 cubic meter weighs 19 tons.

Specific gravity of other materials

It is difficult to imagine our world without many materials used in production and everyday life. For example, without iron and its compounds (steel alloys). The HC of these materials fluctuates in the range of one to two units and these are not the best results. Aluminum, for example, has low density and low specific gravity. These indicators allowed it to be used in the aviation and space industries.

Copper and its alloys have a specific gravity comparable to lead. But its compounds - brass and bronze are lighter than other materials, due to the fact that they use substances with a lower specific gravity.

How to calculate the specific gravity of metals

How to determine hydrocarbons - this question often arises among specialists employed in heavy industry. This procedure is necessary in order to determine exactly those materials that will differ from each other in improved characteristics.

One of the key features of metal alloys is which metal is the base metal of the alloy. That is, iron, magnesium or brass, having the same volume, will have different masses.

The density of the material, which is calculated based on a given formula, is directly related to the issue under consideration. As already noted, HC is the ratio of the weight of a body to its volume; we must remember that this value can be defined as the force of gravity and the volume of a certain substance.

For metals, HC and density are determined in the same proportion. It is permissible to use another formula that allows you to calculate the HC. It looks like this: HC (density) is equal to the ratio of weight and mass, taking into account g, a constant value. We can say that the HC of a metal can be called the weight per unit volume. In order to determine the HC, it is necessary to divide the mass of dry material by its volume. In fact, this formula can be used to obtain the weight of a metal.

By the way, the concept of specific gravity is widely used in the creation of metal calculators used to calculate the parameters of rolled metal of various types and purposes.

The HC of metals is measured in qualified laboratories. In practical terms, this term is rarely used. Much more often, the concepts of light and heavy metals are used; metals with a low specific gravity are considered light, and metals with a high specific gravity are classified as heavy.

Difference between weight and mass

First, it’s worth discussing the difference, which is completely unimportant in everyday life. But if you are solving physical problems about the movement of bodies in space not connected with the surface of planet Earth, then the differences that we will give are very significant. So, let's describe the difference between weight and mass.

Weight determination

Weight only makes sense in a gravitational field, that is, near large objects. In other words, if a person is in the gravitational zone of a star, planet, large satellite or a decent-sized asteroid, then weight is the force that the body exerts on the obstacle between him and the source of gravity in a stationary frame of reference. This quantity is measured in newtons. Imagine that a star is hanging in space, at some distance from it there is a stone slab, and on the slab lies an iron ball. This is the force with which he presses on the obstacle, this will be the weight.

As you know, gravity depends on the distance and mass of the attracting object. That is, if the ball lies far from a heavy star or close to a small and relatively light planet, then it will act on the plate in the same way. But at different distances from the source of gravity, the resistance force of the same object will be different. What does it mean? If a person moves within one city, then nothing. But if we are talking about a climber or a submariner, then let him know: deep under the ocean, closer to the core, objects have more weight than at sea level, and high in the mountains - less. However, within our planet (by the way, not the largest even in the solar system), the difference is not so significant. It becomes noticeable when going into outer space, beyond the atmosphere.

Determination of mass

Mass is closely related to inertia. If you go deeper, it determines what gravitational field the body creates. This physical quantity is one of the most fundamental characteristics. It depends only on matter at non-relativistic (that is, close to light) speeds. Unlike weight, mass does not depend on the distance to another object; it determines the force of interaction with it.

Also, the value of the mass of an object is invariant to the system in which it is determined. It is measured in quantities such as kilogram, ton, pound (not to be confused with foot) and even stone (which means “stone” in English). It all depends on what country a person lives in.

Determination of specific gravity

Now that the reader has understood this important difference between two similar concepts and does not confuse them with each other, we will move on to what specific gravity is. This term refers to the ratio of the weight of a substance to its volume. In the universal SI system it is denoted as newton per cubic meter. Note that the definition refers to a substance that is mentioned either in a purely theoretical (usually chemical) aspect, or in relation to homogeneous bodies.

In some problems solved in specific areas of physical knowledge, specific gravity is calculated as the following ratio: how much heavier the substance under study is than water of four degrees Celsius with equal volumes. As a rule, this approximate and relative value is used in sciences related, rather, to biology or geology. This conclusion is based on the fact that the indicated temperature is the average in the ocean across the planet. In another way, the specific gravity determined by the second method can be called relative density.

Difference Between Specific Gravity and Density

The ratio that determines this quantity can easily be confused with density, since it is mass divided by volume. However, weight, as we have already found out, depends on the distance to the source of gravity and its mass, and these concepts are different. It should be noted that under certain conditions, namely at low (non-relativistic) speed, constant g and small accelerations, density and specific gravity can numerically coincide. This means that when calculating two quantities, you can get the same value for them. If the above conditions are met, such a coincidence may lead to the idea that the two concepts are one and the same. This misconception is dangerous due to the fundamental difference between the properties underlying them.

Specific Gravity Measurement

It is difficult to obtain the specific gravity of metals and other solids at home. However, in a simple laboratory equipped with scales with deep bowls, say, in a school, this will not be difficult. A metal object is weighed under normal conditions - that is, simply in air. We will register this value as x1. Then the bowl in which the object lies is immersed in water. At the same time, according to the well-known law of Archimedes, he loses weight. The device loses its original position, the rocker arm warps. A weight is added for balancing. Let's denote its value by x2.

The specific gravity of the body will be the ratio x1 to x2. In addition to metals, specific gravity is measured for substances in various states of aggregation, at unequal pressure, temperature, and other characteristics. To determine the required value, methods of weighing, pycnometer, and hydrometer are used. In each specific case, experimental setups should be selected that take into account all factors.

Substances with the highest and lowest specific gravity

In addition to pure mathematical and physical theory, unique records are of interest. Here we will try to list those elements of the chemical system that have the highest and lowest recorded specific gravity. Among the non-ferrous metals, the heaviest are the noble platinum and gold, followed by tantalum, named after the ancient Greek hero. The first two substances have a specific gravity that is almost twice that of the following silver, molybdenum and lead. Well, the lightest among the noble metals is magnesium, which is almost six times less than the slightly heavier vanadium.

Specific gravity values ​​of some other substances

The modern world would be impossible without iron and its various alloys, and their specific gravity undoubtedly depends on the composition. Its value varies within one or two units, but on average these are not the highest values ​​among all substances. But what can we say about aluminum? Like its density, its specific gravity is very low - only twice that of magnesium. This is a significant advantage for the construction of high-rise buildings, for example, or aircraft, especially in combination with its properties such as strength and malleability.

But copper has a very high specific gravity, almost on a par with silver and lead. At the same time, its alloys, bronze and brass, are slightly lighter due to other metals that have a lower value of the value being discussed. A very beautiful and incredibly expensive diamond, rather, has a low specific gravity value - only three times that of magnesium. Silicon and germanium, without which modern miniature gadgets would be impossible, despite the fact that they have similar structures, are nevertheless different. The specific gravity of the first is almost half that of the second, although both are relatively light substances on this scale.

Despite the decrease in the share of specialists in 2011 to 38%, this group occupies a larger share in the personnel structure. How to calculate the proportion of personnel by age? Let's calculate the specific gravity (share) of each age group. Let's calculate the specific weight (share) of each level of education.

Features of calculating the share of the average number of employees

The structure of the enterprise is the composition of personnel by category and their share in the total number. The personnel structure can be calculated by the ratio of the number of certain categories of workers and the total number of certain categories of workers to the total number of percent at the enterprise. 1.3.2 Calculation of the number of employees by category. Attendance number is the number of employees who must report to work daily according to the standard.

The average headcount for the reporting period is calculated as the sum of the average headcount for each month of the reporting period and divided by the number of months of the reporting period.

Specific gravity - main working

If the proportion of core workers decreases, this leads to a decrease in the output of workers. At the same time, the share of main workers is 61 5%, auxiliary workers - 26 5% and engineering workers 12% of the total number. The actual technological labor intensity is determined on the basis of the volume of work and the working hours worked by the main workers.

number and composition of the enterprise's employees.

The number of people present can be determined based on the percentage of absences from work. The personnel structure is characterized by the proportions of individual categories of workers in their total number. The qualification structure is determined by qualitative changes in labor potential (growth of skills, knowledge, skills) and reflects, first of all, changes in the personal characteristics of workers.

When planning and assessing PT, various indicators are used: production of marketable, gross, standard-net, sold products per employee of the main activity or worker. In table 4.2 provides an assessment of the provision of a conditional enterprise with employees and the structure of employees. 2. The actual personnel structure corresponds to the planned one: only in the categories of employees and specialists there are minor deviations in the actual share from the planned one. Table 4.5 provides information on the volume of production and the number of employees of the enterprise. The increase in output of 1 employee of the enterprise led to an increase in the volume of production at planned prices by 2536.1 thousand UAH. Data from the previously given table. 4.6 indicate that the structure of workers has deteriorated - the share of workers in the total number of personnel has decreased slightly. In addition to the volume of production, changes in payroll are influenced by the number of employees of the enterprise. In table 3.2 presents an analysis of the movement in the number of employees of the enterprise.

The number of employees is an important indicator of the state of the enterprise’s labor resources. It should be taken into account that an important condition for increasing production output is an increase in the total number of workers directly involved in production. The higher the proportion of workers in the total number of personnel, the more efficiently the enterprise’s labor resources are used. However, if the growth in production volume occurs mainly due to an increase in the number of workers, then this leads to a decrease in labor productivity and an increase in costs.

The average number of employees for the period is calculated based on the number of employees for each calendar day according to the working time sheet. Payroll employees who work part-time under employment contracts are included in the average payroll in proportion to the time worked at a part-time rate. Then the average number of part-time workers for the reporting month is determined in terms of full-time employment. The calculation of the average number of employees in organizations that are newly created or have a seasonal nature of work is carried out in a similar manner. Let’s assume that all employees on the payroll are included in the calculation of the average payroll number.