Secrets that are hidden from humanity. What is official science hiding from us? substitutions and distortions in official science that impede the further harmonious development of science and technology of mankind in unity with nature and the cosmos. report by A.Yu. Zolotarev

In Siberia, altars, sanctuaries and religious buildings of our ancestors of the 3rd – 2nd millennia BC were discovered and explored. Imagine a temple in the form of a hexagon 13 meters long, oriented along a north-south line, with a gable roof and a floor covered with bright red mineral paint, which has retained its freshness to this day. And all this in the Arctic region, where the very survival of man is called into question by science!

Now I will explain the original origin of the six-pointed star, now called " star of david"Our ancient ancestors, or according to science, the "Proto-Indo-Europeans", used a triangle to mark the pubic part of female clay figurines, personifying the mother goddess, the ancestor of all living things, the goddess of fertility. Gradually, the triangle, as well as the image of the angle, denoting the feminine principle, regardless of position of their tops, became widely used for ornamentation of pottery and other products.

The triangle, with its apex facing upward, began to denote masculinity. In India, the hexagram later became a symbolic image of the widespread religious sculptural composition Yoniling. This cult attribute of Hinduism consists of an image of the female genital organs (yoni), on which is mounted an image of an erect male penis (ling). Joniling, like the hexagram, denotes the act of copulation between a man and a woman, the fusion of the male and female principles of nature, in which all living things are born. So the hexagram-star turned into a talisman, a shield from danger and suffering. The hexagram, today known as the Star of David, has a very ancient origin, not tied to a specific ethnic community. It is found in cultures such as Sumerian-Akkadian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Indian, Slavic, Celtic and others. For example, later in ancient Egypt two crossed triangles became a symbol of secret knowledge, in India it became a talisman - " seal of Vishnu“, and among the ancient Slavs this symbol of masculinity began to belong to the god of fertility Veles and was called the “star of Veles.”

In the second half of the 19th century, the six-pointed star became one of the emblems of the Theosophical Society, organized by Helena Blavatsky, and later of the World Zionist Organization. Now the six-pointed star is the official state symbol of Israel. In the national-patriotic environment, there is a clear misconception that the six-pointed star in the Orthodox tradition and in Judaism is the same essence and the same symbol. For our Orthodoxy, this is the Star of Bethlehem, symbolizing the birth of Christ and has nothing to do with Judaism.

Also in the Siberian Subpolar region the following artifacts were found and later disappeared.

Why are artifacts hidden, why are some of them destroyed, why are Vatican For centuries, ancient books have been collected in archives and not shown to anyone, but only to initiates? Why is this happening?

The events that we hear about from blue screens, printed publications and mass media disinformation mainly concern politics and economics. The attention of the modern average person is deliberately concentrated on these two areas in order to hide from him things that are no less important. What we are talking about is detailed below.

Currently, the planet is engulfed in a chain of local wars. This began immediately after the West declared the Cold War on the Soviet Union. First the events in Korea, then in Vietnam, Africa, Western Asia etc. Now we see how the war that broke out in the north of the African continent is slowly approaching our borders; peaceful cities and villages in south-eastern Ukraine are already being bombed. Everyone understands that if Syria falls, then Iran will be next. What about Iran? Is war between NATO and China possible? According to some politicians, the reactionary forces of the West, in alliance with Muslim fundamentalists, fed by Bandera’s followers, may fall on Crimea, on Russia, and the final result will be China. But this is only the external background of what is happening, so to speak, the visible part of the iceberg, consisting of political confrontation and economic problems of our time.

What is hidden under the thickness of the invisible and unknown? And this is what is hidden: wherever military operations take place, no matter in Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, northern Africa or in the vast expanses of Western Asia, Ukraine, everywhere, following NATO troops, American, European and Muslim warriors, an invisible army is advancing the force that is trying to rule the world.

What are these, to put it mildly, representatives of the military presence doing, if their main duty is the destruction of museums in the occupied territories? They are engaged in appropriating the most valuable things that are under the protection of states occupied by NATO troops. As a rule, after a military conflict in a particular territory, historical museums turn into a real dump of broken and confused artifacts. Into such chaos that it is difficult for even a major specialist to understand. All this is done intentionally, but the question is, where does the loot disappear, to the British Museum or other museums in Europe? Maybe to the national historical museums of America or Canada? It is interesting that the captured valuables do not appear in any of the above-mentioned establishments and therefore cannot be billed to any European country, as well as to Americans and Canadians. Question: where do things taken from the historical museum of Baghdad, Egypt, Libya and other museums where a NATO soldier or a mercenary from the French International Legion set foot end up? Now the problem of returning the gold of the Scythians of Ukraine and Crimea, whether they will return it or only part of it, remains in question, and no one is paying attention to this because of the unleashed war of the oligarchic authorities of Ukraine against their own people.

One thing is clear that all stolen artifacts go directly to secret Masonic vaults or to the Vatican dungeons. The question inevitably arises: what are the globalists and their accomplices trying to hide from the public?

Judging by what we managed to understand, the caches of the Masonic Order receive things and artifacts related to the ancient history of mankind. For example, a sculpture of the winged demon Patsutsu disappeared from the Baghdad museum; it was assumed that this demon was the image of certain creatures that came to Earth in time immemorial. What is its danger? It may be that he could suggest that people are not products of evolutionary development according to Darwin's theory, but direct descendants of aliens from outer space. Using sculpture as an example Patsutsu and related artifacts, one can conclude that Masonic bloodhounds are stealing artifacts from museums that tell about the true history of mankind. Moreover, this happens not only in the West, but also here, on Russian territory.

For example, one can recall Tisulskaya find. In September 1969 in the village Rzhavchik Tisulsky district of the Kemerovo region, a marble sarcophagus was raised from a depth of 70 meters from under a coal seam. When it was opened, the whole village gathered, it was a shock for everyone. The casket turned out to be a coffin, filled to the brim with pink-blue crystalline liquid. Beneath her rested a tall (about 185 cm), slender, beautiful woman, about thirty, with delicate European features and large, wide-open blue eyes. It looks like a character from Pushkin's fairy tale. You can find a detailed description of this event on the Internet, down to the names of all those present, but there is a lot of false information and distorted data. One thing is known that the burial site was subsequently cordoned off, all the artifacts were removed, and within 2 years, for unknown reasons, all the witnesses to the incident died.

Question: where was all this taken? According to geologists, this is the Decembrian, approximately 800 million years ago. One thing is clear: the scientific community knows nothing about the Tisul find.

Another example. On the site of the Battle of Kulikovo, now stands the Staro-Simonovsky Monastery in Moscow. At Romanovs The Kulikovo field was moved to the Tula region, and in our time, in the 30s, at the present site of the mass grave, the tomb of the soldiers of the Battle of Kulikovo who fell here was dismantled in connection with the construction of the Likhachev Palace of Culture (ZIL). Today the Old Simonov Monastery is located on the territory of the Dynamo plant. In the 60s of the last century, they simply crushed priceless slabs and tombstones with authentic ancient inscriptions into crumbs with jackhammers, and took it all out along with a mass of bones and skulls in dump trucks for garbage, thank you for at least restoring the burial of Peresvet and Oslyabya, but the real one can't be returned.

Another example. A three-dimensional map was found in the stone of Western Siberia, the so-called " Chandar plate". The plate itself is artificial, made using a technology unknown to modern science. At the base of the map is durable dolomite, a layer of diopside glass is applied to it, its processing technology is still unknown to science. The volumetric relief of the area is reproduced on it, and the third layer is sprayed white porcelain.

Creating such a map requires processing huge amounts of data that can only be obtained by aerospace photography. Professor Chuvyrov says that this map is no more than 130 thousand years old, but now it has disappeared.

From the above examples it follows that in Soviet times the same secret organization operated in the country to seal ancient artifacts as in the West. Without a doubt, it still works today. There is a recent example of this.

Several years ago, to study the ancient heritage of our ancestors, on the territory Tomsk A permanent search expedition was organized in the region. In the first year of the expedition’s work, 2 solar temples and 4 ancient settlements were discovered on one of the Siberian rivers. And all this, practically, in one place. But when a year later we went on an expedition again, we met strange people at the site of the finds. It is unclear what they were doing there. The people were well armed and behaved very brazenly. After meeting with these strange people, literally a month later, one of our acquaintances, a local resident, called us and said that unknown people were doing something at the settlements and temples we found. What attracted these people to our findings? It’s simple: we managed to find thin ceramics with ancient Sumerian ornaments both at the temples and fortifications.

Their discovery was reported in a report that was submitted to the headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society of the Tomsk Region.

The winged solar disk is found in ancient Egyptian, Sumerian-Mesopotamian, Hittite, Anatolian, Persian (Zoroastrian), South American and even Australian symbolism and has many variations.

Comparison of ornamental motifs of ancient Sumerian pictographic writing and ornaments of Siberian and northern peoples. The ancestors of the Sumerians are the Suberians, the ancient inhabitants of Siberia.

The casket opened quite simply, if a small search expedition of local local historians came across the ancestral home of the ancient Sumerians of Siberia - the ancient civilization of Siberia, then this fundamentally contradicts the biblical concept, which states that the oldest bearers of culture on Earth can only be wise Semites, but not representatives of the white race , whose ancestral home is located in northern Europe and the vast expanses of Siberia. If in Middle Ob region Since the ancestral home of the Sumerians has been discovered, then, logically, the Sumerians come from the ethnic “cauldron” of the ancestral home of the white race. Consequently, every Russian, German or Balt automatically turns into close relatives of the most ancient race on the planet.

In fact, we need to rewrite history again, and this is already a mess. It is still unclear what the “unknown” people were doing in the ruins we discovered. Perhaps they hastily destroyed traces of ceramics, or maybe the artifacts themselves. This remains to be seen. But the fact that strange people arrived from Moscow speaks volumes.

About the ancient stone map of Siberia found by Chuvyrov

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who wakes up and is interested...

We live without understanding what scientists are hiding from us and those People who don't want us to know the truth. In fact, some things have been known for a long time, but they have not yet been fully disclosed to society or have been disclosed but not in an understandable form. Many people are simply too lazy to understand the secrets of life, and they prefer to be content with what they have and enjoy life.

But if you want to reveal all the secrets and mysteries of life, this article is for you. Psychologists and scientists have sorted it out and found out what they are actually hiding from us and how to deal with the form of information that is presented to us today in an incomprehensible form. You can believe or not everything that is written in this article, but in order to protect your health, be free and happy, it is advisable for you to carefully read the research of psychologists in this article.

Where do we come from and who created us

What scientists are hiding from us in a given issue or even problem. After all, today practically no one knows where we came from, who created the world and us in this world. There are many erroneous theories about the creation of the world and man. You can find out about this yourself if you think logically about what we are told about the creation of the world and people. Many will say that we came from animals, but if this is so, then where did the animals themselves, water, earth, air and the world as a whole come from? This theory is not true, because, thinking logically, every sane person would not believe it. But those people who want us not to know the truth give us such information.

Also today, a popular answer to the question about the creation of the world is that God created us, in some countries, his own God, and he is called differently. In fact, people believe that God created us, similar to the image of man, but no one has yet seen him and proved that this is exactly so. In fact, this is not an entirely correct theory of the creation of man and the world, since the Bible was written by wise people, and not by God, accordingly, we read a smart book, but not everything in it is written truthfully. This is rather a fictional story, a fantasy that people came up with and decided to write this entire story in the Bible. The most correct theory, which has been proven by scientists, is energy.

Energy created the world, the universe and man

People who do not understand this call energy God or creator; in other countries this name changes, but the essence remains. If you don't believe that we are created by energy, then go to any doctor and do a study whether you have energy or not. To your surprise, you will see for yourself that every person consists of energy, every animal, plant, water and earth is energy, the planet Earth on which we live is also energy. This theory was hidden from us for many years, but there were scientists who revealed the main secret to us and proved it. There are bad people who do not want us to know the truth and therefore, today there are many stories of the creation of the world. People are bullied into becoming slaves to their own thoughts and believing bullshit that comes from the wrong sources.

Our fears, insecurities and indecision

There is something else from us hide some scientists people, this is the cause of our fears, uncertainty and indecision. We are born happy children, but over time, we develop new fears, insecurities and worries. This is connected not only with the upbringing of parents, but also with society. Society, thanks to bad information, began to fear everything, create stereotypes, lose faith in itself and in the meaning of life.

Bad people want society to always be in fear and not want to change anything and interfere in the lives of rulers and businessmen. You need to decide whether you want to take the bad information coming out seriously and live in fear, or whether you want to build happiness by not paying attention to rumors and information. If you decide to become happy, protect yourself from such information, set a big goal and achieve it no matter what. Remember that we were not born to live in fear and be afraid of everything, we were born to live a happy life, rejoice and have fun every minute of our lives. Don’t listen to anyone, think logically, independently, and soon you yourself will reveal some of the secrets of our world.

The history of bygone times. It happens that discovered ancient artifacts that are hidden from us pose unsolvable questions to scientists. Is humanity really much older than official science believes? Have aliens visited Earth? How advanced were ancient civilizations? There are no clear answers yet. What are these artifacts that are hidden from us, that baffle scientists?

Fossil giants

There are famous artifacts that indicate that there were people of extraordinary size on Earth. Is this where the tale of Jack, who climbed the Beanstalk to the Land of Giants, originates?

In the state of Nevada (USA), local Indians had legends about red-haired giants almost four meters tall (12 feet). Tales told of how brave warriors killed giants in caves. Excavations back up these stories. A giant jaw was found, several times larger than a human jaw. 1931 added two skeletons about three meters tall to the finds

In the Palaxy River, located in Texas, they discovered fossil print of a female foot 35 cm long and 18 cm wide. The man’s height was approximately three meters.

In England, in the town of Antrim, earthworks brought a surprise. At the end of the nineteenth century there was 12-foot giant discovered . Fortunately, he has long been petrified. The giant's right hand turned out to be six-fingered.

Artifacts are out of time

Another type of discovery makes fans of the history of mankind, which is older than is generally believed, rather rub their hands together. These are figurines, strange disks and drawings, suggesting that our ancestors had much more knowledge than their time allowed.

Ica Stones – Artifacts from Peru. First discovered in the 1960s by Dr. Javier Cabrera. An interested researcher collected a large collection of artifacts of this kind. The stones depict scenes with dinosaurs and other ancient creatures, alien plates and strange humanoids. In general, everything that can now be found on the Internet for the query “unknown.” Dating: thirty thousand years.

Astronaut figurines from Ecuador They are about two thousand years old. The images are easily recognizable, although they look sketchy. Did aliens in spacesuits visit Earth at that time? We can only guess where such artifacts came from, which are not even hidden from us.

Aluminum wedge from Ayuda discovered on the banks of the Maros River, in Transylvania. The remains of an ancient mastodon, which turned out to be 20 thousand years old, lay right there. It is characteristic that aluminum was discovered only in 1808. The wedge was made without impurities from pure material.

Vase with images of flowers found during an explosion in a quarry. The artifact is unremarkable except for its age - 600 million years. This is how the rock containing the vase is dated.

Boot print with trilobite. Modern shoes, much less people, could not have existed 600-250 million years ago.

Unidentified artifacts

In some cases, associations do not allow even an approximate idea of ​​the purposes for which this or that ancient object served.

Disc Sabu found by the famous Egyptologist Walter Bryan in the 1930s during excavations of the burial place of Mastaba Sabu, who lived on earth in the third millennium BC. This is a thin stone plate with three curved edges. A cylindrical bushing is visible in the center. It is believed that the disk was part of some mysterious ancient mechanism.

To the strange corrugated spheres Miners from South Africa were lucky to stumble across it. Some balls are an inch in diameter (about three centimeters) covered with parallel lines, others are filled with a white spongy substance. The artifacts were discovered in rock dating back almost three billion years!

Thin jade discs discovered in Chinese graves that belonged to noblemen. Why they were put there more than 5 thousand years ago remains a mystery. Jade is a stone of great strength and its processing in those days would have been fraught with difficulties.

Artifacts that are hidden from us can shock and bewilder. It is worth remaining skeptical, because sooner or later every riddle will have a scientific answer. Dating errors, falsification of drawings on ancient stones, bones of huge animals of the past, mistaken for human. This is not a complete list of explanations for the mysterious finds of archaeologists. The old days are fraught with many secrets that have yet to be discovered and understood. Ancient artifacts will pose various questions to scientists. Perhaps stories? Not a single mystery hidden in the rocks can be hidden from archaeologists.

An important conclusion Tesla made during his research and experiments was the discovery of a new physical truth: there is no energy in matter except that obtained from the environment. Moreover, the reserves of this energy, according to Tesla’s calculations, are practically unlimited. It is no coincidence that his main discoveries and developments in the field of using free and easily accessible cheap energy are still hidden from the general public - they can easily bankrupt the fuel, energy and transport TNCs that exist by “ripping off” ordinary people.

We are simply forced to pay (due to the lack of an alternative) for the use of imperfect and outdated technologies by those forces that literally “sit on oil and gas pipes”, while receiving fabulous profits. And, for example, V. Line points to the possibility of technologies that make it possible to obtain clean energy 1058 times more than input energy.

There are other typical examples of concealing advanced discoveries from the world community, for example, the developments of the Russian physicist I.S. Filimonenko, which can change the life of mankind, raising it to a qualitatively new level. For example, back in 1957 he created an absolutely environmentally friendly installation for the production of electricity. The “side” effect of its use made it possible to destroy radioactive contamination of the environment after a disaster similar to Chernobyl. In addition, it could produce helium-4, which NASA plans to deliver from the Moon as a “cheap” fuel.

Scientists have also developed an aircraft capable of “relying” on the Earth’s magnetic field (the principle of antigravity). This device looks like a “flying saucer”, and its propulsion is based on two large disks made of different alloys. Lifting force is created by rotating these discs. Especially for this aircraft, the scientist came up with a unique material - neurolite, which is a hundred times stronger than steel and harder than diamond.

Another interesting development of the scientist is greenhouses with vacuum insulation. He carried out the corresponding calculations, which proved that even in winter, when the sun is covered by clouds, 132 watts of energy per 1 square meter comes from it, and if you build greenhouses from neuronite, which has the property of transparency, then in Russia you can get four harvests a year. And if, in addition, vacuum panels are equipped with turbine thermionic and plasma converters, then such a greenhouse turns into a power plant capable of ensuring independence from energy corporations. Prototypes of such greenhouses were manufactured by the Likhobor experimental production, and their effectiveness was proven in practice. However, they did not go into mass production, due to the fact that, by the will of certain forces, the essence of which is hostile to the vast majority of humanity, a number of artificially created “difficulties” appeared with the introduction of products into production.

Filimonenko also conducted interesting research identifying the effect of radiation levels on life expectancy. In particular, he discovered that the life expectancy of people many millennia ago was significantly higher than what currently exists. This was due to the fact that the level of radiation in those days was much lower. Consequently, if a person’s life expectancy is inversely proportional to the perceived dose of radiation, then to increase it, people need to be fed normal, environmentally friendly foods that can be grown in environmentally friendly greenhouses with an unlimited supply of heat.

Why are all these interesting inventions and developments not being implemented into production? Apparently, there are forces, quite vested with power, which do not benefit from increasing the duration and living conditions of ordinary people. Therefore, these forces deliberately inhibit the development of official science, and promising developments remain far from mass implementation.

These forces are trying to completely subjugate public opinion in order to impose “values” on ordinary people that make it easy to manipulate their behavior. For this purpose, discord, doubts are sown and contradictory views are implanted. They carefully try to confuse people in order to deprive them of their own opinion. In this case, they are ready to obediently perceive any information given to them by such forces as an immutable truth. For example, such is the unshakable belief in the immutability and finality of the existing scientific paradigm, limited by the framework of gross matter.

In order to achieve power over people, their weaknesses and bad habits are put at the forefront. Through instilled envy, hatred, fear and strife, wars and revolutions, epidemics and famines come into our world, which should accustom people to an endless pursuit of pleasure and destroy faith in God and in the possibility of the existence of consciousness after the death of the physical body. All this makes humanity an easy prey in the hands of certain forces who uncontrollably enjoy all the benefits carefully hidden from humanity itself.

Interesting in this aspect is the story of another Russian unique person - A. Meleshchenko - the author of the original theory of antigravity, which also continues to be hidden and kept silent from the broad masses of people. Here, for example, is how he himself talks about his attempts to introduce into production the gravitational engine he developed: “In 2001, I tried to get a patent for a gravity engine, but the work was withdrawn. In 2004, there was a second attempt. The invention formula was published in BIPM No. 10 (3h) 04/10/2005. p.790. Application No. 2004. 117587/06(13)A. 7F 03G 7/00. But as a result of subsequent technical examination, it turned out that the invention used a large number of unknown and unpublished scientific discoveries. Doubts arose about the advisability of issuing a patent. And the information I published in non-scientific publications does not count. Previously, January 15, August 15, 1990 at VNIIGPE, I submitted applications for discoveries, but were withdrawn.

I alone could not provide experimental evidence. I also could not publish in scientific publications how to check this, dissent does not work with us. This is why an inquisitorial department has been created at the Academy of Sciences (to combat pseudoscience). In 2001, I called the Academy of Sciences and they answered: “you publish it, and we read it.” But this theory was the only one that found its way to the United States and was shown on television in early November 2002. Not only scientists, but apparently all scientific developments end up in the USA. The discussion was about the existence of antimatter energy in nature, and if this is experimentally confirmed, then the theory of modern physics is of no use. They received a small piece of information. And I have long ago developed, on the basis of these discoveries, the creation of a gravitational engine that operates and receives energy on the principle of a tornado.

Engineers have long noticed that efficiency. vortex installations often exceed 100%, but they do not know where the energy comes from. The power of the gravitational engine is enormous; it receives energy only at the surface of the earth, just like a tornado. And the energy of a tornado is comparable to an atomic bomb. The design of the engine is very simple, but it is impossible to create it at home. Heat-resistant alloys are used, as in a jet engine. In our country, specialists are trained as standard in scientific institutes, just as identical toys are churned out in a factory. By the end of their training, they lose the most important thing, the ability to independently solve scientific problems. They believe in false theories in nuclear physics textbooks without questioning them, but these theories do not have the most important thing - experimental evidence. For example, there is no experimental evidence that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light.”

There is a hypothesis from the category of conspiracy theories that in the very distant past, humanity possessed unique knowledge and technologies that far exceeded the modern level, but gradually people became so proud of their capabilities and began to abuse them that they began to pose a danger to the Universe, and therefore some gods took away people this knowledge, destroyed civilization and plunged humanity into the Stone Age. It is interesting to read about this, but few people take such a story seriously. I also didn’t take it seriously for a long time, until I came across some very intriguing features of our science.

In my previous articles, I already wrote that several fundamental mistakes have been made in science, which pose such serious obstacles to scientific and technological progress that this progress itself is called into question. There are four main errors and many smaller errors. Here they are:
1) an error in the form of potential energy (the culprit of the error was Galileo Galilei). In fact, such energy does not exist in nature, but instead there is the energy of the gravitational field;
2) an error in the form of the inability to extract energy from the gravitational field (the culprit of the error was the German physicist and mathematician Carl Gauss). In fact, energy is perfectly extracted from the gravitational field, which happens constantly, at least in the process of the natural water cycle;
3) an error in the form of kinetic energy (I don’t know who is responsible for the error). In reality, there is no such energy in nature, but instead there is the energy of a physical vacuum or ether;
4) an error in the form of the impossibility of extracting energy from the vacuum-ether (the culprit of the error was the English physicist Paul Dirac). In reality, energy is perfectly extracted from the vacuum-ether, which occurs at least in the Casimir effect, well known to all quantum physicists.

Perhaps we could include in this list another well-known formula E = mcc. From the point of view of pure mathematics, the formula itself is correct, just as the formulas for potential and kinetic energy are correct. But the physical meaning of this formula turns out to be incorrect. In fact, this formula describes in the most general form the energy of the physical vacuum-ether: when we introduce energy in the amount of E into the ether, it reacts to this by releasing matter in an amount directly proportional to the received energy and inversely proportional to the square of the speed of light. And there is no other connection between energy and matter. For this reason, the acceleration of any material object (electron or starship) is not accompanied by an increase in its mass, as follows from the theory of relativity. Energy is spent not on changing mass, but on overcoming the resistance of the ether-vacuum in approximately the same way as the energy of a ship engine is spent on overcoming the resistance of the surrounding water.

When I looked up the description of experiments to measure the increase in the mass of elementary particles with an increase in their speed, I discovered an amazing thing. It turns out that in the entire history of scientific research, not a single experiment has been performed in which the mass of a particle was measured directly. Energy expenditure is always measured. Then they are transferred to the mass according to the formula E = mcc and we seem to get an increase in mass. However, such a transfer of energy to mass can only be accomplished if the traditional point of view about the mutual conversion of mass into energy and vice versa is correct. And to find out whether it is correct or not, it is necessary to measure the mass of the particle itself, without resorting to measuring its energy. And so far none of our physicists have bothered to think about this, they are so confident in the truth of the traditional point of view.

Finding more and more such errors in modern scientific concepts, I began to notice that they line up in a very clear line. In a line that leads humanity away from the correct answers to the main problems and mysteries of the Universe and leads it into a real dead end. If only 1-2 mistakes were made, it could be considered an accident. But there are too many of them. And as I already wrote, they clearly line up in one line. And this cannot be an accident. A certain pattern begins to emerge here: a pattern of depriving humanity of correct knowledge. Remember what I wrote in the article “Who Rules Humanity?” about the possibility of instilling in a specific person the desired direction of thoughts by some alien forces? So, if I was right in that article of mine and humanity is really under the control of these forces, then there is nothing easier to instill in Galileo, Gauss, Dirac, Einstein and many other physicists the necessary clues. And then these clues become the generally accepted point of view. And now I’m starting to tell you how the situation really is.

The space of the Universe is formed by what in ancient times was called ether, and today is called physical vacuum. It is impossible to give an exact definition of the ether-vacuum, but it is possible to give an approximate description of it through its properties. I do it this way: ether-vacuum is a special medium that forms the space and time of the Universe, has enormous energy, participates in all processes, generates matter, but due to the lack of the necessary sense organs, it is not visible to us and therefore appears to us emptiness. Ether-vacuum is an analogue of matter. But if we do not have formulas to describe matter as such and we do not know exactly how to work with it (we know how to work with a gas, liquid or solid, but not with matter), then in relation to the ether-vacuum the situation turns out to be much better: there are already the first formulas and understanding of the principles of interaction with the ether-vacuum and its control. Now imagine what can be achieved if we begin to control matter itself or its analogue: the prospects turn out to be so grandiose that all our previous scientific and technological achievements will seem like primitive axes of the Stone Age. Unlimited energy, movement at superluminal speeds, obtaining any needed substance, disappearance of any unnecessary waste without a trace, complete eradication of all diseases, tenfold increase in agricultural productivity, etc. - this all becomes possible. And I'm not exaggerating. In many sectors of the national economy, experiments and research are already underway, which give such a grandiose result that traditional science cannot explain it and therefore declares it pseudoscience and fraud. But these results are perfectly explained from the standpoint of the effect on the ether-vacuum. And this substance is rejected by traditional science.

However, a very serious moral problem arises here. Probably many people know this expression: any power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. When we gain gigantic power over matter and nature, this can lead to what is called pride in religion: a person is too exalted in his conceit and does not notice that he is beginning to degrade morally. And when he morally degrades, but at the same time has colossal technical power, he becomes too dangerous both for himself and for the Universe as a whole. Therefore, such processes will definitely begin to occur when this danger is leveled out. Whether it will be a nuclear war, an ice age, an invasion of aliens - this is no longer important. In the distant past, this is exactly what happened.

I will now very briefly describe what exactly happened to our civilization, because I will write a separate detailed article on this topic. The golden age of humanity, when we mastered the technologies of working with ether-vacuum, is known in esotericism as the Hyperborean era. At that time, the bulk of humanity lived in the area of ​​the North and, possibly, South Poles. Living at the poles gave us unique knowledge and abilities to work with vacuum. Almost all people possessed this knowledge and abilities, so there was no one to rise in pride. But then some kind of catastrophe occurred and living in the area of ​​the poles became impossible, people fled to more equatorial areas. And in these areas there were no natural conditions for connecting to the ether-vacuum. In order to preserve previous knowledge and abilities, it was necessary to create artificial structures in the form of pyramids (on this topic, read my previous article “How people became gods”). But now not any person could visit the pyramids, but only a chosen priest or pharaoh. In such conditions, previous knowledge and abilities were retained only by the nobility, the elite. But this inevitably led to gaining power over the ordinary human mass and moral degradation. Well, it all ended in a catastrophe that threw civilization back to the Stone Age.

This is the reason why true knowledge is hidden from us today: it is too dangerous for our selfish civilization. God forbid, if we gain this knowledge, then such wars for world domination will begin that not just human civilization, but biological life on the planet will be under attack. Here a skeptic can, of course, sarcastically object: why was this knowledge suddenly revealed to me if it is dangerous for humanity? And that’s why they discovered that I had proven with my whole life: I don’t need power. From my earliest childhood I was never involved in the struggle to reach higher places in the boyish hierarchy. It just wasn't interesting to me. For this reason, I always found myself at the very bottom of the hierarchy: both in the yard and at school. But in return, I gained access to huge layers of esoteric secret information. And the fact that I am now giving out a lot of information on this and other sites does not change anything in what I said: the one to whom this information is forbidden will simply not believe it due to the way he thinks, and such thinking will be specifically imposed on him in order to so that he does not acquire information that is forbidden to him.