Tests in the discipline "human genetics with the basics of medical genetics." Tests in the discipline "human genetics with the basics of medical genetics" Test tasks in genetics

Test "Fundamentals of Genetics" 9th grade

Task A

1.Which scientist introduced the term “gene” into science?

1.Gregor Mendel 2.Wilhelm Johansen

3.Thomas Morgan 4.William Batson

2.Which scientist is considered the founder of the science of genetics?

1.William Batson 2.Thomas Morgan

3.Gregor Mendel 4.Hugo de Vries

3. The term “genetics”, denoting the science of heredity and variability, suggested using...

1.Vilhelm Johansen 2.Thomas Morgan

3.William Bateson4.Hugo de Vries

4.What is the ability of organisms to transmit their characteristics and characteristics of individual development to their descendants?

1. Heredity 2. Ontogenesis

3.Homeostasis 4.Variability

1. Karl Erich Corre 2. Gregor Mendel

3. Thomas Morgan 4. Erich von Cermak

6. G. Mendel’s second law is called...

1. Purity of gametes

2. Splitting of features and independent combination

3. Splitting characteristics

7. What is the type of crossing called when the parents differ in one trait?

1.Analyzing 2.Trihybrid

3.Dihybrid 4.Monohybrid

8. G. Mendel’s first law is called...

1. Splitting of features and independent combination

2. Law of homological series of hereditary variability

3. Splitting characteristics

4. Purity of gametes and uniformity of first generation hybrids

9.An individual with genotype Aa...

1. Heterozygote, forms two types of gametes

2. Homozygote, forms one type of gametes

3. Homozygote, forms two types of gametes

4. Heterozygote, forms one type of gametes

10. The law of independent inheritance of characters is a consequence of the random superposition of two 3:1 splits on each other. What cleavage of individual phenotypes is observed in accordance with Mendel's third law?

1 -1:1:1:1 2- 12:4 3- 9:7 4- 9:3:3:1

11. How many types of gametes does a dihomozygote form?

1.One 2.Four 3.Two 4.Three

12. In what type of crossing does the researcher study the inheritance of two characters, each of which has different manifestations in the parental forms?

1.Monohybrid 2.Polyhybrid

3.Analyzing 4.Dihybrid

13. Indicate the genotype of an individual that is homozygous for one trait and heterozygous for another.

1.AaBB 2.aaBB 3.AaBB 4.AABB

14.What is the name of the disruption of gene cohesion that occurs in prophase 1 of meiosis as a result of the exchange of sections between homologous chromosomes?

1. Reparation 2. Crossing over

3. Replication 4. Translocation

15. In what cases can we say about genes that they are inherited linked?

1.When they are on homologous chromosomes

2.When they are on different arms of the chromosome

3.When they are nearby on the same chromosome

4.When they are on different chromosomes

16.What, according to T. Morgan’s theory, is the linkage group of genes?

1. Allele 2. Chromosome 3. Genome 4. Karyotype

17. What genes are called non-allelic?

1.Genes that are located on the same chromosome

2.Genes that are located on sex chromosomes

3. Genes that are located on different non-homologous chromosomes

4.Genes that are located on homologous chromosomes

18.Which chromosomes are called autosomes?

1.All chromosomes in the cells of male and female organisms

2. All chromosomes in the cells of male and female organisms, with the exception of the sex chromosomes

3. Separate chromosomes in the cells of male and female organisms

4. Sex chromosomes in the cells of male and female organisms.

1. Determine the phenotype of a tomato with genotype AaBb, if round fruits dominate over oval ones, and red color dominates over yellow ones.

1.yellow round fruits 2.red oval fruits 3.yellow oval fruits

2. A boy develops from a fertilized egg if the zygote contains

1. 22 autosomes + YY 2.44 autosomes + XY 3.22 autosomes + YX 4. 44 autosomes + XX

Task B

Match the term (1-4) with its brief description (A-D)

Your Answer:

1.Organogenesis A. Individual development

2. Mesoderm B. Stage of the embryonic period

3. Ontogenesis B. Embryonic period in mammals

4. Intrauterine development D. Germ layer

Establish the correct sequence of stages and stages of ontogenesis (A-D)

A. Gastrulation

B. Organogenesis

B. Crushing stage

D. Postembryonic development

Task C

3. Peas have yellow colored seeds A dominates green A, and the smooth shape of the seeds IN over wrinkled V. Determine the appearance of the seeds in the offspring of the cross. aaVv Hm. aaww

Task A

Task B

B. Embryonic stage

D. Germ layer

A. Individual development

B. Embryonic period in mammals

B. Crushing stage

A. Gastrulation

B. Organogenesis

D. Postembryonic development


R aaaVv x aaavv

R aw aw

R aaaVv x aaavv

Type of gametes aB av aw

1 aaBv aaBv

answer Green.smooth. 50% green wrinkle 50%

Test on the topic "Genetics"

A1. In the fruit fly Drosophila, somatic cells contain 8 chromosomes, and germ cells -

1) 12 2) 10 3) 8 4) 4+

A2. Paired genes of homologous chromosomes are called

1) allelic + 2) linked

3) recessive 4) dominant

A3. What law will manifest itself in the inheritance of traits when crossing organisms with genotypes: Aa x Aa?

1) uniformity 2) splitting+

3) linked inheritance 4) independent inheritance

A4. What ratio of traits by phenotype is observed in the offspring during an analytical cross if the genotype of one of the parents is AaBb (characters are inherited independently of each other)?

1) 1:1 2) 3:1 3) 1:2:1 4) 1:1:1:1 +

A5. What are the names of individuals that form one type of gametes and do not produce splitting characteristics in the offspring?

1) mutant 2) heterotic

3) heterozygous 4) homozygous +

A6. How are the genotypes of individuals designated during dihybrid crossing?

1) BbBb × AaAa 2) AaBb × AaBb +

3) AaAA × BbBb 4) AAaa × BBbb

A7. All leaves of one plant have the same genotype, but may differ in

1) number of chromosomes 2) phenotype +

3) gene pool 4) genetic code

A8. With dihybrid crossing and independent inheritance of traits in parents with genotypes AABb and aabb, a split in the ratio is observed in the offspring

1) 9:3:3:1 2) 1:1:1:1 3) 3:1 4) 1:1 +

A9. The method of studying human heredity, which is based on the study of the number of chromosomes and the features of their structure, is called 1) genealogical 2) twin 3) hybridological 4) cytogenetic +

A10. How many types of gametes are formed in diheterozygous pea plants during dihybrid crossing (the genes do not form a linkage group)? 1) one 2) two 3) three 4) four

A11. When crossing two guinea pigs with black hair (dominant trait), offspring were obtained, of which 25% were individuals with white hair. What are the genotypes of the parents? 1) AA x aa; 2) Aa x AA; 3) Aa x Aa; + 4) AA x AA.

A12. The number of gene linkage groups in organisms depends on the number

1) pairs of homologous chromosomes + 2) allelic genes

3) dominant genes 4) DNA molecules in the cell nucleus

A13. A pure line of plants is the offspring

1) heterotic forms 2) one self-pollinating individual+

3) intervarietal hybrid 3) two heterozygous individuals

A14. In dogs, black hair (A) is dominant over brown hair (a), and short legs (B) dominate over normal leg length (b). Select the genotype of a black short-legged dog that is heterozygous only for leg length.

1) AABb + 2) Aabb 3) AaBb 4) AABB

A15. Chromatids are

1) two subunits of the chromosome of a dividing cell +

2) sections of a chromosome in a non-dividing cell

3) circular DNA molecules

4) two chains of one DNA molecule

A16. In breeding for obtaining new polyploid plant varieties

1) individuals of two pure lines are crossed

2) they cross parents with their descendants

3) multiply the set of chromosomes +

4) increase the number of homozygous individuals

A17. What percentage of night beauty plants with pink flowers can be expected from crossing plants with red and white flowers (incomplete dominance)?

1) 25% 2) 50% + 3) 75% 4) 100%

A18. The set of chromosomes in human somatic cells is equal to

1) 48 2) 46+ 3) 44 4) 23

A19. What method was used to study the human chromosomal disease Down syndrome?

1) genealogical 2) twin

3) cytogenetic + 4) biochemical

A20. Albinism is determined by a recessive autosomal gene, and hemophilia is determined by a sex-linked recessive gene. Indicate the genotype of an albino, hemophiliac woman.

1) AaX H Y or AAX H Y 2) AaX H X H or AA X H X H

3) ааХ h Y 4) ааХ h Х h +

A21. What genes show their effect in the first hybrid generation?

1) allelic 2) dominant + 3) recessive 4) linked

A22. When crossing dominant and recessive individuals, the first hybrid
generation is uniform. What explains this?

1) all individuals have the same genotype +

2) all individuals have the same phenotype

3) all individuals are similar to one of the parents

4) all individuals live in the same conditions

A23. When crossing tomatoes with red and yellow fruits, offspring were obtained in which half the fruits were red and half were yellow. What are the genotypes of the parents?

1) AA x aa 2) Aa x AA 3) AA x AA 4) Aa x aa +

A24. What is the name of the method, the essence of which is the crossing of parental forms that differ in a number of characteristics, and the analysis of their manifestation in a number of generations?

1) hybridological + 2) cytogenetic

3) twin 4) biochemical

A25. From hybrids of the first generation in the second generation, 1/4 of individuals with recessive characteristics are born, which indicates the manifestation of the law

1) linked inheritance 2) splitting +

3) independent inheritance 4) intermediate inheritance

A26. What function does a chromosome perform in a cell?

1) photosynthesis 2) protein biosynthesis

3) phagocytosis 4) carrier of hereditary information +

A27. What method is used to reveal the influence of genotype and environment on a child’s development?

1) genealogical 2) twin +

3) cytogenetic 4) hybridological

A28. The birth of half of the offspring from hybrids of the first generation in the second generation with an intermediate trait indicates the manifestation

1) linked inheritance 2) independent inheritance

3) sex-related inheritance 4) incomplete dominance+

A29. The reason for the splitting of individuals with dominant traits in F 2 obtained from first generation hybrids is their

1) hereditary heterogeneity + 2) wide reaction rate

3) narrow reaction norm 4) genetic uniformity

A30. The essence of the hybridological method is

1) crossing organisms and analyzing offspring+

2) determining the genotype of the parents

3) research of the family tree

4) receiving modifications.

A31. The diagram AABB x aabb illustrates the crossing

1) monohybrid 2) polyhybrid

3) analyzing dihybrid + 4) analyzing monohybrid

A32. An organism whose genotype contains different alleles of the same gene is called

1) recessive 2) dominant

3) heterozygous + 4) homozygous

A33. What did G. Mendel call the characteristics that do not appear in first-generation hybrids?

1) heterozygous 2) homozygous

3) recessive + 4) dominant

A34. The set of genes that an organism receives from its parents is called

    gene pool 2) heredity 3) phenotype 4) genotype +

A35. In a cell, a pair of allelic genes are located on chromosomes

1) non-homologous 2) paternal 3) maternal 4) homologous +

A36. Indicate the genotype of the person if his phenotype is fair-haired and blue-eyed (recessive traits).

1) AABB 2) AaBB 3) aabb + 4) Aabb

A37. Hybrid individuals are heterogeneous in their genetic nature and form gametes of different types, which is why they are called

    heterozygous + 2) homozygous3) recessive4) dominant

A38. Individuals that form one type of gametes and do not produce splitting of characters in the offspring,

    mutant 2) heterotic 3) heterozygous 4) homozygous +

A39. A child, like his parents, has 46 chromosomes, of which

    44 paternal and 2 maternal

    45 maternal and one Y chromosome paternal

    23 maternal and 23 paternal +

    44 maternal and 2 paternal

A40. A girl develops from an egg if chromosomes are found in the zygote during the process of fertilization

1) 44 autosomes + XY 2) 23 autosomes + X

3) 44 autosomes + XX + 4) 23 autosomes + Y

A41. New combinations of parental genes in the zygote cause

    cytoplasmic inheritance

    somatic mutations

    combinative variability +

    violations of the nucleotide sequence in DNA

A42. What gametes are formed in an individual with genotype Aabb?
1) Ab , bb 2) Ab , ab + 3) Aa, AA 4) Aa, bb

A43. The presence in the gamete of one gene from each pair of alleles is the cytological basis

    chromosomal theory of heredity

    law of chained inheritance

    law of independent inheritance

    gamete purity hypotheses

A44. How are the genotypes of individuals designated during dihybrid crossing?

1)ВВВ x АаАа2)АаАА x ВВВ

3) AaB x AaB+4) Aaaa x B'B

A45. As a result of what process is the genotype of the offspring formed?

    ontogeny 2) oogenesis

3) spermatogenesis 4) fertilization +

A46. Determine the genotype of an individual yellow curly pumpkin if, during its self-pollination in F 1, the splitting of traits by phenotype corresponded to 9: 3: 3: 1

1) ААВВ 2) АаВВ3) АаББ + 4) ААБ

A47. When self-pollinating a heterozygous tall pea plant (tall stem -A), the proportion of dwarf forms is equal to

1) 25% + 2)50%3)75% 4) 0%

A48. What phenotype can be expected in the offspring of two guinea pigs with white fur (recessive trait)?

    100% white +

    25% white and 75% black

    50% white individuals and 50% black

    75% white and 25% black

A49. What proportion of individuals with a recessive trait will appear in the first generation when crossing two parents heterozygous for this trait?

1)75%2)50%3)25% +4)0%

A50. Determine the genotypes of parents with brown eyes if their offspring have three brown-eyed and one blue-eyed children (A - brown eyes dominate over blue ones).

1) aa x AA2) AA x Aa3) AA x AA 4) Aa x Aa +

A51. If during a monohybrid cross in the second generation of hybrids a 1:2:1 phenotypic split is observed, then this is a consequence

    incomplete dominance + 2) complete dominance

3) gene interaction 4) linked inheritance

A52. Continuity in the structure and life activity of organisms over a series of generations is ensured

    variability 2) fitness3) self-regulation 4) heredity +

A53. The color blindness gene is recessive and sex-linked. Indicate the genotype of a man with normal color vision.

l )X d X d 2) X D X d 3)X d Y 4) X D Y +

A54. When crossing a black rabbit (Aa) with a black rabbit (Aa) in the F 1 generation, rabbits will be obtained

    100% black 2) 75% black, 25% white +

3) 50% black, 50% white 4) 25% black, 75% white

A55. Determine the genotype of the parent pea plants if their crossing resulted in 50% of plants with yellow and 50% with green seeds (recessive trait)

1) AAhaa2) Aa x Aa 3) AAxAa 4) Aa x aa +

A56. What is the probability of having tall children from heterozygous parents with short stature (short stature dominates over tall stature)?

1) 0% 2) 25% + 3) 50% 4) 75%

A57. If the ratio of genotypes and phenotypes as a result of monohybrid crossing is 1:2:1, then the original parental individuals

    homozygous.3) dihomozygous 2) heterozygous + 4) diheterozygous

A58. When crossing homozygous tomato plants with red (A) round (B) fruits and plants with yellow (a) pear-shaped (b) fruits in F 2, splitting occurs according to the phenotype in the ratio (genes for color and shape of fruits are located in different pairs of chromosomes)

1) 1: 1 2)3: 1 3) 1: 2: 1 4) 9: 3: 3: 1 +

A59. When crossing Drosophila flies with long and short wings, an equal number of long-winged and short-winged offspring was obtained (long wings B dominate over short wings b). What are the genotypes of the parents?

l ) bb x Bb + 2)BBxbb 3)BbxBb 4)ВВхВВ

A60. When crossing homozygous pea plants with yellow round seeds and with green wrinkled seeds (A - yellow, B - round) in F 2, the ratio of individuals with different phenotypes, equal to 9: 3: 3: 1, indicates the manifestation of the law

    dominance 2) linked inheritance

3) splitting + 4) intermediate inheritance

A61. When crossing Drosophila flies with a gray body and normal wings with a dark body and rudimentary wings, the law of linked inheritance appears, since the genes are located in

    different chromosomes and linked 2) one chromosome and linked +

3) on the same chromosome and not linked 4) on different chromosomes and not linked

A62. When crossing heterozygous pea plants with yellow smooth seeds with green (a) wrinkled (b) seeds, the number of phenotypes in the offspring will be equal to

1) one2) two3) three4) four +

A63. When crossing heterozygous tomato plants with red and round fruits with individuals recessive for both characteristics (red A and round B - dominant characters), offspring will appear with genotypes AaBb, aaBb, Aabb, aabb in the ratio

1)3:12)9:3:3:13)1:1:1:1 + 4)1:2:1

A64. Eye color in a person is determined by an autosomal gene, while color blindness is a recessive, sex-linked gene. Determine the genotype of a brown-eyed woman with normal color vision, father
which is colorblind (brown-eyedness dominates blue-eyedness).

1) AAX B X B 2) AaX b X b 3) AaX B X b + 4) aaX B X b

A65. What percentage of roan color individuals can be obtained by crossing red (BB) and white (bb) cattle with incomplete dominance?

1) 25%2) 50% + 3) 75%4) 100%

A66. As a result of crossing night beauty plants with white and red flowers, offspring with pink flowers were obtained, as observed

    multiple action of genes 2) intermediate inheritance +

3) the phenomenon of complete dominance 4) linked inheritance of traits

A67. If genes responsible for the development of several traits are located on the same chromosome, then the law manifests itself

    splitting 2) linked inheritance +

3) incomplete dominance 4) independent inheritance

A68. When crossing rabbits with shaggy and smooth hair, all the rabbits in the offspring had shaggy hair. What pattern of inheritance emerged in this case?

    independent distribution of characters 2) incomplete dominance

3) uniformity of the first generation + 4) splitting of characteristics

A69. With dihybrid crossing and independent inheritance of traits in parents with genotypes AABb and aabb, a split in the ratio is observed in the offspring

1) 9:3:3:12) 1:1:1:13) 3:14) 1:1 +

A70. Determine the ratio of phenotypes in first-generation hybrids when crossing two heterozygous garden strawberry plants (Aa - pink color of fruits, intermediate inheritance)

    100% pink fruits

    50% pink: 50% red

    25% red: 25% pink: 50% white

    25%) red: 50% pink: 25% white +

A71. Hemophilia in children often manifests itself from marriage -

    unrelated 2) closely related +

3) people of different nationalities 4) people of different races

A72. A woman with light (a) straight (b) hair marries a man with dark curly hair (incomplete dominance). Determine a man's genotype if their child has blonde and wavy hair.

1) AaBb 2) aaBb 3) AABB4) AaBB +

A73. Albinism is determined by a recessive autosomal gene, and hemophilia is determined by a recessive sex-linked gene, indicate the genotype of an albino woman, a hemophiliac.

1) АаХ Н У or ААХХ Н У 2) АаХ Н Х Н or ААХ N Х Н

3) aaH h Y 4) aaX h X h +

A74. How many types of gametes are produced in a heterozygous bull with black coat color (black color is dominant over red)?

1) one2) two + 3) three4) four

C1. How do heterozygotes differ from homozygotes?

They form different gametes carrying different genes of a given pair.

C2. In humans, the gene for brown eyes (A) dominates over blue eyes, and the gene for color blindness is recessive (color blindness - d) and linked to the X chromosome. A brown-eyed woman with normal vision, whose father had blue eyes and suffered from color blindness, marries a blue-eyed man with normal vision. Make a diagram for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of the parents and possible offspring, the likelihood of having color-blind children with brown eyes and their gender in this family.

C3. When crossing a tomato with a purple stem (A) and red fruits (B) and a tomato with a green stem and red fruits, 722 plants with a purple stem and red fruits and 231 plants with a purple stem and yellow fruits were obtained. Make a diagram for solving the problem. Determine the genotypes of parents, offspring in the first generation and the ratio of genotypes and phenotypes in the offspring.

Branch of State Autonomous Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education JSC "Arkhangelsk Medical College"

in Severodvinsk,

Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region

Test bank for the discipline “Human Genetics with Basics of Medical Genetics”

Specialty 34.02.01 “Nursing”

Option 1

1. Monomers of nucleic acid molecules are

A) nucleosides

B) nucleotides

B) polynucleotides

D) nitrogenous bases

2. The composition of the monomers of DNA and RNA molecules differs from each other in content
A) sugar

B) nitrogenous bases

B) sugars and nitrogenous bases

D) sugar, nitrogenous bases and phosphoric acid residues

3. Genetic code

A) singlet

B) doublet

B) triplet

D) tetrabraid

4. Protein biosynthesis occurs in cell organelles

A) mitochondria

B) Golgi apparatus

B) ribosomes

5. The number of chromosomes in a human karyotype is

6. Untranslated regions of eukaryotic genes are called

A) exons

B) moutons

D) domains

D) introns

7. Sequence of stages of mitosis:

A) prophase, anaphase, telophase, metaphase

B) prophase, telophase, metaphase, anaphase

B) metaphase, prophase, telophase, anaphase

D) prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

8. As a result of meiosis, daughter cells of diploid organisms have a chromosome set

D) 2 P or 4 P

9. During spermatogenesis in animals and humans, in the testes in the reproductive zone,

A) growth of diploid spermatogonia and their transformation into first-order spermatozoa

B) division of diploid spermatogonia by mitosis

B) division of diploid spermatogonia by meiosis

D) growth and division of diploid spermatocytes of the first and second orders by meiosis

10. In a DNA molecule, thymidyl nucleotide makes up 18% of the total number of nucleotides. Determine the amount (in %) of each of the other types of nucleotides

A) A - 36, G – 28, C – 18

B) A - 18, G – 48, C – 16

C) A - 18, G – 32, C – 32

D) A - 28, G – 30, C – 24

11. One of the DNA chains has the nucleotide sequence AAGCCCGTAACG. What will the second strand of DNA be?

13. Yellow color and smooth pea shape are dominant characteristics. What genotypes can peas with yellow and smooth seeds have?

A ) AABB, aaBB B) Ahhbb , AAVb. IN) AAbb , aaBb . G) AaBB, AaBb

14. An analytical crossing of peas with yellow seeds having the AA genotype was carried out. What cleavage is expected in the offspring?

A) there will be no splitting, 100% of the seeds will be green.

B) there will be no splitting, 100% of the seeds will be yellow.

B) 3:1 split in offspring.

D) 1:1 split in offspring.

15. What does Morgan's law reflect?

A) the law of uniformity.

B) the law of splitting characteristics in the offspring in a ratio of 1: 3.

C) the law of independent segregation of characters if genes are located in different pairs of homologous chromosomes.

D) the law of linked inheritance of traits if the genes are on the same chromosome.

16. The chromosome set in the somatic cells of men contains

A) 44 autosomes and two X chromosomes

B) 44 autosomes, one X chromosome and one Y chromosome

B) 22 autosomes and one X chromosome

D) 44 autosomes, two Y chromosomes

17. The mother is a carrier of the color blindness gene, the father sees colors normally. Which children may be color blind?

A) all daughters

B) all sons

C) half of the daughters

D) half of the sons

18. Determine what blood types are possible in children if the mother has blood group 1 and the father has blood group 3:

A) groups 1 and 2;

B) 2 and 3 groups;

B) 1 and 3 groups;

D) 2 and 4 groups.

19. Where is the gene that causes hemophilia located in a person?

A) on the X chromosome

B) on the Y chromosome

B) in the 1st pair of autosomes

D) in the 18th pair of autosomes

20. When studying human heredity and variability, the following method is not used:

A) genealogical

B) twin

B) hybridological

D) biochemical

A) one egg is fertilized by one sperm

B) one egg is fertilized by two sperm

B) two eggs are fertilized by two sperm

D) two eggs are fertilized by one sperm

22. Method of anthropogenetics based on tracing a trait over a series of generations


A) genealogical

B) biochemical

B) cytological

D) twin

23. Pairs of twins in which the studied trait is manifested are called:

A) discordant

B) competitive

B) concordat

D) uncomfortable

24. The method of anthropogenetics that studies the karyotype is called:

A) twin

B) cytological

B) biochemical

D) dermatoglyphic

25. The method used to diagnose metabolic diseases is called:

A) biochemical

B) twin

B) cytological

D) dermatoglyphic

26. What type of mutation refers to a multiple genome increase in the number of chromosomes in the genotype (3 n , 4 n , 5 n )?

A) polyploidy

B) monosomy

B) trisomy

D) polysomy

27. The sources of combinative variability in organisms are

A) independent chromosome segregation in meiosis

B) random combination of gametes during fertilization

B) crossing over between homologous chromosomes in meiosis

D) everything is correct

28. Phenylketonuria is a hereditary disease associated with the lack of an enzyme involved in the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine, this is an example

A) modifications

B) genomic mutations

B) gene mutations

D) chromosomal mutations

29. It is known that heart mass increases significantly in long-distance runners, this is an example of ... variability

A) mutational

B) modification

B) correlative

D) combinative

30. Down syndrome is caused by a mutation

A) genomic

B) genetic

B) point

D) chromosomal

31. Replacement of guanine with cytosine in a DNA molecule is an example of ... mutation

A) genetic

B) chromosomal

B) genomic

D) polyploid

32. Mutations that occur in the cells of the body are called

A) generative

B) vegetative

B) somatic

D) spontaneous

33. Let us depict a dyne from fragments of a chromosome in the form of the following sequence of its sections: ABCDEF . Indicate the image of the modified fragment if duplication occurs.





34. The appearance of wingless forms in insects is an example of ... variability

A) combinative

B) mutational

B) phenotypic

D) modification

A) persons over 30 – 40 years old

B) relatives

D) all answers are correct

A) autosomal dominant

B) autosomal recessive

37. At what age do signs of phenylketonuria appear?

A) in the first weeks of life

B) in the embryonic period

B) in adulthood

D) in old age

38. What type of disease is hypertension?

A) monogenic

B) multifactorial

B) chromosomal

D) non-hereditary

39. What karyotype is typical for a patient with Patau syndrome

B) 47, XY +13

D) 47, XXY

40. What type of inheritance of a human trait is manifested in both homozygous and heterozygous states?

41. Klinefelter syndrome occurs

A) only for women

B) only for men

C) more often in men than in women

D) more often in women than in men

42. People with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome have the following set of chromosomes:

B) 46, XY

B) 47, XXY

43. Patients with which syndrome are characterized by a half-open mouth with a protruding tongue and a protruding lower jaw?

A) Edwards syndrome

B) trisomy X

B) Klinefelter syndrome

D) Down syndrome

44. Hereditary disease in which lactose is not digested

A) phenylketonuria

B) galactosemia

D) fructosemia

45. What type of inheritance is phenylketonuria?

A) autosomal dominant

B) autosomal recessive

46. ​​What chromosomal abnormality can be suspected in a patient with symptoms: short stature, lateral skin folds on the neck, undeveloped secondary sexual characteristics

A) Patau syndrome

B) trisomy X

D) Down syndrome

47. A hereditary disease characterized by the absence of the coloring pigment melanin in the patient’s body

A) diabetes mellitus

B) albinism

B) fructosemia

D) Gaucher disease

B) 47, XY +13

B) 47, XY +18

49. What chromosomal disease can be suspected in a tall young man with a female type of skeletal structure, insufficient pubic and axillary hair growth, mental retardation?

A) XYYY syndrome

B) Klinefelter syndrome

B) Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome

D) trisomy X

50. What type of inheritance is typical for albinism

A) autosomal dominant

B) autosomal recessive

B) linked to the Y chromosome

Option 2

Tasks with a choice of one correct answer

1. The DNA molecule contains nitrogenous bases

2. The secondary structure of DNA is maintained through connections between

A) adjacent nucleotides of one of the chains

B) phosphoric acid residues of nucleotides in two chains

B) complementary nitrogenous bases in two chains

D) non-complementary nitrogenous bases of nucleotides in two chains

3. Rewriting information from DNA to mRNA is called

A) broadcast

B) inversion

B) transcription

D) crossing over

4. Translated regions of eukaryotic genes are called

A) spacers

B) exons

B) introns

D) domains

5. Chromosomes in which the centromere is located in the center are called

A) acrocentric

B) metacentric

B) interphase

D) submetacentric

6. The chromosomes of somatic cells are called

A) mesosomes

B) autosomes

B) allosomes

D) chromatids

7. In the interphase of the cell cycle,

A) spiralization of chromatids of homologous chromosomes in the mother cell

B) divergence of chromatids and their redistribution in the form of chromosomes between daughter cells

B) DNA replication and doubling of homologous chromosomes in the mother cell

D) despiralization of chromatids of homologous chromosomes in daughter cells

8. In the metaphase of mitosis,

A) alignment of chromosomes along the equator of the cell and attachment to the centromeres of the spindle

B) spiralization of chromosomes, divergence of centrioles and formation of a spindle, dissolution of nucleoli and nuclear membrane

B) division of centromeres and divergence of chromatids to the poles of the cell

D) despiralization of chromosomes, restoration of the nuclear membrane and nucleoli, cytokinesis

9. During oogenesis in animals and humans, in the ovaries in the growth zone,

A) growth of diploid oogonia and their transformation into first-order oocytes

B) division of diploid oocytes of the first order by meiosis and their growth into oocytes of the second order

B) growth of haploid oocytes of the second order and their division by mitosis with the formation of an egg and guide bodies

D) division of haploid oocytes of the second order by mitosis and their growth into eggs with the formation of reduction bodies

10. In a DNA molecule, adenyl nucleotide makes up 18% of the total number of nucleotides. Determine the amount (in %) of each of the other types of nucleotides

A) T - 36, G – 28, C – 18

B) T - 18, G – 48, C – 16

C) T - 18, G – 32, C – 32

D) T - 28, G – 30, C – 24

11. One of the DNA chains has the nucleotide sequence AGGCCGGTAAC. What will the second strand of DNA be?

12. What is the name of Mendel's 1st law?

A) the law of splitting characteristics in a ratio of 3: 1.

B) the law of uniformity of the first generation.

B) incomplete dominance with intermediate inheritance.

D) intermediate inheritance with incomplete dominance.

13. What kind of crossing is called analyzing?

A) crossing with a homozygote for recessive traits.

B) crossing with a homozygote for dominant traits.

B) crossing with a heterozygote.

D) for some cases - crossing with a homozygote, for others - with a heterozygote.

14. In mice, gray coloration dominates over black coloration. What result is expected from crossing gray and black homozygous mice?

A) all offspring will be black.

B) one second of the offspring will be gray, one second will be black.

C) three-quarters of the offspring will be gray, one-fourth will be black.

D) all offspring will be gray.

15. Where is the gene that causes color blindness located in humans?

A) on the X chromosome

B) on the Y chromosome

B) in the 1st pair of autosomes

D) in the 18th pair of autosomes

16. Genes located on the Y chromosome are transmitted:

A) from father to sons

B) from father to daughters

B) from father to all children

D) from mother to sons

17. Determine what blood types are possible in children if the mother has blood group 1 and the father has blood group 3:

A) groups 1 and 2;

B) 2 and 3 groups;

B) 1 and 3 groups;

D) 2 and 4 groups.

18. The person whose pedigree is being compiled is called:

B) proband

B) sick

D) ancestor

19. The anthropogenetics method used to assess the degree of influence of environmental heredity on the development of any trait is called:

A) genealogical

B) twin

B) cytological

D) dermatoglyphic

20. Method of anthropogenetics based on tracing a trait over a series of generations


A) genealogical

B) biochemical

B) cytological

D) twin

21. Brothers and sisters of the proband:

B) alleles

B) relatives

D) twins

22. The method used to diagnose metabolic diseases is called:

A) biochemical

B) twin

B) cytological

D) dermatoglyphic

23. Pairs of twins in which an inherited trait is manifested in only one of them

pairs are called:

A) discordant

B) competitive

B) concordant

D) uncomfortable

24. What type of mutation refers to the loss of one chromosome in the genotype (2 n – 1)?

A) polyploidy

B) monosomy

B) trisomy

D) polysomy

25. Sources of mutational variability in organisms are

A) changes in genes, chromosomes or the entire genotype

B) interaction of allelic and non-allelic genes

B) a random combination of gametes during fertilization

D) independent divergence of chromosomes in meiosis and crossing over

26. Changes in the nucleotide sequence within individual genes of the chromosomes of cells of organisms refer to mutations

A) genetic

B) genomic

B) chromosomal

D) chromosomal and genomic

27. The human disease – sickle cell anemia – is characterized by the presence in red blood cells of defective hemoglobin, the molecule of which contains valine instead of glutamic acid, this is an example

A) modifications

B) genomic mutations

B) gene mutations

D) chromosomal mutations

28. Deletions are chromosomal rearrangements, as a result of which a section of a chromosome

A) falls out

B) doubles

B) rotates 180

D) is transferred to another location in the genome

29. Polyploidy is an example of a mutation

A) genomic

B) genetic

B) point

D) chromosomal

30. The transfer of a section of a chromosome to another, non-homologous to it, is called

A) duplication

B) inversion

B) deletion

D) translocation

31. Let us depict a dyne from fragments of a chromosome in the form of the following sequence of its sections: ABCDEF . Provide an image of the mutated fragment if a deletion occurs.





32. What type of mutation refers to the acquisition of an extra chromosome in the genotype (2 n + 1)?

A) polyploidy

B) monosomy

B) trisomy

D) polysomy

33. If parents have 4 and 1 blood groups, then the probability of having children with 2 and 3 blood groups is an example of ... variability

A) mutational

B) modification

B) correlative

D) combinative

34. Mutations that occur in germ cells are called

A) generative

B) vegetative

B) somatic

D) spontaneous

35. Genetic consultation is mandatory when getting married:

A) persons over 30 – 40 years old

B) working in production with hazardous working conditions

B) relatives

D) all answers are correct

36. What type of mutations occurring in humans has the greatest chance of appearing in the next generation?

A) autosomal dominant

B) autosomal recessive

B) sex-linked dominant

D) sex-linked recessive

37. A man suffering from a hereditary disease married a healthy woman. This family had 5 children: 2 boys and 3 girls. All girls (but none of the boys) inherited the disease from their father. Determine the type of inheritance of this disease:

A) autosomal dominant

B) autosomal recessive

38. In a Rh negative woman (a recessive trait), marriage with a man with this allele will be dangerous for the fetus in 100% of cases.

A) Rh positive, homozygous

B) Rh positive, heterozygous

B) Rh negative, heterozygous

D) Rh negative, homozygous

39. People with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome have the following set of chromosomes:

B) 46, XY

B) 47, XXY

40. Patients with which syndrome are characterized by a half-open mouth with a protruding tongue and a protruding lower jaw?

A) Edwards syndrome

B) trisomy X

B) Klinefelter syndrome

D) Down syndrome

41. Hereditary disease characterized by blood incoagulability

A) albinism

B) hemophilia

B) phenylketonuria

D) thalassemia

42. What type of inheritance is phenylketonuria?

A) autosomal dominant

B) autosomal recessive

B) sex-linked recessive

D) sex-linked dominant

43. What karyotype is typical for a patient with Edwards syndrome

B) 47, XY +13

B) 47, XY +18

44. What karyotype is typical for a patient with Klinefelter syndrome

A) 46, XY

B) 47, ХYY

B) 47, XXY

D) 47, XXX

45. What karyotype do patients with Down Syndrome have?

B) 47, XY +13

B) 47, XY +18

46. ​​What chromosomal disease can be suspected in a tall young man with a female type of skeletal structure, insufficient pubic and axillary hair growth, and mental retardation?

A) XYYY syndrome

B) Klinefelter syndrome

B) Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome

D) trisomy X

47. A hereditary disease characterized by impaired color vision is

A) albinism

B) color blindness

B) astigmatism

D) ichthyosis

48. A hereditary disease accompanied by the accumulation of phenylalanine and its metabolic products in the patient’s body is

A) phenylketonuria

B) galactosemia

B) Cooley's anemia

D) hemophilia

49. What type of inheritance is typical for albinism

A) autosomal dominant

B) autosomal recessive

B) linked to the Y chromosome

D) recessive, linked to the X chromosome

50. Genes that cause the development of certain pathological signs (diseases) are located on the human X chromosome. Name such a sign.

A) hemophilia

B) myopia

B) polydactyly

D) atherosclerosis

Option 3

Tasks with a choice of one correct answer

1. The RNA molecule contains nitrogenous bases

A) adenine, guanine, uracil, cytosine

B) cytosine, guanine, adenine, thymine

B) thymine, uracil, adenine, guanine

D) adenine, uracil, thymine, cytosine

2. The process of DNA synthesis is called

A) broadcast

B) replication

B) reduction

D) transcription

3. The universality of the genetic code indicates that

A) each triplet codes for only one amino acid

B) the same amino acid can be encoded by several triplets

C) in all living organisms the same triplets code for the same amino acids

D) the same triplet in different species of living organisms can encode different amino acids

4. The template for the synthesis of an mRNA molecule during transcription is

A) the entire DNA molecule

B) completely one of the chains of the DNA molecule

B) a section of one of the DNA chains

D) in some cases one of the DNA chains, in others – the entire DNA molecule

5. B S -during interphase of the cell cycle occurs

A) DNA replication

B) cytokinesis

B) cell growth

D) doubling of cellular structures

6. The biological meaning of mitosis is

A) strictly uniform distribution of chromosomes between daughter cells

B) reducing the number of chromosomes in a cell

C) a constant increase in the hereditary variability of organisms due to different combinations of chromosomes in daughter cells

D) that during sexual reproduction, due to mitotic cell division, a certain and constant number of chromosomes is maintained in all generations of each species

7. In the process of spermatogenesis, meiosis occurs at the stage

A) reproduction

B) maturation

D) formation

8. In a DNA molecule, guanyl nucleotide makes up 32% of the total number of nucleotides. Determine the amount (in %) of each of the other types of nucleotides

A) A - 36, G – 28, C – 18

B) A - 18, G – 48, C – 16

B) A - 18, T - 18, C - 32

D) A - 28, G – 30, C – 24

9. One of the DNA chains has the nucleotide sequence TTGCCTGTAGCT. What will the second strand of DNA be?

10. What is the name of the set of external and internal characteristics received from parents?

A) karyotype.

B) phenotype.

B) genotype.

11. What is the name of Mendel's 2nd law?

A) the law of splitting characteristics in a ratio of 3: 1.

B) the law of uniformity of the first generation.

B) incomplete dominance with intermediate inheritance.

D) intermediate inheritance with incomplete dominance.

12. Pea genotype with yellow color and wrinkled seed shape - AA bb . How many different types of gametes will a given variety produce?

A) one variety.

B) two varieties.

B) three varieties.

D) four varieties.

13. An analytical crossing of peas with yellow seeds was carried out. As a result, 50% of the peas were yellow and 50% were green. What is the genotype of the individual being studied?

A) AA.

B) ahh

IN) Ahh

D) 50% - AA, 50% - Ahh.

14. It is known that brown eye color in humans is a dominant trait, blue is a recessive trait. What is the probability of having a brown-eyed child if both parents are brown-eyed heterozygotes?

A) all children will be brown-eyed

B) 50% - brown eyes

B) 75% are brown-eyed

D) all children will be blue-eyed

15. What determines the frequency of recombination of genes included in the same linkage group?

A) does not depend on anything, is random

B) on the distance between genes on a chromosome

B) on the distance between genes and centromeres in the chromosome.

D) on the distance between centromeres and telomeres in the chromosome

16. Where is the gene that causes hemophilia located in a person?

A) on the X chromosome

B) on the Y chromosome

B) in the 1st pair of autosomes

D) in the 18th pair of autosomes

17. Method of anthropogenetics based on tracing a trait over a series of generations


A) genealogical

B) biochemical

B) cytological

D) twin

18. When studying human heredity and variability, the following method is not used:

A) genealogical

B) twin

B) hybridological

D) biochemical

19. Method for studying skin relief on fingers, palms, plantar surfaces

stop is called:

A) genealogical

B) twin

B) cytological

D) dermatoglyphic

20. The method of anthropogenetics that studies the karyotype is called:

A) twin

B) cytological

B) biochemical

D) dermatoglyphic

21. The method used to diagnose metabolic diseases is called:

A) biochemical

B) twin

B) cytological

D) dermatoglyphic

22. What is the name of the variability associated with a change in the genotype?

A) certain

B) mutational

B) phenotypic

D) modification

23. What type of mutation refers to the acquisition of an extra chromosome in the genotype (2 n + 1)?

A) polyploidy

B) monosomy

B) trisomy

D) polysomy

24. The main reason for the occurrence of genomic mutations in organisms

A) disruption of the process of DNA replication in cells

B) violation of chromosome divergence during cell mitosis

B) exchange of sections of homologous chromosomes during meiosis

D) chromosome breaks and their reunification in new combinations

25. If parents have 4 and 1 blood groups, then the probability of having children with 2 and 3 blood groups is an example of ... variability

A) mutational

B) modification

B) correlative

D) combinative

26. Gene mutations include

A) change in the sequence of nucleotides in DNA

B) polyploidy

B) deletion

D) translocation

27. Mutations that occur in germ cells are called

A) generative

B) vegetative

B) somatic

D) spontaneous

28. Let us depict a dyne from fragments of a chromosome in the form of the following sequence of its sections: ABCDEF . Indicate the image of the modified fragment if inversion occurs.





29. Down syndrome is caused by a mutation

A) genomic

B) genetic

B) point

D) chromosomal

30. Mutations that occur as a result of environmental factors are called

A) spontaneous

B) induced

B) generative

D) somatic

31. A man suffering from a hereditary disease married a healthy woman. This family had 5 children: 2 boys and 3 girls. All girls (but none of the boys) inherited the disease from their father. Determine the type of inheritance of this disease:

A) autosomal dominant

B) autosomal recessive

B) dominant, linked to the X chromosome

D) recessive, linked to the X chromosome

32. At what age do signs of phenylketonuria appear?

A) in the first weeks of life

B) in the embryonic period

B) in adulthood

D) in old age

33. What type of disease is hypertension?

A) monogenic

B) multifactorial

B) chromosomal

D) non-hereditary

34. What karyotype is typical for a patient with Patau syndrome

B) 47, XY +13

D) 47, XXY

35. What karyotype is typical for a patient with “cry the cat” syndrome?

B) 46, XX 5r-

36. What type of inheritance of a human trait is manifested in both homozygous and heterozygous states?

A) autosomal recessive inheritance

B) autosomal dominant inheritance

B) sex-linked inheritance

D) cytoplasmic inheritance

37. Phenylketonuria is a hereditary disease associated with the lack of an enzyme involved in the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine, this is an example

A) metabolic diseases

B) chromosomal disease

B) Rhesus conflict

D) a disease transmitted by an autosomal dominant pattern

38. Patients with which syndrome are characterized by a half-open mouth with a protruding tongue and a protruding lower jaw?

A) Edwards syndrome

B) trisomy X

B) Klinefelter syndrome

D) Down syndrome

39. A hereditary disease characterized by impaired color vision is

A) albinism

B) color blindness

B) astigmatism

D) ichthyosis

40. Hereditary disease characterized by blood incoagulability

A) albinism

B) hemophilia

B) phenylketonuria

D) thalassemia

41. Hereditary disease in which lactose is not digested

A) phenylketonuria

B) sickle cell anemia

B) galactosemia

D) fructosemia

42. What karyotype is typical for a patient with Edwards syndrome

B) 47, XY +13

B) 47, XY +18

43. What type of inheritance is typical for albinism

A) autosomal dominant

B) autosomal recessive

B) linked to the Y chromosome

B) recessive, linked to the X chromosome

44. Genes that cause the development of certain pathological signs (diseases) are located on the human X chromosome. Name such a sign.

A) hemophilia

B) myopia

B) polydactyly

D) atherosclerosis

45. What chromosomal abnormality can be suspected in a patient with symptoms: short stature, lateral skin folds on the neck, undeveloped secondary sexual characteristics

A) Patau syndrome

B) trisomy X

B) Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome

D) Down syndrome

46. ​​A hereditary disease accompanied by the accumulation of phenylalanine and its metabolic products in the patient’s body is

A) phenylketonuria

B) galactosemia

B) Cooley's anemia

D) hemophilia

47. What type of disease does Klinefelter syndrome belong to?

A) monogenic

B) multifactorial

B) chromosomal

D) non-hereditary

48. What karyotype do patients with Down Syndrome have?

B) 47, XY +13

B) 47, XY +18

49. What karyotype does a girl with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome have?

D) 47, XXY

50 What chromosomal disease can be suspected in a tall young man with a female type of skeletal structure, insufficient pubic and axillary hair growth, mental retardation

A) XYYY syndrome

B) Klinefelter syndrome

B) Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome

D) trisomy X

Sample answers

Option 1



Option 2



Option 3




in biology on the topic “Fundamentals of Genetics”

1. The set of genes of the haploid set of chromosomes is:

a) gene pool; b) genotype; c) genome

2. The section of the DNA molecule that carries information about the primary structure of the protein is called:

a) genotype; b) karyotype c) genome

3. What is the name of Mendel’s first law:

a) the law of uniformity of hybrids of the first generation b) the law of splitting of characters in the phenotype of hybrids of the second generation c) incomplete dominance with intermediate inheritance of characters.

4. What are the names of individuals that do not produce cleavage in their offspring:

a) individuals that form two types of gametes; b) heterozygous; c) homozygous

5. The manifestation of one of the alternative genes in a heterozygous organism is called:

a) genetic drift b) homology c) dominance.

6. Gametes formed by homozygous individuals during monohybrid crossing:

a) A,a b) Aa, Aa c) AA, aa d) AA, Aa

7. The ratio of genotypes of hybrids obtained from monohybrid crossing is:

a) 1: 2: 1 b) 3: 1 c) 2: 1 d) 1: 1

8. The number of possible variants of gametes in an individual with genotype Aa is equal to:

a) 1 b) 2 c) 4

9. The main method of studying the patterns of heredity and variability, used by G. Mendel, is:

a) statistical; b) hybridological; c) genealogical d) biochemical

10. The basic laws of heredity and variability were first established in 1865:

a) T. Morgan b) C. Darwin c) G. Mendel d) G. De Vries

11.Select genotype definition:

a) genotype – the totality of genes of all individuals of a population; b) genotype – a set of genes for the haploid set of chromosomes of a particular organism; c) genotype – a set of genes. interacting with each other and with environmental factors.

12. A gene is a part of a molecule:

a) DNA; b) ATP; c) squirrel.

13. Individuals whose offspring exhibit splitting of characters are called:

a) heterozygous b) homozygous c) hemizygous.

14. A phenotype is a combination of:

a) genes of a given population or species; b) genes of the organism; c) external and internal signs of the body.

15. A monohybrid cross is called a cross in which the parents differ:

a) two or more pairs of features b) two pairs of features c) one pair of features.

16. The ratio of phenotypes characteristic of segregation with dominance in the case of monohybrid crossing is:

a) 1: 2: 1 b) 1: 1 c) 2: 1 d) 3: 1

17. The region of chromosomes in which the gene is located is called:

a) codon b) allele c) locus.

18. An organism that has identical alleles of a given gene and does not produce splitting in its offspring is called: a) monohybrid b) heterozygous c) homozygous.

19. “Splitting for each pair of characteristics occurs independently of other pairs of characteristics” - this is how: a) Mendel’s first law is formed; b) Mendel's second law c) Mendel's third law

20. The number of phenotypes when crossing Bv x Bb in the case of complete dominance is:

a) 3 b) 1 c) 2

21.Which pair of sex chromosomes are represented in a woman’s karyotype?

a) XY c) XO c) XX

22. Allelic genes are located in:

a) sex chromosomes b) one chromosome c) homologous chromosomes

23. Individuals in whose offspring splitting is detected are called:

a) heterozygous b) homozygous c) autotrophic.

24. A diheterozygote has the genotype:

a) AABb b) AaBB c) AaBB.

25. Analyzing crossing includes crossing of the type:

a) Aa x Aa b) AA x Aa c) Aa x aa

26. Set of sex chromosomes in men:

a) XX b) XY c) XO

27. Character not linked to gender:

a) color blindness b) hemophilia c) hair color

28. Types of gametes in an AAVv individual:

a) Aa; bb b) AA; Вв c) AB; Av

29. Studied the phenomenon of linked inheritance of genes:

a) T. Morgan b) G. Mendel c) N. Vavilov

30. The son inherits the hemophilia gene from

a) father b) mother c) both parents

31. The father transmits the Y chromosome

a) daughter b) son c) both daughter and son

32.Gene localized on the Y chromosome

a) hemophilia b) color blindness c) hypertrichosis