Timofey Shevchenko's real name is Tima Brik. Tim Brik told the whole truth about PR technologies. Tima Brik and Victoria Lopyreva

The entire world of show business was surprised by the news of the death of Tim Brick, a popular PR director. For a long time, he supported the celebrity of many stars. For many, he was not just a colleague, but a friend. There are many versions of why Tim Brik died.

Cause of death of Tim Brick

In 2016, 29-year-old PR director Tim Brick died. On the day of his death, his close friend was next to Tim Brick. He told what exactly brought the PR director to the plastic surgeon's office.

Tim Brik was taking two of his acquaintances for a consultation with a surgeon. Throughout the day he felt unwell, but refused to go to the pharmacy. At the clinic he became ill; examinations showed that Tima had high blood sugar. After he injected himself with insulin, seizures began.

An ambulance quickly arrived at the scene. For almost 2 hours, doctors fought for the life of Tima Brik. His close friend said that a similar incident occurred in childhood, then Brick experienced clinical death. This time, his body refused to fight for life.

Tim Brick's acquaintances note that he often resorted to diet pills for help. The PR director loved sweets, but also wanted to maintain a toned figure. Instead of one pill, he took five at once. Tima Brik did not pay attention to the comments of his friends.

Slander towards Tima Brik

Dana Borisova used drugs for a long time. During rehabilitation in Thailand, the TV presenter said that it was Tima Brik who got her hooked on illegal substances. According to Dana Borisova, it was excessive drug use that caused the death of the PR director.

Relatives were amazed by such statements from the TV presenter. To avoid shame throughout the country, they published the results of the autopsy. The document confirms that there were no drugs in Tima Brik’s blood.

An examination showed that PR director Tim Brik died of heart failure. Due to diabetes, all organs of the young man began to fail. Throughout his life, Tim struggled with his disease.

Tim Brick's Diary

The late PR director Tim Brick kept a personal diary. It talked about active weight loss. Tim Brik lost about 30 kilograms in a year. He took diet pills and exercised. Diets were especially difficult for him. Brick couldn't resist desserts.

The PR director's entire life depended on his blood sugar levels. After all, at any moment something could go wrong and he would fall into a coma. Therefore, I constantly had to walk around with a special device.

In Tim's diaries, Brik constantly wrote about his weight loss. He dreamed of losing weight up to 60 kilograms and maintaining his appearance at the proper level.

Tim Brik (Timofey Shevchenko) died. PHOTO

At the age of 25, Tim Brik (Timofey Shevchenko), who was the PR director of many Russian show business stars, died in a plastic surgery clinic.

Tim Brik died in a plastic surgery clinic. According to the first assumptions, the main cause of death was diabetes. It is known that the showman was treated for it for a long time. According to another version - Shevchenko Died from drug abuse.

Shortly before his death, the man felt unwell. According to one of his friends, a participant in the Dom-2 project Snezhana Kambur, who was next to him at that moment, “his lips turned blue.” “We measured his sugar, put him on a drip, and he felt better. We left at 20:40,” she wrote on social networks.

“Tima and I came to Babayan’s clinic to consult about my breasts at 7 pm. We sat and discussed everything. Then he and I left the office, started talking about how to pump up our butt, and Tim told me that this could be done with the help of steroids. Then he started telling me that he was taking diet pills. And suddenly he said that he felt bad and went to the reception for help, to ask for medicine for heart pain. When he returned to me, his lips were blue and sweat was pouring from him in a stream, as if all the water had come out... He lay down, they called Babayan, they brought tea with sugar. He drank it, then they put him on an IV. He was also spinning all over, as if his stomach hurt. It seemed to help him, he felt better. We sat for a while, I said goodbye to him and left. And already at home I found out that he had died,” Kambur told reporters.

As it became known, after breaking up with Snezhana, Tim Brik again felt worse and felt pain in his heart.

He went to the clinic of his friend and mentee - Gaik Babayan (whose PR he had been working on lately) - to do a second examination.

At the Sharm plastic surgery facility, according to eyewitnesses, the man became ill and fell into a coma. At 23:10 on February 4, Tima Brik’s heart stopped.

Ambulance doctors and police officers who arrived at the scene confirmed the death of the famous producer.

Plastic surgeon Hayk Babayan, in whose clinic Tim Brik died, believes that the cause of death was an overdose of diet pills.

“Every day he said that he was taking diet pills. Moreover, he knew that this had a bad effect on his heart. Tima repeatedly felt sick from them, but he still even offered these pills to others. When he came today, he said that he had taken more than usual. That’s why he felt bad. At first he complained of feeling unwell, I seemed to help him a little, but still, just in case, I called an ambulance. He calmly talked to the doctors, filled out forms, and then he suddenly became worse. convulsions, Tima could barely be kept on the bed,” Babayan told reporters.

Tima Brik and Prokhor Chaliapin

It is also known that Brik told singer Prokhor Chaliapin about Tim’s “miracle” pills. And TV presenter Dana Borisova even successfully lost weight with their help.

According to TV presenter Borisova, Brik had diabetes."I'm shocked. I haven't communicated with him for the last year because he couldn't forgive me that I left him and our work together ended. He was a very talented person and tried to help his artists in every possible way. He did everything so that we could more famous, they earned more,” she said.

Tim Brik and Dana Borisova

Tim Brik was known as a professional PR manager.

Among those with whom he worked were such celebrities as Masha Malinovskaya, Prokhor Chaliapin, Anastasia Stotskaya, Nikolai Timofeev, Sergei Zverev.

Tima Brik and Victoria Lopyreva

Those who worked with Timofey Shevchenko remember him as a kind and sympathetic person, ready to help at any moment.

A successful producer had many virtues, including well-developed intuition and the ability to dream. He was able to turn an artist into a megastar and make his appearance the event of the year.

Tim Brik also collaborated with foreign stars who worked in Russia, for example, with. In particular, Tim took part in last year’s Sevastopol “Night Wolves” bike parade and in the environmental campaign “Alley of Russia” with the Hollywood star.

Tima Brik and Steven Seagal at the Sevastopol “Night Wolves” bike parade

A week before his death, the showman proposed to his beloved - Yana Grivkovskaya- marry him.

On her Instagram page, Grivkovskaya posted a photo of a Tiffany engagement ring, the price of which is over 88 thousand dollars.

Tim Brik himself dedicated many posts to his beloved.

"I wanna make you happy! And the only thing in the world that I want to see every day is your smile.", he wrote.

On February 4, 2016, it became known that a 25-year-old PR manager and producer of many celebrities had passed away. Tima Brik(the real name of the young man is Timofey Shevchenko).

There are several versions of what happened:

According to the first assumptions, the main cause of death was diabetes. It is known that for a long time Brick tried to recover, constantly fighting the disease.

according to another version, Timofey died from abuse of weight loss drugs.

It became known that shortly before his death the young man felt unwell. According to his friend, a participant in the Dom-2 project Snezhany Kambur, who was next to him at that moment, “his lips turned blue.”

“We measured his sugar, put him on a drip, and he felt better. We left at 20:40", she wrote on social networks.

“Stroking Tima’s hair, I said call me tomorrow...) At 19:00 I was scheduled for a consultation with Dr. Gaik Babayan, where Tima and I met, after the examination we talked in the corridor, where he suddenly felt unwell, went to see the employees for medicine, he returned and sat down and I see he is pale, his lips are blue and the woman from the reception comes up and also sees his condition, offers to go into the room to lie down... And here he is dry and pale and in a second his whole face and neck are covered with sweat, I don’t I managed to wipe him with a towel - he drank tea, measured his sugar, put on an IV, he was better, he was already smiling, we talked for about 15 minutes after that - joked and at 20:40 I left the clique on the most positive note with plans for the future, I didn’t even hugged him - well, see you tomorrow), just stroked his hair...

I've only known Tima for two days! But in a couple of minutes he captivates with his good energy and smile, as if we grew up together, positive, sympathetic, cheerful, bright - a young guy with positive ambitions...

And I will wear double bangs, as you advised @timabrik, I still can’t sleep, I don’t want to believe that you have gone to heaven,” Kambur told reporters.

Photo: Instagram Snezhana Cambur instagram.com/snezhana_cambur

As it became known, after breaking up with Snezhana, Tim Brik again felt worse and felt pain in his heart. He went to the clinic of his friend and mentee - Gaik Babayan (whose PR he had been working on lately) - to do a second examination. At the Sharm plastic surgery facility, according to eyewitnesses, the young man became ill and fell into a coma. At 23:10 on February 4, Tima Brik’s heart stopped.

Tima's death was also confirmed by Prokhor Chaliapin, with whom the producer worked for a long time.

“My friend Tima Brik, a kind-hearted man, has passed away. Pray, friends, for God’s servant Timothy.”, Chaliapin wrote on his blog.

Ambulance doctors and police officers who arrived at the scene confirmed the death of the famous producer.

Tim Brik worked with such celebrities as Dana Borisova, Victoria Lopyreva, Masha Malinovskaya, Prokhor Chaliapin, Anastasia Stotskaya, Nikolai Timofeev, Elena Galitsyna, Sergei Zverev.

Celebrities who worked with Tima Brik remember him as a kind and sympathetic person, ready to help at any moment. A successful producer had many virtues, the ability to develop any topic even unknown to him, while he studied and educated himself.

He was able to turn an artist into a megastar and make his appearance the event of the year.

Tim Brik also collaborated with foreign stars who worked in Russia, for example, Steven Seagal. In particular, Tim took part in last year’s Sevastopol “Night Wolves” bike parade and in the environmental campaign “Alley of Russia” with the Hollywood star.

The network also writes that a week before his death, the showman proposed to his beloved, Yana Grivkovskaya, to marry him.

On her Instagram page, Grivkovskaya even posted a photo of a Tiffany engagement ring, the price of which is over 88 thousand dollars.

"I wanna make you happy! And the only thing in the world that I want to see every day is your smile,” he wrote.

If you are a show business star and your main activity is to ensure that famous Russian pop singers do not leave the front pages of publications and are, as they say, well-known, then they will often talk about you during your lifetime, but especially for a long time and a lot after death. And it’s good if these are pleasant memories and kind words, and not accusations of contributing to the development of drug addiction, as, unfortunately, happened with Tima Brik.

Childhood and youth

On March 27, 1986, in the Kalmyk capital of Elista, a son, Timofey, was born into the family of a top-class cook and nurse Shevchenko. The boy grew up to the delight of his family: he demonstrated success at school, studied in a class with a chemical and biological bias, was fond of dancing and, by his own admission on the social network Instagram, even then dreamed of “a big stage and great things.”

Tima Brik's family

By the way, he owes his happy childhood to his grandparents, who, with the help of attention, care and love, made sure that the grandson did not feel loneliness and deprivation. It is also known that from a young age the child suffered from diabetes, had disabilities and even experienced clinical death.

The guy decided to receive higher education at the Faculty of Philology of KSU, by the end of which he was fluent in two foreign languages. At the university he was also involved in social activities - he organized the El-City program and gave concerts in local institutions together with a music band.

Tim Brik in his school years

Knowledge was easily acquired, so Tim did not want to stop there and moved to the main university of Moscow. Having entered the journalism department, he actively participated in the nightlife of the capital, making acquaintances with representatives of bohemia, and recorded his own tracks, which were favorably received by the public and several radio stations. Thanks to my parents, I didn’t need money.

However, everything changed overnight with the sudden death of Vadim’s father - the care and support of his mother Irina and sister Maria, paying for housing, buying groceries, etc. fell on the young man’s shoulders. A way out of the situation was found by an accidental and happy acquaintance with.

Career and projects

In 2010, a new page opened in Timofey’s creative biography: he became the PR director for the King of Glamor and worked under the pseudonym Tim Brick. Knowing the secrets and intricacies of his profession, he made his protégé appear as a TV presenter of fashion programs and won an award from a domestic music television channel.

Three years later, Brick began producing the then-forgotten song - he brought her to the big screen in two shows, insisted on changing her image, and helped give birth to a new pop singer, whose singles were eagerly played by Love Radio and Keks FM.

“After the changes, a series of rating broadcasts, interviews, news and social events awaited her. And it bore fruit. Now her demand in Yandex exceeds requests for Philip Kirkorov and Ksenia Sobchak, in addition, she returned to the screens again after a year of inactivity,” Timofey said then about the ward.

The successes of the talented guy did not leave other pop stars indifferent, who became his clients: and from “House-2”.

According to Brick, both white and black PR are good for a celebrity, but in acceptable doses. For example, having gone too far with a lot of scandals, she turned from a professional into a comedian. A wildly twisted love affair and mandatory communication with journalists are also effective for promoting a name.

By the way, the latter, for the high-quality use of news feeds and further discussion of the news he offers, called the PR specialist “the main storyteller of the country.”

Personal life

In his personal life, everything was going well - Tim was in a relationship with a famous model and socialite. According to rumors, the Prince of Monaco, an Arab sheikh, and others were passionate about the woman before him. The couple pampered their subscribers with touching photos and did not hide their true feelings.

Shortly before his death, a young man at a friendly meeting in a restaurant unexpectedly presented his beloved with a piece of jewelry with a hint.

“At first he gave me a ring and said it was just a gift. Then he said: “You and I are getting married. Are you aware?”, Yana later recalled.

She accepted the marriage proposal, the date of the wedding celebration was discussed, which, unfortunately, did not take place.

“Let Them Talk” program about Tim Brick

After the tragedy, so-called television investigations into its circumstances and causes began to take place one after another. “Russia 1” did not stand aside: Tima’s ex-girlfriend Evgenia also participated in the “Live Broadcast” program, saying that he knew how to look after beautifully, spent his last funds on gifts and wanted to start a family.

By the way, the version that the young man had a non-traditional sexual orientation spread with the light hand of the same Dana Borisova, but after the death of her former producer.


On the night of February 5, 2016, Tim brought the Dom-2 participants for a consultation to the capital’s plastic surgery clinic. According to one version, on the way he complained of pain in his heart, but refused to go to the pharmacy. Having sent the girls to the doctor, he felt bad and decided to measure their blood sugar level, which turned out to be critically exceeded.

An insulin injection and then a drip did not improve the situation; convulsions began. The ambulance that was called tried to do everything possible for an hour and a half, but Shevchenko fell into a coma and died.

Cause of death: complications of diabetes. As various media outlets wrote, they could have been triggered by weight loss pills, but a medical examination confirmed the absence of the drug in the body. The funeral took place on February 9, the grave is located at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

In 2017, the former presenter of the “Army Store” appeared on “Let Them Talk” and said that it was Brick who was to blame for her drug addiction, who “addicted” her to weight loss medicine, which caused a stir in the public eye.

In 2018, she became the first star guest of the 19th “Battle of Psychics,” where the late producer supposedly contacted her through a clairvoyant and said hello to mutual friends, which amazed the impressionable blonde. By the way, after the premiere episode aired, she gave her own consent to participate in the show:

“They write that I will go to any show as long as they pay me. You know, if you were offered a sum with nine zeros, I would see how you would refuse it. Moreover, it’s a highly rated project.”

For many show business stars, the news of the death of the famous PR director came as a real shock. After all, it was he who took care of maintaining the popularity of some celebrities. The sudden death of the 29-year-old guy was a bitter loss not only for his loved ones. To those who worked with them, he was more than just a colleague. Various versions of what happened last night in the clinic of a famous plastic surgeon appear in the media. “StarHit” decided to communicate with Tima’s relatives in order to restore the picture of that ill-fated evening.

Next to him at the fatal moments was his assistant and close friend. He told what exactly led Tim to the plastic surgeon and what happened directly at the medical center.

“We were going to a plastic surgery clinic, where he took his friends, Ekaterina, a former participant in Dom-2, and her friend, for an examination. As he approached the building, he said his heart began to hurt. I suggested going to the pharmacy, to which he replied: “We’ll stop by later.” As a result, we went into the clinic, sat for about ten minutes, and then the girls went in for an examination. After some time, Tima began to feel ill. He measured his blood sugar - it turned out to be elevated. I injected myself with insulin to lower it. But then he started having convulsions,” said a close friend of Brick.

He says that since all this happened in the clinic, they had the opportunity to immediately put in an IV. However, this did not improve the situation. In just five minutes, an ambulance arrived and made every effort to save the young man’s life. For an hour and a half, doctors tried to do everything to prevent Tima’s death.

“He always felt great, smiled and didn’t complain about anything,” the assistant continued in a conversation with StarHit. “However, he experienced clinical death in childhood. They pumped it out, but this time there was no luck. I prayed and cried, but there was nothing I could do to help at that moment. I don’t believe this happened - I was next to him all day.”

Singer Prokhor Chaliapin recalls that over a long period of cooperation with Tima, they became true friends. The artist cannot believe that Tima is now gone. Trusting relationships allowed Prokhor to make his own assumptions about what could have caused the sudden death of the young man.

“Tima abused diet pills. He loved sweets very much and could not deny himself this, but in order to maintain a fit figure he drank various drugs. But he was completely dismissive of the dosage of funds. For example, instead of two tablets, I could take five at a time. He advised me to take them too, but I refused. I knew he had diabetes and insisted that he take better care of his health. But Tim constantly refused my advice to undergo a full examination due to the fact that he allegedly did not have time to go to clinics. He brushed off my comments about the fact that he was taking pills uncontrollably: “I won’t die from this,” Prokhor told StarHit with bitterness in his voice.

According to Prokhor, there were no signs of trouble - there were no premonitions, suspicions or unusual behavior. On the day of the tragedy, Tima and Prokhor agreed to meet, but the PR director postponed everything until the next day. And closer to midnight, Chaliapin learned about the death of his friend.

“I can’t tell you how I feel right now. I lost not just a partner, but a friend. During my depression and anxiety, it was he who supported me and even acted as a personal psychologist. I am very grateful to fate for bringing me together with such a bright person and I cannot come to terms with the death of a close friend. “I can’t believe what happened,” Chaliapin shared.

It must be said that the famous TV presenter Dana Borisova appears in many media. Allegedly she was in the clinic next to Tima. But Tima's assistant denies such statements. Dana herself said that as soon as she learned about what happened, she wanted to go to the clinic. But then I decided to stay at home so as not to create unnecessary commotion at the scene of the tragedy.

For the TV presenter, it is surprising that Tima began to be associated with her, because for about two years they had not collaborated with each other and practically did not communicate. However, shortly before his death, he tried to get in touch with Dana. Unfortunately, she was unable to respond to her former PR director because she was busy filming. And Borisova did not know that the guy was taking pills and trying to lose weight.

“I knew about diabetes for a long time, he was even given injections in the stomach in front of me, he constantly monitored his blood sugar levels - he pricked his finger,” Dana Borisova told StarHit.