Three main ways of thinking about the world. Each person perceives the world around him in his own way People perceive the world through touch


  • to acquaint children with the system of sensory organs, to show their importance in human life;
  • substantiate the basic rules for the protection of the senses and convince students of the need to comply with them;
  • teach observation, develop imagination and draw conclusions.


  • drawings (images of objects and animals), spoon, fork, ball;
  • tape recorder and audio recordings of various sounds;
  • tables depicting the structure and work of the senses, jars, sandwiches.


I. Organizational moment.

II. Homework check:

- What human organs do you know?

- What kind of work do they do?

- What are organ systems? Give examples.

- What system controls the body's activity?

- What does anatomy, physiology, hygiene study?

- What proverbs about health did you pick up and write down?

III. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Now let's solve the crossword puzzle:

  1. With the help of which organ do you find out that the nightingale is singing, the dog is barking, the alarm clock is ringing?
  2. What organ do you use to see what is written or drawn in a book?
  3. What organ helps us to know if a spruce has spiny or soft needles?
  4. What organ helps to smell bread, flowers, perfume?
  5. By what organ do we distinguish sweet food from bitter, sour food from salty?

(Answers: 1. Ear. 2. Eye. 3. Skin. 4. Nose. 5.. Tongue.)

- What are these organs? (Senses)

When a child is born
He is calm and warm in his mother's arms.
But in his head already from the cradle
One hundred "why" and "why".
And every day and every hour
Walking on the home planet
He learns a wonderful world
In which you live, children.

- The theme of our lesson: "How a person perceives the world around him." Sense organs. Let's take a closer look at it.

- Look at the table.

(The class is divided into five teams)

On the board (back side up):

- What sense organs do you know? (Eye, ear, nose, skin, tongue)

(Students are encouraged to compare apples)

EYES: With the help of the eyes, we see that one apple is large, and the other two are small, that they are round, yellow, that is, we can distinguish size, shape, color.

(the card is turned over, where it is written: "Vision (eye)")

- Look at each other: from the front, the eyes are protected by eyelids, the edges of which ... Continue. (covered with eyelashes).

- Eyelids and eyelashes protect eyes from light and dust.

- Eyebrows above the eyes, which divert sweat from the eyes if it is released on the forehead.

- Let's listen to the story about the meaning of sight in human life.

The eyes are the most perfect and most mysterious organs in our body. Through them, we most of all learn about what is happening around, and at the same time, it is the eyes that speak most of all about a person. ...

In ancient times, scientists assumed that the human soul looks at the world "through the holes in the eyes." And if you think about it, this is almost the case.

The eye itself is round, like an apple, for which it is called the eyeball. The eyeball is filled with a vitreous substance like jelly, absolutely transparent, since it is 90% water. The eye is the most watery organ in our body: even blood is only 80% water.

Outside, the eyeball is covered with a hard shell, like an egg-shell. This membrane is called the cornea. If you break it, then the same thing can happen to the eye as to a broken egg.

The eye is a very important organ and therefore is carefully guarded by the body. Sweat will flow from the forehead, it will be stopped by the hedge of eyebrows. The wind will carry dust in the face - it will be delayed by the palisade of eyelashes. And if a few grains of dust and sit on the cornea, they will immediately ooze continuously blinking eyelid, which closes itself if any object is dangerously close to the eye. The inside of the eyelids are damp. They are moistened by the tear fluid produced by the lacrimal glands around the eyes. By blinking, we regularly wet the surface of the eye, and we do this as regularly as we breathe.

- What is vision?

Vision is the ability to perceive the size, shape, color of objects and their location.

The human eye does not see an object immediately. The eye perceives only light waves. This information is transmitted to a specific area of ​​the brain. And then these light waves are perceived in the form of certain objects. Then a person sees his color, size. The human eye is designed to see in the dark and in bright light.

We see only when there is light. An interesting incident happened with a Russian soldier. For 9 years, from 1915 to 1924, he remained in the dark underground of the Brest Fortress. He had enough food and water. But candles and matches were only enough for 4 years. 5 years of complete darkness. Unaccustomed to the light, the person became blind.

However, vision deteriorates when a person works in poor lighting, reads while lying down or in a moving vehicle. Frequent and long viewing of TV programs, working at the computer is very tiring for the eyes. Vision weakens, its sharpness is lost. Vision deteriorates. Remember, impaired vision is difficult to correct.

NOSE - (Children are encouraged to determine which foods were in the jars)

- Which body helped to recognize these products? (Nose)

(The card “Smell (nose)” is turned over on the board)

The nose is the organ of smell

- What is sense of smell?

- What is the sense of smell for?

Smell is a person's ability to smell. Our body is not at all indifferent to odors. The olfactory cells, probing the air entering the nose for breathing with their cilia, seem to decide whether to allow it or not. If the air is contaminated with harmful odorous substances that emit a stench, the brain sends an alarm. The nasal slit narrows, less air penetrates inside. And vice versa, it is pleasant for us to inhale the scent of flowers, melted snow. Breathe easily, blood circulation improves, nerves calm down.

Many associations are associated with smells in humans. Smell increases information about the world around you. The sense of smell is most acute in summer and spring, especially in warm and humid weather. The sense of smell is sharper in the light than in the dark.

If a person loses his sense of smell, then for him the food loses its taste, and such people are more often poisoned, since they cannot determine the quality of food.

EARS - The third team needs to identify the objects that emit them by the characteristic sounds and find the corresponding pictures.

- What body helped you identify these animals? (Ears)

(The card “Hearing (ear)” is turned over)

- With the help of our ears, we hear the speech of other people, the sounds of nature, music, etc. The second, if possible, human sense organ is the ear.

The ear is divided into outer, middle and inner.

What we call "ears" are only the so-called outer ears or auricles. They themselves do not hear anything, but only catch the sound, which by its nature is simply air vibrations. In the middle of each auricle there is a small opening, from which the passage leading into the head begins. It ends with a thin plate - the tympanic membrane. These vibrations are transmitted to the middle ear, which lies on the other side of the membrane, and then to the third ear - the inner ear, and then to the brain.

The ear is a very delicate and complex sense organ. If we close our eyes, we will still feel where is the top, where is the bottom, the chair leaned to the left or right. This is signaled by the balance organs in the inner ear.

- So, the ear is an organ of hearing and balance.

- What is hearing?

- Hearing - the body's ability to perceive sound waves. Sound waves enter a certain area of ​​the brain and are processed there in this way: we hear and understand words.

Hearing is closely related to speech. The child first hears and understands speech, and then learns to speak. Lack of hearing significantly impoverishes the human world, deprives him of the opportunity to communicate.

People who have lost their hearing can only communicate in a special language using facial expressions and gestures.

LANGUAGE - A group of students are invited to determine the taste of the sandwiches.

- Which body helped you recognize foods? (Language)

(The card “Taste (tongue)” is turned over)

The tongue is the organ of taste.

- Outside, the tongue is covered with countless papillae. They contain the endings of the nerves that can sense what has got into the mouth. The tongue feels sweet and salty with its tip, sour with its sides, and bitter with its root.

SKIN - A group of pupils is invited to identify objects while blindfolded.

- How did you recognize these items?

- What is touch? (The ability of the skin to feel pain, cold, warmth.)

(“Touch (skin)” card is turned over)

Skin - the organ of touch

“The skin not only warns us about the threat to our body, but its task is even more important - to resist this threat. For this, the skin, like bones, combines such qualities as strength and elasticity, that is, extensibility.

This provides the substance keratin. Thanks to him, the skin never breaks and does not slip.

Try not to injure the skin, prevent burns, frostbite.

SENSORS AND BRAIN - Today we learned about the role of the senses in our life. And yet scientists say: "It is not the eye that sees, it is not the ear that hears, it is not the nose that senses, but the brain!" How can we understand this?

- With the help of our senses, we perceive information from the outside world and from our very body (for example, signals from the stomach).

Nerve endings stretch to all parts of our body. On some of them orders are transmitted to the muscles, on the other - the brain receives messages.

Only thanks to the senses do we have a connection with the outside world. There are five of these senses. (Sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste)

There is also a sense of balance. It is sometimes referred to as the sixth sense.

All senses work together, help and complement each other. Everyone has a memory.

IV. Lesson summary.

- Children are given cards in which they must fill in the blanks.

V. Homework.

Textbook pages: 132 - 136.

There are three main ways of perception of the world - visual, auditory and kinesthetic. And each person will necessarily have one dominant sense organ. A lot depends on how we perceive reality.

All people are divided into three large groups: visuals, audials, and kinesthetics. If you ask several people to think about the sea, then one of them will first of all imagine a blue sea surface, a beach, waves; the other will associate the sea with the sound of the surf; and the third will remember the sensation of the burning sun and salty splashes on the skin.

Of course, every person is endowed with five basic senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste. But there are three main ways of world perception - visual, auditory and kinesthetic. And each person will necessarily have one dominant sense organ. A lot depends on how we perceive reality.

Have you ever faced the fact that the other person could not in any way look at the problem from your position? Have you ever experienced situations in which the people around you did not seem to hear you? Have you ever been upset because your loved ones did not feel your needs? The fact is that a huge percentage of human quarrels, disagreements, misunderstandings, contradictions and failures are associated precisely with the difference in the worldview of different people. We all, like the inhabitants of Babylon, speak three different languages: visual, auditory, kinesthetic. And we raise our voices at each other, we get angry, we get annoyed when others do not understand us. However, stop suffering because of your own characteristics and individuality of perception. It's time to use them for your own good. And for this we need to find out who we are by the way of perception and how we can use this feature of ours. Well, and only then we will try to learn how to speak with each person in his language.

For example, I am audial. Even at school, I could study textbooks until I turned blue and not memorize a word of what I read, but I could once hear a lecturer's lecture and remember everything that was said without making a single note. My mom is kinesthetic. She cannot understand and remember anything until she writes it down. Feelings and sensations are most important to her. What type are you?

Visual. Perceives everything that happens around by eye

All over the world, about 60% of the population perceives everything that happens around by eye. Their leading sense organ is vision. The visuals usually sit with a straight back and an extended neck. Their gaze is often turned upward. They do not breathe too deeply, and their voice is often high and loud. They speak quickly, sometimes harshly. The visuals are organized and tidy. They feel extremely uncomfortable when someone gets too close to them because they want a good view.

Visuals are easy to recognize by the following characteristic words and expressions:

"From my point of view"

"Without a Shadow of a Doubt"

"It stands before my eyes"

"It seems to me"

"Present in a favorable light"

"Describe the situation for me"

"Vague idea"

"Beautiful words"

No, this does not mean that audials or kinesthetics never use such expressions! It's just that visuals use them all the time. They generally love for any reason and without resorting to visual characteristics, such as: “Brilliant, peering, seeing, imagining, appearance, look, exhibit, spectacular, notice, depict, seem, flicker, foresee, reflect, attractive, ugly, etc. .d. ". Sometimes, they start using their favorite "visual words" (or, as they are called in NLP, predicates) outside of any logic. So, for example, my young man, a typical visual, often answers the question "how are you" "Brilliantly", and when asked to describe a particular situation, he can say something like: "Beautiful story" or "Dressy salary" ...

You are a visual if:

When making important decisions, choose what looks best to you.

In the course of a discussion, you are most affected by the ability to see the other person's line of reasoning.

It’s easy to see what’s going on in your life from your appearance.

You are strongly influenced by certain colors.

You often judge the people around you by their appearance, although you have heard the saying more than once that they are greeted by their clothes.

You can easily remember a phone number if you see it written in large numbers, and in general you have a photographic memory.

You are well versed in the terrain.

Audial. Perceives everything that happens around by ear

People who perceive the world by ear are about 20% of the total population of the globe. The audials breathe evenly and rhythmically. They love to talk, pride themselves on being able to express their own thoughts clearly, and tend to dominate the conversation. Although sometimes they are too verbose. Often they accompany their words with expressive gestures, while their hands are at the level of the face.

Audials often engage in conversation with themselves. Their gaze usually moves from side to side. Some people are annoyed by these "shifting eyes". Indeed, in our culture, a person who looks away is usually considered a liar. But it’s not because they’re lying or hiding something that audials don’t make eye contact. It's just that they are very sensitive to sounds, and their gaze can involuntarily twitch in the direction of a dog barking in a nearby yard or furniture rumbling from neighbors.

Audials are characterized by the use of the following expressions:

"I want to be heard"

"It is important for me to express myself"

"Detailed story"

"Give a report on what happened"

"I was speechless"

"Voice an opinion"

"In truth"

"Let's talk like a man"

"Hold your tongue"

"Word for word"

Thus, auditors feel most comfortable pronouncing and hearing the following predicates: silent, chatter, dull, loud, melodic, assent, silence, resonance, noisy, ask, tell, listen, unheard, respond, etc.

Audials perceive, process and remember information in their own way. When I was in the car courses, one of the most difficult exercises for me was the "slide". Twenty times I drove into it in an old "seven", put the car on the handbrake, and then I could not get under way without rolling back. The instructor yelled at me with good obscenities: “I told you to look at the tachometer needle! He yelled. - It's elementary! Just watch the revs! Let's do it again. " And I gave again and again, but nothing worked. I had already come to terms with the idea that not everyone was created to be drivers, as our instructor fell ill. And for a while he was replaced by a very young, timid guy with much less driving experience, but with much more patience. The first thing he did was he asked me to show me how I was doing the "slide", to which I honestly admitted that I had no idea how this could be achieved at all.

“You see,” I said, “no matter how much I look at the tachometer, I still can't figure out when to release the handbrake and when to turn on the gas. And nothing comes of it.

The young instructor smiled.

- Believe it or not, but I also do not know how to perform this exercise on the tachometer. Therefore, I do everything by ear. You just need to close your eyes and listen to the hum of the engine, when you hear that the car starts to stall, then you need to quickly release the handbrake and add gas.

As soon as I tried to listen to the motor, I really caught the change in the sound of the engine from the first time, and the exercise turned out easily and naturally, as if by itself.

This case can be called a classic and very revealing. This is how knowing your dominant senses helps you make your task easier.

You are an auditor if:

When making important decisions, choose what sounds best.

Your mood is most easily identified by the tone of your voice.

You like to explain something. You are not too lazy to repeat the same story several times with all the details.

You love listening to music. Your favorite song can change your mood one hundred and eighty degrees.

Prefer to listen to news on the radio. Buy audiobooks with pleasure.

You can retell this or that conversation literally word for word.

Kinesthetic. Perceives everything that happens around to the touch

In the world, approximately 20% of people are kinesthetic. That is, they perceive everything around by touch. These are people of feelings and sensations. They breathe deeply (usually belly, not chest). Their voices are often low, deep, hoarse or muffled. They speak mostly slowly with good, expressive pauses. Kinesthetics love touch like no other. Usually, people do not like it when other unfamiliar people touch them or invade their personal space. But not for kinesthetics!

Once I came to a weeklong training session that was to be held in a large group. A very attractive guy joined our team. Getting acquainted with the rest of the program participants, he managed to hug and kiss all the girls, regardless of their degree of attractiveness, and warmly shake hands with all men. And this is typical kinesthetic behavior. When I sat on the couch and he sat down next to me, this guy moved as close as possible so that our legs would touch, even though there was plenty of room on the couch. And this was by no means flirting or trying to seduce me. This was his normal perception of the world. Such people, communicating with someone, want to feel him. They will not recognize and understand a person until they touch him.

Kinesthetics constantly use expressions like:

"Get in touch"

"Jumped out of my head"

"I feel"

"Hold on, hold back"

"Hot dispute"

"Change for the better"

"Catch anything"

"Hand in hand"

"Keeping calm"

"Inside out"

"Solid foundation"

"Manage yourself"

As you may have guessed, kinesthetics most often refer to the following predicates of feelings: insensitive, struggle, impressive, pressure, movement, tremble, hard, affectionate, soft, burdened, annoy, hurt, upset, calm, strength, hard, enthrall , sensual, touch, etc. Kinesthetics are able to experience truly deep feelings, their attachments are usually strong and unshakable.

You are a kinesthetic if:

Make important decisions based on your feelings.

In conversation, you can easily sense the state of the other person.

You can easily and happily choose comfortable furniture, such as a sofa or an armchair. Unlike your friends, you just need to sit on it once to understand whether it will be comfortable to sit on such furniture for hours.

You love clothes made from natural fabrics that are pleasant to the touch. You will never buy even the most beautiful and stylish trousers if you are unhappy with the way they fit you.

To remember something, you need to write it down. For example, before the exam, you specifically write yourself cheat sheets, although in practice you do not use them, because there is no need for this: everything that you wrote down by hand, you already memorized.

Based on the book by Eva Berger “NLP for Every Day. 20 rules of the winner "

Let's discuss together. Why does the poet associate the words “I live” with the human sense organs?

Answer. Human life is an interaction with the environment, a constant exchange of substances with it. To live, a person needs to navigate the environment. And he does this with the help of the senses - sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste and others. Therefore, the poet described his feelings in this way.


Question. Consider various subjects. What visual impressions did we get about them? What signs of objects did we see? Do we agree with the conclusion “Eyes are our“ windows ”to the world?"

Answer. I agree with this expression. We receive most of the information from the outside world with the help of our eyes. We can determine the color of an object, its size, distance to it, and give a characteristic. With the help of the organs of vision, we recognize objects, distinguish people, perceive written speech.


Let's play. Let's close our eyes and try to determine which side (left, right, back, front, etc.) the sound is coming from. Do we agree with the conclusion: "Hearing helps us navigate the world around us?"

Answer. I agree with this statement. Thanks to sounds, we navigate the environment, we can communicate with each other, hear the sounds of nature, music, and avoid danger.

Question. Explain why you need to follow these rules.

1. Try not to scream, move away from places where there is a lot of noise and harsh sounds.

2. Do not turn on the tape recorder, radio, TV at a high volume.

3. Do not put objects in your ear.

4. Use a cotton cord to clean your ears.

Answer. These are all rules of hearing hygiene. Loud speech, music causes a violation of the eardrum, auditory ossicles. At the same time, the nerve endings are tired, which leads to a decrease in the auditory threshold. If you put various objects in your ear, you can damage the inner ear, the eardrum must be cleaned of earwax from the ears, but this should be done with soft objects.


Question. What is Smell? What rules must be followed to preserve the sense of smell?

Answer. Smell is the ability to perceive odors. There are a lot of smells. They can be recognized by special cells located in the nasal mucosa. We distinguish up to four thousand odors, but the dog is several times larger. From sensitive cells, information goes to the brain, where it is analyzed.

Exercise. Let's smell various substances: perfume, garlic, horseradish, flower. Let's divide smells into two groups - pleasant and unpleasant.

Answer. Pleasant smells - perfume, flowers; unpleasant odors - garlic, horseradish.

Let's discuss together. Let's smell something pleasant, such as delicious food. To do this, take a deep breath through your nose. Now pinch your nose and take a deep breath through your mouth. When do we smell? What senses tell us that the food we eat is not spoiled? Let's explain our answers.

Answer. We smell when we breathe through our nose. It is the organs of smell that first of all tell us that the food is not spoiled. Secondly, these will be the organs of taste.

Question. Prepare for the conversation. Think about how to answer the questions: “Why do we almost stop smelling during a runny nose? Why does a person never confuse the smell of fish and the smell of flowers? "

If you have a cat or dog at home, watch how they react to smells. Talk about it in class.

Answer. During a runny nose, the nerve endings on the nasal mucosa are clogged. When a cat and a dog sniff something, widen their nostrils, inhale deeply, their breathing becomes more frequent.


Exercise. Put a sugar cube on your tongue. Let's wait until it melts. Wipe your tongue with a clean napkin and quickly run another sugar lump over it. When did we get the taste? Let us analyze whether it is possible to draw the following conclusion: “Saliva helps to distinguish the taste. Dry tongue does not feel the taste. "

Answer. Yes, we can draw such a conclusion. The sensitive endings on the tongue are irritated only when the food is moist. And saliva moistens food.

Question. Consider the drawing. Read the signatures. Using the words "left", "right", "front", "back", explain how different parts of the tongue (taste zones) distinguish sour, sweet, salty, bitter tastes.

Explain how you understand the word "taster". What sense organs do you think are especially developed in people of this profession?

Answer. The back of the tongue has a bitter taste. The left and right sides of the tongue distinguish sour taste. The left and right sides closer to the tip of the tongue distinguish a salty taste. The tip "in front" of the tongue has a sweet taste. A taster is a person who is best able to identify different tastes and smells. These people have better developed organs of smell and taste.


1. Take a piece of ice in our hands, touch a glass of hot water, stroke the fur with our palm. What do we feel (sense)? Let us draw a conclusion by answering the question: “Does the sense of touch help to perceive the world?

2. Immerse your hand in warm water. What we feel. Whether the sensation will change in a few minutes. Let us analyze whether it is possible to draw the following conclusion: "The hand has got used to the temperature and has ceased to feel warmth."

3. Let's carry out an exercise game “define the object by touch”. The student puts his hand into the bag, without looking, selects an object and feels by touch what it is and what it is made of.

Let's compare our conclusions with the text.

Answer. 1. With the help of the organs of touch, we perceive the world around us - heat, cold, the surface of objects - soft, hard, smooth, rough. Signals from tactile cells go to the brain and a person, even with closed eyes, is able to distinguish the size and shape of an object, react to temperature changes, and pull his hand away from a hot object or a piercing object.

2. First, we feel warmth, and then the brain stops responding to incoming signals. This is a protective reaction of the brain. This is how he protects himself from fatigue. And in everyday life they say that the hand is used to it.

3. A person identifies objects by touch This is helped by the experience of a previous life. But if an unfamiliar object comes across, then the person will find it difficult to name what it is.

What science studies types of perception and why is it necessary? Is it really just to show off your erudition and knowledge of buzzwords in front of your friends? How to apply this knowledge in practice?

All these questions arise every time we stumble across the Internet on tests to determine the type of perception. Is it a fashionable novelty that will soon be forgotten? No, friends, this current is not so fresh.

What is Perception Type

The first thoughts about the peculiarities of perception are found in the works of philosophers of antiquity. Approximately in the VI century. BC NS. thinkers began to notice the difference in perception of their students and describe their observations. These differences were interpreted in different ways, but a start was made. It should be noted that until the 18th century. a person was considered by scientists as a part of society, which is understandable and logical. The approach to the study of personality psychology and the development of a theory that began to admit the principle of personal benefit in a person and the assessment of all phenomena, based on their usefulness and acceptance by an individual, by psychologists Bentham and Smith. This moment became a turning point and finally turned the views of scientists in the right direction.

In the XIX-XX centuries. the period of development of social psychology began. Researchers began conducting laboratory experiments for the first time. It was this period that gave a clear understanding of the differences in people's perception. Tests were created, the purpose of which was to determine how a person perceives information. Now a whole science is engaged in the study of these subtleties, which is called "Socionics".

How Perception Types Are Determined

There are special tests. For the sake of curiosity, you have the opportunity to take one of these tests directly on the Internet. A lot of books have been published that talk about the types of perception, including. As a rule, simple tests are printed in them, which, with some degree of probability, determine which type of perception you are closer to. For people who have set themselves the goal of understanding their abilities and perceptions, psychologists work. Perceptual tests conducted by a specialist are the most reliable and comprehensive. This leads to an absolutely logical question: "Why is this necessary?"

In order to understand the usefulness of this knowledge, it is necessary to remember the peculiarities of each type of perception and work with examples. To begin with, it must be said that pure types are extremely rare in terms of perception. It's about predisposition.

These people perceive the world in most cases through their eyes. This does not mean at all that visuals do not perceive sounds, smells and tactile sensations. For them, visual images carry more information and are better perceived. So, you have passed the test and determined your belonging to the visuals. What's next? Use this feature in self-development. Each of us learns something. The need to assimilate new information arises every day.

A person who mechanically performs actions already learned and brought to automatism begins to degrade. Children go to school. How can you help a small visual? Teach to draw pictures while mastering the material. Visual images that are associated with certain information will remain with him forever. An adult visual must follow the instructions of his superiors, your career growth directly depends on this. Draw diagrams, it is this method that will help you understand how to most effectively complete the task.

Each person perceives the world around him in his own way. For someone he is friendly, and a person is comfortable in him, for someone he is hostile, full of sorrows and disappointments. And everyone is right in his own way, because a person sees the world as he wants to see it according to his inner convictions and attracts such events into his life, i.e. each person lives the life that he creates for himself, the reason for all events occurring in a person's life lies in the person himself. We see the world not as it is, but as we are. We see it through the prism of our personal experience, faith and beliefs.

I will cite one letter that somehow came to me from a person who read my book. I edited it a little, I want to say that I agree with this person in some way, in some disagree. I just want to say that everyone sees what he wants to see. Many people had such a situation in life that when they came somewhere, a person without any queue was able to pay for an apartment, get money, and do a lot of things. And why? Yes, because he left the house in a good mood, and the world around him also prepared pleasant surprises for him.

Confession of a tired man.

In our time, such a disease as depression is becoming a truly huge problem. And why? Because a person gets tired of soullessness, the impetuosity of life, and indifference. And at some point, the body fails. There is a very large overload of the psychoemotional sphere, the rhythm of life is more accelerated, plus the ecology of the environment. In order to say kind, pleasant words, there is no flattery, but sincere wishes for goodness and joy, large monetary investments are not needed, and the president's instructions, there is no need to adopt a law, there is free will here - the desire to give oneself and the people around them the joy of communication, kindness.

How do we usually communicate? Very bad. We do not know how to communicate, hiring an employee, especially in the field of human service, they do not tell him that people should be treated with respect and attention (we are not taught anywhere in school, not in any educational institution to communicate) ... And as a result, society can and gets a qualified specialist, but someone is interested in what kind of member of society our country gets. Until we pay attention to this issue, no investments, for example, in medicine will improve the situation.

Let's travel to the places where all the inhabitants of our vast homeland usually visit. And notice that we will travel to those places where one of us works. The society, the people around us are you and me. And if society is vicious, if soullessness flourishes, if rudeness and rudeness are the main criteria for communicating with people, then this is what we are. And why? And so we begin to explore the topic of how we communicate with each other, how we relate to each other.

And why does a person who is at the workplace and works for people do not pay attention to these very people, and if you suddenly remind him of this, then the reaction can be so incredible that sometimes you cannot understand where in what century you are? And where was this person brought up and trained. How much negative energy can a person receive, and how much can he withstand in order not to collapse from an attack of headache, pressure, and not to fall into depression?

We live in an energetic space, and if a person acted badly towards someone, he gave permission to do the same with him. And then this little grain of discontent of one, another person suddenly grows into an avalanche. Let's say a person calls the bank, he needs to get information, but they do not want to talk to customers, they connected the phone to the fax so that they could not get through to them, and calmly go about their business.

But what about respect for customers. But forget about it. We figured out the bank, let's move on to the mail, let's say a person is waiting for a transfer, but there is still none, it is inconvenient for a person to constantly visit the mail once the deadline for admission is violated for some reason, and he calls the mail, and in response to this they tell him about confidentiality of correspondence, and then three days later this person receives a notice to receive money from a person from the next street, the postman confused the address, but what about the secrecy of the correspondence? But this was invented only to cover up indifference to people, and to amuse their importance (pride).

Are you still in a good mood? Then we continue our journey on the topic of heartlessness and indifference, when it is the human factor that is excluded from the responsibilities of those who work with people, but these very people just do not want to notice, they do not notice, and that's it. It seems that the employees of this or that enterprise do not know their duties, or do not perform them on purpose. It seems that in such places as the post office, bank, clinic, pharmacy ... we have artificially created queues. And not in the number (lack of grasp, overload) of those working. This is the way it should be, no one is responsible for anything, no one cares about anything ...

Now let's talk about the younger generation. On the topic of communication between teachers and students at school, you can write an epic, or even a thriller. Once my daughter, coming home from school, said that the teacher told the student that his handwriting said that he was stupid and would not achieve anything in life, to which the student replied that his handwriting was normal, and his mother's was the same. And the teacher, well, most likely there was no way and nothing could be answered, he said to this boy, and your mother is as stupid as you are.

The boy was rude to the teacher, and he almost cried. The daughter came home from school indignant, this is not the first time when teachers are so unworthy. I could not tell my daughter that a small salary of a teacher allows (allows) the teacher to humiliate both the student and his mother like this. Tactfulness, intelligence and good manners do not depend on the level of salary. I called the director and asked why my daughter, like all students, are taught lessons of rudeness and cruelty at school ...

And you can talk a lot, write about the soullessness and cruelty of both the youth and the older generation, but until we all want to change (ourselves, first of all, because it is through changing ourselves that all changes begin), so until we wish to change ourselves, our society will become more cruel and soulless. Where are we going. Technology, science, moving forward, but the soul is degrading? What's next? Isn't it scary to live in such a soulless world? It turns out that animals will soon become more merciful than we are? .....

I will not bore you with stories about the surrounding reality, you yourself are constantly faced with similar situations every day. But the thing is, it's all about us. I'll just say - it's all about us and we can change the situation if everyone looks at themselves as if from the outside ...

Once a friend of mine told me that they had a day of compliments in the company. They spoke pleasant words to each other, not for the sake of a tick, not because they decided so, so it is necessary, not under duress, but sincerely. And what is surprising, as he said, they were not tired that day, although the work was done in a large volume, and there was a feeling of some lightness. He walked home from work in a great mood and not tired. They liked it, and they decided to always communicate in this "mode". And imagine that if this is how we communicate with each other everywhere and in a calm, respectful mode, with a smile on our lips. And then life will become easier, and people will have excellent physical and mental health.