Studying in China for Russians. Chinese language departments in different cities Which institutes teach Chinese?

The Chinese language has been taught at MSLU since the formation of the Department of Oriental Languages ​​of the Faculty of Translation in 1990. In 2018, the Chinese department of the Department of Oriental Languages ​​was separated into an independent structural unit - the Department of Chinese Language of the Faculty of Translation.

The department is staffed by highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in educational, methodological and professional translation work. The department is headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Rakhimbekova L.Sh., a graduate of ISAA at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (formerly head of the Department of Oriental Languages).

According to the curriculum at the Faculty of Translation, the department is entrusted with teaching theoretical and practical disciplines for the training direction 45.03.02 Linguistics (profile “Translation and Translation Studies”) and the specialty 45.05.01 Translation and Translation Studies (specialization “Linguistic Support of Military Activities”). Theoretical disciplines: introduction to special philology and history of language, theoretical grammar, lexicology, stylistics, theory of translation of the target language, history of literature of the countries of the target language; disciplines of the practical cycle: practical course in the first foreign language (Chinese), workshop on the culture of speech communication (first foreign language - Chinese), practical course in translation (written and oral) and others. Teachers of the department provide training in the practice and translation of the Chinese language according to the master's program 45.04.02 Linguistics (profile “Theory and practice of written and fundamentals of oral translation”).

The department also provides teaching of Chinese as the first foreign language at the Institute of International Law and Justice of the Moscow State Linguistic University in the specialty 40.05.01 Legal support of national security, at the Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences of the Moscow State Linguistic University in the areas of bachelor's training 41.03.01 Foreign regional studies and 41.03.05 International relations, as well as at the Institute of Humanities and Applied Sciences of the Moscow State Linguistic University in the direction of bachelor's training 03/43/03 Hospitality.

Teachers of the department conduct translation classes with interns and graduate students from China studying at MSLU under student and academic exchange programs, teach Chinese language classes at the MSLU Pre-University, work on Foreign Language Courses, teaching MSLU students Chinese as a third foreign language.

Teachers of the department participated in the testing of the State Final Certification in Chinese in Russian schools, which began in 2015, and developed the concept and format of tasks for the OGE and Unified State Examinations. Currently, they are actively involved in the preparation and holding of All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren in the Chinese language.

The department conducts scientific work in the field of linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies, develops effective teaching methods, and conducts seminars. The teaching staff takes an active part in scientific conferences in Russia and abroad; textbooks prepared by teachers of the department are in demand at universities where the Chinese language is taught.

The department maintains close contacts with higher educational institutions in China, and there is an active exchange of students and teachers.

The department actively cooperates with the Confucius Institute, opened at Moscow State Linguistic University in 2011.

Due to the dynamic and rapid development of the Celestial Empire, specialists who have not only studied Chinese, but also understand the mentality of Chinese residents, are in demand on the global labor market. The modern educational system of the People's Republic of China allows Russian citizens to enter universities to study Chinese, having only a high school diploma. At the same time, the level of language knowledge does not matter: you can choose a program that will quickly and efficiently teach Chinese “from scratch.” Usually the basic version is designed for several months and allows you to learn the language at an initial, everyday level. However, speaking Chinese is not enough to study at a university: you need to write lectures, read scientific literature and conduct scientific debates!

How do language courses work?

To quickly and effectively master the basics of foreign speech and writing, to master not only everyday Chinese, but also academic Chinese, take advantage of the opportunity for extended pre-university training under the IFP CCN programs. Many Chinese language universities in China invite foreigners to study for beginners in order to prepare them for bachelor's and master's degrees in higher education institutions in the Middle Kingdom. However, among the numerous offers, it is IFP CCN that has unique advantages: - intensity and efficiency of training (1080 hours); - significant vocabulary (up to 2500 words); - the opportunity to learn a language with a focus on a future profession, including studying special terminology; - adaptation to the teaching standards of the future university; - career prospects: internships and access to future employers; - grades from the preparatory year are counted instead of entrance exams to any of the universities of the CCN system. The three main groups aimed at specialized training in China for foreigners include humanitarian, technical and business areas. Another important aspect that should be taken into account when choosing a pre-university program: IFP CCN provides the opportunity to receive grants for training, which will help you save a lot of money and get a high-quality higher education in the PRC.

In terms of education, China is a very promising destination. Its universities are included in the list of the 500 best universities in the world, and the specialists these universities produce are gladly hired by the most famous companies in Europe and the USA. Thanks to close cooperation between China and Russia, more than 10 thousand students from the Russian Federation are now studying in the Celestial Empire, for whom this is an excellent opportunity to receive a quality education for a relatively small fee. What is remarkable about studying in China for Russians and what is necessary for admission?

Education system in China

The authorities allocate significant funds to the educational system, and the result is a reduction in the number of illiterate citizens to 15% of the total population. In its structure, the education system is not very different from most others: after kindergarten there is primary and secondary school, then secondary school, then secondary specialized and higher education. Students study at school for 12 years, but vocational education can be obtained after 9 years of study. There are few foreign students in schools, and not all institutions accept them, but only the leading ones (key schools).

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The situation is completely different in Chinese universities: here the presence of students from other countries is a matter of prestige, and each university strives to attract the maximum number of foreigners. To increase interest in enrolling in Chinese universities, foreign students are given the opportunity to receive scholarships that allow them to cover a significant part of the costs while living in China:

  • government scholarships - issued at accredited universities;
  • university scholarships - allocated from the finances of the university itself to encourage the best students;
  • scholarships from the mayor's office - are formed by municipalities to attract students from abroad.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Confucius Institute scholarships - prestigious payments to those students who have achieved the best results in the field of Chinese culture and language. These institutes operate in different countries, with more than 20 in Russia alone.

How is training for citizens of the Russian Federation conducted? Chinese universities enroll students twice a year. At the beginning of the first semester, groups are formed where, in addition to Russian speakers, there are students of various nationalities. Throughout the year, students practice writing hieroglyphs and speaking skills to such a level that from the second year they can fully communicate in Chinese and study a specialty. About 80% of students cope with this task, the rest continue to study the language for another year.

There are many universities that use programs in Chinese and English, which helps to quickly adapt to the country. In addition, leading universities attract foreign teachers, including from Russia. Of course, the main emphasis is still on the Chinese language, so most of the specialties are taught in it.

After a year of study, students take the HSK language exam, without which further study is impossible.

HSK - Chinese language exam

Those who pass the exam successfully have the right to choose a direction for further study. You will have to master your chosen specialty together with Chinese students, and it takes three (bachelor's) or four (master's) years.

Popular destinations

In China, Russians study a wide variety of subjects, and each university offers a lot of in-demand specialties. A large percentage of students come to study the language, for an internship in cultural studies and oriental studies, about 10% study banking, 5-6% each study engineering and medical sciences. But the bulk are future specialists in the field of business administration and management. Only a few become Chinese teachers, since it is incredibly difficult to learn it perfectly, but such students are gladly hired as translators by reputable organizations after their return.

Today, higher educational institutions in China train specialists in more than 800 areas. Particular attention is paid to the development of technology and science, and technical specialties are in great demand. In general, students from Chinese universities show the highest results in exact sciences, but due to the specifics of their studies, the number of representatives from Russia in this area is small.

Rules for admission to Chinese universities

It’s quite easy to enroll in China, but there is one caveat: if you don’t know Chinese at all, you should at least be fluent in English. Not every university can have Russian students, and in order to communicate with teachers and fellow students, knowledge of English will be very useful.

Step 1. To enroll, you first need to decide on an educational institution, contact the admissions committee via the Internet and clarify the list of documents. The standard list includes an application from the future student, a copy of the certificate, and a receipt for payment of the registration fee. The amount of the contribution depends on the chosen university and ranges from 50-100 dollars. Please note that if you do not enroll, this money will not be returned to you.

Step 2. Prepared documents are sent by express mail to the university (documents in electronic format via the Internet are not considered).

To start studying from the first semester, that is, September 1, documents must be submitted in March-June; for the second semester they are submitted in October-December. After reviewing the application from the admissions committee, the candidate is sent:

  • notification that the candidate has been enrolled;
  • invitation to study;
  • medical examination form.

Step 3. The next stage is preparing papers for a student visa. Citizens of the Russian Federation need to contact the Chinese Embassy, ​​which is located in the capital, or the Consulate General in St. Petersburg.

The visa is issued for the entire period of study, but upon arrival in China, you must complete all formalities with study and accommodation within a month, otherwise the permit will become invalid.

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Step 4. During a personal visit to the university, you must present original documents and receive a schedule of entrance exams. There is little time to prepare, but most applicants do an excellent job.

Step 5. After successfully passing the exams, all that remains is to pay tuition fees and sort out housing. Dormitories are available for foreign students, and it is also possible to rent a separate apartment. A hostel is much cheaper, moreover, it allows you to quickly adapt to an unfamiliar environment and improve your speaking skills, but the conditions in an apartment are more comfortable.

How to get a scholarship

Some types of government scholarships are available for Russian-speaking candidates. To qualify for them, you must meet certain requirements, which differ slightly depending on the direction, specialty and the university itself. Each country has a quota set by the government, and with a large influx of students, the chances of receiving a scholarship are noticeably reduced.

You must apply for a scholarship before leaving for China. Such applications are accepted at the consular departments of the PRC from the beginning of January to the end of April, after which they are sent to the China Scholarship Council, a government organization that has the right to provide scholarships to students at universities.

Important! The China Scholarship Council may, at its discretion, change the major, the duration of study, even the university. Selected candidates must begin their studies only under the specified conditions, otherwise eligibility for the scholarship will be forfeited.

After reviewing the documents, the organization sends them along with a notification to the university, which, in turn, sends the package to the student.

Documents for applying for a scholarship

Document typeRequirements
Certificate (diploma)You only need to submit a document about your latest education; there is no need to confirm all previous ones. Moreover, you should submit a copy and a translation, and not the original, because these papers are not returned
QuestionnaireThe form is filled out on the computer. Filling language – only Chinese or English
Examination transcriptThe certificate is translated into Chinese and certified by a notary
Letter of characterizationRequired for doctoral and master's students only. The letter must be from an associate professor or one of the professors
International passport (copy)Photocopies are taken from the main pages
Conclusion of the medical commission (copy)Represents the standard FPEF form
Certificate from study (work)Issued on company letterhead with a stamp and signature of the manager

The scholarship can be awarded full or partial, at the discretion of the commission. The first option fully covers the costs and provides a one-time payment for arrangement. A partial scholarship is significantly less, so you will have to cover some expenses yourself.

Russian students also have a chance to receive a Confucius Institute scholarship. Its size is equal to a government scholarship, issued for a period of 1 month to 5 years - it depends on the program. Applications are accepted at the headquarters of this institution, consideration lasts from March to the end of June.

List of documents for submission:

  • statement;
  • copy of diploma (certificate);
  • copy of the passport;
  • medical examination certificate;
  • a certificate confirming your level of language proficiency.

Best Universities in China

There are many good universities in China, not only in large cities, but also in the provinces. The level of education does not depend on the geographical location of the educational institution, as do the living conditions for students. Below are the universities that are included in the list of the best in China, and where the largest number of Russian-speaking students study.

NameDescriptionTuition fee, per year

Located in Guizhou Province. The main specialties are taught in Chinese, there are several subjects in English. Grant training available6,800-8,600 yuan

Located in Anshan city. Classes are conducted only in Chinese, and teachers strictly monitor attendance and level of knowledge. There is an opportunity to receive grants12,000-20,000 yuan

Located in Heilongjiang Province, Harbin City. Grant training, best teaching staff, all subjects in Chinese12,400-25,200 yuan

Located in Shandong Province, Yantai City. It has a large selection of areas and programs, there is the possibility of training under grants12,000-22,000 yuan

The attitude towards Russians in the PRC is very friendly, as well as towards other foreigners. Teachers pay maximum attention to their students, which sets them apart from teachers at European and American universities. But to achieve high results, the student himself must apply all his diligence and devote all his free time.

Video - Study in China for Russians

How and why to learn Chinese

The Chinese language today is no longer just an exotic foreign language - it is a language spoken by one fifth of the world's population. Increasingly, it is the Chinese language that is used in numerous business negotiations, which is facilitated by the rapid growth of the Chinese economy. The amazing nature and culture of this unusual eastern country is gaining more and more fans, many of whom are seriously thinking about the issue of learning this extremely complex, at first glance, language.

Practical Chinese language course

If you are determined to learn this beautiful and interesting language, a practical Chinese language course at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at RUDN University will help you. We accept everyone who wants to take Chinese language courses in Moscow. The level of course participants can be any level - from zero and above.

How to enroll in courses

You can choose one of the following short-term programs, according to your level or your goals:

  • foreign language. Zero level - Beginner;
  • foreign language. Elementary level - Elementary;
  • foreign language. Entry level: stage I - Pre-Intermediate I;
  • foreign language. Entry level: stage II- Pre-Intermediate II;
  • foreign language. Intermediate level: stage I - Intermediate I;
  • foreign language. Intermediate level: stage II - Intermediate II;
  • foreign language. Advanced level: stage I - Upper-Intermediate I;
  • foreign language. Advanced level: stage II - Upper-Intermediate II;
  • foreign language. Basics of business correspondence;
  • foreign language. Abstracting and annotation;
  • foreign language. Business communication in the field of marketing;
  • foreign language. Business communication in the field of foreign economic activity;
  • translation and abstracting. Introductory course

Upon completion of the training course for the program you have chosen, you will be issued a standard certificate if you successfully pass the final certification.

Modular two-year programs will help you master the Chinese language at a level sufficient to use its cultural, educational, social, and industrial activities in intercultural interaction.

After placement testing, you will be enrolled in one of two programs corresponding to your starting level

  • foreign language. Initial practical translation course;
  • foreign language. Translation and abstracting.

Two years of study and successful completion of the final certification guarantees that you will receive a diploma of additional education.

Price for training

With our competitive prices in Moscow for Chinese language courses, the RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages ​​offers training from the best teachers, professionals in their field.

Advantages of Chinese language courses at RUDN University

Studying at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of RUDN gives our students a number of advantages and guarantees.
  • Progress. Mastering the Chinese language will progress at a rapid pace.
  • Quality. One of the best traditions of RUDN University teachers is the consistently high quality of teaching.
  • Innovation. We use innovative teaching methods in specialized linguistic classrooms.
  • Bonus. By testing, we will determine your starting level of language proficiency free of charge.

On this page you will find more than 30 foreign language institutes and foreign language departments in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia and neighboring countries. This will allow you to choose the language university that is most conveniently located and offers exactly the profile of language education that you need.

As for ratings and preferences, it is still considered that the highest level of language teaching and translation is at the Moscow State Linguistic University (formerly Maurice Thorez Moscow State Linguistic University - Moscow Inyaz). Indeed, Inyazov’s traditions and methods remain. But the teaching staff has changed a lot over the past 40 years. Teaching at a university, even one as seemingly elite as MSLU, has generally ceased to be prestigious and profitable.

Not to mention the fact that the former Inyaz itself has transformed in post-Soviet times from a fairly compact targeted university into a kind of all-encompassing monster, where they teach everything, not just languages ​​(the status of a “university” is obligatory). Such omnivorousness and universalism have both their pros and cons.

As for the level of training of specific students, it depends on your luck. Much will depend on the composition of teachers (and turnover is very high now: it doesn’t happen from year to year). And we must not forget that when teaching languages ​​and translation, 70-80% depends on the learner himself: on his efforts, on how much time and effort he spends on mastering the language.

Foreign language and translation are applied disciplines. No knowledge of theory will help here. You either know the language or you don’t. Therefore, the final criterion for the level of language knowledge acquired at a university will be practice. Even the best language knowledge acquired at the best specialized university will disappear in a year or two if it is not consolidated in practice. Yuri Novikov


Belgorod State National Research University
Faculty of Foreign Languages


Ural State Pedagogical University (USPU)


Izhevsk State University


IGLU - Irkutsk State Linguistic University
Official website of IGLU (


KIYA - Kirov Institute of Foreign Languages, Kirov (formerly Vyatka) - founded in 1998



LSPU - Lipetsk State Pedagogical University
Faculty of Foreign Languages


NSPU - Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University


OIFL - Omsk Institute of Foreign Languages

Specialties and areas of study at the Institute of Foreign Languages: translation and translation studies, qualification Linguist, translator. Linguistics, academic degree Bachelor. English, German, Spanish. Full-time day and evening courses. Second higher professional education. Additional professional education. Foreign language courses, Russian language center, faculty of additional higher professional education, translation school, translator in the field of business communications, school of translators and referents.