Clever words for communication are the art of conversation. Why did you change your password? You are hiding something from me? Types of clever expressions

What do you mean: “Tell me about your experiences. I want to understand you. "

What he hears: "I want to know everything".

We need to talk.

What do you mean: "Let's discuss my new idea for conquering the world!"

What he hears:"I know everything. You're in trouble, bunny."

You do not love me.

What do you mean: "Tell me that you love me."

What he hears:"You are not doing enough to make me believe in the sincerity of your feelings. A white gold ring would save the day."

Why do you need a new TV?

What do you mean:You doubt the advisability of a new purchase, because the old TV is still working!

What he hears:"You are a stupid person who does not know how to manage money."


Behave like a man!

What do you mean:"You are wrong, listen as you should."

What he hears: “Where are your balls, boy? You're acting like a foolish girl. "

You’ll do it for me, right?

What do you mean: “I need action. If you really love me, it will be so. "

What he hears:“I’m trying to manipulate you. And I’m very good at it, you don’t dare to do it differently.”

Do you like her?

What do you mean: “Tell me I'm much better. And she sucks, even in her fourth size. "

What he hears: "Do you want to sleep with her?"

Wine tint or coral?

What do you mean: “What color do you like best? I want to please you in a new dress ”,

What he hears:"I want to torment you for the rest of my days with stupid questions about color shades."

What if we ever break up?

What do you mean: “I want to hear that this will never happen. I want to be confident in you. "

What he hears: "Give me a reason to call you a goat and a freak if something terrible happens."

Go for a walk with your friends, it's more interesting with them.

What do you mean: "Something we haven't spent time alone for a long time."

What he hears: "You are a freak who does not understand his own happiness."

Why did you change your password? You are hiding something from me?

What do you mean: “Something is not clean here. Tell me your password. Right now".

What he hears:"I want to be in control of your every move, whether you like it or not."

Well, then I would have met her.

What do you mean:"What the hell, honey? I'm better, better than a dog."

What he hears: “I don’t really need you, so go away. Although no, come back. "

No, I'm not offended.

What do you mean:Perhaps you are not offended.

What he hears:"Absolutely, I was offended."

I am not like this.

What do you mean: "Such phrases are not about me, are they?"

Why does he leave me in charge of getting his wife back?

Difficult to translate and difficult to understand English phrase

We communicate. We say phrases. These phrases have a meaning, how else would we say them? They would talk. Because not only words convey meaning, it is obvious.

In addition to the essence of what has been said, we are trying to convey to the listener a piece of ourselves. We want to show who we are, that is, how we want to show ourselves. In the Arctic, where I recently came from, this is not very important. In office work, this is important.

But is our native Russian language always enough for us to convey to another our view of things, our values? Are we misleading ourselves by what we have said? Does it not seem to us, in vain, that we were understood the way we wanted, while we were understood in a completely different way? Agree, this is even more important for office work than for the Arctic.

Let's say you are attacked by a polar bear. Your friend has raised his carbine and is aiming at the bear, but you can see: he is aiming right at you! What do you say? Is the Russian language rich enough to convey your fortune? That is powerful, I have no doubt. But is he rich enough?

When talking to the director, in the water-cooler talk, in the office delivery, we inevitably use special the shape of the tongue. When and where did it develop? It seems to you that it is here and now, but it is not. It is very important to understand the origin of this form of language. Then, perhaps, some semblance of truth will open before us and we may change our language, or we will leave it as it is, but we will do it consciously.

Let's take English as an example. While studying various films, I tried to learn English by hearing phrases and simultaneously reading them using subtitles. Although not recommended by the teachers, it has produced definite results. Watching various films, I was able to isolate several forms of language in them. And this is not "slang", "mate" or something like that, not such a division. No, in completely different films people say this or that, based on certain models, or personas. You can understand the persona by analyzing the structure of the phrase and correlating it with the Russian equivalent - after all, we are trying to adapt it to our language! Persons practically do not overlap, and the same person, regardless of education, can pass in one conversation from the language of one person to the language of another. This is interesting and promising.

I repeat once again that the purpose of my article is not to outline the rules of the English language and not to trace parallels with Russian (and there are no such parallels!), But only to analyze the persons from whom people speak, create an image and try to use it (or the same image , but native, Russian) in office life. If at the same time it turns out that we have lost something - well, then let's look for it!

Go. So, let's isolate these persons. In my slightly superficial opinion, there are three of them.

The first one I will call “ sailor" or " old John Silver". A lot of different expressions in English are associated with the sea. This is understandable, but the fact that they all form a coherent image, an image that you can try on yourself, is completely overlooked. Let's put it aside for now and name the second character. It - hippie, dude, bratello, "your boyfriend". It is to him that I will devote this article, since he is the most colorful of all three. Oh yes, I forgot about the third: this is, in fact, an office person, not even a person - a "little man". His vocabulary is also not small and interesting, yet I would venture to start with "dude", because it turns out, according to completely different films, from "Sherlock Holmes" to "Lebowski", that he - and only he - composes basis American English spoken language. As I think.

Why? Who knows?

I will give phrases from films and sometimes comment on them, but so as not to interfere with your perception. First, you can disagree with my translation, with my comments. Secondly, the task is not to explain something to you, but to create an image for you. This is what we will do. Not a single phrase, given below, is actually spoken by a hippie, or "dude", the fact of the matter is that they are pronounced by people who are far from this, so to speak, "philosophy." But she lives in their words!

1. Ilikeitbetter - Let's start with this seemingly harmless phrase. I will translate it like this: “ for me it's better". Agree that she is not "ours" at all. We do not want, "which is better", or do not tie this "better" to ourselves, in an extreme case, we will say: "it will be better." Who "will be better"? The universe? Also - pay attention to the fact that the "image" (so far unnamed) and so already good! But he wants it to be "better"! So.

3. Just thefactthatpeople seemtobegetting – « from what people seem to become... ". A very difficult and long phrase for a "dude", and he doesn't say it, he thinks it. This phrase has an interesting turnover people seem tobegetting. It is interesting, firstly, by the use of the verb get, which, as you know, can replace all verbs known to science, especially in an uneducated person, and secondly, by the very meaning of the phrase. "Dude" really likes to think that people turn into someone, although, on the contrary, they turn he!

4. Which is really cool to see – « love- expensive to look". A completely innocent phrase. Interesting is the word cool, it is already alarming, and the expression cooltosee - "cool to watch" - directly leads to the world-contemplative life position of a hippie who looks and looks, but himself, more often than not, does nothing, and is not going to do anything. Steve Jobs doesn't count. He just got tired of being poor.

5. No, I was just about to... "no, I was just about to" - leave without comment, just like ...

6. Why wouldn’t I – « why I? ».

7. Well, seeing as I can’t seem to – « looks like,what I not». In this case, the “dude” wants to inform humanity that he has been offended, offended, and more than once, probably, will be offended.

8. Ididyoua favor - "I did you a favor ..." - everyone can say this phrase, but ... But, however, no! The English queen will not say it, but the "dude", on the contrary, remembers all the good things that he did for others, remembers very diligently, because later you can demand compensation for this.

9. Ihaventthefaintest – « i have no idea!"- the universal answer of the" dude "to everything, everything, everything, as well as ...

10. How am I suppose to know – « from whereto me know? ". Let's pay attention to one detail: the dude values \u200b\u200bhimself and his opinion very much, this can be traced from the times when hippies reached the "state of enlightenment". They did it on their own, it was impossible to buy it, it was impossible to steal it, so their opinion was overvalued for a hippie, because it was based on his, concrete, perception, which led to enlightenment. In short, "dude" cannot just say "dunno", he needs to "show off" by saying difficult: "How do I know something?"

11. I owe you one - "I owe you".

12. You watch your back, man – « take care myself". So in the original (in the film Tokarev) the policeman says, and not at all "dude", but these are his "words". This is what he usually says to a friend when he goes to the market for grass, or just to the toilet. Simple events need to be given significance, because there are no really significant events and will not be. All this can be spiced up with Hindu "crap" that, they say, like, "everything is meaningless" - and again the "dude" will be right!

13. Letsnotgo throughallthatagain– « let's not go back to this again "... Also a wonderful universal phrase, suitable for a borrower and for a hippie girlfriend, who suddenly thought that she was for him - not just one night.

14. I couldn’t wind down, I needed to release – « I not rested. I need some rest". It is clear who is the main worker here! The phrase is also interesting for its "borderline" position in relation to the image of a "sailor". Phrasal verb wind down, most likely, means in the original "letting go of the wind", that is, to lose it when it got into the sail, and the fact that he "did not lose it", that is, he always maneuvered, trying to keep it and so keep the ship's course, means now that he was very tired. Who! Well, of course, "dude", not a sailor!

15. While you were getting high – « whileyou enjoyed". I could not ignore this phrase, because getting high itself is directly related to taking drugs, and again this is a very common phrase, and no one means drugs when they say it. That's the whole point!

16. What differencedoesitmake – « what's the difference?". Everything is clear here. Indeed, what's the difference?

17. Because I didnt dropa dimeonnobody – « because I didn't tell anyone". I might not quote this phrase, but it indirectly indicates "dude". He "did not tell anyone" - and, therefore, they owe him. Also interesting is double negation - an extremely rare thing in English, one might even say - forbidden, apparently, to strengthen the meaning when the word nobody is “ anyone " - already shouting!

18. As Iliveandbreathe - I translated " oh my God!”, Although, of course, this is not so, there is no translation at all. I wanted to convey the pompousness characteristic of the attitude of the "dude" to himself.

19. Cause you enjoy torturing me too much – « you enjoy tormenting me"- from the same opera.

20. Wow, lost my train of thought here – « sorry, lost think"- it is said again not by" dude "(The Big Lebovski). A rare case of reflection in a dude, but don't flatter yourself! - he does not scold himself, he only returns attention to himself, his beloved.

21. But I just thought it was fair to tell you – « ithought, whatwill befair to tell you". Perfectly! The whole attitude of the dude to himself - at a glance. And the attitude of someone else, in fact, do not care.

22. « No. funny stuff» – « unhappy business"- this is probably about work!

23. Luckyfor you – « luckily for you ...". Everyone around the "dude" is happy by definition, because he didn't drink, eat and smoke everything.

24. Good point! – « good question!". The phrase is good because after it you do not need to answer the question itself.

25. AndIll be inaworldofshit – « and Iwill by earsat shit". No comment.

26. Seewhereitgetsyou – « look where it took you! ". No comment, everything is transparent.

27. You thinkwearekidding ormakingwith thefunny stuff? – « do you think we're kidding or kidding?"- no doubt not! "Dudes" build missiles, move progress, fight, finally, no, anything, just not funny staff!

28. What do you need that for? – « For what youthis isneed? ". Indeed, why? I wanted to write: "all you need is love", but I just believe in it, and therefore I will not so laugh. In general, the "dude" does not need anything. Well, money, of course ...

29. Its not on – « it's not quite true».

30. Im hopingit wont benecessary – « ihopefully, not necessary…».

31. Sure I was. I was in danger of being bored to death – « slightly not diedfromboredom"- but how pathetic! " I was in danger of dying of boredom»…

32. Never enteredmymind – « do not bother me", Literally:" don't open my brain". Commentary: but what?

33. Don’t enjoy it too much – « not trudge So! ».

34. It did me kind of thinking– « this ismade me ponder».

35. Im justtrying to, youknow - "I'm just trying, you know ...".

And here's one more thing:

36. Itfuckedmeupforalongtime – « it discouraged me". I wonder how long? Years?

37. Whydoyou say shitlikethat? – « why are you telling me something like that?". Apparently, the girlfriend of the "dude" still "flew" Sorry.

The last (last but not least - but not the worst!)

38. Wife, have you lost yourfucking mind? Think of the translation yourself

Bottom line: in colloquial (and not so) English, "dude" acts. He has taken root there since the sixties and since then everyone thinks partly like him, acts partly like him, feels partly like him. I wonder who is "acting" in our native language? And how can we "tame" it?

So much has been said about the uniqueness of the Russian language that a completely excusable delusion may arise that it is impossible to form equally powerful artistic images in other languages. In fact, this does not correspond to the truth, people generally tend to exaggerate their own exclusiveness in any area. For example, the ability to compose a variety of abstruse phrases is characteristic of the vast majority of languages, but this in itself is such an interesting phenomenon that it requires close study.

What is "crazy"?

The very concept of "cleverness" implies something beyond the mind and standard logic. Abstruse phrases are expressions where the semantic component is broken or completely absent, even if the general context seems extremely intellectual. In this case, the meaning can be violated both accidentally and intentionally. Ideally, this is a kind of mental gymnastics, a game with testing the capabilities of the language, contributing to its development. Otherwise, we are talking about demagoguery, when the interlocutor tries to manipulate the audience, giving them a false impression of their own education. A striking example is the monologue of Golokhvastov from the movie "Chasing Two Hares" with the refrain "this is very, very much."

Abstruse phrases and their role in communication

Many authors are happy to use such a technique as zaum in literary works. This is done not at all to confuse the reader, but rather to connect intuitive-emotional understanding. The absence of familiar elements of the language forces the reader to turn off rational thinking as unnecessary, this reveals new facets of understanding.

In communication, abstruse phrases are used for entertainment or as an expressive device. You can also manipulate the impression of the interlocutor, here the principle of action is based precisely on the predominance of the intuitive-emotional spectrum, the meaning becomes secondary. Around the eighties of the last century, a phrase that began with the words "from the point of view of banal erudition" gained popularity. This was followed by a heap of any pseudoscientific nonsense, the main thing is that the phrase sounded impressive and allowed to demonstrate the outstanding intelligence of the speaker.

Types of clever expressions

Zaum lends itself to a very conditional classification, since semantic connections are deliberately destroyed in it. The renowned doctor of philology, Gerald Janechek, at one time proposed four categories, depending on the level at which each particular expression violates the academic language norm: phonetic, morphological, syntactic and supersyntactic nonsense. At the same time, the investigated strange phrases can combine all four categories without any system.

If we consider these expressions without going into philology, then they can be conditionally divided into strange, smart, pseudo-smart, stupid and completely meaningless. It has a lot in common with puns, puns, and aerobatics is drawing up a harmonious linguistic construction, even if these are phrases without meaning. "Pig Latin" or "bird language" - the encryption of the message, which creates the illusion of meaningless gibberish, has a very distant resemblance to zanum.

A special category of zaumi includes all kinds of slander that have mystical or religious significance. In this case, the intuitive component of reason and emotion also becomes the main one. Shamanic recitative helps to enter into a trance, into a meditative state. Some experts consider such practices useful, consider them as a relaxing activity for the brain, tired of thinking on the rational plane. Meditation itself is truly beneficial, clears the mind, renews and restarts the ability to think constructively. Speech accompaniment and spells in this case are only an auxiliary element.

Attractive nonsense

The classic "gloka kuzdra" that "curls a bokrenka" is not the only strange creature invented by the masters of the language. Lewis Carroll at one time pleased with a poem about the Jabberwock, in which some "slick little shorts were darting on the hitch." These abstruse phrases, despite the presence of incomprehensible creatures, are built according to the connections of semantics and morphology. They can be summarized by the scheme "a certain creature performed some actions in relation to someone or in a certain place."

Another thing is a set of vague words that are woven into a message that is absolutely meaningless. Quote from the 1959 Soviet comedy "Unyielding": "Of course, well, not without that, it is, of course, actually literally, if you raise the question and immediately drop it, then raise it and immediately sharpen it, then, of course, that well! Not without that! Then it is, of course, actually, literally! " - a vivid example of malice using the classic zaumi. Another similar work begins with the words "it is, of course, it is understandable, it is not something either how, or nothing or what." In this case, the interpretation is read exclusively through intonation, facial expressions, gestures or additional context.

Sometimes such expressions are obtained by chance, if a person cannot immediately find the words, but it is necessary to speak. At the same time, speech does not keep up with thoughts, excitement affects. A striking example is the interview of the young fashion model Yulia Golubtsova, which immediately fell under the crossfire of commentators on the Internet. “I'm going to win. I am in myself if there is something, I still think that some may be something. But all the same, I'm going for victory. " An incoherent phrase that escaped purely out of excitement instantly became a popular meme.

Another category of nonsense is gibberish children's rhymes. They can be completely meaningless, or only partially. "Eni beni slave, quinter finter toad" is a well-known rhymed rhyme, one of many. Rhyming word formations that do not make sense, among themselves or with familiar words, is not just child's play, but real training that fosters a “sense of language”. Kids, pronouncing funny rhymes, train to perceive meaning, draw conclusions, and all this in a playful way.

Popularization of philosophy

If earlier philosophy was the lot of the elite, then with the advent of the Internet it became available to the broad masses, and this led to an inevitable simplification, the emergence of pseudo-philosophical reasoning. Of course, interesting statements can delight, push you to think about eternal topics, and whip up curiosity.

The popularity of social networks has led to the fact that many quotes are attributed to people who have never said this, there are distortions of meaning, new variations, suppression of part of the expression or other changes. For example, Karl Marx did call religion the opium of the people, but he borrowed this from earlier authors. Charles Kingsley, the Anglican priest from whom Marx took this comparison, had opium in mind as a pain reliever. Why did all kinds of philosophical phrases start to be so popular?

Why is it often that philosophical reasoning can be called abstruse? In fact, there is a substitution of meaning here, which often happens in the everyday use of various words. It turns out that in a number of cases the word "abstruse" is interpreted as "too smart, clever, simple reason cannot be understood, you need to have an outstanding intellect to make out the meaning."

The illusion of intelligence: to be or to seem?

Formation of an image for many people is a rather painstaking business; not only a carefully worked out appearance is brought out to the public, but also carefully selected speech techniques. It is impossible to say unequivocally that this is bad, but by citing interesting statements and deep philosophical reasoning, people just demonstrate a good memory. If the blanks are pronounced in the topic of conversation, it is appropriate, then this already testifies to the work of the intellect.

You should be careful with memorizing other people's wise thoughts. It is not enough to memorize, it is desirable to understand the meaning of the phrase, be able to build your own judgment on it and apply it in time. If you quote inappropriately, you can get a diametrically opposite result, even if you think "from the point of view of banal erudition."

In order not to spoil the image with a poorly chosen quote, it is worth training. Practice actually helps to master the primary techniques of rhetoric, and if there is a desire to develop this talent, then it makes sense to take courses in oratory.

How to use philosophical phrases?

Perhaps the safest option is to quote with a preliminary pronunciation like, "This reminds me of a statement." In no case try to ascribe to yourself other people's phrases, the interlocutors may be aware of the authorship, and it will turn out awkward.

In most cases, short statements can be used as an epigraph, a signature on a forum, or a status on social networks. The Internet allows you to share a phrase that is successful in your opinion without the obligatory justification of quotation. In real communication, this does not look so organic, and it requires binding to the context of the conversation or to the situation, but the ability to actively use non-verbal signals is added.

Timely quote as the edge of wit

Not every person is capable of generating unique jokes - the masters of impromptu are not as common as we would like. Therefore, there is nothing reprehensible in using some funny abstruse phrases solely as a way to defuse the situation, add a little humor and positive to the conversation. Perhaps, the Internet has made its contribution here too - the abundance of citation opportunities in social networks very quickly penetrated into real life. People use funny memes in everyday speech, quote something they read on the web or in fiction.

It is interesting that sometimes silly phrases give a better result than another verse by Omar Khayyam or a wise thought from the works of Kant. The secret lies in a harmonious combination of citation goals, a good choice of expression, accompanying facial expressions and intonation, as well as appropriateness.

Timeliness is not as easy as it sounds. This requires persistent training, and mistakes cannot be avoided. In a similar way, teachers of foreign languages \u200b\u200brecommend that you include communication with native speakers in the study program. Mistakes are inevitable, but if you don't practice, you won't succeed. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the interlocutors are tolerant of the mistakes of beginners, many patiently correct, give advice, gently "pulling" neophytes into the language environment.

Sarcasm or trolling tool

Zaum and pseudophilosophy are successfully used as weapons during disputes both in real communication and on the Internet. Perhaps, on the Internet, the quoted phrase can be colored even more successfully if you use the appropriate smiles or illustrations. Sometimes an accidentally found picture with a signature turns out to be so consonant with the mood or some kind of life events that a regular repost becomes much easier and more logical. Of course, an abstruse phrase for a joke can also be used unsuccessfully, but in the overwhelming majority of cases it is possible to correct the impression with additional messages or a sign with the words "sarcasm".

Very often, zaum is used as an element of trolling. It is possible to crush the interlocutor with intelligence only if there is one, but the abundance of well-learned blanks can give the impression of a superior mind and make the victim more vulnerable. Another variant of manipulation is pressure with the help of a senseless flood; any expression is quite suitable for this. The success of trolling is measured by the intensity of the victim's emotional response.

Image element

The ability to concisely and succinctly formulate your own thoughts is actually not innate. It can be brought up, reading is perfect for this - whole verbal constructions are subconsciously remembered. So, popular short statements found on the Internet can also be useful. Of course, this is not reading literature, but it is very close to it in terms of the technique of memorizing whole expressions. A person who assimilates a sufficient number of philosophical statements can eventually begin to formulate their own. This is also a gymnastics of the mind, a way to hone it.

Abstruse phrases that are somehow present in speech allow you to form a certain image. An excess of pseudoscientific zeal will lead to the fact that someone will consider a person boring, but there will certainly be people tuned in to the same wavelength.

Do you remember the dictation from "Literaturka" for the Olympics "On a plank terrace, near the hemp plant ..." what Countess Foto knew about the fact that Count Foto was playing loto "
But seriously - then a set of rules called "44 horror stories of Russian grammar" in examples by contradiction, or find an error in each sentence:
1. Subject, it does not need to be specified with a pronoun.
2. Remember that in most cases the “about” link can be excluded.
3. Some people began to forget the rules for agreeing the main members of the proposal.
4. Possessive pronouns should be able to be used correctly depending on their function.
5. If you want to use a verb, then you need to conjugate it correctly, and not as the author wants.
6. Do not try not to avoid double negatives.
7. The passive voice should generally be avoided.
8. Do not forget about the letter "e", otherwise it is difficult to distinguish between case and case, heaven and sky, donkey and donkey, perfect and perfect, everything and everything.
9. And in an offshore office, be crystal clear about where doubled consonants are written, and where they are reasonably not doubled.
10. The word “no” has no form of change.
11. The soft sign in the indefinite form of the verb must be in its place, which is sometimes forgotten.
12. It is not uncommon for a person to nirazu correctly write “not” and “neither” with verbs and adverbs.
13. Having poor grammar knowledge, complex constructions should be used with caution.
14. We would like to note that the author of these lines does not recommend changing the person on whose behalf the presentation is being made.
15. An author using participial turns should not forget about punctuation.
16. Don't use commas where you don't need them.
17. Of course, separate the introductory structure with commas.
18. Moreover, some words, literally, very similar to the introductory ones, just never separate them with commas.
19. Use the correct long dashes, with spaces, and the hyphen a little bit shorter, without spaces.
20. Those who end the sentence with a preposition, send to. Not for the sake of rudeness, but for order.
21. Check missing and extra words in the text.
22. The rule says that "indirect speech in quotation marks is not taken."
23. The answer is no to the question of whether a question mark is put in a sentence with interrogative indirect speech?
24. NEVER capitalize words.
25. No narcissistic Bank, its President and Chairman of the Board of Directors, are capitalized.
26. Spelling words according to the dictionary.
27. There are one hundred twenty-five ways to decline numbers, but only one of them is correct.
28. Do not divide the indivisible and do not combine different things, but write something with a hyphen.
29. Restraint is always the absolute best way to present great ideas.
30. Exaggeration is a million times worse than understatement.
31. An unnecessary analogy in the text is like a fur coat tucked into panties.
32. Do not use long words where short-sounding ones can be used.
33. Be more or less specific.
34. As Emerson taught: “Don't quote. Communicate your own thoughts. "

These English phrases are a great warm-up for Russian brains. Nikita Butomo will share interesting linguistic observations that tutors do not talk about; they are easier to accept than understand. And then let's think about an interesting question.

We communicate. We say phrases. These phrases have a meaning, how else would we say them? They would talk. Because not only words convey meaning, it is obvious.

In addition to the essence of what has been said, we are trying to convey to the listener a piece of ourselves. We want to show who we are, that is, how we want to show ourselves. In the Arctic, where I recently came from, this is not very important. In office work, this is important.

But is our native Russian language always enough for us to convey to another our view of things, our values? Are we deluding ourselves with what we have said? Does it not seem to us, in vain, that we were understood the way we wanted, while we were understood in a completely different way? Agree, this is even more important for office work than for the Arctic.

Let's say you are attacked by a polar bear. Your friend has raised his carbine and is aiming at the bear, but you can see: he is aiming right at you! What do you say? Is the Russian language rich enough to convey your fortune? That is powerful, I have no doubt. But is he rich enough?

When speaking to the director, in water-cooler talk, in office delivery, we inevitably use a special form of language. When and where did it develop? It seems to you that it is here and now, but it is not so. It is very important to understand the origin of this form of language. Then, perhaps, some semblance of truth will open before us and we may change our language, or we will leave it as it is, but we will do it consciously.

Let's take English as an example. While studying various films, I tried to learn English by hearing phrases and simultaneously reading them using subtitles. Although not recommended by the teachers, it has produced definite results. Watching various films, I was able to isolate several forms of language in them. And this is not "slang", "mate" or something like that, not such a division. No, in completely different films people say this or that, based on certain models, or personas. You can understand the persona by analyzing the structure of the phrase and correlating it with the Russian equivalent - after all, we are trying to adapt it to our language! Persons practically do not overlap, and the same person, regardless of education, can pass in one conversation from the language of one person to the language of another. This is interesting and promising.

I repeat once again that the purpose of my article is not to outline the rules of the English language and not to trace parallels with Russian (and there are no such parallels!), But only to analyze the persons from whom people speak, create an image and try to use it (or the same image , but native, Russian) in office life. If at the same time it turns out that we have lost something - well, then let's look for it!

Go. So, let's isolate these persons. In my, slightly superficial opinion, there are three of them.

The first I will call "sailor" or "old John Silver." A lot of different expressions in English are associated with the sea. This is understandable, but the fact that they all form a coherent image, an image that you can try on yourself, is completely overlooked. Let's put it aside for now and name the second character. This is a hippie, dude, bratello, "your boyfriend." It is to him that I will devote this article, since he is the most colorful of all three. Oh yes, I forgot about the third: this is, in fact, an office person, not even a person - a "little man". His vocabulary is also not small and interesting, nevertheless I would venture to start with "dude", because it turns out, according to completely different films, from "Sherlock Holmes" to "Lebowski", that he - and only he - forms the basis of American English spoken language. As I think.

Why? Who knows?

I will give phrases from films and sometimes comment on them, but so as not to interfere with your perception. First, you can disagree with my translation, with my comments. Secondly, the task is not to explain something to you, but to create an image for you. This is what we will do. Not a single phrase, given below, is actually spoken by a hippie, or "dude", the fact of the matter is that they are pronounced by people who are far from this, so to speak, "philosophy." But she lives in their words!

1. I like it better - let's start with this seemingly harmless phrase. I will translate it like this: "for me, this is better." Agree that she is not "ours" at all. We do not want, "which is better", or do not tie this "better" to ourselves, in an extreme case, we will say: "it will be better." Who will "be better"? The universe? Also - pay attention to the fact that the "image" (so far unnamed) is already good! But he wants it to be "better"! So.

3. Just the fact that people seem to be getting - "from the fact that people seem to become ...". A very difficult and long phrase for a "dude", and he doesn't say it, he thinks it. The phrase people seem to be getting is interesting in this phrase. It is interesting, firstly, by the use of the verb get, which, as you know, can replace all verbs known to science, especially in an uneducated person, and secondly, by the very meaning of the phrase. "Dude" really likes to think that people are turning into someone, although, on the contrary, he is turning!

4. Which is really cool to see. A completely innocent phrase. Interestingly, the word cool, it is already alarming, and the expression cool to see - "cool to look" - directly leads to the outlook on life position of a hippie who looks and looks, but himself, most often, does nothing and is not going to do anything. Steve Jobs doesn't count. He just got tired of being poor.

5. No, Iwas just about to ... "no, I was just about to" - let's leave without comment, just like ...

6. Why wouldn’t I - "why me?"

7. Well, seeing as I can’t seem to - “it looks like I don’t ...”. In this case, the “dude” wants to inform humanity that he has been offended, offended, and more than once, probably, will be offended.

8. I did you a favor - "I did you a favor ..." - everyone can say this phrase, but ... But, by the way, no! The English queen will not say it, but the "dude", on the contrary, remembers all the good things that he did for others, remembers very diligently, because later you can demand compensation for this.

9. I haven’t the faintest - "I have no idea!" - the universal answer of the "dude" to everything, everything, everything, just like ...

10. How am I suppose to know - "how do I know?" Let's pay attention to one detail: the dude values \u200b\u200bhimself and his opinion very much, this can be traced from the times when hippies reached the "state of enlightenment". They did it on their own, it was impossible to buy it, it was impossible to steal it, so their opinion was overvalued for a hippie, because it was based on his, concrete, perception, which led to enlightenment. In short, "dude" cannot just say "dunno", he needs to "show off" by saying difficult: "How do I know something?"

11. I owe you one - "I owe you."

12. You watch your back, man - “take care of yourself”. So in the original (in the film Tokarev) the policeman says, and not at all "dude", but these are his "words". This is what he usually says to a friend when he goes to the market for grass, or just to the toilet. Simple events need to be given significance, because there are no really significant events and will not be. All this can be spiced up with Hindu "crap" that, they say, like, "everything is meaningless" - and again the "dude" will be right!

13. Let’s not go through all that again - "let's not go back to this again." Also a wonderful universal phrase, suitable for a borrower and for a hippie girlfriend who suddenly thought that she was for him - not just one night.

14. I couldn’t wind down, I needed to release - “I didn't rest. I need some rest". It is clear who is the main worker here! The phrase is also interesting for its "borderline" position in relation to the image of the "sailor". The phrasal verb wind down most likely means in the original “to let go of the wind”, that is, to lose it when caught in the sail, and here is the fact that he “didn’t lose it,” that is, he was always maneuvering, trying to keep it and keep it going ship means now that he is very tired. Who! Well, of course, "dude", not a sailor!

15. While you were getting high - "while you were enjoying." I could not ignore this phrase, because getting high itself is directly related to taking drugs, and again this is a very common phrase, and no one means drugs when they say it. That's the whole point!

16. What difference does it make - "what's the difference?" Everything is clear here. Indeed, what's the difference?

17. Because I didn't drop a dime on nobody - "because I didn't tell anyone." I might not quote this phrase, but it indirectly indicates "dude". He "did not tell anyone" - and, therefore, they owe him. Also interesting is double negation - an extremely rare thing in English, one might even say - forbidden, apparently, to reinforce the meaning, when the word nobody - "nobody" - is already shouting!

18. As I live and breathe - I translated "my God!", Although, of course, this is not so, there is no translation at all. I wanted to convey the pompousness characteristic of the attitude of the "dude" to himself.

19. Cause you enjoy torturing me too much - "you enjoy torturing me" - from the same opera.

20. Wow, lost my train of thought here - “sorry, I lost my thought” - it is said, again, not by “dude” (The Big Lebovski). A rare case of reflection in a dude, but don't flatter yourself! - he does not scold himself, he only returns attention to himself, his beloved.

21. But I just thought it was fair to tell you - "I thought it would be fair to tell you." Perfectly! The whole attitude of the dude to himself - at a glance. And the attitude of someone else, in fact, do not care.

22. “No funny stuff” is probably about work!

23. Lucky for you - "luckily for you ...". Everyone around the "dude" is happy by definition, because he didn't drink, eat and smoke everything.

24. Good point! - "good question!". The phrase is good because after it you do not need to answer the question itself.

25. And I'll be in a world of shit - "and I'll be in shit." No comment.

26. See where it get’s you - "Look where it got you!" No comment, everything is transparent.

27. You think we are kidding or making with the funny stuff? - "Do you think we're joking or kidding?" - no doubt not! "Dudes" build missiles, move progress, fight, finally, no, anything, just not funny staff!

28. What do you need that for? - "Why do you need this?" Indeed, why? I wanted to write: “all you need is love”, but I just believe in it, and therefore I will not laugh like that. In general, the "dude" does not need anything. Well, money, of course ...

29. It’s not on - “it’s not quite so”.

30. I’m hoping it won’t be necessary - "I hope not necessary ...".

31. Sure Iwas. I was in danger of being bored to death - "I almost died of boredom" - but how pathetic! “I was in danger of dying of boredom” ...

32. Never entered my mind - “don't bother me”, literally: “don't open my brain”. Commentary: but what?

33. Don’t enjoy it too much - “don’t drag around like that!”.

34. It did me kind of thinking - "it made me think."

35. I'm just trying to, you know ... - "I'm just trying, you know ...".

And here's one more thing:

36. It fucked me up for a long time - "it discouraged me." I wonder how long? Years?

37. Why do you say shit like that? - "Why are you telling me something like that?" Apparently, the girlfriend of the "dude" still "flew" Sorry.

The last (last but not least - but not the worst!)

38. Wife, have you lost your fucking mind? Think of the translation yourself.

Bottom line: in colloquial (and not so) English, "dude" acts. He has taken root there since the sixties and since then everyone thinks partly like him, acts partly like him, feels partly like him. I wonder who is "acting" in our native language? And how can we "tame" it?