English lesson on the topic “New Year. New Year games or how to have fun all night. New Year's games, or fun all night long English New Year for children

· Teach children to answer the question posed with a complete answer;

· Enrich children's vocabulary;

· Develop phonemic hearing, worldview, attention, memory, creative imagination, logical thinking and creative abilities;

· To consolidate children's knowledge about Christmas traditions in England;

· Cultivate interest in the culture of another country.



Municipal preschool educational institution, kindergarten of combined type No. 228, Kirov district, Volgograd

Theme: "New Year's Journey with Santa Claus."

English language lesson for children 5-6 years old

Compiled by:

Senior teacher

first qualification category

Razgonova Liliya Alexandrovna

Volgograd 2014


  • Teach children to answer the question posed with a complete answer;
  • Enrich children's vocabulary;
  • Develop phonemic hearing, worldview, attention, memory, creative imagination, logical thinking and creativity;
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about Christmas traditions in England;
  • Cultivate interest in the culture of another country.


Easels, animal masks, pictures of rhyming words, writing with text, symbols to represent points, gifts for encouragement.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with the traditions and customs of the country of the target language, familiarization with traditional English games, learning rhymes, poems and songs in English, dramatization of fairy tales and games in English.


The music is “We wish you a Merry Cristmas”,

Children enter the hall to the music and stand around the teacher, who greets them with the following words:


Hello boys and girls.


Hello Lilia Alexandrovna!


Guys, let's greet our guests in English.

Poem "Good evening".


Good evening, good evening.
Good evening to you!
Good evening, good evening,
I'm glad to see you!


Children, look how elegant the hall is today, and what holiday will we celebrate?


New Year's and Christmas!


Today we have an unusual activity. Today we celebrate a holiday called Christmas! The fact is that in England Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. On this day, most families go to church, and after it they gather at the festive table. So today we will celebrate our English holiday Christmas, or as the English call it Christmas. Guys, sit down. Timosha, read a poem!

1. Child

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Guys, pay attention to the screen. I think I hear something!

Video about Santa Claus.


And now, dear parents, our children would like to greet you with the song “I say hello!” Let’s remember the song - a greeting for our guests and for you and me.


"I say hello!"

Say hello-Hello!

Say hello-Hello!

Say hello-Hello!

Say hello-Hello!

Clap your hands - clap, clap, clap.

Touch your knees - tap, tap, tap.

Shake your hands - shake, shake, shake.

Stamp your feet - stamp, stamp, stamp.

Say hello - Hello! Say hello - Hello!

Say hello - Hello! Say hello-Hello!


Well done guys, let's applaud each other!

Children, who came to our holiday today? Let's remember and call it in English (mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather).

Guys, now I invite you to sing the song Lyrics of the song “Family”.

Father fmger, father fmger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do.

Mother "fmger, mother fmger, where are you?

Brother fmger, brother fmger, where are you?

Here I am, here 1 am. How do you do.

Sister fmger, sister fmger, where are you?

Here I am, here 1 am. How do you do.

Baby fmger, baby fmger, where are you?

Here I am, here 1 am. How do you do.

Presenter: (turn on the sounds of snow and blizzard).

Close your eyes! 1,2,3 - open your eyes! Guys, you don’t see anything and don’t
do you hear? Someone is rushing towards us.

Enter the Snowman!


Guys, who came to us?

Snowman! How would it be in English? Children:

And snowman!


Let's say hello to him!





How are you?
Snowman (reads a poem).

“I am a snowman”!

I"m a little snowman, short and fat

Here is my broomstick, here is my hat.


I am o.k. Guys, let's play the game "Snowman" together with

Game "Snowman". (to the tune of “Once upon a time there lived a good beetle.”

Once there was a snowman, snowman,


Once there was a snowman tall,

tall, tall.

In the sun he melted, melted, melted.

In the sun he melted small, small, small.


And now we will play the game “Hot ball”.

I will pass the ball and ask you, and you must quickly answer my questions:

What is your name?

My name is Masha! (Children).

Nice to meet you! (Snowman).

Who are you?

I"m a boy (girl)!

What is your name?

How old are you?

Presenter: Snowman, a we guys love to play and dance. And we know very fun game I have..."

Snowman, and the guys and I really love to play and dance. And we know a very funny game “I have...”.

While playing music, you run as soon as the music to stop, you must also stop and take a picture!

While we are playing music, you are running, as soon as the music stops, you must also stop and take a picture!

Children take pictures to the melody and answer what they have in English.

The presenter asks the question: Who do you have? You can complicate the question (name another animal).

(The game is played with children 1 and 2 years old).

Presenter: The children sit on chairs. Our girls will read us a poem.

Poems read:

New Year

And happy New Year!

The day is so clear,

The snow is so white,

The sky is so bright.

Santa Claus

Santa Claus

Santa Claus

Come to our house!

New Year is near.

Come quickly here!

New Year Day

New Year Day, happy day!

We are glad and very gay.

We all dance and sing and say:

"Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!"

Presenter: Well done girls. Guys, we haven’t sung a song about Santa Claus. Make a circle!

Song "S.a.n.t.a."

Red hat, White beard.

Twinkle in his eyes.

S.a.n.t.a is his name - O!

Presenter: Boys, Girls, listen, I hear something. Boys and girls, listen, I hear something. Who do you think this is?(Santa's speech sounds).Oh. It seems to me that he is very close, but let’s go out and see where he is?(We leave the hall at this time, gifts are placed under the tree).

Presenter: Oh, parents, have you seen Santa Claus? Parents (Saw! He rode by on a sleigh, very fast)! And I left you a video letter! Let's take a look at it!Video from Santa Claus. (Children sit on chairs).Oh, guys, Santa left us a bag with gifts!(Giving gifts).

Christmas, the most popular holiday in English-speaking countries, is celebrated on December 25th. On Christmas Eve (December 24), children and adults sing Christmas carols (carols). This tradition dates back to the Middle Ages, when beggars in search of money and food wandered the streets, singing holiday songs. Also on Christmas Eve, children hang stockings on the fireplace or on the edge of the bed so that Santa Claus will put his gifts there.

On Christmas morning everyone opens their presents and later the family gathers for a traditional Christmas dinner consisting of Brussels sprouts, fried potatoes with roast turkey, roast beef or goose. Sweet cake or Christmas pudding are served for dessert.

The next day, December 26th, is Boxing Day. There are several versions explaining the name of the second day of Christmas. The most popular of them associate this day with the tradition of giving gifts to the poor, making donations to the local church and rewarding servants: on December 26, boxes with such gifts and donations were traditionally opened.

Christmas celebrations are always accompanied by songs, dances, noisy parties and, of course, games, riddles and quizzes. Try these fun Christmas games with your children.

More games (though in English) can be found on Christmas Games & Activities and Kid's Zone

Pass the parcel
Pass the parcel

Prepare 5-6 boxes or envelopes decorated or wrapped in Christmas paper. In each box (envelope) put several tasks on a Christmas theme, for example, guess a Chinese word, act out a dialogue, ask each other questions, read a poem out loud. Distribute boxes (envelopes) around the class, and the guys, taking out one task at a time, work, passing the package around.

Sock Guessing Game
Guess what's in the sock

For this game you will need a pair of thick socks. In each of them, put 10-20 items related to Christmas (Christmas tree branch, tape, pine cone, coin, Christmas tree decoration, tinsel, etc.). The items must be the same in both socks. Tie each sock tightly with a ribbon. Give the children a piece of paper. Passing socks around, the children write down the items they were able to feel. Two socks will make the game a little more dynamic. The winner is the one who guesses the most items.

Who's Santa?
Who's Santa?

Rudolph the reindeer is waiting for Santa to deliver gifts to the children. He needs to find Santa, who is hiding. Sit all the children in a circle. Choose one child - he will be Rudolph. Rudolph leaves the room, and the children sitting in a circle choose Santa. Rudolph returns and stands in the center of the circle. Santa starts winking at the kids. The one who received the wink should loudly shout "HO! HO! HO! Merry Christmas!" Once Santa is found, the game starts over.

Find Santa's Reindeer
Find Santa's reindeer!

Santa's reindeer had a big party last night and now Santa doesn't know where they are. He needs help finding the deer. The one who finds the most deer wins. For this game you need to hide pictures or figurines of deer throughout the room. One can be hidden under the table leg, another in gifts, a third on the Christmas tree, etc. You can give reindeer as a gift at the end of the game.

Gift Wrap Relay
Relay "Wrapping a Gift"

Prepare two small boxes of the same size, sheets of wrapping paper for each player. Beautifully pack boxes for each team. It's funny when boxes contain something rustling or rattling.

Divide the children into teams. Each team member runs to their box, unwraps it and wraps it again in their own sheet of wrapping paper located on the table. He then returns to his team to pass the turn to the next player. The team that completes this task the fastest wins.

The Siamese Twin gift-wrap
Siamese twins wrapping a gift

At the beginning of the game, divide the children into twos. You will need wrapping paper, ribbon and everything else needed to wrap the gift. A cardboard box or book is ideal as a “gift”. All this is placed in front of each double team.

Teams need to wrap the gift while standing side by side with one free hand. The other hand can be placed behind the back or placed on the other's waist. The idea is that one only uses his left hand and the other only uses his right. The team that wraps the “gift” faster and more accurately than the rest wins.

Santa's sack
Santa's bag

Prepare everyday items of different sizes and shapes. Wrap them in Christmas paper and put them in a bag. The kids take turns taking out the wrapped objects and get points if they can guess the pulled out objects. Older children ask: “It could be a mobile phone. It might be a calculator...etc.” Younger children may say: "I think it"s a..." or ask "Is it a/an...?"

Christmas Theme Chinese Whispers
Chinese whispers on a Christmas theme

The well-known game “Broken Phone”, which can be given a Christmas touch. Divide the children into two teams and seat them in two rows. If there are few children, you don’t have to divide them into teams.

Prepare cards with holiday-themed suggestions ahead of time. For example:
"Rudolf likes Christmas pudding on Mondays"
"Roast turkey is a traditional food for Christmas"
"Mrs. Claus likes plum pudding on Friday"
"Children can find different gifts in their stockings"

At the beginning of the game, let the first child in each row read his sentence. Then he returns to his team (row) and whispers it into the ear of the next player, who whispers it into the next player’s ear, and so on. Each participant can say a sentence only once. When the message reaches the last player in a row, he must say it out loud. There are usually no winners and losers because it's just fun to listen to distorted messages.

Christmas Carol Chaos
"Compote" from Christmas songs

This team game does not require a specific number of players, but does require a good knowledge of Christmas songs (you can choose).

Divide all the children into teams. Each team sends its player to the host, who gives them the name of some Christmas song (Xmas carol). The children return to their teams and try to imitate the Christmas carol by drawing it on paper. Once a team guesses the song, they must sing it loudly. After singing, the children send a new player for another song. The first team to guess five Christmas songs wins.

Christmas Tree
Christmas tree

A group of children sits in a circle with the leader in the center. Each child has a Christmas-themed card attached to their circle: Star, Bauble, Tinsel, Angel, Snowflake, etc. There must be at least two cards with the same name in a circle.

The presenter calls the word. For example, snowflakes. Snowflakes jump up and change places. And so with every word. But if the leader shouts "Christmas Tree" all the children must jump up and change places. This game is very fast and energetic. Both senior and junior schoolchildren love to play it. It brings children together.

Cheer everyone up(to cheer) and bring in(bring in) a genuine(real) New Year spirit(spirit, spirit) to your party!

How?! As easy as pie(very simple) - by playing games!

Have you planned your New Year menu? Of course, you will spend lots of time carefully thinking over(think through) and cooking the tastiest(the most delicious) dishes for you family and guests(guests)! And how about entertainment(entertainment)?? Oh, just relax and think of the menu, as we have done everything for you!

Here is a short but very useful list of the most exciting(exciting) games to play with your relatives(relatives) and guests. Hope you will like them:

  1. Guessing the resolutions (guess the author of New Year's resolutions):

    Make each of your guests(let every guest) write down 5 resolutions * , each on a slip of paper(piece of paper). Pull(pull out) one slip of paper out of a basket(from cart) and read it out loud(aloud). Everyone has to guess(guess) who made each resolution . At the end of the readings, the person who guessed the most correctly wins a prize(wins a prize). Read some wrong resolutions out loud for fun(for laughter)!

    * New Year resolutions- promises that a person makes to himself on New Year’s Eve (build a house, quit smoking, etc.).

  2. New Year's Eve Scramble (New Year's "breaker"):

    Write a bunch of(many, also: bunch, bunch) different words on a piece of paper that have to do with(to relate to something) New Year's Eve, then cut and scramble(mix) the letters. The person who guesses(guess) the most words correctly wins a prize.

  3. Celebrity hunt:

    Everyone writes the name of a famous person, character(character) or an animal on a piece of paper, which they stick to the forehead(paste on forehead) of the player on their left(left). Use tape(scotch tape) or office Post-It notes(sticky notes). Make sure(make sure) they don"t see the word. Now the game starts. Everyone else can see your forehead. The objective(goal) is to work out(find out, understand) who you are. Each payer takes a turn to ask questions(takes turns asking questions) about who they are - answers can be YES or NO only, like "Am I alive?" or "Am I a female?" etc. If you get a YES you may continue asking, if you get a NO play moves on to the left(the turn goes to the player on the left). Last person to guess(last player to guess) their name is the loser(loser). Simple, but very absorbing(fascinating, absorbing attention).

  4. Winking Murder:

    All except(all except) the detective sit in a circle while the detective waits outside(outside, that is, leaving the room). One person from the circle is elected(choose) to be the murderer(murderer) * , and then the Detective comes back and stands in the circle. When he is ready, the Murderer winks at(wink at someone) people in the circle. Anyone who the murderer has winked at lets out a blood-curdling scream(makes a bloodcurdling scream) and dies. The Detective has three attempts(attempts) to guess the murderer.

    * One of the participants is appointed as a killer.

  5. Guess the Word (guess the word):

    Write down 100 words on cards such as stare(goggle), grin(grin, grin), wink, giggle(giggle), laugh, plate, shoelace(lace), thread(thread) or any word you like.

    Stack(stack) the cards and put them in the center of the room. Divide(split) the players into 2 teams(team) and seat them opposite(opposite) each other. Set the timer(set a timer) or stopwatch(stopwatch) for one minute. Ask the first player from Team One draw a card(draw a card) from the pile(stack) and give clues(clue, hint) to the word to his / her teammates(players of their team) before the timer ends the play.

    So, if the word is "laugh", the team member might say, "What you do if someone tells you a joke?" Players from Team One try to guess the word; if they are successful(successful) before the time is up(time is over) * ,they get a point(earn a point). If the timer runs out(expire, about time) and the word is not guessed, the other team gets a point. Take turns(play in turns) until there are no cards left, and then add up(sum) points to see who wins.

    * If they manage to guess the word before the time runs out.

  6. Fun photos (funny photos):

    Take the picture of(take pictures) each of your guests(guests) with the digital camera. Have them make a funny face(make a funny face) and be sure to tell them(be sure to say) there is a prize for the best face. After you have taken all the pictures, download(download) them to your computer or laptop and ask everyone to gather(gather) around the monitor. The winner will be judged(judge) on the greatest laughter ([ˈlɑːftə] laughter) * .

    * The one whose photo turns out to be the funniest wins.

  7. New years win, lose or draw (draw or lose):

    This game is one of the active games played at the time of New Year. More than 6 players can play this game. Large drawing pads(notepad), pens and list(list) of important events are required(needed). Go through magazines(look through the magazines) and newspapers to pick out(choose) events(events) from past years. Use the headlines(article title) as " titles"* (title) to Win, Lose or Draw. For tons of fun** , let your guests team up in two"s(break into pairs) show them the title they need to draw. When the 2 players are drawing, others are trying to guess. If someone mentioned(mention) a word that was part of the answer, the players at the drawing pad can write it to simplify the task(make the task easier).

    * This is what the competition task is called according to the rules of this game.
    ** Tons of smth.– literally “tons of something”, colloquial. meaning a lot, e.g. tons of money- A lot of money, tons of time- a lot of time.

  8. Cookie Decorating Competition (competition for the best New Year's cookies):

    If you are not good at guessing words or murdering with a wink:-) chase your losses(get even) by organizing a cookie decorating competition. Bake(bake) and decorate(decorate) New Year cookies to your taste(to your taste). Apply(apply) your imagination(fantasy) and be creative.

    You can get recipes ([ˈresɪpɪ] recipe) for icing and dough ([dəʊ] dough) from here, for example:

  9. Sing in Chorus:
    To crown it all(to top it all off) suggest(suggest) that your guests learn and sing together with you one of the best-known and most cheerful(cheerful) winter songs in the world.

As you sing, take the pleasure(have fun) of watching the original Jingle Bells animation clip:

Jingle Bells Ring the bells
Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
Through the fields we go
Laughing all the way.
Bells on bob-tail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun is it to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight.
Rushing through the snow
On an open sleigh drawn by a horse,
We're driving through the fields
Laughing all the way.
The sleigh bells are ringing,
Lifting our spirits
How fun it is to ride and sing,
Song about sleighs.
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way,
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh, O
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way,
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh.
Ring the bells,
Ring all the way!
Oh, how great it is to go,
On an open horse-drawn sleigh, hey
Ring the bells,
Ring all the way!
Oh, how great it is to go,
On an open sleigh drawn by a horse.
A day or two ago
I thought I"d take a ride
And soon Miss Fanny Bright
Was seated by my side;
The horse was lean and lank
Misfortune seemed his lot,
We ran into a drifted bank
And there we got upset.
A day or two ago,
I wanted to take a ride
And soon Miss Fanny Bright,
She sat next to me.
The horse was thin and skinny,
It seemed that misfortune was her destiny.
She got stuck in a snowdrift
And we capsized.
Chorus Chorus
A day or two ago
The story I must tell
I went out on the snow
And on my back I fell;
A gentleman was riding by
In a one-horse open sleigh
He laughed at me as
I there sprawling laid
But quickly drove away.
A day or two ago,
The story I have to tell
I went out into the snow
And fell on his back.
A gentleman was passing by,
In an open sleigh drawn by a horse,
He laughed at me, at the fact
As I stretched out on the ground,
But then he quickly left.
Chorus Chorus
Now the ground is white,
Go it while you're young,
Take the girls along
And sing this sleighing song.
Just bet a bob-tailed bay,
Two-forty as his speed,
Hitch him to an open sleigh
and crack! You"ll take the lead.
Now the land is white
Go while you're young
Take the girls with you
And sing a song about sledding.
Take the fleet-footed bay,
With a trimmed tail,
Harness her to an open sleigh,
and crack the whip! You will become a leader.
Chorus Chorus

In the video below our teaching staff(teaching staff) is congratulating you on New Year 2013 and sining: “We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.” :-)

That’s a joke, of course, though be sure that at the moment we all are trying to sing along with(sing along with someone) the chorus ([ˈkɔːrəs] chorus). Don’t miss the chance to join us!(Join us!)

We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas,
And a happy New Year!

And Happy New Year!
Glad tidings we bring
To you and your kin;
Glad tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!
Good news we bring
For you and your family!
Good news for Christmas
and Happy New Year!
We want some figgy pudding,
We want some figgy pudding,
We want some figgy pudding,
Please bring it right here!
We want fig pudding
We want fig pudding
We want fig pudding
Give us some now!
Chorus Chorus
For we all like figgy pudding,
for we all like figgy pudding,
For we all like figgy pudding:
so bring some out here!
For we all love fig pudding,

For we all love fig pudding,
Bring some pudding here!
Chorus Chorus
We won't go until we get some,

We won't go until we get some,
So bring it out here!
We won't leave until we get some

We won't leave until we get some
So give it to us!
Chorus Chorus
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And Happy New Year!

The test for the most persistent students!

Choose one correct answer in every sentence.

Prepared for us Olga, author of a thematic website for children and adults English Language Club and blog Little nothings of life. Olga shared a great find, and since it’s December, it’s especially important that it’s New Year’s Eve.

There is a widespread belief among parents that the days immediately before and after the holidays are not the best time to study a foreign language. These days, many are freeing their children from any exposure to English in order to immerse themselves in the holiday bustle.

Meanwhile, practice shows that this opinion is wrong. And today I will try to convince you that it can just become that “magic kick-off” that can awaken your child’s dormant motivation to learn English.

Let's put aside all the textbooks, audio and video recordings and workbooks - and take a look around. Which of the real, not book, characters speak English? Of course, Santa! And if your child knows not one, but two whole languages ​​(even if he knows only a few words from the second), he has every right to receive two gifts in the New Year: from and. You agree with me?

True, in the case of Santa Claus there is one tiny “but”: he does not understand a word of Russian. So if your child wants to write him a letter, he will have to do it in English - but you will help him, right? Here you have both spelling practice and eyes burning with impatience - two, as it seemed before, absolutely incompatible things.

By the way, if you don’t know where Santa lives, I’ll secretly share the address with you - after all, that’s what you’ll have to indicate on the envelope:

Santa Claus
1 Reindeer Lane
North Pole

It was from this address that my daughter received a letter last year:

Do you know what Santa wrote to her? He suggested to Dasha that he create one with his own hands, to which the elves could bring tasks every day. We settled on a version made from cardboard cubes, which my daughter signed herself, at the same time understanding the differences between even and odd numbers, and also making significant progress in counting:

Santa kept his word: the tasks actually arrived every day throughout December. And all of them, naturally, were in English. And now, a year later, I can say with confidence: believe me, if Santa asks your child to learn, dance to or draw a picture using the colors named in the letter (blue, red, yellow, brown, green, purple etc.), your child you won't have to ask twice.

Here is our list of tasks from Santa last year - I will be glad if it is useful to you:

Advent Calendar Activities

  • It is very cold outside. You are lucky to have a home and some food to eat. Go out and share some bread with birds.
  • Why not make paper snowflakes and decorate the windows today? Your home wants to look beautiful!
  • Your home looks beautiful and festive. It’s time to think about trees growing outside. Pour some colored water and put some pieces of thread into an ice cube tray and put it into the freezer. When the water freezes, go out and decorate a tree with your ice toys.
  • Make a paper chain for the tree.
  • Decorate every door in your house.
  • Make a birdhouse and feed birds.
  • What do snowmen eat for breakfast? (Answer: Snowflakes) Do you know any other riddles?
  • Write your letter to me. Yours sincerely, Santa.
  • Learn a New Year poem by heart.
  • Go out in the dark tonight. Look at lights and take some pictures.
  • Make a gift for your friend.
  • Write a New Year story together - have each person add a line.
  • Describe what you love best about each family member.
  • Bring home some snow and stand in it barefoot.
  • Take out some colored water in a bottle and paint a picture in the snow with its help.
  • Make a New Year drawing — use glitter to make the snow glitter and the stars twinkle.
  • Put on a play. Act out your favorite New Year story.
  • Draw a house on the kitchen window with toothpaste.
  • Make a paper tree to decorate the refrigerator.
  • Color the page I've sent you. You'll find it according to the plan I attach.
  • Create homemade cards to give to friends and family.
  • Go out with your camera and take some pictures of snow, trees and the sky.
  • Read a story about New Year.
  • Watch a New Year cartoon.
  • Make some paper crackers.
  • Draw or print a picture. Ask your mother to make some holes all along its outline. Switch off the light and shine a torch from behind your picture. What can you see?
  • It's time to be generous. Make an ornament — then give it away as a present.
  • It is a family game night.
  • Let's have some fun today! Why not dance and sing to Christmas music?
  • Bake New Year cookies.
  • Well done, my dear friend! You’ve coped with all my tasks. Now it's time to celebrate. After midnight look for the present I’m going to send you in your Christmas stocking. Happy New Year!

This year, my daughter herself sat down to write letters to both Father Frost and Santa. And she no longer needs tasks - she herself knows what she can do in preparation for the New Year. But she is really looking forward to answers from both and, of course, the ordered gifts.

By the way, gifts from them also come in different ways: Santa Claus usually puts his surprise under the Christmas tree, and Santa - this funny and wonderful grandfather - out of habit puts his surprise in a sock hanging on the wall or a boot sewn specially for this purpose:

I wonder if you are one of those mothers who uses preparations for the New Year and other holidays to stimulate your child’s interest in learning the English language and the culture of English-speaking countries?

Young children love to play, but it is a mistake to think that they do not like to learn at all. They love it if you teach them not in boring ways, but with the help of fun games, pictures, cubes, and visual aids with illustrations. The tasks that you will see below were created specifically by American teachers. There is nothing special there, it’s just from these pictures and cubes that little Americans recognize the words symbolizing Christmas and New Year.

Learning any language for a child is, first of all, the alphabet. to some extent even easier than Russian, and many well-illustrated manuals will help you make learning it fun and memorable.

English for children in pictures on the topic of New Year and Christmas - this is an archive with different files, where there are both coloring pages and diagrams of New Year's cubes, which you can print and glue together with your child. Before the Christmas holidays last year, I published various tasks for children. and additional bonus tasks on the Merry Christmas theme for children can be viewed here. Some tasks require communication and contact with the child, such as coloring or connecting numbers will give you the opportunity to do your thing while the child draws.

Almost all files are in pdf format, which is very convenient for printing and viewing. English cards for children, diagrams of cubes, a New Year's poster, lined New Year's sheets for writing New Year's words and other tasks - all in one archive.