Lesson on sound automation l synopsis. Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Automation of sound in forward and backward syllables, words, sentences.” Progress of gaming activities

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1 Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 259” of a combined type of Oktyabrsky district of the urban district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan Abstract of an individual lesson on the topic: “Automation of sound [L]” Prepared and conducted by: teacher speech therapist Denisova A. V. Ufa 2011

2 Program content: I. Educational objectives: 1. Automation of sound [L] in isolation, in direct syllables, words, phrases and sentences. 2. Development of the inflection function. II. Correction and development tasks: 1. Development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus. 2.. Improving the coordination of articulatory movements and finger movements. 3. Development of phonemic perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination. 4. Formation of the ability to navigate in the directions of space. III. Educational objectives: 1. Formation of positive motivation in the classroom; 2. Developing self-control over speech and the desire to practice. Vocabulary: - nouns: paw, tent, fist, paw paw, llama llama, lamp lamp, tent tent, pin pin, shark shark, palm - palms, Mila, Balun, table, floor, ball, cat. - adjectives: consonant, hard, voiced, blue. - verbs: bought, began to roll, put, fell, picked up, gave Equipment: - diagram art. way of life - a large mirror; - pictures of articulation exercises: the steamboat is humming, delicious jam, a swing, a horse;

3 - sound track “motor ship”; - sound ladder, kinder surprise; - game “Guess if the word has the sound [L].” Pictures: paw, tent, fist. - game “One is many”. Pictures: paw paw, llama llama, lamp lamp, tent tent, pin pin, shark shark, palm - palms. - a diagram for composing a story.

4 Progress of the lesson. I. Organizational moment. Listen carefully to the poem that I will read. Pay attention to which sound I will pronounce more often. (Read a poem rich in sound [L], paying attention to the sound with your pronunciation). Elk bought a calf, a boat, skis and a pencil case. And the moose cow is the mother of Lasta and the Panama hat. 2. Report the topic of the lesson. Today we will continue to practice the correct pronunciation of the sound [L]. Let's stretch our tongue and do some exercises. 3. Articulation gymnastics (Cards) “The steamer is humming” Lips in a smile, mouth open. With tension we pronounce for a long time “y-y-y-y” “Delicious jam” Open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, moving your tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side. “Swing” Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly, bend your wide tongue over your lower lip (reach to your chin) on the count of “one.” On the count of “two”, bend your tongue over your upper lip (reach towards your nose). “Horse” The mouth is wide open, the tongue clicks slowly. Hands perform simultaneous clapping (hitting the knees).

5 4. Clarification of the correct articulation of sound. - You learn to say the sound [L] in syllables, words, (diagram of art structure) sentences. Tell me how to pronounce this sound. And this diagram will help you answer. The lips are in a smile, the mouth is slightly open, the tip of the tongue is raised and pressed against the base of the upper incisors, a weak stream of air passes along the sides of the tongue, the neck is trembling. 5. Sound characteristics. - When you pronounce it, is there an obstruction in your mouth? (Yes). - Tell me, what is he like? (consonant sound, hard, sonorous). - What color do we use to indicate this sound? (in blue, with a bell). 6. Isolated pronunciation of sound (Card of the motor ship) Damask steel, let’s remember how the motor ship hums. Lead with your finger and say: l-l-l. 7. Pronunciation of sound in syllables. Speech exercises. Working with the syllable chain. (Steps)

6 Bulat, now I will pronounce the syllables, and you will repeat after me. The speech therapist pronounces syllable rows, changing the stress: on the first syllable, on the second syllable, on the third syllable (with clapping). LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA 8. Development of phonemic hearing. Determining the place of a sound in a word Game “Guess if the word has the sound [L] Look carefully at the picture and determine whether there is a sound [L] and in what part of the word it is located. Place it on the diagram. Pictures: paw, tent, fist. (diagram, pictures) Phys. minute: Hands raised and waved. These are trees in the forest. Elbows bent, hands shaken

7 The wind blows away the dew. We wave our hands smoothly. These are the birds flying towards us. We'll show you how they sit down. The wings are folded back. 9. Pronunciation of sounds in words. (pictures) Game “One is many”. Damask steel, arrange the pictures in a column, from top to bottom. Now select a pair for each picture and name both pictures. Pictures: paw paw, llama llama, lamp lamp, tent tent, pin pin, shark shark, palm - palms.

8 9.Development of sound analysis skills. Sound analysis of the word - LAK. - Bulat, put out the word LAC with chips. - Tell me, how many sounds are in this word? - What is the first sound? [L] - What sound is that? (it is consonant, voiced, hard. We denote it in blue with a bell) - What is the last sound in this word, say it? [K] - What sound is that? (it is consonant, deaf, hard. We denote it with a blue chip without a bell). - Now show the vowel sound in this word. - What sound is that? (this is a vowel sound, you can sing it, stretch it, there is no barrier to the voice. We denote it with a red chip). (Sound Box)

9 - Now let’s clap and determine the number of syllables in this word. 10. Automation in proposals. (story outline) Bulat, listen carefully to this story, then I will ask you questions and you need to answer them. The speech therapist reads out the story: This is Mila. Mila bought apples. She put the apples on the table. One apple fell to the floor. Balun the cat began to roll the apple on the floor. Mila picked up the apple and put it on the table. And she gave the cat a ball. The speech therapist asks the child questions: - What was the girl’s name? - What did Mila buy? - Where did Mila put the apples? - How many apples fell on the floor? - What did the cat Balun do? - What did Mila do? - What did Mila give to the cat? The speech therapist reads the story. The child composes the story independently. 11. Summary of the lesson. - What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly today? - Tell me, what did you find most difficult? - You completed all the tasks. WELL DONE! And I give you this kinder surprise. Maybe you

10 a motor ship will come across. And you can help the ship make a loud noise.

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Topic: “Automation of the sound [L] in a sentence”


  • develop the skill of correctly pronouncing the sound [L];
  • develop grammatical structure of speech;
  • develop the skill of writing proposals;
  • develop sound analysis skills;
  • develop articulatory motor skills.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

Articulation gymnastics according to the hint diagram:

  • needle
  • swing
  • horse
  • snake
  • hammer
  • steamboat
  • delicious jam

The child names the exercise according to the diagram and performs it in front of the mirror.

II. Main stage

. Game "Find a Pair".

The speech therapist invites the child to meet the hero of the lesson, a girl named Mila.
The speech therapist asks the child to find pairs of words in the picture, name them and explain on what principle he combined them. Example: Horse and llama are animals.

Hammer and saw are tools.
Table and chair - furniture.
Without a light bulb, the lamp cannot illuminate the room.
You can't sail a boat without an oar.

. Game “Where is the sound [L] hidden?”

Using the same manual, the speech therapist asks to name words in which the sound [L] is at the beginning of the word, then at the end, in the middle.
The sound [L] comes at the beginning: horse, llama, light bulb, lamp, boat.
The sound [L] comes at the end: table, chair.
The sound [L] is in the middle: saw, hammer, oar.

The speech therapist offers the child to help Mila make purchases in a clothing store, choosing only those words that contain the sound [L].
The answer should begin with the words: “Mila bought...”

Mila bought a scarf, a T-shirt, a blouse, a dress, leggings, and tights.

After completing the task, the speech therapist asks the child to name the clothes that Mila would wear in the summer, in warm weather. Then, the child is asked to name warmer clothes.

The speech therapist tells the child that Mila has a lot of toys and she needs help coming up with a name for each one. The main condition is that the name must contain the sound [L]. The answer should begin with the words: “Mila named the doll...”

Mila named the doll Lana, Alla, Lada.
Mila named the gnome Volodya, Pavel, Kirill, Danila.

After completing the task, the speech therapist invites the child to help Mila clean up the room and put the toys in their places.
Example: “Mila put the Alla doll on the shelf, and put the gnome Volodya on a chair.”

. "Mini-text on a chain"

The speech therapist tells the child a story about Mila, using a hint diagram.
The sun appeared from behind the clouds. Mila took a shovel and a rake and planted violets. After that, Mila washed her palms with soap and dried them with a towel. The girl got tired and sat down on a chair to rest.
After his story, the speech therapist asks the child questions:
- What flowers did Mila plant?
- Mila planted violets.
- What was the weather like outside?
- The sun came out.
- What did Mila wash her palms with?
- Mila washed her palms with soap.
- What did Mila do then?
- Mila sat down to rest on a chair.
After answering the questions, the speech therapist asks the child to independently tell the story about Mila, using a hint diagram.

Developed by a speech therapist teacher

Ilyukhina Olga Vasilievna

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Teremok" combined type"

Target: automate the sound [l] in syllables, words, sentences.



Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound [l] in syllables, words, sentences.

Develop skills in agreeing a numeral with a noun;


Develop holistic perception, memory, fine motor skills, attention, phonemic hearing;

Enrichment and expansion of vocabulary;

Strengthen the skills of sound analysis and synthesis;


Foster independence and interest in activities.

Equipment: pictures-symbols for articulatory gymnastics, pictures depicting flowers (lily of the valley, rose, iris, bell, gladiolus, violet, poppy, chamomile, tulip, forget-me-not, phlox); pictures of birds: nightingale, oriole, woodpecker, goldfinch, nightingale; cut-out picture with the image of Stella”; a set of subject pictures: bast shoes, fork, horse, bicycle, donkey, football, swallow, saw, hammer, wolf, stick, chalk, flippers, bun, violet, table, hanger, bow, boat.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Today we have a new guest in class. Listen to the riddle and try to guess who it is?

She buzzes over the flower,

It flies so quickly towards the hive,

She gave her honey into the honeycomb;

What is her name?... (bee).

That's right, this is a cheerful and kind bee. Named Stella. She loves to collect flower pollen and make honey from it. She came to listen to how you pronounce the sound [l] and play different games with you.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

But first, let's do exercises for the tongue. And “funny pictures” will help you with this. Look at them and do the same.


Place your tongue with a spatula

And hold it a little.

The tongue needs to be relaxed

And keep it counted.


I pull my tongue with a needle.

Don't come near! I'll inject!


Left - right, left - right,

My tongue slides slyly:

Like the pendulum of a clock

He's ready to swing.


I swing on a swing.

I fly up and go down.

"The steamboat is humming"

The steamboat is small,

But he is so brave!

The waves are not afraid of him,

He buzzes cheerfully: “Y-Y-Y.”

" Smile"

Our Tanya is a mischief maker,

Pulls lips towards ears.

Look at me -

I am now a frog!

"Delicious jam"

Damn, we ate with pleasure -

Got dirty with jam.

To remove the jam from your lips,

The mouth needs to be licked.

3. Automation of the sound [L] in syllables.

The bee loves to fly on the lawn and sing songs. And she wants you to sing with her too.

la-la-la ala-ala-ala

lu-lu-lu ulu-ulu-ulu

ly-ly-ly yly-yly-yly

lo-lo-lo olo-olo-olo

4. Automation of the sound [L] in words.

Bee invites you to learn how to write poetry. Think of a word that rhymes and repeat the entire poem. Don’t forget to pronounce [L] clearly and correctly.

La-la-la, delicious honey carries... (bee).

Lu-lu-lu, we saw... (a bee).

Ly-ly-ly, we were scared... (bees).

5. Finger gymnastics.


Small house on the Christmas tree

A house for bees, where are the bees?

We need to knock on the house,

One two three four five.

I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,

Where, where are these bees?

They suddenly began to fly out:

One two three four five!

One of the hands stands on the table, resting on the elbow, fingers spread out (Christmas tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “hive” is pressed against the “Christmas tree”; the child looks into the “hive”.

He clenches his fists. He knocks his fists against each other, alternating hands. He spreads his arms, spreads his fingers and moves them (bees fly.)

6. Formation of sound analysis skills.

How many flowers grow on the lawn. Stella flies from one flower to another and doesn’t know which one to choose in order to collect the flower juice. Let's help her choose those flowers whose names contain the sound [L].

(lily of the valley, rose, iris, bell, gladiolus, violet, poppy, chamomile, tulip, forget-me-not, phlox).

7. Physical exercise.

The bee is a little tired. Let's relax with her.

Here's the bee's exercise.

Do it in order.

Quickly stand up and smile.

Reach higher, reach higher.

Well, straighten your shoulders,

Raise and lower.

Turn left, turn right,

Touch your hands with your knees.

8. Game “Where the sound was hidden.”

Stella brought a beautiful box with her. Look what's in it. Yes, there are a lot of pictures here, in the name of which each object the sound [L] is hidden. Determine the place of the sound in words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.

(Baps, fork, horse, bicycle, donkey, football, swallow, saw, hammer, wolf, stick, chalk, flippers, bun, violet, table, hanger, bow, boat).

9. Game "Count."

Look how many birds have flown to the lawn! Let's count them. And tell me: which birds are more and which are fewer.

Individual speech therapy lesson: “Automation of sound [l]. Russian folk tale "Turnip"

Purpose: This lesson is designed for speech therapists. (Child with visual impairment (amblyopia), OHP level 4
TARGET: automate the sound /L/ in syllables, words and sentences.
Tasks: pronouncing the sound [l].
- Practice correctly pronouncing the sound [l] in syllables and words.
-To consolidate the skill of isolating the sound [l] from a number of words.
-Continue to learn how to form prefixed verbs.
-Practise in the formation of antonyms
-Activate vocabulary, develop logical thinking.
- develop speech breathing;
- develop the articulatory apparatus;
- develop phonemic awareness;
- develop grammatical structure and coherent speech;
- form and develop auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills and memory.


characters of the table theater "Turnip", a plate with peas, an empty plate, a mirror.

Progress of the lesson:

there is a house, the figures are hidden behind the house.

1. Organizational moment.

Guess which fairy tale characters we will meet in class today:
To reap the harvest,
Grandfather had to call:
Grandmother, granddaughter,
Bug, cat
And even a tiny mouse.
So she sat firmly in the ground
Big yellow... (turnip).

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Grandfather woke up (The child places a figure of his grandfather), opened the window (exercise “Window”) and started doing exercises (exercise “Swing”) Had a cup of tea (exercise “Cup”) with jam (exercise “Delicious jam”).Grandfather went out into the garden (exercise “Fence”) and decided to plant a turnip, began to dig a hole (exercise “Shovel”).The turnip began to grow (exercise “Sail”).
A child performs exercises in front of a mirror.

2. He watered it morning and evening:
- l-l-l. (Draws the child’s attention to the position of the tongue while pronouncing the sound [l].)

I weeded the grass around the turnip: -la-la-la, lo-lo-lo, ly-ly-ly, le-le-le, lu-lu-lu.
Loosened the earth: al-ol-ul, ol-ul-ul, ul-ul-el, ul-el-al.
And when the turnip grew, he began to pull it: pla-pla-ple, clo-clou-clou, sle-sla-slu.
But he can’t pull it out.
The child repeats syllable chains after the speech therapist.

Grandfather called...grandmother

The grandmother runs, scatters peas from her pocket, and loses the sound [l] from the words. Pick a pea and say the word correctly:
..ampa pi..a hundred..
..we are... about foam..
The child transfers the peas from the table to a plate and says the words.
They pull the turnip, but cannot pull it out.

The child places the grandmother figurine behind the grandfather.

They called... their granddaughter.

And the granddaughter sits in front of the mirror, preens herself and asks the mirror: “Am I cute?” And the mirror answers her: “Sweetheart.” - “Am I nice? I am cheerful? Am I obedient? I am brave? Am I affectionate?
What did the mirror answer to your granddaughter?
The child answers with an affirmative intonation.
The granddaughter ran to the garden, but on the way mosquitoes flew at her. She flaps her hands, catches mosquitoes, and when she hears the sound [l] in the word mosquito, she joyfully shouts: “I caught it!” Help your granddaughter, listen carefully to the words: boat-spoon-cat, stick-can-beam, booth-roll-burka, table-chair-knock.
The child places a figurine of his granddaughter.

The granddaughter came running into the garden. They pull the turnip, but cannot pull it out.

6.They were tired and decided to rest.

Finger gymnastics.

finger exercise “Grandfather” - show an imaginary beard with your hands from top to bottom.
finger exercise "Granny" - show how the corners of a scarf are tied under the chin.
finger exercise “Turnip”.- With both hands, from top to bottom, draw a circle in the air with a pointed tip at the bottom - in the shape of a turnip.
finger exercise “Bow”.- fold the fingers of both hands into a pinch and connect the fingertips in a figure eight.
finger exercise “Dog”. - Extend the middle, ring and thumb fingers, connect the pads - this is the “face” of the dog. Raise your index finger and little finger up - these are the “ears”.
finger exercise “Cat” - Connect the middle and ring fingers with the thumb so that you get a ring - this is the “face” of a cat. Raise your index finger and little finger - this is how the cat's ears stick out.
finger exercise “Mouse” - Connect the tips of the middle and ring fingers to the thumb. Bend the index and little fingers and press the tips to the middle and ring fingers.

They called... Bug

And at this time the Bug and the Cat are arguing: the Bug says a word, and the Cat argues with her, help the Cat. Game "Say the other way around"
Labor is laziness. Easy - difficult.
Friends are enemies. Easy - hard.
Hardworking - lazy.
Old - young. Full - hungry.
Light heavy.
Zhuchka and the cat came running, but they couldn’t pull the turnip out.

The child places the Bug and Cat figures behind the grandmother.

8. Then they called...the mouse.

Game “Say the Word.” The mouse heard its name called. The speech therapist shows a mouse on a figurine.
ran out of the house...
along the path... she ran.
I ran across the river across the bridge,
I ran to the garden...
I ran into the gate...
close to my grandfather... ran up.
The child places a mouse figurine behind the cat.

We pulled everything together and pulled out the turnip!

The speech therapist pulls out a model of a turnip.

9. Summary of the lesson.

So the fairy tale ends. Why do you think the turnip was pulled out?
The child explains (because they all pulled together, helped each other)

Summary of individual correctional activities.

Topic: “Automation of the sound [L] in syllables, words, sentences”



1. Repeat and consolidate the articulation of the sound [L].
3. Develop the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Correctional and developmental:

1. Fix the correct sound pronunciation in words and sentences.
2. Develop phonemic hearing and perception.
4. Develop visual attention and perception.
5. Development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.


1. Form moral qualities.
2. Cultivate attention to your own speech.

Equipment: pictures-symbols for characterizing sound, su-jok, a set of subject pictures, presentation.

Progress of gaming activities.

1. Organizational moment.

Today we have a guest. Listen to the riddle and try to guess who it is?

Everything is buzzing, buzzing, buzzing,
She circles above the flower,
All day long, like a spinning top,
And her name is (Bee).

That's right, this is a cheerful and kind bee. Named Mila. She loves to collect flower pollen and make honey from it. She came to listen to how you pronounce the sound [l].

2. Articulation gymnastics using bioenergoplasty.

Let's do exercises for the tongue. And “Chupa and Chups” will help you with this

(Performing articulation gymnastics)

3. Characteristics and articulation of sound [l].

Take a mirror and pronounce the sound [l]. Look what helps us pronounce the sound [l]? (Lips, teeth, tongue).

When we pronounce the sound [l], what do our lips do? (Lips in a smile).

(A picture is displayed: lips “smile”).

When we pronounce the sound [l], what do the teeth do? (The teeth are visible, they are open).

When we pronounce the sound [l], where is the tongue? (The tip of the tongue is raised tightly and rests behind the upper teeth).

(The picture is displayed: “up arrow”).

What kind of air is blowing from your mouth? (Warm air).

(The picture is displayed: “sun”).

Tell me the characteristics of the sound [l]. What is he like? (Sound [l] – consonant).

Why? (There is a barrier in the mouth - teeth, tongue).

What other sound [l]? (Solid).

What color do we use to indicate a consonant sound? (Blue color).

(The picture is displayed: blue circle).

What other sound is there [l]? (Voiced).

(A picture is displayed: a bell).

Now tell me everything about the sound [l] along the “magic path”

4. Automation of the sound [L] in syllables.

The bee loves to fly on the lawn and sing songs. And she wants you to sing with her too. (Pronouncing a series of syllables using su-jok)

La-lo-lu Al-ol-ul Ala-olo-ulu
La-ly-le Ol-al-ul Ala-ele-yly
Lo-la-ly Ol-ul-el Olo-ala-yly

5. Automation of the sound [L] in words.

Mila brought with her an envelope with pictures. Choose only those pictures whose names contain the sound [l] and name them.

Call me kindly.

Name “living” objects.

Name “non-living” objects.

Name the picture that is in the lower right corner, between...

6. Finger gymnastics.

Small house on the Christmas tree
A house for bees, where are the bees?
We need to knock on the house,
One two three four five.
I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,
Where, where are these bees?
They suddenly began to fly out:
One two three four five!

One of the hands stands on the table, resting on the elbow, fingers spread out (Christmas tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “hive” is pressed against the “Christmas tree”; the child looks into the “hive”.

He clenches his fists. He knocks his fists against each other, alternating hands. He spreads his arms, spreads his fingers and moves them (bees fly.)

7. Automation of the sound [L] in sentences.

Outdoor game "Bumps"

To get to visit Mila, we have to go through an obstacle. Our path passes through a swamp. You need to jump over the bumps and name the pictures. (Child steps on the picture: “I saw a boat”...)

Game "Where the sound was hidden."

Look, here we are on the lawn. How beautiful it is here. Mila flies from one flower to another and collects pollen. The more pictures she collects, the more pollen she will have. We must help Mila collect pictures whose names contain the sound [L]. Determine the place of the sound in words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word. (Slide)

Game "It Was - It Was"

It was Mila's birthday and the bee was given many gifts. Let's count how many toys Mila had and how many she now has.

Mila had two dolls, but now there are five dolls.

8. Automation of the sound [L] in sentences using mnemonics.

Mila brought funny pictures. Look at what is drawn and use the pictures to make a sentence.

9. Collect a flower for Mila.

What does a bee like to do most?

That's right, she flies from one flower to another. Let's give a flower to Mila. (Laying out a flower from colored pebbles).

9. Summary of the lesson.

Our adventure has come to an end. It's time to say goodbye to the bee. It's time for her to go home to her lawn. What did you like most?

Well done! Mila is very pleased.

Dedlovskaya T.N.,
teacher speech therapist

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