The structure of a Tesla in a pre-revolutionary photograph. Interesting things about Nikola Tesla's experiments (4 photos). Disappearance of the ship with the help of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla is one of the most famous and mysterious scientists of the past. Most of his inventions are still kept classified as “secret”, and modern physics is not able to understand his most interesting inventions.

One of his most mysterious discoveries is the transfer of energy without conductors. Light bulbs lit up randomly in his hands, he turned electric motors on and off remotely, he even managed to pass an electric current of two million volts through himself. All this happened in the 1890s.

In 1989, Nikola Tesla installed a device in his attic that emitted vibrations. A few minutes later, neighboring houses began to shake wildly, dishes began to break, and soon frightened residents poured into the streets. Everyone gathered at Tesla's house, including the police. But fortunately or unfortunately, the excited scientist managed to destroy his device, and soon admitted that he could destroy the Brooklyn Bridge in a couple of hours.

In 1903, New Yorkers witnessed Tesla's resonator tower tests. Hundreds of artificial lightning appeared over the ocean, more than a hundred kilometers long. Nikola Tesla, with the help of his tower, could ignite different layers of the atmosphere, turning night into day, as residents of Long Island testify.

In one of Tesla's experiments, it turned out that his installation could supply electricity to two hundred incandescent light bulbs scattered within a radius of 42 kilometers from his home, where his laboratory was located. Nikola Tesla was convinced that if he could build a more powerful vibrator, he could power anything, anywhere, in any corner of the Earth with electricity. Tesla's vibrator itself was a huge transformer, above which rose a 60-meter tower with a copper ball on top. This vibrator used the Earth as a conductor, where electrical waves propagated through the earth to a point diametrically opposed to the tower and were then reflected back. Nikola Tesla himself believed that by building 12 such towers across the entire surface of the Earth, it would be possible to provide wireless electricity to the whole world.

In the 1900s, Tesla could receive a current of 100 million amperes and a voltage of 10 thousand volts and maintain this state for as long as he wanted. Modern scientists still cannot solve the riddle of Nikola Tesla and obtain such indicators. Now science has reached the level of 30 million amperes, and then only with the explosion of an electromagnetic bomb.

Disappearance of the ship with the help of Nikola Tesla

Soon the US Navy became interested in the developments of the mysterious scientist. To defeat the enemy, methods of elimination using electric shocks at a distance, the creation of resonant weapons, and even the development of a prototype time machine were developed.

But the pinnacle of military cooperation between Nikola and the US Navy was Project Rainbow. He developed stealth technology that allowed ships to be invisible to enemy radar. However, the experiments themselves were carried out by the military without Tesla, due to his death. Using Tesla generators, the destroyer Eldridge was the first to test an electromagnetic bubble, which allowed the ship to disappear from radar. But the unexpected happened and the destroyer disappeared not only from radars, but also in general. Eyewitnesses testify that the ship appeared at a distance of 150 kilometers from the place of disappearance. It was teleportation. But unfortunately, the entire crew that was on the destroyer went crazy and was fired as mentally unstable. The Rainbow project was closed.

Tunguska meteorite

Nikola Tesla's experiments and calculations went so far that he suggested and somehow proved the opposite theory to Einstein's, that the ether exists. He was convinced of the existence of the ether, because Einstein, proving the impossibility of the existence of the ether, thereby provided evidence in favor of its existence. It was difficult for Nikola to imagine that there are radio waves, but there is no ether, the medium that carries these waves. Without ether, it is impossible to prove the existence of ball lightning, Tesla believed, and in fact, the nature of ball lightning still remains one of the most mysterious and unknown.

Nikola wanted to increase the productivity of his resonator and came to the conclusion that if you create a resonant Earth-Moon system, you can easily transfer energy to any point on the planet at a lower cost than through the earth. Nikola began assembling a new installation, and when day X approached, calculations showed that the energy reflected from the Moon would hit one of the regions of Siberia. He already wanted to give up the behavior, but after studying detailed maps and information about the area realized that this area is not inhabited.

The experiment was successful, but Nikola Tesla only learned about it from newspaper headlines. Then he realized what a terrible weapon he had created. Knowing the human desire to exterminate their own kind, he decided that his invention would perish with him. The location of the impact was the area of ​​the Podkamennaya Tunguska River - a mysterious place where “according to official data” a meteorite fell, but there are still no reliable facts.

Nikola Tesla (Serbian Nikola Tesla; July 10, 1856, Smiljany, Austria-Hungary, now in Croatia - January 7, 1943, New York, USA) - genius physicist, engineer, inventor in the field of electrical and radio engineering. Serbian by nationality. Born and raised in Austria-Hungary, in subsequent years he worked mainly in France and the USA. In 1891 he received American citizenship.

Black magician or scientist? The answer to this question is not obvious to this day. Nikola Tesla is one of the most mysterious figures of the 20th century. The grandeur of his ideas amazed the imagination of his contemporaries. The experiments that he demonstrated at his lectures and at various technical exhibitions stunned the audience so much that they refused to believe their eyes. Some called him a deceiver, others a sorcerer, others considered him an alien from outer space.

He discovered alternating current, fluorescent light, wireless energy transmission, built the first electric clock, turbine, solar-powered engine, he predicted the possibility of treating electric shock patients high frequency, the appearance of electric furnaces, fluorescent lamps, electron microscopes.
Tesla is the author of more than 800 inventions, although he only patented 300.

Monument to Tesla (high frequency transformer coil behind his back) on the 1978 SFRY banknote.

In April 1887, Tesla met engineer Brown, who was close to some of the leaders of the Western Telegraph Company, but at that time was forced, like Nikola, to live by odd jobs. After several months of working together, Brown, captivated by the inventor’s bold thoughts, persuaded his acquaintances to provide Tesla with a little financial assistance to create an electric lighting society. Brown himself contributed his entire cash capital - fifty dollars. Tesla creates its own company, Tesla Arc Light Company.
This time Tesla was lucky. The company he created soon began to illuminate the streets and squares of US cities with Tesla arc lamps on a large scale. Her activities acquired enormous scope. Soon Tesla organized the Tesla Electric Company, a much more powerful society that had the necessary funds to carry out experiments in the field of alternating currents.

Tesla promotion

Inventing and patenting an electric motor alternating current(without a commutator and brushes, which seemed impossible at the time), Tesla became the chief “engineer” for the construction of a hydroelectric power station at Niagara Falls and a high-voltage power transmission line to New York.

Nikola Tesla in his laboratory in Colorado Springs. Early 1900s

Nikolo Tesla is considered the culprit of the Tunguska disaster that occurred on June 30 (17th old style) 1908.

Fallen trees in the area of ​​the Tunguska event, based on materials from the expedition of L. Kulik, 1927

At about seven o'clock in the morning on June 30, 1908, in Siberia, in the basin of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, an explosion occurred, the energy of which is estimated at several megatons of TNT equivalent, which corresponds to the average energy hydrogen bomb. Rare eyewitnesses saw, despite the sunny weather, a bright fiery fireball of white-blue color, streaking the sky in the direction of the northeast. Taiga trees were felled within a radius of several tens of kilometers, with their tops facing away from the epicenter of the explosion. The blast wave was recorded by many observatories around the world, and in the northern sky for several more nights an unusual glow was observed, noted even in Europe.

Images from documentary film"Nikola Tesla - Death Ray"

Stills from the documentary "Nikola Tesla - Lord of the World"

The Italian engineer Guglielmo Marconi (1896) was considered the creator of the first successful system for exchanging information using radio waves (radio telegraphy) in some countries. However, Marconi, like most authors of major inventions, had predecessors. In Russia, A. S. Popov is considered the inventor of radio, who created a practical radio receiver in 1895. In the USA, this is considered to be Nikola Tesla, who patented a radio transmitter in 1893, and a receiver in 1895; his priority over Marconi was recognized in court in 1943.

Nikola Tesla demonstrates the principles of radio communication at a lecture, 1891.

Tesla cherished a dream, in addition to transmitting signals, to seriously engage in the transfer of energy over a distance.
Having received the financial support of John Pierpont Morgan, one of the millionaires of that time, who became interested in his developments, a laboratory for transmitting signals to Europe was built with the allocated money in New York on Long Island and a tower was erected next to it. Science project was named Wardenclyffe.

General view of the Wardenclyffe laboratory and its interior.

With the help of a 61-meter-sized coil, the pole of which was headed by a large copper sphere towering above his laboratory, Tesla generated potentials that were discharged by lightning arrows up to 40 meters long. The thunder from the released energy could be heard 24 kilometers away.

Wooden frame of a 57 meter tower, weighing 55 tons and having a diameter of 21 meters, designed by W. D. Crow. This was to be the world's first wireless power plant. The only metal part of the structure was the spherical dome.
Construction began in 1901, and was never completed because... funding was stopped. It was demolished in 1917.

But these are modern designs:
This huge complex of Tesla transformers (lower photos) was built in the Moscow region.
Officially these structures are called
Comprehensive outdoor ultra-high voltage test bench.
Cascade of transformers (CT) for 3 MV with switching attachment
Pulse voltage generator (GVG) 9 MV
Constant voltage installations (UCN) 2.25 MV

A universal complex for testing and examining technical objects for resistance to the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields of natural and artificial origin.
A complex for testing high-voltage electrovacuum devices and devices based on them.

However, this is just the official name and purpose. Then think for yourself.

Judging by the captions to the photographs below, on the blog of user victorprofessor, this is the testing ground of the High Voltage Department of the Institute of Direct Current somewhere in the Moscow region:

It is known that at the end of the 70s, the USA and the USSR entered into an agreement under which a ban was imposed on developments in the field of geophysics for military use.
This is exactly the kind of development, according to many scientists and specialists, that is a special American program HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program - Active high-frequency research program northern lights), in Russian and Ukrainian abbreviated as HAARP. The baptized father of the program is the American scientist Bernard J. Eastlund, who back in the 80s received a patent for a method and device for changing the layers of the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere and/or magnetosphere.

Americans use the developments of the Serbian genius Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla also discovered remote ionization - and this is well known to specialists. In Krasnoyarsk, for example, in one of the laboratories of the Siberian Aerospace Academy, a device has been developed to use this effect for commercial purposes: neon lamps of advertising installations glow without wiring or “starters” - they are not afraid of either rain or snow.
Undoubtedly, there is a direct connection between catastrophic natural phenomena in Europe and Asia and US testing of geophysical weapons under the HAARP program.

The antennas make it possible to focus short-wave radiation on the ionosphere and heat it to form high-temperature plasma. It's a kind of microwave oven.
The developer of the system, Bernard J. Eastlund, admits that using HAARP it is possible to change the wind rose and influence the weather.

Some scientists are now keen on studying torsion field, and information about him is sought in Tesla’s fragmentary records. But there are few of them left.
Most of Nikola Tesla's diaries and manuscripts disappeared under unclear circumstances.

Tesla died on January 7, 1943. Death was the result of a chronic advanced disease. He lay in his room, in a calm position and was fully dressed, as if he had prepared in advance to face death.

The Tesla transformer or Tesla coil is the only one of Nikola Tesla's inventions that bears his name today. It is a resonant transformer producing high voltage at high frequency. It was used by Tesla in several sizes and variations for his experiments.

Nowadays, we can only enjoy the beautiful visual effects of Tesla's inventions.
I bring to your attention a selection of Tesla transformers (also known as Tesla coils), created by different enthusiasts at different times.

Nikola Tesla - scientist, inventor, researcher. He invented the alternating current system and the alternating current electric motor that we now use, high-frequency generators and transformers. Long before Marconi and Popov, he invented a radio transmitter and a mast antenna.

Tesla is the author of more than 800 inventions, although he patented only 300. But he considered all this only a prelude to subsequent great discoveries. He wanted to develop a way to transmit energy over a distance of industrial scale, obtaining energy from the world space, as well as controlling geophysical processes using resonance. Unfortunately, he failed to realize all these plans. But Nikola Tesla's scientific legacy is enormous. Many scientists and researchers are turning to him and will continue to turn to him.

Tesla in 1879 at the age of twenty-three.

Nikola Tesla after arriving in the USA. 1885

Nikola Tesla in 1894

Mark Twain and Joseph Jefferson at Tesla's laboratory in 1894. Between them is a blurry image of Tesla himself.

For the first time, the fluorescent lamp was introduced, which provided light. 1894

Robert Underwood demonstrates an experiment with high-frequency current that passes through the human body and lights an incandescent lamp. Nikola Tesla at the switch. 1895

Mark Twain conducts the same experiment. 1895

Nikola Tesla, with Roger Boskovich's book, "The Theory of Natural Philosophy", in front of the helical coil of his high-frequency transformer in the laboratory of 46 East Houston St., New York. 1896

One of Tesla's amazing experiments. Light appears in a fluorescent lamp, right in the hand of a scientist. The frequency of the current passing in the lamp and through the human body is several million hertz! 1898

Another experience. Tesla takes the lamp several meters from the generator, but it continues to glow! 1898

Same experience.

Tesla and its asynchronous motors. 1898

Tesla demonstrates the "wireless" transmission of electricity at the Houston Street Laboratory in March 1899.

Tesla experiments with high voltage and high frequency currents. The current passes through his body, lights the lamp in his left hand and does not harm the scientist. 1899

Glow of nitrogen in the atmosphere. This result is obtained by discharging an electrical generator at twelve million volts. An electric discharge, with a frequency of one hundred thousand hertz, excites inert nitrogen, causing it to burn with oxygen. Tesla sits in front of the generator. 1899

Tesla near a transmitter in Colorado Springs capable of transmitting millions of volts of electricity over a distance without wires. 1899

Tesla looks out the door of a laboratory in Colorado Springs. On the safety rope it is written: “Danger! Do not enter!" 1899

Tesla and an unknown woman. 1900

Tesla is 48 years old. 1904

Banquet in honor of Mr. Henry Clews, newly elected President of the American Citizens Union. Tesla is second from the right. 1910

Tesla is 59 years old. 1915

Banquet of the Institute of Radio Engineers (now part of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) in New York City on April 24, 1915. Many prominent figures in the development of radio took part in it. Nikola Tesla stands, seventh from the right. 1915

Tesla shows a photograph of his laboratory with a discharge of electricity passing through it. 1916

Tesla demonstrates his inventions. 1916

Tesla works in his office at 8 West 40th Street. 1916

Tesla shows a patent lawyer one of his generators. 1938

Tesla talks to a newspaper reporter after one of its annual press conferences. 1939

Tesla talks with boxer Fritzi Zivic at a luncheon at the New Yorker Hotel. 1941

The last photo of the Lightning Master. 1943

Inventor Nikola Tesla is not without reason called “Leonardo Da Vinci of the 20th century,” because his developments and conceptual inventions surprise many of us even today, when it’s 2014 outside the window. I invite you to familiarize yourself with the most incredible and mysterious inventions of Nikola Tesla in the continuation of the post.

Perpetual motion machine
If you rummage through dubious sites where they sell all sorts of nonsense, such as “a trap for Santa Claus” or “a magic ball for communicating with the otherworldly,” then sooner or later you will definitely come across a relatively inexpensive “Tesla eternal energy generator.” There is no need to be a simpleton - this is a deception. If the scientist really invented a source of eternal energy, then we are unlikely to know about it, since he burned his entire archive under the pretext “humanity is not yet ready for the greatness of my inventions.” However, the story has reached us that in 1931 Nikola conducted a curious experiment. Instead of a traditional internal combustion engine, he installed a small box with two rods sticking out of it into a Pierce-Arrow car. After that, the car worked without recharging for a whole week. Eyewitnesses say that Tesla managed to accelerate the car to 150 kilometers per hour. And this is hard to believe.

Wireless transmission of electricity over a distance
In the spring of 1908, Tesla wrote in a letter to the editor of the New York Times: “even now my wireless power plants can turn any area of ​​the globe into an area unsuitable for habitation.” It is unlikely that the scientist was bluffing. In any case, regardless of whether it is true or fiction, something incredible happened in Siberia in the summer - on June 30 of the same year. Most naively believe that a meteorite fell there, which later received the name “Tunguska”. But one hypothesis says that there was no fall. And the explosion is a consequence of Nikola’s experiments, which involved transferring energy over long distances. At the same time, supporters of the fantastic assumption claim that the version has evidence. Alternatively, this: on the eve of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, in the skies of Canada and Northern Europe the clouds suddenly became silvery and seemed to pulsate. This coincides exactly with the stories of eyewitnesses who previously observed Tesla’s experiments in his laboratory in Colorado Springs.

In 1958, the American agency DARPA took on a project called “Swing”. The implementation of this operation took almost a dozen years and about 30 million of the most convertible currency in the world. The project seemed to have failed, and scientists, together with the soldiers, classified its results. However, information leaked to the press that the Americans were trying to recreate the mysterious “death rays” that Tesla invented. In truth, it is worth noting that twenty years before the start of the experiment, when the great scientist was still alive, he offered the US government a superweapon capable of destroying 10 thousand aircraft from a distance of 400 kilometers. It is strange that then, on the eve of the Second World War, this invention remained unclaimed by the Americans. "Death Rays" are shrouded in mystery, but it is known that it was based on a certain radio frequency oscillator - a device that used the Earth's atmosphere as a source of colossal energy. By the way, there are rumors that, unlike the USA, the USSR became interested in the technology, and apparently even bought the drawings from Tesla for 25 thousand dollars. And, who knows, maybe in the invention of lasers, which are now actively used in both secular and military industries, there is a bit of the genius of the great Serb.

Philadelphia experiment
Another mystery, closely connected with the name of the great scientist and reflected in science fiction literature and cinema, is called the “Philadelphia Experiment”. They say that before the Second World War, Tesla did collaborate with the militarists, in particular with naval forces USA. For them, Nikola developed a project that was supposed to create technology for the “invisibility” of Navy ships for enemy radars. And it seems that literally a year was not enough for him to conduct experimental confirmation of his theory: in the midst of the Great Patriotic War, in January 1943, the heart of a genius stopped beating. However, ten months after the death of the creator of the technology, the Americans seem to have put Tesla’s idea into practice. They managed to use Nikola's generators to create an electromagnetic shield around the destroyer Eldridge. But, again according to rumors, the ship not only disappeared from radar, but also became invisible to human eyes - it simply disappeared. The ship was discovered two hundred kilometers from the experiment site. At the same time, the Eldridge crew members suffered significant mental disorders.

Parapsychology and clairvoyance
Believe it or not, Tesla’s contemporaries were not surprised when they passed the story from mouth to mouth that Tesla took his inventions from somewhere outside - either from parallel space, or from the future. This, of course, looks like a ridiculous joke, but the scientist himself has repeatedly made very unexpected statements on this matter. For example, a letter from a scientist to a friend has been preserved, where he writes that while studying high-frequency currents, he came across something fantastic: “I discovered a thought. And soon you will be able to personally read your poems to Homer, and I will discuss my discoveries with Archimedes himself.” In any case, even if we discard mysticism, it is still impossible not to note that Tesla’s genius was a mystery to his contemporaries and remains a mystery to us, his descendants. Where did he get his ideas? How did you achieve understanding of things that were meaningless at first glance? How was he able to get to the bottom of forces hidden from human eyes? It seems that in his research he was indeed ahead of his time. By the way, the famous Indian philosopher Vivekananda, who visited the USA in order to find out the possibility of uniting all existing religions, visited Nikola Tesla in his laboratory in New York in 1906. After the meeting, he wrote a letter to his Indian friend Alasing, where he enthusiastically talked about his acquaintance: “This man is different from all Western people. He demonstrated his experiments with electricity, which he treats as a living being, with whom he talks and gives orders... There is no doubt that he has spirituality top level and is able to recognize all our gods.”

In general, truth is elegantly intertwined with fiction, and mysteries from a century ago remain unanswered. And, perhaps, in fact, the time has not yet come for us to understand and comprehend the full depth of the great genius of Nikla Tesla. Wait and see.

Nikola Tesla - scientist, inventor, researcher. He invented the alternating current system and the alternating current electric motor that we now use, high-frequency generators and transformers. Long before Marconi and Popov, he invented a radio transmitter and a mast antenna.

Tesla is the author of more than 800 inventions, although he patented only 300. But he considered all this only a prelude to subsequent great discoveries. He wanted to develop a way to transmit energy over a distance on an industrial scale, obtain energy from outer space, and control geophysical processes using resonance. Unfortunately, he failed to realize all these plans. But Nikola Tesla's scientific legacy is enormous. Many scientists and researchers are turning to him and will continue to turn to him.

Tesla in 1879 at the age of twenty-three.

Nikola Tesla after arriving in the USA. 1885

Nikola Tesla in 1894

Mark Twain and Joseph Jefferson at Tesla's laboratory in 1894. Between them is a blurry image of Tesla himself.

For the first time, the fluorescent lamp was introduced, which provided light. 1894

Robert Underwood demonstrates an experiment with high-frequency current that passes through the human body and lights an incandescent lamp. Nikola Tesla at the switch. 1895

Mark Twain conducts the same experiment. 1895

Nikola Tesla, with Roger Boskovich's book, "The Theory of Natural Philosophy", in front of the helical coil of his high-frequency transformer in the laboratory of 46 East Houston St., New York. 1896

One of Tesla's amazing experiments. Light appears in a fluorescent lamp, right in the hand of a scientist. The frequency of the current passing in the lamp and through the human body is several million hertz! 1898

Another experience. Tesla takes the lamp several meters from the generator, but it continues to glow! 1898

Same experience.

Tesla and its asynchronous motors. 1898

Tesla demonstrates the "wireless" transmission of electricity at the Houston Street Laboratory in March 1899.

Tesla experiments with high voltage and high frequency currents. The current passes through his body, lights the lamp in his left hand and does not harm the scientist. 1899

Glow of nitrogen in the atmosphere. This result is obtained by discharging an electrical generator at twelve million volts. An electric discharge, with a frequency of one hundred thousand hertz, excites inert nitrogen, causing it to burn with oxygen. Tesla sits in front of the generator. 1899

Tesla near a transmitter in Colorado Springs capable of transmitting millions of volts of electricity over a distance without wires. 1899

Tesla looks out the door of a laboratory in Colorado Springs. On the safety rope it is written: “Danger! Do not enter!" 1899

Tesla and an unknown woman. 1900

Tesla is 48 years old. 1904

Banquet in honor of Mr. Henry Clews, newly elected President of the American Citizens Union. Tesla is second from the right. 1910

Tesla is 59 years old. 1915

Banquet of the Institute of Radio Engineers (now part of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) in New York City on April 24, 1915. Many prominent figures in the development of radio took part in it. Nikola Tesla stands, seventh from the right. 1915

Tesla shows a photograph of his laboratory with a discharge of electricity passing through it. 1916

Tesla demonstrates his inventions. 1916

Tesla works in his office at 8 West 40th Street. 1916

Tesla shows a patent lawyer one of his generators. 1938

Tesla talks to a newspaper reporter after one of its annual press conferences. 1939

Tesla talks with boxer Fritzi Zivic at a luncheon at the New Yorker Hotel. 1941

The last photo of the Lightning Master. 1943