What is the strength and weakness of a person? “The problem of human weakness” (Unified State Examination in Russian). Strength is the choice to act from a place of love

In this reflection I will talk about human weaknesses, and in dual manifestations about weak strength and strong weakness.

A person is weak and strong at the same time, but in different situations he shows either weakness or strength, because in a sequential manifestation one thing appears, either weakness or strength, as if alternating with each other.

But not all manifestations of man show weakness or strength. There are other conditional causes of human manifestations, and this is already interesting to know.

For example: what shows INTEREST?
Interest is shown by curiosity as the initial phase of waiting to manifest itself, i.e. to create some movement towards interest.

What do the NECESSITIES OF LIFE manifest?
They exhibit various kinds of INSTINCTS, because the life of the body consists of the manifestation of instincts and reflexes.

Then what shows weaknesses?
Weaknesses are manifested by all desires, addictions, any habits, addictions, attachments, manifestations of feelings and emotions, ignorance, fears. I think this is enough to understand the manifestation of weaknesses.

Strength comes from the direct opposites of your weaknesses.

Here is a portrait of a strong man.
He has no desires, he has no habits, he is impartial, free, stress-resistant and has self-control, fearless and has specific knowledge.

Immediately, the image of a REAL MAN appeared, about whom any woman would be crazy.

But it seems so at first glance, and such a man will not be an ideal for all women.


A free man with specific knowledge, without attachments or habits, cannot be subordinated to anyone’s will; it is impossible to manage, manipulate, control and impose various rubbish from the outside.

Likewise, a man who has no desires will seem like a person who is not interested in anything or anyone and who seems to no longer need anything in this life.

If, on top of everything else, he does not show feelings and emotions, then he may seem like a dry and callous person, unable and unable to love and enjoy life.

If he is also fearless, then he can be considered crazy, acting recklessly and constantly risking his life as an adventurer.

Such a person is simply doomed to be lonely.

Who needs him like that? Only for myself.

I drew my portrait and even with this idea of ​​myself, I cannot call myself an absolutely strong person.

I admit that I am free, have no habits, are impartial, have no desires, women call me a tough, dry, devilish person who does not know how to love and is greatly offended by someone.

I have specific knowledge that helps me stay free, I do not have absolute fearlessness, for one reason - my body is still mortal, it can hurt, I am getting old like everyone else, although I write a lot about the immortality of the physical body.

I know that all my manifestations in weakness and strength are CONDITIONAL and have degrees of their manifestation.

I cannot be absolutely free and on the basis of this I show only degrees of freedom equal to degrees of unfreedom. I am simultaneously free from something or someone and at the same time dependent on something or someone, that is, I am not free.

Also, all my other characteristic manifestations will appear only halfway.

I have desires, although I have very few of them. I am sentimental and can shed a tear from watching some melodrama, which means I show feelings and emotions.

I can even cry my eyes out and this happened to me once.

When people begin to characterize me and do it in the comments and do it based on my thoughts, then, of course, they will be mistaken.

All human manifestations are conditional and relative, therefore the manifestation of weakness and strength is also such.

Each person cares about his feelings, ideas, self-conceit in order to be what he wants in his own eyes, but in fact, a person only seems like that to himself, appears as a desired image.

Of course, sensations, ideas, conceit are important for a person, but knowledge about oneself is also important, the depth of this knowledge, which brings him closer to the essence and truth of his being, life and all his manifestations.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, not a manifestation of feelings, ideas, or self-conceit.

It is the lack of knowledge about oneself that manifests various kinds of sensations, ideas and self-esteem about oneself.

In knowledge about oneself, sensations and ideas manifest themselves in knowledge, and self-conceit in knowledge will also take place, but they will be, as it were, replaced by knowledge about oneself and will manifest themselves as knowledge.

I have already written that knowledge can replace everything that a person manifests in his ignorance.

In the moment here and now, everything is manifested in the ABSOLUTE, but it is difficult to notice and see, because the moment here and now manifests itself as a specific time in the phase of the present moment relative to the past or future.

In moments of the past, present and future, all manifestations are conditional and relative, and in a specific moment here and now they are absolute, but the absolute itself is NOT CONCRETE, it is ABSTRACT.

Because the most abstract time of the moment is NOW, the most abstract space is HERE.

The absolute is absolutely abstract. The time NOW must always be clarified through the time of the present moment. NOW is 6:20 am and this is the specific time of the present moment.

There is a specific place where I write my reflection.

The strength of the absolute is in its abstractness, its weakness in its relativity and specificity.

Any knowledge about something or someone makes what a person knows weak, because he can know actions and manifestations, for example, knowledge about a person makes this person weaker and by knowing his weaknesses, you can blackmail him and manipulate him.

For this purpose, various kinds of dossiers are created on people, information compromising a person is collected, and then, if necessary, it is used.

For some, knowledge becomes power, for whom it is better not to know this knowledge. The less you know the better you sleep.

But knowledge is different from knowledge. You should know it.

A physically strong person can show weakness, and a frail person can show strength.

A reckless act with a risk to life may seem like the act of a strong person, but in fact the instinct to preserve life may work, and the media will talk about a person with a strong character and strong will.

A person’s weaknesses and strengths are easily manipulated by those who need it and they do it very well.

Because a person’s ego and dignity are hurt, and all this has various kinds of rewards.

I don’t know myself absolutely, so I don’t know how I will behave and begin to manifest myself in different specific situations. It is the situations that will record the manifestation of my weaknesses and strengths.

It’s one thing to write about weakness and strength in a situation of comfort and coziness, it’s another thing to show them in a specific situation and then hear all sorts of rumors and conjectures about yourself.

Weaknesses and strength are known in comparison, like everything else, but will only be of a theoretical nature, but if all this is manifested by the person himself and in relation to him specifically, then such a manifestation will hurt him and he will experience it all on his own skin, and this is already practical manifestation.

Theoretical knowledge will be useful as something that needs to be known, but practical skills and skills are also very useful and this and that will help a person survive in a particular situation.

What a person will do and what knowledge, skills and abilities will be needed for this, the situation will show.

But here the question arises: good or bad, moral or immoral, moral or immoral, human or inhuman, spiritual or unspiritual, etc.

But when life itself, the life of the person himself or his close circle of relatives and friends, is at stake, then morality and ethics may not be taken into account. Here, just to stay alive or save the lives of your loved ones. Well, if everything ends well and life is preserved and morality is respected, then such a person becomes an example to follow and, like a hero, monuments are erected to him and books are written about them, films are made. Everything in this life can be seen and observed, and not only that, it can be manifested and manifested.

If he shows himself immorally and immorally, for example, betrays his loved ones, thereby saving his life, then he immediately becomes a scoundrel, a scoundrel, a coward, a freak, and so on. This means that this man showed weakness only because he really wanted to live and therefore betrayed his loved ones.

But the desire to live is a manifestation of instinct, not weakness. It is instinct that is stronger than any weakness, but they will talk about the weakness and strength of those who want to live.

They will say that he REALLY WANTS TO LIVE or that is what he will say about himself.

Do those who engage in, for example, life-threatening sports really want to live?

I think no, what’s important to them is getting a lot of adrenaline and a lot of money at once.

Young people do not think or think about death and illness at a young age unless they are told not to.

The percentage of deaths in dangerous sports is very high. This is evidenced by official statistics and news in the media.

Our weaknesses lead us to death. Is not it?

But what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

A person can act in a way that no one expects from him, and even from himself.

Morality and ethics are also conditional and relative, so a person can neglect all these values ​​and not take them into account. There will be no time for them.

Morality and morality have their own definitions and, as it were, narrow the scope of human manifestation and, being within these imposed frameworks, a person limits the range of his actions. This is also a cunning trick to manage and control a person and society as a whole.

You need to work on your weaknesses, not fight them, but in order to recognize them in yourself, you need to find them and recognition, this is the first step to working on them.

Since all my weaknesses are my strengths for me, because I have them, is it worth working with them?

No matter how a person works with his weaknesses and makes himself strong, there will still be some degree of weakness, which in a particular situation can manifest itself without the desire and will of even a very strong person.

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Have you ever met weak people? No, not the frail, not the frail, not those who sit on the sports bench, but the weak, morally. Those who are nearby, while a rainbow is spreading over your life, but as soon as the slightest cloud appears, and these “companions”, best friends, seem to be blown away by the wind. They just left, gave up, and gave up. They realized that they had taken on an unbearable burden, but all this after they trusted that they would help. Unfortunately, we quite often have to deal with such personalities throughout our lives. Of course, one cannot say that they are bad and terrible, such people are simply weak in spirit and this is neither their nor your fault. However, despite this, no matter how much you want it, you begin to be disappointed in people. It's all due to ordinary human weakness. This is exactly the topic the author is thinking about.

Discussing the problem of human weakness, the writer tells us about memories of fairy-tale knights always rushing to help, who came to the main character at the thought of courage and fortitude.

However, in life everything is not so wonderful, and the wonderful savior, who promised the girl to protect her from everyone and everything, at the sight of difficulties, runs away from them, not keeping his promise and simply abandoning the poor person who trusted her. The "knight", it would seem, is a good person, however, there is a trait in him that crosses out everything - weakness. He may not have thought about betraying the girl, but having encountered adversity, he did not find the strength to step over it, he simply turned around and rushed to run. Thus, Mikhail Georgievich Khudyakov makes us understand that not always the one who dares to take on a burden will be able to carry it without giving up. Also important is the episode in which the writer draws our attention to a guy who was rushing to a lecture, but when he saw a fragile girl with a huge bag, he decided to help. It all started wonderfully: without a drop of doubt, he grabbed the string bag and volunteered to carry it to its destination, but the young lady only knew the address, having no idea where the desired house was. After hours of wandering through the slums, the guy began to get angry and tired, which was noticed by the young lady. “She timidly asked: “Let me carry it myself.” This frightened and anxious voice drove me crazy.” But he couldn’t just leave the defenseless lady alone in this abundance of concrete buildings, because then he would look weak in her eyes. How is it that he himself volunteered to help, and he himself gave up, this is impossible. Therefore, the young man, leaving the girl with the bag on the bench, went to find out the exact direction from people, but, having not heard an answer from one after another, he went to the university, forgetting about the one that he himself decided to conduct. Thus, having abandoned the fragile creature, showing true weakness, he was unable to find the strength to fulfill his plans. The author showed us how a person, misleading himself, believes that he can help, while realizing that this matter is beyond his capabilities.

Meanness, fear, deception, rejection of responsibility taken on oneself - all this, most often, follows human weakness, or rather, it is precisely this that gives rise to such phenomena, and I would really like to believe that someday people will find in the same core for yourself, having ceased to disappoint others.

True POWER, what is its manifestation? This is not physical strength, but something more, perhaps even unexpected for you.

What is real, true power? In the usual understanding, the manifestation of strength is control, firmness and even obstinacy. Some personify strength with arrogance, the ability to go ahead, regardless of the desires and needs of those who are nearby. They believe that strength is the ability to stand your ground and not retreat under any circumstances, to hold on as best you can.

True strength - 9 signs of its manifestation

This concept justified itself for a long time, many generations, when it was necessary to survive in harsh conditions. And if you don’t have these qualities, then you are simply not a tenant, sometimes in the literal sense of the word.

Now the concept of power has greatly transformed and the factors that determined it have also changed. Let us consider what the manifestation of power means in the new age.

Until recently, our planet was dominated by the male energy of activity, competition, and aggression. This is a manifestation of iron will and perseverance. Based on this paradigm, many books have been written on planning, on achieving goals, and success.

Currently, female energy rules on Earth, or rather, the process of balancing male and female energy is taking place. Therefore, only “male ways” do not work, or they work, but not as much as before. Now, in order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to use the synthesized energy of these two polarities.

1. Strength is the ability to let go of what doesn't serve you.

I often hear from people: “I’m tired of being strong, I’m tired of carrying everything on myself.” In fact the habit of taking on an unbearable burden is a position of sacrifice. A person sacrifices himself, his time, his desires for the sake of other people's interests. Believing that they are not able to cope or because of their inability to refuse.

But strength does not mean burdening yourself with obligations and dragging them along. True strength lies in saying “no” to what is unnecessary in your life, to what prevents you from living the way you want, doing what is necessary and important to you.

If this is your topic, reflect, think about what of what you carry you can leave, give to those whose rightful it is.

2. Showing strength is surrendering to higher powers.

When you knock on all doors in search of a solution to a serious issue, you think about it constantly - this is not a manifestation of strength. You take active steps, don’t sit still, but for some reason this doesn’t help. But often it is by letting the situation go to higher powers that this is the only true way out, which, by the way, requires determination and strength.

Many people confuse this with weakness: why, I take responsibility for everything that happens, but here I have to give it back? But that’s the point: to reconcile, to capitulate to circumstances. Since you (your human part, your mind) have not found a way out, then it is worth giving this situation to your higher aspects for resolution, which see the situation not only from one angle, but completely from all sides, every facet of it. And who else but them can see the best way out of it. The main thing is to trust. This is why we show strength.

3. Strength is the ability to be flexible

The modern spiritual concept of strength includes the ability to adapt to circumstances and be ready for change, to be flexible. This is radically different from the usual understanding of strength as hardness and obstinacy. Now stubbornness, the position where you stand your ground no matter what, only does harm.

Circumstances are so changeable; look, for example, at your goals from 5-10 years ago, and you will see that many of them are no longer relevant for you.

4. Strength is the ability to be honest with yourself

Being honest with yourself takes a lot of strength. Not everyone can face the truth, admit to themselves their imperfections, some unpleasant moments, actions, even simply that they were wrong in an ordinary dispute. People prefer to be mistaken about something for many years, to be deceived, just not to change anything in their lives.

5. Strength is allowing yourself to be yourself.

For a long time we were taught to be comfortable, obedient, somewhere the same (not to stick out). And to this day, in our actions, decisions, and manifestations there are still echoes of that upbringing.

Therefore, when you finally allow yourself to be yourself, or at least begin to understand, realize who you are, what you like, what you want, and then begin to broadcast it, this is a big breakthrough in finding happiness and inner strength.

6. Being strong means allowing yourself to be vulnerable.

Being vulnerable has always been considered a weakness. If people saw your tears, your true feelings, for some reason this is considered something shameful. When a person accepts himself, his sensitivity, opens his feelings to another person, yes, he is vulnerable at that moment. But how much strength is needed to decide on this, especially if this is not a random manifestation of feelings, but a conscious one.

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And this kind of allowing yourself to be vulnerable removes from you the masks of indifference, the iron man and much more. This is allowing yourself to be sincere not only with yourself, but also with others. It costs a lot. And this is precisely the strength, not the weakness.

7. Strength is the ability to let go

Strength is also the ability to let go. And not to control, manipulate, keep on a short leash.

When a person is constantly controlling someone or something, afraid of losing sight, a lot of energy and strength are lost. The person is exhausted, de-energized. Then the question is: is control a manifestation of power?

Strength is non-attachment to people, places, results, anything. This is the ability to accept circumstances, the decisions of other people, if they go against your interests.

But this is freedom. You are not attached to anything, you know that if circumstances have developed this way, then the universe has prepared something better for you.

8. Power is the choice to act from a place of love.

True strength is freedom, choosing love over fear. These are actions out of love. When a person is in a state of fear, he can be manipulated, he is vulnerable, dependent on external circumstances. When you choose to act out of love, you tap into your power.

Because living with love requires a lot of strength: it means being tolerant of what doesn’t resonate with you and you can’t change it, it means accepting all circumstances and trusting the process.

9. Showing strength means being able to give in and forgive.

Many people believe that strength is standing your ground. You are arguing with a person and you must prove that you are right. To give in means to show weakness and lack of will.

But in reality, to give in, if it is not permanent compliance, means to show strength and generosity. This means stopping this endless, meaningless process of finding out who is right and who is wrong. It may look like accepting defeat from the outside, but in reality you are taking on the responsibility to stop it. You show wisdom and thus break this horizontal connection, stop playing energy ping-pong.

Strength is also the ability to forgive. After all, this is not easy and requires a lot of mental resources. By forgiving, you free yourself, return your energy to yourself, and the offender - his. published .

Natalia Prokofieva

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

What are the strengths and weaknesses of a person? This is exactly the question Bim-Bad asks in the text given for analysis.

Why do people have different personalities? Confucius said: “All people are close to each other by nature, but differ from each other in the course of education.” The author claims that there are people who are weak in spirit, those who will not always come to the aid of the defenseless due to their greed and hypocrisy. On the contrary, strong people are strong not only physically, but also spiritually. Such a noble person will never harm anyone. The writer gives the example of his acquaintance, a “super strongman”: “in his entire long, heroic life, he never laid a finger on anyone, without wishing harm on anyone.” Such a person, according to the author, is capable of selflessly doing good and helping people, using his power with honor and dignity. In conclusion, Bim-Bad says that “The most reliable thing in our world is nobility of spirit,” because it is precisely because of its absence that weak people will never achieve success.

One cannot but agree with the opinion of Bim-Bad, a strong man can be seen from afar.

For example, in Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet,” readers watch the petty official Zheltkov and his unrequited, but pure, devoted love for Princess Vera. The hero wrote letters to her and gave her generous gifts. However, he could no longer live like this, and Vera learns about Zheltkov’s death from the newspapers. It is then that she clearly understands that she has missed true love, and the hero, who did not say a word about his intentions and gave his beloved a garnet bracelet of extraordinary beauty, can rightfully be called noble.

An example of a weak person can be seen in Pushkin’s historical novel “The Captain’s Daughter”. Shvabrin is a vile, insidious person. Fearing for his life, he goes over to Pugachev’s side, wanting reciprocal feelings from his beloved, he starved her. Cowardice and fear guided Shvabrin, making him a traitor and a weak-willed person who had no friends.

Updated: 2017-12-23

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