Varnava Ekaterina: nationality, biography, personal life. Ekaterina Varnava: photos before and after plastic surgery From tomboy to diva

Former KVN performer and star of the Comedy Woman TV show on TNT, Ekaterina Varnava, is a notable figure both literally and figuratively. In those reprises where it is necessary to portray a glamorous girl, a friend of an oligarch, or simply a sexually attractive lady, it is Katya Varnava who invariably participates.

Katya Varnava before plastic surgery

They speak differently about her appearance, often with directly opposite assessments. But perhaps no one will argue that he is a very bright person with an amazing sense of humor.

Girls whose work is related to the stage, and who are constantly evaluated by a discerning public, need to look 100 percent. And always, regardless of the time of year, circumstances and natural disasters.

Katya Varnava is an unconventional beauty with a twist. But, like most representatives of the fair sex, she tries to follow all fashion trends and be on top in this regard.

Sometimes the efforts go beyond the limit, and the end result is not quite what the fans and the star TV personality herself expected.

Lately, people who have been closely following the work of the talented artist have been worried. What happened to Katyusha, why did she lose weight? Or is this the result of plastic surgery, or, God forbid, a serious illness?

What Ekaterina Varnava looks like after plastic surgery

We remember Katya Varnava well from KVN and the “Our Secrets” team. A tall brunette with a sporty figure, large features and a slightly elongated nose appeared on stage.

Photo: Ekaterina Varnava before and after plastic surgery

It was right out of the blue that our heroine decided one day to begin bringing herself to perfection. And she had rhinoplasty. Compare the early photos of the actress and the current ones: the nose has shortened, and its tip does not hang over the upper lip as before, but is even slightly raised. Experts say that minor changes in the shape of the nose are associated with a general decrease in the girl’s weight.

Now, considerably thinner, Barnabas appears before us as a languid beauty from the era of decadence with an elongated face and pointed cheekbones. Katya herself explains the changes to the effect of diet, but plastic surgeons can tell you that diet has nothing to do with it. Most likely, this is a consequence of the procedure to remove Bisha’s lumps, due to which the patients’ natural roundness of the cheeks disappears, and the oval of the face becomes more elegant and refined.

Mikrusha continues the series of articles by show business stars without makeup, we reveal the secrets of stars without makeup and Photoshop, and today’s article is about Ekaterina Varnava, a Russian actress and TV presenter. Real fame came to Katya after she began participating in the 2008 show at Comedy Woman.

Barnabas appears extremely rarely in public without makeup, because he is part of that fatal image of the girl. Barnabas herself is a confident young woman and loves herself as she is, with or without makeup. However, having once attended a friend’s event, where the actress appeared in sportswear, sneakers and no makeup, she realized that those around her were used to it and wanted to see her as exactly the sexy beauty with professional make-up that we see Barnabas from the screens. Therefore, Catherine decided that she would no longer allow herself to relax and appear in public without makeup. Ekaterina Varnava applies at least a minimum of makeup before going out.

However, there are already photographs of Barnabas on the Internet without makeup, where she looks very cute, at home. True, fans are not always able to recognize a star in an unusual image.

Photo of Barnabas without makeup

Here Ekaterina is relaxing on the sea coast, naturally, cosmetics in this case would be superfluous, so Varnava is in the photo without makeup.

On vacation with friends, Barnabas could also afford a minimum of makeup and a maximum of naturalness.

The bright and memorable image of Catherine Varnava first won the hearts of the audience on the stage of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. A tall brunette with excellent flexibility and bold jokes is an unusual character in comedy shows.

Barnabas skillfully played all the trump cards that nature had awarded her, and the world of stand-up comedy received a new star.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina was born in Moscow on December 9, 1984. A girl with an expressive Spanish appearance prefers not to disclose facts from her life. This caused a lot of controversy regarding her nationality. It is known that the celebrity’s father is from Kazakhstan, and his mother is Russian. Catherine has repeatedly stated that in this matter, viewers and fans should draw their own conclusions.

Soon after Catherine's birth, the family, which already had two older children, moved to Germany, where the father was sent on duty. For the first 7 years, the girl lived in the city of Wünsdorf, growing up surrounded by brothers Igor and Alexei. When Varnava returned to Moscow in 1991 and went to school, she suddenly became an outcast.

The reason was the foreign outfits and bright toys of the little schoolgirl. In the Soviet Union at that time there was an era of shortages, and her classmates decided that Katya was showing off to them. With great difficulty, the girl managed to join the new team. Today, the celebrity recalls that period of life with mixed feelings. As a result, while studying at school, the girl had to hone her humor, which would be useful in the future for a successful career.

From an early age, the future star was engaged in ballroom dancing, which she loved, and success in her studies indicated that a brilliant future awaited Barnabas. As a result, expectations were not destined to come true. At first, the girl quickly surpassed all her partners in height, and then, when the issue of a suitable partner was resolved, 14-year-old Katya received a serious injury during training.

Ekaterina Varnava in her youth

During the fall, her vertebrae were displaced, and she had to forget about sports. The future artist took this blow seriously and, as she herself admits, cannot watch the ballroom dancing competitions where her friends are now performing.

However, the craving for art and creative self-expression was too strong to abandon all ambitions. Ekaterina Varnava entered the National Research Technological University "MISiS", where she studied at the Faculty of Law. But the girl never had a chance to work as a lawyer.

KVN and Comedy Woman

While studying at the university, the girl participated in student KVN. Varnava’s first team was a team called “Our Secrets”, and after 2 years it became part of the “Team of Small Nations”.

The artist’s first television debut as part of the KVN team took place in 2004, where she performed as a guest player in the 1/4 finals of the Premier League music competition.

Ekaterina Varnava on the KVN stage

The following year, Varnava is included in the permanent composition of the “Team of Small Nations”. Soon, together with the team, he gets the chance to perform in the KVN Major League. The team fails in the first game and breaks up. “Own Secrets” is also falling apart.

The end of her career in KVN opened up new horizons for the young artist. The producers liked her catchy type, and soon Ekaterina was invited to a bright role - Barnabas was to become the sex symbol of the new humorous TV show Comedy Woman. “Comedy Woman” becomes the main project in the creative biography of Barnabas.

Ekaterina Varnava in the TV show “Comedy Woman”

Despite the fact that the name of the project is in tune with the well-known Comedy Club, the producers of the new show did not set out to make another clone of the popular project. As the main director Dmitry Efimovich stated, “Comedy Woman” is characterized by a pop style rather than a classic stand-up.

In Comedy Woman, the artist used her dancing background. Varnava became the choreographer of the television project. Ekaterina considers it her mission to prove on the show that the weaker sex has a sense of humor equally with men.

In 2016, information appeared that Ekaterina would leave Comedy Woman. The reason for such assumptions was the statement of Natalya Andreevna (real name -), producer and ideological inspirer of the comedy show, about the dissolution of the project. The producer explained this decision by saying that the television show needed “young blood,” hinting at a change in cast members, as well as announcing casting.

Yeprikyan’s decision came as a complete surprise to the audience. In turn, the project participants decided to keep the public in the dark, refraining from any comments in the media about the upcoming changes.

Many became worried about Catherine's fate. The sex symbol of the project published in her "Instagram" 3 posts, saying that she didn’t pass the casting. Some Russian publications, citing these publications, reported that Ekaterina left the project. However, the Comedy Woman participant herself soon denied these rumors, saying that, despite all the talk about a complete change of lineup, she would participate in the project.

Films and TV projects

In the fall of 2012, Ekaterina will make her debut as a TV presenter. The girl starts hosting the morning TV show “NTV in the morning”. Then, 2 years later, she replaces her as the host of the Ukrainian humorous television project “Who’s on Top.” Ukrainian actor and TV presenter Sergei Pritula becomes Ekaterina Varnava’s partner.

Ekaterina Varnava also took part in the 7th season of the entertainment show “The Invisible Man”. Experts tried to find out who was hiding in the secret room, and viewers heard a lot of new things from the life of a celebrity.

Varnava first appeared on television in a feature film, playing a cameo role in the TV series “Univer”. A little earlier, the director invited the beauty to the comedy “From 180 and Above,” but the naval girl’s name was not in the credits. In the film, based on the story “Unfortunate Saturday,” Russian cinema stars, Ekaterina Strizhenova, shone.

This was followed by the comedies "" and "". Around the same period, the artist starred in the romantic comedy “8 First Dates.” Of the latest films in which Ekaterina starred, viewers note the sitcom “”.

In 2015, Ekaterina Varnava appeared in the comedy Double Trouble. In this film, the actress played the role of Alexandra, a socialite and the owner of a radio station.

Trailer for the comedy “Double Trouble”

In 2010, Ekaterina starred in a candid photo shoot for MAXIM magazine. Filming for the Russian version of “Maxim” was not the only one. Fans also saw the actress almost naked in a vibrant photo shoot for the men's magazine XXL. True, the celebrity covered herself with flowers or underwear, so fans had to use their imagination.

Soon, the celebrity decided to consolidate the sensation she had created and went under the plastic surgeon’s knife. Social networks immediately began to look for the difference between old and new photographs of Barnabas, taken before and after the operation. Many users believe that Catherine underwent a rhinoplasty procedure, and her lip volume was also increased.

Opinions about the achieved effect are divided, although most agree that plastic surgery has benefited the artist's appearance. Fans note that Barnabas’s physical data is very impressive even without surgical interventions, because Catherine’s height is 181 cm and she weighs 63 kg.

Personal life

As Catherine herself says, in her life there was a protracted and painful relationship with a married man. Without naming him, Ekaterina Varnava admits that her personal life from a certain moment was like hell, and she is glad that she was able to break off that fatal connection.

In 2012, the actress began an affair with a colleague. The couple met on the set of the Comedy Woman TV show. The relationship lasted 2 years, but Dmitry never became Catherine’s husband.

It was also reported in the press that Ekaterina Varnava met with, dancer and actor Comedy Woman. The girl did not confirm the relationship.

In June 2017, Ekaterina Varnava pleased fans with a new photo with her fiance, a dancer. On her Instagram page, Ekaterina published a touching photo.

The new photo of Ekaterina Varnava and Konstantin Myakinkov was appreciated by users, calling the couple beautiful and harmonious. Under the frame, Ekaterina wrote an ironic post, urging people to accumulate positive emotions and be filled with happiness, and not comment on other people’s personal lives.

Rumors about the wedding of Ekaterina Varnava and Konstantin Myakinkov appeared in the summer of 2016. Then the news spread across the Network that the Comedy Woman star had allegedly secretly gotten married. But the artists did not confirm these speculations. Now the couple still enjoys each other’s company; the lovers have postponed going to the registry office for later.

While working in the “Comedy Woman” project, Ekaterina became close friends with many of the project’s artists. He has been friends with Varnava since his student days. The girls stormed the stages of the KVN games together. Barnabas even became the godmother of Victoria's friend's daughter.

She also developed friendly relations with the producer of the project Natalya Yeprikyan, actresses,

Once upon a time, a girl was born into the family of a Cossack and a doctor, who was destined to become a sex symbol in one of the popular Russian shows. This is how Varnava Ekaterina Vladimirovna was born, whose nationality still causes heated debate.

At the moment she is one of the most famous women in Russia. This article tells you who Ekaterina Varnava is: biography, photos and facts from the life of the star.

First years of life

Many people ask how old Ekaterina Varnava is. It's pretty easy to calculate: her birthday is December 9, 1984. When Katya was born, her father was transferred to serve in the city of Wünsdorf in Germany, where she lived until she was 7 years old. Then the family of the future star returned to their homeland, Moscow.

The return to Russia was difficult. When she went to school, the girl became an outcast in the class because she had bright and beautiful things that were inaccessible to other children. The shortage in Russia was very acute, and Moscow schoolchildren decided that Katya was an ordinary upstart.

But the girl didn’t wear anything that she hadn’t worn in her previous school in Germany. However, this did not bother her classmates, and therefore in the first years of her life in Moscow she was very lonely.

Passion for dancing

Ekaterina Varnava studied ballroom dancing from a very early age. This was the girl's real passion. She attended training almost every day, and was predicted to have a great future. But when Katya turned 13, she stretched out very much and found herself taller than her dance partner by as much as 20 cm!

Of course, she was not allowed to dance with him, and finding someone suitable in other schools was also not so easy. Well, when they found a pair of suitable height for her, Katya injured her back during training. So at the age of 14 she had to give up her career as a dancer.

Student years and the beginning of a career in KVN

Initially, Katya dreamed of continuing her creative activity and going to the University of Culture, but she could not pass the selection.

And then, on the advice of her father, the girl applied to MISiS to study law and was admitted. After graduating, she became a certified lawyer, but Ekaterina did not have to work in her specialty.

Appearance of Catherine Barnabas

Many people wonder why she has such an extravagant appearance. Who is Barnabas Catherine? The girl’s nationality is half Cossack. Therefore, her appearance is very specific, which simply needs to be emphasized with cosmetics.

The girl wears quite bright makeup for the stage. Without makeup, Katya immediately fades, and her beautiful expressive eyes are lost. Although the comedian is not shy about appearing in public without makeup.

For example, she was photographed more than once on the beach with absolutely no makeup, and she is not at all shy about it. Ekaterina believes that stars are people too, and they don’t necessarily have to wear makeup all the time. True, the girl still had to change her mind on this matter.

When she arrived at a friend’s birthday party without makeup, those around her reacted very violently, and Katya decided that she would go out only with makeup.

But we must admit that in ordinary life she does not like to wear bright makeup. And a completely different Barnabas Catherine appears before us. Nationality has nothing to do with it. On stage she is a spectacular fatal beauty, but in life the girl prefers a nude style, hiding skin imperfections, emphasizing the eyes, but at the same time creating the impression of no makeup.

Stage image

But Katya spends tons of cosmetics on her. Placing great emphasis on her eyes, she does not hesitate to use bright lipsticks. For the sake of the image of a vamp lady and a sexy beauty, she tightens her already thin waist into corsets, puts on miniskirts and huge heels. At the same time, Katya’s height is quite high - 181 cm, and her weight is only 63 kg. Looking at her, you can’t even tell right away how old Ekaterina Varnava is. But on December 9, 2014 it will be thirty years old.

But it’s not just the beauty’s eyes that attract the eye. Many girls would like to have the same chic curls as the star. Despite the fact that she has dyed her hair many times, her hair remains very thick and beautiful. The real hair color of Catherine Barnabas is jet black. But the girl was both blonde and brown-haired.

Now Katya has dyed her hair a beautiful chestnut color, but for how long?

Candid photo shoots of Ekaterina Varnava

The popularity of Comedy Woman participants attracted the attention of many publications, including men's ones. In 2010, the girls were invited to a candid photo shoot in the Maxim magazine. Varnava Ekaterina also decided to take photographs. The girl’s nationality and upbringing did not immediately allow her to agree to undress in front of the camera, but she did it anyway.

Katya was very afraid of how her conservative parents would perceive this. But surprisingly, they reacted quite adequately, even though my father bought several magazines so that at least someone would not get them.

The photo shoot in the Maxim magazine was not the only creative experiment of the beautiful Katya. In 2012, she stripped off her clothes again for XXL magazine, even appearing on the cover.

Family relationships

Ekaterina Varnava has a very close and trusting relationship with her family. She even agreed to a photo shoot for Maxim magazine only when her parents reacted well and did not object.

She even moved into her own apartment only in 2011, having long hesitated to move out from her parents and start an independent life.

Family relationships greatly influenced the development of the girl’s personality. For example, she firmly believes that you only need to get married once in your life. Perhaps this is precisely why they broke off their engagement with Dmitry Khrustalev, so as not to make a mistake in their choice.

When her father fell ill, Katya completely reconsidered her attitude to life, realizing that any everyday conflicts and hassles pale in comparison to real misfortune. And that you shouldn’t waste your nerves on stupid things and empty insults. Catherine's father was ill for a whole year, and during this time she learned to be more tolerant of everyone around her.

Relationships with colleagues

Barnabas has very good relationships with all his colleagues on the Comedy Woman show, because in reality they are all far from the same as on stage.

It’s just for the cameras that they constantly quarrel, sort things out and tease each other in every possible way. But in real life this is a very friendly team. All participants went through the KVN school, which unites and forces them to play on the same wavelength.

Ekaterina Varnava’s closest relationship is with Maria Kravchenko, but she is also very friendly with other girls. All of them are no longer at that age to conflict and quarrel, each brilliantly plays their role and has their own niche in the show, so Ekaterina is very comfortable in this female team.

In addition, the show sometimes begins to reflect reality, which Barnabas really likes.

Other projects of Ekaterina Varnava in film and TV

Ekaterina Varnava not only performs in the comedy show Comedy Woman, but also plays in various TV series and films. Of course, the roles are not that big yet, but everyone started somewhere.

So, she starred in such sitcoms as “Happy Together”, “Univer” and “Deffchonki”, playing herself. But in the films “8 First Dates” (2012) and “Young Grandfather” (2015) she has more significant roles.

Perhaps someday Ekaterina Varnava will play not only in comedy series and films, but also in serious films. For example, in the drama, how she dreams. After all, the girl has truly enormous charisma.

In 2012, Ekaterina Varnava was invited to host the NTV Morning program. She also acted for some time as a co-host of the “Battle of the Choirs” on the Russia 1 channel.

Ekaterina is constantly offered many projects. For example, act in advertising or appear on TV in some program. The girl does not always accept offers, but in 2013 she appeared in a commercial for the store.

And in 2014, she accepted the offer of the Ukrainian project “Who’s on Top” and became its host.

In the meantime, Varnava Ekaterina, whose nationality still causes gossip, is just beginning to climb the career ladder. There are probably many big projects and roles ahead of her.

It should be added that Katya practically does not use the Internet, and she does not have accounts on social networks. This is Ekaterina Varnava. A biography whose personal life and creative successes attract the eyes of many fans.

Katerina Varnava is an ordinary girl who stars in the Comedy Woman program on the TNT channel. Recently, fans have noticed that Katya not only lost terribly weight, but also had a nose job. We’ll talk about the nose later, but now let’s find out how Barnabas actually is doing with his weight loss.

When her fans saw the new forms of Catherine Barnabas, she was accused of being very thin! The presenter posted new photos on her blog on Instagram. In new photographs of Katya, it is clear that her once lush breasts have become smaller, and her arms and legs have become too thin.

Ekaterina Varnava lost weight: before and after, photo

When asked in an interview about why she lost so much weight, Varnava replied that in fact there were no diets, special programs or workouts. It’s just that her lifestyle lately has forced Katenka not to eat enough, to train and work a lot. As a result of intensive training, she lost about eight kilograms of weight.

Look at the photos of Ekaterina before and after losing weight to evaluate whether she really lost weight in vain or whether her new, slimmer figure suits her better.

Some tips for losing weight by Ekaterina Varnava

What does Barnabas advise to all girls who are overweight and want to lose weight? Let's put her recommendations into a convenient and simple list:

  • Most of the time should be devoted to health;
  • Proper nutrition for weight loss helps to cope with various problems in life;
  • Exercising and running greatly help you lose weight;
  • The last meal should be no later than 19:00 pm;
  • Sleep should be sufficient and of high quality;
  • Try to use medications only for their intended purpose.

Weight Loss Results

What can you say about the results of Catherine’s weight loss? Having lost 8 kg of weight, Varnava immediately posted new photos on the social network. Most likely this was done for publicity and the spread of rumors about Katya’s sudden weight loss. This is not surprising, because Barnabas not only has a good sense of humor, but also a talent for creating publicity around himself. That's why so many rumors about weight loss and plastic surgery have appeared recently.

Today Katya looks like this. And although everyone asks her for advice on nutrition and weight loss, she doesn’t give it to anyone.

What is the height and weight of Ekaterina Varnava

It has not been officially published how tall Barnabas is. But everywhere they write that he is 181 cm tall and weighs 60 kg. Is it really? If we look at some photographs with other famous people, we can assume that her height is about 175 cm. And if so, then with such height, judging by the photographs again, the weight cannot be 60 kg, but at least 70. This means height and Ekaterina Vladimirovna’s weight is 175 cm and 70 kg, respectively.

Despite loud statements from fans towards Katya, she herself does not comment on either weight loss or surgery. Perhaps it has to do with the new image of Barnabas? She got a new role - the presenter of Channel One. There are suggestions that this could be a PR stunt to spread information and popularity of Katya. Do you think Katya Varanava really lost weight on purpose and had plastic surgery on her nose?