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Travel routes

1903-1906 - Arctic expedition on the ship "Joa". R. Amundsen was the first to travel through the Northwest Passage from Greenland to Alaska and determined the exact position of the North Magnetic Pole at that time.

1910-1912 - Antarctic expedition on the ship "Fram".

On December 14, 1911, a Norwegian traveler with four companions on a dog sled reached the South Pole of the earth, ahead of the expedition of the Englishman Robert Scott by a month.

1918-1920 - on the ship “Maud” R. Amundsen sailed across the Arctic Ocean along the coast of Eurasia.

1926 - together with the American Lincoln Ellsworth and the Italian Umberto Nobile R. Amundsen flew on the airship "Norway" along the route Spitsbergen - North Pole - Alaska.

1928 - During the search for the missing expedition of U. Nobile Amundsen in the Barents Sea, he died.

Name on geographical map

A sea in the Pacific Ocean, a mountain in East Antarctica, a bay near the coast of Canada and a basin in the Arctic Ocean are named after the Norwegian explorer.

The US Antarctic research station is named after the pioneers: the Amundsen-Scott Pole.

Amundsen R. My life. - M.: Geographgiz, 1959. - 166 p.: ill. - (Travel; Adventure; Science Fiction).

Amundsen R. South Pole: Per. from norwegian - M.: Armada, 2002. - 384 p.: ill. - (Green Series: Around the World).

Bouman-Larsen T. Amundsen: Trans. from norwegian - M.: Mol. Guard, 2005. - 520 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

The chapter dedicated to Amundsen was titled by Y. Golovanov “Travel gave me the happiness of friendship...” (pp. 12-16).

Davydov Yu.V. Captains are looking for a way: Tales. - M.: Det. lit., 1989. - 542 pp.: ill.

Pasetsky V.M., Blinov S.A. Roald Amundsen, 1872-1928. - M.: Nauka, 1997. - 201 p. - (Scientific-biography ser.).

Treshnikov A.F. Roald Amundsen. - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1976. - 62 p.: ill.

Tsentkevich A., Tsentkevich Ch. The Man Who was Called by the Sea: The Tale of R. Amundsen: Trans. with est. - Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1988. - 244 p.: ill.

Yakovlev A.S. Through the Ice: The Tale of a Polar Explorer. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1967. - 191 p.: ill. - (Pioneer means first).

Bellingshausen Faddey Faddeevich

Travel routes

1803-1806 - F.F. Bellingshausen took part in the first Russian circumnavigation under the command of I.F. Kruzenshtern on the ship “Nadezhda”. All the maps that were later included in the “Atlas for Captain Krusenstern’s trip around the world” were compiled by him.

1819-1821 - F.F. Bellingshausen led a round-the-world expedition to the South Pole.

On January 28, 1820, on the sloops “Vostok” (under the command of F.F. Bellingshausen) and “Mirny” (under the command of M.P. Lazarev), Russian sailors were the first to reach the shores of Antarctica.

Name on geographical map

A sea in the Pacific Ocean, a cape on South Sakhalin, an island in the Tuamotu archipelago, an ice shelf and a basin in Antarctica are named in honor of F.F. Bellingshausen.

A Russian Antarctic research station bears the name of the Russian navigator.

Moroz V. Antarctica: History of discovery / Artistic. E. Orlov. - M.: White City, 2001. - 47 p.: ill. - (Russian history).

Fedorovsky E.P. Bellingshausen: East. novel. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2001. - 541 p.: ill. - (Golden library of the historical novel).

BERING Vitus Jonassen

Danish navigator and explorer in Russian service

Travel routes

1725-1730 - V. Bering led the 1st Kamchatka expedition, the purpose of which was to search for a land isthmus between Asia and America (there was no exact information about the voyage of S. Dezhnev and F. Popov, who actually discovered the strait between the continents in 1648). The expedition on the ship "St. Gabriel" rounded the shores of Kamchatka and Chukotka, discovered the island of St. Lawrence and the Strait (now the Bering Strait).

1733-1741 - 2nd Kamchatka, or Great Northern Expedition. On the ship "St. Peter" Bering crossed the Pacific Ocean, reached Alaska, explored and mapped its shores. On the way back, during the winter on one of the islands (now the Commander Islands), Bering, like many members of his team, died.

Name on geographical map

In addition to the strait between Eurasia and North America, islands, the sea in the Pacific Ocean, a cape on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and one of the largest glaciers in southern Alaska are named after Vitus Bering.

Konyaev N.M. Revision of Commander Bering. - M.: Terra-Kn. club, 2001. - 286 p. - (Fatherland).

Orlov O.P. To unknown shores: A story about the Kamchatka expeditions undertaken by Russian navigators in the 18th century under the leadership of V. Bering / Fig. V. Yudina. - M.: Malysh, 1987. - 23 p.: ill. - (Pages of the history of our Motherland).

Pasetsky V.M. Vitus Bering: 1681-1741. - M.: Nauka, 1982. - 174 p.: ill. - (Scientific-biography ser.).

The last expedition of Vitus Bering: Sat. - M.: Progress: Pangea, 1992. - 188 p.: ill.

Sopotsko A.A. The history of V. Bering’s voyage on the boat “St. Gabriel" to the Arctic Ocean. - M.: Nauka, 1983. - 247 p.: ill.

Chekurov M.V. Mysterious expeditions. - Ed. 2nd, revised, additional - M.: Nauka, 1991. - 152 p.: ill. - (Man and the environment).

Chukovsky N.K. Bering. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1961. - 127 p.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

VAMBERY Arminius (Herman)

Hungarian orientalist

Travel routes

1863 - A. Vambery's journey under the guise of a dervish across Central Asia from Tehran through the Turkmen desert along the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea to Khiva, Mashhad, Herat, Samarkand and Bukhara.

Vambery A. Traveling through Central Asia: Trans. with him. - M.: Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, 2003. - 320 p. - (Stories about Eastern countries).

Vamberi A. Bukhara, or History of Mavarounnahr: Excerpts from the book. - Tashkent: Literary Publishing House. and isk-va, 1990. - 91 p.

Tikhonov N.S. Vambery. - Ed. 14th. - M.: Mysl, 1974. - 45 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).


English navigator

Travel routes

1772-1775, 1776-1780 - J. Vancouver, as a cabin boy and midshipman, participated in the second and third voyages around the world by J. Cook.

1790-1795 - a round-the-world expedition under the command of J. Vancouver explored the northwestern coast of North America. It was determined that the proposed waterway connecting the Pacific Ocean and Hudson Bay did not exist.

Name on geographical map

Several hundred geographical objects are named in honor of J. Vancouver, including an island, bay, city, river, ridge (Canada), lake, cape, mountain, city (USA), bay (New Zealand).

Malakhovsky K.V. In the new Albion. - M.: Nauka, 1990. - 123 p.: ill. - (Stories about Eastern countries).

GAMA Vasco yes

Portuguese navigator

Travel routes

1497-1499 - Vasco da Gama led an expedition that opened a sea route for Europeans to India around the African continent.

1502 - second expedition to India.

1524 - the third expedition of Vasco da Gama, already as Viceroy of India. He died during the expedition.

Vyazov E.I. Vasco da Gama: Discoverer of the sea route to India. - M.: Geographizdat, 1956. - 39 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Camões L., de. Sonnets; Lusiads: Transl. from Portugal - M.: EKSMO-Press, 1999. - 477 p.: ill. - (Home library of poetry).

Read the poem "The Lusiads".

Kent L.E. They walked with Vasco da Gama: A Tale / Trans. from English Z. Bobyr // Fingaret S.I. Great Benin; Kent L.E. They walked with Vasco da Gama; Zweig S. Magellan's feat: East. stories. - M.: TERRA: UNICUM, 1999. - P. 194-412.

Kunin K.I. Vasco da Gama. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1947. - 322 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Khazanov A.M. The Mystery of Vasco da Gama. - M.: Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, 2000. - 152 p.: ill.

Hart G. The Sea Route to India: A Story about the voyages and exploits of Portuguese sailors, as well as about the life and times of Vasco da Gama, admiral, viceroy of India and Count Vidigueira: Trans. from English - M.: Geographizdat, 1959. - 349 p.: ill.

GOLOVNIN Vasily Mikhailovich

Russian navigator

Travel routes

1807-1811 - V.M. Golovnin leads the circumnavigation of the world on the sloop “Diana”.

1811 - V.M. Golovnin conducts research on the Kuril and Shantar Islands, the Tatar Strait.

1817-1819 - circumnavigation of the world on the sloop "Kamchatka", during which a description of part of the Aleutian ridge and the Commander Islands was made.

Name on geographical map

Several bays, a strait and an underwater mountain are named after the Russian navigator, as well as a city in Alaska and a volcano on the island of Kunashir.

Golovnin V.M. Notes from the fleet of Captain Golovnin about his adventures in captivity of the Japanese in 1811, 1812 and 1813, including his comments about the Japanese state and people. - Khabarovsk: Book. publishing house, 1972. - 525 pp.: ill.

Golovnin V.M. A voyage around the world made on the sloop of war "Kamchatka" in 1817, 1818 and 1819 by Captain Golovnin. - M.: Mysl, 1965. - 384 p.: ill.

Golovnin V.M. A voyage on the sloop "Diana" from Kronstadt to Kamchatka, made under the command of the fleet of Lieutenant Golovnin in 1807-1811. - M.: Geographizdat, 1961. - 480 pp.: ill.

Golovanov Ya. Sketches about scientists. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1983. - 415 pp.: ill.

The chapter dedicated to Golovnin is called “I feel a lot...” (pp. 73-79).

Davydov Yu.V. Evenings in Kolmovo: The Tale of G. Uspensky; And before your eyes...: An experience in the biography of a marine marine painter: [About V.M. Golovnin]. - M.: Book, 1989. - 332 pp.: ill. - (Writers about writers).

Davydov Yu.V. Golovnin. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1968. - 206 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Davydov Yu.V. Three admirals: [About D.N. Senyavin, V.M. Golovnin, P.S. Nakhimov]. - M.: Izvestia, 1996. - 446 p.: ill.

Divin V.A. The story of a glorious navigator. - M.: Mysl, 1976. - 111 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Lebedenko A.G. The sails of ships rustle: A novel. - Odessa: Mayak, 1989. - 229 p.: ill. - (Sea b-ka).

Firsov I.I. Twice Captured: East. novel. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2002. - 469 p.: ill. - (Golden library of the historical novel: Russian travelers).

HUMBOLDT Alexander, background

German natural scientist, geographer, traveler

Travel routes

1799-1804 - expedition to Central and South America.

1829 - travel across Russia: the Urals, Altai, Caspian Sea.

Name on geographical map

Ranges in Central Asia and North America, a mountain on the island of New Caledonia, a glacier in Greenland, a cold current in the Pacific Ocean, a river, a lake and a number of settlements in the USA are named after Humboldt.

A number of plants, minerals and even a crater on the Moon are named after the German scientist.

The university in Berlin is named after the brothers Alexander and Wilhelm Humboldt.

Zabelin I.M. Return to descendants: A novel-study of the life and work of A. Humboldt. - M.: Mysl, 1988. - 331 p.: ill.

Safonov V.A. Alexander Humboldt. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1959. - 191 p.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Skurla G. Alexander Humboldt / Abbr. lane with him. G. Shevchenko. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1985. - 239 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

DEZHNEV Semyon Ivanovich

(c. 1605-1673)

Russian explorer, navigator

Travel routes

1638-1648 - S.I. Dezhnev took part in river and land campaigns in the area of ​​the Yana River, Oymyakon and Kolyma.

1648 - a fishing expedition led by S.I. Dezhnev and F.A. Popov circled the Chukotka Peninsula and reached the Gulf of Anadyr. This is how the strait was opened between the two continents, which was later named the Bering Strait.

Name on geographical map

A cape on the northeastern tip of Asia, a ridge in Chukotka and a bay in the Bering Strait are named after Dezhnev.

Bakhrevsky V.A. Semyon Dezhnev / Fig. L. Khailova. - M.: Malysh, 1984. - 24 p.: ill. - (Pages of the history of our Motherland).

Bakhrevsky V.A. Walking towards the sun: East. story. - Novosibirsk: Book. publishing house, 1986. - 190 pp.: ill. - (Fates connected with Siberia).

Belov M. The feat of Semyon Dezhnev. - M.: Mysl, 1973. - 223 p.: ill.

Demin L.M. Semyon Dezhnev - pioneer: East. novel. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2002. - 444 p.: ill. - (Golden library of the historical novel: Russian travelers).

Demin L.M. Semyon Dezhnev. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1990. - 334 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Kedrov V.N. To the ends of the world: East. story. - L.: Lenizdat, 1986. - 285 p.: ill.

Markov S.N. Tamo-Rus Maclay: Stories. - M.: Sov. writer, 1975. - 208 pp.: ill.

Read the story “Dezhnev’s Feat.”

Nikitin N.I. Explorer Semyon Dezhnev and his time. - M.: Rosspen, 1999. - 190 pp.: ill.

DRAKE Francis

English navigator and pirate

Travel routes

1567 - F. Drake took part in J. Hawkins' expedition to the West Indies.

Since 1570 - annual pirate raids in the Caribbean Sea.

1577-1580 - F. Drake led the second European voyage around the world after Magellan.

Name on geographical map

The widest strait on the globe, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, is named after the brave navigator.

Francis Drake / Retelling by D. Berkhin; Artist L.Durasov. - M.: White City, 1996. - 62 p.: ill. - (History of piracy).

Malakhovsky K.V. Round-the-world run of the "Golden Hind". - M.: Nauka, 1980. - 168 p.: ill. - (Countries and peoples).

The same story can be found in K. Malakhovsky’s collection “Five Captains”.

Mason F. van W. The Golden Admiral: Novel: Trans. from English - M.: Armada, 1998. - 474 p.: ill. - (Great pirates in novels).

Muller V.K. Queen Elizabeth's Pirate: Trans. from English - St. Petersburg: LENKO: Gangut, 1993. - 254 p.: ill.

DUMONT-DURVILLE Jules Sebastien Cesar

French navigator and oceanographer

Travel routes

1826-1828 - circumnavigation of the world on the ship "Astrolabe", as a result of which part of the coasts of New Zealand and New Guinea were mapped and island groups in the Pacific Ocean were examined. On the island of Vanikoro, Dumont-D'Urville discovered traces of the lost expedition of J. La Perouse.

1837-1840 - Antarctic expedition.

Name on geographical map

The sea in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Antarctica is named after the navigator.

The French Antarctic scientific station is named after Dumont-D'Urville.

Varshavsky A.S. Travel of Dumont-D'Urville. - M.: Mysl, 1977. - 59 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

The fifth part of the book is called “Captain Dumont D'Urville and his belated discovery” (pp. 483-504).

IBN BATTUTA Abu Abdallah Muhammad

Ibn al-Lawati at-Tanji

Arab traveler, wandering merchant

Travel routes

1325-1349 - Having set off from Morocco on a hajj (pilgrimage), Ibn Battuta visited Egypt, Arabia, Iran, Syria, Crimea, reached the Volga and lived for some time in the Golden Horde. Then, through Central Asia and Afghanistan, he arrived in India, visited Indonesia and China.

1349-1352 - travel to Muslim Spain.

1352-1353 - travel through Western and Central Sudan.

At the request of the ruler of Morocco, Ibn Battuta, together with a scientist named Juzai, wrote the book “Rihla”, where he summarized the information about the Muslim world that he collected during his travels.

Ibragimov N. Ibn Battuta and his travels in Central Asia. - M.: Nauka, 1988. - 126 p.: ill.

Miloslavsky G. Ibn Battuta. - M.: Mysl, 1974. - 78 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Timofeev I. Ibn Battuta. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1983. - 230 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

COLUMBUS Christopher

Portuguese and Spanish navigator

Travel routes

1492-1493 - H. Columbus led the Spanish expedition, the purpose of which was to find the shortest sea route from Europe to India. During the voyage on three caravels "Santa Maria", "Pinta" and "Nina" the Sargasso Sea, the Bahamas, Cuba and Haiti were discovered.

October 12, 1492, when Columbus reached the island of Samana, is recognized as the official day of the discovery of America by Europeans.

During three subsequent expeditions across the Atlantic (1493-1496, 1498-1500, 1502-1504), Columbus discovered the Greater Antilles, part of the Lesser Antilles, the coasts of South and Central America and the Caribbean Sea.

Until the end of his life, Columbus was confident that he had reached India.

Name on geographical map

A state in South America, mountains and plateaus in North America, a glacier in Alaska, a river in Canada and several cities in the USA are named after Christopher Columbus.

In the United States of America there is Columbia University.

Travels of Christopher Columbus: Diaries, letters, documents / Transl. from Spanish and comment. Ya. Sveta. - M.: Geographizdat, 1961. - 515 p.: ill.

Blasco Ibañez V. In Search of the Great Khan: A Novel: Trans. from Spanish - Kaliningrad: Book. publishing house, 1987. - 558 pp.: ill. - (Sea novel).

Verlinden C. Christopher Columbus: Mirage and Perseverance: Trans. with him. // Conquerors of America. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1997. - P. 3-144.

Irving V. History of the life and travels of Christopher Columbus: Trans. from English // Irving V. Collection. cit.: In 5 vols.: T. 3, 4. - M.: Terra - Book. club, 2002-2003.

Clients A.E. Christopher Columbus / Artist. A. Chauzov. - M.: White City, 2003. - 63 p.: ill. - (Historical novel).

Kovalevskaya O.T. The admiral's brilliant mistake: How Christopher Columbus, without knowing it, discovered the New World, which was later called America / Lit. processing by T. Pesotskaya; Artist N. Koshkin, G. Alexandrova, A. Skorikov. - M.: Interbook, 1997. - 18 p.: ill. - (The greatest journeys).

Columbus; Livingston; Stanley; A. Humboldt; Przhevalsky: Biogr. narratives. - Chelyabinsk: Ural LTD, 2000. - 415 p.: ill. - (Life of remarkable people: Biography of the library of F. Pavlenkov).

Cooper J.F. Mercedes from Castile, or Journey to Cathay: Trans. from English - M.: Patriot, 1992. - 407 p.: ill.

Lange P.V. The Great Wanderer: The Life of Christopher Columbus: Trans. with him. - M.: Mysl, 1984. - 224 p.: ill.

Magidovich I.P. Christopher Columbus. - M.: Geographizdat, 1956. - 35 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Reifman L. From the harbor of hopes - into the seas of anxiety: The life and times of Christopher Columbus: East. chronicles. - St. Petersburg: Lyceum: Soyuztheater, 1992. - 302 p.: ill.

Rzhonsnitsky V.B. Discovery of America by Columbus. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Publishing House. University, 1994. - 92 p.: ill.

Sabatini R. Columbus: Novel: Trans. from English - M.: Republic, 1992. - 286 p.

Svet Ya.M. Columbus. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1973. - 368 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Subbotin V.A. Great discoveries: Columbus; Vasco da Gama; Magellan. - M.: Publishing house URAO, 1998. - 269 p.: ill.

Chronicles of the Discovery of America: New Spain: Book. 1: East. documents: Per. from Spanish - M.: Academic project, 2000. - 496 p.: ill. - (B-Latin America).

Shishova Z.K. The Great Voyage: East. novel. - M.: Det. lit., 1972. - 336 pp.: ill.

Edberg R. Letters to Columbus; Spirit of the Valley / Transl. with Swedish L. Zhdanova. - M.: Progress, 1986. - 361 p.: ill.


Russian scientist-naturalist, first explorer of Kamchatka

Travel routes

1733-1743 - S.P. Krasheninnikov took part in the 2nd Kamchatka expedition. First, under the guidance of academicians G.F. Miller and I.G. Gmelin, he studied Altai and Transbaikalia. In October 1737, Krasheninnikov independently went to Kamchatka, where until June 1741 he conducted research, based on the materials of which he subsequently compiled the first “Description of the Land of Kamchatka” (vols. 1-2, ed. 1756).

Name on geographical map

An island near Kamchatka, a cape on Karaginsky Island and a mountain near Lake Kronotskoye are named after S.P. Krasheninnikov.

Krasheninnikov S.P. Description of the land of Kamchatka: In 2 volumes - Reprint. ed. - St. Petersburg: Science; Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Kamshat, 1994.

Varshavsky A.S. Sons of the Fatherland. - M.: Det. lit., 1987. - 303 pp.: ill.

Mixon I.L. The man who...: East. story. - L.: Det. lit., 1989. - 208 pp.: ill.

Fradkin N.G. S.P. Krasheninnikov. - M.: Mysl, 1974. - 60 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Eidelman N.Ya. What is there beyond the sea-ocean?: A story about the Russian scientist S.P. Krasheninnikov, the discoverer of Kamchatka. - M.: Malysh, 1984. - 28 p.: ill. - (Pages of the history of our Motherland).

KRUZENSHTERN Ivan Fedorovich

Russian navigator, admiral

Travel routes

1803-1806 - I.F. Kruzenshtern led the first Russian round-the-world expedition on the ships “Nadezhda” and “Neva”. I.F. Kruzenshtern - author of the “Atlas of the South Sea” (vols. 1-2, 1823-1826)

Name on geographical map

The name of I.F. Kruzenshtern is borne by a strait in the northern part of the Kuril Islands, two atolls in the Pacific Ocean and the southeastern passage of the Korean Strait.

Krusenstern I.F. Voyages around the world in 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806 on the ships Nadezhda and Neva. - Vladivostok: Dalnevost. book publishing house, 1976. - 392 pp.: ill. - (Far Eastern history library).

Zabolotskikh B.V. In honor of the Russian flag: The Tale of I.F. Kruzenshtern, who led the first voyage of Russians around the world in 1803-1806, and O.E. Kotzebue, who made an unprecedented voyage on the brig “Rurik” in 1815-1818. - M.: Autopan, 1996. - 285 p.: ill.

Zabolotskikh B.V. Petrovsky Fleet: East. essays; In honor of the Russian flag: A Tale; The second journey of Kruzenshtern: A Tale. - M.: Classics, 2002. - 367 pp.: ill.

Pasetsky V.M. Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern. - M.: Nauka, 1974. - 176 p.: ill.

Firsov I.I. Russian Columbus: History of the round-the-world expedition of I. Kruzenshtern and Yu. Lisyansky. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2001. - 426 p.: ill. - (Great geographical discoveries).

Chukovsky N.K. Captain Krusenstern: A Tale. - M.: Bustard, 2002. - 165 p.: ill. - (Honor and courage).

Steinberg E.L. Glorious sailors Ivan Krusenstern and Yuri Lisyansky. - M.: Detgiz, 1954. - 224 p.: ill.

COOK James

English navigator

Travel routes

1768-1771 - round-the-world expedition on the frigate Endeavor under the command of J. Cook. The island position of New Zealand has been determined, the Great Barrier Reef and the east coast of Australia have been discovered.

1772-1775 - the goal of the second expedition headed by Cook on the Resolution ship (to find and map the Southern Continent) was not achieved. As a result of the search, the South Sandwich Islands, New Caledonia, Norfolk, and South Georgia were discovered.

1776-1779 - Cook's third round-the-world expedition on the ships "Resolution" and "Discovery" was aimed at finding the Northwest Passage connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The passage was not found, but the Hawaiian Islands and part of the Alaskan coast were discovered. On the way back, J. Cook was killed on one of the islands by the aborigines.

Name on geographical map

The highest mountain in New Zealand, a bay in the Pacific Ocean, islands in Polynesia and the strait between the North and South Islands of New Zealand are named after the English navigator.

James Cook's first circumnavigation of the world: Sailing on the ship Endeavor in 1768-1771. / J. Cook. - M.: Geographizdat, 1960. - 504 p.: ill.

James Cook's second voyage: Voyage to the South Pole and around the world in 1772-1775. / J. Cook. - M.: Mysl, 1964. - 624 p.: ill. - (Geographical ser.).

James Cook's third voyage around the world: Navigation in the Pacific Ocean 1776-1780. / J. Cook. - M.: Mysl, 1971. - 636 p.: ill.

Vladimirov V.I. Cook. - M.: Iskra revolution, 1933. - 168 p.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

McLean A. Captain Cook: History of Geography. discoveries of the great navigator: Trans. from English - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2001. - 155 p.: ill. - (Great geographical discoveries).

Middleton H. Captain Cook: The famous navigator: Trans. from English / Ill. A. Marx. - M.: AsCON, 1998. - 31 p.: ill. - (Great names).

Svet Ya.M. James Cook. - M.: Mysl, 1979. - 110 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Chukovsky N.K. Frigate Drivers: A Book about Great Navigators. - M.: ROSMEN, 2001. - 509 p. - (Golden Triangle).

The first part of the book is titled “Captain James Cook and his three voyages around the world” (p. 7-111).

LAZAREV Mikhail Petrovich

Russian naval commander and navigator

Travel routes

1813-1816 - circumnavigation of the world on the ship "Suvorov" from Kronstadt to the shores of Alaska and back.

1819-1821 - commanding the sloop “Mirny”, M.P. Lazarev participated in a round-the-world expedition led by F.F. Bellingshausen.

1822-1824 - M.P. Lazarev led a round-the-world expedition on the frigate “Cruiser”.

Name on geographical map

A sea in the Atlantic Ocean, an ice shelf and an underwater trench in East Antarctica, and a village on the Black Sea coast are named after M.P. Lazarev.

The Russian Antarctic scientific station also bears the name of M.P. Lazarev.

Ostrovsky B.G. Lazarev. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1966. - 176 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Firsov I.I. Half a century under sail. - M.: Mysl, 1988. - 238 p.: ill.

Firsov I.I. Antarctica and Navarin: A Novel. - M.: Armada, 1998. - 417 p.: ill. - (Russian generals).


English explorer of Africa

Travel routes

Since 1841 - numerous travels through the interior regions of South and Central Africa.

1849-1851 - studies of the Lake Ngami area.

1851-1856 - research of the Zambezi River. D. Livingston discovered the Victoria Falls and was the first European to cross the African continent.

1858-1864 - exploration of the Zambezi River, lakes Chilwa and Nyasa.

1866-1873 - several expeditions in search of the sources of the Nile.

Name on geographical map

Waterfalls on the Congo River and a city on the Zambezi River are named after the English traveler.

Livingston D. Traveling in South Africa: Trans. from English / Ill. author. - M.: EKSMO-Press, 2002. - 475 p.: ill. - (Compass Rose: Epochs; Continents; Events; Seas; Discoveries).

Livingston D., Livingston C. Travel along the Zambezi, 1858-1864: Trans. from English - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2001. - 460 pp.: ill.

Adamovich M.P. Livingston. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1938. - 376 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Votte G. David Livingston: The Life of an African Explorer: Trans. with him. - M.: Mysl, 1984. - 271 p.: ill.

Columbus; Livingston; Stanley; A. Humboldt; Przhevalsky: Biogr. narratives. - Chelyabinsk: Ural LTD, 2000. - 415 p.: ill. - (Life of remarkable people: Biography of the library of F. Pavlenkov).


(c. 1480-1521)

Portuguese navigator

Travel routes

1519-1521 - F. Magellan led the first circumnavigation in the history of mankind. Magellan's expedition discovered the coast of South America south of La Plata, circumnavigated the continent, crossed the strait that was later named after the navigator, then crossed the Pacific Ocean and reached the Philippine Islands. On one of them, Magellan was killed. After his death, the expedition was led by J.S. Elcano, thanks to whom only one of the ships (Victoria) and the last eighteen sailors (out of two hundred and sixty-five crew members) were able to reach the shores of Spain.

Name on geographical map

The Strait of Magellan is located between the mainland of South America and the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Boytsov M.A. Magellan's Path / Artist. S. Boyko. - M.: Malysh, 1991. - 19 p.: ill.

Kunin K.I. Magellan. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1940. - 304 p.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Lange P.V. Like the sun: The life of F. Magellan and the first circumnavigation of the world: Trans. with him. - M.: Progress, 1988. - 237 p.: ill.

Pigafetta A. Magellan's Journey: Trans. with it.; Mitchell M. El Cano - the first circumnavigator: Trans. from English - M.: Mysl, 2000. - 302 p.: ill. - (Travel and travelers).

Subbotin V.A. Great discoveries: Columbus; Vasco da Gama; Magellan. - M.: Publishing house URAO, 1998. - 269 p.: ill.

Travinsky V.M. Navigator's Star: Magellan: East. story. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1969. - 191 p.: ill.

Khvilevitskaya E.M. How the earth turned out to be a ball / Artist. A. Ostromentsky. - M.: Interbook, 1997. - 18 p.: ill. - (The greatest journeys).

Zweig S. Magellan; Amerigo: Transl. with him. - M.: AST, 2001. - 317 p.: ill. - (World classics).

MIKLOUKHO-MACLAY Nikolai Nikolaevich

Russian scientist, explorer of Oceania and New Guinea

Travel routes

1866-1867 - travel to the Canary Islands and Morocco.

1871-1886 - study of the indigenous people of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania, including the Papuans of the North-Eastern coast of New Guinea.

Name on geographical map

The Miklouho-Maclay coast is located in New Guinea.

Also named after Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay is the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Man from the Moon: Diaries, articles, letters of N.N. Miklouho-Maclay. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1982. - 336 pp.: ill. - (Arrow).

Balandin R.K. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay: Book. for students / Fig. author. - M.: Education, 1985. - 96 p.: ill. - (People of science).

Golovanov Ya. Sketches about scientists. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1983. - 415 pp.: ill.

The chapter dedicated to Miklouho-Maclay is titled “I foresee no end to my travels...” (pp. 233-236).

Greenop F.S. About the one who wandered alone: ​​Trans. from English - M.: Nauka, 1986. - 260 pp.: ill.

Kolesnikov M.S. Miklukho Maclay. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1965. - 272 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Markov S.N. Tamo - rus Maklay: Stories. - M.: Sov. writer, 1975. - 208 pp.: ill.

Orlov O.P. Come back to us, Maclay!: A story. - M.: Det. lit., 1987. - 48 p.: ill.

Putilov B.N. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay: Traveler, scientist, humanist. - M.: Progress, 1985. - 280 pp.: ill.

Tynyanova L.N. Friend from Afar: A Tale. - M.: Det. lit., 1976. - 332 pp.: ill.

NANSEN Fridtjof

Norwegian polar explorer

Travel routes

1888 - F. Nansen made the first ski crossing in history across Greenland.

1893-1896 - Nansen on the ship "Fram" drifted across the Arctic Ocean from the New Siberian Islands to the Spitsbergen archipelago. As a result of the expedition, extensive oceanographic and meteorological material was collected, but Nansen was unable to reach the North Pole.

1900 - expedition to study the currents of the Arctic Ocean.

Name on geographical map

An underwater basin and an underwater ridge in the Arctic Ocean, as well as a number of geographical features in the Arctic and Antarctic, are named after Nansen.

Nansen F. To the Land of the Future: The Great Northern Route from Europe to Siberia through the Kara Sea / Authorized. lane from norwegian A. and P. Hansen. - Krasnoyarsk: Book. publishing house, 1982. - 335 pp.: ill.

Nansen F. Through the eyes of a friend: Chapters from the book “Through the Caucasus to the Volga”: Trans. with him. - Makhachkala: Dagestan book. publishing house, 1981. - 54 p.: ill.

Nansen F. “Fram” in the Polar Sea: At 2 o’clock: Per. from norwegian - M.: Geographizdat, 1956.

Kublitsky G.I. Fridtjof Nansen: His life and extraordinary adventures. - M.: Det. lit., 1981. - 287 pp.: ill.

Nansen-Heyer L. Book about the father: Trans. from norwegian - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1986. - 512 p.: ill.

Pasetsky V.M. Fridtjof Nansen, 1861-1930. - M.: Nauka, 1986. - 335 p.: ill. - (Scientific-biography ser.).

Sannes T.B. "Fram": Adventures of Polar Expeditions: Trans. with him. - L.: Shipbuilding, 1991. - 271 p.: ill. - (Notice ships).

Talanov A. Nansen. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1960. - 304 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Holt K. Competition: [About the expeditions of R.F. Scott and R. Amundsen]; Wandering: [About the expedition of F. Nansen and J. Johansen] / Trans. from norwegian L. Zhdanova. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1987. - 301 p.: ill. - (Unusual travels).

Please note that this book (in the appendix) contains an essay by the famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl, “Fridtjof Nansen: A Warm Heart in a Cold World.”

Tsentkevich A., Tsentkevich Ch. Who will you become, Fridtjof: [Tales of F. Nansen and R. Amundsen]. - Kyiv: Dnipro, 1982. - 502 p.: ill.

Shackleton E. Fridtjof Nansen - researcher: Trans. from English - M.: Progress, 1986. - 206 p.: ill.


(? - 1472 or 1473)

Russian merchant, traveler in Asia

Travel routes

1466-1472 - A. Nikitin’s journey through the countries of the Middle East and India. On the way back, stopping at a Cafe (Feodosia), Afanasy Nikitin wrote a description of his travels and adventures - “Walking across Three Seas.”

Nikitin A. Walking beyond the three seas of Afanasy Nikitin. - L.: Nauka, 1986. - 212 p.: ill. - (Lit. monuments).

Nikitin A. Walking beyond three seas: 1466-1472. - Kaliningrad: Amber Tale, 2004. - 118 p.: ill.

Varzhapetyan V.V. The Tale of a Merchant, a Piebald Horse and a Talking Bird / Fig. N.Nepomniachtchi. - M.: Det. lit., 1990. - 95 p.: ill.

Vitashevskaya M.N. The wanderings of Afanasy Nikitin. - M.: Mysl, 1972. - 118 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

All nations are one: [Sb.]. - M.: Sirin, B.g. - 466 pp.: ill. - (History of the Fatherland in novels, stories, documents).

The collection includes V. Pribytkov’s story “The Tver Guest” and the book by Afanasy Nikitin himself “Walking across Three Seas”.

Grimberg F.I. Seven songs of a Russian foreigner: Nikitin: Ist. novel. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2003. - 424 p.: ill. - (Golden library of the historical novel: Russian travelers).

Kachaev Yu.G. Far away / Fig. M. Romadina. - M.: Malysh, 1982. - 24 p.: ill.

Kunin K.I. Beyond Three Seas: The Journey of the Tver Merchant Afanasy Nikitin: Ist. story. - Kaliningrad: Amber Tale, 2002. - 199 p.: ill. - (Treasured pages).

Murashova K. Afanasy Nikitin: The Tale of the Tver Merchant / Artist. A. Chauzov. - M.: White City, 2005. - 63 p.: ill. - (Historical novel).

Semenov L.S. Travel of Afanasy Nikitin. - M.: Nauka, 1980. - 145 p.: ill. - (History of science and technology).

Soloviev A.P. Walking beyond three seas: a novel. - M.: Terra, 1999. - 477 p. - (Fatherland).

Tager E.M. The story of Afanasy Nikitin. - L.: Det. lit., 1966. - 104 p.: ill.

PIRI Robert Edwin

American polar explorer

Travel routes

1892 and 1895 - two trips through Greenland.

From 1902 to 1905 - several unsuccessful attempts to conquer the North Pole.

Finally, R. Peary announced that he had reached the North Pole on April 6, 1909. However, seventy years after the death of the traveler, when, according to his will, the expedition diaries were declassified, it turned out that Piri was actually unable to reach the Pole; he stopped at 89˚55΄ N.

Name on geographical map

The peninsula in the far north of Greenland is called Peary Land.

Pirie R. North Pole; Amundsen R. South Pole. - M.: Mysl, 1981. - 599 p.: ill.

Pay attention to the article by F. Treshnikov “Robert Peary and the conquest of the North Pole” (p. 225-242).

Piri R. North Pole / Transl. from English L.Petkevichiute. - Vilnius: Vituris, 1988. - 239 p.: ill. - (World of Discovery).

Karpov G.V. Robert Peary. - M.: Geographizdat, 1956. - 39 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

POLO Marco

(c. 1254-1324)

Venetian merchant, traveler

Travel routes

1271-1295 - M. Polo’s journey through the countries of Central and East Asia.

The Venetian’s memories of his wanderings in the East compiled the famous “Book of Marco Polo” (1298), which for almost 600 years remained the most important source of information about China and other Asian countries for the West.

Polo M. Book about the diversity of the world / Trans. with old french I.P.Minaeva; Preface H.L. Borges. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 1999. - 381 p.: ill. - (Personal library of Borges).

Polo M. Book of Wonders: Excerpt from the “Book of Wonders of the World” from the National. libraries of France: Transl. from fr. - M.: White City, 2003. - 223 p.: ill.

Davidson E., Davis G. Son of Heaven: The Wanderings of Marco Polo / Trans. from English M. Kondratieva. - St. Petersburg: ABC: Terra - Book. club, 1997. - 397 p. - (New Earth: Fantasy).

A fantasy novel on the theme of the travels of a Venetian merchant.

Maink V. The Amazing Adventures of Marco Polo: [Hist. story] / Abbr. lane with him. L. Lungina. - St. Petersburg: Brask: Epoch, 1993. - 303 pp.: ill. - (Version).

Pesotskaya T.E. Treasures of a Venetian merchant: How Marco Polo a quarter of a century ago wandered around the East and wrote a famous book about various miracles that no one wanted to believe in / Artist. I. Oleinikov. - M.: Interbook, 1997. - 18 p.: ill. - (The greatest journeys).

Pronin V. Life of the great Venetian traveler Messer Marco Polo / Artist. Yu.Saevich. - M.: Kron-Press, 1993. - 159 p.: ill.

Tolstikov A.Ya. Marco Polo: The Venetian Wanderer / Artist. A. Chauzov. - M.: White City, 2004. - 63 p.: ill. - (Historical novel).

Hart G. The Venetian Marco Polo: Trans. from English - M.: TERRA-Kn. club, 1999. - 303 p. - (Portraits).

Shklovsky V.B. Earth scout - Marco Polo: East. story. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1969. - 223 pp.: ill. - (Pioneer means first).

Ers J. Marco Polo: Trans. from fr. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1998. - 348 pp.: ill. - (Mark on history).

PRZHEVALSKY Nikolai Mikhailovich

Russian geographer, explorer of Central Asia

Travel routes

1867-1868 - research expeditions to the Amur region and the Ussuri region.

1870-1885 - 4 expeditions to Central Asia.

N.M. Przhevalsky presented the scientific results of the expeditions in a number of books, giving a detailed description of the relief, climate, vegetation and fauna of the studied territories.

Name on geographical map

A ridge in Central Asia and a city in the southeastern part of the Issyk-Kul region (Kyrgyzstan) bear the name of the Russian geographer.

The wild horse, first described by scientists, is called Przewalski's horse.

Przhevalsky N.M. Travel in the Ussuri region, 1867-1869. - Vladivostok: Dalnevost. book publishing house, 1990. - 328 pp.: ill.

Przhevalsky N.M. Traveling around Asia. - M.: Armada-press, 2001. - 343 p.: ill. - (Green Series: Around the World).

Gavrilenkov V.M. Russian traveler N.M. Przhevalsky. - Smolensk: Moscow. worker: Smolensk department, 1989. - 143 p.: ill.

Golovanov Ya. Sketches about scientists. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1983. - 415 pp.: ill.

The chapter dedicated to Przhevalsky is called “The exclusive good is freedom...” (pp. 272-275).

Grimailo Y.V. The Great Ranger: A Tale. - Ed. 2nd, revised and additional - Kyiv: Molod, 1989. - 314 p.: ill.

Kozlov I.V. The Great Traveler: The Life and Work of N.M. Przhevalsky, the First Explorer of the Nature of Central Asia. - M.: Mysl, 1985. - 144 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Columbus; Livingston; Stanley; A. Humboldt; Przhevalsky: Biogr. narratives. - Chelyabinsk: Ural LTD, 2000. - 415 p.: ill. - (Life of remarkable people: Biography of the library of F. Pavlenkov).

Acceleration L.E. “Ascetics are needed like the sun...” // Acceleration L.E. Seven lives. - M.: Det. lit., 1992. - pp. 35-72.

Repin L.B. “And again I return...”: Przhevalsky: Pages of Life. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1983. - 175 pp.: ill. - (Pioneer means first).

Khmelnitsky S.I. Przhevalsky. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1950. - 175 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Yusov B.V. N.M. Przhevalsky: Book. for students. - M.: Education, 1985. - 95 p.: ill. - (People of science).

PRONCHISHCHEV Vasily Vasilievich

Russian navigator

Travel routes

1735-1736 - V.V. Pronchishchev took part in the 2nd Kamchatka expedition. A detachment under his command explored the coast of the Arctic Ocean from the mouth of the Lena to Cape Thaddeus (Taimyr).

Name on geographical map

Part of the eastern coast of the Taimyr Peninsula, a ridge (hill) in the north-west of Yakutia and a bay in the Laptev Sea bear the name of V.V. Pronchishchev.

Golubev G.N. “Descendants for news...”: Historical document. stories. - M.: Det. lit., 1986. - 255 pp.: ill.

Krutogorov Yu.A. Where Neptune leads: East. story. - M.: Det. lit., 1990. - 270 pp.: ill.


(until 1906 - Semenov)

Russian scientist, explorer of Asia

Travel routes

1856-1857 - expedition to the Tien Shan.

1888 - expedition to Turkestan and the Trans-Caspian region.

Name on geographical map

A ridge in Nanshan, a glacier and a peak in the Tien Shan, and mountains in Alaska and Spitsbergen are named after Semenov-Tian-Shansky.

Semenov-Tyan-Shansky P.P. Travel to Tien Shan: 1856-1857. - M.: Geographgiz, 1958. - 277 p.: ill.

Aldan-Semenov A.I. For you, Russia: Stories. - M.: Sovremennik, 1983. - 320 pp.: ill.

Aldan-Semenov A.I. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1965. - 304 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Antoshko Y., Soloviev A. At the origins of Yaxartes. - M.: Mysl, 1977. - 128 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Dyadyuchenko L.B. A pearl in the barracks wall: A chronicle novel. - Frunze: Mektep, 1986. - 218 p.: ill.

Kozlov I.V. Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. - M.: Education, 1983. - 96 p.: ill. - (People of science).

Kozlov I.V., Kozlova A.V. Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky: 1827-1914. - M.: Nauka, 1991. - 267 p.: ill. - (Scientific-biography ser.).

Acceleration L.E. Tian-Shansky // Acceleration L.E. Seven lives. - M.: Det. lit., 1992. - pp. 9-34.

SCOTT Robert Falcon

English explorer of Antarctica

Travel routes

1901-1904 - Antarctic expedition on the Discovery ship. As a result of this expedition, King Edward VII Land, the Transantarctic Mountains, the Ross Ice Shelf were discovered, and Victoria Land was explored.

1910-1912 - R. Scott's expedition to Antarctica on the ship "Terra-Nova".

On January 18, 1912 (33 days later than R. Amundsen), Scott and four of his companions reached the South Pole. On the way back, all the travelers died.

Name on geographical map

An island and two glaciers off the coast of Antarctica, part of the western coast of Victoria Land (Scott Coast) and mountains on Enderby Land are named in honor of Robert Scott.

The US Antarctic research station is named after the first explorers of the South Pole - the Amundsen-Scott Pole.

The New Zealand scientific station on the Ross Sea coast in Antarctica and the Polar Research Institute in Cambridge also bear the name of the polar explorer.

R. Scott's last expedition: Personal diaries of Captain R. Scott, which he kept during the expedition to the South Pole. - M.: Geographizdat, 1955. - 408 p.: ill.

Golovanov Ya. Sketches about scientists. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1983. - 415 pp.: ill.

The chapter dedicated to Scott is called “Fight to the last cracker...” (pp. 290-293).

Ladlem G. Captain Scott: Trans. from English - Ed. 2nd, rev. - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1989. - 287 p.: ill.

Priestley R. Antarctic Odyssey: The Northern Party of the R. Scott Expedition: Trans. from English - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1985. - 360 pp.: ill.

Holt K. Competition; Wandering: Transl. from norwegian - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1987. - 301 p.: ill. - (Unusual travels).

Cherry-Garrard E. The Most Terrible Journey: Trans. from English - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1991. - 551 p.: ill.


(real name and surname - John Rowland)

journalist, researcher of Africa

Travel routes

1871-1872 - G.M. Stanley, as a correspondent for the New York Herald newspaper, participated in the search for the missing D. Livingston. The expedition was successful: the great explorer of Africa was found near Lake Tanganyika.

1874-1877 - G.M. Stanley crosses the African continent twice. Explores Lake Victoria, the Congo River, and searches for the sources of the Nile.

1887-1889 - G.M. Stanley leads an English expedition that crosses Africa from West to East, and explores the Aruvimi River.

Name on geographical map

Waterfalls in the upper reaches of the Congo River are named in honor of G.M. Stanley.

Stanley G.M. In the wilds of Africa: Trans. from English - M.: Geographizdat, 1958. - 446 p.: ill.

Karpov G.V. Henry Stanley. - M.: Geographgiz, 1958. - 56 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Columbus; Livingston; Stanley; A. Humboldt; Przhevalsky: Biogr. narratives. - Chelyabinsk: Ural LTD, 2000. - 415 p.: ill. - (Life of remarkable people: Biography of the library of F. Pavlenkov).

KHABAROV Erofey Pavlovich

(c. 1603, according to other data, c. 1610 - after 1667, according to other data, after 1671)

Russian explorer and navigator, explorer of the Amur region

Travel routes

1649-1653 - E.P. Khabarov made a number of campaigns in the Amur region, compiled a “Drawing of the Amur River”.

Name on geographical map

A city and region in the Far East, as well as the Erofei Pavlovich railway station on the Trans-Siberian Railway, are named after the Russian explorer.

Leontyeva G.A. Explorer Erofey Pavlovich Khabarov: Book. for students. - M.: Education, 1991. - 143 p.: ill.

Romanenko D.I. Erofey Khabarov: Novel. - Khabarovsk: Book. publishing house, 1990. - 301 p.: ill. - (Far Eastern library).

Safronov F.G. Erofey Khabarov. - Khabarovsk: Book. publishing house, 1983. - 32 p.

SCHMIDT Otto Yulievich

Russian mathematician, geophysicist, Arctic explorer

Travel routes

1929-1930 - O.Yu. Schmidt equipped and led the expedition on the ship “Georgy Sedov” to Severnaya Zemlya.

1932 - an expedition led by O.Yu. Schmidt on the icebreaker Sibiryakov managed for the first time to sail from Arkhangelsk to Kamchatka in one navigation.

1933-1934 - O.Yu. Schmidt led the northern expedition on the steamship “Chelyuskin”. The ship, caught in ice, was crushed by ice and sank. The expedition members, who had been drifting on ice floes for several months, were rescued by pilots.

Name on geographical map

An island in the Kara Sea, a cape on the coast of the Chukchi Sea, the peninsula of Novaya Zemlya, one of the peaks and a pass in the Pamirs, and a plain in Antarctica are named after O.Yu. Schmidt.

Voskoboynikov V.M. On an ice trek. - M.: Malysh, 1989. - 39 p.: ill. - (Legendary heroes).

Voskoboynikov V.M. Call of the Arctic: Heroic. Chronicle: Academician Schmidt. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1975. - 192 pp.: ill. - (Pioneer means first).

Duel I.I. Life line: Document. story. - M.: Politizdat, 1977. - 128 p.: ill. - (Heroes of the Soviet Motherland).

Nikitenko N.F. O.Yu.Schmidt: Book. for students. - M.: Education, 1992. - 158 p.: ill. - (People of science).

Otto Yulievich Schmidt: Life and work: Sat. - M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1959. - 470 p.: ill.

Matveeva L.V. Otto Yulievich Schmidt: 1891-1956. - M.: Nauka, 1993. - 202 p.: ill. - (Scientific-biography ser.).

Russian geographers and travelers.

Russian geographers and travelers contributed many glorious pages to the history of the geographical study of the globe.

Anuchin Dmitry Nikolaevich. 1843-1923

The largest Russian scientist in the field of anthropology, ethnography, archeology and geography. The first Doctor of Geographical Sciences in Russia. Founder of the Department of Geography of Moscow State University. Founder of the school of Russian geographers and limnologists. He explored the sources of the main rivers of European Russia and lakes in the upper reaches of the Volga.

Baer Karl Maksimovich. 1792-1876.

Academician. In 1837 He was one of the first to carry out scientific research on Novaya Zemlya, and in 1840. - at the Kola settlement. In 1851-1856 studied fisheries on Lake Peipsi and the Caspian Sea. Research has established the suitability for consumption of Caspian herring, previously used only for fat burning. In his excellent geographical descriptions, Baer characterized the peculiar hilly relief of the Caspian coast (Baer's mounds) and was the first to explain the unequal slope of river banks as a consequence of the deflection of water as a result of the Earth's rotation around its axis (Baer's law). He was the first chairman of the ethnography department of the Geographical Society.

Wrangel Ferdinand Petrovich. 1796-1870.

Admiral and famous navigator. In 1817-1819 circumnavigated the world on the sloop "Kamchatka" under the command of Captain Golovin. He spent four years in the north of Eastern Siberia, where he made an inventory of the shores from the mouth of the Kolyma to Kolyuchenskaya Bay. Based on a number of signs, he predicted the existence of a large island, later discovered by De Long and named Wrangel Island. In 1825-1827 circumnavigated the world on the military transport Krotkiy. He was the main ruler of the Russian North American colonies (Alaska). Then director of the Hydrographic Department. He compiled a very valuable description of his journey to the northeast of Siberia, translated into many languages.

Grumm-Grzhimailo Grigory Efimovich. 1860-1936.

Famous traveler. Researcher of nature, peoples, history of Central and Middle Asia. Author of numerous major works on the Pamirs, Tuva, Mongolia, and China. He made six large expeditions to the mountainous regions of Central Asia (Tien Shan, Pamir, Alai) and Central Asia. He collected enormous material on zoology, physical geography, and ethnography of the peoples of Asia. He discovered the deepest depression in Central Asia - the Turfan depression. In recent years, he has worked on issues of the history of the nomadic peoples of Asia. From 1914 to 1930 He published the monograph “Western Mongolia and the Uriankhai Territory,” which is still a reference book for everyone working on issues of Central Asia.

Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich. 1862-1939

Organizer of scientific and commercial research in the Barents and White Seas. The result of many years of research in the Barents Sea was the extensive monograph “Fundamentals of Hydrology of the European Arctic Ocean”. He organized and led numerous scientific and fishing expeditions in the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas.

Krasheninnikov Stepan Petrovich. 1711-1755

Outstanding geographer. One of the first Russian academicians, a contemporary of Lomonosov. Explorer of Kamchatka, author of the first complete description of this peninsula. Participated in Bering's second Kamchatka expedition. He worked in Siberia - in the basins of the Shilka and Barguzin rivers, along the Lena River from the upper reaches to Yakutsk. He carried out explorations of Kamchatka from the autumn of 1737 to the spring of 1742. Traveled more than 27,000 km across Siberia and Kamchatka. In 1743 Returned to St. Petersburg. At first he was a student at the Academy of Sciences, then he was appointed adjunct. Since 1747 - Head of the Botanical Garden. In 1750 Elected professor of the Academy of Sciences and rector of the academic university. His classic “Description of the Kamchatka Land,” published in 1755, after the author’s death, was repeatedly republished both in Russian and in many foreign languages.

Lepekhin Ivan Ivanovich. 1740-1802

Academician, traveler and botanist. The son of an ordinary soldier, Lepekhin, thanks to his exceptional abilities and love of science, independently made his way, graduated from an academic gymnasium and university, and then from the University of Strasbourg. In 1768-1772. traveled through the northern and southeastern regions of European Russia. “Diary entries of the journey” is the summary of the description of this journey. In 1773 Conducted research in the western regions of European Russia. During the trip, he collected a rich botanical collection and organized a Botanical Garden.

Middendorf Alexander Fedorovich. 1815-1894

Academician and remarkable researcher of Siberia. In 1843-1844, according to the proposal and project of K.M. Bera carried out comprehensive research in Siberia and the Far East, covering 30,000 km. In very difficult conditions and once exposed to mortal danger. On expeditions he collected the richest collections. The first one explored the “permafrost” in Yakutia. In 1870, during a trip to Novaya Zemlya and the White Sea, he was engaged in temperature measurements and studying the warm Gulf Stream current. Later he explored the Barabinsk steppe and gave its description. Organized agricultural exhibitions. He led an expedition to study cattle breeding in Russia.

Mushketov Ivan Vasilievich. 1850-1902

One of the largest travelers. At the same time a geologist and geographer, who created a large school of Russian geologists. He explored the Lower Volga region, the Urals, and the Caucasus, but made the most outstanding trips to Turkestan in 1874-1880. The first illuminated the geological structure of vast regions of Turkestan and compiled their first geological maps. For a long time he studied earthquakes in Russia and compiled the first catalog of them. Mushketov is one of the first researchers of the ore resources of the Urals. Author of the classic course “Physical Geology” and the monograph “Turkestan”.

Roborovsky Vsevolod Ivanovich. 1856-1910

Famous Russian traveler of Central Asia. Member of the last two expeditions of N.M. Przhevalsky. after Przhevalsky's death he worked in the Tibet expedition of the Russian Geographical Society. Then he led a large expedition to Central Asia. He visited the Tien Shan mountain systems, visited Tibet and Kashgaria. With his works, Roborovsky greatly contributed to the expansion of geographical knowledge of Central Asia, continuing the best traditions of famous Russian travelers in this distant country.


Travel routes

1903-1906 - Arctic expedition on the ship "Joa". R. Amundsen was the first to travel through the Northwest Passage from Greenland to Alaska and determined the exact position of the North Magnetic Pole at that time.

1910-1912 - Antarctic expedition on the ship "Fram".

On December 14, 1911, a Norwegian traveler with four companions on a dog sled reached the South Pole of the earth, ahead of the expedition of the Englishman Robert Scott by a month.

1918-1920 - on the ship “Maud” R. Amundsen sailed across the Arctic Ocean along the coast of Eurasia.

1926 - together with the American Lincoln Ellsworth and the Italian Umberto Nobile R. Amundsen flew on the airship "Norway" along the route Spitsbergen - North Pole - Alaska.

1928 - During the search for the missing expedition of U. Nobile Amundsen in the Barents Sea, he died.

Name on geographical map

A sea in the Pacific Ocean, a mountain in East Antarctica, a bay near the coast of Canada and a basin in the Arctic Ocean are named after the Norwegian explorer.

The US Antarctic research station is named after the pioneers: the Amundsen-Scott Pole.

Amundsen R. My life. - M.: Geographgiz, 1959. - 166 p.: ill. - (Travel; Adventure; Science Fiction).

Amundsen R. South Pole: Per. from norwegian - M.: Armada, 2002. - 384 p.: ill. - (Green Series: Around the World).

Bouman-Larsen T. Amundsen: Trans. from norwegian - M.: Mol. Guard, 2005. - 520 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

The chapter dedicated to Amundsen was titled by Y. Golovanov “Travel gave me the happiness of friendship...” (pp. 12-16).

Davydov Yu.V. Captains are looking for a way: Tales. - M.: Det. lit., 1989. - 542 pp.: ill.

Pasetsky V.M., Blinov S.A. Roald Amundsen, 1872-1928. - M.: Nauka, 1997. - 201 p. - (Scientific-biography ser.).

Treshnikov A.F. Roald Amundsen. - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1976. - 62 p.: ill.

Tsentkevich A., Tsentkevich Ch. The Man Who was Called by the Sea: The Tale of R. Amundsen: Trans. with est. - Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1988. - 244 p.: ill.

Yakovlev A.S. Through the Ice: The Tale of a Polar Explorer. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1967. - 191 p.: ill. - (Pioneer means first).

Bellingshausen Faddey Faddeevich

Travel routes

1803-1806 - F.F. Bellingshausen took part in the first Russian circumnavigation under the command of I.F. Kruzenshtern on the ship “Nadezhda”. All the maps that were later included in the “Atlas for Captain Krusenstern’s trip around the world” were compiled by him.

1819-1821 - F.F. Bellingshausen led a round-the-world expedition to the South Pole.

On January 28, 1820, on the sloops “Vostok” (under the command of F.F. Bellingshausen) and “Mirny” (under the command of M.P. Lazarev), Russian sailors were the first to reach the shores of Antarctica.

Name on geographical map

A sea in the Pacific Ocean, a cape on South Sakhalin, an island in the Tuamotu archipelago, an ice shelf and a basin in Antarctica are named in honor of F.F. Bellingshausen.

A Russian Antarctic research station bears the name of the Russian navigator.

Moroz V. Antarctica: History of discovery / Artistic. E. Orlov. - M.: White City, 2001. - 47 p.: ill. - (Russian history).

Fedorovsky E.P. Bellingshausen: East. novel. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2001. - 541 p.: ill. - (Golden library of the historical novel).

BERING Vitus Jonassen

Danish navigator and explorer in Russian service

Travel routes

1725-1730 - V. Bering led the 1st Kamchatka expedition, the purpose of which was to search for a land isthmus between Asia and America (there was no exact information about the voyage of S. Dezhnev and F. Popov, who actually discovered the strait between the continents in 1648). The expedition on the ship "St. Gabriel" rounded the shores of Kamchatka and Chukotka, discovered the island of St. Lawrence and the Strait (now the Bering Strait).

1733-1741 - 2nd Kamchatka, or Great Northern Expedition. On the ship "St. Peter" Bering crossed the Pacific Ocean, reached Alaska, explored and mapped its shores. On the way back, during the winter on one of the islands (now the Commander Islands), Bering, like many members of his team, died.

Name on geographical map

In addition to the strait between Eurasia and North America, islands, the sea in the Pacific Ocean, a cape on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and one of the largest glaciers in southern Alaska are named after Vitus Bering.

Konyaev N.M. Revision of Commander Bering. - M.: Terra-Kn. club, 2001. - 286 p. - (Fatherland).

Orlov O.P. To unknown shores: A story about the Kamchatka expeditions undertaken by Russian navigators in the 18th century under the leadership of V. Bering / Fig. V. Yudina. - M.: Malysh, 1987. - 23 p.: ill. - (Pages of the history of our Motherland).

Pasetsky V.M. Vitus Bering: 1681-1741. - M.: Nauka, 1982. - 174 p.: ill. - (Scientific-biography ser.).

The last expedition of Vitus Bering: Sat. - M.: Progress: Pangea, 1992. - 188 p.: ill.

Sopotsko A.A. The history of V. Bering’s voyage on the boat “St. Gabriel" to the Arctic Ocean. - M.: Nauka, 1983. - 247 p.: ill.

Chekurov M.V. Mysterious expeditions. - Ed. 2nd, revised, additional - M.: Nauka, 1991. - 152 p.: ill. - (Man and the environment).

Chukovsky N.K. Bering. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1961. - 127 p.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

VAMBERY Arminius (Herman)

Hungarian orientalist

Travel routes

1863 - A. Vambery's journey under the guise of a dervish across Central Asia from Tehran through the Turkmen desert along the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea to Khiva, Mashhad, Herat, Samarkand and Bukhara.

Vambery A. Traveling through Central Asia: Trans. with him. - M.: Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, 2003. - 320 p. - (Stories about Eastern countries).

Vamberi A. Bukhara, or History of Mavarounnahr: Excerpts from the book. - Tashkent: Literary Publishing House. and isk-va, 1990. - 91 p.

Tikhonov N.S. Vambery. - Ed. 14th. - M.: Mysl, 1974. - 45 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).


English navigator

Travel routes

1772-1775, 1776-1780 - J. Vancouver, as a cabin boy and midshipman, participated in the second and third voyages around the world by J. Cook.

1790-1795 - a round-the-world expedition under the command of J. Vancouver explored the northwestern coast of North America. It was determined that the proposed waterway connecting the Pacific Ocean and Hudson Bay did not exist.

Name on geographical map

Several hundred geographical objects are named in honor of J. Vancouver, including an island, bay, city, river, ridge (Canada), lake, cape, mountain, city (USA), bay (New Zealand).

Malakhovsky K.V. In the new Albion. - M.: Nauka, 1990. - 123 p.: ill. - (Stories about Eastern countries).

GAMA Vasco yes

Portuguese navigator

Travel routes

1497-1499 - Vasco da Gama led an expedition that opened a sea route for Europeans to India around the African continent.

1502 - second expedition to India.

1524 - the third expedition of Vasco da Gama, already as Viceroy of India. He died during the expedition.

Vyazov E.I. Vasco da Gama: Discoverer of the sea route to India. - M.: Geographizdat, 1956. - 39 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Camões L., de. Sonnets; Lusiads: Transl. from Portugal - M.: EKSMO-Press, 1999. - 477 p.: ill. - (Home library of poetry).

Read the poem "The Lusiads".

Kent L.E. They walked with Vasco da Gama: A Tale / Trans. from English Z. Bobyr // Fingaret S.I. Great Benin; Kent L.E. They walked with Vasco da Gama; Zweig S. Magellan's feat: East. stories. - M.: TERRA: UNICUM, 1999. - P. 194-412.

Kunin K.I. Vasco da Gama. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1947. - 322 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Khazanov A.M. The Mystery of Vasco da Gama. - M.: Institute of Oriental Studies RAS, 2000. - 152 p.: ill.

Hart G. The Sea Route to India: A Story about the voyages and exploits of Portuguese sailors, as well as about the life and times of Vasco da Gama, admiral, viceroy of India and Count Vidigueira: Trans. from English - M.: Geographizdat, 1959. - 349 p.: ill.

GOLOVNIN Vasily Mikhailovich

Russian navigator

Travel routes

1807-1811 - V.M. Golovnin leads the circumnavigation of the world on the sloop “Diana”.

1811 - V.M. Golovnin conducts research on the Kuril and Shantar Islands, the Tatar Strait.

1817-1819 - circumnavigation of the world on the sloop "Kamchatka", during which a description of part of the Aleutian ridge and the Commander Islands was made.

Name on geographical map

Several bays, a strait and an underwater mountain are named after the Russian navigator, as well as a city in Alaska and a volcano on the island of Kunashir.

Golovnin V.M. Notes from the fleet of Captain Golovnin about his adventures in captivity of the Japanese in 1811, 1812 and 1813, including his comments about the Japanese state and people. - Khabarovsk: Book. publishing house, 1972. - 525 pp.: ill.

Golovnin V.M. A voyage around the world made on the sloop of war "Kamchatka" in 1817, 1818 and 1819 by Captain Golovnin. - M.: Mysl, 1965. - 384 p.: ill.

Golovnin V.M. A voyage on the sloop "Diana" from Kronstadt to Kamchatka, made under the command of the fleet of Lieutenant Golovnin in 1807-1811. - M.: Geographizdat, 1961. - 480 pp.: ill.

Golovanov Ya. Sketches about scientists. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1983. - 415 pp.: ill.

The chapter dedicated to Golovnin is called “I feel a lot...” (pp. 73-79).

Davydov Yu.V. Evenings in Kolmovo: The Tale of G. Uspensky; And before your eyes...: An experience in the biography of a marine marine painter: [About V.M. Golovnin]. - M.: Book, 1989. - 332 pp.: ill. - (Writers about writers).

Davydov Yu.V. Golovnin. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1968. - 206 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Davydov Yu.V. Three admirals: [About D.N. Senyavin, V.M. Golovnin, P.S. Nakhimov]. - M.: Izvestia, 1996. - 446 p.: ill.

Divin V.A. The story of a glorious navigator. - M.: Mysl, 1976. - 111 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Lebedenko A.G. The sails of ships rustle: A novel. - Odessa: Mayak, 1989. - 229 p.: ill. - (Sea b-ka).

Firsov I.I. Twice Captured: East. novel. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2002. - 469 p.: ill. - (Golden library of the historical novel: Russian travelers).

HUMBOLDT Alexander, background

German natural scientist, geographer, traveler

Travel routes

1799-1804 - expedition to Central and South America.

1829 - travel across Russia: the Urals, Altai, Caspian Sea.

Name on geographical map

Ranges in Central Asia and North America, a mountain on the island of New Caledonia, a glacier in Greenland, a cold current in the Pacific Ocean, a river, a lake and a number of settlements in the USA are named after Humboldt.

A number of plants, minerals and even a crater on the Moon are named after the German scientist.

The university in Berlin is named after the brothers Alexander and Wilhelm Humboldt.

Zabelin I.M. Return to descendants: A novel-study of the life and work of A. Humboldt. - M.: Mysl, 1988. - 331 p.: ill.

Safonov V.A. Alexander Humboldt. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1959. - 191 p.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Skurla G. Alexander Humboldt / Abbr. lane with him. G. Shevchenko. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1985. - 239 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

DEZHNEV Semyon Ivanovich

(c. 1605-1673)

Russian explorer, navigator

Travel routes

1638-1648 - S.I. Dezhnev took part in river and land campaigns in the area of ​​the Yana River, Oymyakon and Kolyma.

1648 - a fishing expedition led by S.I. Dezhnev and F.A. Popov circled the Chukotka Peninsula and reached the Gulf of Anadyr. This is how the strait was opened between the two continents, which was later named the Bering Strait.

Name on geographical map

A cape on the northeastern tip of Asia, a ridge in Chukotka and a bay in the Bering Strait are named after Dezhnev.

Bakhrevsky V.A. Semyon Dezhnev / Fig. L. Khailova. - M.: Malysh, 1984. - 24 p.: ill. - (Pages of the history of our Motherland).

Bakhrevsky V.A. Walking towards the sun: East. story. - Novosibirsk: Book. publishing house, 1986. - 190 pp.: ill. - (Fates connected with Siberia).

Belov M. The feat of Semyon Dezhnev. - M.: Mysl, 1973. - 223 p.: ill.

Demin L.M. Semyon Dezhnev - pioneer: East. novel. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2002. - 444 p.: ill. - (Golden library of the historical novel: Russian travelers).

Demin L.M. Semyon Dezhnev. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1990. - 334 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Kedrov V.N. To the ends of the world: East. story. - L.: Lenizdat, 1986. - 285 p.: ill.

Markov S.N. Tamo-Rus Maclay: Stories. - M.: Sov. writer, 1975. - 208 pp.: ill.

Read the story “Dezhnev’s Feat.”

Nikitin N.I. Explorer Semyon Dezhnev and his time. - M.: Rosspen, 1999. - 190 pp.: ill.

DRAKE Francis

English navigator and pirate

Travel routes

1567 - F. Drake took part in J. Hawkins' expedition to the West Indies.

Since 1570 - annual pirate raids in the Caribbean Sea.

1577-1580 - F. Drake led the second European voyage around the world after Magellan.

Name on geographical map

The widest strait on the globe, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, is named after the brave navigator.

Francis Drake / Retelling by D. Berkhin; Artist L.Durasov. - M.: White City, 1996. - 62 p.: ill. - (History of piracy).

Malakhovsky K.V. Round-the-world run of the "Golden Hind". - M.: Nauka, 1980. - 168 p.: ill. - (Countries and peoples).

The same story can be found in K. Malakhovsky’s collection “Five Captains”.

Mason F. van W. The Golden Admiral: Novel: Trans. from English - M.: Armada, 1998. - 474 p.: ill. - (Great pirates in novels).

Muller V.K. Queen Elizabeth's Pirate: Trans. from English - St. Petersburg: LENKO: Gangut, 1993. - 254 p.: ill.

DUMONT-DURVILLE Jules Sebastien Cesar

French navigator and oceanographer

Travel routes

1826-1828 - circumnavigation of the world on the ship "Astrolabe", as a result of which part of the coasts of New Zealand and New Guinea were mapped and island groups in the Pacific Ocean were examined. On the island of Vanikoro, Dumont-D'Urville discovered traces of the lost expedition of J. La Perouse.

1837-1840 - Antarctic expedition.

Name on geographical map

The sea in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Antarctica is named after the navigator.

The French Antarctic scientific station is named after Dumont-D'Urville.

Varshavsky A.S. Travel of Dumont-D'Urville. - M.: Mysl, 1977. - 59 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

The fifth part of the book is called “Captain Dumont D'Urville and his belated discovery” (pp. 483-504).

IBN BATTUTA Abu Abdallah Muhammad

Ibn al-Lawati at-Tanji

Arab traveler, wandering merchant

Travel routes

1325-1349 - Having set off from Morocco on a hajj (pilgrimage), Ibn Battuta visited Egypt, Arabia, Iran, Syria, Crimea, reached the Volga and lived for some time in the Golden Horde. Then, through Central Asia and Afghanistan, he arrived in India, visited Indonesia and China.

1349-1352 - travel to Muslim Spain.

1352-1353 - travel through Western and Central Sudan.

At the request of the ruler of Morocco, Ibn Battuta, together with a scientist named Juzai, wrote the book “Rihla”, where he summarized the information about the Muslim world that he collected during his travels.

Ibragimov N. Ibn Battuta and his travels in Central Asia. - M.: Nauka, 1988. - 126 p.: ill.

Miloslavsky G. Ibn Battuta. - M.: Mysl, 1974. - 78 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Timofeev I. Ibn Battuta. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1983. - 230 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

COLUMBUS Christopher

Portuguese and Spanish navigator

Travel routes

1492-1493 - H. Columbus led the Spanish expedition, the purpose of which was to find the shortest sea route from Europe to India. During the voyage on three caravels "Santa Maria", "Pinta" and "Nina" the Sargasso Sea, the Bahamas, Cuba and Haiti were discovered.

October 12, 1492, when Columbus reached the island of Samana, is recognized as the official day of the discovery of America by Europeans.

During three subsequent expeditions across the Atlantic (1493-1496, 1498-1500, 1502-1504), Columbus discovered the Greater Antilles, part of the Lesser Antilles, the coasts of South and Central America and the Caribbean Sea.

Until the end of his life, Columbus was confident that he had reached India.

Name on geographical map

A state in South America, mountains and plateaus in North America, a glacier in Alaska, a river in Canada and several cities in the USA are named after Christopher Columbus.

In the United States of America there is Columbia University.

Travels of Christopher Columbus: Diaries, letters, documents / Transl. from Spanish and comment. Ya. Sveta. - M.: Geographizdat, 1961. - 515 p.: ill.

Blasco Ibañez V. In Search of the Great Khan: A Novel: Trans. from Spanish - Kaliningrad: Book. publishing house, 1987. - 558 pp.: ill. - (Sea novel).

Verlinden C. Christopher Columbus: Mirage and Perseverance: Trans. with him. // Conquerors of America. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1997. - P. 3-144.

Irving V. History of the life and travels of Christopher Columbus: Trans. from English // Irving V. Collection. cit.: In 5 vols.: T. 3, 4. - M.: Terra - Book. club, 2002-2003.

Clients A.E. Christopher Columbus / Artist. A. Chauzov. - M.: White City, 2003. - 63 p.: ill. - (Historical novel).

Kovalevskaya O.T. The admiral's brilliant mistake: How Christopher Columbus, without knowing it, discovered the New World, which was later called America / Lit. processing by T. Pesotskaya; Artist N. Koshkin, G. Alexandrova, A. Skorikov. - M.: Interbook, 1997. - 18 p.: ill. - (The greatest journeys).

Columbus; Livingston; Stanley; A. Humboldt; Przhevalsky: Biogr. narratives. - Chelyabinsk: Ural LTD, 2000. - 415 p.: ill. - (Life of remarkable people: Biography of the library of F. Pavlenkov).

Cooper J.F. Mercedes from Castile, or Journey to Cathay: Trans. from English - M.: Patriot, 1992. - 407 p.: ill.

Lange P.V. The Great Wanderer: The Life of Christopher Columbus: Trans. with him. - M.: Mysl, 1984. - 224 p.: ill.

Magidovich I.P. Christopher Columbus. - M.: Geographizdat, 1956. - 35 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Reifman L. From the harbor of hopes - into the seas of anxiety: The life and times of Christopher Columbus: East. chronicles. - St. Petersburg: Lyceum: Soyuztheater, 1992. - 302 p.: ill.

Rzhonsnitsky V.B. Discovery of America by Columbus. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Publishing House. University, 1994. - 92 p.: ill.

Sabatini R. Columbus: Novel: Trans. from English - M.: Republic, 1992. - 286 p.

Svet Ya.M. Columbus. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1973. - 368 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Subbotin V.A. Great discoveries: Columbus; Vasco da Gama; Magellan. - M.: Publishing house URAO, 1998. - 269 p.: ill.

Chronicles of the Discovery of America: New Spain: Book. 1: East. documents: Per. from Spanish - M.: Academic project, 2000. - 496 p.: ill. - (B-Latin America).

Shishova Z.K. The Great Voyage: East. novel. - M.: Det. lit., 1972. - 336 pp.: ill.

Edberg R. Letters to Columbus; Spirit of the Valley / Transl. with Swedish L. Zhdanova. - M.: Progress, 1986. - 361 p.: ill.


Russian scientist-naturalist, first explorer of Kamchatka

Travel routes

1733-1743 - S.P. Krasheninnikov took part in the 2nd Kamchatka expedition. First, under the guidance of academicians G.F. Miller and I.G. Gmelin, he studied Altai and Transbaikalia. In October 1737, Krasheninnikov independently went to Kamchatka, where until June 1741 he conducted research, based on the materials of which he subsequently compiled the first “Description of the Land of Kamchatka” (vols. 1-2, ed. 1756).

Name on geographical map

An island near Kamchatka, a cape on Karaginsky Island and a mountain near Lake Kronotskoye are named after S.P. Krasheninnikov.

Krasheninnikov S.P. Description of the land of Kamchatka: In 2 volumes - Reprint. ed. - St. Petersburg: Science; Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Kamshat, 1994.

Varshavsky A.S. Sons of the Fatherland. - M.: Det. lit., 1987. - 303 pp.: ill.

Mixon I.L. The man who...: East. story. - L.: Det. lit., 1989. - 208 pp.: ill.

Fradkin N.G. S.P. Krasheninnikov. - M.: Mysl, 1974. - 60 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Eidelman N.Ya. What is there beyond the sea-ocean?: A story about the Russian scientist S.P. Krasheninnikov, the discoverer of Kamchatka. - M.: Malysh, 1984. - 28 p.: ill. - (Pages of the history of our Motherland).

KRUZENSHTERN Ivan Fedorovich

Russian navigator, admiral

Travel routes

1803-1806 - I.F. Kruzenshtern led the first Russian round-the-world expedition on the ships “Nadezhda” and “Neva”. I.F. Kruzenshtern - author of the “Atlas of the South Sea” (vols. 1-2, 1823-1826)

Name on geographical map

The name of I.F. Kruzenshtern is borne by a strait in the northern part of the Kuril Islands, two atolls in the Pacific Ocean and the southeastern passage of the Korean Strait.

Krusenstern I.F. Voyages around the world in 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806 on the ships Nadezhda and Neva. - Vladivostok: Dalnevost. book publishing house, 1976. - 392 pp.: ill. - (Far Eastern history library).

Zabolotskikh B.V. In honor of the Russian flag: The Tale of I.F. Kruzenshtern, who led the first voyage of Russians around the world in 1803-1806, and O.E. Kotzebue, who made an unprecedented voyage on the brig “Rurik” in 1815-1818. - M.: Autopan, 1996. - 285 p.: ill.

Zabolotskikh B.V. Petrovsky Fleet: East. essays; In honor of the Russian flag: A Tale; The second journey of Kruzenshtern: A Tale. - M.: Classics, 2002. - 367 pp.: ill.

Pasetsky V.M. Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern. - M.: Nauka, 1974. - 176 p.: ill.

Firsov I.I. Russian Columbus: History of the round-the-world expedition of I. Kruzenshtern and Yu. Lisyansky. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2001. - 426 p.: ill. - (Great geographical discoveries).

Chukovsky N.K. Captain Krusenstern: A Tale. - M.: Bustard, 2002. - 165 p.: ill. - (Honor and courage).

Steinberg E.L. Glorious sailors Ivan Krusenstern and Yuri Lisyansky. - M.: Detgiz, 1954. - 224 p.: ill.

COOK James

English navigator

Travel routes

1768-1771 - round-the-world expedition on the frigate Endeavor under the command of J. Cook. The island position of New Zealand has been determined, the Great Barrier Reef and the east coast of Australia have been discovered.

1772-1775 - the goal of the second expedition headed by Cook on the Resolution ship (to find and map the Southern Continent) was not achieved. As a result of the search, the South Sandwich Islands, New Caledonia, Norfolk, and South Georgia were discovered.

1776-1779 - Cook's third round-the-world expedition on the ships "Resolution" and "Discovery" was aimed at finding the Northwest Passage connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The passage was not found, but the Hawaiian Islands and part of the Alaskan coast were discovered. On the way back, J. Cook was killed on one of the islands by the aborigines.

Name on geographical map

The highest mountain in New Zealand, a bay in the Pacific Ocean, islands in Polynesia and the strait between the North and South Islands of New Zealand are named after the English navigator.

James Cook's first circumnavigation of the world: Sailing on the ship Endeavor in 1768-1771. / J. Cook. - M.: Geographizdat, 1960. - 504 p.: ill.

James Cook's second voyage: Voyage to the South Pole and around the world in 1772-1775. / J. Cook. - M.: Mysl, 1964. - 624 p.: ill. - (Geographical ser.).

James Cook's third voyage around the world: Navigation in the Pacific Ocean 1776-1780. / J. Cook. - M.: Mysl, 1971. - 636 p.: ill.

Vladimirov V.I. Cook. - M.: Iskra revolution, 1933. - 168 p.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

McLean A. Captain Cook: History of Geography. discoveries of the great navigator: Trans. from English - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2001. - 155 p.: ill. - (Great geographical discoveries).

Middleton H. Captain Cook: The famous navigator: Trans. from English / Ill. A. Marx. - M.: AsCON, 1998. - 31 p.: ill. - (Great names).

Svet Ya.M. James Cook. - M.: Mysl, 1979. - 110 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Chukovsky N.K. Frigate Drivers: A Book about Great Navigators. - M.: ROSMEN, 2001. - 509 p. - (Golden Triangle).

The first part of the book is titled “Captain James Cook and his three voyages around the world” (p. 7-111).

LAZAREV Mikhail Petrovich

Russian naval commander and navigator

Travel routes

1813-1816 - circumnavigation of the world on the ship "Suvorov" from Kronstadt to the shores of Alaska and back.

1819-1821 - commanding the sloop “Mirny”, M.P. Lazarev participated in a round-the-world expedition led by F.F. Bellingshausen.

1822-1824 - M.P. Lazarev led a round-the-world expedition on the frigate “Cruiser”.

Name on geographical map

A sea in the Atlantic Ocean, an ice shelf and an underwater trench in East Antarctica, and a village on the Black Sea coast are named after M.P. Lazarev.

The Russian Antarctic scientific station also bears the name of M.P. Lazarev.

Ostrovsky B.G. Lazarev. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1966. - 176 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Firsov I.I. Half a century under sail. - M.: Mysl, 1988. - 238 p.: ill.

Firsov I.I. Antarctica and Navarin: A Novel. - M.: Armada, 1998. - 417 p.: ill. - (Russian generals).


English explorer of Africa

Travel routes

Since 1841 - numerous travels through the interior regions of South and Central Africa.

1849-1851 - studies of the Lake Ngami area.

1851-1856 - research of the Zambezi River. D. Livingston discovered the Victoria Falls and was the first European to cross the African continent.

1858-1864 - exploration of the Zambezi River, lakes Chilwa and Nyasa.

1866-1873 - several expeditions in search of the sources of the Nile.

Name on geographical map

Waterfalls on the Congo River and a city on the Zambezi River are named after the English traveler.

Livingston D. Traveling in South Africa: Trans. from English / Ill. author. - M.: EKSMO-Press, 2002. - 475 p.: ill. - (Compass Rose: Epochs; Continents; Events; Seas; Discoveries).

Livingston D., Livingston C. Travel along the Zambezi, 1858-1864: Trans. from English - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2001. - 460 pp.: ill.

Adamovich M.P. Livingston. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1938. - 376 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Votte G. David Livingston: The Life of an African Explorer: Trans. with him. - M.: Mysl, 1984. - 271 p.: ill.

Columbus; Livingston; Stanley; A. Humboldt; Przhevalsky: Biogr. narratives. - Chelyabinsk: Ural LTD, 2000. - 415 p.: ill. - (Life of remarkable people: Biography of the library of F. Pavlenkov).


(c. 1480-1521)

Portuguese navigator

Travel routes

1519-1521 - F. Magellan led the first circumnavigation in the history of mankind. Magellan's expedition discovered the coast of South America south of La Plata, circumnavigated the continent, crossed the strait that was later named after the navigator, then crossed the Pacific Ocean and reached the Philippine Islands. On one of them, Magellan was killed. After his death, the expedition was led by J.S. Elcano, thanks to whom only one of the ships (Victoria) and the last eighteen sailors (out of two hundred and sixty-five crew members) were able to reach the shores of Spain.

Name on geographical map

The Strait of Magellan is located between the mainland of South America and the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Boytsov M.A. Magellan's Path / Artist. S. Boyko. - M.: Malysh, 1991. - 19 p.: ill.

Kunin K.I. Magellan. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1940. - 304 p.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Lange P.V. Like the sun: The life of F. Magellan and the first circumnavigation of the world: Trans. with him. - M.: Progress, 1988. - 237 p.: ill.

Pigafetta A. Magellan's Journey: Trans. with it.; Mitchell M. El Cano - the first circumnavigator: Trans. from English - M.: Mysl, 2000. - 302 p.: ill. - (Travel and travelers).

Subbotin V.A. Great discoveries: Columbus; Vasco da Gama; Magellan. - M.: Publishing house URAO, 1998. - 269 p.: ill.

Travinsky V.M. Navigator's Star: Magellan: East. story. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1969. - 191 p.: ill.

Khvilevitskaya E.M. How the earth turned out to be a ball / Artist. A. Ostromentsky. - M.: Interbook, 1997. - 18 p.: ill. - (The greatest journeys).

Zweig S. Magellan; Amerigo: Transl. with him. - M.: AST, 2001. - 317 p.: ill. - (World classics).

MIKLOUKHO-MACLAY Nikolai Nikolaevich

Russian scientist, explorer of Oceania and New Guinea

Travel routes

1866-1867 - travel to the Canary Islands and Morocco.

1871-1886 - study of the indigenous people of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania, including the Papuans of the North-Eastern coast of New Guinea.

Name on geographical map

The Miklouho-Maclay coast is located in New Guinea.

Also named after Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay is the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Man from the Moon: Diaries, articles, letters of N.N. Miklouho-Maclay. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1982. - 336 pp.: ill. - (Arrow).

Balandin R.K. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay: Book. for students / Fig. author. - M.: Education, 1985. - 96 p.: ill. - (People of science).

Golovanov Ya. Sketches about scientists. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1983. - 415 pp.: ill.

The chapter dedicated to Miklouho-Maclay is titled “I foresee no end to my travels...” (pp. 233-236).

Greenop F.S. About the one who wandered alone: ​​Trans. from English - M.: Nauka, 1986. - 260 pp.: ill.

Kolesnikov M.S. Miklukho Maclay. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1965. - 272 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Markov S.N. Tamo - rus Maklay: Stories. - M.: Sov. writer, 1975. - 208 pp.: ill.

Orlov O.P. Come back to us, Maclay!: A story. - M.: Det. lit., 1987. - 48 p.: ill.

Putilov B.N. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay: Traveler, scientist, humanist. - M.: Progress, 1985. - 280 pp.: ill.

Tynyanova L.N. Friend from Afar: A Tale. - M.: Det. lit., 1976. - 332 pp.: ill.

NANSEN Fridtjof

Norwegian polar explorer

Travel routes

1888 - F. Nansen made the first ski crossing in history across Greenland.

1893-1896 - Nansen on the ship "Fram" drifted across the Arctic Ocean from the New Siberian Islands to the Spitsbergen archipelago. As a result of the expedition, extensive oceanographic and meteorological material was collected, but Nansen was unable to reach the North Pole.

1900 - expedition to study the currents of the Arctic Ocean.

Name on geographical map

An underwater basin and an underwater ridge in the Arctic Ocean, as well as a number of geographical features in the Arctic and Antarctic, are named after Nansen.

Nansen F. To the Land of the Future: The Great Northern Route from Europe to Siberia through the Kara Sea / Authorized. lane from norwegian A. and P. Hansen. - Krasnoyarsk: Book. publishing house, 1982. - 335 pp.: ill.

Nansen F. Through the eyes of a friend: Chapters from the book “Through the Caucasus to the Volga”: Trans. with him. - Makhachkala: Dagestan book. publishing house, 1981. - 54 p.: ill.

Nansen F. “Fram” in the Polar Sea: At 2 o’clock: Per. from norwegian - M.: Geographizdat, 1956.

Kublitsky G.I. Fridtjof Nansen: His life and extraordinary adventures. - M.: Det. lit., 1981. - 287 pp.: ill.

Nansen-Heyer L. Book about the father: Trans. from norwegian - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1986. - 512 p.: ill.

Pasetsky V.M. Fridtjof Nansen, 1861-1930. - M.: Nauka, 1986. - 335 p.: ill. - (Scientific-biography ser.).

Sannes T.B. "Fram": Adventures of Polar Expeditions: Trans. with him. - L.: Shipbuilding, 1991. - 271 p.: ill. - (Notice ships).

Talanov A. Nansen. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1960. - 304 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Holt K. Competition: [About the expeditions of R.F. Scott and R. Amundsen]; Wandering: [About the expedition of F. Nansen and J. Johansen] / Trans. from norwegian L. Zhdanova. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1987. - 301 p.: ill. - (Unusual travels).

Please note that this book (in the appendix) contains an essay by the famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl, “Fridtjof Nansen: A Warm Heart in a Cold World.”

Tsentkevich A., Tsentkevich Ch. Who will you become, Fridtjof: [Tales of F. Nansen and R. Amundsen]. - Kyiv: Dnipro, 1982. - 502 p.: ill.

Shackleton E. Fridtjof Nansen - researcher: Trans. from English - M.: Progress, 1986. - 206 p.: ill.


(? - 1472 or 1473)

Russian merchant, traveler in Asia

Travel routes

1466-1472 - A. Nikitin’s journey through the countries of the Middle East and India. On the way back, stopping at a Cafe (Feodosia), Afanasy Nikitin wrote a description of his travels and adventures - “Walking across Three Seas.”

Nikitin A. Walking beyond the three seas of Afanasy Nikitin. - L.: Nauka, 1986. - 212 p.: ill. - (Lit. monuments).

Nikitin A. Walking beyond three seas: 1466-1472. - Kaliningrad: Amber Tale, 2004. - 118 p.: ill.

Varzhapetyan V.V. The Tale of a Merchant, a Piebald Horse and a Talking Bird / Fig. N.Nepomniachtchi. - M.: Det. lit., 1990. - 95 p.: ill.

Vitashevskaya M.N. The wanderings of Afanasy Nikitin. - M.: Mysl, 1972. - 118 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

All nations are one: [Sb.]. - M.: Sirin, B.g. - 466 pp.: ill. - (History of the Fatherland in novels, stories, documents).

The collection includes V. Pribytkov’s story “The Tver Guest” and the book by Afanasy Nikitin himself “Walking across Three Seas”.

Grimberg F.I. Seven songs of a Russian foreigner: Nikitin: Ist. novel. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2003. - 424 p.: ill. - (Golden library of the historical novel: Russian travelers).

Kachaev Yu.G. Far away / Fig. M. Romadina. - M.: Malysh, 1982. - 24 p.: ill.

Kunin K.I. Beyond Three Seas: The Journey of the Tver Merchant Afanasy Nikitin: Ist. story. - Kaliningrad: Amber Tale, 2002. - 199 p.: ill. - (Treasured pages).

Murashova K. Afanasy Nikitin: The Tale of the Tver Merchant / Artist. A. Chauzov. - M.: White City, 2005. - 63 p.: ill. - (Historical novel).

Semenov L.S. Travel of Afanasy Nikitin. - M.: Nauka, 1980. - 145 p.: ill. - (History of science and technology).

Soloviev A.P. Walking beyond three seas: a novel. - M.: Terra, 1999. - 477 p. - (Fatherland).

Tager E.M. The story of Afanasy Nikitin. - L.: Det. lit., 1966. - 104 p.: ill.

PIRI Robert Edwin

American polar explorer

Travel routes

1892 and 1895 - two trips through Greenland.

From 1902 to 1905 - several unsuccessful attempts to conquer the North Pole.

Finally, R. Peary announced that he had reached the North Pole on April 6, 1909. However, seventy years after the death of the traveler, when, according to his will, the expedition diaries were declassified, it turned out that Piri was actually unable to reach the Pole; he stopped at 89˚55΄ N.

Name on geographical map

The peninsula in the far north of Greenland is called Peary Land.

Pirie R. North Pole; Amundsen R. South Pole. - M.: Mysl, 1981. - 599 p.: ill.

Pay attention to the article by F. Treshnikov “Robert Peary and the conquest of the North Pole” (p. 225-242).

Piri R. North Pole / Transl. from English L.Petkevichiute. - Vilnius: Vituris, 1988. - 239 p.: ill. - (World of Discovery).

Karpov G.V. Robert Peary. - M.: Geographizdat, 1956. - 39 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

POLO Marco

(c. 1254-1324)

Venetian merchant, traveler

Travel routes

1271-1295 - M. Polo’s journey through the countries of Central and East Asia.

The Venetian’s memories of his wanderings in the East compiled the famous “Book of Marco Polo” (1298), which for almost 600 years remained the most important source of information about China and other Asian countries for the West.

Polo M. Book about the diversity of the world / Trans. with old french I.P.Minaeva; Preface H.L. Borges. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 1999. - 381 p.: ill. - (Personal library of Borges).

Polo M. Book of Wonders: Excerpt from the “Book of Wonders of the World” from the National. libraries of France: Transl. from fr. - M.: White City, 2003. - 223 p.: ill.

Davidson E., Davis G. Son of Heaven: The Wanderings of Marco Polo / Trans. from English M. Kondratieva. - St. Petersburg: ABC: Terra - Book. club, 1997. - 397 p. - (New Earth: Fantasy).

A fantasy novel on the theme of the travels of a Venetian merchant.

Maink V. The Amazing Adventures of Marco Polo: [Hist. story] / Abbr. lane with him. L. Lungina. - St. Petersburg: Brask: Epoch, 1993. - 303 pp.: ill. - (Version).

Pesotskaya T.E. Treasures of a Venetian merchant: How Marco Polo a quarter of a century ago wandered around the East and wrote a famous book about various miracles that no one wanted to believe in / Artist. I. Oleinikov. - M.: Interbook, 1997. - 18 p.: ill. - (The greatest journeys).

Pronin V. Life of the great Venetian traveler Messer Marco Polo / Artist. Yu.Saevich. - M.: Kron-Press, 1993. - 159 p.: ill.

Tolstikov A.Ya. Marco Polo: The Venetian Wanderer / Artist. A. Chauzov. - M.: White City, 2004. - 63 p.: ill. - (Historical novel).

Hart G. The Venetian Marco Polo: Trans. from English - M.: TERRA-Kn. club, 1999. - 303 p. - (Portraits).

Shklovsky V.B. Earth scout - Marco Polo: East. story. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1969. - 223 pp.: ill. - (Pioneer means first).

Ers J. Marco Polo: Trans. from fr. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1998. - 348 pp.: ill. - (Mark on history).

PRZHEVALSKY Nikolai Mikhailovich

Russian geographer, explorer of Central Asia

Travel routes

1867-1868 - research expeditions to the Amur region and the Ussuri region.

1870-1885 - 4 expeditions to Central Asia.

N.M. Przhevalsky presented the scientific results of the expeditions in a number of books, giving a detailed description of the relief, climate, vegetation and fauna of the studied territories.

Name on geographical map

A ridge in Central Asia and a city in the southeastern part of the Issyk-Kul region (Kyrgyzstan) bear the name of the Russian geographer.

The wild horse, first described by scientists, is called Przewalski's horse.

Przhevalsky N.M. Travel in the Ussuri region, 1867-1869. - Vladivostok: Dalnevost. book publishing house, 1990. - 328 pp.: ill.

Przhevalsky N.M. Traveling around Asia. - M.: Armada-press, 2001. - 343 p.: ill. - (Green Series: Around the World).

Gavrilenkov V.M. Russian traveler N.M. Przhevalsky. - Smolensk: Moscow. worker: Smolensk department, 1989. - 143 p.: ill.

Golovanov Ya. Sketches about scientists. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1983. - 415 pp.: ill.

The chapter dedicated to Przhevalsky is called “The exclusive good is freedom...” (pp. 272-275).

Grimailo Y.V. The Great Ranger: A Tale. - Ed. 2nd, revised and additional - Kyiv: Molod, 1989. - 314 p.: ill.

Kozlov I.V. The Great Traveler: The Life and Work of N.M. Przhevalsky, the First Explorer of the Nature of Central Asia. - M.: Mysl, 1985. - 144 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Columbus; Livingston; Stanley; A. Humboldt; Przhevalsky: Biogr. narratives. - Chelyabinsk: Ural LTD, 2000. - 415 p.: ill. - (Life of remarkable people: Biography of the library of F. Pavlenkov).

Acceleration L.E. “Ascetics are needed like the sun...” // Acceleration L.E. Seven lives. - M.: Det. lit., 1992. - pp. 35-72.

Repin L.B. “And again I return...”: Przhevalsky: Pages of Life. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1983. - 175 pp.: ill. - (Pioneer means first).

Khmelnitsky S.I. Przhevalsky. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1950. - 175 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Yusov B.V. N.M. Przhevalsky: Book. for students. - M.: Education, 1985. - 95 p.: ill. - (People of science).

PRONCHISHCHEV Vasily Vasilievich

Russian navigator

Travel routes

1735-1736 - V.V. Pronchishchev took part in the 2nd Kamchatka expedition. A detachment under his command explored the coast of the Arctic Ocean from the mouth of the Lena to Cape Thaddeus (Taimyr).

Name on geographical map

Part of the eastern coast of the Taimyr Peninsula, a ridge (hill) in the north-west of Yakutia and a bay in the Laptev Sea bear the name of V.V. Pronchishchev.

Golubev G.N. “Descendants for news...”: Historical document. stories. - M.: Det. lit., 1986. - 255 pp.: ill.

Krutogorov Yu.A. Where Neptune leads: East. story. - M.: Det. lit., 1990. - 270 pp.: ill.


(until 1906 - Semenov)

Russian scientist, explorer of Asia

Travel routes

1856-1857 - expedition to the Tien Shan.

1888 - expedition to Turkestan and the Trans-Caspian region.

Name on geographical map

A ridge in Nanshan, a glacier and a peak in the Tien Shan, and mountains in Alaska and Spitsbergen are named after Semenov-Tian-Shansky.

Semenov-Tyan-Shansky P.P. Travel to Tien Shan: 1856-1857. - M.: Geographgiz, 1958. - 277 p.: ill.

Aldan-Semenov A.I. For you, Russia: Stories. - M.: Sovremennik, 1983. - 320 pp.: ill.

Aldan-Semenov A.I. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1965. - 304 pp.: ill. - (Life is remarkable. People).

Antoshko Y., Soloviev A. At the origins of Yaxartes. - M.: Mysl, 1977. - 128 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Dyadyuchenko L.B. A pearl in the barracks wall: A chronicle novel. - Frunze: Mektep, 1986. - 218 p.: ill.

Kozlov I.V. Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. - M.: Education, 1983. - 96 p.: ill. - (People of science).

Kozlov I.V., Kozlova A.V. Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky: 1827-1914. - M.: Nauka, 1991. - 267 p.: ill. - (Scientific-biography ser.).

Acceleration L.E. Tian-Shansky // Acceleration L.E. Seven lives. - M.: Det. lit., 1992. - pp. 9-34.

SCOTT Robert Falcon

English explorer of Antarctica

Travel routes

1901-1904 - Antarctic expedition on the Discovery ship. As a result of this expedition, King Edward VII Land, the Transantarctic Mountains, the Ross Ice Shelf were discovered, and Victoria Land was explored.

1910-1912 - R. Scott's expedition to Antarctica on the ship "Terra-Nova".

On January 18, 1912 (33 days later than R. Amundsen), Scott and four of his companions reached the South Pole. On the way back, all the travelers died.

Name on geographical map

An island and two glaciers off the coast of Antarctica, part of the western coast of Victoria Land (Scott Coast) and mountains on Enderby Land are named in honor of Robert Scott.

The US Antarctic research station is named after the first explorers of the South Pole - the Amundsen-Scott Pole.

The New Zealand scientific station on the Ross Sea coast in Antarctica and the Polar Research Institute in Cambridge also bear the name of the polar explorer.

R. Scott's last expedition: Personal diaries of Captain R. Scott, which he kept during the expedition to the South Pole. - M.: Geographizdat, 1955. - 408 p.: ill.

Golovanov Ya. Sketches about scientists. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1983. - 415 pp.: ill.

The chapter dedicated to Scott is called “Fight to the last cracker...” (pp. 290-293).

Ladlem G. Captain Scott: Trans. from English - Ed. 2nd, rev. - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1989. - 287 p.: ill.

Priestley R. Antarctic Odyssey: The Northern Party of the R. Scott Expedition: Trans. from English - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1985. - 360 pp.: ill.

Holt K. Competition; Wandering: Transl. from norwegian - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1987. - 301 p.: ill. - (Unusual travels).

Cherry-Garrard E. The Most Terrible Journey: Trans. from English - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1991. - 551 p.: ill.


(real name and surname - John Rowland)

journalist, researcher of Africa

Travel routes

1871-1872 - G.M. Stanley, as a correspondent for the New York Herald newspaper, participated in the search for the missing D. Livingston. The expedition was successful: the great explorer of Africa was found near Lake Tanganyika.

1874-1877 - G.M. Stanley crosses the African continent twice. Explores Lake Victoria, the Congo River, and searches for the sources of the Nile.

1887-1889 - G.M. Stanley leads an English expedition that crosses Africa from West to East, and explores the Aruvimi River.

Name on geographical map

Waterfalls in the upper reaches of the Congo River are named in honor of G.M. Stanley.

Stanley G.M. In the wilds of Africa: Trans. from English - M.: Geographizdat, 1958. - 446 p.: ill.

Karpov G.V. Henry Stanley. - M.: Geographgiz, 1958. - 56 p.: ill. - (Notable geographers and travelers).

Columbus; Livingston; Stanley; A. Humboldt; Przhevalsky: Biogr. narratives. - Chelyabinsk: Ural LTD, 2000. - 415 p.: ill. - (Life of remarkable people: Biography of the library of F. Pavlenkov).

KHABAROV Erofey Pavlovich

(c. 1603, according to other data, c. 1610 - after 1667, according to other data, after 1671)

Russian explorer and navigator, explorer of the Amur region

Travel routes

1649-1653 - E.P. Khabarov made a number of campaigns in the Amur region, compiled a “Drawing of the Amur River”.

Name on geographical map

A city and region in the Far East, as well as the Erofei Pavlovich railway station on the Trans-Siberian Railway, are named after the Russian explorer.

Leontyeva G.A. Explorer Erofey Pavlovich Khabarov: Book. for students. - M.: Education, 1991. - 143 p.: ill.

Romanenko D.I. Erofey Khabarov: Novel. - Khabarovsk: Book. publishing house, 1990. - 301 p.: ill. - (Far Eastern library).

Safronov F.G. Erofey Khabarov. - Khabarovsk: Book. publishing house, 1983. - 32 p.

SCHMIDT Otto Yulievich

Russian mathematician, geophysicist, Arctic explorer

Travel routes

1929-1930 - O.Yu. Schmidt equipped and led the expedition on the ship “Georgy Sedov” to Severnaya Zemlya.

1932 - an expedition led by O.Yu. Schmidt on the icebreaker Sibiryakov managed for the first time to sail from Arkhangelsk to Kamchatka in one navigation.

1933-1934 - O.Yu. Schmidt led the northern expedition on the steamship “Chelyuskin”. The ship, caught in ice, was crushed by ice and sank. The expedition members, who had been drifting on ice floes for several months, were rescued by pilots.

Name on geographical map

An island in the Kara Sea, a cape on the coast of the Chukchi Sea, the peninsula of Novaya Zemlya, one of the peaks and a pass in the Pamirs, and a plain in Antarctica are named after O.Yu. Schmidt.

Voskoboynikov V.M. On an ice trek. - M.: Malysh, 1989. - 39 p.: ill. - (Legendary heroes).

Voskoboynikov V.M. Call of the Arctic: Heroic. Chronicle: Academician Schmidt. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1975. - 192 pp.: ill. - (Pioneer means first).

Duel I.I. Life line: Document. story. - M.: Politizdat, 1977. - 128 p.: ill. - (Heroes of the Soviet Motherland).

Nikitenko N.F. O.Yu.Schmidt: Book. for students. - M.: Education, 1992. - 158 p.: ill. - (People of science).

Otto Yulievich Schmidt: Life and work: Sat. - M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1959. - 470 p.: ill.

Matveeva L.V. Otto Yulievich Schmidt: 1891-1956. - M.: Nauka, 1993. - 202 p.: ill. - (Scientific-biography ser.).

Without Russian discoverers, the world map would be completely different. Our compatriots - travelers and seafarers - made discoveries that enriched world science. The eight most notable ones are covered in our material.

Bellingshausen's first Antarctic expedition

In 1819, the navigator, captain of the 2nd rank, Thaddeus Bellingshausen led the first round-the-world Antarctic expedition. The purpose of the voyage was to explore the waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans, as well as to prove or disprove the existence of the sixth continent - Antarctica. Having equipped two sloops - "Mirny" and "Vostok" (under the command of Mikhail Lazarev), Bellingshausen's detachment went to sea.

The expedition lasted 751 days and wrote many bright pages in the history of geographical discoveries. The main one - the discovery of Antarctica - was made on January 28, 1820.

By the way, attempts to open the white continent had been made before, but did not bring the desired success: a little luck was missing, and perhaps Russian perseverance.

Thus, the navigator James Cook, summing up the results of his second voyage around the world, wrote: “I went around the ocean of the southern hemisphere in high latitudes and rejected the possibility of the existence of a continent, which, if it could be discovered, would only be near the pole in places inaccessible to navigation.”

During Bellingshausen's Antarctic expedition, more than 20 islands were discovered and mapped, sketches of Antarctic species and the animals living there were made, and the navigator himself went down in history as a great discoverer.

“The name of Bellingshausen can be directly placed alongside the names of Columbus and Magellan, with the names of those people who did not retreat in the face of difficulties and imaginary impossibilities created by their predecessors, with the names of people who followed their own independent path, and therefore were destroyers of barriers to discovery, which designate epochs,” wrote the German geographer August Petermann.

Discoveries of Semenov Tien-Shansky

Central Asia at the beginning of the 19th century was one of the least studied areas of the globe. An undeniable contribution to the study of the “unknown land” - as geographers called Central Asia - was made by Pyotr Semenov.

In 1856, the researcher’s main dream came true - he went on an expedition to the Tien Shan.

“My work on Asian geography led me to a thorough acquaintance with everything that was known about inner Asia. I was especially attracted to the most central of the Asian mountain ranges - the Tien Shan, which had not yet been touched by a European traveler and was known only from scanty Chinese sources.

Semenov's research in Central Asia lasted two years. During this time, the sources of the Chu, Syr Darya and Sary-Jaz rivers, the peaks of Khan Tengri and others were mapped.

The traveler established the location of the Tien Shan ridges, the height of the snow line in this area and discovered the huge Tien Shan glaciers.

In 1906, by decree of the emperor, for the merits of the discoverer, the prefix began to be added to his surname - Tien Shan.

Asia Przhevalsky

In the 70-80s. XIX century Nikolai Przhevalsky led four expeditions to Central Asia. This little-studied area has always attracted the researcher, and traveling to Central Asia has been his long-time dream.

Over the years of research, mountain systems have been studied Kun-Lun , ridges of Northern Tibet, sources of the Yellow River and Yangtze, basins Kuku-nora and Lob-nora.

Przhevalsky was the second person after Marco Polo to reach lakes-swamps Lob-nora!

In addition, the traveler discovered dozens of species of plants and animals that are named after him.

“Happy fate made it possible to make a feasible exploration of the least known and most inaccessible countries of inner Asia,” Nikolai Przhevalsky wrote in his diary.

Kruzenshtern's circumnavigation

The names of Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisyansky became known after the first Russian round-the-world expedition.

For three years, from 1803 to 1806. - that’s how long the first circumnavigation of the world lasted - the ships “Nadezhda” and “Neva”, having passed through the Atlantic Ocean, rounded Cape Horn, and then through the waters of the Pacific Ocean reached Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. The expedition clarified the map of the Pacific Ocean and collected information about the nature and inhabitants of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands.

During the voyage, Russian sailors crossed the equator for the first time. This event was celebrated, according to tradition, with the participation of Neptune.

The sailor, dressed as the lord of the seas, asked Krusenstern why he came here with his ships, because the Russian flag had not been seen in these places before. To which the expedition commander replied: “For the glory of science and our fatherland!”

Nevelsky Expedition

Admiral Gennady Nevelskoy is rightfully considered one of the outstanding navigators of the 19th century. In 1849, on the transport ship “Baikal”, he went on an expedition to the Far East.

The Amur expedition lasted until 1855, during which time Nevelskoy made several major discoveries in the area of ​​the lower reaches of the Amur and the northern shores of the Sea of ​​Japan, and annexed the vast expanses of the Amur and Primorye regions to Russia.

Thanks to the navigator, it became known that Sakhalin is an island that is separated by the navigable Tatar Strait, and the mouth of the Amur is accessible for ships to enter from the sea.

In 1850, Nevelsky’s detachment founded the Nikolaev post, which today is known as Nikolaevsk-on-Amur.

“The discoveries made by Nevelsky are invaluable for Russia,” wrote Count Nikolai Muravyov-Amursky “Many previous expeditions to these regions could have achieved European glory, but none of them achieved domestic benefit, at least to the extent that Nevelskoy accomplished this.”

North of Vilkitsky

The purpose of the hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean in 1910-1915. was the development of the Northern Sea Route. By chance, captain 2nd rank Boris Vilkitsky took over the duties of the voyage leader. Icebreaking steamships "Taimyr" and "Vaigach" went to sea.

Vilkitsky moved through the northern waters from east to west, and during his voyage he was able to compile a true description of the northern coast of Eastern Siberia and many islands, received the most important information about currents and climate, and also became the first to make a through voyage from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk.

The expedition members discovered the Land of Emperor Nicholas II, known today as Novaya Zemlya - this discovery is considered the last of the significant ones on the globe.

In addition, thanks to Vilkitsky, the islands of Maly Taimyr, Starokadomsky and Zhokhov were put on the map.

At the end of the expedition, the First World War began. The traveler Roald Amundsen, having learned about the success of Vilkitsky’s voyage, could not resist exclaiming to him:

“In peacetime, this expedition would excite the whole world!”

Kamchatka campaign of Bering and Chirikov

The second quarter of the 18th century was rich in geographical discoveries. All of them were made during the First and Second Kamchatka expeditions, which immortalized the names of Vitus Bering and Alexei Chirikov.

During the First Kamchatka Campaign, Bering, the leader of the expedition, and his assistant Chirikov explored and mapped the Pacific coast of Kamchatka and Northeast Asia. Two peninsulas were discovered - Kamchatsky and Ozerny, Kamchatka Bay, Karaginsky Bay, Cross Bay, Providence Bay and St. Lawrence Island, as well as the strait, which today bears the name of Vitus Bering.

Companions - Bering and Chirikov - also led the Second Kamchatka Expedition. The goal of the campaign was to find a route to North America and explore the Pacific Islands.

In Avachinskaya Bay, the expedition members founded the Petropavlovsk fort - in honor of the ships "St. Peter" and "St. Paul" - which was later renamed Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

When the ships set sail to the shores of America, by the will of an evil fate, Bering and Chirikov began to act alone - due to fog, their ships lost each other.

"St. Peter" under the command of Bering reached the west coast of America.

And on the way back, the expedition members, who had to endure many difficulties, were thrown onto a small island by a storm. This is where Vitus Bering’s life ended, and the island where the expedition members stopped for the winter was named after Bering.
Chirikov’s “Saint Paul” also reached the shores of America, but for him the voyage ended more happily - on the way back he discovered a number of islands of the Aleutian ridge and safely returned to the Peter and Paul prison.

“Unclear Earthlings” by Ivan Moskvitin

Little is known about the life of Ivan Moskvitin, but this man nevertheless went down in history, and the reason for this was the new lands he discovered.

In 1639, Moskvitin, leading a detachment of Cossacks, set sail to the Far East. The main goal of the travelers was to “find new unknown lands” and collect furs and fish. The Cossacks crossed the Aldan, Mayu and Yudoma rivers, discovered the Dzhugdzhur ridge, separating the rivers of the Lena basin from the rivers flowing into the sea, and along the Ulya River they reached the “Lamskoye”, or Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Having explored the coast, the Cossacks discovered the Taui Bay and entered the Sakhalin Bay, rounding the Shantar Islands.

One of the Cossacks reported that the rivers in the open lands “are sable, there are a lot of all kinds of animals, and fish, and the fish are big, there are no such fish in Siberia... there are so many of them - you just need to launch a net and you can’t drag them out with fish...”.

They are always attracted by the horizon line, an endless strip stretching into the distance. Their faithful friends are ribbons of roads leading to the unknown, mysterious and mysterious. They were the first to push the boundaries, opening new lands and the amazing beauty of metrics to humanity. These people are the most famous travelers.

Travelers who made the most important discoveries

Christopher Columbus. He was a red-haired guy with a strong build and slightly above average height. Since childhood, he was smart, practical, and very proud. He had a dream - to go on a journey and find a treasure of gold coins. And he made his dreams come true. He found a treasure - a huge continent - America.

Three quarters of Columbus's life was spent sailing. He traveled on Portuguese ships and lived in Lisbon and the British Isles. Stopping briefly in a foreign land, he constantly drew geographical maps and made new travel plans.

It still remains a mystery how he managed to draw up a plan for the shortest route from Europe to India. His calculations were based on the discoveries of the 15th century and the fact that the Earth is spherical.

Having gathered 90 volunteers in 1492-1493, he set off on a journey across the Atlantic Ocean on three ships. He became the discoverer of the central part of the Bahamas archipelago, the Greater and Lesser Antilles. He is responsible for the discovery of the northeastern coast of Cuba.

The second expedition, which lasted from 1493 to 1496, already consisted of 17 ships and 2.5 thousand people. He discovered the islands of Dominica, the Lesser Antilles, and the island of Puerto Rico. After 40 days of sailing, arriving in Castile, he notified the government of the opening of a new route to Asia.

After 3 years, having collected 6 ships, he led an expedition across the Atlantic. In Haiti, because of an envious denunciation of his successes, Columbus was arrested and shackled. He was released, but kept the shackles all his life, as a symbol of betrayal.

He was the discoverer of America. Until the end of his life, he mistakenly believed that it was connected to Asia by a thin isthmus. He believed that the sea route to India was opened by him, although history later showed the fallacy of his delusions.

Vasco da Gama. He was lucky enough to live during the era of great geographical discoveries. Perhaps that is why he dreamed of traveling and dreamed of becoming a discoverer of uncharted lands.

He was a nobleman. The family was not the most noble, but had ancient roots. As a young man, he became interested in mathematics, navigation and astronomy. Since childhood, he hated secular society, playing the piano and French, which noble nobles tried to “show off” with.

Determination and organizational skills made Vasco da Gama close to Emperor Charles VIII, who, having decided to create an expedition to open a sea route to India, appointed him in charge.

Four new ships, specially built for the journey, were placed at his disposal. Vasco da Gama was equipped with the latest navigational instruments and provided naval artillery.

A year later, the expedition reached the shores of India, stopping in the first city of Calicut (Kozhikode). Despite the cold reception of the natives and even military clashes, the goal was achieved. Vasco da Gama became the discoverer of the sea route to India.

They discovered the mountainous and desert regions of Asia, made bold expeditions to the Far North, they “wrote” history, glorifying the Russian land.

Great Russian travelers

Miklouho-Maclay was born into a noble family, but experienced poverty at the age of 11 when his father died. He was always a rebel. At the age of 15, he was arrested for participating in a student demonstration and imprisoned for three days in the Peter and Paul Fortress. For participating in student unrest, he was expelled from the gymnasium and further prohibited from entering any higher institution. Having left for Germany, he received his education there.

The famous naturalist Ernst Haeckel became interested in the 19-year-old boy, inviting him to his expedition to study marine fauna.

In 1869, returning to St. Petersburg, he enlisted the support of the Russian Geographical Society and set off to study New Guinea. It took a year to prepare the expedition. He sailed to the shore of the Coral Sea, and when he set foot on land he had no idea that his descendants would name this place after him.

Having lived for more than a year in New Guinea, he not only discovered new lands, but also taught the natives to grow corn, pumpkins, beans and fruit trees. He studied the life of the natives on the island of Java, the Louisiads and the Solomon Islands. He spent 3 years in Australia.

He died at 42. Doctors diagnosed him with severe deterioration of the body.

Afanasy Nikitin is the first Russian traveler to visit India and Persia. Returning back, he visited Somalia, Turkey and Muscat. His notes “Walking across the Three Seas” became valuable historical and literary aids. He described medieval India simply and truthfully in his notes.

Coming from a peasant family, he proved that even a poor person can travel to India. The main thing is to set a goal.

The world has not revealed all its secrets to man. There are still people who dream of lifting the veil of unknown worlds.

Famous modern travelers

He is 60, but his soul is still full of thirst for new adventures. At the age of 58, he climbed to the top of Everest and conquered 7 of the greatest peaks together with climbers. He is fearless, purposeful, open to the unknown. His name is Fedor Konyukhov.

And may the era of great discoveries be long behind us. It doesn't matter that the Earth has been photographed thousands of times from space. Let travelers and discoverers discover all the places on the globe. He, like a child, believes that there is still a lot of unknown in the world.

He has 40 expeditions and ascents to his credit. He crossed seas and oceans, was at the North and South Poles, completed 4 circumnavigations of the world, and crossed the Atlantic 15 times. Of these, one time was on a rowing boat. He made most of his travels alone.

Everyone knows his name. His programs had a television audience of millions. He is the great man who gave this world the unusual beauty of nature, hidden from view in the bottomless depths. Fedor Konyukhov visited different places on our planet, including the hottest place in Russia, which is located in Kalmykia. The website features Jacques-Yves Cousteau, perhaps the most famous traveler in the world

Even during the war, he continued his experiments and research into the underwater world. He decided to dedicate his first film to sunken ships. And the Germans, who occupied France, allowed him to engage in research and filming.

He dreamed of a ship that would be equipped with modern technology for filming and observation. He was helped by a complete stranger who gave Cousteau a small military minesweeper. After renovation work, it became the famous ship "Calypso".

The ship's crew included researchers: a journalist, a navigator, a geologist, and a volcanologist. His wife was his assistant and companion. Later, 2 of his sons took part in all expeditions.

Cousteau is recognized as the best specialist in underwater research. He received an offer to head the famous Oceanographic Museum in Monaco. He not only studied the underwater world, but was also involved in activities to protect the marine and ocean habitat.
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