What are mechanical physical phenomena. Thermal phenomena. Thermodynamic method of explanation. Thermal phenomena in ancient Greek myths

Human life is closely connected with thermal phenomena. He encounters their manifestations as often as mechanical ones. This - heating or cooling bodies, the dependence of their properties on temperature, change in states of aggregation substances, etc. Therefore, since ancient times, humanity has tried to understand the “secret” thermal phenomena, explain their nature, use them in Everyday life. According to the ancient Greek myth, Prometheus was chained to a rock and doomed to eternal suffering for stealing fire from Olympus and giving it to people.

Thermal phenomena thermal movement explanations with examples

The mineral was named stishovite. The word "interference" describes in physics the superposition of two or more waves according to the principle of superposition. This means that amplitudes, and in this case not intensities, must be added to the waves as they penetrate. Interference occurs in all types of waves, regardless of whether they are sound waves, light, matter waves, or other types of physical waves. If we are talking about the mutual disappearance of waves, then in the jargon, complete destructive interference appears.

Thermal phenomena and processes associated with the transfer and transformation of energy, causing a change in the temperature of bodies or the transition of a substance from one state of aggregation to another.

It so happened that nature of thermal phenomena is explained in physics in two ways, mutually complementing each other. One of the ways is the so-called thermodynamic approach, which is based on a generalization of centuries-old experience of observing the occurrence of thermal phenomena and processes, and on the formulation of general principles of their occurrence. The thermodynamic approach considers heat from the standpoint of macroscopic properties of matter- pressure, temperature, volume, density, etc. It is a descriptive way of studying thermal phenomena, since it does not resort to clarifying the essence of thermal motion. Another way is the molecular kinetic theory of matter.

On the other hand, if the amplitudes increase, this is done under the designation of constructive interference. A pattern consisting of points of constructive interference and destructive interference is also called an interference pattern. In an experimental setup, characteristic interference minima and interference maxima can always occur alternately. A general example This is the strip pattern that is behind the two-layer arrangement. If interference occurs in an experimental setup, this is considered evidence that the radiation being studied matches the waveform.

Thermodynamics is a theory of heat that explains the nature of thermal phenomena without taking into account the molecular structure of matter.Material from the site

In the history of physics, the development of ideas about the nature of heat occurred in constant confrontation between adherents thermodynamic And molecular kinetic approaches to an explanation thermal phenomena. The first argued the advantages of thermodynamics by the relative simplicity of the description of thermal phenomena and processes, especially in the calculations of technical devices that perform mechanical work due to heat.

For example, in the double slit experiment it was discovered that the interference pattern exists even when photons of light are replaced by electrons. Destructive interference is physically impossible with gravitational waves. By the way, the word interference comes from English, which means "to hit each other" here.

Interference in the field of quantum mechanics

However, the actual origin of this term lies in Latin. In quantum mechanics, the most important components are interference phenomena. Thus, the parts, as well as other arbitrary states in the system, are described wave functions. At the same time, they represent solutions to the famous Schrödinger equation, which here can take a form similar to the wave equation.

Laws of thermodynamics easier than molecular kinetic theory explains thermal phenomena and processes, however, they require experimental determination of individual quantities (for example, heat capacity)

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Why is thermodynamics needed in the lives of ordinary people? examples of phenomena

  • Mechanics briefly

  • Thermal phenomena thermal movement explanations with examples

  • Thermal phenomena in ancient Greek myths

  • Physics thermal phenomena in everyday life

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Schrödinger's equation is differential equation for undistorted time evolution of nonrelativistic quantum systems. They describe the dynamics of quantum mechanical states that dominate a system if no measurements are made on it. In its first application, he was able to explain the spectra of the hydrogen atom. The Schrödinger equation states that changes in the state of a state are influenced by its energy. However, energy in the equation does not appear as a scalar quantity, but is considered an operator that can be applied to a specific state.