Feminine ending ь. Gender of nouns ending in –b (soft consonant). Why sometimes a soft sign is not written after a hissing sign?

Mouse, thing, night, help, bake, quiet, wilderness, rye, lies, daughter, youth, speech.

2. Write down the sentences. Underline words with a soft sign (ь) after sibilants.

1. New Year comes at midnight. 2. In the wilderness there is silence. 3. The mouse hid behind the stove. 4. I have lost one important thing. 5. Our army is the power of the country. 6. I hope for your help. 7. Rye is ripening in the fields. 8. The daughter and son congratulated their parents on the holiday,


1. Write words with a soft sign (b) at the end in one column, without a soft sign (b) - in another.

Baby, knife, youth, ball, hoop, oven, borscht, bream, key, help, game, night, mouse, hut, siskin, watchman, cloak, thing, crying.

2. Listen to proverbs. Write words with a soft sign (ь) at the end.

1. He who is hungry for money does not sleep even at night. 2. If you have a penny, so will there be rye. 3. If a dog misses the game, then there is no point in blaming it on the stump. 4. A wolf is not a friend to a sheep, a prince is not a friend to a poor man.


Underline nouns with a soft sign (ь) after sibilants at the end.


Someone in your family is seriously ill. Urgently dial number 03. An ambulance will arrive in a few minutes. An experienced doctor will give an injection and give medicine to the patient. There is a fire in the house. Call 01. A fire truck will put out the fire. When calling the police, call 02.


Two comrades were walking through the forest. Suddenly a bear came out of the bushes. One man got scared and started running. He climbed a tree and trembled with fear. His comrade did not have time to hide. Help was far away. He fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. The bear wandered next to him and went into the forest. This is how a friend is found in trouble.


Night cast a black cloak over the old park. No one has walked along its overgrown paths for a long time. The heavy gate was covered with thick ivy. A narrow path leads to the ancient castle. The brick is cracked. The door was askew. Silence and silence. And before there were balls here, young people had fun.


The warm May sun warmed the earth. The trees were covered with thick foliage. Their heavy crowns are swayed by the wind. It spreads a fragrant aroma throughout the forest. This delicate lily of the valley raised its white heads above a carpet of succulent and shiny leaves. A ray of sun breaks through the branches of an old linden tree. Droplets of morning dew burn like a cheerful fire on the lilies of the valley.

The purpose of critical thinking is to develop students' thinking skills needed not only in school but also in life.
The lesson built using this technology is based on the following stages: evocation (challenge), implementation (comprehension), reflection.
At the stage of evocation, the teacher is faced with the task of “evoking” existing knowledge or creating associations on the issue being studied, as well as activating and getting students interested.
At the stage of comprehension, one works with information, searches for answers, and realizes the meaning of what is being studied. Using the methods and techniques of this technology allows you to keep students active and make the work meaningful.

Goals and objectives:

  • Introduce the rules for writing a soft sign after hissing feminine nouns at the end and the spelling of nouns male with hissing at the end;
  • Improve the ability to recognize nouns by gender;
  • Check the formation of the concepts “Soft sign indicates the softness of a consonant in writing”, “Dividing soft sign”.
  • Develop thinking, attention;
  • Cultivate a love for the Russian language.

Stage 1. Organizing time

To succeed in Russian, you must not only know it, but also be able to do it.
Apply the acquired knowledge in lessons.
Actively think and reason.
Draw conclusions and generalize.
This is the guarantee of a “five” rating.

Stage 2. Evocation - a call to action

A) Brainstorming.


This letter is a tricky sign.
There is no way to say it.
It won't wear out
But the word is often asked. (b)

– In Russian, the soft sign is used in three cases.

– What two functions do you know that a soft sign performs in a word?
– These are “phonemic” rules, since in these cases phonemes (sounds) are commanded by the letter “b”.

Stage 3. Realization of Meaning – search for answers, awareness of meaning

A) DRTA - directed reading or reading with stops

– What is the third case of using a soft sign?
- A fairy tale will help us with this. By the end of the work, you should find out what else the soft sign is used for.

(Each student is given the text of the fairy tale).

Soft sign at the end of feminine nouns

Once upon a time there were three genders: Male, Female and neuter. One day the middle family heard an argument. Masculine and Feminine were arguing. They could not divide the soft sign after the hissing consonants zh, ch, shch, sh. And then the Middle Genus proposed to resolve the dispute. He said: “Men are knights! Give way to the feminine gender.” The fight ended peacefully. The knights gave in to the feminine gender as a soft sign. Since then, in feminine nouns singular at the end after sibilants a soft sign is written, and at the end of masculine nouns it is absent.

B) Working with multi-level issues, while simultaneously creating a cluster.

– Name the main characters of the fairy tale. (Masculine, Feminine, Neuter)
– What caused the dispute? (They couldn’t divide the soft sign after sibilant consonants).
– Who couldn’t share a soft sign? (Masculine and Feminine).
- How did the dispute end? (Given the soft sign to the feminine gender).
– Why did the fairy tale end this way?
– Could the dispute have ended differently?

– Formulate your own conclusion.

Conclusion: At the end of feminine nouns, after the hissing letters, a soft sign is written.

B) Learning the rules

- Let's go back to the “sun”. What is the third case of using a soft sign in Russian?
– The soft sign indicates the gender of nouns ending in sibilants sh, shch, h, zh. This is a “non-phonemic” rule, because in this case the soft sign does not indicate the softness of the previous consonant. It performs a completely different function.

those. indicates that the word with a sibilant at the end is feminine. This is the third case of using a soft sign in Russian.

Stage 4. Reflection – stage of reflection, reflection

A) “Tree of Wisdom”

– Let’s turn to the “Tree of Wisdom”. Explain the spelling of nouns using the spelling pattern being studied, justify where a soft sign is needed and where we will not put it . (There is a drawing of a tree on the board, with the words attached to it: droch..., speech..., cloak..., doctor..., borscht..., game..., lily of the valley..., birth... Children go to the board, take off the word they like and explain the spelling of the spelling)

B) Compiling a crossword puzzle

– If you compose the crossword correctly, then in the highlighted cells you can read the answer to the riddle: “The black cow overcame the whole world.” (Hints in the picture).

Children receive a crossword puzzle and solve it themselves.(Picture 1)

1. Walks along the loaf, cutting it.
2. Duck in the sea, tail on the fence.
3. In winter it eats firewood and sleeps in summer.
4. Small, but not cute to anyone.
Peer review and self-assessment.

– Raise your hand if you haven’t made a single mistake.
- Now raise your hand who made one mistake.
– Explain the spelling of words with a soft sign in the words of the crossword puzzle.

IN) Creative work(Work in groups).

– Using words with a new spelling, i.e. using masculine and female gender with hissing words at the end, compose a dictation - a parody or “nonsense”.

At the end of the work, several groups read out the resulting stories.

D) Work in pairs of constant composition

– In each column of this table, all words must be either with a soft sign or without a soft sign. Determine in which columns the words are distributed correctly. Why?
– Correct any errors in the columns

Stage 5. Bottom line

– What new case of using a soft sign have you encountered today? (Soft sign is an indicator of the grammatical form of a word)
– What is the role of the soft sign? (Indicates the feminine gender of nouns with a sibilant at the end)
– On what basis can we combine these words into one group? (third declension nouns)


Forum archive

How is the gender of nouns determined? Are there certain rules here? I didn't find anything on the Internet.

The rules are needed for a person studying Russian as a foreign language, so you cannot rely on linguistic logic.

Previously, genders were determined, it seems, by endings:

The feminine one is most often “-a”. I don’t remember any exceptions, except perhaps the “Inca Indian” or the Japanese “katana” sword, but these are aliens who do not kill the base.

The neuter gender is predominantly on “-o”, less often on “-e” (meringue, fillet).

With men's, as it should be, a complete mess. Any consonants at the end + soft sign (“horse-fire”)

I don’t understand - only the “Inca Indian” is born, and the “father” with “father” and “uncle” are born, and the “banner” with the “flame” is there too?

There are no rules. If you try to create any, there will be half a language of exceptions. So, in any case, you need to turn on the memory card and rely only on it.

We learn French - we memorize it. And here you will have to mainly remember.
Gradually, some instinct will arise, but it will also fail.
Why is it that the “mouse” is female, but the “march” is male, no one can come up with rules for him.

The topic is overwhelming. Brief, incomplete and somewhat inaccurate, but I’ll try.

We are not considering proper names here, this is generally a nightmare, a complete nightmare for a foreigner.

Bigeneric (m and f) are almost always possible in relation to persons: our doctor and our doctor, our elder and our elder.

Those ending in a hard consonant are all masculine, I remember the exceptions. This also includes those ending in hissing, which do not have a soft sign in the letter.

Those ending in -a, -ya are inanimate - all feminine. Exceptions are the rarest magnifying forms of the “domina” type, the gender of which varies.

Animated with -a, -ya - can be masculine but almost exclusively related to people: headman, governor, servant. IN modern language they usually also take a double gender: our elder and our elder (servant - always male).

Ending in O and E, except for some borrowed ones (coffee, coat) - neuter.

Borrowed words in I (such as “ivasi”) can be of any gender, usually determined by a generic word.

the combination in writing “hissing + ь” is feminine.

Finally, the rest ending in b can be M and Zh. You need to look it up in the dictionary. There are some rules, but they are not absolute and are poorly understood by foreigners.
There are not many masculine genders among them, but they exist, especially in words in
-spruce and -ar. But at the same time, gimp, flute, cinnabar, etc. - female.

To determine the genus of a hare, you need to watch how it runs. If it ran, it was a hare; if it ran, it was a hare.

Is it a feminine word with a soft sign at the end or a zero ending?

The soft sign is not an ending. Simply for the reason that it does not denote sound.

Feminine words with zero endings are a dime a dozen in the Russian language. These are words of the third declension. They all end with a soft sign. These words include: night, daughter, oven, flow, speech, midnight, mouse, quiet, wilderness, rye, lie, steppe, bittern, swamp, mucus, ligature, connection, dirt, ointment, shipyard, swell, abyss, shot , copper, notebook, horse, mother, bone, sadness, revenge, flattery, honor, suit, mouth, part, arrogance, heresy, axle, lynx, salt, moth, role, pain, need, steel, veil, shawl, trill , drill, distance, sadness, stranded, spruce, autumn, shadow, laziness, tribute, liver, door, illness, expanse, blood, love, mother-in-law, carrots, new, death, memory, thread, conscience, valor, honesty, fidelity , eternity, importance, speed, envy. and many others.

Words ending in the soft sign “ь” are feminine nouns, in the nominative case, of the third declension.

It is believed that these nouns have no ending, or otherwise have a zero ending

There are a lot of such nouns in the Russian language, for example:

night, spruce, mother, square, horse, speech, salt, mouse, lilac, role, blizzard and many others.

with a soft sign horse, cradle, thing, oven, flow, salt, moth, roofing felt, role, pain, distance, lie, life, stranded, revenge, news, charm, flattery, wisdom, awn, axis, drill, flute, blizzard , dust.

they also appear with a zero ending, ь - the sign is not an ending

In Russian grammar, feminine nouns ending in the sibilant consonants sh, zh, shch, ch are traditionally written with a soft sign, in contrast to masculine words. Let's compare:

chalk h oh, woe h b, map h uh, crack h oh, rosco w b, veto w b, ple w b, bre w b, bro w blah, blah and b, ve sch b, mo sch b, help schь - feminine, third declension;

crumb, baby, strong, profit, hoop, circus performer, brick, vernissage, motorcade, ivy, borscht, tick - masculine, second declension.

For these nouns in the nominative case, the ending is an “invisible” morpheme and is called zero, since it is not expressed either in letters or sounds. But as soon as the word is changed by cases or numbers, the ending appears materially:

brooch_ - no brooch, I admire the brooch;

baby_ - no baby, I admire the baby, I take care of the baby.


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Website for children and their parents

Soft sign after sibilants in nouns

Let's look at the drawing. Why are these nouns distributed in different columns?

Please note that in the second column, nouns have a soft sign at the end after sibilants, while in the first there is no soft sign. Why?

In the first column all nouns are masculine, and in the second - feminine.

Soft sign after sizzling is written at the end of nouns feminine singular. This is a spelling.

So, let's determine whether it is necessary to write a soft sign at the end of the following nouns:

Trembling(?) (what?) n. w.r. – shiver

brooch(?) (what?) n. w.r. – brooch

rich man(?) (who?) n. m.r. – rich

knife(?) (what?) n. m.r. – knife

youth(?) (who?) n. and. R. – the youth

At the end of nouns male after sizzling soft sign not written.

The soft mark after sibilants at the end of some nouns can help identify the gender of that noun.

Mascara(f.r.) for writing

Thank you for being with us.

  1. Soft sign This article will focus on the soft sign. For what.
  2. Declension of adjectives Today we will talk about declension of adjectives. For those, who.
  3. Declension of nouns Changing a word by numbers and cases is called declension. In this one.
  4. Plural of nouns We continue to study nouns and the topic of this article is nouns.
  5. Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns of 3 declensions Let's continue the topic of declension of nouns. In previous articles we discussed.

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Gender of noun based on hissing (furnace - sword)

Why do some nouns end in a soft sign and others do not? Determine the gender of nouns with and without a soft sign.

knife, rye, sword, oven, mouse

Remember! Feminine nouns with a sibilant consonant have a soft sign at the end, but masculine nouns with a hissing consonant do not have a soft sign at the end.

(This work will be more interesting and effective if done in groups (by options, by rows).)

Midnight doctor. lily of the valley. smelly mighty because of the clouds. problem solving. extracted key. You're welcome. Xia, multiply you write. you drink. you're carrying. a lot of candles. from behind the groves. and pastures.

Absent-minded from Basseynaya Street, he dropped the “Primer” and all the soft signs spilled out of it. Help us collect them and put them in their places!

1. doctor. night owl. kalach speech rook. ; lie knife. born ; ladle. hush mouse march. shower. nonsense. (nonsense).

2. hut. oven bitter borsch. kalach mouse brochure pencil. knife. match. cry. key. daughter carcass cry. help baggage. hut.

Write these nouns in the singular, choosing appropriate adjectives for them. Don't forget to write a soft sign after the sibilant at the end of feminine nouns! Sample: Beautiful march.

Pencils, brooches, lilies of the valley, mice, knives, swifts, ruffs, stoves, doctors, kids, raincoats, nights, daughters, things, Easter cakes, keys, landscapes, rays, balls.

Examples of adjectives: precious, Easter, fragrant, field, prickly, violin, affectionate, sunny, colorful, swift-winged, hot, thick-cheeked, starry, sharp, childish, waterproof, football, useful, forest.

For these words, select nouns with the same root with a sibilant at the end. Don't forget to write a soft sign after the sibilant at the end of feminine nouns!
Example: Ball - ball.

Assistant - _______________________
Key - ____________________
Mousetrap - _____________________
Draftsman - ______________________
Daughter - _____________________
Thing - _________________________________
Brooch - ______________________
Circus - __________________________
Gatehouse - ____________________
Stove maker - _______________________
Violin - _______________________
Overnight — _______________________
Pipe - _________________________
Silence - _______________________
Yozhikha - _________________________________

After the hissing ones. We will set out for you the rules that say when you should not do this and when it is strictly necessary to do it.

These rules are based on what part of speech we are talking about, in what declension and in what part of the word.

Soft sign after hissing ones - setting rule

We put a soft sign:

  1. The soft sign after sibilants must be written in feminine nouns if they are singular in the nominative and

Example words: night, gap, daughter, lie, thing, baldness.

Example in a sentence: The queen gave birth that night to either a son or a daughter.

2. In verbs of the second person in the singular, subject to the present or future tense on endings after sibilants.

Example in a word: you will, you will become, you will cook, you will remember, you will believe, you will do.

Examples in sentences: If you know, if you believe, then you will be with me and will not soon stop loving me.

- xia, the soft sign is preserved. Example: you return, you strain, you intend.

3. In singular verbs, in endings after sibilants.

Example in a word: Cut! Eat it! Hide it!

Addition: If you add an ending to these verbs - xia, the soft sign is preserved. Hide! Don't be foolish!

Examples in sentences: Vadik, don’t fool around and hide!

4. In verbs that are in the imperative mood before endings - those, - those.

Example: smear - smear - smear.

Example in a sentence: Children! Do not Cry!

5. In verbs of the indefinite person, including before the ending -xia.

Example words: oven - bake, lie down - lie down.

Example in a sentence: These rivers take a long time to flow.

6. In adverbs it is necessary to enter a soft sign after the hissing ones at the end of the word.

Example: All at once, at a gallop, backhand, wide open.

Example in a sentence: He let his horse gallop, and backhanded the air with his sword.

Exceptions: I can’t bear to get married.

7. In particles with hissing endings: I mean, you see, you see, only.

Example words: I mean, just.

In a sentence: What a hooligan!

Why is it sometimes that a soft sign is not written after a hissing character?

No need to write:

  1. In nominative case nouns.

Example: rook, kalach, stag, bream, knife.

Offer: A swift flew up to our window.

2. In nouns located in plural and genitive case.

Example: clouds, steep, shoulders, Grisha, between, puddles.

Example sentences: Unfortunately, no pears were served for breakfast today.

3. In short form.

Example: powerful, hot, good, volatile, melodious, handsome.

Offer: He was both good-hearted and handsome...

4. In pronouns with a sibilant at the end.

Examples: yours, ours.

Considering the above, the spelling of a soft sign after a sibilant differs depending on many factors - part of speech, declension, number, as well as the presence of exceptions to the rules.

Primary school teachers give their students rhyming versions of the rules - for easier memorization.

Rules in verse!

Nouns "many"

Nouns "my" -

We are not putting up any sign!

In verbs and adverbs

The sign is always written

And in short adjectives

We never write!

A fairy tale about a soft sign

Once upon a time in the alphabet garden there lived a very strange letter - a letter that once lost its sound. And the name of this letter was - Soft Sign was very friendly with many letters, so he decided that he could take a place after the hissing ones. L approached the feminine nouns and politely said:

“My night, thing and face,
My daughter, stove, brooch,
My dear, beautiful ones,
Do you need my help,

Kind feminine nouns with letters touched H(che), SCH(share), AND(same), Sh(sha) at the end of the word and agreed to be friends with Soft Sign .

Explain why you need to write a soft sign (b) in these words?

Pay attention to what kind of nouns these are. These nouns are feminine. So we will write a soft sign (b).

But the fairy tale did not end there. Read (listen) further.

B was delighted. He ran to masculine nouns, which also end in hissing sounds, and shouted:

But masculine nouns did not want to lose their strength and strength of character. They told b:

“Please, do you hear, never, ever bother us!”

Name the words with a sibilant at the end. Is a soft sign (b) needed here?

Explain why the soft sign (b) is not needed when writing these words.

(f.r.) for writing
Play carcass(m.r.)

Determine whether it is necessary to write a soft sign at the end of the following nouns:


Look and remember!

Read the writing instructions carefully soft sign (b) in nouns with a sibilant at the end.

Determine which word is the odd one out in each line.

Check if you identified the extra words correctly. Check yourself .

Read the proverbs. Explain their meaning. Explain the spelling of nouns with a sibilant at the end.

Lies do not make a person beautiful.
A smart friend is half the road.
Every thing is good in its place.
To lead a speech is not to weave bast shoes.

Replace (orally) the phrases with one word with a sibilant at the end. Say this word and explain whether you need to put a soft sign at the end of this word.

Football competition.
A person who treats the sick.
Small money.
Part of the day from evening to morning.
Young people.
Waterproof, lightweight clothing against rain.
Black bird, the herald of the coming spring.
The item that Emelya rode.
Close friend, friend.

Explain to the teacher (maybe in the video room) or to an adult.

Check if you completed the task correctly. Check yourself .

Read the poem.

Learn this poem by heart. Tell it to an adult or teacher (maybe in the video room).

Read the proverb. Explain to adults or a teacher (maybe in the video room) why the word “lie” is written with a soft sign.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

Look carefully at the poster.

Repeat when you need to write b in nouns with a sibilant at the end.