The meaning of the word action in the explanatory dictionary. Action meaning. See the meaning of action in other dictionaries

ACTION, -i, cf. 1. Manifestation of some kind. energy, activity, as well as the force itself, activity, functioning of something. The machine is in action. Extend the contract. The law has no retroactive effect. Bring to d. 2. Result of manifestation activity of something., influence, influence. The warning had no effect. The medicine had its effect 3. usually plural. Actions, behavior. Unauthorized actions. Illegal actions. 4. The events we are talking about. D. takes place in the 15th century. 5. Part of a dramatic work. Comedy in three acts. 6. Main view mathematical calculation. Four operations of arithmetic. * Military operations - war, combat operations. Under the influence of what, meaning. prepositions with gender n. - the same as under the influence of something. Crime under the influence of alcohol.

View value ACTION in other dictionaries

Action 1- action
Synonym dictionary

Act 2- Act
Synonym dictionary

Action- actions, cf. 1. Manifestation of some kind. energy, activity detection. equals counteraction. 2. only units. Work, state of the acting. Start the machine.........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Action Wed.— 1. Manifestation of smb. energy, detection of smb. activities. 2. Work, functioning, state of the actor. 3. Possession acting force, stay in force.........
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Action- -I; Wed
1. Activity. Guide to action. // plural: actions, -ii. Actions, behavior. Unauthorized actions.
2. Work, functioning (machine, mechanism, various........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Action Political- - the act of an individual or the action of a social group, the direction of either strengthening or destruction political system, its institutions.
Political dictionary

Political Action- (POLITICAL ACTION) - any observable, overt behavior demonstrated (conducted) within the framework of a political system by an individual or social group. can represent.......
Political dictionary

Agent With the Power to Put Policies into Action— In insurance
authorized by the insurer to enter into
insurance action
policies after they are issued.
Economic dictionary

Entering into Action— - the beginning of economic, production use, use of newly built, created construction projects, fixed assets.
Economic dictionary

Commissioning of Powers— - an indicator of capacity (productivity, capacity, throughput, area, length, etc.) created as a result of capital investments........
Economic dictionary

Commissioning of Fixed Assets— - final construction
commissioning by contractors together with customers of completed fixed assets
construction, reconstruction,........
Economic dictionary

Action— A type of legal
the will of the person with whom the norms
rights bind the occurrence of legal consequences (emergence,
Economic dictionary

Economic dictionary

Action In Support— AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Special effort of the employer, educational institution or other organization aimed at correcting past discriminatory admissions practices........
Economic dictionary

Effect of the Law- - mandatory performance
law for a certain time (DZ in time), in a certain territory (DZ in space) and in relation to a specific
Economic dictionary

Action, Deed, Action— ACTIONThe term has the following meanings1. In the securities markets - an indicator of transactions with security in terms of sales volume and its exchange rate trend.2. In law - a claim. Causes........
Economic dictionary

Action tantamount to Bankruptcy— ACT OF BANKRUPTCYSee. BANKRUPTCY
Economic dictionary

Endorsement for a Legal Action Against a Thing— In insurance of ocean and sea transportation: endorsement to a marine insurance policy, providing additional insurance protection in case of claims......
Economic dictionary

Fraudulent Action— SWINDLEAn action aimed at deliberately deceiving another person. Often associated with an operation in which one party receives goods for the purpose of appropriating them using false documents.........
Economic dictionary

Direct Effect of the Constitution— - one of the properties of the constitution as a special legal document. It means that if this or that norm of the constitution does not have an explicit reference or blanket........
Economic dictionary

Wrongful Act— In legal practice and professional liability insurance: illegal or unethical behavior; committing an offense that goes beyond simple negligence.
Economic dictionary

Rational Decision (action)- thoughtful, balanced
decision made based on
selection, comparison of options and
taking into account many factors; profitable expedient solution.
Economic dictionary

Insurance Protection Trigger (launching the Insurance Protection Mechanism)— In insurance
operations and liability insurance:
accident or insurance
event or
statement of claim, which are the moment of launch........
Economic dictionary

Fraudulent Preference (illegal Preference; Action Directed in favor of One of the Creditors- Paying money to a company's creditor or otherwise improving his position while the company is unable to pay its debts. If this happens.......
Economic dictionary

See Reason; quantum of action - see Quantum theory. The “principle of least action” states that of all the mechanical movements that a system of bodies, bound by certain limiting conditions, can perform, that movement occurs when... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

action- purposeful activity, implemented externally or internally; unit of activity. IN domestic psychology ideas about D. as a specific unit human activity introduced by S. L. Rubinstein and A. N. Leontyev.... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

A term that has several meanings. Used as a synonym for the term “act” (see). Denotes the action of the hero of the work, which characterizes and reveals his strong-willed orientation (dramatic device). It is one of the links in the chain... ... Literary encyclopedia

ACTION, actions, cf. 1. Manifestation of some kind of energy, detection of activity. Action equals reaction. 2. only units. Work, state of the acting. Start the machine. This machine was in action just yesterday. 3. only units... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Action is an ambiguous word that can mean: Wiktionary has an entry for “action” The act of activity. Group action (in mathematics) Action (physics) Actions (acts) ... Wikipedia

Act, feat, deed, trick, step, maneuver, manipulation, machination, operation, procedure, process, act, doing, deed, dressing, manufacturing, execution, implementation, implementation, production, fabrication. Impression, effect. A move against... ... Synonym dictionary

Action- Action ♦ Action The result of the manifestation of will. Will without result is not action, just like result without will. To act means to do what you want and to be free to do so. From whom does the desire to act come? From the heart. Who is acting? ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

1) a completed part of a performance, a play (the same as an act). 2) In drama and epic, the development of events that forms the basis, the flesh of the plot (plot). 3) In the theater, the main means of embodying the stage image ...

A physical quantity that has the dimension of the product of energy and time. If we consider a certain set of possible movements of a mechanical system between its two positions, then its true (actually occurring) movement will differ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

The process of interaction with any object in which a certain, predetermined goal is achieved. The structure of action can be divided into the following components: 1. Decision making; 2. Implementation; 3. Control and correction. At… … Psychological Dictionary


  • The effect of a constant magnetic field on plants, Novitsky Yu., Novitskaya G.. "The effect of a constant magnetic field on plants." The monograph is devoted to the study of the effect of permanent magnetic fields (PMF) on plants. Physical, physiological and…
  • Action. Excerpts from conversations and books 1933-1967. , Krishnamurti Jiddu. Jiddu Krishnamurti is one of the most prominent spiritual teachers of the 20th century, a man who abandoned the role of the messiah out of love for truth, which he called “a country without roads.” The book presents...


deist- DEIST [de], -a, m. Follower of deism.


effectiveness- EFFECTIVE, -aya, -oe; -ven, -venna. Capable of influencing, active. An effective remedy.


EFFECTIVE- EFFECTIVE, -aya, -oe; -ven, -venna. Capable of influencing, active. An effective remedy.

*| noun effectiveness, -i, female



1. Manifestation of some kind. energy, activity, as well as the force itself, activity, functioning of something. The machine is in action. Extend the contract. The law has no retroactive effect. Bring to the village

2. The result of the manifestation of something’s activity, influence, influence. The warning had no effect. The medicine had its effect.

3. usually plural. Actions, behavior. Unauthorized actions. Illegal actions.

4. The events we are talking about. D. takes place in the 15th century.

5. Part of a dramatic work. Comedy in three acts.

6. The main type of mathematical calculation. Four operations of arithmetic.

Hostilities war, combat operations.

Under the influence what, in meaning prepositions with gender same as under the influence of what. Crime under the influence of alcohol.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary - (Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. 1949-1992.)


is logically opposed to the passive state (πνοει˜ν and πάσχειν in Aristotle’s categories), also to the indifferent state (as movement is to rest). Psychologically, the concept of D. is based on the consciousness of internal effort successfully directed towards a known goal. Those changes, both in our own body and in outside world, which are caused by such an effort, we recognize as our D. Analogously generalizing this concept (the movements of other living beings serve as an intermediary link), we see in all observed changes the D. of forces similar to our conscious will. The debate about the validity of such a view is very important for epistemology and metaphysics; see Force, Causality. About D. in the sense of the fullness of being or internal self-determination (Aristotle’s Ένέργεια, actus, actus puras schol...


an element of activity, voluntary or intentional mediated activity aimed at achieving a perceived goal. D. can turn into an operation if a repeatedly achieved goal, steadily associated with the method of achieving it, ceases to be recognized due to automation of D. and turns out to be in the structure of activity a condition for the fulfillment of another D. The concept of D. is an essential element of a number of categorical concepts of criminology, such, for example. , as an investigative action, a method of committing and concealing a crime, a tactical combination, etc.

Forensic encyclopedia. - M.: Megatron XXI Belkin R.S.

Action `Literary Encyclopedia`

ACTION is a term that has several meanings. Used as a synonym for the term "act". Denotes the action of the hero of the work, which characterizes and reveals his strong-willed orientation (dramatic device). It is one of the links in the chain of events called the plot of the work. And finally, by action we mean the dynamics of the work. Lessing argued that if the area of ​​painting is bodies and the spatial relationships between them, then the subject of poetry is action located in a temporal sequence. It is usually customary to define drama as the image of a person in D. Aristotle called D. the soul of tragedy. But D. is obliged to any piece of art its semblance of life, the illusion of reality. Reproducing life, the world, a work of art reproduces them not in finished form, but in the process of their formation, for “the world does not consist of ready-made objects, but is a set of processes in which objects that seem unchangeable are equally...

actions, cf. 1. Manifestation of some kind. energy, activity detection. Action equals reaction. 2. only units. Work, state of the acting. Start the machine. This machine was in action just yesterday. 3. only units. Possessing active power, remaining in force (book official). The agreement remains valid for 5 years. The law has no retroactive effect. 4. only units. Impact, influence. The destructive effect of acid on tissue. The beneficial effect of the sun on the body. Under the influence of sunlight. || Impression. The actor's performance had a strong effect on the audience. 5. more often plural. Action, behavior. His actions were not approved. 6. only units. Events recounted in a narrative or theatrical play. The action takes place in Moscow in the 20s. || The development of events in a literary work. There is little action in the play. 7. One of the main parts in the structure of a dramatic work, an act. A tragedy in five acts. 8. Basic mathematical operation (mat.). Chet...



cm. Cause; quantum of action - see Quantum theory. The “principle of least action” states that of all the mechanical movements that a system of bodies, bound by certain limiting conditions, can perform, that movement is performed in which the resulting action is the smallest (see. Minimum).

Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary . 2010 .










by action




(Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”)


physical quantity, which has the dimension of energy over time. In classical mechanics, and throughout physics, we apply the so-called. “the principle of least action”, which postulates that from all possible movements of the system, under certain established restrictions, those movements are selected for which the resulting action is minimal.

Beginnings modern natural science. Thesaurus. - Rostov-on-Don V.N. Savchenko, V.P. Smagin 2006


E - Sanskrit. karma, lit., "deed", "action".

One of the most important doctrines of Buddhism and other Indian religions. origin (Hinduism, Jainism). According to the teachings of Buddhism, every action, which means any physical, verbal or mental. an act (deed, word, thought) brings a certain (positive, negative or neutral) result. It can be realized in this or in one of subsequent lives. Karmich. activity determines the birth of a living being in one of the six spheres of the phenomenal world - samsara (see Lunhui), the social status of a person, etc. The world as a whole is also the fruit of cumulative karmics. activities of all living beings. It is based on the original. affectivity, or “cloudness” (in min (2)), of consciousness, manifesting itself primarily in “ignorance” (i.e....


element of activity, the process of transition from one state to another, which is characterized by the presence of a conscious goal. The acquisition of automation by such a process, and consequently, the unconsciousness of its goal, turns the action into an operation.

Explanatory translation dictionary. - 3rd edition, revised. - M.: Flinta: Science L.L. Nelyubin 2003

(in psychology) (English action, performance) - an arbitrary act, action, process, subordinate to the idea of ​​a result, an image of the future, i.e. a process subordinate to a conscious (conscious) goal. In the terminology of L. A. Ukhtomsky, D. is a functional organ built during life, which has its own biodynamic, sensory and affective tissue. Like other functional organs of an individual, D. is a virtual mechanism, given to an external observer only in execution. The carrier of D. is able to play it internally, mentally perform D. before D., which is useful in difficult situations, because it minimizes possible mistakes. The formation of D. is preceded or occurs along with it by the formation of the image of the situation and the image of D., which must be fulfilled in it. When implementing D., the regulatory image is decomposed and D. is composed. The latter leads to a clarification of the image. This is possible because the biodynamic and sensual fabric of living movement, which is the building...

One of the forms of criminal law.

English action; German Handeln. L Purposeful, socially significant behavior. 2. According to M. Weber - human behavior, with which the acting individual associates a certain subjective meaning (motivation).



1. Activity. Guide to action. // plural: actions, -y. Actions, behavior. Unauthorized actions.

2. Work, functioning (of a machine, mechanism, various devices). D. fountain. Bring the car to the village. Delayed action mine. // Application, manifestation of smth. in practice, the implementation of its functions, its purpose. Introduce a new law into the country. Enter the decree in the village. Extend the contract.

3. Influence, influence. The beneficial effects of the sun on the body. Harmful high speed...

ACTION - 1) a completed part of a performance, play (the same as an act). 2) In drama and epic - the development of events that forms the basis, the “flesh” of the plot (plot). 3) In the theater, the main means of embodying the stage image.

physical a quantity that has the dimension of the product of energy and time and is one of the creatures. characteristics of the movement of the system. For mechanical D.'s system has the following. an important property: if we consider a certain set of possible movements of this system between its two positions, then the true (actually occurring) movement of the system will differ from these possible movements in that for it the value of D. yavl. least (see LEAST ACTION PRINCIPLE). This allows you to find the equation of mechanical motion. systems and study this movement.

Depending on the St. mechanical. system and the method used to study its motion, different expressions for the value of D are considered. If you introduce the so-called. Lagrange function L=T-P, where T and P are kinetic. and potential energy of the system, then the value

called action according to Hamilton for the time interval t -t0. It is included in the expression of the principle of least action in the form...

Wed 1) Manifestation of something. energy, detection of smb. activities. 2) Work, functioning, state of the actor. 3) Possessing active force, remaining in force. 4) a) Impact, influence. b) Impression. 5) a) Events depicted in literary, dramatic, etc. work. b) Development of events in literary, dramatic, etc. work. 6) a) One of the main parts in the structure of a dramatic work; Act. b) The finished part of the performance. 7) Common name a number of simple mathematical operations.


-I , Wed

1. Activity.

Marxism is not a dogma, but a guide to action.

The moment demanded --- actions, and the first action was the selection of the chief of the militia to defend St. Petersburg. Sergeev-Tsensky, Sevastopol Strada.

- We'll run the cable ---. We have an action plan. We will lay the cable at the same time as the oil pipeline. Azhaev, Far from Moscow.

|| pl. h. ( actions , -th ).

Actions, behavior.

Unauthorized actions.

Action `Modern explanatory dictionary`

Action a physical quantity that has the dimension of the product of energy and time. If we consider a certain set of possible movements of a mechanical system between its two positions, then its true (actually occurring) movement will differ from the possible ones in that for it the value of the movement is the smallest. This allows you to find the equation of motion of a mechanical system and study this motion.


Act, feat, deed, trick, step, maneuver, manipulation, machination, operation, procedure, process, act, doing, deed, dressing, manufacturing, execution, implementation, implementation, production, fabrication.

Impression, effect. A trick against me. A risky move. ..

Wed. influence. See influence, cause, work

take action, course of action, insult by action, insult by action...

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. - under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999


- English action; German Handeln. L Purposeful, socially significant behavior. 2. According to M. Weber - human behavior, with which the acting individual associates a certain subjective meaning (motivation).

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009


Functionality expressed definite integral from the function, the stationary values ​​of which determine the actual movement of the mechanical. systems under the influence of given active forces in the class of kinematically possible movements that satisfy certain conditions between certain two end positions P 0 And P 1 in space.

D. is distinguished according to Hamilton, Lagrange and Jacobi. appearing in the corresponding principles of stationary action.

  1. ACTION - Phys. a quantity that has the dimension of the product of energy and time and is one of the creatures. characteristics of the movement of the system. For mechanical D.'s system has the following. Physical encyclopedic dictionary
  2. Action - Logically opposed to the passive state (πνοει˜ν and πάσχειν in Aristotle’s categories), also to the indifferent state (as movement is to rest). Psychologically, the concept... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  3. Action - An element of activity, voluntary or intentional mediated activity aimed at achieving a perceived goal. Forensic Encyclopedia
  4. action - ACTION, actions, cf. 1. Manifestation of some energy, detection of activity. Action equals reaction. 2. only units. Work, state of the acting. Start the machine. This machine was in action just yesterday. 3. only units. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  5. action - See act Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  6. action - noun, p., used. very often (not) what? actions, what? action, (see) what? action, what? action, about what? about action; pl. What? actions, (no) what? action, what? actions, (see) what? actions, what? actions, about what? about actions... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
  7. Action - I Action is a physical quantity that has the dimension of the product of energy and time and is one of the essential characteristics of the movement of a system. For mechanical system... Big Soviet encyclopedia
  8. action - spelling action, -I orthographic dictionary Lopatina
  9. ACTION - ACTION - English. action; German Handeln. L Purposeful, socially significant behavior. 2. According to M. Weber - human behavior, with which the acting individual associates a certain subjective meaning (motivation). Sociological Dictionary
  10. action - amazing ~ strong ~ Dictionary of Russian Idioms
  11. action - ACTION -I; Wed 1. Activity. Guide to action. // plural: actions, -ii. Actions, behavior. Unauthorized actions. 2. Work, functioning (of a machine, mechanism, various devices). D. fountain. Drive the car to the village of Delayed Action Mine. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  12. action - noun, number of synonyms... Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  13. Action - A functional expressed by a definite integral of a function, the stationary values ​​of which determine the actual motion of the mechanical action. Mathematical Encyclopedia
  14. Action - ACTION is a term that has several meanings. Used as a synonym for the term “act” (see). Denotes the action of the hero of the work, which characterizes and reveals his strong-willed orientation (dramatic device). Literary encyclopedia
  15. action - An element of activity, the process of transition from one state to another, which is characterized by the presence of a conscious goal. The acquisition of automation by such a process, and consequently, the unconsciousness of its goal, turns the action into an operation. Explanatory translation dictionary
  16. action - Action/st/i/e [y/e]. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  17. action - ACTION Continuous execution of interrelated technical techniques (two or more) aimed at solving a specific motor task in a specific situation. - action of the second intention. Dictionary of sports terms
  18. action - ACTION - INACTION And he reproached himself for inaction, although he did not know what the action should actually consist of. Chekhov. Neighbours. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language
  19. action - action I cf. 1. Manifestation of any energy, detection of any activity; the main component of the activity act. 2. The work, functioning, or effect of who or what acts. 3. Possessing active force, remaining in force. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  20. ACTION - ACTION is a physical quantity that has the dimension of the product of energy and time. If we consider a certain set of possible movements of a mechanical system between its two positions... Large encyclopedic dictionary
  21. Action - An arbitrary act aimed at achieving a conscious goal; structural unit of activity. In Russian psychology, the idea of ​​D. as a specific unit of activity was introduced by S.L. Rubinstein and A.N. Leontyev. Pedagogical terminological dictionary
  22. - in ancient rhetoric: rules for delivering a speech in front of an audience, intonation techniques and voice production, facial expressions, gestures, stage movement. Dictionary linguistic terms Foal
  23. action - Deed, feat, deed, trick, step, maneuver, manipulation, machination, operation, procedure, process, act, making, deed, dressing, manufacturing, execution, implementation, implementation, production, fabrication Impression... Abramov's dictionary of synonyms