The meaning of the word "mind" "Reason and Feelings". Interpretation of the concepts Reason and feelings are one

People are guided by different impulses. Sometimes they are controlled by sympathy, a warm attitude, and they forget about the voice of reason. Humanity can be divided into two halves. Some constantly analyze their behavior; they are used to thinking through every step. Such individuals are practically impossible to deceive. However, it is extremely difficult for them to arrange their personal life. Because from the moment they meet a potential soul mate, they begin to look for benefits and try to derive a formula for ideal compatibility. Therefore, noticing such a mentality, those around them move away from them.

Others are completely susceptible to the call of the senses. When falling in love, it is difficult to notice even the most obvious realities. Therefore, they are often deceived and suffer greatly from this.

The complexity of relationships between representatives of different sexes is that different stages In relationships, men and women use too much of a reasonable approach or, on the contrary, trust the choice of behavior to the heart.

The presence of fiery feelings, of course, distinguishes humanity from the animal world, but without iron logic and some calculation it is impossible to build a cloudless future.

There are many examples of people suffering because of their feelings. They are vividly described in Russian and world literature. As an example, we can choose Leo Tolstoy’s work “Anna Karenina”. If the main character had not fallen in love recklessly, but had trusted the voice of reason, she would have remained alive, and the children would not have had to experience the death of their mother.

Both reason and feelings must be present in consciousness in approximately equal proportions, then there is a chance for absolute happiness. Therefore, in some situations one should not refuse the wise advice of older and more intelligent mentors and relatives. There is a popular wisdom: “A smart person learns from the mistakes of others, and a fool learns from his own.” If you draw the correct conclusion from this expression, you can pacify the impulses of your feelings in some cases, which can have a detrimental effect on your fate.

Although sometimes it is very difficult to make an effort on yourself. Especially if sympathy for a person overwhelms. Some feats and self-sacrifices were performed out of great love for faith, country, and one’s own duty. If the armies used only cold calculation, they would hardly raise their banners above the conquered heights. It is not known how the Great Great War would have ended Patriotic War, if not for the love of the Russian people for their land, family and friends.

Essay option 2

Reason or feelings? Or maybe something else? Can reason be combined with feelings? Every person asks himself this question. When you are faced with two opposites, one side shouts, choose reason, the other shouts that without feelings you can’t get anywhere. And you don’t know where to go and what to choose.

The mind is a necessary thing in life, thanks to it we can think about the future, make our plans and achieve our goals. Thanks to our mind we become more successful, but it is our feelings that make us human. Feelings are not inherent to everyone and they can be different, both positive and negative, but they are the ones that make us do unimaginable things.

Sometimes, thanks to feelings, people perform such unrealistic actions that they had to achieve this with the help of reason for years. So what should you choose? Everyone chooses for themselves; by choosing the mind, a person will follow one path and, perhaps, will be happy; by choosing feelings, a person is promised a completely different path. No one can predict in advance whether the chosen path will be good for him or not; we can only draw conclusions at the end. As for the question whether reason and feelings can cooperate with each other, I think they can. People can love each other, but understand that in order to start a family, they need money, and for this they need to work or study. In this case, reason and feelings work together.

I think the two only start to work together when you grow up. While a person is small, he has to choose between two roads, little man It is very difficult to find points of contact between reason and feeling. Thus, a person always faces a choice, every day he has to fight with it, because sometimes the mind is able to help in a difficult situation, and sometimes the feelings pull out of a situation where the mind would be powerless.

Short essay

Many people believe that reason and feelings are two things that are completely incompatible with each other. But as for me, these are two parts of one whole. There are no feelings without reason and vice versa. We think about everything we feel, and sometimes when we think, feelings appear. These are two parts that create an idyll. If at least one of the components is missing, then all actions will be in vain.

For example, when people fall in love, they must include their mind, since it is he who can evaluate the entire situation and tell the person whether he made the right choice.

The mind helps not to make mistakes in serious situations, and feelings are sometimes able to intuitively suggest the right path, even if it seems unrealistic. Mastering two components of one whole is not as simple as it sounds. On life path You will have to face considerable difficulties until you learn to control and find the right edge of these components. Of course, life is not perfect and sometimes you need to turn off one thing.

You can't keep balance all the time. Sometimes you need to trust your feelings and take a leap forward; this will be an opportunity to feel life in all its colors, regardless of whether the choice is the right one or not.

Essay on the topic Reason and feelings with arguments.

Final essay on literature grade 11.

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How do the mind and feelings influence a person's actions? I think this influence depends on the people. Some people are inspired by feelings to great achievements, while others are doomed to suffering or dishonor. Reason also does not always play a positive role in human life: it can save those who rely on it, as well as destroy. We ourselves are responsible for the choice that determines the direction of our forces and thoughts. Not only intelligence and sensitivity are turned into evil, but also all other internal resources. However, if a person does good, he is unlikely to be led astray by his head and heart.

As an example from literature, I can cite Karamzin’s work “Poor Liza.” The main character fell in love with a handsome young man and, in a fit of feelings, gave herself up to him, forgetting about decency and rational considerations. Erast took this sacrifice for granted and did not want to marry. The girl committed suicide, forgetting about her sick mother and her duty towards her. Lisa was guided only by feelings, no doubt beautiful and sublime, but how did she behave, what did she strive for? The heroine was frivolous, did not think about the future, otherwise she would not have lost her virginity before the wedding. No one in their right mind would marry such a girl, and Lisa knew this. Her action was aimed at satisfying a momentary desire to escape from worries and nothing more. Such a person will trivialize any feeling. Her chosen one, by the way, serves as an example of how reason can be used for evil. The hero's intelligence was replaced by cunning; he fell so low that he could only think in terms of calculation and profit, like Gobseck from Balzac's novel of the same name. It would seem that he was guided not by some capricious feelings, but by reason, as befits a man, but this is how he disposed of this wealth: he entered into marriage for the sake of profit.

However, positive examples can be cited to support my thesis. In Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?” the main character initially wanted to develop and become better, smarter and more experienced. Reason told her to follow Lopukhov when he suggested escape. She listened and did not stray from the intended course, despite the temptations and life difficulties. Even when Vera fell in love with her husband's best friend, she did not dare to go against reason. Her action could separate them forever. The woman resigned herself and did not destroy the usual way of things. After Lopukhov’s disappearance, the heroine succumbed to attraction and entered into another marriage, this time for love. Her feelings for her husband did not dislodge efficiency and the desire to benefit society from her mind. She devoted all her energy to creating a sewing workshop in order to help other women get a decent job. It is obvious that Vera was alternately guided by reason and feelings, but all governing bodies invariably led her to success, since she was a focused and virtuous person.

So how do the mind and feelings influence a person’s actions? In my opinion, their influence is not so important; it is clearly overestimated. Actions depend on the character of the individual, the totality of life circumstances and the social structure. Reason and feelings are too simple explanations that cannot absorb all the diversity of the surrounding world and reveal inner world person. Scientists have been doing this for centuries. What matters is not so much what we are guided by, but who we are, what emotions and thoughts drive us, what we want to get in the end, and where it all happens. Only by taking into account all this data can we understand why we committed this or that action, since they all influence it.

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Feeling is the life of the body. Feelings are alive and warm, and attention to feelings is always attention inward, attention to the living things that happen in our body. The life of the body is a feeling of internal warmth, these are bodily impulses and cravings of desire, I like it and want it, these are waves of moods and sound vibrations that turn into melody and dance. Life is movement, and feeling is the experience of body energy.

This energy can be saddled and you can ride on it, the energy of joy can be splashed in all directions from cheerful eyes, you can swim in the energy of the body, you can plunge and dive into it, it can overwhelm you, you can drown in it...

Feelings come from the sensations of the body, are attentive to the movements and needs of the body. Feeling is the body. This is an immersion in the life of the body.

But the mind is something else. Reason is the law of the world, the light of reason is strict and directed outward, into external world, to its structure and laws. The mind is occupied with laws: it is ready to obey them itself and considers it right that everything should obey them. The laws of the world can be discovered, found, grasped - and you can create, promote with your will, establish with your orders and instructions.

Reason is the ability to discover or establish the laws of the world.

If, under the influence of words, the energy of enthusiasm rose in a person (in the human body) (“We are ours, we new world Let’s build!”) or rage (“Let noble rage boil like a wave...”) and the man began to move - this was an appeal to feelings.

If, under the influence of words, a person stopped, turned on his head and, in the light of consciousness, began to better distinguish something, understand, lay out, justify, formulate rules and algorithms - this was an appeal to reason.

Life is fluid, cognition through feelings is not discrete, but rather analogue: sometimes cloudy, but voluminous, where everything is there at once. The feeling is multifaceted and multi-valued, it gravitates towards living images, close associations and deep metaphors.

The laws of the mind are strict, the mind uses discrete models: “yes” or “no”, the analysis must be clear, the conclusions must be unambiguous.

Knowledge is a cube, a cold unit of information, and feeling is a warm and beating wave... Knowledge builds itself in the light of consciousness, feeling splashes in the depths of the unconscious.

Feelings are the basis of reason, but reason cannot be reduced to feelings. The mind makes a decision on the basis of the data provided to the senses, and its decision can be either in line with what its senses tell it or contrary to what its senses prompt it to do. Reason and feelings can act in commonwealth and harmony, but the conflict between reason and feelings is familiar to almost everyone; this is the conflict between Want and Need, desires and Duty.

Some people prefer to live by their minds, others by their feelings. Children more often live by feelings, adult life assumes a greater role of reason, however, where people can choose their lifestyle independently, men are more often guided by reason, women by feelings.

As a means of knowledge, reason is many times more powerful than feelings, but one should not think that reason is always right. The collective mind is always smarter than the collective feeling, but a particular person’s feelings can be reasonable, but the mind can be crooked. When the mind is weak and feelings are strong, a phenomenon arises - a person mindlessly follows his feelings, but always finds a reasonable explanation for this.

It is best when the mind and feelings are friends and support each other. Harmony of reason and feelings is possible and necessary, while the specific structure of harmony consists not in the equality of reason and feelings, but in their hierarchy: the mind makes responsible decisions, and the feelings subordinate to it help it in this. It is very important that feelings provide subtle information about one’s own state or the state of another person, but it is equally important that feelings remain only a tool, and decisions are made by the head. All responsible decisions must be checked by reason.

It is curious that in the Russian mentality, reasonable expediency is practically synonymous with selfish, selfish behavior and is not held in high esteem, like something “American.” It is difficult for the average Russian citizen to imagine that one can act intelligently and consciously not only for oneself, but also for the sake of someone, therefore selfless actions are identified with actions “from the heart,” based on feelings, without the head.

A typical example: in the article “My Son is Twelve: Teaching Responsibility,” a smart dad wrote how he cultivates in his son the habit of thinking “why” he does this or that. Commentary on this article: “I can see an adult young man asking the question, why should I care about my parents, show respect to them, for what purpose? Now I am independent and I don’t need my parents anymore.”

We responded to this comment like this: “Hmm. Do you think that parents can be loved only if for no reason, “without their heads”? If the parents really raised the children, the children have values, and not just needs, and the children already know how to care about worthy people. That is, about parents - first of all, and precisely because the parents themselves set an example for them in this."

Thought cannot
without feeling
and the feeling
- without a thought.

Hundreds of great books have been written, thousands of films have been made, musical masterpieces have been played, paintings have been painted, and so on, about how thoughts and feelings, reason and passion, “algebra and harmony” live in a person.

Moreover, creators and experts on the human soul are often interested in precisely the conflicts between reason and feeling, their collision, even their mutual destruction.

Not surprisingly, it has almost become a commonplace to understand that emotions and feelings always prevent a person from making informed and, by definition, correct decisions.

Practically, feelings in Everyday life downright harmful. We hasten to reassure you: this is only true for situations when emotions overwhelm a person, go off scale, overflow.

Without the manifestation of feelings, people would turn into biorobots; without this, neither communication, nor creativity, nor the desire to solve the problems posed by life would become impossible.

A fair question arises: how to balance these two components, how to curb them and make them “work” harmoniously, for benefit and not harm.

Essentially, so that the mind and feelings are in harmony, helping each other. If we calmly think about everything, remember various moments from our own and other people’s lives, and impartially evaluate them, we will come to a somewhat paradoxical conclusion.

Thought cannot exist without feeling, and feeling cannot exist without thought.

In fact, they are always together, like close relatives, just like brother and sister. There are no thoughts without feelings, there are no feelings without thoughts. Actually, this pair can be called just that - thought-feelings or feeling-thoughts.

There are many examples of this. For example, speaking in front of an audience.

The mind that selects tools and methods of presenting prepared material is closely associated with feelings of uncertainty and even fear of possible failure, and simply with excitement.

Under emotional hi
understand intelligence
human ability
understand emotions
and manage feelings.

But after a successful performance, a person is filled with a feeling of joy.

Or such a completely everyday case - the intention to give a good gift to a loved one. First comes thinking about the gift itself, about the possibilities of giving something specific, and so on.

The solution to a complex problem is from the “same list”. Intense work of the mind, when everything else goes far, far away... and here it is, the solution, and again joy and delight, which are greater, the greater the joy and delight of those around you!

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that full-fledged intelligence is always associated with an actively working emotional sphere.

There is even a special concept - “emotional intelligence”. It refers to a person’s ability to understand emotions (both their own and other people’s) and manage feelings.

A child's emotional intelligence requires constant attention.

The opposite is also true: a child’s development when emotions are included in work is much more effective.

It's simple: motivation to study, passion for the process of completing a task, and pleasure from the results - all these are manifestations of feelings. In a word, emotions help you become smarter.

How to develop emotional intelligence in a child? The most accessible option is reading books. But not just reading, but talking about what you read!

Teach your child to show emotions and feelings - anger, joy, tenderness, love. Let the baby not be afraid to cry or be sad! This is not shameful, but absolutely normal!

And don’t be afraid to show your feelings. Especially their positive varieties.

But speaking in general, and speaking in a high style, then emotional intelligence is an excellent opportunity to know yourself and the path to happiness.

This leads to a simple and indisputable conclusion - to develop this wonderful opportunity in every possible way.

A free webinar on the topic “How to develop a preschooler’s intelligence with 100% efficiency” will take place on February 17 at 19.00 Moscow time.

Timur Teplenin and Anastasia Balykina

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Sample essay abstracts

Mind and feelings. These words will become the main motive one of the topics on a graduation essay in 2017.

You can select two directions, which should be discussed on this topic.

1. The struggle of reason and feelings in a person, requiring mandatory choice: act in accordance with surging emotions, or still not lose your head, weigh your actions, be aware of their consequences both for yourself and for others.

2. Reason and feelings can be allies , blend harmoniously in a person, making him strong, self-confident, able to react emotionally to everything that happens around him.

Reflections on the topic: “Reason and Feelings”

  • It is human nature to choose: to act wisely, thinking through each step, weighing your words, planning actions, or to obey your feelings. These feelings can be very different: from love to hatred, from anger to kindness, from rejection to recognition. Feelings are very strong in a person. They can easily take possession of his soul and consciousness.
  • What choice to make in a given situation: to submit to feelings, which are often selfish, or to listen to the voice of reason? How to avoid internal conflict between these two “elements”? Everyone must answer these questions for themselves. And a person also makes a choice independently, a choice on which sometimes not only the future, but also life itself can depend.
  • Yes, reason and feelings often oppose each other. Whether a person can bring them into harmony, make sure that the mind is supported by feelings and vice versa - this depends on the will of the person, on the degree of responsibility, on the moral guidelines that he follows.
  • Nature has rewarded people with the greatest wealth - intelligence, and given them the opportunity to experience feelings. Now they themselves must learn to live, aware of all their actions, but at the same time remaining sensitive, able to feel joy, love, kindness, attention, and not succumb to anger, hostility, envy and other negative feelings.
  • One more thing is important: a person who lives only by feelings is essentially unfree. He subordinated himself entirely to them, to these emotions and feelings, whatever they may be: love, envy, anger, greed, fear and others. He is weak and even easily controlled by others, by those who want to take advantage of this human dependence on feelings for their own selfish and selfish purposes. Therefore, feelings and reason must exist in harmony, so that feelings help a person to see the whole gamut of shades in everything, and the mind helps to react correctly, adequately to this, and not drown in the abyss of feelings.
  • Learning to live in harmony between your feelings and your mind is very important. A strong personality who lives according to the laws of morality and morality is capable of this. And you don’t need to listen to the opinion of some people that the world of the mind is boring, monotonous, uninteresting, and the world of feelings is comprehensive, beautiful, bright. Harmony of mind and feelings will give a person immeasurably more in understanding the world, in self-awareness, in the perception of life in general.