Promotions “IV Day of S. Marshak’s Poetry in Children’s Libraries. Poetry Day S.Ya. Marshak in libraries Children's library event Marshak's poetry day

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“Poetry Day S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries"

October 27, 2016 branches of the system serving children took part in the International Action organized by the Voronezh Regional Children's Library.
Based on the verses of S.Ya. Marshak has raised more than one generation of children. Who doesn’t know the absent-minded one from Basseynaya Street, the lady with luggage, the mustachioed striped one and many, many others?! The libraries decided to remind children and parents about the wonderful writer and draw attention to his work through a variety of events.

Branch No. 1 invited the guys to an exciting movie - a literary cruise “The House That S.Ya Built” Marshak." The children watched animated films based on poems by the famous writer and remembered literary heroes, answered the quiz questions. The journey was fun and lively.

IN branch No. 2 2nd grade students of school No. 20 took part in a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by S.Ya. Marshak "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse". The children thoroughly prepared for the event: they watched the animated film of the same name with their teacher and learned the roles. Librarians prepared appropriate costumes for the main characters and a colorful exhibition-installation based on the works of S. Marshak. The performance went off with a bang, there was a lot of joy, laughter and positive emotions!

Employees branch No. 6 for pupils kindergarten No. 419 held loud readings with comments and elements puppet theater“Once upon a time there were books...” The program turned out to be very bright, interesting and educational. The guys learned a lot of new things about S.Ya. Marshak and his work, traveled together with the main character of the poem S.Ya. Marshak "Where did the sparrow have dinner?" through an imaginary zoo. The children read, sang, danced, solved riddles, and told stories about animals. The participants impressed with their ability to reason, memorize poems, think outside the box, and transform.

For the guys preparatory group MDOU "School No. 69" branch No. 14 held a day of cheerful reading “Our Marshak”. Children with expression read S. Ya. Marshak’s poems “Children in a Cage”, participated in the riddle competition “What is in front of us?”, discussed the fairy tale “Cat’s House”, played outdoor games “Ball”, “Teremok”. The librarians created a joyful, playful mood in the children.

The travel game “Marshak’s Good Star” took place in branch No. 15. The children were shown a presentation about the life and work of the children's writer. During the viewing, they became acquainted with his books presented at the “The Best” book exhibition. Together with the librarian, the children read the poems “Master - Master”, “Mail”, “He’s so absent-minded”, “Luggage”, “Mustachioed - Striped!” etc. In conclusion, a viewing of the cartoon “Cat’s House” was organized. After the event, the children took books from the exhibition and vigorously discussed the work of S. Ya. Marshak.

IN branch No. 21 During the day, the interactive program “Rainbow-Arc of Samuil Marshak” was held. Readers, both big and small, answered quiz questions, recited poems by heart, opened books with pleasure and recited expressively out loud. Great excitement was caused by the proposal to try on the costume of the absent-minded one from Basseynaya Street. Then those interested watched with interest the animated film “Cat House”, based on fairy tale of the same name S.Ya. Marshak.

"Marshak's Poetry Day" brought together branch No. 22 girls and boys who eagerly took part in games and competitions, solved riddles, and recited poems.

IN branch No. 23 on this day, the books of S. Ya. Marshak were in particular demand among young readers. The book exhibition “A Cheerful, Kind Friend of Childhood” introduced children to the author’s books, which are in the library: “Twelve Months”, “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”, “The House That Jack Built”, collections of poems. Throughout the day, the poet’s poems were read, which became beloved and dear to many generations of Russian children.

The literary hour “Hello, Grandfather Marshak, I’m glad to meet you” was held in branch No. 27. The children were shown a slide – a presentation about the life and work of S.Ya. Marshak. The children prepared well for the event: they memorized poems, read the writer’s works, and therefore easily completed all the tasks of quizzes and competitions. The children liked the electronic format of the event for its colorfulness and clarity.

For students primary classes V branch No. 28 The literary festival “Walking with Marshak” took place. Little readers took part in an interactive quiz based on the writer’s poems: they recalled the names from excerpts from them, recognized the characters in the poems, guessed riddles in pictures, helped the glutton Robin Bobin turn objects into different foods by replacing one letter in the words, solved riddles in the poems while playing in the game “What is in front of us?”

Employees branch No. 29 invited the children of the Rostock Municipal Budgetary Institution to the interactive quiz “Wonderful Marshak”. The event was accompanied by an exhibition of books by S.Ya. Marshak. Children solved riddles, guessed the work based on passages and images of objects, corrected mistakes in the names of poems, solved a crossword puzzle, played the game “Say a Word” and sang songs about books. The event ended with watching the video “A Quiet Fairy Tale”, where the author himself read the text.

The literary assortment “Creativity is the meaning of my being” was conducted by employees branch No. 35 for students of 1st and 3rd grades of school No. 161. The event included: literary quiz, watching fairy tales - cartoons, reading poems out loud. The game “Greetings from England” was fun. It’s so great to read in chorus lines from funny English songs and rhymes translated by the poet: “Little Fairies”, “Humpty Dumpty”, “Robin Bobbin”, “Visiting the Queen”, “The House That Jack Built”, “Kittens” and etc.

The literary quiz “On a visit to S. Ya. Marshak” was held in branch No. 38. The children read Marshak's poems, solved riddles, guessed the title from an excerpt from a poem, and helped the postman add words to telegrams. The event was fun and interesting!

For the children's first acquaintance with the classic of children's literature Samuil Marshak, the staff branch No. 41 chose "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".

The presentation of the fairy tale was accompanied by reading and discussion. During the event, children learned a lot of interesting things about the life and work of the writer, and got acquainted with the book exhibition “Our Marshak”. The children read familiar and yet unknown poems and solved riddles with great pleasure. The communication turned out to be very lively and pleasant for all parties. I was pleased with the awareness of the little listeners and their immediate perception of lines that were new to them. There was hope that our young readers would fall in love with Marshak and turn to his bright poetry more than once.

Total in system branches in the International promotion “IV Day of Poetry S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries" took part 426 people.
On November 25, the Voronezh Regional Children's Library summed up the results of the International event “IV Day of Poetry by S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries."

It was noted that greatest number applications were received from the Samara region - 162 libraries and 5.5 thousand participants. Keep it up, Region 63!

The campaign "Poetry Day of S.Ya. Marshak in Children's Libraries" is held annually on the eve of the poet's birthday (November 3).
Organizer of the Action - Voronezh Regional Children's Library
The Promotion was first held in 2012.

The purpose of the Action is to popularize the poetic creativity of S.Ya. Marshak and attracting public attention to the activities of children's libraries.

Libraries in Pskov regularly participate in the event "Day of Poetry by S.Ya. Marshak in Children's Libraries."

Promotion in 2018

In the Family Reading Library, pupils of MDOU No. 28 "Iskorka" and students of grade 1 "a" of the Middle secondary school No. 3 made a fascinating journey to the amazing country of “Poetry”, becoming participants in the International event “VI Day of Poetry by S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries."

From October 23 to October 26, as part of the event, library staff prepared and conducted literary hour"Through the pages of goodness."

At the beginning of the event, our young friends collected puzzle pictures depicting characters from Marshak’s most famous poems and fairy tales: a ball, a cat, a mouse and a sparrow. Then, together with the librarian, we remembered the works in which these characters are found.

The cycle of poems “The Many-Colored Book” was chosen for reading. During the loud reading, multi-colored pages appeared on the screen in front of the children: green, blue, yellow, white, red, and numerous characters “settled” on the colored pages.

After finishing the reading, the young participants of the action took part in the game “Teremok”. The librarians did not choose the name of the game by chance, because S. Ya. Marshak has the same fairy tale play. Each “resident” of the tower had to take his place in the house. The participant who did not have enough space in the tower was eliminated from the game.

The event ended with watching the cartoon “Where the Sparrow Dined,” based on a poem by S. Marshak.

In the leisure hall, library staff decorated the book exhibition “Marshak’s Multi-Colored Books”, compiled from the works of the famous children’s poet.

Promotion in 2017

On October 26, employees of the Family Reading Library invited 2nd grade students from school No. 3 in Pskov to take part in the literary game “A Journey through the Land of Poems by S.Ya. Marshak."

Schoolchildren were invited to go along the magical paths of S.Ya. Marshak.
The journey began with a “mysterious” path, where the children guessed riddles written by the poet, and also visited a “zoo” based on the work “Children in a Cage.”

The “fairytale” path introduced the children to some of the writer’s fairy tales; moving along it, the children were asked to assemble a puzzle with the name of Marshak’s fairy-tale work, thus they became acquainted with the fairy tales “Cat’s House”, “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse”, “Mail”, “Luggage” , “He’s so absent-minded,” “Mustachioed and striped.”

A book exhibition was prepared in the leisure and reading hall, where schoolchildren could get acquainted with the collections and individual publications of S.Ya. Marshak.

At the end of the event, the audience was read a wish from S.Ya. Marshak to young readers:
I wish you to bloom, grow, accumulate, and improve your health.
It is the most important condition for a long journey.
May every day and every hour bring you something new.
Let your mind be kind and your heart be smart.
I sincerely wish you, friends, all the best!

On October 27, the LiK Children's Library, together with MDOU No. 33, took part in the international event “V Day of Poetry by S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries."

The children were introduced to the life and work of one of the most widely read children's poets, the author of numerous translations from English, Irish, Italian, French, Lithuanian and other languages.
There was a loud reading of the fairy tale “The Tale of the Smart Mouse”; the children really liked the hero-mouse, who was able to escape and outwit everyone. Together we read the alphabet aloud in verse “About everything in the world”, and then watched the cartoon “He’s so absent-minded.”

At the end of the meeting, the guys took part in a physical education session “About Animals”.





International promotion

« V Poetry Day of S. Ya. Marshak in Children's Libraries"

Outline of the literary hour

“And then we’ll probably read Marshak...”

Librarian of the 1st category of the Children's Department of the MBUK KSR

Venue of the event: MBUK KSR MCB Children's Department

Red Sulin


See eternity in one moment,

A huge world in a grain of sand,

In a single handful - infinity

And the sky is in the cup of a flower.

(W. Blake, translation by S. Ya. Marshak)

Purpose of the event: acquaintance with the life and work of S. Ya. Marshak.


- acquaintancewith the main works of the writer;

- identifying the features of his work;

- awareness of the contribution of S. Ya. Marshak to the development of domestic children's and translated literature.


- visuals: presentation “On the life and work of S. Ya. Marshak”;

- equipment: computer, projector.

Methods and techniques: verbal (conversation, story), visual (illustration method, demonstration method), practical (game method).

Event plan:

Progress of the event

1.Organizational moment

Greeting children and checking their readiness for conversation.

Updating knowledge

Guys, today we are participants in the International Action “V Day of S. Ya. Marshak’s Poetry in Children’s Libraries.” So let's have a little literary hour. And it will be called “And then we’ll probably read Marshak...”. Why is that? Yes, because after it you will probably want to re-read the poems of your favorite children's poet.

Let's remember who Marshak is and maybe someone will remember the poems of this wonderful poet.


Slide 1:

Slide 2:

Slide 3 : Parents of the future poet

Slide 4:

Slide 5: It all started when Marshak was only 4 years old, even then he tried to compose poetic lines. At the age of 12, Samuil Yakovlevich wrote entire poems.

Slide 6:

Slide 7:

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Slide 21:

The first cartoon I watched, based on the poem by S. Ya. Marshak - “Baggage”

The next cartoon I watched was “The House That Jack Built.”

Reading by role (line by line) “The House That Jack Built.” I invited the guys to discuss how this poem is structured - (a new character appears), new lines are added to the previous lines using the wordwhich . My next suggestion is to take this poem as a model and try to compose your own poem “Here is the school” or “Here is the class”, adding both characters and objects. It turned out interesting. The children enjoyed reading their works.

Then the children were shown the book trailer “Twelve Months”:

Then a cartoon based on the verse by S. Ya. Marshak “About Boys and Girls.” After which the readers were invited to tell about themselves, their hobbies, interests, and hobbies in the same interesting way.

Towards the end of our meeting - watching the cartoon " Heather honey»:

Readers met and learned the meaning of the words: Scotland, Picts, heather, honey. After reading the poem, we tried to figure out with the children why in 1942, i.e. During the Second World War, Marshak translated this poem to speculate on why the old Pict committed such a terrible act and what heroism is.

And at the end of the event - traditional photographs as a souvenir at the exhibition with books of the beloved poet.


    Galanov, B. E. S. Ya. Marshak. Life and creativity / B. Galanov. – M.: Children's literature, 1965, - 311 p.

    Marshak, S. Ya. Lyrical epigrams / S. Marshak. – M.,: Soviet writer, 1970. - 96 p.

    Marshak, S. Ya. Selected translations / S. Marshak. – Detgiz, 1959. – 512 p.

    Marshak, S. Ya. True story: Stories in verse / S. Marshak. – M.: Children's literature, 1983. – 159 p., ill.- (School library).

    - photo by S. Ya. Marshak

    - photo by S. Ya. Marshak

    - wife of S. Ya. Marshak S. M. Marshak

    - photo archive of the family of S. Ya. Marshak

    Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language: 70,000 words / Ed. N. Yu. Shvedova. - 22nd ed., ster. - M., Rus. lang., 1990

On October 27, the Tyagloozersk Rural Library took part in the International event “IV Day of Poetry by S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries", organized by the Voronezh Regional Children's Library.
Based on the verses of S.Ya. Marshak has raised more than one generation of children. Who doesn’t know the absent-minded one from Basseynaya Street, the lady with luggage, the mustachioed striped one and many, many others?! S. Marshak's cheerfulness, his optimism, deep humanity, his humor and gaiety captivate us. That's why he becomes a personal friend of every reader. He is very special to all of us, different, different from each other. He connects us all with his humanity, and meetings with Marshak always leave a feeling of pleasant, heart-enveloping warmth. In order to expand and deepen children's knowledge about Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak and his work; introducing children to reading, in the library a literary play hour “Good Friend of Children - Samuil Marshak” took place. Junior children took part in the event school age. At the beginning of the event, an acquaintance with the biography and work of the writer took place. Next, the children participated with great pleasure in the literary and game quiz “Name the fairy tale”, “Find the word”, “Continue the poem”. The competition “Make a sentence from a work” was very interesting, and we also solved a crossword puzzle based on the works of S.Ya. Marshak. The competition turned out to be bright and fun. At the end of the event, the children guessed riddles and got acquainted with the books of S. Marshak, which were located at the book exhibition “Rainbow-arc of Samuel Marshak”. Many children took books home.

In Maryevskaya rural library As part of the event for children, a book field of miracles was held - “A Good Friend of Children”.
The librarians told the children about such a wonderful event. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak did a lot of good for children. He created theaters and workshops for them, and helped orphans. And how many interesting fairy tales and poems Samuil Yakovlevich wrote for children! Not only children, but also grandparents could not imagine their childhood without the fairy tales “The Cat's House”, “The Twelve Months”, “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse”.
The librarians began their meeting with the work of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak with a video presentation “The Life and Work of S.Ya. Marshak."
For the event, librarians prepared an exhibition installation, which became a book field of miracles. The guys had to guess which work the characters presented at the exhibition belong to. A lady with luggage, a mouse, circus performers and so on. The children guessed the works and briefly described the plots. Then we watched the video “The best riddles of S.Ya. Marshak" and guessed riddles.
We watched a very instructive fairy tale “The Cat's House”, and then had a conversation - a discussion.
The event was fun, educational and educational.

In the Mostovskaya Rural Library As part of the international event “V Day of Poetry by S.Ya. Marshak in children's libraries" a game was prepared for them - a trip "Visiting Marshak", an exhibition of the author's works and a presentation. First, the librarian told the biography of the children's writer, then everyone went on a journey according to the itinerary. The children chose the direction of the route themselves: “Riddles”, “Where do the objects come from”, “Solve the crossword puzzle”, “Say the words”, “Guess the work”, “An extra animal”, “Correct the mistakes”, “Remember the fairy tale”. As the game progressed, they had to remember and recite more than one poem by S. Ya. Marshak, some were read out by the librarian and the teacher. After the intellectual tasks, everyone rested at the “Musical Break” stop and moved to a cheerful children’s song based on the poems of S. Ya. Marshak “We went anywhere.” The game-journey was accompanied by a presentation.

And the employees of the Pestravsky regional children's library went to visit the older and middle group kindergarten "Kolosok", where they held an event dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of the great Soviet poet S.Ya. Marshak. At first the children got acquainted with short biography poet, learned about his origin, studies, life path, his creativity, merits and awards for his works. We also learned that the work of S.Ya. Marshak for children is varied. His works include folk tales, children's games. He writes about circus performances, zoo inhabitants, school joys and sorrows, childhood friendships, seasons and much more. All of Marshak’s works are marked by good humor, a smile, and warm gratitude to people for their work, kindness, and love of life. S.Ya. Marshak was a brilliant translator of children's poetry; he translated works by E. Lehr, R. Kipling, A. Milne, and R. Stevenson. The guys together with librarian S.A. Sakhnova with great pleasure we read the poem “Where the Sparrow Dined” and through a musical composition got acquainted with the works of Marshak, after which the children took Active participation in the quiz game and guessed the riddles with great interest. Then we watched the cartoons “He’s so absent-minded” and “Mustache-striped.” At the end of the event, all the children took books from book exhibition and got to know them with great interest.