Declarative and class character. Declarative. Examples of the use of the word declarative in literature

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Meaning of the word declarative

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


declarative, declarative; declarative, declarative declarative (book). Adj. to declaration in 1 value; solemn, announced by way of information. This is stated in declarative form.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Aya, oh; -ven, -vna (book).

    full f. Having the form of a declaration (in 2 meanings), solemn. D. tone.

    Purely verbal, external. Promises are of a d nature.

    noun declarativeness, -i, g.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Having the form of a declaration (1).


Examples of the use of the word declarative in literature.

However declaratively a statement about the dangers of any amount of sodium chloride, which, according to Bragg, cannot be absorbed by the body at all.

Formally, it has two independent aspects: declarative and procedural.

Having chosen such declarative way, he once and for all abandoned the reader, his creative partner, his equal interlocutor.

In this case, the allocator is a purely executable construction that has no declarative effect.

After all, Devushkin tells his story with declarative the desire to entertain your reader, as if claiming a comic effect.

The mediocrity and incompetence of the current Russian government is already in the fact that it declarative There is no politics at all.

Where declarative the politics of power, presented by corrupt or solidarity journalists directly to the hearts and brains of hardworking and conscientious people?

The gap between declarative and the real policy of the state, between the interests of the system and the interests of its monad, a specific person surrounded by personal life.

The question has been debated many times - why Bukharin, while denying and refuting any specific charges of espionage, treason, murder, counter-revolution, at the same time pleaded guilty to general declarative form?

As for the politicized declarative pop poetry, which became so fashionable in the early sixties and is again gaining strength in our days, Samoilov openly did not like it, not considering it a phenomenon of the poetic series.

In the case of a predeclared function, strictly speaking, we are not dealing with two descriptions, but with a single one, divided into two parts: declarative and implementation.

Additional types of descriptions To complete the conversation about descriptions, we will look at some special declarative designs.

Mayakovsky’s unique and undeniable talent was located precisely in the very area where the mediocrity of everyone else operated: in the area of ​​shells, means of influence, mechanical separations and joints, declarative statements and self-characteristics - that is, in that rational, simplified world where his empty soul lived.

The Polish government refused, England and France got off with common declarative statements.

Entering the hitherto almost unknown field of civil poetry, Eluard passed the underwater reefs declarative rhetoric, on which poets often get stuck in such cases, who have long isolated themselves within the confines of purely personal experiences and dreamlike insights.


rel. with noun declaration I associated with it

Having the form of a declaration [declaration I], having the character of a declaration; solemn.

rel. with noun declaration II associated with it

Large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what DECLARATIVE is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • DECLARATIVE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -th, -oe; -ven, -vna (book). 1. full f. Having the form of a declaration (in 2 meanings), solemn. D. tone. 2. Clean...
  • DECLARATIVE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, …
  • DECLARATIVE in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    external, ostentatious, verbal, ...
  • DECLARATIVE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1) Having the form of a declaration (1). 2) Not supported...
  • DECLARATIVE in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • DECLARATIVE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    declarative; cr. f. -ven,...
  • DECLARATIVE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    purely verbal, external Promises are of a d. nature. declarative having the form of declaration N2, solemn D. ...
  • DECLARATIVE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    declarative, declarative; declarative, declarative, declarative (book). Adj. to declaration in 1 value; solemn, announced by way of information. This is stated in...
  • DECLARATIVE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    declarative adj. 1) Having the form of a declaration (1). 2) Not supported...
  • DECLARATIVE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1. Having the form of a declaration [declaration 1.]. 2. Not supported...
  • DECLARATIVE; KR. F. -WEN in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    declarative; cr. f. -ven,...
  • MODERNISM in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (fr. Moderne - newest, modern) - common name artistic and aesthetic movement in the culture of the 20th century, which largely determined the development of modern...
  • BEING AND TIME in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - Heidegger's main work ("Sein und Zeit", 1927). The creation of "B. and V.", as is traditionally believed, was influenced by two books: the work of Brentano ...
  • RESTANI in the Lexicon of non-classics, artistic and aesthetic culture of the 20th century, Bychkova:
    (Restany) Pierre (B. 1930) French critic, theorist and historian of modern art. Leader and organizer of the movement of artists “New Realists” (see: “New ...
  • CODE OF MORAL in the Lexicon of Sex:
    builder of communism, moral principles of the builders of communist society, proclaimed by the CPSU Program (1961), incl. "honesty and truthfulness, moral purity, simplicity and...
  • FACTORY MEDICINE in Medical terms:
    (historical) form of medical care for factory and mining workers in pre-revolutionary Russia(from the 2nd half of the 19th century), based on the obligations of entrepreneurs ...
  • AMPLIFIATION in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    accumulation of uniform expressions in poetic speech. A. as a stylistic device expressed e.g. in the accumulation of synonyms (words similar in meaning), antitheses...
    , a psychological concept that interpreted psychology as the “science of behavior” of living beings. Nominated in 1921 by K.N. Kornilov. The central concept of R. is ...
  • COMPLETE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , the ideal of education inherent in humanistic pedagogical concepts. Idea V.r.l. arose during the Renaissance and received various interpretations in many ways. philosophical...
    public law, a set of legal principles and norms governing relations between states. M. p., like any right, historical phenomenon, it …
  • KLADEL LEON in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Cladel) Leon (13.3.1835, Montauban, - 20.7.1892, Sevres), French writer. Son of a saddler. In the 60s published a series of "peasant" stories and novels. ...
  • BUDGET PLANNING in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    planning, drawing up and execution of the state budget in socialist countries. It is an integral part of national economic planning. Based on the indicators of the national economic plan (volume...


DECLARATIVE oh, oh. déclarartif, -ve adj. Solemn, announced by way of information. This is stated in declarative form. Ush. 1934. || Associated with a declaration, setting out some kind of program of action (usually without sufficient justification). Declaratory statement. Declarative document. BAS-1. Declaratively , adv. Declarativeness and, f. - Lex. Ush. 1934: declarative; Ozh. 1952: declarativeness.

Historical dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language. - M.: Dictionary publishing house ETS Nikolai Ivanovich Epishkin [email protected] . 2010 .


See what “declarative” is in other dictionaries:

    declarative- external, solemn, ostentatious, verbal Dictionary of Russian synonyms. declarative adj., number of synonyms: 4 external (33) ... Synonym dictionary

    DECLARATIVE- DECLARATIVE, declarative, declarative; declarative, declarative, declarative (book). adj. to declaration in 1 value; solemn, announced by way of information. This is stated in declarative form. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N.... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    DECLARATIVE- DECLARATIVE, oh, oh; ven, vna (book). 1. full Having the form of a declaration (in 2 meanings), solemn. D. tone. 2. Purely verbal, external. Promises are of a d nature. | noun declarativeness, and, female. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Declarative- I adj. 1. ratio with noun declaration I, related to it 2. Having the form of a declaration [declaration I], having the character of a declaration; solemn. II adj. 1. ratio with noun declaration II, related to it 2. Contained in the declaration [declaration II].… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    declarative- declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative,... ... Forms of words

    declarative- declarative; briefly the shape of the veins, in... Russian spelling dictionary

    declarative- cr.f. declarative/ven, declarative/vna, vno, vny; declare/out… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    declarative- oh, oh; vein, vna, vno. 1. to Declaration (1 digit). D statement. 2. Not supported by evidence; verbal. D promises. ◁ Declarativeness, and; and … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Declarative- (lat. declarativus proclaiming) 1. speech action that conveys some message about a change in circumstances. For example: “You have been hired”; 2. having the form of a declaration, official, solemn; 3. containing general provisions without them... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    DECLARATIVE- A speech act in which someone communicates something to someone, that is, declares. The function of declarative speech acts is to evoke a new set of circumstances; for example, you are fired... Explanatory dictionary of psychology


  • Automated development of dynamic Web sites using a declarative programming language, P. P. Keino. The article discusses the theoretical justification for the use of a new methodology in the development of server-side and client-side Web sites. The authors developed the BlockSet methodology,…

External, solemn, ostentatious, verbal Dictionary of Russian synonyms. declarative adj., number of synonyms: 4 external (33) ... Synonym dictionary

declarative- oh, oh. déclarartif, ve adj. Solemn, announced by way of information. This is stated in declarative form. Ush. 1934. || Related to the declaration, setting out what l. program of action (usually without sufficient justification). Declarative... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

DECLARATIVE, declarative, declarative; declarative, declarative, declarative (book). adj. to declaration in 1 value; solemn, announced by way of information. This is stated in declarative form. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N.... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

I adj. 1. ratio with noun declaration I, related to it 2. Having the form of a declaration [declaration I], having the character of a declaration; solemn. II adj. 1. ratio with noun declaration II, related to it 2. Contained in the declaration [declaration II].… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative,... ... Forms of words

declarative- declarative; briefly the shape of the veins, in... Russian spelling dictionary

declarative- cr.f. declarative/ven, declarative/vna, vno, vny; declare/out… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

Aya, oh; vein, vna, vno. 1. to Declaration (1 digit). D statement. 2. Not supported by evidence; verbal. D promises. ◁ Declarativeness, and; and … encyclopedic Dictionary

Declarative- (lat. declarativus proclaiming) 1. speech action that conveys some message about a change in circumstances. For example: “You have been hired”; 2. having the form of a declaration, official, solemn; 3. containing general provisions without them... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

DECLARATIVE- A speech act in which someone communicates something to someone, that is, declares. The function of declarative speech acts is to evoke a new set of circumstances; for example, you are fired... Explanatory dictionary of psychology


  • Automated development of dynamic Web sites using a declarative programming language, P. P. Keino. The article discusses the theoretical justification for the use of a new methodology in the development of server-side and client-side Web sites. The authors developed the BlockSet methodology,…


DECLARATIVE oh, oh. déclarartif, -ve adj. Solemn, announced by way of information. This is stated in declarative form. Ush. 1934. || Associated with a declaration, setting out some kind of program of action (usually without sufficient justification). Declaratory statement. Declarative document. BAS-1. Declaratively , adv. Declarativeness and, f. - Lex. Ush. 1934: declarative; Ozh. 1952: declarativeness.

Historical dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language. - M.: Dictionary publishing house ETS Nikolai Ivanovich Epishkin. 2010 .


See what “declarative” is in other dictionaries:

    declarative- external, solemn, ostentatious, verbal Dictionary of Russian synonyms. declarative adj., number of synonyms: 4 external (33) ... Synonym dictionary

    DECLARATIVE- DECLARATIVE, declarative, declarative; declarative, declarative, declarative (book). adj. to declaration in 1 value; solemn, announced by way of information. This is stated in declarative form. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N.... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    DECLARATIVE- DECLARATIVE, oh, oh; ven, vna (book). 1. full Having the form of a declaration (in 2 meanings), solemn. D. tone. 2. Purely verbal, external. Promises are of a d nature. | noun declarativeness, and, female. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Declarative- I adj. 1. ratio with noun declaration I, related to it 2. Having the form of a declaration [declaration I], having the character of a declaration; solemn. II adj. 1. ratio with noun declaration II, related to it 2. Contained in the declaration [declaration II].… …

    declarative- declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative,... ... Forms of words



    declarative- oh, oh; vein, vna, vno. 1. to Declaration (1 digit). D statement. 2. Not supported by evidence; verbal. D promises. ◁ Declarativeness, and; and … encyclopedic Dictionary




The meaning of the word DECLARATIVE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary


Aya, oh; -ven, -vna (book). 1. full f. Having the form of a declaration (in 2 meanings), solemn. D. tone. 2. Purely verbal, external. Promises are of a d nature. II noun declarativeness, -i, g.

Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what DECLARATIVE is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • DECLARATIVE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, …
  • DECLARATIVE in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    external, ostentatious, verbal, ...
  • DECLARATIVE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1) Having the form of a declaration (1). 2) Not supported...
  • DECLARATIVE in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • DECLARATIVE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    declarative; cr. f. -ven,...
  • DECLARATIVE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    purely verbal, external Promises are of a d. nature. declarative having the form of declaration N2, solemn D. ...
  • DECLARATIVE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    declarative, declarative; declarative, declarative, declarative (book). Adj. to declaration in 1 value; solemn, announced by way of information. This is stated in...
  • DECLARATIVE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    declarative adj. 1) Having the form of a declaration (1). 2) Not supported...
  • DECLARATIVE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1. Having the form of a declaration [declaration 1.]. 2. Not supported...
  • DECLARATIVE in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I adj. 1. ratio with noun declaration I, associated with it 2. Having the form of a declaration [declaration I], having the character of ...
  • DECLARATIVE; KR. F. -WEN in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    declarative; cr. f. -ven,...
  • MODERNISM in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (French Moderne - newest, modern) - the general name of the artistic and aesthetic movement in the culture of the 20th century, which largely determined the path of development of modern ...
  • BEING AND TIME in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - Heidegger's main work ("Sein und Zeit", 1927). The creation of "B. and V.", as is traditionally believed, was influenced by two books: the work of Brentano ...
  • RESTANI in the Lexicon of non-classics, artistic and aesthetic culture of the 20th century, Bychkova:
    (Restany) Pierre (B. 1930) French critic, theorist and historian of modern art. Leader and organizer of the movement of artists “New Realists” (see: “New ...
  • CODE OF MORAL in the Lexicon of Sex:
    builder of communism, moral principles of the builders of communist society, proclaimed by the CPSU Program (1961), incl. "honesty and truthfulness, moral purity, simplicity and...
  • FACTORY MEDICINE in Medical terms:
    (historical) form of medical care for factory and mining workers in pre-revolutionary Russia (from the 2nd half of the 19th century), based on the obligations of entrepreneurs ...
  • AMPLIFIATION in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    accumulation of uniform expressions in poetic speech. A. as a stylistic device expressed e.g. in the accumulation of synonyms (words similar in meaning), antitheses...
    , a psychological concept that interpreted psychology as the “science of behavior” of living beings. Nominated in 1921 by K.N. Kornilov. The central concept of R. is ...
  • COMPLETE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , the ideal of education inherent in humanistic pedagogical concepts. Idea V.r.l. arose during the Renaissance and received various interpretations in many ways. philosophical...
    public law, a set of legal principles and norms governing relations between states. M. p., like any law, is a historical phenomenon, it ...
    (Cladel) Leon (13.3.1835, Montauban, - 20.7.1892, Sevres), French writer. Son of a saddler. In the 60s published a series of "peasant" stories and novels. ...
  • BUDGET PLANNING in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    planning, drawing up and execution of the state budget in socialist countries. It is an integral part of national economic planning. Based on the indicators of the national economic plan (volume...

External, solemn, ostentatious, verbal Dictionary of Russian synonyms. declarative adj., number of synonyms: 4 external (33) ... Synonym dictionary

declarative- oh, oh. déclarartif, ve adj. Solemn, announced by way of information. This is stated in declarative form. Ush. 1934. || Related to the declaration, setting out what l. program of action (usually without sufficient justification). Declarative... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

DECLARATIVE, declarative, declarative; declarative, declarative, declarative (book). adj. to declaration in 1 value; solemn, announced by way of information. This is stated in declarative form. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N.... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

I adj. 1. ratio with noun declaration I, related to it 2. Having the form of a declaration [declaration I], having the character of a declaration; solemn. II adj. 1. ratio with noun declaration II, related to it 2. Contained in the declaration [declaration II].… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative, declarative,... ... Forms of words

declarative- declarative; briefly the shape of the veins, in... Russian spelling dictionary

declarative- cr.f. declarative/ven, declarative/vna, vno, vny; declare/out… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

Aya, oh; vein, vna, vno. 1. to Declaration (1 digit). D statement. 2. Not supported by evidence; verbal. D promises. ◁ Declarativeness, and; and … encyclopedic Dictionary

Declarative- (lat. declarativus proclaiming) 1. speech action that conveys some message about a change in circumstances. For example: “You have been hired”; 2. having the form of a declaration, official, solemn; 3. containing general provisions without them... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

DECLARATIVE- A speech act in which someone communicates something to someone, that is, declares. The function of declarative speech acts is to evoke a new set of circumstances; for example, you are fired... Explanatory dictionary of psychology


  • Automated development of dynamic Web sites using a declarative programming language, P. P. Keino. The article discusses the theoretical justification for the use of a new methodology in the development of server-side and client-side Web sites. The authors developed the BlockSet methodology,…