See what is "admiration" in other dictionaries. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim

Delight …

Feeling of joyful satisfaction, state of charm, delight. The child gets acquainted with this feeling, being the subject of admiration for parents. One teenager described the feeling of admiration as "a mixture of surprise and something beautiful." And ... ... Wikipedia

Delight  - Admiration ♦ Admiration In French, the word “admiration” was once used as a synonym for the word “surprise”. For example, we read by Descartes: “Admiration is a sudden surprise of the soul, which makes one stare at objects, ... ... Sponville Philosophical Dictionary

delight  - RAPTURE, rapture, admiration, self-forgetfulness, rapture, ecstasy, book. exaltation RAPTURED, enthusiastic, delightful, book. ecstatic AMAZING, charming, charming, captivating, adorable MAGIC, ... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

Rapture, admiration, pl. no, cf. Feeling of joyful satisfaction, state of charm, delight. To be in awe of something. To be enthralled. Explanatory dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

RAPTURE, I, cf. Highest satisfaction, delight. Come in. from what n. Express your c. Explanatory Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ozhegova

delight  - boundless admiration immeasurable admiration infinite admiration stormy admiration deep admiration hot admiration wild admiration eerie admiration inexpressible admiration indescribable admiration huge ... ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

Delight  - (clergyman., literally “taking up”, akin to the word kidnap, from hititi “grab, kidnap”, cf. capture “carry away”) - a state of higher satisfaction, an enthusiastic state, frantic joy. Possible manifestations - use ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Delight  - Nouns HORROR / NIE, EAST / PR, adoration, self-forgetfulness, rapture, ecstasy, book. exaltation. The highest degree of satisfaction, pleasure from something, manifested by a strong rise in joyful feelings. CHARM / NIE and ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms

delight  - cause admiration for action, causation cause admiration for action, causation express admiration for action ... Verbal compatibility of non-ordinary names


  • Admiration: Roman, LaHay T .. In the novel "Admiration" - the third, final prequel to the series "Left Behind" - tells about the mysterious disappearances of people around the world, which laid the foundation for tragic events ...
  • Admiration, Lahei T .. In the novel "Admiration" - the third, final prequel to the series "Left Behind" - tells about the mysterious disappearances of people around the world, which laid the foundation for tragic events ...

Text: Yana Solovyova

“Expensive pleasure”

It is known that relationships are successfully built in couples where a man and a woman value each other and know how to admire their half.

From the lips of modern psychologists regularly hear words about the importance of expressing admiration and approval in a relationship. Often this looks like a certain postulate that must be taken into account, otherwise sooner or later something bad will begin to happen to the family. Suppose a husband stops doing something for you (his previous efforts were not appreciated); start drinking (the wife not only does not admire him, but regularly cuts); will go to a colleague (after all, she understood what kind of macho he is), etc. Underline the necessary (or rather, the unnecessary)! And how many complaints of the female half about the lack of attention and compliments from her husband! And this, too, ultimately leads to unpleasant consequences, up to a denial of proximity or worse (although what could be worse?). Psychologists say that both sexes equally need admiration from the second half.

All of these frightening pictures raise the question - in fact, why is it so important to express your positive emotions in order to maintain a viable union? We decided to ask this burning question Valery Bo, a communications expert.

“You are valuable to me” - this is what first of all broadcasts the fact of admiration! - says Valery. - Absolutely every person is very important to understand their importance for a partner, including those people who deny it. Moreover, according to research, even such a rude thing as flattery - works. Moreover, in those cases when a person perfectly understands that this is manipulation by the partner. He still hopes that there is at least some truth in these words. ”

Take and give

And all would be well, but the open expression of emotions is not characteristic of the Russian mentality. We will speak frankly - we don’t really like to praise and encourage. “In our country there was a rather long period of collectivism, the role of individuality was deliberately underestimated,” says Valery Bo. - You should have been a part of the team and in no case stand out. Rather, they could praise a group of people than an individual. ”

There are simple things that are less characteristic of our culture than Western. For example, a compliment is a basic tool for expressing admiration, an excellent tool for developing and maintaining relationships. However, we are often confused with flattery, and some people don’t give compliments, as they are afraid to make a deceptive impression, while others do not accept them! Both that, and another - the wrong approach. If you do not accept admiration, you convince the partner that you really do not possess the qualities for which he praised you. But he was based on something! So compliments must be taken, you can even with the words: “Yes, I'm really cool!”

Can I learn to make good and proper compliments? It is possible and even necessary! Here are some simple rules from Valery Bo.

1 Factuality

A fine line distinguishes compliment from flattery, and it lies in the degree of factuality. After all, flattery is either a strong exaggeration, or something that does not correspond to reality. You should not compliment the quality that the partner clearly does not have, because he knows about it!

2 Timeliness

You need to give a compliment at the very moment when you admired your partner, later this may be irrelevant! Respond to your momentum. You need to express your feeling, not your opinion, because opinion is an assessment of a person, and feeling is what you feel.

3 Sincerity

Here, as they say, no comment.

Understand a person

With three rules of expression of admiration, the question, of course, is not exhausted.

The thing is that people do not take compliments in the same way. The main difference is based on the type of personality: there are people internally referential and externally referential.

Internally reference people are those who primarily rely on their thoughts and feelings and make decisions based on them. For externally reference people, opinions and evaluations of others are very important. Of course, both types are combined in us, but some one still prevails. And before making compliments, you should figure out what type your recipient is.

A simple test will help:

your man before an important purchase (for example, a car) will first ask all his friends and will consult with everyone or will he persistently deal with it himself?

Will your wife go to the boutique to get the dress and choose what she needs, or will she definitely need a girlfriend, or better, a whole support group on stilettos?

“Outwardly reference people can compliment for any reason and in practically unlimited quantities, the form also does not have to be very sophisticated,” says Valery Bo. - As for internally reference people, everything is more complicated. They are not inclined to accept direct compliments, since they themselves know that they are good. Moreover, even cases of conflict due to unsuccessful compliments are known! For example, my client told her mother-in-law that she cooks well, and she answered her: “I already know that. And here you are, dear, who gave me the right to evaluate me? ”


Want examples of good compliments for internally referenced people? You are welcome! Let's say your man is engaged in extreme sports. If you tell him that he is “so-and-so cool!”, This may not make a proper impression, since he probably guesses about it. Better note: “This is the sport of real men!” It turns out that you do not say anything directly, but make it clear that you consider your partner a real man.

It is important to make compliments that do not relate to circumstances, but to the person personally. You can say: “What a cool suit you have!” And it turns out that you admire the clothes, not the man. This is a common mistake! It’s more correct to put it this way: “What a great taste you have!” These words already speak about your partner and his abilities.

You can use compliments with "decryption," that is, with an explanation ("because ..."). “You know, not every person would cope with this business project like you! I saw how others worked, and they had completely different results! ”In this case, the compliment is taken easier and does not look like flattery.

Of course, all these subtleties can be used to compliment externally reference people. Moreover, remember: the more success you achieve in expressing admiration for the majority of the people around you, the thinner and more effective your compliments will become to those who are truly dear to you!


Follow the measure

Nevertheless, in admiration, as in everything, measure and a sense of taste are very important. Like any repeated action, the expression of the same emotions ceases to make sense and be appreciated over time. The number of laudatory words needs to be metered: better less is better! How to understand when to stop? Since each person has a “degree of saturation”, you need to monitor the partner’s reaction to your words, his emotional response, and not what he tells you.

It is helpful to remember that admiration is the encouragement of another person’s actions. “The most successful relationships are those that combine the emotional and rational,” Valery says. - You can cheat a little and admire those qualities or skills of a partner that are beneficial for you. More precisely, it will be more correct to maintain a balance between enthusiasm for moments that are advantageous to you and admiration for disinterested ones. Then the partner will have a feeling of the fullness of his perception by you! After all, if you give compliments only for his skills, he will think that you value him only for some abilities. If it’s the other way round, it will decide that you don’t care what it does in life. ”

It is important to look for new forms of enhancing your words. For example, if your partner is a kinesthetic (a person who perceives information through sensations), then, in pleasant words, you can touch, stroke, hug him. To encourage visuals (those who receive more information through vision), it’s important to pay attention to the environment in which you are complimented and how you look. As for the audio (the person who receives information through the auditory canal), it is useful to “push” long and varied speeches about its merits. If you are creative, you can even write poems!

Learn to see the good

You would be glad to admire your partner, but only your half more often causes a feeling of irritation. Common situation?

What to do?

Psychologist Alexander Kichaev helps to deal with this difficult issue. “I often ask my clients:“ What can you say about your partner? ”And they start trying to remember something bad about their partner. But you have to think differently: “What can I say good things about him?” If a person sets himself up in this way, he really starts to see good in the first place! The more we notice positive traits in a partner, the better we feel ourselves! We need to focus on those qualities that are consonant with you, and to encourage what is pleasant to you. ”

Admiration is the carrot, and criticism is the whip. As you know, if you beat with a whip all the time, your partner will be angry at least, and at the very least will change territory. According to the laws of psychology, the ratio of carrot and stick should be one to two: one critical remark, two positive.

“A man came to me who was going to get a divorce,” says Kichaev. - The wife does not want him! In bed, she does him a favor, and criticizes him in life. When I talked with this man’s wife, it turned out that at one time she could marry Borya, who became an oligarch, and eventually married Fedya, and he did not live up to her expectations. Now she has a complex that she did not put on. I explained to the client that it was not known how things would have happened with Borey, because the oligarch had already changed five wives, now he has girls twenty years younger! Probably, she herself would be replaced in a year by a younger rival. And Fedya, her husband, achieved a lot of things - runs his own business, bought a house, regularly carries his wife to expensive resorts. She realized that she was wrong, stopped sawing her husband and started saying nice things to him. As a result, thanks to these changes, Fedya became much more successful in business! So demonstrating the value of a partner is a very important thing for you, and it always works positively for both sides. ”

It would be a mistake to believe that for many hundreds, and even thousands of years, only beautiful and seductive persons existed near great and famous personalities.

Nothing like this.

Many of the famous people in history did not possess the proper beauty, sometimes even youth, but there was enough intelligence and wisdom for a man to idolize his companion all his life.

As often happens, we see a completely nondescript woman near a prominent man walking along the street. And such a pair immediately turn into a trail.

“Well, what did he find in her like that?” - Whisper evil tongues in their direction.

It is possible that the whole world is for him.

That's interesting, that all the famous scammers in history were completely far from the ideal of beauty, as well as from young years, but men were ready to follow them even to the ends of the world.

So how could they captivate the hearts of men?

“Why do you think a courtesan is always easier to find a man than a respectable woman? Yes, because she knows that he needs to show her admiration for him, than to humiliate him for something! ”- I recall the phrase of one person, said many years ago.

But the truth is, plunging into history, quite curious facts suddenly emerge when a woman, with her support and wisdom, worked miracles and forced a man to throw at her feet, if not the whole world, then a significant part of it.

What did she say, and what didn’t she say to the man?

Well, let's say, shared his interests.

"Talk to the man about himself, and he will listen to you for hours."

(Benjamin Disraeli)

We find curious facts from Robert Green’s book “48 Laws of Power”

When the niece of Cardinal Mazarini Maria Mancini appeared at the court of Louis XIV, she immediately understood why the king was discouraged and what he valued. The girl immediately began to talk about topics that were especially close to the king and a miracle soon happened. The young king began to devote her to many of his plans. She even accompanied him on military campaigns and personally observed the state of affairs on the battlefield, standing on a tower, the place for which Louis himself had chosen for her.

In a word, she became his friend and soul mate.

Alas, fate ordered absolutely not in favor of young people. And even if the girl’s uncle was a cardinal himself, he believed that the king’s marriage with his niece was not politically advantageous, so Louis’s fate was to marry the Spanish infante Maria Theresa of Austria, although the young autocrat was begging for a wedding on her knees!

His legitimate wife was never for him the one with whom he could discuss his plans, the queen could not console him or suggest something.

One day, Louis XIV will say that if he could decide whom he could marry, it would be Maria Mancini.

And now let me go back two thousand years and give some examples from the life of ancient Greek heterosexuals.

No, no one is going to praise them, and there’s nothing at all to blame them at all.

Do you know what the translation means geter?

A friend, it turns out, is not something vicious and vile.

Yes Yes.

Great minds, philosophers, scientists and politicians flocked to houses to receive these women, not because they shared a bed with them, but to listen! them, debate.

It was more like a battle of minds, as women were well versed in many serious things.

For some reason, this now reminded me of a French courtesan, from the time of that same Louis XIV, in whose house many men flocked only because they could not live a day without hearing her wit.

Her name was Ninon de Lanclo.

Just think about it.

There was such a case in history ... ...

Once upon a time there lived a king of Macedonia.

No, not Alexander, but Dimitri, his name was, and he was in love with a getter named Lamia.

And you know what affected him the most?

Flattery. Her letters.

And here is how she writes:

“O my lord, when I hear your voice outside the house, when I see you adorned with a crown, surrounded by guards, an army, and ambassadors, then I swear by Venus - Aphrodite, then I tremble and fear you, then I turn my eyes away from you, like I turn them away from the sun, so as not to be blinded, then I will learn in you about Demetrius, the conqueror of cities ....... "

Oh! And how does she praise him!

But what about our king? And for him his actions speak more eloquently.

When Dimitri took Athens, he demanded a contribution of 250 talents from the conquered citizens.

And what incredible efforts the poor people collected this amount to lay at the feet of the winner, and Dimitri take and order to give this gold to Lamia ... ..on toilet soap ....

Is there anything else to say?

And the creation of a golden statue in memory of the deceased Geter Fryn in Ephesus in the temple of Diana by the sculptor Praxiteles?

How do you like it?

A woman for one night and a woman for life is what made many famous personalities of Hellas reconsider their views on understanding the very companion of life, which was their own reflection, and idol, and support, a man equal to him and that in his arms whom they even found their death.

“The outstanding comedian Menander once came home after the failure of the premiere and wanted to destroy all his manuscripts, the work of his whole life. Gliker handed him milk without words. In irritation, he refused to drink due to the fact that foam was floating on the milk. Geter consoled him and said meaningfully: "Blow off the foam and enjoy what's underneath." This meant: do not pay attention to the surface, what's inside is valuable! Menander often said that without the support of Glickers he would hardly have been able to withstand the blows of critics and the public. ”

(“Heterosexual women’s path in ancient Greece” by Evgeni Makurina)

Just think that over the entire period of the existence of the Roman Empire, such women no longer met, as such.

In no case.

Benjamin Disraeli - an English statesman said something like this:

"It is possible that I will make many mistakes in my life, but I will never marry for love."

So he did. Only after 35 years did the politician make an offer to a rich widow who was 15 years older than him. The woman knew perfectly well that he would marry her wealth. As they say - nothing personal, only money. However, she made a condition; she would need a little time to study his character. For all the years that they lived together, the husband found salvation for his soul and calming nerves in the house. The wife perfectly understood what her husband needed. When he wants to just relax, when he will enjoy her carefree chatter, and when so that helistened. After a while, recalling her, he will say that if he had to marry her again, he would already have done it out of love.

So, we talked about understanding, and what if we have before us not kings and politicians, but absolutely simple mortals, and somehow we need to live with them somehow.

I recall the confrontation of a familiar Turkish couple. None of them wants to give in. In short, war is not for life, but for death. They went to a psychologist, as it is fashionable in the world today, and the psychologist says to his wife: “Do you accept a director at work, as a person whom you should obey?”

- Oh sure. - The wife answers.

“Then why don't you take your husband at home as the same director?”

Well, I apologize with such advice from a psychologist.

Is it seen that you can force someone to respect or love by force, or even force yourself to accept your husband as a master?

Never in my life.

Either this feeling is, or not.

“You won’t be forcibly sweet!”

(folk wisdom)

To be honest, we all want to be admired. Not just flattered, but really believed in us and created support. None of us wants to hear the truth of the truth that he is a layman, a loser, a loser and complete mediocrity.

However, there is one thing.

If we again touch upon the most famous women of Hellas, then by and large they did not spend time on simple and unremarkable citizens, basically.

They created support for already established individuals.

Yes Yes. Support was often for prominent politicians, kings, famous scholars. In a word, those who have achieved a lot in life. But, it was not nakedpayment. Women chose those to whom with desire they gave all of themselves without a trace and supported in difficult moments of life.

They found worthy, and they appreciated them.

Like attracted like.

But let me complicate the task.

On the horizon is the most ordinary man who is unlikely to be interested in the same geter.

So, the actions of a woman.

“A happy marriage is when the husband is humble, like a servant, and the wife addresses him as the king.”

Muhammad Okar

He is not a prominent man, he is the most ordinary person. Well, he does not know how and can not be a king, nor a scientist, nor a fabulous rich man. Then it is assumed that he has other virtues, he is a good family man, he is an attentive and caring husband and father. He knows how to support and be a support in life. Is it really not enough that a husband deserves to be the king in the house?

“Let everyone see the crown on the head of your husband, and only you will know that this is your shoe!”

(From the instructions of the mother-in-law to the future daughter-in-law)

And now we complicate the task even more.

This is because, because of love, the glorified virtues are just hidden flaws.

A special feature of the female character is that all labels of integrity are hung on the husband, which he does not deserve.

If only there was.

And here is the trouble, that it is not uncommon. And such a woman plays a role more than anyone, hiding all the errors of a loved one, large and small.

Only here you know it is difficult to say about wisdom. Rather, it is an understated self-esteem that a wife deserves only such a choice.

As Nietzsche wrote:   “The value of a thing sometimes lies not in what benefit it can bring, but in the fact that they pay for it — what it costs us ...”

Robert Green "48 Laws of Power"

To summarize, let me make one small clarification.

The efforts, as well as the desire to be everything for a man should be appreciated by those at whose feet you place all your admiration.

It would seem that to someone, but to the wise women themselves, was it really possible to meet this? Who else but they shone with their talents to influence worthy men?

But there was an annoying exception in history.

Now we recall another Macedonian king, this time the same great Alexander, who had one of his favorite heters, whom he admired and decided to capture her charms for centuries.

He calls on the artist of a certain Apelles to paint her beauty.

Looks like the girl was really a beauty to all the beauties, since the artist fell in love with her without memory.

When Alexander saw with what awe and in love with eyes he looked at his beloved artist - he showed unprecedented generosity and ... .. gave her Apelles.

(Great Heterose - Notes by Madame Harms)

And here are two different facts from the history of the Macedonian kings and their beloved women.

In one case, the great of this world threw a lot at the feet of a woman, and in the other, he simply presented his beloved as a gift.

But this was an exception to the rule than a frequent occurrence.

After all, in fact, what’s most important here is only to repeat, so that this attracts the like.

It is impossible to predict that such a Alexander would not have been in life who would not appreciate the one that was with him with his whole soul.

But if in the history of the powers that be so often valued their companions in life, then it may be worth adding here that in women words of admiration from a pure heart were added to wisdom.

Cliderman Otto



No one has come up with a better mat! Transfer. -)

This is where the power of all expressed feelings is. Admiration is stronger than nothing to express. The mat is simply universal.

  After all, you can admire the beauty of a person, and some abilities, skills, wisdom, his new image, a sophisticated machine ... Mat is suitable for any occasion!

But for people who do not swear, like me, for intelligent people, like me, ... I offer other options.

But I ask you to immediately note that admiration should not at the same time hurt either the most touted person, or anyone else. Example, You are the best. and what others are worse. I did not expect this from you. that i am so bad.

Good girl! Congratulations! Working with you is just a joy!

WOW. To sense! Stunned! Class! Bravo! Super class!

Well done! That is what I have long been waiting for. Keep it up!

I am proud that you succeeded! I myself could not do better. Wow

Fine! The beauty! It touches me to the core.

Cool! Already better. It's like a fairytale. Unforgettably!

Amazing Said great - simple and clear. Bravissimo!

Very clear. Much better than before. Witty.

Awesome. Brightly, figuratively. Good!

Extra class. Wonderful. Very impressive.

Sumptuously! Talentedly. It’s amazing.

Great start. Perfectly! You are gifted.

Inimitable. I knew you could do it. Grandiose!

You did a lot today. Incomparably. You're on the right track.

I need you. I am proud of you. I am just happy.

You figured it out. You are getting better every day. Wow!

Here I can’t do without you! Teach me to do as well. You're a miracle.

Most often, words of admiration are addressed to children as an incentive for further development and women, and knowing that ladies love with their ears, you can admire the verses. It will be very cool!

Well, in reality, the main thing is not words, but the emotional charge that you put into these words.

the system has selected this answer as the best

We usually demonstrate admiration for the sole purpose of showing respect for the person and his actions, actions, his opinion or his way of thinking. If you admire someone, the easiest way to convey it is with the following words: great, grandiose, super, brilliant. But these words almost always carry a shade of a certain “quot, understatement”, so they are better to use in relation to close people.

It is much more correct to express admiration non-verbally - one smile or an encouraging look can show a person that they appreciate him, admire him, take an example from him. This is precisely the case when actions are no more important than words.

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