Job description of a senior counselor at a school. Personal goal setting or why I work as a counselor What a counselor does at school

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description has been developed on the basis of the tariff and qualification characteristics of a senior counselor, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 N 761n Moscow “On approval approval of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions for Managers, Specialists and Employees”, as well as “Recommendations for Job Descriptions of a Senior School Counselor” dated August 19, 2009 of the Moscow Department of Education.
1.2. The senior counselor is appointed and dismissed by the school director.
1.3. The senior counselor must have a higher or secondary education professional education no requirements for work experience or secondary (full) general education and special training without any work experience requirements.
1.4. The senior counselor reports directly to the deputy school director for educational work.
1.5. In his activities, the senior counselor is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, decisions of the Moscow government and educational authorities of all levels on issues of education and upbringing of students: administrative, labor and economic legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the charter and local legal acts educational institution, this job description, employment agreement (contract).

2. Functions

The main activities of the senior counselor are:
2.1. Promoting the development and activities of children's public organizations and associations;
2.2. Organization extracurricular activities students.

3. Job responsibilities

Senior counselor:
3.1. Promotes the development and activities of children's public organizations and associations, helps program their activities on the principles of voluntariness, independence, humanity and democracy, taking into account the initiative, interests and needs of students;
3.2. Promotes updating of the content and forms of activity of children's organizations and associations, organizes their collective creative activities in accordance with the age interests of students and the requirements of life;
3.3. Provides conditions for broadly informing students about existing children's and youth organizations and associations;
3.4. Organizes visual design of the educational institution on the subject of the work it conducts;
3.5. Creates favorable conditions in an educational institution that allow students to demonstrate a civic and moral position, realize their interests and needs, and conduct interesting and beneficial activities for their development. free time;
3.6. Takes care of the health and safety of students entrusted to him; complies with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection;
3.7. Undergoes periodic free medical examinations;
3.8. Organizes vacations for students;
3.9. Study and use best practices in working with children and adolescents, improve their skills;
3.10. Participates in the development of the school’s educational program together with the deputy director for educational work;
3.11. Involves high school students in counselor activities among junior classes, in participation in various competitions aimed at self-realization, education and creative development personalities;
3.12. Coordinates the work of student government bodies;
3.13. Plans his work, maintains documentation in accordance with the established procedure;
3.14. Complies with ethical standards of behavior at school, at home, in in public places, corresponding to the social position of the teacher;
3.15. Respects the rights and freedoms of students.

4. Rights

The senior counselor has the right:
4.1. Independently choose forms and methods of working with students and plan it based on general plan the work of the educational institution and pedagogical feasibility;
4.2. Participate in the management of an educational institution in the manner determined by the school’s Charter; participate in the work of the school’s Pedagogical Council;
4.3. To protect professional honor and dignity;
4.4. Get acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, give explanations on them;
4.5. Improve your qualifications;
4.6. Be certified on a voluntary basis for the appropriate qualification category and receive it in case of successful certification;
4.7. Give students during classes and breaks mandatory instructions related to the organization of classes and compliance with discipline, bring students to disciplinary liability in the cases and in the manner established by the Rules on rewards and penalties for students of educational institutions;
4.8. Gets acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his activities.

5. Responsibility

5.1. For non-performance or improper performance without good reasons The Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of the school, other local regulations, legal orders of the school administration, job responsibilities established by these Instructions, the senior counselor bears disciplinary liability in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.
5.2. For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, or the commission of another immoral offense, a senior counselor may be dismissed from his position in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Dismissal for this offense is not a disciplinary measure.
5.3. For culpable harm to the school or participants educational process damage in connection with the performance (non-performance) of his official duties, the senior counselor bears financial liability in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.
5.4. For violation of fire safety rules, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing work, the senior counselor is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by administrative legislation.

6. Relationships.

Senior counselor:
6.1. Works irregular working hours according to a schedule based on a 36-hour working week and approved by the director of the public organization;
6.2. Reports directly to the Deputy Director for Educational Work;
6.3. Maintains close contacts with self-government bodies, children's leisure clubs and public organizations;
6.4. Works closely with teachers, parents of students (legal representatives);
6.5. Receives information of a regulatory, legal, organizational and methodological nature from the school administration, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against receipt;
6.6. Systematically exchanges information on issues within his competence with teaching staff schools.

NGO director ____________________
(with the full name of the organization) (signature) (deciphering the signature)
I have read the instructions: __________ ____________________

Job description of a senior counselor

General provisions

1.1.The senior counselor is appointed and dismissed from her position by the director of the School. During the period of vacation and temporary disability of the senior counselor, his duties can be assigned to any teacher. Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of an order from the School Director, issued in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.
1.2. The senior counselor must have a higher, incomplete higher, secondary special education, as well as a penchant for working with children.
1.3.The senior counselor reports directly to the deputy director for educational work.
1.4. In his activities, the senior counselor is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, regulations, decrees of educational authorities at all levels.


The main activities of the senior counselor are:
2.1. Organizes the activities of children's public organizations and associations.
2.2.Managing a team of children on the basis of mutual trust and exactingness, respect and responsibility, close creative cooperation.

Job responsibilities

The senior counselor in his position performs the following duties:
3.1. Organizes leisure time for children, teenagers, older students, creates the necessary conditions to reveal the abilities of schoolchildren.
3.2. Stimulates the activity, initiative and initiative of schoolchildren.
3.3.Takes measures to ensure the safety and protection of the life and health of the children entrusted to him.
3.4. Prepares and conducts public events.
3.5. Maintains close ties with School teachers and other public organizations.
3.6. Organizes visual design of the school on a specific topic.
3.7.Improves his professional knowledge, improves his qualifications and horizons, studies best practices in working with children and adolescents.
3.8.Takes measures to develop and maintain the material base of children's organizations and associations.
3.9. Maintains a daily hourly plan, a counselor’s work diary, and other documentation established by the school.
3.10. Complies with ethical standards of behavior at school, at home, and in public places, corresponding to the social status of the teacher.
3.11.Publishes a school-wide newspaper.


The senior counselor, within his competence, has the rights:
4.1.Independently choose forms and methods of working with children and adolescents and plan it based on pedagogical feasibility.
4.2.Participate in resolving the most important issues of the school’s activities and in the work of the school’s Pedagogical Council.
4.3. Make proposals on issues related to the activities of the school administration, which are subject to mandatory consideration.
4.4.Use school premises (except for classrooms), sports and assembly halls during free time, including on weekends and holidays.


5.1.The senior counselor bears disciplinary liability for failure to comply without good reason. official duties provided for in paragraph 2 of these Instructions, as well as for violation of the internal labor regulations of the school.
5.2.Disciplinary action in these cases imposed by order of the school director after failure to comply with the deadlines established by labor legislation. Disciplinary action in the form of dismissal from work is applied only after taking into account the opinion of the school’s trade union body.
5.3. If a senior counselor commits an immoral offense incompatible with the performance of educational functions, the employment contract with him is terminated in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Relationships. Relationships by position

Senior counselor:
6.1. Works irregular working hours according to a schedule made up of a 36-hour work week and approved by the school director.
6.2.Plans his work for each academic year and every academic quarter. The work plan is approved by the School Director.
6.3. At the end of the school year, provides a written report on the work done to the deputy director of the school for educational work.
6.4. Receives information of a regulatory, legal, organizational and methodological nature from the school director.
6.5.Systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with teaching staff and deputy directors.
6.6. Transfers to the Deputy Director for Educational Work information received at meetings, seminars, methodological studies, immediately after receiving it.

Developed on the basis of tariff and qualification characteristics senior counselor, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated 01/01/01 No. 000/1268 in agreement with the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 01/01/01 No. 46). When drawing up the instructions, the Sample Recommendations on the organization of a labor protection service in an educational institution of the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 92, were also taken into account.
1.2. Senior counselor is appointed and dismissed by the school director.
1.3. Senior counselor must have a higher or secondary vocational education without showing any teaching experience.
1.4 Senior counselor reports directly to the deputy school director for educational work.
1.5. In his activities senior counselor is guided by the Constitution and Laws of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of educational authorities at all levels on issues of education and upbringing of students, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the Charter and local acts of the school, employment contract, orders and instructions of the school director, this job description. The head counselor complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2.Functions of a senior counselor

Main areas of activity senior counselor are:
2.1. promoting the development and activities of children's public organizations, associations, the development of their self-government;
2.2. organization of leisure time for students.

3. Job responsibilities of a senior counselor
Senior counselor performs the following job responsibilities:
3.1. promotes the development and activities of children's public organizations and associations, helps in programming their activities on the principles of voluntariness, independence, humanity and democracy, taking into account the initiative, interests and needs of students;
3.2 promotes the renewal of the content and forms of activity of children's organizations and associations, organizes their collective creative activities in accordance with the age interests of students and the requirements of life;
3.3 provides conditions for broadly informing students about existing children's and youth organizations and associations;
3.4 organizes a visual design of the school on the topic of the work he is conducting;
3.5 creates favorable conditions at school that allow students to demonstrate a civic and moral position, realize their interests and needs, and spend their free time interestingly and beneficially for their development;
3.6 cares about the health and safety of students entrusted to him; complies with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection;
3.7 respects the rights and freedoms of students;
3.8 complies with the Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of the school, and other local legal acts of the school;
3.9. undergoes periodic free medical examinations;
3.10. complies with ethical standards of behavior in school, at home, and in public places, corresponding to the social position of the teacher;
3.11. systematically increases its professional qualifications; participates in activities methodological associations and other forms methodological work.
3.12. organizes vacations for students;
3.13. carries out work on the selection and training of leaders (organizers) of primary teams of children's organizations and associations;
3.14. plans his work, maintains documentation in accordance with the established procedure.

4. The rights of a senior counselor

Senior counselorhas the right to:

4.1. participate in the management of the school in the manner determined by the school Charter;
4.2. to protect professional honor and dignity;
4.3. familiarizes himself with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, and gives explanations on them;
4.4. protect their interests independently and (or) through a representative, including a lawyer, in the event of a disciplinary investigation or internal investigation related to a teacher’s violation of professional ethics;
4.5. to the confidentiality of a disciplinary (official) investigation, except for cases provided for by law;
4.6. freely choose forms and methods of work with students and plan it, based on the general plan of the school and pedagogical expediency;
4.7. improve skills;
4.8. be certified on a voluntary basis for the appropriate qualification category and receive it in case of successful certification;
4.9. give students during classes and breaks mandatory instructions related to the organization of classes and compliance with discipline, bring students to disciplinary liability in cases and in the manner established by the Charter and Rules on rewards and penalties for school students.

5. Responsibility of the senior counselor

5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of the school, other local regulations, legal orders of the school director, official duties established by these instructions, including for non-use of granted rights, senior counselor bears disciplinary liability in the manner prescribed by labor legislation. For gross violation of labor duties, dismissal may be applied as a disciplinary punishment.
5.3. For the use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, as well as the commission of another immoral act, the senior counselor may be relieved of her position in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” . Dismissal for this act is not a disciplinary measure.
5.4. For violation of fire safety rules, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing the educational process, the senior counselor is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and cases provided for by administrative legislation.
5.5. For culpable infliction of damage to the school or participants in the educational process in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, the senior counselor bears financial responsibility in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

6. Relationships senior counselor
Senior counselor:
6.1. works according to a schedule based on a 36-hour work week and approved by the school director;
6.2. maintains close contacts with self-government bodies, teaching staff of schools and educational institutions of additional education for children and public organizations;
6.3. independently plans his work for each academic year and each academic quarter; the work plan is approved by the deputy director of the school for educational work no later than 5 days from the beginning of the planned period;
6.4. submits a written report on its activities to the deputy director for educational work;
6.5. receives from the school administration information of a regulatory, organizational and methodological nature, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against receipt;
6.6. works closely with teachers, parents of students (legal representatives); systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with the administration and teaching staff of the school.

I am familiar with the job responsibilities _________________ ()

Andreev K.A.

So - it's done! You are a counselor. Or did it not happen, but happened? You were offered to become one or you yourself offered yourself as the most wonderful counselor at the school.

All through 11th grade you were worried that you would leave your native land, with tears in your eyes you stood on stage when the Last call. You thought how the kids from the 5th grade, to whom you taught a lesson in Courage or substituted for a geography teacher, would manage without you. You couldn’t find a place when you realized that exciting excursions, trips to the theater, and trips out of town to tourist events had ended along with everyday life at school. Certificates for winning the Mr/Miss School competition take up half the wall above your childhood couch. Then this book is for you.

And if you entered prestigious university, never worked with children younger than you, unless you were active in high school and put all the emphasis on passing final and entrance exams. And if you were always invisible at school. But something in you shrank when you were offered to become a counselor because the previous person who held this position moved to another school, moved, got married, joined the army, went to work in a bank, retired to the village (underline as appropriate ). Under no circumstances should you simply read this manual. You have to read it with a pencil in your hands. Read with all passion, the desire to learn something new, to see how unique a person you are.

People approach pedagogy in different ways. They approach counselor work in different ways. Some are offered to become a counselor, others themselves dream of becoming a mentor for younger ones. Each of these options has many advantages.

If you have been offered to become a counselor, then they probably see the makings and abilities of a teacher in you. Surely you are a responsible person and are able to cope with a group of children.

If you yourself decide to take this path, you probably have a lot of strong-willed qualities. This is always welcomed by the leadership of the educational institution. And if you also studied there, then your qualities have long been tested by school life.

But sometimes they become counselors by accident. History contains many cases when a person, due to a combination of circumstances, became a teacher or counselor.

And of course, people often commit actions or decide to do something because they simply cannot refuse, cannot say a firm “no.” If you feel that you have become a counselor, you were unable to say “no” to your beloved class teacher (who is also the head teacher of the school) - be wary of all your actions and body movements within the framework of pedagogical activity. For a person who does not learn to say “no” in different situations It is unlikely to convey to a teenager the idea that an offer to smoke or drink should be confidently refused. Although, I don’t argue: every person is unique and everyone is capable of magic.

Personal goal setting or why I work as a counselor.

Have you ever wondered why you live on this Earth, why you entered pedagogical university(or not in pedagogical), why do you want to start a family, why, in parallel with school, you studied in different circles of the Palace of Creativity.

Each of us can determine a goal in any endeavor. The goal is what he wants to achieve. A person who formulates his life priorities and goals are people capable of great deeds. If they can realize their purpose in life, or rather try to do it, timidly formulate a strategic life goal, then every life they live works for them, every meeting is not accidental and every moment of life is wonderful.

You can read a lot of interesting materials, books, treatises, dissertations about the basics of goal setting in life. We just ask you to remember what may be a new word for you – “GOAL SETTING”.

Why, without defining the goals and objectives of your work as a counselor, can you not work as one? You can. You can do it three times. But not effective. It is not effective either for yourself, or for the children, or for the school as a whole.

Don’t be afraid to admit to yourself that the tasks you solve while working as a counselor are not the most noble, not the most sublime. It's much worse if you deceive yourself. It’s much worse if you tell yourself that you came to school to leave a mark on history, but in reality you want to look from the head teacher’s office at the apple trees blooming in the spring under the window. And of course it’s not about flowering, and not about spring. The point is that you need to learn to formulate goals and objectives: both for your whole life and for a short period.

Soon, when you communicate with experienced teachers, talented organizers and impeccable methodologists, you will understand that in organizing events, affairs, concerts, games, hikes, excursions, you need to determine the goal and objectives.

Imagine that you decide to reduce the school’s assets to a museum. Just because it's next to the school. Ask yourself: “Why?” You will say: “This is interesting!” And you'll be right. But if you don’t answer the question “Why?”, if you can’t formulate the purpose of your trip to get acquainted with the museum exhibition - remember, this will not be useful to you.

Learning to set goals. Formulate tasks.

So let's get started. Why are you a counselor?

You could leave a couple of blank pages at this point for you to write down your thoughts. But try to remember the thoughts that came to your mind after the question. These thoughts may be part of your goals in your work as a counselor. And maybe in life in general.

But in order to make it easier for you to navigate the tasks that you can solve as a counselor, we will help you understand a little about the cycle of opportunities, options, horizons that confront you.

What prospects are opening up for you? You can:

ü Receive a small but stable salary (this is important, especially if you are a student);

ü Look in the spring at the above-mentioned apple trees;

ü Receive gifts from students on New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day and other holidays;

ü Play the Snow Maiden or Father Frost on stage;

ü Find examples to accompany pedagogical theory At the institute;

ü Gain experience communicating with children of different ages;

ü Gain communication skills with parents;

ü Expand your horizons;

ü Acquire communication skills;

ü Adopt and develop organizational skills;

ü Practice organizing things and events;

ü Make connections, understand the structure of local government, find business partners (why not. If you then decide to engage in business, you will be able to use all the luggage you have accumulated);

ü Study the regulatory framework;

ü Communicate with experienced teachers, psychologists, organizers

ü Leave a mark on history;

ü Become at the origins of state and public management of an educational institution;

ü Establish new traditions;

ü Change to better side school life;

ü Unite the team;

ü Give a vector in the development of school assets;

ü Do a good deed;

ü Help a loved one;

ü Help a growing person choose the right path;

ü Become a friend;

ü Find friends.

And much, much more can act as goals and objectives. But you must remember and understand that the goal should be exclusively yours. Not Marya Ivana, not Vasya Pupkina, but YOURS. Accepted by you, realized, experienced - formulated by you.

Making you think about your purpose in a particular period of life or in life as a whole is partly also the mission of an educator, teacher, counselor. Therefore, first we formulate goals ourselves, then we teach others. First, we define our life priorities and principles ourselves – then we help others formulate them.

What will i do?

If it seems to you that the position of a counselor is the most interesting and suitable for you in the educational institution system, keep this feeling. If it seems to you that it is worthless compared to the position of director, think about it. After all, every person is beautiful in the place he occupies. And if you have decided on your life goals, you can achieve them as a counselor, as a school director, or as the president of the country.


How can you improve your effectiveness even as a counselor in the most standard school? How not to stand still, but to develop? How to realize that you are capable of more and not be afraid to take justifiable steps towards dreams, achievements, and the realization of your richest potential?

You will answer these questions by correctly accepting the information collected on these pages.

Answer. You will answer for everything. Or will you answer everything? Different positions and different formulations can solve a lot in posing a problem and solving it.

Let's look at what a senior counselor can and/or should do in a modern secondary school.

In our country, each position is surrounded by various kinds of instructions, regulations, tariff rates, and specially developed documentation.

So a mechanic or turner must have certain knowledge and skills, undergo training in technical schools, know safety precautions, etc. The counselor is, of course, not a mechanic or a turner. He doesn't have to sharpen nuts and bolts. In the hands of the counselor there is a more serious substance. The substance is vulnerable, tender. And it must be handled according to other GOSTs.

In our country, various regulations establish the functionality of a senior counselor. A standard job description has been developed. It establishes the main job responsibilities of the senior counselor at the school. But we must remember that the instructions are standard. This means that at the discretion of the administration educational institution may be adjusted. And this seems to be a big plus. If the school director is interested in you as a counselor, then he is able to adjust the job description to suit you. And what content to put there depends largely on you. But there is something in the job description that cannot be changed.

Remember that the position of a counselor is focused on working with a group of children and involves working with children.

Job description the main directions of activity of the senior counselor at school are fixed. This:

· assistance in the development and activities of children's public organizations and associations;

· organization of leisure time for students.

These directions are unchanged.

And if the second direction is more clear. After all, “leisure” is much closer to us. And by this we mean the organization of time free from study. It is worth focusing your attention on the first direction, since it has grown into the school for a long time. And the history of this direction is remarkable for its beauty, scale, and interesting affairs. It is filled with bright events.

Let's take a closer look at the functionality of a senior counselor.

Job responsibilities mean that the senior counselor:

· Contributes to the development and activities of children's public organizations and associations, helps in the development and implementation of programs for their activities on the principles of voluntariness, initiative, humanity and democracy, taking into account the initiative, interests and needs of students (pupils, children).

· In accordance with the age interests of students (pupils, children) and the requirements of life, organizes their collective creative activities, contributes to updating the content and forms of activity of children's public organizations and associations.

· Provides conditions for broad informing of students (pupils, children) about existing children's public organizations and associations.

· Creates favorable conditions that allow students, pupils, and children to demonstrate a civic and moral position, realize their interests and needs, and spend their free time interestingly and beneficially for their development.

· Takes care of the health and safety of students (pupils, children).

· Organizes and participates in the organization of vacations, studying and using best practices in working with children and adolescents.

· Conducts work on the selection and training of leaders (organizers) of primary teams of children's public organizations and associations.

· Ensures interaction between self-government bodies of educational institutions, teaching staff of educational institutions and children's public organizations.

· Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the preparation and conduct of parent meetings, recreational, educational and other activities provided for educational program educational institution, in organizing and conducting methodological and advisory assistance parents (persons replacing them) of students (pupils, children).

· Ensures the protection of life and health of students (pupils, children) during the educational process. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

A senior counselor working in an educational institution should know:

Ø priority areas development educational system Russian Federation;

Ø laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities, physical education and recreational activities;

Ø Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Ø developmental and special pedagogy and psychology;

Ø physiology, hygiene;

Ø patterns and trends of development children's movement;

Ø pedagogy, children's age and social psychology;

Ø individual and age characteristics students, pupils, children;

Ø the specifics of the work of children's public organizations, associations, the development of interests and needs of students and pupils;

Ø methods of searching and supporting talents, organizing leisure activities;

Ø basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), by email and browsers, multimedia equipment;

Ø methods of persuasion, argumentation of one’s position, establishing contact with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), teaching staff;

Ø technology for diagnosing causes conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;

Ø fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; internal labor regulations of an educational institution;

Ø labor protection and fire safety rules.

The qualification requirements for a senior counselor are as follows: Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education without any work experience requirements.

The documents place serious demands on the senior counselor, because the counselor is closer than anyone else to the child, to his needs, aspirations, ideas, initiatives, and problems.

Why is the counselor the eldest?

When you wrote an application addressed to the director with a request to accept you for the position of “senior counselor,” did you think about the meaning of the word “senior”? The word “counselor” is close to you and you know it. But in combination with the word “senior” it seems even more meaningful.

But where are the “non-elders”? Where are the younger ones, where are those who should be lower in status?

Concepts children's public organization And senior counselor are closely intertwined in the history of the school.

Interested in the history of childhood social movement, you can get acquainted with interesting pages of pedagogy, discover names the most talented people who were involved in the implementation of methods, educational technologies, and forms of working with children. Studying the history of the children's movement can provide high-calorie food for teaching practice, will provide an opportunity to try for yourself what has been tried for decades.

Some representatives teaching professions sometimes they claim to have invented something new. Often such statements are made by those who are not familiar with history. Trying to make discoveries is necessary. But only based on the knowledge accumulated before.

If you're ready to learn a little history, let's go back to the distant 20s of the last century. Times are difficult for the country. A time that dictated new thinking, discoveries, and actions. Then pioneer detachments began to be created. The Pioneer organization began its life. The timid steps of the first counselors and organizers were soon supported by society. Pioneer detachments began to be created at places of residence, at village councils, at enterprises. Each detachment has an organizer from among the Komsomol members - a leader.

Only after some time did the pioneer formations enter the school.

Today there are wonderful practical teachers who went through the wonderful Pioneer school. Each of us has the opportunity to learn from these people about how the work in the pioneer organization was organized. Ask your colleagues. Many of the teachers and administration representatives are directly and closely connected with Pioneerism. Our colleagues have a wealth of experience, by adopting which you can qualitatively expand your knowledge and discover unique techniques.

Modern citizens have an ambiguous attitude towards the Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin. Many look at it through the prism of negative publications, carelessly delivered speeches, and personal, often biased experience. But as surveys conducted in last years– the pioneer past is viewed more and more restrainedly, positively, and balancedly. Pioneerism seriously influenced the formation of society and the current development of pedagogy, education and upbringing systems.

But it is important for us now to trace how the counselor came to school.

After school reform and the introduction of universal education (compulsory universal primary education) pioneer detachments began to be created in schools. The pioneer organization was built on the following principle: school - squad, class - detachment. The pioneer squad became the organizational basis of the children's communist movement, the detachment was considered its main unit, it consisted of 4-5 units, uniting approximately 40-50 children. The work of each detachment was led by a leader - a Komsomol member.

After pioneer detachments began to be created in schools, the structure of school life was adjusted.

The term “Pioneer Leader” first appeared in 1922. The content of the activities of the pioneer leader, his rights and responsibilities were not immediately defined in documents and in detail. We advise you to familiarize yourself with the “Regulations on the senior and detachment pioneer leaders of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after. V.I. Lenin", which was published in 1957.

Considering that a school class is a detachment, a school is a squad; We understand that the detachment is coordinated by a leader from among the high school students (Komsomol members), and the squad is supervised by a senior pioneer leader.

After the cessation of the existence of the Pioneer Organization named after V.I. Lenin, the position of the senior counselor changed. The word “pioneer” has been removed from the formal name. The position remains. And what this position was once introduced to support has been abolished. These are the paradoxes of history that have preserved the memory of the pioneer organization.

In the early 90s, the senior counselor became not the same person he had been before. Without the pioneer organization and without the support of the Komsomol organization, which ceased to exist, the senior leader took a much more modest position. But it is within the power of the counselors to more clearly define their status. This can be done through active actions, high-quality work, social initiatives, and participation in the self-government of an educational institution.

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