Dzhidinsky Peter and Paul Fortress. Petropavlovka village. How to deal with sunburn if you get sunburned

The sun is the source of life on the planet. Its rays provide the necessary light and warmth. At the same time, ultraviolet radiation from the Sun is destructive to all living things. To find a compromise between the beneficial and harmful properties of the Sun, meteorologists calculate the ultraviolet radiation index, which characterizes the degree of its danger.

What kind of UV radiation from the sun is there?

Ultraviolet radiation The Sun has a wide range and is divided into three regions, two of which reach the Earth.

  • UVA. Long-wave radiation range

    315–400 nm

    The rays pass almost freely through all atmospheric “barriers” and reach the Earth.

  • UV-B. Medium wave range radiation

    280–315 nm

    Rays are 90% absorbed ozone layer, carbon dioxide and water vapor.

  • UV-C. Shortwave range radiation

    100–280 nm

    The most dangerous area. They are completely absorbed by stratospheric ozone without reaching the Earth.

The more ozone, clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere, the less the harmful effects of the Sun. However, these life-saving factors have a high natural variability. The annual maximum of stratospheric ozone occurs in spring, and the minimum in autumn. Cloudiness is one of the most variable characteristics of weather. Content carbon dioxide also changes all the time.

At what UV index values ​​is there a danger?

The UV index provides an estimate of the amount of UV radiation from the Sun at the Earth's surface. UV index values ​​range from a safe 0 to an extreme 11+.

  • 0–2 Low
  • 3–5 Moderate
  • 6–7 High
  • 8–10 Very high
  • 11+ Extreme

In mid-latitudes, the UV index approaches unsafe values ​​(6–7) only when maximum height The sun is above the horizon (occurs in late June - early July). At the equator, the UV index reaches 9...11+ points throughout the year.

What are the benefits of the sun?

In small doses, UV radiation from the Sun is simply necessary. The sun's rays synthesize melanin, serotonin, and vitamin D, which are necessary for our health, and prevent rickets.

Melanin creates a kind of protective barrier for skin cells from harmful effects Sun. Because of it, our skin darkens and becomes more elastic.

The hormone of happiness serotonin affects our well-being: it improves mood and increases overall vitality.

Vitamin D strengthens the immune system, stabilizes blood pressure and performs anti-rickets functions.

Why is the sun dangerous?

When sunbathing, it is important to understand that the line between the beneficial and harmful Sun is very thin. Excessive tanning always borders on a burn. Ultraviolet radiation damages DNA in skin cells.

The body's defense system cannot cope with such aggressive influence. It lowers immunity, damages the retina, causes skin aging and can lead to cancer.

Ultraviolet light destroys the DNA chain

How the Sun affects people

Sensitivity to UV radiation depends on skin type. People of the European race are the most sensitive to the Sun - for them, protection is required already at index 3, and 6 is considered dangerous.

At the same time, for Indonesians and African Americans this threshold is 6 and 8, respectively.

Who is most influenced by the Sun?

    People with fair hair

    skin tone

    People with many moles

    Residents of mid-latitudes during a holiday in the south

    Winter lovers


    Skiers and climbers

    People with a family history of skin cancer

In what weather is the sun more dangerous?

It is a common misconception that the sun is dangerous only in hot and clear weather. You can also get sunburned in cool, cloudy weather.

Cloudiness, no matter how dense it may be, does not reduce the amount of ultraviolet radiation to zero. In mid-latitudes, cloudiness significantly reduces the risk of getting sunburned, which cannot be said about traditional beach holiday destinations. For example, in the tropics, if in sunny weather you can get sunburned in 30 minutes, then in cloudy weather - in a couple of hours.

How to protect yourself from the sun

To protect yourself from harmful rays, follow simple rules:

    Spend less time in the sun during midday hours

    Wear light-colored clothing, including wide-brimmed hats

    Use protective creams

    Wear sunglasses

    Stay in the shade more on the beach

Which sunscreen to choose

Sunscreen varies in degree of sun protection and is labeled from 2 to 50+. The numbers indicate the proportion of solar radiation that overcomes the protection of the cream and reaches the skin.

For example, when applying a cream labeled 15, only 1/15 (or 7 %) of the ultraviolet rays will penetrate the protective film. In the case of cream 50, only 1/50, or 2 %, affects the skin.

Sunscreen creates a reflective layer on the body. However, it is important to understand that no cream can reflect 100% of ultraviolet radiation.

For everyday use, when the time spent under the Sun does not exceed half an hour, a cream with protection 15 is quite suitable. For tanning on the beach, it is better to take 30 or higher. However, for fair-skinned people it is recommended to use a cream labeled 50+.

How to Apply Sunscreen

The cream should be applied evenly to all exposed skin, including the face, ears and neck. If you plan to sunbathe for a long time, then the cream should be applied twice: 30 minutes before going out and, additionally, before going to the beach.

Please check the cream instructions for the required volume for application.

How to Apply Sunscreen When Swimming

Sunscreen should be applied every time after swimming. Water washes away the protective film and, by reflecting the sun's rays, increases the dose of ultraviolet radiation received. Thus, when swimming, the risk of sunburn increases. However, due to the cooling effect, you may not feel the burn.

Excessive sweating and wiping with a towel are also reasons to re-protect the skin.

It should be remembered that on the beach, even under an umbrella, the shade does not provide complete protection. Sand, water and even grass reflect up to 20% of ultraviolet rays, increasing their impact on the skin.

How to protect your eyes

Sunlight reflected from water, snow or sand can cause painful burns to the retina. To protect your eyes, wear sunglasses with a UV filter.

Danger for skiers and climbers

In the mountains, the atmospheric “filter” is thinner. For every 100 meters of height, the UV index increases by 5 %.

Snow reflects up to 85 % of ultraviolet rays. In addition, up to 80 % of the ultraviolet reflected by the snow cover is reflected again by clouds.

Thus, in the mountains the Sun is most dangerous. It is necessary to protect your face, lower chin and ears even in cloudy weather.

How to deal with sunburn if you get sunburned

    Use a damp sponge to moisten the burn.

    Apply anti-burn cream to the burned areas

    If your temperature rises, consult your doctor; you may be advised to take an antipyretic

    If the burn is severe (the skin swells and blisters greatly), seek medical attention


Monument to the Hero Soviet Union Garmazhap Garmaev

The village arose in Soviet time. Before the revolution, there were two Cossack villages - 1st Chermutaevsky and 2nd Chermutaevsky (1 Chemurtaevsky and 2 Chemurtaevsky) - included in the village of Pokrovskaya. Until 1916, this was the name of the Cossack settlement, now the village of Zheltura. On the left bank of the Dzhida River a small cemetery chapel was erected in honor of Saints Peter and Paul.

Permission to erect the structure was given on June 17, 1869 to the head of the 1st Tabangut clan, Tsydyk Ishidorzhiev. Based on the name of this chapel, in 1916 the 1st Chermutaevsky village was renamed Petropavlovsky. Parish schools operated at all Orthodox churches in Cossack settlements. The construction and interior decoration of Orthodox churches was mainly financed by wealthy Kyakhta merchants and Cossack patrons. For example, merchants M.A. Kokovin, I.A. Basov, civil servants S.M. Nemchinov, K. Prutnev, S. Burdukovsky and others."

Back in the 30-40s, Peter and Paul Fortress was called Tsagatuy. The village of Lapshinovo (aka Shchekinovo) was located separately, also a RTS (tractor repair station). In the 50-60s of the twentieth century, residents from the villages of Bayan, Elotui, Shirinovo, Kapcheranka, Zaitsevo, Chermutai, Angarkhay, Nizhny Ichetuy and others were resettled to Petropavlovka. Petropavlovka grew. In the 70s and 80s there were 3 schools in Petropavlovka: PSSH No. 1 in the center of Petropavlovka; PSSH No. 2 in the eastern part of the village (formerly Lapshinovo); PSSH No. 3 in RTS (former tractor repair station).


Social infrastructure

Dzhidinsky district administration building

In the Dzhida People's Gallery

Painting by Ts. Sampilov "Love in the steppe" in the Dzhida People's Gallery

  • Petropavlovskaya high school № 1
  • Petropavlovsk Secondary School No. 2
  • Petropavlovsk Secondary School No. 3
  • Gymnasium
  • Night school
  • PTU-29
  • Music School /now School of Arts/
  • house of culture
  • Palace of Culture (KSK - cultural and sports complex)
  • district library
  • children's library
  • Dzhida Folk Gallery
  • district hospital
  • several dozen shops and a number of canteens and cafes

Petropavlovsk secondary school No. 1 / in the mid-90s more than 1050 students studied here / index 671920, Republic of Buryatia, Dzhidinsky district, village. Petropavlovka, Sverdlov St., 39 and the director in the 2000s was Vladimir Innokentievich Medvedev

Petropavlovsk Secondary School No. 2 / about 500 students studied here in the mid-90s / index 671920, Republic of Buryatia, Dzhidinsky district, village. Petropavlovka, Lenin St. Several decades (in the 70s, 80s, 90s, students from Lapshinovo traditionally studied in PSSH No. 2) (about 4 years ago, the school building was transferred to a gymnasium, PSSH No. 2 was transferred to the building of PSSH No. 1)

Petropavlovsk secondary school No. 3 /in the 90s, 100-200 students studied here/ index 671920, Republic of Buryatia, Dzhidinsky district, village. Petropavlovka, st. Baltakhinova, 18 director Tugarinov Alexey Sergeevich

Petropavlovsk regional gymnasium /200-300 students/ index 671920, Republic of Buryatia, Dzhidinsky district, village. Petropavlovka, st. Sverdlova, 51 director Zaitseva Elena Mikhailovna

Evening school (several dozen students) index 671920, Republic of Buryatia, Dzhidinsky district, village. Petropavlovka, st. Kirov

Vocational school - 29 (about 500 students studied here in the mid-90s) is now called the Dzhidinsky Multidisciplinary Technical School

Petropavlovka village - center municipality“Dzhidinsky district”, from which Ulan-Ude is 250 km. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, there were two Cossack villages on the banks of the Dzhida River: on the right - First Chemurtaevsky, on the left - Second Chemurtaevsky. In 1916, the Right Bank was renamed Petropavlovsky. The village was named after the local chapel of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

Today Petropavlovka is one of the largest settlements Buryatia, where more than 8,300 people live. District municipal authorities, branches and branches of republican ministries, federal structures and banks are concentrated here.

The streets of Petropavlovka stretch along the Dzhida River. The housing stock of the joint venture "Petropavlovskoe", which is headed by V.G. Igumnov, is 140393.7 thousand square meters. m, including comfortable and private housing. There are about three thousand personal farmsteads in the regional center. At one time, there was a partnership for joint cultivation of land (TOZ), and then collective farms “Pyatiletka” and named after S.M. Budyonny.

Regional budgetary institutions are concentrated in Petropavlovka. This is the Central District Hospital, Petropavlovskaya Secondary comprehensive school No. 1, district gymnasium, Vocational school No. 29, Cultural and sports complex named after S.B. Zhargalova. Since 1991, the Cash Settlement Center has been operating here, which is the legal successor of the State Bank Branch in the region and structural unit Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is led by A.T. Filipova.

Petropavlovka also has additional offices of Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, and BaikalBank. Here are located the District Electric Networks, a division of Buryatenergo OJSC, and the main tax-generating enterprises of the district, the Dzhidinskoe Agro-Industrial Association LLC and one of the largest in the republic, the Petropavlovsk Meat Processing Plant. Two newspapers are published in the regional center: “Dzhidinskaya Pravda” and “TV-Double”.

Small businesses are actively developing in Petropavlovka. There are 27 small enterprises registered here, employing more than 400 people. In 2010, the implementation of a republican target program for relocating people from dilapidated and dilapidated housing began in Petropavlovka.

Among the events significant for residents of the district center are the opening of the agricultural market, the reconstruction of retail space and the construction of a water pipeline. In 2009, thanks to the efforts of the administration of the Petropavlovskoye joint venture, the water supply problem, which was pressing for Petropavlovsk residents, was solved - four wells were drilled and 2.5 km of summer water supply were installed. From year to year, the number of livestock in the personal farmsteads of residents of the regional center increases.

Nearest settlements- Bulyk village, Gegetui village, Maly Naryn village, Dodo-Ichetuy village, Tsagatuy village, Dede-Ichetuy village. Bulyk is located 1-2 km to the west; Gegetui is located 7 km to the northwest, Maly Naryn is 15 km to the northwest; Lower Ichetuy 7 km to the east-northeast, Tsagatui and Upper Ichetuy to the north km 15

Religious and places of worship

Sculpture of a Buddhist priest Matvey Choibonov in the Dzhida Folk Gallery

In 1997, the building of the Christian Church was built on Kirova Street in the center of the village. The construction was carried out by the team of Nikolai Vasilievich Melnikov. (The temple was opened and consecrated on November 8, 1997 and received the name "Glorification of the Holy Trinity: Father and Son and Holy Spirit". This is the first Church Temple in the history of Peter and Paul Fork. The rector is Poddelsky Yuri Pavlovich - a native of the village of Petropavlovka. Jurisdiction of the local religious organization "Church of the Lord Jesus Christ"

The building was built in 2007 Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Until 2007, an Orthodox House of Prayer functioned on Lenin Street. After the mid-90s, an Orthodox parish was organized in the former Kolos cinema. Until 2007, the Orthodox community held services in a prayer house on Lenin Street. The question of building a temple was raised more than once. Construction started in 2006 was stopped due to lack of funds. In the spring of 2007, on the initiative of Archpriest Vadim Vlasov, parishioners and administration rural settlement"Petropavlovskoye" (head Filippov I.V.), with the active support of the district administration (head Batuev Zh.D.), a public council was formed, which organized the collection of funds for the construction of the temple, which made it possible to provide the construction site and workers with everything necessary. Without exaggeration, we can say that almost all residents of the area made charitable contributions to the temple. The resumed work was carried out at an accelerated pace by a team of workers headed by the Honored Builder of the Republic of Belarus Nikolai Vasilievich Melnikov. Entrepreneur V.E. Eremenko carried out a lot of organizational work, and he also provided significant charitable assistance. Already in the month of July, on St. Peter's Day, that is, on July 12, 2007, the rector of the parish, Archpriest Vadim Vlasov, consecrated the bells, and the village residents heard the blessed bell ringing for the first time. In August, the interior finishing work was completed, a two-tier iconostasis was made and installed, and the consecrated Crosses were erected. In September, the outer cladding of the temple was completed. The total duration of construction was one year. Currently, the temple is constantly open to the public. And it is very gratifying that on the days of the Divine Liturgy, more and more more people visit him. July 12 became village day - the day of the apostles Peter and Paul. Since then it has been celebrated annually.

From the beginning of the two thousandths until the mid-2000s, the office of the parish of John the Siberian ELC operated on the street. Sverdlova 64 b. Then it was closed.

After the mid-90s on the street. Lenina 5/2 the House of Prayer of separated unregistered Baptists of the ECB SC has opened and is operating.

In 2010-2011, a Buddhist branch operated in an apartment on Sverdlov Street in building 49 b in an apartment (then it moved to another area).

At the entrance to the village. An Orthodox cross was installed in Peter and Paul Fortress, and a cross was also installed near the old cemetery. A chapel has been built at the new cemetery. An Orthodox chapel is being built on the territory of the district hospital (the old building of which was once erected on cemetery land).

village day

Monument to fellow countrymen in Petropavlovka


There is an airfield in Petropavlovka; previously there was an airport in Soviet times. Regular planes flew to and from Ulan-Ude every day. This happened in the 70s and 80s, and in the 90s the airport building was closed. The airfield now receives mainly firefighting helicopters and airplanes. Located in the northern part of the village.


In Petropavlovka there is a spacious Yunost stadium with stands and utility rooms. Football field, running tracks, sports grounds. Mass celebrations are held here - the 80th anniversary of the district was celebrated at the stadium, several

Petropavlovka is a village in the Dzhidinsky district of Buryatia.
Petropavlovka is the administrative center of the Dzhidinsky district. The village is located 240 km southwest of Ulan-Ude. Located on the Dzhida River (a tributary of the Selenga), 68 km west of railway station in the village of Dzhida. The population is about 8 thousand people.

Wheat, oats, barley, buckwheat, corn for silage, perennial and annual grasses are grown in the area. They raise cattle, pigs, horses, and sheep.

Our native village of Petropavlovka acquired its current name relatively recently - in 1916. Most often, in official reports about the renaming of a village, information taken from the book of A.D. Zhalsaraev is cited. “Settlements, Orthodox churches, clergy of Buryatia 17-20 centuries”, Ulan-Ude, Buryat book publishing house, 2001.

About the name of the village Petropavlovka

This book contains a short historical reference about the churches of Transbaikalia and, in particular, the Dzhida region, namely, Bayan-Khosun Nikolaev Missionary, Botsinskaya Georgievskaya, Zhelturinskaya Pokrovskaya, Narynskaya Prophet-Ilyinskaya, Petropavlovskaya Peter and Paul Churches with the names of clergymen and church elders.

Thus, on page 43 it is reported that “... the village of Petropavlovka, the administrative center of the Dzhidinsky district, arose in Soviet times. However, before the revolution, two Cossack villages were located in these places - 1st Chemurtaevsky and 2nd Chemurtaevsky, part of the village of Pokrovskaya (stanitsa Zhelturinskaya). In 1916, an order was issued by the Nakazny Ataman of the Trans-Baikal Cossack Army to rename the village of 1st Chemurtaevsky - “to Petropavlovsky, in honor of the local chapel” and the village of 2nd Chemurtaevsky - “to Khokhlovsky, after the name of the Khokhlov Cossacks” (ZEV, 1916, no. 13, p. 439)

Regarding the chapel, page 46 states:


1. Petropavlovskaya Petro-Pavlovskaya

It was built on the left bank of the Dzhida River between the Shchekinovsky village and the Chumurtai guard for a new cemetery, due to the inconvenient position of the previous cemetery located on the right bank. On July 17, 1868, permission for construction was given by His Eminence MARTINIAN (MURATOVSKY) to the head of the 1st Tabangut clan, Tsydyk Ishidorzhiev (IEV, 1869, No. 31, p. 245) After the closure in the 1930s. transferred to the collective farm. CM. Budyonny for a store (NARB, f. R-248, op.3, d.207, l.22).”

Back in the 30-40s, Peter and Paul Fortress was called Tsagatuy. The village of Lapshinovo (aka Shchekinovo) was located separately, also an RTS (tractor repair station). In the 50-60s of the twentieth century, residents from the villages of Bayan, Elotui, Shirinovo, Kapcheranka, Zaitsevo, Chermutai, Angarkhay, Nizhny Ichetuy and others were resettled to Petropavlovka. Petropavlovka grew. In the 70s and 80s there were 3 schools in Petropavlovka: PSSH No. 1 in the center of Petropavlovka; PSSH No. 2 in the eastern part of the village (formerly Lapshinovo); PSSH No. 3 in RTS (former tractor repair station).

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