Detailed map of kabardino balkaria with settlements. Map of kabardino-balkaria

Maps of the cities of the republic: Nalchik | Baksan | Maisky | Nartkala | Cool | Terek | Tyrnyauz | Chegem

The object that is part of the federal North Caucasian district is called the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. This amazingly beautiful place is located on the territory of Russia. The map of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is of great importance.

The border passes next to Georgia, North Ossetia, Karachay - Cherkessia, Stavropol Territory. The main administrative center is the city of Nalchik.

The mountains of the North Caucasus stretch for many thousands of kilometers. The highest point is Elbrus. The climate in this ecologically clean corner of the world is continental and temperate. Winters are warm with little precipitation. The weather is hot in summer.

According to the latest census data, the local population is equal to one million people. The cities of republican significance are: Cool, Bak san, Nalchik. There are several areas.

The economy is provided by the development of agriculture. There are many different enterprises, factories, hydroelectric power stations and so on. Look at the detailed map of Kabardino-Balkaria for all useful information.

Almost all people know that there are many attractions in this republic. One of them is the one where traces of the Bronze Age have been preserved since ancient times.

Map of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Detailed with cities

→ Kabardino-Balkar Republic

Detailed map of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Kabardino-Balkaria on the map of Russia. Detailed map of Kabardino-Balkaria with cities and villages. Satellite map of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic with districts, villages, streets and house numbers. Explore detailed maps from the satellite services "Yandex Maps" and "Google Maps" online. Find the required address, street or house on the map of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Zoom in or out on the map using mouse scrolling or touchpad gestures. Switch between schematic and satellite maps of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Map of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic with cities and regions

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Satellite map of Kabardino-Balkaria

Switching between the satellite map of Kabardino-Balkaria and the schematic is done in the lower left corner of the interactive map.

Kabardino-Balkaria - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of Kabardino-Balkaria: January 5, 1936
Population of Kabardino-Balkaria: 862,050 people
Telephone code of Kabardino-Balkaria: 866
Kabardino-Balkaria square: 12,500 km²
Car code of Kabardino-Balkaria: 07

Regions of Kabardino-Balkaria:

Baksanskiy, Zolskiy, Leskenskiy, Mayskiy, Prokhladnenskiy, Terskiy, Urvanskiy, Chegemskiy, Cherekskiy, Elbrusskiy.

Cities of Kabardino-Balkaria - list of cities in alphabetical order:

Baksan city - City population: 36 860 people.
Maysky town - City population: 26 755 people.
Nalchik city- City population: 240 203 people.
Nartkala city - City population: 31 694 people.
Cool city - City population: 59 601 people.
Terek town- City population: 19 170 people.
Tyrnyauz town - City population: 21,000 people.
Chegem city - City population: 18019 people.

Kabardino-Balkar Republic - a region of Russia in the North Caucasus, the capital of which is the city Nalchik. The population of Kabardino-Balkaria is about 1 million people, which includes many nationalities. The nature of the North Caucasus has awarded the republic with a large number of natural attractions, especially national parks and reserves.

The largest reserves in this region are the Kabardino-Balkarian high-mountain reserve and the Elbrus national park. The latter got its name for a reason, because it is in this part of Russia that Mount Elbrus rises - a favorite place for skiers, climbers and snowboarders.

Attractions of Kabardino-Balkaria: Elbrus, Chegem waterfalls, Baksan gorge and a monument to the pioneers of Elbrus, Alpinist and hunting museum named after Vladimir Vysotsky, Mount Cheget, Waterfall "Maiden's Spit", Valley Narzanov, Elbrus cable car, Baksan River, Monument "Forever with Russia" Nalchik, National Museum of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Nalchik Central Park, Baksan Gorge, Blue Lakes, Elbrus National Park, Cherek Gorge, Chegem Gorge, Terskol Ski Resort.

During any travels around the world, be it a business trip or a tourist trip, the map is an irreplaceable assistant.

If you need to go to the mountains of the North Caucasus, then a satellite map of Kabardino-Balkaria will serve you an excellent service: it will not let you get lost in an unfamiliar area.

Any districts, cities, natural objects, attractions, tourist centers of the republic can be easily found on the road map of Kabardino-Balkaria, where all the main objects are marked in detail.

Regions of Kabardino-Balkaria on the map

The republic is divided into several large regions, the administrative center is the city of Nalchik. In general, there are 15 settlements (cities) with a population exceeding 10 thousand people. This (besides Nalchik):

  • Chill;
  • Nartkala;
  • May;
  • Terek
  • other.

Cities and large rural settlements will serve as good landmarks on a road trip. Therefore, you will need a map of Kabardino-Balkaria with cities and villages.

Three cities in Kabardino-Balkaria are of republican subordination (we are talking about Nalchik, Baksan, Prokhladny). The most convenient and good roads lead to and from them.

KBR is mostly an agricultural republic, where they grow vegetables, fruits, keep livestock. Therefore, there are many villages on its territory. This is easy to see if you take a map of Kabardino-Balkaria by region. Areas belonging to flat areas are given over to agricultural products.

Cattle graze in the foothills:

  • rams;
  • sheep.

Agricultural regions of Kabardino-Balkaria

So, Baksan district mainly represented by rural settlements. On the map of Kabardino-Balkaria with villages, you can see the location of all 13 settlements in this territory. Residents provide for themselves and supply various agricultural products to other regions. The Baksan region is also developing as a tourist center: hot mineral springs are beating here, which have a healing effect on the body.

Among other areas on the map of Kabardino-Balkaria, one cannot fail to note Zolsky... Its economy also has a pronounced agricultural focus. Mainly Kabardians live here - they are excellent farmers. Out of 9 settlements - only 1 city, the remaining 15 - villages. The area is home to the Narzan Valley, which attracts local residents and numerous tourists. mineral springs and the unique Lake Tambukan, whose mud is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.
Railroad station in the Terek.

IN Tersk district republics - 1 city and several (17) rural settlements... On the map of Kabardino-Balkaria with all settlements the regional center, which is Terek, is marked.

Despite the fact that there is only one city, it is quite large: there are 5 large and several small and medium enterprises on its territory. The North Caucasian railway line passes through the Terek. The railway station is located in this city, so if you are traveling by train, Terek will be the starting point of your trip to Kabardino-Balkaria. In which direction to move on, the Yandex map of Kabardino-Balkaria will indicate.

Industrial area

Borders with the Terek region May... Its distinctive feature is that the majority of the population (63%) lives in cities, therefore, industry is developed here. Ethnically, there are many Russians. The basis of the economy of the Maysky district today is the food and processing industry. The following enterprises are located in the Maisky district:

  • engineering;
  • for the production of building materials;
  • for the production of medical equipment;
  • for the production hot water and a couple.

Elbrus and Elbrus

Among the tourists who come to the republic to improve their health, go in for sports and capture the natural beauty in memory, the Elbrus region is best known. A detailed road map of Kabardino-Balkaria will tell you how to get to it in the most convenient way.

The district adjoins the Zolsky and Baksansky districts, and its administrative center is the city of Tyrnauz. This city is a real attraction in itself. Built in Soviet times for the extraction and processing of tungsten found in Kabardino-Balkaria, today it is slowly dying out, as the enterprise has long been abandoned. A schematic map of Kabardino-Balkaria will indicate the exact location of Tyrnauz high in the mountains. The city is crossed by everyone who goes to Elbrus.

Elbrus district includes a large number of industrial enterprises. In terms of ethnic composition, the population is mainly Balkars. Here, in the Elbrus region, the flow of tourists who want to climb Elbrus does not dry up. In winter there are ski slopes, in summer - a ski lift. The government of the republic plans to eventually turn Tyrnauz into a tourist center and thereby save the city from destruction.

Elbrus famous as the balneoclimatic zone of the republic, where the resorts are located. Most of this territory is included in the national park "Elbrus", protected by the state.

Kabardino-Balkaria possesses huge recreational (i.e., used for health improvement and recreation) resources. There are many unique natural attractions here. You can come here both on a tourist voucher and on your own, only in the second case you must definitely stock up on a detailed map.

My resource is dedicated to tourism, I'm just sure that many of my readers love to travel to different countries. Today we will see what a tourist can find for himself in such a wonderful republic as Kabardino-Balkaria! Everyone understands that to meddle in a foreign country without its map is stupidity, therefore in this article you will find map of Kabardino-Balkaria, both normal and interactive, from the satellite. Map will help you navigate at the right time. In general, get ready, maps, attractions, tips for tourists - all this will be in today's article.

Kabardino-Balkaria has long been famous for its beautiful nature, favorable climatic conditions, mountain gorges and valleys.

The Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is located in the North Caucasus and covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 12.5 thousand square kilometers. The population of the republic of almost 860 thousand people is represented by Kabardians, Balkars, Russians and some other nationalities. Opening map of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, you can see all its eight cities, eight districts and urban-type settlements. The capital of the region is the city of Nalchik, the republic belongs to the Southern Federal District.

FROM card of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic you will find any interesting object of the region, where the most big cities, in addition to the capital - Tyrnyauz, Baksan, Prokhladny. Kabardino-Balkaria was formed in the fall of 1921.

The region is known far beyond the borders of Russia as a land of generous nature. Its assets are various hot and cold springs of healing mineral waters, as well as amazing landscapes: the Caucasus Mountains, the two-headed Elbrus (the highest point not only in the Caucasus and Russia, but also in Europe), picturesque tracts, the Terek river valleys, lakes and oases around them. There are several five-thousanders on the territory of the republic.

The basis of the economy of Kabardino-Balkaria is agriculture, more than 200 various industrial enterprises operate on the territory of the republic. Among them are the production of X-ray equipment (one of the leading in Russia), artificial diamonds and high-class tools based on them, finishing and building materials. The power industry is actively developing in the republic.

On the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria there are various educational, scientific institutions, cultural and leisure facilities, sports facilities. To increase the growth rate of economic indicators in the republic, the so-called business incubators have been created, the essence of which is to provide small and medium-sized businesses with equipped office and industrial premises for affordable rent. The innovation is already yielding positive results.

Elbrus region is a famous area for skiing, mountaineering and tourism. The Balkar Gorge with a large number of historical monuments is widely known.
One of the most beautiful places is the Chegem gorge, where the grandiose ridge of Su-Auzu waterfalls is located. In winter, a huge ice cascade forms there. From the glaciers of Elbrus, the Malka River begins, where there is no permanent road. And on one of the tributaries of the river there is the famous "Narzan Valley".

Administrative center: Nalchik
Cities: | Maisky | Nartkala | Cool | Terek | Tyrnyauz | Chegem

Areas: Baksansky | Zolsky | Leskensky | Maisky | Prokhladnensky | Tersky | Urvansky | Chegemsky | Chereksky | Elbrus

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Five fundamental ridges of the Greater Caucasus pass through the territory of the republic:

  • Wooded;
  • Chief (Dividing);
  • Pasture (Cretaceous);
  • Rocky;
  • Side.

The highest mountain in Europe is located - Elbrus. The climate in the region is rather mild, but snow constantly lies in the mountains.

  • The wettest month is June;
  • The warmest is July and August, the temperature reaches + 40 degrees;
  • The coldest is January, the temperature drops to -30 degrees.

On the satellite map of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, broad-leaved trees are visible, coniferous forests, small rivers, alpine meadows. In total, 12 rivers flow through the region, there are four lakes, four large waterfalls. The flora and fauna of the republic is diverse. There, for example, you can meet brown bear, Caucasian chamois, Dagestan tur, pheasant, quail, roe deer and other animals and birds.

Transport of Kabardino-Balkaria

  • The main highway is the European E50. It runs from Brest (France) to Makhachkala (Russia, Dagestan);
  • Federal A158. Cool - Baksan - Elbrus;
  • Regional Р288. Nalchik - Maisky;
  • Regional P290. Maisky - Cool;
  • Regional Р292. Maisky - Argudan;
  • Federal highway P217 ("Caucasus"), connecting the village of Pavlovskaya (Krasnodar Territory) and the village of Yarag-Kazmalyar (Dagestan).

There are other regional highways in the republic. There is also an airport in Kabardino-Balkaria. It is located 5 kilometers from the center of Nalchik. On the map of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria online with borders, you can see that the territory of the region passes railway... There is a large railway station in Nalchik.

Map of Kabardino-Balkaria with regions and settlements

On the map of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria with the districts, it is noted that there are three cities of republican significance in this region. These are Nalchik, Cool and Baksan. The capital of the republic is Nalchik with a population of 270 thousand people. There are ten districts in the republic:

  • Chereksky;
  • Elbrus;
  • Chegemsky;
  • Urvansky;
  • Prokhladnensky;
  • Tersky;
  • Leskensky;
  • May;
  • Baksansky;
  • Zolsky.

About 870 thousand people live on the territory of the republic. More than 500 thousand are Kabardians, about 250 thousand are Russians, over 80 thousand are Balkars. People of other nationalities also live.