Emotional and behavioral manifestations test online. Test “Find out your psycho-emotional state. The most powerful human emotions

(Bass-Darki Questionnaire, adapted by G. A. Tsukerman)

Do you want to know what manifestations of aggression are typical for you? We invite you to take the test and identify your usual behavior patterns!

1. If I get angry, I might hit someone.

2. Sometimes I get so irritated that I can throw an object.

3. I get irritated easily, but calm down quickly.

4. Until I am asked in a good way, I will not fulfill the request.

5. It seems to me that fate is unfair to me.

6. I know that people talk about me behind my back.

7. I can't resist arguing if people don't agree with me.

8. If I deceive someone, then I feel ashamed.

9. It seems to me that I can hit a person.

10. When I get irritated, I slam doors.

11. Sometimes people irritate me simply by the fact of their presence.

12. If I don’t like some rule, then I want to break it.

13. Sometimes envy gnaws at me, although I don’t show it.

14. I think that many people don't like me.

15. I demand that people respect my rights.

16. Sometimes thoughts come into my mind that I am ashamed of.

17. I know people who can get me into a fight.

18. Sometimes I express my anger by banging on the table.

19. Sometimes I can explode like a powder keg.

20. If someone tries to boss me around, I act against him.

21. There are people whom I hate.

22. Quite a lot of people are jealous of me.

23. If I'm angry, I may swear.

24. People who shirk work should feel guilty.

25. If someone offends me, I can fight back.

26. Sometimes I grab the first object that comes to hand and break it.

27. I can be rude to people I don’t like.

28. When people talk down to me, I don’t want to do anything.

29. I try to hide bad attitude to people.

30. Sometimes it seems to me that they are laughing at me.

31. If someone annoys me, I can say everything I think about him.

32. It depresses me that I don’t help my parents enough.

33. If someone hits me first, I will answer him in kind.

35. I get irritated over little things.

36. I try to put anyone who pretends to be a boss in his place.

37. I deserve more praise and attention than I receive.

38. I have enemies who would like to harm me.

39. I can make threats, although I am not going to carry out the threats.

40. I do a lot of things that I later regret.

Processing the results:

Only positive responses are considered when determining results.

Physical aggression

Indirect aggression





Verbal aggression



The constructed graph (see the figure at the end of the file) shows what manifestations of aggression are typical for you. If a point on the graph is located above the dotted line, we can talk about the severity of this form of behavior.

Physical aggression is a tendency to the most primitive type of aggression. You tend to resolve issues from a position of strength. Perhaps your lifestyle and personal characteristics prevent you from looking for more effective methods interactions. You risk running into retaliatory aggression.

Indirect aggression - of course, it is better to hit the table than your partner’s head. However, you shouldn't get carried away with this. Spare furniture and dishes. After all, these are direct losses. Besides, it won't take long to get hurt.

Irritation - poorly or even well hidden aggression will not immediately lead to a break in relations with another person, but will corrode from the inside, like sulfuric acid until it breaks out. When it breaks through, see physical and indirect aggression.

Negativism is a reaction typical of a teenager who commits meaningless and even self-destructive actions out of a sense of protest. Its essence is in the proverb: “I’ll knock out my own eye, let my mother-in-law have a crooked son-in-law.”

Touchiness is a willingness to see ridicule, disdain, and a desire to humiliate in the words and actions of other people. It really poisons life.

Suspicion is the willingness to see in the words and actions of others a hidden intent directed against you. In its extreme manifestations it can be a symptom of ill health.

Verbal aggression - you won’t reach for words. But in vain. The consequences of a thoughtless word can be much more destructive than the consequences of a fight. However, one does not interfere with the other.

Feeling of guilt - congratulations, you didn’t hit anyone, didn’t break anything, didn’t yell at anyone. Where then does the feeling of discomfort come from, the feeling as if we are to blame for something? If you feel responsible for your emotions, then you know how to manage them.

The Spielberger test is used to determine a person’s psycho-emotional state and identify his weaknesses. The data obtained through this test is no longer necessary for the patient, but for the psychotherapist or psychologist to build further tactics with the person being examined.

The Spielberger test is quite simple to use and quite highly informative. The test makes it possible to find out the level of personal anxiety, depending on the characteristics, the formed character of the child and the indicator of reactive anxiety. The basis of reactive or situational anxiety is the degree of susceptibility of the child to aggression of various aspects environment at the time of exposure to the latter. The test is a form of questionnaire. When answering questions, the test taker must use the proposed answer options. To determine personal and situational anxiety, 2 sets of questions are used. The version examining personal anxiety uses questions about the patient's condition, which he has been experiencing for a long time. In the block used to determine the level of reactionary anxiety, questions are aimed at clarifying the patient’s condition at the time of the study.

Turn off your logic for a while - the questions are aimed at playing with your subconscious. Don't give yourself time to think. Write down the first thing that comes to mind.

1. Imagine that you are walking with someone through the forest. Who could it be?
2. You are walking through the forest and see an animal not far from you. What kind of animal is this?
3. What happens after you meet his eyes?
4. You continue walking through the forest. Go out into the clearing where your dream house stands. How would you describe its size?
5. Is your dream home surrounded by a fence?
6. You enter the house. Go to the dining room to look at the dining table. Describe what you see on and around it.
7. You leave the house through the back door. And you see a cup lying right on the grass. What material is it made of?
8. What would you do if you saw her?
9. You come to the end of the yard, in the middle of which there is a house. There's a pond there. What kind of pond is this?
10. How are you going to cross the water to move on?

The answers to all the questions you provide demonstrate your values ​​and ideals. Here's how to analyze them.

Test answers:

1. The person you are walking next to is the most important person in your life.

2. The size of the imaginary animal is actually the size of your problems inside your subconscious. The larger the animal, the harder your life.

3. The way you react to an unexpected encounter in the forest is your most typical way of solving problems (aggressive, passive or escaping).
4. The size of the house you saw is the size of your ambitions. If it's too high, you may have high expectations from life.

5. If there is no fence, you are an open and internally free person. If it is there, it means you value personal space and expect the same from others. That is, you will never enter the personal space of others without permission.

6. If you don’t see food, flowers or people in this room, then you are most likely deeply unhappy.

7. The strength and durability of the material from which the cup is made is how strong and strong you perceive your family relationships to be. Disposable plastic or paper cup? Glass? Most likely, you are worried about the future of your family. If the cup was metal or porcelain in your mind, then you have nothing to worry about.

8. Your action characterizes your attitude towards the person from question number 1.

9. The size of the pond is the size of your sexual appetite.

10. The wetter the mode of transportation you choose, the more important sex is in your life.

Important: You can take this test again and again within a few days of each other. The fact is that it does not reflect some basic characteristics of your personality, but your psycho-emotional state at the moment.

1. Type of emotional experiences:

a) imagination;

b) emotional stress ;

c) imbalance.

2. Positive emotions in childhood develop through:

a) attention;

b) communication;

V) game .

3. What refers to the stress phase:

a) excitation phase;

b) hysterical phase;

V) exhaustion phase .

4. Long-term, stable, objective relationships to any object are:

a) attention;

b) feelings ;

c) sympathy.

5. The most powerful type of emotional reactions is:

A) affect ;

b) feeling;

c) mood.

6. The reaction not only to current events, but also to remembered ones, is:

a) temperament;

b) character;

V) emotions .

7. Emotional state, empathy for another object, is:

a) ambivalence;

b) sympathy ;

c) mood.

8. Negative emotions due to:

A) instability ;

b) regularity;

c) character.

9. Which of these concepts refers to the type of feelings:

A) moral ;

b) compassionate;

c) depressed.

10. Highlight which theory relates to psychological emotions:

a) characteristic;

b) evolutionary ;

Test for emotional burnout provides an opportunity to recognize whether a person is really susceptible to psychological problems. In current realities, lack of interest in life is becoming a relevant phenomenon for people of various age categories. Abundance life problems- tedious or exhausting work, low income, lack of mutual understanding, can cause loss of joy - a serious violation of the psychological state. Positive emotions are valuable components of the life process, and if the person being tested is not able to experience them, it means that something needs to be changed in his life, and it is important to get help from a psychologist. This condition cannot be ignored, otherwise it can develop into persistent depression.

Even those who don’t notice should take the emotion test psychological problems. Emotional disturbance may be a hidden problem that slowly gets worse and becomes apparent over time. You can prevent burnout of positive feelings on our own or by contacting a psychologist, but first you need to determine whether the person actually has the problem described. The psychological test, in essence, is intended to allow the user to carry out the test on their own.

The test shows a person’s attitude towards himself and others, his ability to actively communicate. Emotions are momentary impulses; excessive emotionality interferes with relationships between people. By answering the test questions, you will know your pain points and will be able to respond correctly to conflict situations.

A simple situational test for your mood, your ability to rejoice and please others. Are you a positive person, do you know how to create an aura of joy around yourself, where everyone who communicates with you ends up? Or, on the contrary, do you see everything in a gloomy light, and it is impossible to convince you otherwise? Analyze your mood, read the recommendations that will be at the end of the test.

This test will show how open you are in showing emotions, can you laugh out loud at a harmless joke or will you take it personally? How to get out of a deadlock situation, how to understand your behavior? The answers at the end of the test will show your weak points in emotional relationships with others.

Reliable test on the emotional state allows you to determine what a person actually feels now, regardless of the emotions shown. Having assessed its results, it will be possible to quickly find an approach to the person.

The emotional stability test allows you to determine how much a person is able to withstand external (emotional) pressure. Based on its results, it will be possible to build further communication in a manner beneficial to yourself and gain confidence in your interlocutor.

Determining true emotions and feelings is very simple with the help of an emotions and feelings test. All you have to do is ask for a few drawings. By assessing some of their features, it will be possible to identify even carefully hidden feelings. Any pretense will be exposed.

Identifying emotional areas such as lability and stability is quite simple. Moreover, this can be done unobtrusively, during normal communication. It is necessary to conduct a psychological test to do this.

With this test you can easily determine emotional relationships. By asking your interlocutor certain questions, you can find out his feelings about something. No matter how hard he tried to hide them.

Emotional relationships in a family can be determined by conducting an objective psychological test, which is based on individual characteristics subconscious. This way you can help people better understand their problems and suggest ways to solve them.

The level of emotional experience will not be difficult to determine after this psychological test Thanks to this, you can find out whether the person really empathizes with you or is just pretending.