Where do we actually live? Internal emigrant: why it’s good where we are not. Thin body. Shell of Mind

In recent years, natural science has increasingly gone to extremes. On the one hand, she directs her gaze into the bottomless expanses of the Universe, on the other, she directs her gaze into the no less inexhaustible depths of the microworld. At the same time, it goes without saying that somewhere in the middle, in the world of everyday scale, everything was established long ago and forever. What madman would now risk refuting the idea of ​​the sphericity and convexity of the Earth or the heliocentric structure solar system? And yet I say: humanity is wrong!

The universe is not structured at all as we are taught in school, as it is written about in textbooks and encyclopedias. I was confirmed in this thought after long sleepless nights spent at the telescope, over drawings and calculations.

Here are my postulates. There are also three of them (like Einstein).

1, Yes, the Earth really is a sphere with a radius of about 6400 km, but the sphere is hollow, and we live not on its outer, but on its inner surface. All the variety of objects and natural phenomena, all visible world enclosed within this sphere.

2, The earth is stationary.

3. Rays of light propagate in circles passing through the center of the world, and the speed of light slows down as it approaches the center of the world.

Every theory must be based on rigorous evidence. How do they usually begin to convince a schoolchild that the Earth is convex? From the well-known story of a ship setting sail. Now the ship has reached the horizon and begins to slowly disappear behind it. Here the mourners see from the shore only the deck and masts, now only the masts, now only the pennant is visible over the horizon - and finally the ship disappears from sight.

Everything is true in this picture. But is the assumption of the convexity of the Earth really necessary to explain this fact?

Let's turn to my world system (see picture). The circular arc marked with the number 1 is the path of the light ray that comes to the observer. The shaded area into which the ship goes is not visible. The consistent positions of the ship make it easy to follow the process of its disappearance over the horizon.

Well, God be with him, with the ship. Let's move on to more fundamental problems.

Day and night. They are usually explained by the rotation of the Earth around its axis. But this explanation is by no means the only possible one. In my system, the change of day and night occurs as a result of the movement of the Sun around the center of the world along a complex spiral trajectory (see figure). Each turn of the spiral corresponds to a certain season.

The sun in my system is not a giant hot ball, as we traditionally consider it to be. I would rather liken it to a narrowly directed spotlight, the rays of which diverge in the form of a kind of curvilinearly expanding fan. It is easy to notice that behind the Sun in the direction of the center of the world there should be a trail of darkness and darkness. When the Moon, in its wandering in orbit, enters this dark zone, a lunar eclipse occurs on Earth (see figure, section 3). When it enters the region of light and blocks part of the sun's rays going to the earth's surface, a solar eclipse occurs.

In the center of the world there is a clot of matter, which has taken the form of an elastic ball. Its surface is dotted with light dots - stars. The center of the world is the concentration of not only matter, but also energy. It is emitted in continuous streams that reach the Earth in the form of starlight and cosmic radiation. Asteroids and planets are also products of the center of the world: at certain critical phases of development, they are ejected from there and slowly move away along unwinding spiral trajectories - to the delight of astronomers, who discover them as they arrive.

I have already noticed that everyone who encounters my theory for the first time is at first perplexed: how can all the diversity of natural phenomena, the entire boundless cosmos fit inside such a small sphere? How can a huge firmament, dotted with myriads of stars and hugging the Earth on all sides, be represented by a small clump of matter with luminous points on it? They forget that this is not just a clump, but the center of the world, which is the focus. The inertia of thinking does not allow them to comprehend my harmonious picture of the world from the position of three postulates. Meanwhile, everything is simple here (see figure, section 4). Rays of light come to the observer from the lower part of the spherical central clump of matter along circular trajectories, and at all angles to the earth's surface - from zero up to ninety degrees.That is why it seems to the observer that the sky sparkling with stars hangs over him like a dome.

New things are always puzzling. As one of the greats said, “every new theory must be a little crazy." But I personally think the old system of the world is crazy, where the distances to celestial bodies are measured by so-called astronomical numbers: to the Moon - 384,400 kilometers, to the Sun - 149,500,000 kilometers, to the nearest star - 40,000,000,000,000 kilometers! If a typesetter makes a mistake and adds a couple of zeros to such a number, it’s unlikely that anyone will notice the mistake or sense the inaccuracy. Common sense is unable to perceive such things. A monstrous inflation of zeros is happening!

What do I have? None of the distances exceeds 12 thousand kilometers. To the uninitiated, this may seem strange.

1. The assumption of non-linear propagation of light makes the disappearance of a ship over the horizon in the world of Kifa Vasilievich explainable. 2. The same assumption allows us to explain why, in this hypothetical world, the rays of the Sun change their inclination towards the earth's surface during the day. 3. So in “ inner world» are happening lunar eclipses. 4. This is how the illusion of a star dome arises in the “inner world”. 5. So, as a result of inversion relative to the earth's surface, the near-earth world passes into the earth's sphere. 6. Scheme of an experiment that would allow Kifa Vasilyevich to prove that light rays do not propagate rectilinearly. 7. Diagram explaining the absence of gravity in the “inner world”.

After all, for example, the above distance to the Moon is “convincingly” confirmed by radar data. But what does radar measure? Is it distance? No. It measures the time it takes for a radio signal to travel to the Moon and back. That's all that experiment can give in this regard. And then - calculations based on the old world system. Time is multiplied by the “speed of light” at which the signal supposedly travels, by the so-called “world constant” c, approximately equal to three hundred thousand kilometers per second. And please! - that's an astronomical value for you. But the trouble (the trouble with the old theory!) is that this constant speed c does not and cannot exist. The speed of light slows down as it approaches the center of the world (see my third postulate!). And here the result of multiplying time by the average speed of light cannot exceed 12 thousand kilometers. And the speed of light at each point in space is the limit for the speed of propagation of any signal - “you can’t cross it” (this was rightly noted by another before me brilliant thinker of our time - Albert Einstein).

And therefore, flights to the stars remain a problem to this day, because the time it takes to reach the stars, even in my system of the world, is very, very long.

However, who knows, maybe there will be a way to pierce space along other trajectories? The goal is tempting: truly, the most distant planet is not so far away! No further than from Moscow to Vladivostok. But the elbow is close, but you won’t bite.

Of course, my theory also has blind spots - a rich field for research and new wonderful discoveries. Well, for example, what does our Earth look like from the outside? And what surrounds her?

Personally, after much thought, I came to the following conclusion. Like the Moon and planets, the Earth is deserted and covered in craters on the outside. Moreover, it, in turn, is a planet in some larger, enclosing and also closed world. Reasoning by analogy, I inevitably come to the conclusion that there is life on the Moon and other planets, but not outside, but inside. And it's joyful.

How can one not rethink the famous essay by the famous Swift about Gulliver’s travels! If Gulliver had gone to the outer surface of the Earth, he would have found himself a dwarf in that world. And if he had penetrated inside the Moon or another planet, he would have been considered a giant. Here you have Gulliver, and the Lilliputians and the Brobdinden giants!

Any new knowledge is beneficial to civilization, and so is my theory. Deep drilling should be prohibited everywhere. For we do not know the thickness of the earth’s shell and we risk drilling through it and releasing the entire fertile atmosphere into another world.

And a few more words in conclusion.

At one time there was a planetary model of the atom. However, it turned out to be untenable. I am sure that the same fate awaits the planetary model of the Solar System and the model of the Universe that includes it. Let my theory not remain for centuries, even if it will be replaced in due time by a more perfect one. But at this stage of the development of science, it contains the truth.

The land of the ancients was flat. Then the scientists bent the edges of the disk and turned it into a sphere, giving all living things its convex surface. I guess they took a wrong turn.

Kifa Vasilievich’s manuscript was prepared for publication by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu. POPOV and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu. PUKHNACHEV. They also comment on the theory presented in the manuscript.

Sculpture "The Globe". Installed in the Vatican!

Kifa Vasilievich’s thoughts about the fact that we live somewhere inside are staggering at first, aren’t they? But if you think about it: what is wrong with the author of the strange theory? Where does he sin against the truth, against obvious facts? Try, reader, to refute his conclusions with evidence - and you will see that this is not so easy to do! The fact is that the picture of the world that Kifa Vasilievich paints, for all its apparent absurdity, can be supported by strict relationships associated with a geometric transformation called inversion.

The figure on the right and the caption to it give a strict definition of this mathematical operation. To put it descriptively, it can be likened to a reflection in a distorting mirror. In this case, the role of a mirror is played by a certain sphere; Every point outside the sphere, as a result of “reflection,” falls inside it.

If we take the earth's surface as such a sphere, then the Universe will seem to turn inside out: all the space surrounding the Earth will find itself inside the ball, from the vast expanses of space to the vicinity of the center of the earth's sphere, planets, stars, galaxies will gather into a small cluster...

The rays of light will undergo curious transformations. The point is that inversion converts straight lines into circles. And as soon as light rays seem to us to be rectilinear, then as a result of inversion, in order to fit inside the earthly sphere, they will curl up into rings and take the form of circles passing through the center of this sphere. Using mathematical formulas, which we do not dwell on in the pages of a popular magazine, we can be convinced that the speed of propagation of light, which was constant outside the sphere, inside it should decrease as it approaches the center of the sphere in inverse proportion to the square of the distance to it.

Take a closer look at the picture that appears thanks to the described transformation: the features of a strange world created by the imagination of Kifa Vasilyevich emerge before you.

However, despite the striking strangeness of this world, everything in it, in the opinion of its inhabitants, will look exactly the same as the reality around us appears to us. In fact, we evaluate the size and shape, arrangement and relative position of the objects we are considering by the angles at which rays of light from these objects enter the pupils of our eyes. And inversion preserves the angles at which the lines intersect, including the trajectories of light rays. Therefore, having moved thanks to inversion from the world familiar to us into the world of Kifa Vasilyevich, we would see all objects at exactly the same angles at which we saw them before. We would not notice any visible difference between the old and transformed world, which means we would not be able to determine by eye, based only on visual impressions, where we live - on Earth or inside the Earth.

It turns out that Kifa Vasilyevich’s theory does not contradict the obvious facts visible to the naked eye! To refute his fantastic constructions, experiments are necessary.

At the upper end of the long vertical rod, we will attach a mirror perpendicular to it. From the other end of the rod, we fire a laser beam along it towards the mirror. As long as the rod stands perpendicular to the earth's surface (see figure on page 131, section 6), the beam will travel in a straight line and, reflected from the mirror, will return to the same point from which it was released. This will be the case in the world we are accustomed to and in the world of Kifa Vasilyevich. We will now tilt the bar and at the same time carefully monitor what happens to the beam reflected from the mirror. In the world we are familiar with, where light travels in straight lines, the emitted and reflected rays would still merge. In the world of Kifa Vasilyevich they would have diverged: the emitted beam, bending more and more as the rod was tilted, would have fallen on the mirror no longer perpendicularly and, having been reflected, would have gone on a different trajectory. Beam splitting could be confirmed by moving the bunny on a suitable screen.

The experiment seems clear and conclusive, but it has a weak spot.
Let us imagine a certain sphere in space (in the diagram it is depicted as a thick circle). Let us associate each point in space with another point so that both lie on the same radial ray emanating from the center of the sphere, and the distances from them to the center of the sphere are inversely proportional to each other. Let us take the coefficient of proportionality equal to the square of the radius of the sphere: then each of its exact points will correspond to the same exact point, and as a result the sphere will remain in place.

This is how the inversion transformation is accomplished. In this case, straight lines turn into circles (only those that pass through the center of the sphere will remain straight). In the diagram, corresponding lines and circles are depicted by lines of the same pattern. Straight lines intersecting at a certain angle, as a result of inversion, turn into circles intersecting at the same angle. Therefore, body M, visible from point B at the angle indicated in the diagram, will go into body M", visible from point B" at the same angle (assuming that light inside the sphere propagates in a circle).

Here it is - an internal cavity with a radius of 6370 km known to us. In the center there is a special mechanism that provides visual effects of the starry sky: the Starry Sphere (SS). Stars are depicted on the GS. The planets and the Sun move along it. Moreover, the Sun is not a lighting device: half of the rotating stellar sphere creates light, and the Sun makes only a small addition.

The article was prepared based on materials from the journal “Science and Life” for 1981 (No. 6, “But still it is concave!” from the archive of Kifa Vasilyevich).

Have you ever had the feeling that everything will start if you just change something? For example, move to live in another country or city? This is a state as if you are sitting on packed suitcases. And I don’t want to unpack my suitcases, because I’m afraid it will drag on. You put everything off, and all your dreams start with some ephemeral “tomorrow.” Today I will wait, and tomorrow everything will fall into place, tomorrow I will begin to live and do what I have long dreamed of. You just need to take this first step - move, run away, start all over again. I call this condition internal emigration.

Globally, the term internal emigration is associated with detachment from one’s state, avoidance of participation in public and political life of your country. But today I want to talk not about politics, but about that very psychological state that makes us think that “the neighbor’s grass is greener,” and that somewhere “out there” they are waiting for us, but here and now is just a transit paragraph. Something that needs to be experienced, to get over it, but, at all costs, to change.

Beautiful films, heart-warming stories of victories, impressive pictures - we collect these images bit by bit, equating ourselves with that small percentage of people who “succeeded.” Agree, each of us wants to be at least a little “chosen”. We read books, watch films in which main character no worse or better than us. We strive for an ideal life that was not invented by us.

What prevents us from living?

Usually people attribute their failures to circumstances: the state does not support the initiative, people are callous, salaries are low. We are fundamentally dissatisfied with our lives because someone prevented us from living as we wanted, as we could.

And we want to escape, to start living not in this country, not in this city.

What's stopping us?

Somewhere deep in our souls, each of us understands that no one is waiting for us there. That we are not living in a fairy tale or a movie, and that the hardest part begins after the credits. When you reset, you lose everything that has been accumulated: there are no old connections, often even no knowledge of the language. After all, we understand that, in essence, life there is no different. You will also lack time and money, you will also have to work, and sometimes many times more, in order to provide yourself with at least an average standard of living.

Foreign countries are happy with tourists who leave money there, but sometimes they are not at all happy with emigrants who take away jobs from local residents. And if you are going to build your business in a new place, then you need to have some kind of safety net that will allow you to exist in another country at least for the first time. And in developed countries, pillows are needed more than anywhere else.

You understand all this, but very often you cannot admit it even to yourself. And in the end, “you sit on your suitcases.” Because it’s difficult here, and it’s difficult there.

Why is this condition bad?

While you wait, you are inactive. You don't live in the present, you don't enjoy what you already have. You ignore interesting proposals and don’t try to fix something here and now.

The truth is that there is only one life (after all, no one has yet proven otherwise). Sitting best years your life “out of suitcases”, you risk being very disappointed in old age. Dissatisfaction with yourself and your weakness will accumulate in you, and as a result you will turn into a grumpy old man who, in fact, never lived at all.

What can we change?

I am not at all against emigration, as some of you might think, but I believe that being in a state of “internal emigration” is very dangerous and completely unproductive. Therefore, I offer you a series of questions that you can ask yourself to try to get out of this state.

  1. Do I really want to move or is this desire imposed on me?
  2. Am I ready to live my whole life in another country, far from relatives and close friends?
  3. Can I really be useful to the “other” society?
  4. What doesn’t suit me about my city, my country? Can I change this?
  5. How do I see my ideal life?

I would like to dwell on the last point in more detail.

  1. What exactly can I do today to become one step closer to my dream?
  2. What resources do I need for this?
  3. Where exactly can I get these resources today?

In fact, everything is in our hands, and if it’s difficult or scary for you to start doing something, then “cut the elephant into steaks” and start moving towards your dream in small, small steps.

Every day, do what you can do right now. We have much more possibilities than we sometimes think. Fortunately, almost every corner of the world has the Internet - and this is a whole world of new opportunities.

Why does our world look this way and not otherwise? How does it actually work? Why does what we call miracles happen in it, and why do physical laws not always work? Is it possible to learn to control reality and the events that happen around us? There is only one theory that explains all this: the so-called material world simply does not exist.

What happened when there was nothing

People have been thinking about the origin of the Universe since ancient times. Theologians believed that it was created by the Creator several thousand years BC. But archaeological and paleontological finds prove that the Earth and life on it are at least millions of years old. Aristotle, apparently, was much closer to the truth, claiming that the Universe has neither beginning nor end and will exist forever...

For a long time the Universe was considered static and unchanging, but in 1929 the American astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that it was constantly expanding. Consequently, it did not always exist, but arose as a result of some processes, he reasoned. This is how the theory of the Big Bang emerged, which gave birth to stars and galaxies billions of years ago. But if nothing existed before the Big Bang, then what led to it?

In 1960, physicist John Wheeler developed the theory of the "pulsating universe."

According to it, the Universe has repeatedly gone through cycles of expansion and reverse compression, that is, there have been at least several such Big Bangs over the entire period of its history. Another theory implies the presence of a proto-universe: matter should have appeared first, and then the Big Bang thundered.

Finally, there is the hypothesis of the emergence of the Universe from quantum foam, which is affected by energy fluctuations. “Foaming,” quantum bubbles “inflate” and give birth to new worlds. But this again did not explain the main thing: what existed before the formation of any matter?

Famous astrophysicists James Hartle and Stephen Hawking tried to resolve the scientific paradox by proposing another theory in 1983. It said that the Universe has no boundaries and its structure is based on the so-called wave function, which determines the various quantum states of matter particles. This makes possible the existence of many parallel Universes with different sets of physical constants.

Non-physical picture of the world

The main disadvantage of all scientific models formation of the Universe lies in the fact that until now they have been built on the so-called physical picture of the world. But there may be other worlds! Worlds where the laws of physics do not apply.

We are accustomed to being surrounded by matter - an objective reality given to us in sensations. But everyone has their own, individual feelings! Let us remember the same Plato, who believed that there is a world of ideas (eidos), and matter is just a projection of these ideas... So we come to the most important thing: we are surrounded not by matter at all, but by ideas, images!

Consider the phenomenon of autism. When a child is born, he perceives the world precisely in the form of images and sensations, and not in the form of a collection of objects. Over time, he learns to see the world as a holistic picture, to establish connections between various objects and concepts.

Autistic people can perceive reality, but cannot analyze it.

But they are able to absorb a huge amount of “primary” information, which is inaccessible to most of us.

Thus, Swede Iris Johansson, who, although suffering from autism, was nevertheless able to adapt to the “normal” world and even become a teacher and psychologist, is able to feel the so-called “vital energy”. As a child, living in peasant family where the cows were kept, she always saw which of the calves were not destined to survive.

In her youth, Iris worked in a hairdresser and learned, by doing women's hair, to restore the energy potential of clients if it was depleted. Clients left the hairdresser feeling an extraordinary surge of strength. Thanks to this, Iris became a very popular master. Ordinary people are not capable of such miracles.

Evidence of illusion

What about magic and religion? Eastern philosophers are convinced that the material world is an illusion, Maya. The ancient Slavs divided the world into Reality, Nav and Rule: the world of matter, the world of spirits and the world of the Highest Principle that controls reality. What if, with the help of certain rituals, we can influence reality?

Any psychic will tell you that when hexing or unconventional treatment of a person, the impact occurs at the energy level. But even the most advanced magician will not explain to you the specific mechanism of what is happening at this moment. He only knows that in order to obtain a certain result, a certain ritual must be performed. A magician, after all, works with ideas, and not with a physical picture of the world.

How can you make ideas work for you? First of all, you must realize the fact that there are parallel realities, the number of which may tend to infinity. And they are not “out there”, but surround us. Only we do not notice the process of “transition” from one reality to another. Or we notice, but perceive it as a miracle. Let's say some thing disappeared and then reappeared.

Seeing something unusual, we immediately mistake the vision for a hallucination, while, most likely, we were able to look into one of the many parallel worlds. By the way, we are used to perceiving reality as something stable and orderly, but people with certain brain disorders are able to see it as it really is, which is usually perceived by us as nonsense and gives reason to twirl a finger at our temple.

The phenomenon of materialization

The once brilliant quantum mechanics physicist Hugh Everett proposed that every thought or action leads to a choice that shapes what is called reality. At the same time, “unrealized” options continue to exist, as it were, in parallel.

For example, you took the same road, got stuck in a traffic jam and were late for an interview for a job, as a result of which you didn’t get it. We went the other way - we arrived at the place on time, and the interview was successful. Is it possible to “step over” from one “branch” of many realities to another? This is what we do when we try to improve our lives.

This was illustrated very well by Vadim Zeland in his series of books “Reality Transurfing”. He explains why strong desires often don't come true. If we want something very badly, then excess potential arises, and reality begins to restore balance. No wonder there is a saying: “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.”

In recent years, there has been a stir around the Simoron system. In essence, we are offered a version of the so-called positive thinking, but with the use of various kinds of ritual actions. How it works? A person “shatters” the boundaries of the usual picture of the world (Simoronists call it PKM) and gets on the “wave” that is more desirable for him.

For example, Simoronists call for jumping into another world more often. How? It’s very simple - jump from a chair or bed, saying to yourself: I’m jumping for new job, for a new apartment, for your soulmate, and so on.

Matter vs Chaos

But then why do we need objective reality at all? Isn't it better to be in the world of illusions, since they can be manipulated in any way?

The fact is that the material world is a kind of protection from chaos. Imagine that you are on a tiny island in the middle of an endless sea. At least you have solid ground under your feet, and if you throw yourself into the waves, they will carry you to God knows where.

Most likely, people once really saw the world as chaotic as it really is. And they themselves created the so-called physical reality in order to avoid unwanted metamorphoses. In essence, such a theory explains everything: UFOs, the appearance of ghosts, telepathy, and clairvoyance... After all, in the “true” world there are no boundaries, and anything can happen in it.

But if our world is illusory, then there must be some primary principle that gave birth to it. This is the mystery of God. If all this is really the case, then who created him? It is unlikely that there will be at least one scientist or philosopher who can answer this question, since, most likely, our limited consciousness it is simply not possible to comprehend the answer.


Name: Levon Grigoryan

Age: 28 years old

City: Yerevan

Education: Yerevan State University

Freelance: 5 years

Specialization: naming, logos, corporate identity

-In my opinion, branding is something personal. What does this mean in your understanding?

- I don’t know what it looks like from the outside, but branding is a tool for solving business problems. It creates image and value, which ultimately makes the product or service more attractive to the consumer. We live in a world of perceptions, where it doesn’t matter who you really are, what matters is how you are perceived. Branding drives perception.

- What is the most difficult thing when creating a corporate identity?

- I don’t think it’s possible to single out one thing and call it the most difficult thing in developing a corporate identity. In many ways, the difficulties depend on the specific project and situation. I believe that the hardest part comes not during development, but after it. Very often, companies make the mistake of believing that after developing a corporate identity, the job is done. As a result, they stop paying due attention to the implementation and consistency of style.

- Where should a specialist in your field begin? From what basis?

- First of all, you need to learn the basics of graphic design, and only after that move on to studying branding or marketing itself. When I talk about the basics of graphic design, I don't mean mastering graphic editors. Beginners mistakenly believe that once they are fluent in Adobe Illustrator or InDesign, they can safely call themselves a specialist. First you need to learn to work with your head, and to work correctly and competently. You need to develop creative thinking, study composition and color, drawing and typography. Don't forget about pre-press preparation. But only after this move on to advertising, branding and marketing.

- Why did you decide to become a freelancer? What exactly prompted you to do this?

-You won't believe it, but it was an accident. At that time I didn’t even know the word. I remember reading about someone, becoming interested, and then determined to follow that path. A difficult situation in my life pushed me to this - I had no other choice: either I had to do something that was not mine, or I had to make myself. The path of reality is terribly difficult, but I don’t regret it and I’m even proud of myself.

- What was the most difficult thing at the beginning of your journey, and what difficulties did you have to face?

-I think my case is a little different from the standard, and the difficulties were mostly not related specifically to freelancing.

There are many inadequate people among customers. Have you come across any of these, and if so, what are the funniest incidents you remember?

- I must say that I am lucky in this matter: almost all of my clients are worthy, competent and pleasant people. There were, of course, inadequate ones, but there were very few of them. I can remember at most 2-3 cases. However, it’s difficult to call them funny. Rather unpleasant and undignified behavior.

Naturally, in the future, different people will meet and situations will be different, but the main thing here is to look for solutions and make sure that the client also feels comfortable. Nowadays it’s fashionable to complain about customers on every corner - I don’t accept it.

Today, the freelance market is oversaturated with specialists of different levels - from the lowest to super-class masters. However, customers continue to look for cheap solutions. In your opinion, how to deal with this?

- I disagree. Specialists low level They don’t compete with super class masters in any way. Each has its own audience: super low prices cannot attract clients who are looking for a specialist who can solve real problems with quality results.

This is what I will say - there is no need to fight this, we are not fighting the cheap type of cognac and are not asking to remove it from the shelves, leaving only premium cognac. Do you want to get decent clients who are willing to pay good money for work? Stop chasing every project: price is not everything. There is no need to waste your time on useless things, it is better to use it to move up a notch.

Okay, then let's talk about another equally common problem in domestic freelancing - scammers. And I don’t just mean those who steal ideas and throw money at them. IN Lately Fraudsters began to clone the accounts of top freelancers, deceiving clients and making money from it. How can you fight such people?

- Yes, all this is very sad. It is very difficult to deal with this. The best thing freelancers can do is to always be on guard, and clients should be more attentive. It's not that difficult to verify the authenticity of a profile. Well, in the end, resources should complicate registration and introduce a personal identification function.

Communicating with many freelancers, I noticed that they were divided into two peculiar camps. Some people believe that exchanges should maintain a strict policy and limit work only within the framework of safe transactions, while others, on the contrary, consider this unacceptable, since they are not ready to give up% of their hard-earned money. What do you think about this, and what is the compromise in such a situation?

- I believe that there should always be a choice. There is no need to force anything.

Well, let's move on to more personal topics: how do you manage to combine work and personal life without sacrificing one or the other?

-Who says I don’t donate? You always have to sacrifice something. Moreover, at the beginning of the journey, it’s probably worth forgetting about your personal life altogether. If we talk about ourselves, then only Last year can be highlighted when I found a balance between work and personal life. And not completely yet.

My secret, if you can call it that, is time management. When you begin to control your time, there is time for both your personal life and entertainment. As Steve Jobs said: “You don’t have to work 12 hours, but with your head.”

If we talk about time management, they can help here special programs Or can’t you cope without willpower?

-Well, since I don’t have any problems with willpower, it will be difficult for me to judge this. Friends always say that I have iron willpower and that I am not a person, but a robot. Specifically, I didn’t go to special courses and didn’t use the programs, you can always find good book and not just one. The main thing is not just reading or attending trainings. If you don’t put everything you’ve learned into practice, deceive yourself, look for reasons and complain endlessly, then naturally nothing will work out. You need strict self-control and you need to understand that you are alone and no one will care about your career except you. If you want, you will do it; if you don’t want, you will find a reason! That's the whole truth.

- How do you prefer to rest and relax?

- My best vacation is getting together with friends. I love cozy atmospheric places where you can sit for hours and talk in interesting topics over a glass of good wine.

I also try to go out into the countryside, to be closer to nature, but still my passion is the city, cozy bars, jazz clubs, gourmet restaurants. My vacation is always connected with my friends and loved ones. Besides all this, I play golf, read a lot and love watching football, both in the stadium and on TV.

- What is your most cherished dream professionally?

- I usually call everything related to a career goals, not dreams. Because step by step I am moving towards a certain goal, every day becoming closer and closer to it.

The biggest goal I strive for is to become a recognized guru in the field of overall branding and work with A-list brands. I understand that achieving such a goal is terribly difficult, but as they say, a person is not able to achieve more than he wants.

- Is your own brand for a freelancer a whim or a necessity?

- A brand is necessary for anyone engaged in commercial activities. Of course, building a personal brand requires a lot of work, but if you have far-reaching plans, of course, it’s worth thinking about a personal brand. You need to do at least something every day to achieve this goal. A personal brand is needed to outbid similar offers on the market, stand out among competitors, increase customer loyalty and, ultimately, receive worthy fees for your services.

- Name the three most important rules for a successful career and why exactly are they?

- Actually there are more than three, I would say much more than three. However, if I had to choose the three most important, I would say the following: have a passion for your work, never give up, and be persistent and constantly improve.

Now, in order. Without passion, it is impossible to achieve success. Passion for what you do, what you do - a kind of obsession with what you love. You should always ask yourself the question: “Would I be doing this if I had a billion dollars in my account?” As you may have guessed, the answer should be “Yes.”

Perseverance and the ability to never give up are equally important. Believe me, on the path to success you will often want to give up everything. You need to be able to constantly motivate yourself, and never, under any circumstances, give up. At such moments, it’s worth thinking that if you give up, it definitely won’t get better. This should become some kind of taboo - that’s all.

And finally, the desire to constantly develop and learn is very important for a successful career. The only person you need to compete with is yourself. Constantly raise the bar, become better every day and you will never have problems with competition or employment.

- Your wishes to beginning freelancers or some parting words.

- Now I look back and think that the most valuable advice I could have received is not to try to do everything. I don’t know why, but beginners always strive to be a “jack of all trades.” This is not correct, one might even say that it is a disastrous mistake. Do one thing at a time. Focus on what you do best, develop your strengths, not your weaknesses. Become a narrow specialist, because in business the most important thing is focus, no focus - no nothing.

In addition, I would advise you to love criticism; in the post-Soviet space, criticism is treated very harshly and aggressively. Although it is criticism that allows us to grow. Instead of focusing on the personality of the person who is criticizing you or your work, focus on the criticism itself.

And lastly, be responsible. I hate working or dealing with irresponsible people and have yet to meet someone who does. If you promised something, die, but do it.

And finally, I would like to wish all newcomers good luck and success, go towards your dreams and never give up!

Do we really exist? Does the Universe and everything that we see around exist? I think that some will now just twirl their finger at their temple, and consider even the thought of such a thing - madness.

Have you ever thought that you are simply afraid to find out the truth? What if the world with its charms of nature and all the people does not exist?

Do you know the feeling of déjà vu? And the feeling that what is happening to you is unreal? Each of us dreams every day (they are not always remembered). A dream is a hallucination. In this hallucination there is often someone present, so let's imagine the following dream: you are walking through a big city, and other people are walking around. Every person is unreal and only a product of the imagination. Right? Now imagine that these products of the subconscious begin to perceive themselves as individuals and believe that they are also real and have the ability to think independently within certain limits. But we know that this is not so or...

What if we all really live in the dream of some intelligent being, which we call, for example, a creator? We may well be products of his subconscious mind that are not actually real. Are you familiar with the term "lucid dreaming"? In such dreams, we already realize that we are in a fictional world and are able to take the levers of control of ongoing events into our own hands. The subconscious, in turn, becomes the instrument of OUR creation and we have the power to distort and transform the world invented by our own mind. Therefore we can be part lucid dreaming someone and it won’t be difficult for us to make a decision. Simply put, right now you can drink a glass of water or brew tea. You can get up and walk, or you can sit down and no one controls your actions.

In a dream, we realize ourselves as a person and, perhaps, seeing ourselves in the role of an animal and an inanimate object is an exception to the rule. Our subconscious projects us as ourselves. That is, the very creator whose dream we are part of - a real man, and everything else around it is a hologram. Including us. Let's return to the dream that we presented at the very beginning. You are still walking through the same city, meeting people, and it may be that among all this mass there is the very owner of this dream, where we are actually part of his hallucination. In all this imagination, only he is real, and our thought about the reality or unreality of the world is a product of our unreal subconscious.

It sounds confusing, so let's simplify things a little. In our dreams we can see a lot different people, which can serve as a background at the time of the occurrence of certain events. They can talk to each other, go somewhere and do something, which means that the people we imagine in our dreams live their own lives. That is, in a dream we invent a world that, to one degree or another, begins to live according to own rules and this will last until we wake up. In the event that each of us and this whole world is part of someone’s dream, then one day there will be an awakening and everything we have ever known will disappear in an instant...

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