Hexagram 43 interpretation in love. Exit. Detailed meaning of the hexagram


8. The last step on the path of this cycle. Everything that has passed through dissolves in you - it becomes something that you no longer notice as something external. At the same time, you yourself have changed so much that you have become a different person than you previously remembered.
The old personality has already disappeared, now you give yourself a different definition. This stage consolidates what has been passed, finally me you.

Your uncertainty in this issue most likely arose due to the fact that you are trying to look at new things with old eyes. The other option is rather the opposite - you are updated and look at the old stuff in bewilderment.

This is what you have to decide for yourself - who is looking and what is he looking at?

The uniqueness of this hexagram lies only in the fact that there is bewilderment within you associated with the discrepancy between your approach and task.

You could say that in front of you is a door and a bunch of keys - you just need to pick up the key. The question is not how to do this, but to be aware of this particular aspect in a given situation. If you don't see the key, just take a closer look.

You are now in the perfect stage to plant a seed that will grow into something big.

The point of this process is that you have recently acquired a needed skill that is waiting to be applied to a larger endeavor.

It is important not to waste this potential on trifles.

This position is ideal for studying the experience of others, to which you can add your own skill, in order to then create an event that is important for yourself.

This can also be the final stage in personal development - you have mastered something that it’s time to turn it on at full capacity.

Hexagram 34 suggests that you now have a combination of energy and awareness of where it should be directed.

If you are in a negative state of mind, then this is a moment of self-destruction. In this case, it is better to think about completely changing your personality, otherwise it will destroy your body...

If you are now at high vibrations, then turn them to the most important thing in yourself - it will transform in the desired direction very quickly. This is the point of materialization of what you asked about.

Realize the moment that the hexagram is aimed specifically at the focus of the issue, and therefore do not try to solve all the problems at the same time. However, it provides you with additional energy for other events while you hold this wave.

A place of creativity. Your ideas reach their highest peak at this point.

This is one of the most important events in your life. But its importance is not in the action itself, but in what you can see from that perspective.

This is the zone of any decision. Whatever you determine is meaningful to you, you will implement.

Don't waste your time on small things.

Remember that this is not the limit, but the highest peak in the current development, from which you can survey not just what has been passed, but also see other peaks.

From this position, any advice you give will have prophetic power.

An excellent position to take your skills to the mastery stage.

You could say that in this place you are guided by your Higher Self.

The subtlety is that here you get the opportunity to do your job without thinking about the details - when you take on it, you already fully feel how to finish it.

For some, this is an intuitive message, but in reality, this is the moment when the student becomes a master, although he himself does not yet understand it.

This somewhat insidious hexagram denotes a state in which everything seems achievable, but you don’t want to do anything.

It may seem to you that everything is too simple and that new guidelines for action are needed, but this is not so. You actually saw the palace (target) and sat down in front of the gate entrance. But no one will enter for you, so give in to the illusion of achievement.

This is not the time to rest on your laurels. If you allow yourself inaction or despondency here, you will quickly slide back to the beginning, after which it will be difficult to get up again.

At this point, many never achieved enlightenment, remaining “almost masters” until the end of their days.

For a business, this is the moment when it is sold, having grossly underestimated the scale of future development.

The moment of inspiration of mastery, when you realize that there is just a little left.

Within the framework of I-Ching love fortune-telling, it should be understood that the Guai hexagram has a very interesting semantic name, reflecting the essence of the situation itself. It consists of two words - “Decision” and “Exit”, and indicates that the way out of the current life situation lies in determination, in the ability to be daring, active, courageous. In other words, if you want to find happiness in love, then you need to be decisive and, as they say, take the situation into your own hands. Now there is no place to expect help, not even from your own love partner. You need to do everything yourself, but if you make every effort now, you will get a good result.

If love fortune telling is carried out on a person who is currently single. But if you would like to have a love relationship, then the appearance of the Guai hexagram will indicate that you need to stop just waiting, but need to act quickly and actively. And if you already have someone you like in mind, feel free to meet them, talk about your feelings, show them. If he is already “busy”, demonstrate that you are better, that together you will become happier in love than now. In a word - if you want happiness, then achieve it!

If the fortune telling is performed for a person who is already in a love relationship, then the Guai hexagram indicates that the problems you are facing can be quickly resolved if you show courage and stop hoping that everything will disappear on its own. Start actively changing yourself and your life.

But no matter what the I-Ching love fortune-telling is carried out for, you need to remember that the appearance of the Guai hexagram is a warning - if you don’t do anything yourself now, then very soon a dark streak in your life will come, from which you will not be able to get out for a very long time, even if they will help you. Now there is power to find your happiness in love, but this period will soon end, so you need to hurry, hurry and hurry again. But, all the same, beware of hasty decisions in love, especially those dictated negative emotions, otherwise you will lose everything at once.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik

This hexagram indicates that the yang energy is rapidly rising, thereby displacing the one remaining yin trait. This course of events has a favorable effect, but excessive harshness can develop into rudeness, too much sunlight can burn the fields instead of allowing the crops to ripen, and excessive courage can lead to negligence and madness, ultimately failure is inevitable.

The five yang traits have a subtle connection with the top yin trait. It indicates your isolation from society. You must understand your goals yourself.

Everything seems to be going according to your plans, at least for now, but soon a problem will arise, either outside world, or inside you. It doesn’t matter what it is connected with, you need to get rid of the negative elements. You should not ignore them or give up on them now, but make an unwavering DECISION and eliminate them. There can be no question of compromise between you and the elements of evil.

Typically, the I Ching requires a certain secrecy and silence from the person asking the question regarding decisions and the progress of their implementation. But this is not the case. You must make your decision known to overcome difficulties. This means that you must inform friends and relatives about your plan. You must put your decision into action accordingly, but quite calmly, without any violence or impulsiveness.

In daily life, lack of vigilance drags you into conflicts or arguments that flare up with uncanny speed. There is a nasty chance of losing important documents. But even that's not all. Your subordinates are trying to increase problems by organizing a conspiracy against you. In your personal life, you will meet a person who will not share your feelings. If you are already married, then both of you will bother each other, which will eventually lead to divorce. There seems to be no end to the problems.

In order to overcome these difficulties, one must take a firm decision and get rid of harmful elements.


many difficulties in the outside world or your uncontrollable emotions will prevent its implementation.


Unrequited love; your partner does not share your feelings. Everything will end in failure.


Partners are incompatible. Such a marriage will bring neither joy nor happiness. If you do decide to get married, then an unpleasant separation awaits you.

Pregnancy, childbirth

A boy will be born. Minor difficulties may arise during childbirth.

Health status

The illness can be serious. Your condition depends on a thorough medical examination.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

Most likely, you will fail. It's best to abandon the case.


Unpleasant events along the way, a misfortune may even occur.

Exam, test


Work, business, specialization

The odds are against you.


Cloudy with a chance of rain.

lucky color
Yellow, blue.

Lucky numbers
8, 5, 10

Changing Traits


You are in a dangerous situation, temporary success has gone to your head, and your determination may turn into premature indulgence. Such a mistake will undoubtedly bring failure. Be careful, just because things look better does not mean they are completely resolved. If you restore a relationship with a person or people who caused you harm when you already had enough problems, then you will only stray from the True Path. True relationships should be based not on words, but on actions (significant changes in behavior).

Fifth (dominant)

This trait describes the position of a leader. You are in just such a position, it is important to make the right decision. You must pull out all the “weeds.” This will require strong determination and perseverance to be on the True Path. You should not be led by revenge or destructive tendencies, you should be led by Justice.


Problems are looming, excessive determination, which has turned into stubbornness, begins to take over you. You become closed off, don't learn vital lessons, and don't listen to your heart. A wise man would bow his head and let others lead him. In this case, the difficulties would disappear on their own. Are you wise enough?


Although the environment helps resolve conflict with the enemy, you can only rely on yourself. The situation is quite unknown; it forces you to act in the following way: rush straight at this person, point out his evil deeds and, as soon as small shifts in attitude appear, get close to him again, despite the fact that much has not yet been clarified. However, you must be in a state of Taoist non-action, that is, keep your distance.


At this stage, as at the previous one, the appropriate response lies in observing and assessing the situation, and not in direct action. Your ideas are trying to force you to take some step, but you must control yourself, because right now restraint (distance), the state of Taoist non-action, is important. In this case there will be no danger.


You are still far from success, no matter whether you want to eliminate the obstacle or the flaws in your character. At this initial stage, do not “go straight into battle” with difficulties, you are still weak. First, enlist someone's support or join forces with someone. Excessive self-confidence is the main danger.

The persistence of negativity is a factor in human affairs; just when you think some major or minor evil has been rooted out, it will reappear, creeping through the cracks in the pavement of polite society. Evil should not take extravagant forms, such as those exhibited in Nazi Germany. The variety of lies and deceit is more widespread and persistent, but must also be ingrained. Be resolute against the forces of darkness—whether in your social or professional life, or in your own soul. But to achieve success, you must follow certain rules.

First rule: don't compromise corruption. Irregularities and shameful actions must be identified and quickly discredited. Second, you cannot successfully resist or overcome negativity on your own terms. Positive alternatives break the nature of the problem and are more successful and appropriate than trying to combat corruption using raw energy. Third rule: the means used to combat negativity must correspond to the result you want to achieve.

By adding positive elements to a situation, you automatically reduce the bad. This is the only way to tip the scales and effectively neutralize negativity over time. We remind you to maintain a constant level of self-awareness and share your strengths and virtues with others.

Interpretation of lines:

Line 1 (bottom line)

Continue to move forward when task at hand beyond our strength - suggests mistakes and misfortunes. Think carefully and evaluate your strengths before embarking on a new initiative, and only engage in activities in which, to the best of your knowledge, you can confidently say that you have succeeded. At first, moving forward clumsily and blindly is contraindicated, because this is the time when an unexpected defeat can lead to the most disastrous results. Beware of self-confidence that is not well founded.

To achieve success, you must develop sensitivity, willingness and caution. Expecting the unexpected, move through life with the calm alertness of someone driving through a mountain forest at night, watching the movements of every new bend in the road. Be optimistic, but be careful. A strong character will triumph in the end.

This line indicates that someone is in an ambiguous situation where existing relationships interfere with the fight against negative forces. To get out of such a situation, you may have to use all your authority, even if others question your motives, and your reputation may be slightly damaged as a result. But if you keep your motivation pure, even association with destructive influences will eventually leave you guilt-free.

A restless person with a stubborn attitude faces misfortune. Failure to listen to good advice when confrontation with antagonistic forces is inevitable, it will lead to failure.

Preventing corruption in high places is difficult and can only be achieved through sustained and determined efforts. Just as weeds come back to life after being cut down, corruption tends to come back even after initial efforts to eliminate it seem to have worked. Only through persistent effort over time can success be achieved against entrenched negative forces.

Line 6 (top line)

The image of this line is someone who seems to have overcome adversity and is ready to start over. But be careful - the seeds of negativity are not dead, and a weak attitude will allow destructive forces reaffirm yourself. Care is required in preparing new soil so that remaining seeds of past problems cannot germinate again. When you start new project After solving the problem, make sure that the destructive tendencies in your personality are overcome or balanced at the beginning.

The symbol is quite favorable and indicates the need to make decisions to further move forward.

You are lucky at the present time, but a mistake due to your stubbornness can easily alienate people who usually helped you from you. It would be better to show greater tolerance in relations with them and meet them halfway yourself.

This will soon help you a lot in implementing your plans, preventing unnecessary problems and avoiding complications that you may run into due to unreasonable behavior.

It is quite possible that you will develop sympathy and tender feelings for a person for whom you did not feel sympathy before; this will seriously affect your behavior during this period. Love is probably waiting for you.

Now is not a good time for gambling, don't play.

Your wish will come true if you calmly and decisively strive for the truth; confrontation is now inappropriate.

To interpret the next hexagram, go to page.

Explanation of the interpretation of hexagram 43. Breakthrough

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not completely clear and seems vague to you, read the explanation of the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you more correctly understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Guai - Breakthrough (Exit).

Firm, clear, decisive, definite. Choose; divide, divide in two, separate, cut off.

Semantic connections of hexagram 43. Guai

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time for decisive decision-making. All further actions must correspond to the direction and intended goal. Act clearly and clearly, proclaim the truth in any case, even if it threatens you with danger. Act persistently and boldly, let the secret become clear to everyone.

The spirits are favoring you now. Inner strength manifests itself in the outer world. It will help you easily overcome all obstacles. Help all people, especially those below you. Don't let yourself be distracted from your goal or distracted from true path. Abide in Tao. Your decisive steadfastness in the face of danger will make you famous, but aggression and armed action can ruin everything.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the forty-third hexagram.

[You will rise to the royal court. Speak truthfully!

And if there is danger, then speak from your city.

It is not favorable to take up arms. It’s good to have somewhere to perform]

I. At the beginning there is nine.

Power in the front of the toes. If you perform, you will not win.

- There will be blasphemy.

II. Nine second.

Shout out warily. At dusk and at night there will be [action] of weapons.

- Don't be afraid!

III. Nine three.

Power in the cheekbones.

- There will be misfortune, (but) a noble man decides to go out.

He walks alone and encounters the rain. If he gets wet, it will be a shame, but:

- there will be no blasphemy.

IV. Nine fourth.

Those who do not have muscles on their buttocks walk with great difficulty.

[Better let him] be pulled like a ram!

Repentance will disappear.

- If you hear speeches, don’t believe them!

V. Nine fifth.

A hill overgrown with weeds. Decide to go out!

“There will be no reproach for those who act steadily.”

VI. Six at the top.

(If) Voicelessness

- In the end, there will be misfortune!