Heroes of 1812 calendar of memorable dates. Bagration P. I

Feral - March 1812 - France entered into treaties of alliance with Prussia and Austria, according to which both countries provided their territories to Napoleon to fight Russia, and, accordingly, 20 thousand soldiers - Prussia and 30 thousand. - Austria. March 24 (April 5), 1812 - a Russian-Swedish treaty on the neutrality of Sweden was signed, which gave Russia the opportunity to move part of its troops from the northwestern border to the West. July 6 (18), 1812 - two treaties were signed: Russian-English and English-Swedish. These treaties marked the beginning of the Three-Country Alliance against Napoleonic France. July 8 (20) - an alliance was concluded with Spain. On the night of June 12 (24), 1812, the French army invaded Russia. June 16, 1812 - the French entered Vilna. June 17, 1812 - Kulnev’s detachment repelled the attacks of Marshal Oudinot’s troops on the town of Vilkomir. July 22 (August 3), 1812 - the army of Barclay de Tolly and Bagration united near Smolensk. August 4 - 6, 1812 - the battle for Smolensk took place between the troops of Barclay de Tolly and the main forces of Napoleon. Russian troops left the burning city on the night of August 6 (18). August 8(20), 1812 - an order was signed appointing M.I. Kutuzov as Commander-in-Chief. August 17 (29), 1812 - Kutuzov arrived at the headquarters of the Russian army, which was located in the town of Tsarevo - Zaymishche. August 26 (September 7), 1812 - battle of Borodino, which lasted about 12 hours. Both sides suffered heavy losses. Russian troops retreated. The battle marked the beginning of the end of Napoleonic army. September 1 (13), 1812 - in the village of Fili (near Moscow) Kutuzov ordered to leave Moscow. September 2 (14), 1812 - Napoleon approached Moscow and stopped at Poklonnaya Hill. September 2 (14), 1812 - when approaching the Kremlin, fire was opened on the enemy. IN various parts fires started in the city. October 6 (18), 1812 - Murat's corps, sent by Napoleon to the Chernishna River to observe the Russian army, was attacked by Kutuzov. As a result of the fighting, the French lost about 5 thousand people and were forced to retreat. October 7 (19), 1812 - after 36 days of fruitless efforts to achieve peace with Russia, Napoleon gave the order to retreat from Moscow. When leaving, he ordered the Kremlin to be blown up. October 12 (24), 1812 - battles for Maloyaroslavets, in which A.P. Ermolov took part. on the morning of October 14 (16), 1812 - Napoleon announced the order to move along the old Smolensk road to Mozhaisk. From that time on, the initiative in the war finally passed into the hands of the Russian army on November 10, 1812 - Kutuzov’s main forces defeated the enemy in three-day battles near the city of Krasny. November 14 (26) to November 16 (28), 1812 - the French army was crossed near the Village of Studyanka. November 23, 1812 - the emperor left the town of Smorgon for France. December 6 (18), 1812 - the emperor was in Paris.

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June 4 - in Konigsberg, French Foreign Minister de Bassano signed a note on the severance of diplomatic relations with Russia

July 27 - Ataman M.I. Platov fought at the Molevoy swamp with the French troops of Sebastiani, who were defeated

July 31 - Schwarzenberg's Austrian corps attacked Russian troops near the town of Gorodechna. Tormasov retreated to Kobrin

August 4 - 6 - the battle for Smolensk took place between the troops of Barclay de Tolly and the main forces of Napoleon. The Russians left Smolensk

August 17 - the new commander-in-chief M.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov arrived in the army, who occupied a convenient defensive line near the village of Borodino

August 24 - the battle between the troops of Lieutenant General M.D. Gorchakov 2nd and the main forces of Napoleon took place for Shevardino

August 26 - the Battle of Borodino took place. The losses on both sides were enormous. Kutuzov gave the order to retreat

September 1 - at the council in Fili, Kutuzov decided to leave Moscow without a fight in order to preserve the army

September 3 - the vanguard of Murat's corps was forced to release the rearguard of General M.A. Miloradovich from Moscow. On the same day, Murat occupied Moscow, and in the evening Napoleon arrived in the Kremlin

16 of September - partisan detachment Colonel D.V. Davydov defeated an enemy unit covering transport with forage and artillery equipment near Vyazma

September 20 - Russian troops entered the Tarutino camp. From that moment the guerrilla war began

October 3-5 - sick and wounded Frenchmen set out from Moscow under the cover of Claparede's division and Nansouty's detachment

October 6 - L.L. Bennigsen attacked isolated parts of Murat and defeated them. On the same day, a three-day battle for Polotsk began between the troops of P. X. Wittgenstein and the French of Saint-Cyr. Polotsk was taken by storm by columns of Major General Vlasov, Major General Dibich and Colonel Ridiger

November 22 - Victor’s rearguard on the road to the city of Molodechno was defeated by the troops of Platov and Chaplitsa

Story Patriotic War 1812 retained the names of two female heroines - Nadezhda Durova and Vasilisa Kozhina.

Cavalry maiden Nadezhda Durova

Born in 1783 into the family of an army captain, Nadezhda Durova grew up and was raised under the supervision of a retired private hussar. Her first toys were a pistol and a saber. At the age of 20, she left her family and, dressing in men's clothing (a Cossack uniform), wanted to serve in a Cossack regiment. Since Cossacks were required to wear beards, and sooner or later she would have been exposed, Nadezhda Durova reached the Konnopolsky Uhlan cavalry regiment, where beards were not worn, and asked to serve, calling herself Alexander Vasilyevich Sokolov, the son of a landowner. The regiment was surprised that the nobleman wore a Cossack uniform, but, believing her stories, they enrolled in the regiment.

Nadezhda Durova took part in the Patriotic War of 1812 and fought in the Battle of Borodino. She was shell-shocked. Throughout his entire time military service Durova pretended to be a man, because at that time women did not participate in the war and did not serve in the army. And only a few people knew that she was a woman in disguise, including Field Marshal Kutuzov, for whom she served as an orderly, and Emperor Alexander I.

Alexander I personally met with the cavalry girl and allowed her to serve in the army. The Emperor promoted Durova to rank, awarded her for saving an officer in the war and gave her his name, calling her Alexander Alexandrov.

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Patriotic War of 1812 Calendar of events

Napoleon and his army conquered almost all of Europe. He sought to capture India, England's richest colony. To do this it was necessary to conquer Russia. All the peoples of Russia took part in the Patriotic War.

June 12, 1812 - Napoleon's army invades Russia across the Neman River. 3 Russian armies were at a great distance from each other. Tormasov's army, being in Ukraine, could not participate in the war. It turned out that only 2 armies took the blow. But they had to retreat to connect.

August 3 - the connection of the armies of Bagration and Barclay de Tolly near Smolensk. The enemies lost about 20 thousand, and ours about 6 thousand, but Smolensk had to be abandoned. Even the united armies were 4 times smaller than the enemy!

On August 8, Kutuzov was appointed commander-in-chief. An experienced strategist, wounded many times in battles, Suvorov's student was liked by the people.

August 26 – The Battle of Borodino lasted more than 12 hours. It is considered a general battle. On the approaches to Moscow, the Russians showed massive heroism. The enemy's losses were greater, but our army could not go on the offensive. The numerical superiority of the enemies was still great. Reluctantly, they decided to surrender Moscow in order to save the army.

September - October - Napoleon's army is seated in Moscow. His expectations were not met. It was not possible to win. Kutuzov rejected requests for peace. The attempt to escape to the south failed.

October – December – expulsion of Napoleon’s army from Russia through the destroyed Smolensk road. From 600 thousand enemies there are about 30 thousand left!

December 25, 1812 - Emperor Alexander I issued a manifesto on the victory of Russia. But the war had to be continued. Napoleon still had armies in Europe. If they are not defeated, he will attack Russia again. The foreign campaign of the Russian army lasted until victory in 1814.

The Patriotic War of 1812 became nationwide. Every citizen contributed to the victory. Some gave money to create armed units, many took part in the partisan movement, wearing out the enemy with frequent attacks. The owners set fire to their houses so that they would not fall to the enemies. If the people and the army are united, then it is impossible to defeat such a force.

The reason for Napoleon's defeat was the combined action of many factors, the main ones being the heroism of the Russian people and the Russian army, the unpreparedness of the French army for combat operations in the natural and climatic conditions of Russia, the leadership talents of the Russian commander-in-chief M. I. Kutuzov and other Russian generals.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Battles and events of the Patriotic War of 1812

Explanatory note to the long-term project of 2nd grade students “Heroes and events of the Patriotic War of 1812 in memorable and historical places of Moscow” (to the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino)

ABOUT THE PROJECT: Information, interdisciplinary project - aimed at collecting information about objects (memorable and historical places of Moscow) for the purpose of analyzing, summarizing and presenting information to the audience...

On the Borodino field

Chapel-monument to the 7th Infantry Division of General P.M. Kaptsevich

On the Borodino field south of the village of Gorki, behind the Stonets stream, there is a monument to the 7th Infantry Division of Major General Pyotr Mikhailovich Kaptsevich, which included the Pskov Infantry Regiment. This is a monument-chapel, in its architectural forms reminiscent of the crenellated tower of an ancient Russian Kremlin or fortress. The monument, built in the Art Nouveau style that dominated Russian architecture at the beginning of the 20th century, is replete with majolica decoration. The following were executed using the technique of painted polychrome ceramics: a battle scene above the entrance to the chapel, depicting the feat of the division in the Battle of Borodino, above it on the turret there is an image of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, on the battlements there are insignia of the regiments that were part of the division (on the far left is the Pskov Infantry). On the eastern wall of the chapel is a large image of an Orthodox cross, below it is a list of division personnel losses on the day of the battle: 148 people killed, 627 wounded, 342 missing. The author of the monument is Staff Captain of the Pskov Infantry Regiment A.V. Drozdovsky. At the expense of the division's descendants, the monument was erected in 1912, on the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino.
In 2008 Repair and restoration work was carried out on the monument, during which a ceramic map of the Battle of Borodino, located in the floor of the tower and lost during restoration in the late 1970s, was recreated.

In the Pskov region

Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

The temple-monument erected in honor of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 is Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel of the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery. The cathedral was erected in 1827 in the style of late classicism according to the design of the architect L.I., famous in Russia at that time. Ruska.

The temple is literally built into the fortress wall, beyond which only four-column porticos extend, which seem to directly connect the city and the monastery. This is the only building in the monastery that has access beyond the walls of the fortress. The height of the temple is 32 meters. The names of the commanders and the number of soldiers of the P.Kh. corps are engraved on metal gilded boards. Wittgenstein, who defended the road to Pskov from the advancing French.

The temple absorbed the military spirit of the place on which it was built, because previously on this section of the fortress wall stood the Brusovka tower, which was almost completely destroyed during an enemy attack.

In 1812, Russia faced a difficult struggle with the conqueror, who, having easily conquered Europe, had no doubt about conquering Russia as well. The danger threatened primarily the western regions of Russia. Polotsk was already taken and occupied by the enemy. The same fate was in store for Pskov.

In this difficult time, the Pskovites, according to the custom of their ancestors, with living faith and warm prayer turned for help to the Pechersk monastery, to that miraculous shrine, by whose power they had previously been delivered from the enemies of the fatherland.

On October 6, 1812, for the second time, they raised from the monastery and brought to Pskov the miraculous image of the Dormition of the Mother of God - the same image that was first brought to Pskov in 1581, during the siege of this city by Batory, and since then He remained constantly in the monastery for 231 years.

On October 7, with this image, a religious procession was held around the city, and on this very day Polotsk was taken by the Russians under the leadership of Field Marshal General, Count Peter Christianovich Wittgenstein. This saved Pskov from danger.

The count himself recognized such a miracle, for in his letter to the Pskov governor he wrote: “I notify you so that you and everyone will know that prayers have been heard... having completely defeated the enemy near Polotsk, on the very 7th day (on which The Pskovites with the Pechersk icon made the cross around the ancient walls), at night, having taken this city by storm, and, having crossed the Dvina, I drove it with the vanguards to Lepel" (History of the Principality of Pskov, ed. 1831, p. 314).

Wanting to honor, glorify and perpetuate the name of the one whom the Lord chose as an instrument for delivering our western borders from a terrible enemy, the monks of the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery decided to build a new temple in their monastery and erect an obelisk in it in honor and memory of this hero.

The day for the consecration of the temple was chosen - June 29, - the day of the angel Count Peter Christianovich Wittgenstein. The consecration of the temple was carried out on the appointed day by Archbishop Methodius II of Pskov, namely June 29, 1827.

The construction of an obelisk, planned for the new temple, according to the plan approved by the Highest, was canceled, in accordance with the wishes of Count Wittgenstein.

Instead of an obelisk, two copper plaques were made and placed in the temple, silvered through fire and gilded in places, with the inscription of names delivered to the Pechersk Archimandrite in a statement, as can be seen from the case, in relation to the Inspector Department of the General Staff of His Imperial Majesty dated August 30, 1825.

Next to St. Michael's Cathedral a chapel was erected in 2008, having a double dedication:

In honor of the holy miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness of Pskov-Pechersk" and

in memory of one of the winners over Napoleon’s detachment near Polotsk in 1812, Adjutant General Fyodor Vasilyevich Ridiger (ancestor of the Patriarch of Moscow from 1990 to 2008 Alexy II (Alexey Mikhailovich Ridiger)).

Fedor Vasilievich Ridiger (1783 - 1856) - in 1812, lieutenant colonel, commander of the Grodno Hussar Regiment, was in the 1st separate infantry corps of General P.X. Wittgenstein, in the case of Druya, commanding the vanguard, defeated the enemy cavalry brigade (for distinction on August 14, 1812 Promoted to colonel). Participated in battles at Volyntsy, near Klyastitsy, on the Svolnya River, near Polotsk and near the village of Beloye. After the death of General Ya.P. Kulnev, he was appointed on October 31, 1812. Chief of the Grodno Hussar Regiment. Participated in the capture of Polotsk. For the battle of Chashniki and Smolyan he was awarded on May 27, 1813. with the rank of major general with seniority dated October 19, 1812. In 1813-1814. participated in the battles of Lutzen, Bautzen, Dresden, Leipzig, Arcy-sur-Aube, Fer-Champenoise and the capture of Paris.

The portrait of D. Doe in the Military Gallery of the Winter Palace depicts him in the general's dolman of the Grodno Hussar Regiment with a mentik on his left shoulder and with the ribbon of the Order of St. Anne, 1st class. On the right side of the chest is the star of the Order of St. Anne, 1st class. On the ment is a silver medal of a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812. and star of the Order of St. Vladimir, 2nd class. On the neck (from top to bottom) are crosses of the Order of St. George 3rd class, St. Vladimir 2nd class, Prussian Order of the Red Eagle 2nd class. and the Austrian Order of Leopold 2nd class.


Monument to Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov

On September 19, 1997, a bronze bust of Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov (1747-1813), erected on the 250th anniversary of the birth of the famous field marshal in the park near Pskov, was solemnly opened in Pskov Academic Theater drama named after A.S. Pushkin opposite the House of Soviets.

The author of the monument is St. Petersburg sculptor Viktor Mikhailovich Shuvalov. The bust was cast in 1995 and was kept in the funds of the Pskov State United Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve for two years. All construction and installation work and landscaping of the adjacent territory were carried out by workers of Green Economy Trust LLC. The customer was the Regional Committee for Culture and Tourism. The honorary right to open the monument was given to the head of the administration of the Pskov region, Evgeny Eduardovich Mikhailov. He noted that this is not only a tribute to memory, but also a call to Pskov residents to be strong and wise. Professor of the PSPI named after Pskov spoke with words of gratitude to the famous commander from the Pskov people. S.M.Kirova (now PSPU), Doctor of Historical Sciences Evgeny Pavlovich Ivanov, noting that Kutuzov was always a patriot of his Motherland - Russia. The ceremony ended with the laying of flowers.
In the presence of the public and guests of the city, soldiers of the Pskov garrison solemnly marched in front of the monument.

For many, M.I. Kutuzov is identified with "war, victory!" was published in the author’s book “Wonderful People of Opochetsky District”.
L.N. Makeenko analyzes numerous materials that convincingly substantiate the version about the birth of the famous commander on Pskov soil.

Terebeni(Opochetsky district, Pskov region)

Church of the Resurrection of the Word

Built in the second half of the 18th century, according to some sources - by the local landowner Karaulov, according to others - by brigadier Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (the future great commander) over the ashes of his parents. The church is wooden, covered with planks.

According to church books, the church was built in the late 70s - early 80s of the 18th century by Illarion Matveevich Golenishchev-Kutuzov, and a family crypt was built under it. The remains of the mother and father of the field marshal who expelled Napoleon from Russia were found in the burial. Historical science knows that the father of the victorious military leader was himself a prominent military engineer. According to his projects and with his direct participation, the Ekaterininsky Canal (now the Griboedov Canal), intended to protect the city from floods, and the Peter the Great Canal in Kronstadt were built in St. Petersburg. Commanding the engineering units of the 1st Army of P.A. Rumyantsev, he participated in the Russian-Turkish War of 1768 - 1774. Later, at his own request, he was dismissed from military service “due to old age and illness”, served as a Moscow senator in the peaceful field and died in the Pskov region on his estate in 1784.

Illarion Matveevich Golenishchev-Kutuzov.
Portrait by Mikhailov V.I.

It is known for sure that in 1784 Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov came to the Pskov region in connection with the death of his father and the division of family possessions. The field marshal came to bow to the ashes of his parents before heading to the troops.

The Church of the Resurrection of the Word is one of the few monuments of wooden architecture in the Pskov region that have survived to this day. In 1895, a parochial school was opened at the church. In the basement of the temple there is a crypt where Lieutenant General Illarion Matveevich Golenishchev-Kutuzov and his wife Anna Illarionovna (née Bedrinskaya) are buried. The Golenishchev-Kutuzov estate - Stupino (now not preserved) - was located not far from Terebeni.

Kyarovo(Gdovsky district, Pskov region)

Konovnitsyn estate

Eight kilometers northeast of Gdov, in a picturesque place, on the right bank of the Cherma River, there is Kyarovo - the former family estate of the Konovnitsyns.

In the Pskov estate of Kyarovo, on September 28, 1764, the future hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Count Pyotr Petrovich Konovnitsyn, was born. This is where he grew up and where he returned after military campaigns to rest. Konovnitsyn spent the rest of his days on the family estate and was buried here.

Descendants of the illustrious family now live in South America.

Kyarovo is currently almost abandoned. The layout of the former estate can be judged only by the remains of the foundation of the manor house, the ruins of a mill, individual centuries-old trees and stumps from old trees in the old manor park.

General P.P. Konovnitsyn erected a monument in the park (not preserved) in honor of his friend, Colonel Ya.P. Gaverdovsky, who died on the day of the Battle of Borodino. True to this friendship, P.P. Konovnitsyn composed a touching poem and captured it on this monument:

In works for the benefit of the initiates,
In the brave military exploits,
He found his Glory.
Gifted with a high mind,
He was a loyal son to Russia.
Let this memory
My children are attracted by attention,
How I honored his dignity.

But the estate church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God in Kyarov is operational. It was founded on June 13, 1788 on the site of an old wooden church and built at the expense of St. Petersburg Governor General Pyotr Petrovich Konovnitsyn under Catherine II and consecrated on September 30, 1789.

The temple is pillarless, two-story, single-apse, with a false dome strongly shifted to the east and a powerful three-tiered bell tower above the porch. The church was conceived as a family tomb. Here, near the left choir of the church, P.P. Konovnitsyn himself is buried. On the black marble tombstone there is the inscription: “General of the Infantry, Adjutant General Count Pyotr Petrovich Konovnitsyn. Born September 28, 1764, died August 29, 1822.” . Next to the commander’s grave is the grave of his wife, Anna Ivanovna.

Their son, Decembrist Ivan Petrovich Konovnitsyn (1806 - 1867), is also buried in Kyarovo, but behind the cemetery fence, since in his youth he opposed the tsar. Representatives of the Konovnitsyn family and Alexander Ivanovich Lorer, the brother of the Decembrist Nikolai Ivanovich Lorer, are buried in the wall of the temple.

Ladino(Novorzhevsky district, Pskov region)

The Borozdins' estate

Among the famous national history Among noble families, the ancient Borozdin family rightfully occupies a prominent place. It has been known since the 14th century. As can be seen from the pedigree, Yuri Lozinych, the founder of the Borozdin family, came from Volyn in 1327 to serve the Tver prince Alexander Mikhailovich. His descendants once served the great princes and kings of Moscow. Borozdina's surname comes from the nickname Furrow, which was given to Yuri's great-grandson. Representatives of the Borozdin family occupied responsible government positions. Under Ivan the Terrible, they were devious and went to Kazan. On the Pskov land, Borozdins have been known since the time of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. In 1614 - 1618, Ivan Vasilyevich Borozdin was the governor of Opochets. And Fyodor Nikitich and Ignatiy Nikitich Borozdin were Pustorzhevsky landowners. From them came the Opochetsky, Novorzhevsky and Porkhovsky Borozdins, among whose descendants there are famous military and statesmen, Russian scientists.

Among the famous military leaders who distinguished themselves on the battlefield during the Patriotic War of 1812, the Borozdin brothers from Pskov stand out: Mikhail Mikhailovich, Andrei Mikhailovich and Nikolai Mikhailovich. All of them were awarded the cross of St. George.

Today, the Borozdin estate is one of the few preserved in the Pskov region. From the depths of the 18th century, the Church of the Resurrection of Christ has reached the present day and still flaunts, touching the souls of Christians and all pilgrims. The manor house has survived to this day in relatively good condition - one-story, stone, on a high base with a wooden mezzanine, built in a style combining elements of late Baroque and eclecticism. At the front entrance of Borozdin's house there is a round balcony with a balustrade end. It offers a view of a wide linden alley leading to a pond with an “island of privacy.” The outbuilding, the parish school building, barns, and the system of ponds and canals in the park have been preserved. The layout of the estate is being disrupted by modern buildings.

The landscape park was laid out in the second half of the 18th century - early XIX century. The arboretum of the park consists of oak (240 - 280 years), linden (210 - 260 years), and maple (110 - 160 years) plantings. Ornamental shrubs in the park include lilac, serviceberry, and honeysuckle. The boundary ramparts of the park have been preserved. The southern slope of the hill on which the estate is located is occupied by an orchard. In the eastern part of the estate, an old oak grove of centuries-old trees has survived.

By the decision of the Pskov Regional Assembly of Deputies on April 25, 1996, the ancient manor park in the village of Ladino was declared a monument of landscape gardening art.

Kostyzhitsy(Dnovsky district, Pskov region)

Memorial complex of General N.M. Borozdin on the site of his former estate Kostyzhitsy.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Borozdin was buried in the family crypt near the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The crypt existed until the 80s of the 20th century, and then was destroyed during construction highway. The ruins of the temple were turned into the base of the road, and the preserved ancient park was cut in two by the road.

Gravestones The Borozdin family and their ashes were moved to a new place next to the road. In 1989, a memorial sign was erected there.

Churchyard Slaoui(Velikoluksky district, Pskov region)

Ruins of the Church of the Holy Trinity.

Next to the church there is a rural cemetery where ancient grave monuments have been preserved, including the gravestone of the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Alexander Ivanovich Markov.