Well organized space. An environment that supports your personal learning style

Anvar Bakirov

How to develop quickly?

Anyone who takes the path of self-development is interested in rapid changes. If only because life is short, and I would like to enjoy it now, and not someday in an enlightened old age. Not to mention the fact that some problems are quite painful to have, and it is advisable to get rid of them quickly.

Here I will reveal some of the principles that I and the participants of my Workshop use. Experience shows that they really contribute to getting quick and lasting changes. I myself sometimes envy the success of my students. So, most likely, these principles apply to you too.

Observation first

Most of the people I know, when they start working on themselves, try to rush right off the bat. They take on increased obligations, make terrible vows to themselves, motivate themselves with all their might and... After a week or two they “deflate.”

And that's okay. Because they are guided by an abstract ideal image that has nothing to do with them in reality. Respectively, new role fits poorly. It's tight in places. It rubs in places. It sags in places. And from the outside it looks ridiculous.

This path leads to a dead end. And everyone knows this very well. Dozens of times starting to do exercises or going on a diet. Hundreds of times promising myself to come to my senses. Thousands of times feeling guilty for one or another of your actions. You look later: for another ten years I’ve had the same deficiency...

How will be correct? That's right - start with collecting information. Get to know yourself again. Because we, for the most part, don’t know ourselves. To the point that many turn to psychologists to tell them about them. Options: tests, typing, horoscopes. People don't know what they are like! But they are firmly convinced that they are not as they should be.

The most interesting thing is that the very fact of regularly paying attention to the chosen area of ​​life triggers changes. " Bad habits"fall off on their own. " Negative emotions" dissolve. Things are looking up. In much the same way as simply drawing attention to a minor flaw in clothing prompts it to be corrected. And few people will retain an uncomfortable position after noticing its inconvenience.

Another nuance: after collecting high-quality information, it becomes more difficult to deceive yourself. For example, if you immediately decide to approach every pretty girl, then very quickly most of girls will suddenly lose their attractiveness. And if you first learn to clearly distinguish which girls you like, then “failing” the exercise will become more difficult. And the results improve literally before our eyes!


Traditionally, information gathering is followed by goal setting and planning to achieve it. This is not the case at our Workshop. After observation, we begin to experiment! We continue to study ourselves, but in the format “What will happen if...?”

I found out that you argue only to prove to yourself how tough you are, look what happens if you stop arguing. Appeared free time? Learned more and told less? Have your relationships improved? Very good! Continue what you started and don't stop observing. Most likely, there will be other effects.

The idea behind this is simple: if you want to get something you've never had, start doing something you've never done. Go beyond the studied area! And when you go out, don’t expect that everything will be familiar. The plan is good where everything has already been walked and crossed. And in undeveloped territories, it is not an electric train that is good, but an all-terrain vehicle.

Further. Everything in life is interconnected, and a small change in one place can provoke a lot of changes in others. Some will need to be supported and developed, and some will need to be compensated. So there is no need to let your guard down. It’s better to make one change and get all the possible bonuses from it, than to perform a dozen “feats”, losing along the way everything that they started for.

Workshop participants very quickly get used to recording in weekly reports what they did and what they received as a result. This not only allows you to get into a working mood, but also makes it possible to track the maximum effects of your actions.


A habit that the Workshop teaches you to break from the very first lessons: replacing actions with words. For one minute of transformative action normal person there are dozens of hours of chatter around and around. Internal and external. Blaming and apologizing. Motivating and overwhelming. Hundreds of "For" and hundreds of "Against". And this can last forever!

Another option is endless theoretical training. Books about this, books about that. A person reads, understands something, and considers this understanding to be his great achievement. He knows now! He's different now! Not like everyone else. However, life quickly demonstrates the fallacy of such judgments. And the man goes for a new book. Or for a new training. For understanding.

Which is correct? First, as you already know, you need to close your mouth and open your eyes. To start receiving new information, and not digest the old one for the hundredth round. Based on observations, you formulate a hypothesis and test it in practice. That is, act! And this, of course, is the most difficult thing. I mean, scary. At least, these are the actions that people avoid as much as possible.

It is important to remember this pitfall: understanding cannot be considered an achievement! The correct conclusion is only half a step towards development. And this step is across the abyss called “Hello again!” The problem remains, easily ignoring your new knowledge. Sometimes for years.

Therefore, for example, at the Workshop I prohibit reporting conclusions as results. Have you figured out what to do right? Do it in this way! Implement your own output. And tell us about the consequences. Because until tested it is just a hypothesis. And whether it is true or not, you don’t know yet. Before checking. On practice.

And further. Advanced guys often take credit for the technique they have done or the practice they have done. Say, I sat for ten minutes in meditation - that’s how great I am! “Fail”! Did you meditate? Now pay attention to what has changed in your real life. If nothing else, it’s too early to brag. Go on and get on with your work. Remember, however, that change can await you in the most unexpected places. Which is nice.


Experienced Workshop participants know: the sweetest bonuses from the exercise come after a couple of months of active work. Yes, many people get serious results almost immediately. But as we continue, we get so much that the early effects pale in comparison. And this requires the will of the leader: not to let him quit, not to allow him to switch.

This “glitch” occurs quite often: a person takes on new technology and throws it away without even waiting for the pale shadow of a possible reward. Like, bored. Or the effects weren't impressive. Or just curious what else is out there. And it doesn’t even occur to anyone that this is the same as buying groceries at the store and throwing everything away halfway to go to another store!

Imagine that you have to climb a mountain. You choose a path and walk. We went up a meter, two, ten… It was a little hard because we weren’t used to it. Breathing becomes difficult. Sweat appears. And suddenly the “saving” thought comes to your mind that the path is “wrong.” What are you doing? Go downstairs to look for “the one”! To walk along it the same ten and a little meters. And so all my life. Maybe stop wandering back and forth already?

So, you choose a direction and start working on yourself. How is acceleration achieved? First, sensitivity develops. You begin to see subtleties and nuances. If earlier you only noticed gross mistakes in others, now you are able to catch them in the bud in yourself. So now you are no longer fighting the consequences - you are working with the causes. The second, as you understand, requires less effort, and you now have more time to do.

Secondly, quantity turns into quality. The exercise does not immediately begin to work in full force. While you get the hang of it, you take on simpler tasks. Once you get the hang of it, you increase the difficulty level. And performance, accordingly. And later still, the exercise ceases to be an exercise and becomes a natural part of your life. And then you can move on to the next one.

Let me summarize. If you keep digging, you have a chance to get to the bottom of the treasure. And by loosening the soil near the surface, you can only find small items dropped.

In life

Personally, it seems logical to me when development occurs without interruption from life. We don’t set abstract records – we change our daily routine. At the same time, this solves the question of where to get additional time for self-development. You can do without it!

How? You simply observe your normal daily and work activities through the lens of the exercise. For example, tracking manifestations of a sense of self-importance. This does not require any special time. Additional attention - yes. Therefore, suffering and whining will now turn out worse. But this will only make you happy, won’t it?

As you observe, you will begin to notice points where you could have done things differently. Better. You will also notice that such moments are repeated with sufficient regularity. So after some time you will begin to act differently. Without interruption, I repeat, from production. And without additional investment of time.

However, to be completely honest, my students and I personally develop not only in combat conditions. We also have free time, which is formed during periods of expectation, and it simply forms. At this time, you can perform a technique or do practice. Or just sum up the results and write a report. Another thing is that we do not deceive ourselves by calling this the main work on ourselves. Major changes occur in life. Where they belong, in fact.

How does this approach affect the pace of change? Very significant indeed. If you develop in a specially allocated time, then you have at your disposal only those minutes and hours that you managed to snatch from your schedule. In our case, you can devote all the time when you are not sleeping to yourself. And specially allocated time is an additional bonus.

What is development for a person? As a rule, in our time this phrase has become a “raped” concept that does not have much meaning. Why is that? When you ask a person the question: “Are you developing?”, he answers: “Yes, of course, I am developing!” Although he has no idea how to respond. After all, he himself does not understand what he is talking about.

The word development implies a specific change in a fact, that is, it was so, it became so. For example, if we look at how a sprout develops, first a small trunk appears, and then it becomes a beautiful flower. That is, if a person actually develops, he must change naturally.

Firstly, the very first and most important action is to set a goal. How to set the right goal, and why is it needed at all?

In our time, one cannot accuse a person of being lazy, of not doing anything. But, as a rule, most human actions are so-called “bullshit” (in Russian “nonsense”). Just the same goal helps to discard all unnecessary actions and leave only those that are appropriate. Purposeful actions mean that these actions accurately lead to the realization of the goal. For example, you need to learn to play the guitar, if you play it and practice, then this is a worthwhile action, but if you read a detective book instead, then this action will not lead to the goal. And in this simple way, we can achieve our goals much faster. Therefore, develop faster.

The question arises: “Then how to set the right goal?” And there is an excellent answer and good advice to this question.

There are a lot of methods for delivering goals, but we will look at the most famous and most applicable.

Method - SMART.

S - Specific, specific, that is, an explanation of the goal itself, specification if you like.

M - Measurable, measurable or otherwise discrete, the goal should be measurable, there should be no abstract concepts like “become kinder.”

A - Attainable, that is, “attainable”, there is no need to set goals in the format “I want to become the emperor of the universe and learn to fly.” Who knows, but it’s better not to.

R - Relevant, current. You must be sure that the goal is within your range of capabilities. Do not confuse a goal with a dream - these are different concepts. The goal should be clear in achievement.

T - Time-bound, limited in time. Fulfillment of the goal must be limited in time to achieve it. The best period of time is considered to be two months. This segment is long and short enough to keep you always on your toes.

What we end up with:

a) To truly develop, we must change noticeably, no matter what we are developing in, sports or social fulfillment.

b) Setting goals is the best first step to take the path of development.

c) You need to set goals correctly, preferably according to the SMART system.

At the end of the article I would like to say that real development is bad now, good later. If a person actually changes, it will be very painful and involve leaving our beloved comfort zone. So development in the usual “raped” sense will not work here, real development is not for everyone, and not everyone needs it. But if you are a purposeful person, then I strongly advise you to start acting according to the presented plan. Good luck in your endeavors and success to you guys!

Exist different ways increase in height. Can quickly grow in height through medicine or naturally. Height is increased by eliminating scoliosis or correcting postural defects, depending on the characteristics of the person.

This path at home is not easy and long; it will take a lot of time to get the desired results. But those who are purposeful and clearly set a goal will overcome difficulties and achieve their goal.

Statistical data

Scientists claim that the smallest were Neanderthals who lived in the Stone Age. The height was barely 160 cm. According to archaeologists, the tallest were the Cro-Magnons, who looked like modern people and grew up to 183 cm.

Middle Ages in Once again made changes in human growth, judging by the finds of human remains or knightly armor. Scientists suggest that the height of medieval people was 160-170 cm.

In the 21st century, the average height of men is 172-176 cm, women - 162-164 cm. Girls grow up to 19 years old, and boys - up to 22. Noticeable changes in height are observed in the first year of life, during which time height increases by 25 cm. The next stage occurs at 4-7 years, and during puberty - 11-16 years for boys, 10-15 years for girls.

It is important to know

  • During puberty, a visible growth spurt occurs.
  • During adolescence, the body does not keep up with the growth of the child to build muscle mass and increase weight, so teenagers look too thin.
  • In adolescence, you should not go on diets and starve; this is dangerous for the body, especially for the brain, which does not receive nutrients.

We grow quickly by eating right

Proper and nutritious nutrition is the basis for fast and healthy growth. Standard Basics proper nutrition: breakfast lunch dinner. Let's take a closer look at what should be included in them.

Breakfast . Main meal for the day. You definitely need to have breakfast. After sleep, the body is relaxed, easily accepts and assimilates beneficial substances from food. Breakfast is the key to energy for the whole day. If you want to grow up, eat porridge with milk: buckwheat, pearl barley, corn, rice, oatmeal.

Porridge eaten in the morning will be beneficial. Whole grain bread, tea, coffee, and freshly squeezed juices are allowed at breakfast.

Some people prefer cereal, stars, etc., which are covered with milk for breakfast. They either have no growth-stimulating nutrients at all, or very few of them. It is better to avoid such a breakfast and add cereal to your diet to add variety.

Dinner . During lunch, eat protein and plant foods. Lunch traditionally consists of a first course, a second course, dessert and drinks.

Soups are hearty and easily absorbed by the body, improving digestion. Soups are rich in nutrients. Soup does not affect growth, but it activates metabolism in the body, which is important. Vegetable soups and puree soups are healthy. You should not cook soups from bouillon cubes, they contain harmful substances.

Useful vegetables include carrots, cabbage, legumes, greens, celery, onions, and rhubarb. Among fruits and berries, preference is given to bananas, oranges, strawberries, blueberries and cranberries. It is recommended to eat at least 1 kg of vegetables and fruits per day.

From meat, choose lean varieties, poultry, liver, kidneys, fish. It is better to boil meat than to fry it. Dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, milk, kefir, cheese.

Lunch should be varied and nutritious, portions should be small and within reasonable limits. The main thing is not to overeat.

Dinner . You shouldn’t go to bed hungry, but you shouldn’t overeat at night either. Fatty and fried foods are not recommended at night. To help increase growth, it is advised to dine on dairy products, for example, cottage cheese with honey, sour cream, cheese or kefir. It is recommended to eat boiled eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Some, in order to grow up faster, prepare a cocktail based on milk and eggs. For 2 glasses of milk, take 1 fresh raw chicken egg (you can use a quail one), beat it with a blender and drink the mixture during the day.

Video tips

Physical exercise

Without exercise, using only nutrition, it is impossible to grow. The cause of short stature is considered to be a disruption of the hormonal system, which is changed with the help of exercises for growth zones.

Growth methodology of USSR coach V.A. Lonsky

Before the exercises, warm up for 10 minutes and run. Then the exercises that the trainer advises you to do for 25 minutes. These are swinging your legs, bending back and forth, left and right, circular movements with your arms (pre-stretch your hands and elbow joints). Stretching exercises, try doing the splits. Each exercise is performed 10 times.

  1. Exercises on the horizontal bar. Hang on the bar for 4 sets (two with heavier weights, up to 10 kg), each for 30 seconds. Then hang on the bar upside down (attach your legs with special straps), 4 approaches, each for 20 seconds. One of them is with a load (5 kg), the load is pressed to the chest.
  2. Fifteen minutes are allotted for high jumps: 2 sets of 12 jumps on the left and right leg and 3 sets of 12 jumps on both legs. Try to jump higher. A jump rope is suitable for jumping.
  3. Then a game of volleyball or basketball (30 minutes). During the game, try to take all the top balls.
  4. At least four times a week, in the evenings, do stretching exercises. Rubber straps are suitable for stretching. Tie one to your legs, the other under your arms and pull to the sides. Perform the exercise for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Swimming. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and breathing. During swimming, all muscle groups work, the spine gradually stretches. To increase a person's height, swim 2-3 times a week for one session.

Video on how to grow 5-10 cm in 8 weeks

Sleep and grow

Sound, healthy and proper sleep will be the key to success in increasing growth. During sleep, the body produces growth hormone.

  • Sleep in a ventilated room, where it is quiet and dark. People live in cities where the noise level is high, and at night lanterns illuminate the streets and this makes the room light. A person gets used to it, but it does not promote sleep. It is recommended to use earplugs and hang curtains made of thick fabric on the windows.
  • The bed should be hard, so the spine is more comfortable. You won’t be able to sleep on a soft bed. Excessive softness will be removed by sheets of plywood placed under the bed and an orthopedic mattress.
  • The decor in the room should be conducive to sleep. The bedroom should be cozy, the bed linen should be beautiful and clean. Sleeping soundly on dirty gray sheets is doomed to failure.
  • A bulky pillow will not work. Scientists say a person should sleep without a pillow to improve blood circulation. To increase your height, sleep on your back, place the pillow not under your head, but under your knees, which are slightly bent. It’s a rather strange position, and it’s not easy to get used to, but there are a lot of benefits from it. While sleeping, do not tuck your knees to your chest or curl up; this makes breathing difficult due to a decrease in air flow into the lungs.
  • According to scientists, 6-8 hours is enough for an adult to get enough sleep. But it all depends on the body. For some, 5 hours is enough to rest, and for others, 10 hours is enough to feel fresh and invigorated. During periods of intense growth, the body needs more sleep, so teenagers are recommended to sleep at least 10 hours. Older people, from 16 to 25 years old, will need less time to recuperate; it is enough to sleep 7 or 9 hours.
  • It is advisable to maintain a sleep schedule - go to bed at the same time, and not stay up at night. The ideal time to sleep is from 23 to 2 o'clock. If time is missed, sleep will not be healthy and sound, and the next morning a person will feel “broken” and tired. Shaolin monks claim that you need to go to bed at 21 o'clock and get up at 7 am, neither earlier nor later. They found that during this period the body recovers faster. To fall asleep, drink a glass of warm milk with honey at night, which soothes and saturates the body with essential vitamins and microelements.

Finally, I will dwell on some points. Don't forget, advice is individual. Go to the doctor, get advice on exercise, because excessive zeal will only do harm. No one can say whether a person will grow up or not, but if there is desire and aspiration on the way to the goal, everything will work out! Good luck to you!

Communicate! But communicate well.

At the last frontender meetup, Daniel Manasov talked about how to make a name for yourself. There was a simple way in his report:

  1. Fuck
  2. Help and educate (speak at meetups, stream how you code on twitch/livecoding, open a YouTube channel)
  3. Write books and open source

I think that the whole report is simply about the need to communicate. There is a lot of everything in programming that is not related to code. Oddly enough, a programmer writes code for about 3-4 hours a day during the working day. The rest of his time is spent discussing problems, planning, finding solutions, thinking, smoking, etc.

As a result, I decided to write a post that will help beginners grow faster.

Ask questions

Everyone is afraid to ask questions. Everyone is afraid of seeming stupid. “Oh, what will he think? What if he says, how can you not know this?” - All juniors and non-juniers ask themselves this question when they think about turning to a professional. But, you won’t believe it, all experienced people love to help for two reasons:

  1. Nostalgia — memories of one’s own mistakes and the path that a person has already traveled is always pleasant. Helping in this case gives pleasure because the person feels the benefit that he will bring.
  2. I will understand this better. After all, true understanding of a subject comes only when you explain it to another person who may not understand. Here you have to make analogies, look for ways to give an explanation as simply as possible and, as a result, you do better than that the person who helps you.

The process of asking questions can be complicated, but there is a ton of information online about how to ask questions and get them answered. For example, stack overflow has recommendations on how to do this.

If you still don’t feel comfortable asking a person questions, try agreeing on a schedule. For example, ask questions during a specific window between 10 and 11 as an option. This will erase boundaries and make the process more predictable and positive. My practice with trainees shows good and high-quality results from this approach. People will no longer be afraid to ask questions, and experienced people will be less angry if the question was asked at the wrong time.

Share your experience

Knowledge needs to be shared. At least for the reasons that I wrote above. In addition, everyone will be interested in your experience. Your real story.

Why do people go to conferences if everything is already written? For two reasons: to listen to stories and to meet interesting people.

At conferences and meetups, interesting conversations arise that can be more interesting than the report itself. After all, you can’t afford to tell yourself more without censorship.

Everyone is interested in your experience. Your rake, your bumps. And they are interesting for the same two reasons: nostalgia and better understanding. Well, a bonus may be a warning about possible rakes along the way.

Write code!

Write code, write more code. Write code everywhere, when you travel on a minibus or trolleybus, when you eat, always write code. Start solving problems on the hackerrank or join some open source project. It all ends with one thing. Write the code.

Don't read books!

Reading is harmful for a young brain. You don't need to read a lot of books when you haven't tried anything yet. Write code, and books are needed to test the knowledge you gained in the process of writing code and communicating. You will need books only when you are a good junior. And at an early stage you need to fill as many cones as possible.

Type faster!

I think this is obvious. The faster you type, the less brain resources you use. If you know how to type very quickly, then the flow of thought will not stumble over the keyboard. No need to look at it and look for the right key. Therefore, touch typing is a must-have skill for any programmer. And even cooler is the ten-finger typing method.

Reality check

Always do a reality check. There are two mental distortions that can inhibit development. For example, an intern acts all cool and believes that he is ready to join the staff, he knows everything and is ready to take on a real project. But this is often not the case.

This situation was well described by two dudes. David Dunning and Justin Kruger. You can read more. I often summarize this effect like this. In order for a person to understand that he is an idiot, he still needs to evolve. During this period, a person still has very little experience to understand his limits of ignorance and he still needs to gain experience to understand how much more he does not know.

Reverse distortion — imposter syndrome. Daniel Vartanov, Oleg Puzanov and Misha Ivashchenko spoke about this in great detail in in your video. You can also read about this on the wiki.

To maintain balance — you need to communicate as much as possible. Go to meetups, go to conferences and communicate with people outside our country. The more you communicate, the more feedback from reality you will receive.


There is nothing wrong with communication. More often than not, good and experienced people are open. And if a person is closed and doesn’t like questions — that means he’s not a professional and an asshole. There is nothing to learn from such people.

Write code, ask questions, share knowledge and then your growth will go faster. And that's not yet full list what can help you

Once you find the right approach, you can almost always achieve more in the same amount of time. This approach is essentially a set of habits that you need to develop in yourself. With them you process and use it better.

Yes, learning something new is not easy. It requires willpower, persistence, and deliberate practice. But nothing can stop you if you are determined enough. Think of learning as an investment in yourself. All efforts will pay off if you apply knowledge to your work.

Make a list of skills you want to learn

Sit down, take a piece of paper and list all the skills you would like to learn. There will probably be 10-15 of them.

Logically, you can't master everything at once. At best, you can start learning 2-3 skills at the same time, for example, at work and in your free time.

So the question is how to identify priority skills. There are several important criteria:

  • The meaning of the skill: additional income, hobby for the soul or self-development?
  • Supply and demand: If it's about making money, then it's important to understand which skills are in high demand. Hobbies generally don't generate income (although it's up to you). So, what is more important now: money or a pleasant activity?
  • Talent: Don't waste your talent. Determine what you are good at and what you are not.
  • Your goals: You may have already created a plan for the next five years and are confident that this is what you need. Does the skill meet the goals?
  • Current Features: Is it possible to learn a skill for free or with minimal investment? Perhaps your family, friends or relatives can become your teacher?
  • Resources: Skill requires time, money and emotional energy. Be realistic and soberly assess whether you have enough of it all.
  • Life situation: Sometimes life puts us in tough conditions that affect our ability to learn effectively. Is your training location specific? Does it depend on physical conditions or other people?

Good Study Habits

These habits are aimed at saving time or improving comprehension.

Morning review

Everything you studied yesterday needs to be reviewed immediately after waking up. This is important in order to remember and better assimilate information. Wake up half an hour earlier and re-read all the key points you wrote down yesterday. These can be quotes, concepts, formulas, rules. Keep yourself a learning notebook for each skill.

Take the Thirty Day Challenge

Popular blogger Steve Pavlina claims that if you do something for a month, it will become a habit. No matter what: study foreign language, run in the morning or stop complaining. Make it your goal to stick to your plan for 30 days, no excuses.

Use a three-in-one approach

This means that while learning, you use different resources:

  • Read books.
  • Take courses.
  • Watch training videos.

By doing this, you will consolidate all the key concepts at different levels of consciousness, which will have a positive effect on the speed of skill acquisition.

Instantly connect the skill to everyday life

There is nothing better than combining theory and practice. Many people are afraid to transfer knowledge to real life until they reach a certain level. And this is the most big mistake which can be accomplished.

Read books on the topic

You can even re-read Russian classics and find something that is somehow related to your skill. It's fun and helps you always remember to study.

Write as much as possible

Despite the development of technology in education, handwriting is the most important skill. This is useful because you write down the thought and at the same time assimilate it.

Write down anything that is causing you difficulty. We often don't understand something simply because we haven't written down the concept and haven't analyzed it. Divide the phrase into parts and try to comprehend each of them.

Rephrase new concepts in your own words

Reading for the sake of reading is not very conducive to memory: it does not leave a lasting impression in long-term memory. Rephrase what you learned in your own words. It is this technique that will connect new knowledge with what you already know.

How to quickly learn new skills?

The following tips will not only practical guide, but also tricks that you can apply right away.

Invest emotions, money and time

First ask yourself: “Why?”

Always ask yourself this question. When you realize the true reason (the emotional incentive for improvement), you will be able to overcome all obstacles on the way to your goal. When positive emotions are mixed with any activity, a person cannot be stopped.

There are a lot of “whys” that can add speed to learning a skill. Here are the most common ones:

  • With each new skill, I double my chances of success.
  • More skills - more income.
  • By instilling a skill, you can ensure that your potential is used to its fullest.
  • To live a fulfilling life, you need to exercise your body, soul and mind every day.
  • To get a new job.
  • To respect yourself.
  • New skills improve creative thinking. It's like a new tool for him.
  • Life will become more eventful and interesting.
  • Problems will become easier to deal with.

But it also happens that you may have a very strong reason study, but you still lie on the couch and do nothing. What to do? Create a clear step by step plan action rather than feeling sorry for yourself. Buy a calendar or download apps for . Until you include this task on the list, things will not move forward.

And of course, we can't forget the old trick: if you buy something, you make a commitment. The chances that you will watch a course or read a book increase several times. Nobody likes to lose money stupidly.

Create the right environment

Environment is as important as learning ability. It’s better to set aside a few hours and set it up correctly than to lose significantly more due to constant distractions.

With this in mind, what are the characteristics of an ideal learning environment? Above all, your study environment should be conducive to ease and relaxation, but not so much that it makes you sleepy.

Creating a relaxing learning environment requires an integration of visual, auditory and physical objects that naturally relax and promote deeper cognition.

Your environment should at the same time motivate and inspire you to reach new heights and levels of excellence. Sounds fantastic, right? But once you tackle each element separately, it turns out that all this is quite real.

Low stress environment

First of all, you must remove all irritants from the room. These could be physical objects, sounds, smells, or anything else that distracts you from your goal. Pay attention to colors: too bright (such as red and yellow) stimulate thinking, but can increase stress levels. Dark colors are undesirable if you want to improve concentration.

Authentic and engaging learning environment

Your learning environment should be pleasing to the senses. The most ideal colors that encourage long-term study are pastel blues and green shades. These are calming colors that will help you get inspired and focus. In addition, they also encourage creative thoughts.

How to create authenticity? If you find inspiration in the natural wonders of our Earth, hang panoramas, paintings and posters of nature on your walls. You are limited only by your imagination.

An environment that supports your personal learning style

We remember 20% of what we read, 30% of what we hear, 40% of what we see, 50% of what we are told, and 60% of what we do.

The environment should be designed to naturally enhance the ability to absorb knowledge using your personal learning style. This involves making efficient use of space and tools while organizing your environment in smart ways that make learning more interesting and enjoyable.

An environment with proper air supply, good lighting and clean water

The air we breathe, the light we receive, and the water we consume are vital to the body. Without these foundations, we cannot function and will simply cease to exist.

If your learning environment does not sufficient quantity all three ingredients, then performance will likely suffer.

Inhaled oxygen must be High Quality. Sitting in a stuffy environment will cause the brain to stop functioning optimally. Open the window - this will help improve his activity.

Light is another important component of effective learning. Essentially, the body seeks out natural light that comes from the sun. If your room is dark and gloomy, it will increase fatigue, procrastination and laziness. So always make sure you have enough natural light.

Finally, don't choke your body with caffeine or energy drinks while you're studying. Drink clean, fresh water.

Well organized space

Take the time to organize your space in a way that will improve your productivity. A disorganized environment makes learning difficult.

What's more, being messy means you'll waste valuable time looking for things that were accidentally lost or thrown away. This is when procrastination creeps up on you unnoticed.

Clear your desk of unnecessary items and buy everything you might need for the task at hand: a dictionary, office supplies and other materials. Make sure you have all the tools you need to learn within arm's reach.

Minimum number of distractions

You need to remove all extraneous noise and visual distractions. If possible, close the door so that no one can disturb you. Warn your family that you will be busy.

Some noises (the sounds of a neighbor's renovation) cannot be eliminated, so put on headphones and turn on music without words. It will allow you to filter out everything unnecessary, creating a shield between desirable and unwanted sounds.

Nourish your brain and body

There is no doubt that our health and well-being are closely linked to clarity of thought. So now we will look at the topic of food and stimulants that guide and transform our thinking patterns. We will also discuss how they benefit the brain.

We must be mindful and avoid consuming foods and drinks that will make us feel sluggish and also reduce our concentration. Caffeine, sweets, alcoholic drinks, starch will not help you in any way, and even vice versa. They dull the senses and lead to fatigue. Although caffeine initially works as a stimulant, it soon has a suppressive effect and dehydrates the body.

We must not forget about physical exercise, because there is a direct connection between the work of the brain and the body. Morning exercises are required. If you want to get the most out of your training, then start running and swimming.

And lastly: brain exercises. It needs to be trained every day in order to grasp much more effectively. complex rules and concepts. On our website you can find large ones that will be excellent fitness for the brain.

Ask as many questions as possible

We often feel awkward when we need to publicly ask a question and clarify something. And we transfer this bad habit to self-education.

It doesn't matter whether you're studying with a tutor or alone, always ask questions. This approach is very useful because you are likely to remember the answer better than by simply “consuming” the information. They say that people used to have better memory - and all because they had to look for answers to their questions in huge dictionaries and encyclopedias. Nobody wanted to move these “bricks” twice for the same thing.

You can also keep a diary in which you can write down all your questions. Once you've accumulated about a hundred, you can invite a friend to dinner who is knowledgeable about the topic and get all the answers in one go. Think about it: there will be a hundred fewer white spots.

Never engage in learning unconsciously, always be active.

Enter the learning state

Changing your state is also a skill that requires practice. It is extremely difficult to force yourself to sit down to study if you have just watched a horror movie or had a big lunch. But anything is possible: if you set the right triggers, you can turn yourself into an ideal learning machine.

We wish you good luck!