“Game of Thrones”: important differences in the destinies of the heroes of the series and their prototypes from the books. Game of Thrones: Stannis Barathion's death scene should have been different Is Stannis alive?

"Stannis turned to face Jon. The king's eyes under his heavy forehead looked like bottomless blue wells. His sunken cheeks and strong jaw were covered with a blue-black short beard, which hardly hid the haggardness of his face; his teeth were tightly clenched. The same tension was felt in his neck and shoulders and right hand. John remembered what Donal Noye once said about the Baratheon brothers: Robert is steel, and Stannis is cast iron, black, heavy and hard, but fragile."

J. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire

Stannis Baratheon, brother of King Robert, after his death - the rebel lord of Dragonstone, who declared himself King Stannis I.

Lord Stannis - I apologize, King Stannis the First... I’ll try to talk about him impartially - whether our hero is good or bad is for the readers to judge.
First, let's get to know Stannis in person - here's what he looks like:

"The only chair in the room stood in the exact spot that Dragonstone occupied on the coast of Westeros, and was slightly raised for a better view of the map. On it sat a man in a tightly laced leather jacket and breeches of coarse brown wool. When the maester entered, he raised his head.
“I knew you would come, old man, even uninvited.” - There was no warmth in his voice - not now, and, indeed, almost never.
Stannis Baratheon, Lord of Dragonstone and by the grace of the gods the rightful Heir to the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms, was a broad-shouldered and wiry man. His face and body were covered with skin that had been tanned by the sun and became as hard as steel. People thought he was tough, and he really was. He was not yet thirty-five, but he was already very bald, and the remnants of black hair bordered his head behind his ears like the shadow of a crown. His brother, the late King Robert, in his last years let go of his beard. Maester Cressen did not see him with a beard, but they said that it was a lush growth, thick and shaggy. Stannis, as if in defiance of his brother, cut his sideburns short, and they ran in blue-black spots along his sunken cheeks to his rectangular jaw. The eyes under heavy eyebrows seemed like open wounds - dark blue, like the night sea. His mouth would have driven the funniest of jesters to despair: with his pale, tightly compressed lips, he was created for stern words and sharp commands - this mouth forgot about a smile, and did not know laughter at all.”

To cheer up the always stern and reserved Stannis, many years ago they brought a jester. But jesters and other comedians are completely uninteresting to Stannis.

“We have found a magnificent jester,” Lord wrote to Cressen two weeks before returning from his unsuccessful trip. “He is still very young, but as agile as a monkey and as sharp as a dozen courtiers. He juggles, asks riddles, performs tricks and sings wonderfully.” in four languages. We bought him his freedom and hope to bring him home. Robert will be delighted with him - maybe he will even teach Stannis to laugh."
Cressen recalled this letter with sadness. No one ever taught Stannis to laugh, least of all young Motley.”

Throughout the story, we see Lord Stannis through the eyes of his Maester Cressen (something like a family doctor and adviser) and Davos Seaworth, a former smuggler who has become Stannis' most loyal ally.
What Stannis is can be understood from the history of Davos. During the rebellion of Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark against the Targaryens, “Lord Stannis with a small garrison held the castle for about a year, fighting against the large army of Lords Tyrell and Redwyne. The defenders were cut off even from the sea - it was guarded day and night by the galleys of Redwyne under the wine-red flags of Bor . All the horses, dogs and cats in Storm's End had long been eaten - it was the turn of rats and roots. But one day on the night of the new moon, black clouds covered the sky, and Davos the smuggler, under their cover, made his way past the cordons of Redwyne and the rocks of the Bay of the Ruinous Shafts. The hold of his black the boat with black sails and black oars was filled with onions and salted fish... No matter how small this cargo was, it allowed the garrison to hold out until Eddard Stark approached Storm's End, breaking the siege.
Lord Stannis granted Davos rich lands at Cape Wrath, a small castle and a knighthood... but ordered the joints on the fingers of his left hand to be cut off as payment for many years of atrocities. Davos complied, but on the condition that Stannis do it himself, refusing to suffer such punishment from a man of lower rank. The lord used a butcher's cleaver to accomplish his task more accurately and cleanly. Davos chose the name Seaworth for his newly founded house, and his coat of arms was a black ship on a pale gray field, with an onion on the sails. The former smuggler liked to say that Lord Stannis had done him a favor - now he has four fewer nails to clean and cut."

(Stannis - isn't it - resembles Stalin, with one caveat - Stannis is fair. Almost always).
Our hero does not evoke as much sympathy as his brothers Robert and Renly. He is not a cheerful womanizer and drunkard, like Robert, and not a fashionable, handsome, everyone's favorite, like Renly. This is a person with an integral and tough character, open and direct.

"Stannis never learned to soften his speech, to pretend or to flatter: he said what he thought, and he did not care whether others liked it or not."

Old man Cressen, who raised three brothers, understands Stannis better than anyone, loves him and pities him - like no one else. After all, our hero was an unloved child who needed warmth and parental attention, which was given in full measure to Robert and Renly. And nothing to him...

"The face of Stannis floated before his mind's eye - the face not of a man, but of the boy he had once been - a child, cowering in the shadows while his brother got all the sun."

"Stannis, my lord, my sad sullen boy, don't do this. Don't you know how I cared for you, lived for you, loved you no matter what? Yes, I did, more than Robert or Renly, for You were an unloved child and needed me more than anyone."

One of the heroes of the Saga, the blacksmith Donal Noye, characterizes the three Baratheon brothers very interestingly:

"Robert is pure steel. Stannis is cast iron, black and strong, but brittle. He breaks, but does not bend. And Renly is copper. It shines and is pleasing to the eye, but in the end it is not worth much."

Stannis is strict not only with himself, but also with others. The most common verb is "prevent". Stannis does not allow anything that, in his opinion, goes beyond the bounds of decency and order.

“At the tables, knights, archers and hired captains were breaking loaves of black bread, dipping it into fish soup. There was no loud laughter, no obscene exclamations, usual at feasts - Lord Stannis did not allow this.”

“In the memory of Davos, their harbor had never been so crowded. Provisions were being loaded on every pier, and all the inns were swarming with soldiers who were drinking, playing dice or looking for whores. A vain hope - Stannis did not allow such women on his island.”

The days of peaceful life end with the death of Stannis's older brother, King Robert. The Iron Throne is occupied by Joffrey, who is in fact neither the son nor the legal heir of Robert, but the fruit of an incestuous relationship between Queen Cersei and her twin brother Jaime. Eddard Stark, as the Hand of the late king and Lord Protector of the Kingdom, manages to send a letter to Dragonstone - the residence of Stannis - and report this, thereby giving Stannis grounds to claim the throne as the eldest in the Baratheon family. In fairness - Stannis and Eddard are right, Robert's rightful heir is only Stannis.
But it was not there. Power is too sweet a temptation and too great a temptation to just give it up. They declare themselves kings: younger brother - Renly (no, to unite and overthrow the Lannisters! Enormous stupidity on the part of the Baratheons! So they would have won one-two-three, and there wouldn’t have been... A Song of Ice and Fire then there wouldn’t have been.. .), Robb Stark, Balon Greyjoy. And of course, the Lannister clan, led by the most dangerous enemy - Lord Tywin (the queen's father), will also never give up the Iron Throne.

The battle of kings begins. Stannis has his own trump card... This is the Red Priestess, whom he summoned from somewhere across the sea - Melisandre.
Melisandre worships the God of Fire and Light - Rhllor, and converts Stannis and his associates to her faith. Instead of the Baratheon family coat of arms - a black crowned stag on a golden background - Stannis placed the fiery heart of the Lord of Light on his banners.
Melisandre masters the art of black magic. She sends the shadow of Stannis to kill Renly's brother - after Renly refused to submit and swear allegiance to his brother as his king.
Here is the last conversation between the brothers on the eve of Renly’s terrible death from the black witchcraft of the Red Priestess.

"You may have more rights, Stannis, but I have a larger army." Renly put his hand in his bosom. Stannis, seeing this, grabbed his sword, but before he could draw his blade, his brother took out... a peach "Would you like it, brother? This is from Highgarden. You have never tasted something so sweet, I assure you. " Renly took a bite of the fruit, and juice flowed from his lips.
“I’m not here to eat peaches,” Stannis snapped.
- My lords! - Catelyn intervened. - We should work out the terms of our alliance, and not tease each other.
- Giving up a peach is what you shouldn't do. - Renly threw away the bone. “You may never get another chance.” Life is short, Stannis. As the Starks say, winter is coming. - He wiped his mouth with his hand.
“I don’t want to listen to threats either.”
“That’s not a threat,” Renly snapped. - If I decide to threaten, you will understand it immediately. The truth is, I never loved you, Stannis, but you are still my blood, and I don't want to kill you. So if you want Storm's End, take it... like a gift from your brother. Robert once gave it to me, and I'm giving it to you.
- It is not yours to dispose of. He is mine by right."

The brothers parted at this point - forever, as it turned out later. That same night, Renly was killed in his own tent.

"He was just laughing, and suddenly this blood... my lady, I don’t understand anything. You saw it, right?
- I saw a shadow. At first I thought it was Renly's shadow, but it was his brother's shadow.
- Lord Stannis?
- I felt that it was him. I know this sounds pointless, but...
But for Brienne it made sense."

Stannis realizes who Melisandre is and believes in her magical power. However, pangs of conscience are not alien to our stern hero. Stannis tries to convince himself and others of his innocence, but he doesn’t succeed. Stannis is not a politician. Stannis is a warrior.

"- Sometimes I dream about it. Renly's death. A green tent, candles, a woman's scream. And blood. - Stannis lowered his eyes. - I was still in bed when he died. Ask your Devan - he tried to wake me up. Dawn was close, and my lords were worried. I should have been on a horse already, dressed in armor. I knew Renly would attack at first light. Devan says I screamed and rushed about, but so what? I was dreaming. I was in my own tent when Renly died, and when I woke up, my hands were clean.
Ser Davos Seaworth felt an itch in his severed fingers. “Something is fishy here,” the former smuggler thought, but nodded and said:
- Certainly.
- Renly offered me a peach. At negotiations. He laughed at me, egged me on, threatened me - and offered me a peach. I thought he wanted to take out the blade, and grabbed his own. Maybe that's what he wanted - for me to show fear? Or was this one of his senseless jokes? Maybe in his words about the sweetness of this peach there was some hidden meaning? - The king shook his head - like a dog shakes a rabbit to break its neck. “Only Renly could cause such irritation in me with the help of a harmless fruit.” He brought disaster upon himself by committing treason, but I still loved him, Davos. Now I understand it. I swear I’ll go to my grave thinking about my brother’s peach.”

Stannis is not as rich as other contenders for the crown, and he has few supporters. We have to hire Lissenian pirates to attack King's Landing from the sea. But there is not enough money in the treasury of Stannis the First; he owes the pirate leader Salladhor Saan a fortune. But there is no need to doubt the honesty of our hero. He is not only cold and strict, he is principled and honest. In my own way, of course.

"- You will receive your gold when we take the treasury in King's Landing. In the Seven Kingdoms there is no man more honest than Stannis Baratheon. He will keep his word. - What kind of world, thought Davos, where low-born smugglers must vouch for the honor of kings?"

Sometimes Stannis, a living person after all, still has bouts of frankness. He opens up only with his faithful Onion Knight - Davos Seaworth. It should be noted that Stannis has a great understanding of people. Davos is an unusually worthy person. If you come across someone like Davos in life, you urgently need to take him into friends, relatives, etc., value and take care of him. Which is basically what Stannis does. Again, in my own way.

"Stannis rose to his feet.
- Rglor. What's so difficult about that? They won't love you, you say? Have you ever loved me? Is it possible to lose something you never had? - Stannis walked to the south window, looking out at the moonlit sea. “I stopped believing in the gods on the very day the Proud One crashed in our bay. I vowed never again to worship gods who could so cruelly send my father and mother to the bottom. In King's Landing, the High Septon kept saying that goodness and justice came from the Seven, but the little that I saw of both always came from people."

Stannis makes Davos - for his sincerity and integrity - a lord and his Hand (something like a prime minister). Davos, a simple smuggler without a family or tribe, is elevated by Stannis - and this does him honor - to the rank of a major lord.
And it looks beautiful and dignified.

"The king turned away from the table. -

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Shock: It turns out that Stannis Baratheon was very upset about killing a bunch of his relatives in Game of Thrones and was sure that he would go to hell for it. Good, because sacrificing a child to the God of Fire is terrible.

There are some interesting tidbits from the original script for the episode "Mother's Mercy". The script, first pitched about two years ago, included some unused dialogue between King Stannis Baratheon (Stephen Dillane) and Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie). This is the moment Brienne finds Stannis after his humiliating defeat at the hands of Ramsay Bolton. As he slowly bleeds out, Brienne prepares to fulfill her oath to avenge the death of Rene Baratheon.

In the television version, when Brienne asks if Stannis has any final words, he simply replies: “Go on, do your duty.” It's a powerful moment that, thanks in large part to the actor, conveys the final regrets as he accepts his fate. However, in the first version of the script, he was much more remorseful, apologetic, and resigned to his shitty afterlife. Here's the original dialogue:

BRIENNE: I was part of Renly Barathion's royal guard. I was there when he was killed by the shadow with your face.

[Stannis didn't expect this confrontation today, but heck, why not.]

BRIENNE: Did you kill him? With blood magic?

[Stannis nods.]


BRIENNE: In the name of Renly of House Baratheon, rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Realms and protector of the realm, I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to death.

[Stannis nods. He's ready.]

BRIENNE: Do you have any last words?

STENNIS: Do you believe in the hereafter?

[Brienne nods]

STENANIS: I don't know. But if I'm wrong and you're right... tell Renly I'm sorry when you get there. I don't think I'll see him where I'm going. And my daughter. Tell her... tell her...

['I'm sorry' doesn't show how he feels about Shireen. The thought of this brings tears to his eyes, and he will die crying in front of a woman he does not know. Stannis looks at her.]

STAMNIS: Go on, do your duty.

[Brienne raises her sword and strikes with force.]

This is interesting because there has never really been a clear portrait of heaven or hell in Game of Thrones, especially for R'hllor, the Red Faith that Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre worship. There is a bit more explanation of the afterlife in the books. For example, the Faith of the Seven preaches the existence of seven heavens and seven hells, and the faith of the Drowned God has a Valhalla-like realm where its fighters can drink and reminisce about the good old days of plunder.

Currently, R'hllor is the only Song of Ice and Fire religion that does not clearly describe the afterlife. By George R.R. Martin has previously said that the "Red Faith" is a dualistic faith, like Zoroastrianism, centered around the eternal battle between the Lord of Light and the Great Other, which can drag people into eternal night. Is this R'hllor's allegory for hell? Possibly, but it's still pretty unclear. Either way, Stannis makes it clear that he doesn't believe in any of them.

Lord of Dragonstone Stannis Baratheon evokes conflicting feelings among all viewers. This hero declared himself king of the Seven Kingdoms and wants to take the rightful throne after Robert's death. But other heirs do not want to give up the throne.

Such a strange king

This man very vaguely looks like the rightful heir to the great throne. Those around him consider him a warrior, and he repeatedly proves his skills in every battle. Stannis Baratheon is known for his justice and mercilessness. The photo of the hero indicates that this person has obvious features of a strong man. His gloomy face and sullen gaze do not arouse the love of the people, but he is a good commander. And perhaps these qualities allow him to so fiercely and uncontrollably claim the Iron Throne.

Davos Seaworth and Lady Melisandre are close to him. The first person is right hand and advisor to the king. But most of all, Stannis Baratheon listens to the woman with red hair. Melisandre claims that she communicates with otherworldly forces that prophesy the king's glory and respect throughout the world.


Eddard Stark invites Stannis to take the throne of the Seven Kingdoms, but for such proposals the former lost his head. The clever warrior knows a secret about all the children of the former King Robert, they were born illegally. The wife had a relationship with her own brother, therefore, there are no legal heirs to the throne. But no one wants to listen to this truth, and a war breaks out. Stannis Baratheon is looking for allies, but they die at the hands of his witch friend Melisandre. The woman inspires the king to fight again even after the destruction of the fleet.

Stannis's plans are disrupted by those approaching the wall. He is forced to go to the North to find allies in the Wildlings to begin new military operations.

Sacrifices by the King

Warriors and those around him believe that Stannis Baratheon is a real madman. He listens to the predictions of a strange woman and does not see the suffering of his own wife. But what outraged everyone most was the king’s sacrifice. The great warrior decided to sacrifice the most precious thing in order to gain victory - his daughter. She is burned at the stake as the last witch, Melisandre rejoices. But the sorceress’s joys do not end there; Stannis’s wife kills herself out of grief.

Many viewers are interested in the question of whether Stannis Baratheon is alive. He is killed by Brienne, a knight who avenges King Renly.

Who played Stannis?

Was approved for the role of the mad king. He made a great Stannis Baratheon. The actor was born in London and at first wanted to become a political scientist, but fate decreed that he graduated from drama school. This man has two children who are also trying to take their place in the vastness of cinema.

At the very beginning of his career, he played in theaters. He liked the live scenes and the crowd of spectators who came to watch the performances of talented actors. At the age of 26 he made his debut in television project, it was a series. Stephen was most attracted to historical paintings, so he gladly played in the film “King Arthur”.

He was approved for the role in the series “Game of Thrones” in 2011, on July 19. The auditions were tiring, but very interesting. Fame and colossal success were predicted for this project. Five seasons have already been filmed, and viewers never tire of gathering in front of the screens. This is a real breakthrough for the series; filming took place in interesting places. This is probably why the work was easy. Stephen Dillane is happy with his hero. Of course, at some points he condemns the mad king. For example, the episode where they had to burn their own daughter is a true betrayal and obsession with victory. But the king didn’t get what he wanted, he simply fell and turned into another story.

The creators of the series promise viewers many interesting stories. It's impossible to predict what will happen in the next episode. This is what took the series to a new level. This is not just a soap opera for girls and unhappy women. "Game of Thrones" is a large-scale movie with amazing effects and acting. Everything in this film is thought out to the smallest detail. And thanks to actors like Stephen Dillane, the series turned out to be exciting and vibrant. This character is not bad or good, he is just a warrior who dreamed of becoming a king.

As you know, in “Game of Thrones” there are no “unkillable” characters. With the light hand of the author, George Martin, everyone dies, and having favorites is more expensive for yourself. The books and the series are worth each other in this sense. However, there are differences in who dies, when and how. Already dropped out of the game and still alive, the heroes in the movies and on the pages live different destinies. Now, on the eve of the start of the seventh season and the release of the almost finished sixth book, let's look at the key plot differences. If you haven't read the books or watched the series, be warned: spoilers!

Let us remind you that some events in the series have already surpassed similar ones. storylines books in the A Song of Ice and Fire series published to date. The plot of the new seventh season, like the sixth, is based on draft versions of the books, consultations with the writer and the series’ authors’ own plot developments. The differences in both stories are sometimes quite serious. For example, on the pages of books, Catelyn Stark still exists (I can’t even say “lives”), but it was not her daughter Sansa who married Ramsay Bolton.

We look at the saga's iconic characters - on screen and in the novel - as of early summer 2017.

Daenerys Targaryen

Drogon, Daenerys' striking force


The dragon Drogon took Daenerys to the mountains, where the Mother of Dragons lived with him for several days. After the “son” refuses to return with the heroine to Meereen, Dany decides to get there on her own. On the way, the khalasar overtakes her, however, Drogon manages to fly to the aid of his mistress.


Drogon did not arrive in time: Daenerys finds herself at the mercy of the khalasar of Khal Moro. He sends her to Dosh Khalin, where, according to tradition, the widows of the khals live out their lives. Here Daenerys is tracked down by her loyal subjects - Jorah and Daario. The Mother of Dragons burns all the khals, remaining unharmed - however, as usual in such cases, she is no stranger to it. Dany unites the subjects of the dead khals into one huge khalasar and returns to Meereen. From there, having dealt with the slave traders, the Mother of Dragons sails to the shores of the Seven Kingdoms at the head of her army.

Sansa Stark

Sansa Stark


After Joffrey's death at her own wedding, Sansa flees King's Landing with Petyr Baelish. Under the name of Aleyna, his illegitimate daughter, she arrives with him at the Eagle's Nest, the estate of her aunt Lysa Arryn, who married Petyr. According to the aunt’s plan, Sansa should marry her sick son in the future. After Littlefinger kills his wife, Petyr begins to look for Sansa to find another worthy husband. At the same time, Sansa’s friend Jeyne Poole marries Ramsay Bolton and is passed off as Arya Stark.


Petyr marries Lysa Arryn after Sansa arrives at the Eyrie. This does not change the main thing: Lisa dies at the hands of Littlefinger. More important, however, is something else: the main hypocrite of the Seven Kingdoms brings Sansa to Winterfell, where she marries Ramsay Bolton and plunges into the abyss of a nightmare. From Theon, who has come to terms with the horrors, Sansa learns that her younger brothers are alive. Theon and Sansa escape, escaping the chase with the help of Brienne. Through Brienne, Sansa learns that Arya also managed to get out of the capital alive. Rickon Stark is captured by the Boltons. Sansa arrives at Castle Black and, together with Jon Snow and his army, goes to Winterfell. The castle is taken, but Rickon dies in the battle. Sansa supports Jon and, together with all the lords loyal to the Starks, proclaims him the true King of the North.

Arya Stark

Arya Stark gets even for Robb and her mother


Arya lives in the Temple of the Faceless Ones in Braavos. There she never finds Jaqen H'ghar, but becomes an acolyte. One evening, Arya meets Sam Tarly. He is looking for his “brother” in Garbage Harbor - another watchman. Arya suggests where the missing person can be found - in a brothel. Sam tries to reason with his comrade, but he fails. Arya kills the "brother" who betrayed the Watch. This act is punished by the faceless: Arya is deprived of her sight. The girl remains blind for about six months, but then her ability to see is restored and she is given the task of gifting death to the insurer. Arya gets a new face and completes the task.


Sam is not in Arya's life, but Jaqena H'ghar is. Arya learns from him. Preparing to kill the insurer, the girl notices Merrin Trant in the port, whom she has wanted dead for a very long time. Unauthorizedly using the mask from the House of Black and White, she kills Trant, for which she is punished with blindness. Having served her sentence, Arya receives a second task - to kill a street actress. Despite the fact that Arya decides to spare the woman, the intended victim dies at the hands of the Faceless One, and Arya herself deals with the killer. After this, Eddard Stark's youngest daughter returns to the Seven Kingdoms and begins to take revenge for her family. Its first victims are Walder Frey and his sons.

In books and films, the same characters can differ not only in fate, but also in appearance. Let's say, in the book, Tyrion's eyes are different colors, and his father Tywin was bald. Daenerys, who is immune to fire, nevertheless has her hair burned in the book, and she, like Tywin, walks around without it for a significant portion of the story. Littlefinger is short in the book, which is why he got his nickname, and his wife Lysa Arryn is not at all as skinny as in the film, rather the opposite.

Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion Lannister becomes Hand of the Mother of Dragons


After killing his father, Tyrion, with the help of Varys, escapes from King's Landing. Varys himself remains in the harbor and hides from everyone until the end of the fifth book, when he kills Kevan Lannister. Tyrion ends up with Illario Mopatis, who sends him to Daenerys along with his protégé Aegon Targaryen - the same baby whose head was allegedly broken many years ago when Robert Baratheon seized the throne. On the way, Tyrion is kidnapped by Jorah Mormont, who wants to present the dwarf to Daenerys as a gift and thereby earn the queen's forgiveness. However, on the way they are captured by slave traders and they become slaves of a rich man from Meereen. Tyrion sees Daenerys herself only once, when she performs in the fighting pits in a mock battle. Dany doesn't even know who is speaking to her. By the way, Jorah did not end up in the fighting pits at all. Tyrion has not yet seen dragons in the books. After the death of his master from dysentery, which rages under the walls of Meereen, Tyrion and Jorah escape.


Tyrion flees to Volantis with Varys. On the way to Meereen, he is captured by Jorah Mormont, and they also end up in the hands of slave traders. After a fight in the fighting pit involving both Tyrion and Jorah, the latter introduces Tyrion to the Mother of Dragons. The youngest of the Lannisters becomes Daenerys' adviser, and then her right hand. Varys gets to Daenerys and also becomes her assistant.

Loras Tyrell

Loras Tyrell at his trial, right before his death


Loras Tyrell was not homosexual. Moreover, Cersei suspected him of having a relationship with his sister Margaery, although Cersei herself is a sister with an unusual destiny. After Margaery and Tommen's wedding, Loras volunteered to take Dragonstone and led the assault on the fortress. Ser Loras was seriously wounded. By the end of the last book, with numerous burns, he is in King's Landing, dying. In the film, he no longer got by with burns alone.


Loras Tyrrell is a homosexual and former lover of Renly Baratheon. He is in different time could have become the husband of Sansa Stark and Cersei herself, preferring to both his squire Oliver, sent by Littlefinger. Tyrrell is arrested on charges of homosexuality by representatives of the Holy Army. At trial, the accused denies all charges, and his sister testifies in his favor. Oliver however proves that they are both lying. Realizing that nothing can be fixed here, Loras confesses everything and joins the Holy Army. At that very moment, the sept explodes, and Ser Loras perishes along with his sister, father and the Holy Host.

Samwell Tarly

Samwell Tarly with his lover


In order to save Maester Aemon Targaryen and the son of Mance the Robber from the fire of Melisandre, Jon Snow sends them under the supervision of Sam to Oldtown. Lilly, one of Craster’s wives, also goes with them. She is carrying her son Mance under the guise of her own. At the Citadel, Sam must forge his maester's chain and return to the Watch. On the way to Braavos, Maester Aemon becomes very ill. Having heard that his niece, Daenerys Targaryen, is alive, and even acquired dragons, he gives Sam instructions about her relative. Sam arrives safely in Oldtown, tells one of the maesters about Daenerys, and he himself becomes a student.


Sam is still eager to go to Oldtown to put on the maester’s chain. He leaves with Lilly - one of Craster's wives, but with her own son. Upon arrival in Oldtown, Sam first takes Lilly to his castle, but then takes her with him to the citadel.

Aegon Targaryen


The only son of Rhaegar Targaryen, who was allegedly killed in infancy and placed on the throne of Robert Baratheon, is alive. During the coup, Rhaegar's friend and supporter, realizing that the prince's children would not be left alone, replaced the baby, and took the real Targaryen to the Free Cities. At the time of the last book, the heir to the throne is 16 years old, he knows about Daenerys, sails to her, but halfway through he decides to go to the Seven Kingdoms, starting with an assault on Storm's End. Already there, Aegon decides to wait for the Mother of Dragons. One cannot discount the fact that he simply may turn out to be an impostor. You and I already know exactly how to bring him to clean water: we keep matches at the ready.


There is no mention of this character yet, except for the fact of his death in infancy. This is why we don't have a still from the film to illustrate.

Barristan Selmy

Death of Barristan Selmy


Barristan the Bold, after his dismissal from the king's guard, finds the last (as everyone thinks) of the Targaryens to serve her. At first he introduces himself to Dany as the squire of one of the mercenaries, but Jorah Mormont reveals the truth. Denis forgives the deception, especially since Selmy has already saved her life twice. She subsequently appoints the knight as her Hand, and it is he, not Tyrion, who rules Meereen when the Khaleesi flies off on Drogon. By the end of the fifth book, Barristan is alive and well. He captured Gizdar zo Lorak, Dany's husband, who, apparently, is the leader of the Harpies.


Barristan Selmy, having become close to the Mother of Drakovs, dies in a battle with the Sons of the Harpy. The wedding of Denis and Gizdard took place after his death.

Stannis Baratheon

This is the merciless fate of Stannis Baratheon


Stannis, having defeated the wildlings, for a long time remains in Castle Black, after which he marches to Winterfell. His wife and daughter remain under the care of the Night's Watch, as does Melisandre. By the end of the fifth book, all four are alive and well, although Jon Snow receives a letter saying that Stannis died at the hands of Ramsay Bolton. But can the Boltons be trusted?


Stannis goes to Winterfell with his entire family. To receive the blessing of the fire god, Stannis and his wife sacrifice their daughter, who dies at the fire laid by Melisandre. At the last moment, the mother tries to save the girl, but she is stopped. After this, Selyse Baratheon commits suicide. Stannis is defeated by Bolton's troops. The seriously wounded Stannis is found and executed by Brienne of Tarth.

Myrcella Baratheon

Myrcella Baratheon dies in her father's arms


In Dorne, they want to crown Myrcella and thereby declare war on King's Landing: according to Dornish law, all children should succeed the king according to seniority, regardless of gender, and Myrcella is older than her brother Tommen. The ruler of Dorne, Doran Martell, who does not want war, opposes this. However, his daughter, together with a group of like-minded people, still takes the princess away to secretly carry out her plan. Myrcella survives the attack, losing an ear, and her face is disfigured by a deep cut. However, by the end of the fifth book, Myrcella is alive and in Dorne. Neither Jaime nor Bronn appeared in Dorne to her liking.


Myrcella does not become a means for conspiracies in Dorne and sails away from Dorne along with Jaime and Bronn. However, on the ship the girl dies from poison transmitted to her through the kiss of Elaria, the wife of Oberyn, who was killed in King's Landing.

Balon Greyjoy

Balon Greyjoy (standing with his back) before death and his brother


As Melisandre predicted (here you can imagine leeches drinking blood illegitimate son Robert Baratheon), Balon Greyjoy, one of the “untrue” kings, dies the first of the three remaining on Stannis’s path (the other two are Robb and Joffrey). He died by falling from a suspension bridge in his tower. It is unknown whether anyone “helped” him with this.


Balon Greyjoy dies, thrown from a bridge by his brother Euron. Euron becomes king. His children, Theon and his sister, remain out of work in this sense.

Sandor Clegane

Sandor Clegane joins the Brotherhood Without Banners


Sandor recaptures Arya from a bandit gang and takes her to Gemini, hoping to receive a decent ransom. But after the Red Wedding, the plan collapses, and the Dog and the girl leave towards the Valley of Arryn, where almost Arya’s last relative lives. On the way, after a skirmish with Bolton soldiers in a tavern, Sandor finds himself near death and asks Arya for the last gift - death, but Arya refuses and leaves the dying man. A servant of faith finds him, but does not have time to leave. The Hermit buries the Dog, and places his helmet on the grave mound. The helmet is found by one of the members of the Bolton gang and, under the name of the Dog, he commits various outrages.


Sandor is seriously wounded in a duel with Brienne of Tarth. Arya still abandons him, but a random monk nurses Sandor, and he helps a group of believers until all of them, except the Dog himself, die after an attack by robbers. Sandor joins Berric Dondarion's Brotherhood Without Banners.

Jane Westerling/ Talisa Meigir

The death of Rob Stark and Talisa Maegyr at the Red Wedding


The wife of King Robb Stark was Jeyne Westerling, a girl from a noble but impoverished family. Robb brought her from Castle Crag to Riverrun as his wife. We can say that Jane loved Robb, although their wedding was arranged by Jane’s relatives: the girl, apparently, was literally thrown into Robb’s bed, and what happened next was simply a matter of honor. To prevent Jane from becoming pregnant by Robb, her mother tricked her into giving her a special anti-conception drink. The Westerlings were in cahoots with the Freys and Boltons, and therefore were not at all upset that Robb did not take his young wife to the Red Wedding. Jane escaped the Blood Wedding and survived.

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Catelyn Stark

The last moment of Catelyn Stark's life


Catelyn Stark's throat was cut at the Red Wedding, but a few days later her body was found on the shore by Berrick Dondarrion's bandits. Berrick, who has died many times already and was revived by the red priest Thoros, asks his comrade-in-arms to revive Catelyn as well, but the priest refuses. Then Berrick does it himself. This is how the Heartless appears, also known as the Hangwoman - the leader of one of the robber gangs. The Heartless cannot speak due to the ligaments damaged during the murder and looks like the living dead, which, in fact, it is.


Catelyn Stark “simply” dies at the Red Wedding along with her son and daughter-in-law.

Stannis Baratheon

There is no creature on earth more terrible than a truly just person.

Lord Varys on Stannis

Stannis Baratheon- The middle of the three Baratheon brothers. Lord of Dragonstone, master of ships in the Small Council of his brother, King Robert. Stannis is married to Selyse Florent and they have a daughter, Shireen Baratheon.

During Robert Baratheon's Rebellion, Stannis became famous for his defense of Storm's End, surrounded by Lord Tyrell's army. The siege lasted almost a year, but, despite the difficult conditions (at the end of the siege, the garrison was forced to eat rats and roots, and Stannis no longer ruled out the possibility of switching to human flesh), he never surrendered. After the siege was lifted, on behalf of his older brother, Robert Baratheon, he assembled a fleet and captured Dragonstone. After this, he was appointed Lord of Dragonstone, and his younger brother Renly became Lord of Storm's End. Stannis believed that Storm's End should have gone to him, and he never forgave this insult. During the Greyjoy Rebellion, Stannis led the Royal Navy and won a major naval victory over Victarion Greyjoy's Iron Fleet.

The Baratheons are one of the great houses of Westeros. They rule the Stormlands from Castle Storm's End. Their coat of arms features a black crowned stag on a golden field. Their motto: "We are furious"

For fifteen years, Stannis served on the Small Council as Master of Ships, helping Jon Arryn govern the kingdom. He suspected incest between Queen Cersei and her brother Ser Jaime and, together with Jon Arryn, began an investigation that confirmed these suspicions. After his mysterious and sudden death, Arrena fled to Dragonstone.

When Robert Baratheon died, Stannis proclaimed himself the rightful king of the Seven Kingdoms, challenging both Joffrey Baratheon and his own brother Renly. He had few supporters because Stannis did not have the charisma of his brothers. He said: “Robert could urinate in a cup and people would call it wine. I offer them spring water, and they frown suspiciously and whisper to each other that it has a strange taste.”

Despite this, Stannis was supported by the red priestess Melisandre (Carice van Houten), who declared him the messiah of her religion - Azor Ahai, the Warrior of Light.

Stephen Dillane, the British actor who played Stannis, was born on November 30, 1956 in Kensington (London, UK) to an English mother and an Australian father. His father was a surgeon. The future actor studied history and political science. Then he graduated from the school of dramatic art, but for three years after graduation he worked as a reporter for the Croydon Advertiser and only then returned to the acting profession. He made his film debut in 1982, playing in the popular television series Remington Steele. At first, Dillane preferred to work in the theater, where, by the way, he played quite successfully. The first significant film role was Horatio in the production of a Shakespearean play. A few years later, Dillane played in Hamlet and on the theater stage.

The most striking performances with Dillane’s participation: “A Fine Cunning” (1989), “Angels in America” (1993), “Endgame” (1996), “Uncle Vanya” (1998), “Reflections, or the True” based on the play of the same name by Tom Stoppard (Tony Award, 2000), Macbeth (2005), Four Quartets, The Tempest and As You Like It (2010).

Stephen Dillane is married to Naomi Winter and they have two sons, Frank and Seamus.

Since 1982, the actor has played in more than 65 films.

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