Expired: E or E. How is it in Russian? Expired: E or E Emphasis on the word expired year

The classic beginning of the reports: in the past year the association produced so many cars, washing machines, books... It seems that there is nothing interesting here for a linguist. They produced and produced, in the past so in the expired. And yet for some reason I linger on this simple phrase. Why, in fact, should we say “in the past year” and not in “the past year”?

Indeed, if “in the year” - then “in the past”. “Expired” could be a week, a month also “expired”, an expired century, and even - I’m afraid to say it - an expired millennium! In short, if we are talking about time, about the fact that some period has expired, then only the word “expired” is appropriate.

— What have you done over the past year?

- We?.. Over the past year? Yes, it seems like we haven’t done anything special over the past year... but, however, it’s not for us to judge.

But the word “expired” also exists, we know that for sure! All that remains is to remember when we say “expired”, and for insurance it would be worth looking into explanatory dictionaries. Exactly: the word “expire” has two meanings - to end (about time) and to flow out. Actually, all other forms of this verb coincide in both meanings, except for one: that very participle.

If a person is wounded and bleeding, we say “bleeded to death.”

linguist, deputy editor-in-chief of the Ekho Moskvy radio station

Dear philologists! Please answer the question. Of the three recording forms:
1) “for+vin.case” (verification of activities... in 2011-2013 and for the past period of 2014);
2) “in + vin. case” (verification of activities... in 2011-2013 and the expired period of 2014);
3) “in + prepositional case” (check of activities... in 2011-2013 and the expired period of 2014) -
the institution where I work uses the latter (No. 3). The same form is used in other sentences (In the period under review it was carried out...). I know that the most competent version of entry No. 1. But the problem is that for some reason the department prefers formulation No. 3. Moreover, attempts to use form No. 2, a “compromise” in terms of the degree of admissibility, are suppressed by linguists from the legal department. Is it correct? In what sources can one find clarification on this issue in order to have a reasoned discussion? I didn’t find anything in manuals on official business style. Thank you in advance for your help.

The options vary in meaning. Option audit of the enterprise’s activities in the past period of 2014 may mean that the activities of the enterprise related to a given period are being checked, and that the audit itself is carried out precisely in this period. Option checking the activities of the enterprise for the past period clearly indicates that the activities of the enterprise related to this period are being checked. Therefore, to eliminate ambiguity, it is better to use this option.

Question No. 277547
Hello! Help me please. Which is correct: “in 2012-2013 and the expired period of 2014” or “in 2012-2013 and the expired period of 2014”?

Answer help desk Russian language

Better: ...and for the past period of 2014.

Question No. 248424
Good afternoon. Should we put an end to the reductions of millions and billions? There is no clear answer in manuals and dictionaries.

In what cases should the word “expired” be used, and in what cases should “expired” be used?


Russian help desk response

Abbreviations million And billion written without a period. Word expired used in the meaning of "past". Expired- participle from verbs. expire.

Question No. 235376
Dear diploma ru. Please tell me that my numerals are written correctly: The dissertation contains appendices with two hundred and sixty-five diagrams. Over the past period, over five hundred eighty-six tons of grain were collected. More than two thousand five hundred and eighty-three people asked to improve their living conditions. I will be very grateful for YOUR help.

Russian help desk response

Wrong. For the declension of numerals, see http://spravka.gramota.ru/blang.html?id=242 [Pismovnik].
Question No. 214088
Hello. "Registration of a car with (un)expired depreciation period." Is “(not) expired” written together here and is it possible to find some synonym for this word? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Correctly continuous writing. It is difficult to find a synonym.
Question No. 206373
Hello! please tell me how to pronounce correctly: expired or expired? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

In the meaning “ended, past” - _expired_ (adjective), for example: _expired year_. In the meaning of “lost a lot of blood, fluid” - _bleeded out_ (participle), for example: _bleeded out._

And EXPIRED, expired, expired. 1. (expired). prib. valid past vr. from expire. The recently expired deadline has been renewed. 2. only full. Past, ended (official). In the past year. For the past day. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N.... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Past, past, past, former; flowed away, ended, poured out, poured out, came out, came out, flowed out. Ant. current, modern, relevant Dictionary of Russian synonyms. expired see past Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language.... ... Synonym dictionary

expired- and expired. In meaning “ended, past” expired, adj. Elapsed year. In meaning “lost a lot of blood, fluid” expired, pr. Bleeding... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

EXPIRED, ah, her (official). About the period of time: past, ended. I. year. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Adj. Past, past, ended. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired, expired,... ... Word forms

Current future present modern... Dictionary of antonyms

expired- ist ekshiy, adj. (past) ... Russian spelling dictionary

expired- prich., TV. iste/kshim, Ave. about ist/kshem (about time)… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

expired- Syn: past, past, past, former (book) Ant: current, modern, current ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


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