History of watches (interesting facts). Interesting facts about time and clocks Interesting information about clocks

1. In one of the cities of Brazil called Para, residents use the so-called “rain clock,” that is, they interpret time by precipitation. This happens because short-term tropical rains fall here several times a day, almost regularly repeating.
2. To produce one piece of a wristwatch, more than 20 workers are needed.
3.American film actor Bruce Willis often wears his wristwatch incorrectly: with the dial down. This is clearly visible in some films, such as “Die Hard”, “Mercury in Danger” and many others.

4. The shadow that the sundial rod leaves moves during the day from the west side of the dial to the east, that is, from left to right. This is exactly where the clockwise direction comes from.
5. Today, the very first clock is the sundial, which was a stone sculpture. The direction and length of its shadow helped determine the time. One of these watches was found in ancient Egypt in the fifteenth century BC. e.
6. In one of the cities of the Czech Republic - Trutnov - a clock was built, the deafening ringing of which warned the townspeople that the pubs were closing. Disobedient residents were fined. If the second call was ignored, the person could be banned from visiting beer bars for a whole year.
7. The first science of time is astrology. Also, the concept of “time” is somehow connected with chronology (from the Greek logos (logos) - teaching, chronos (chronos) - time) and history.
8. In the cold, the sand in the hourglass flows faster than at higher temperatures. This happens because a decrease in ambient temperature reduces the volume of the body. In the cold, the walls of an hourglass become thinner and the grains of sand become smaller, which is why the clock runs faster.
9. Clocks in advertising very often show the same time: ten hours and ten minutes or eight hours and twenty minutes. The reason for this is simple: otherwise the arrows cover the title. Moreover, the position of the hands at 10:10 resembles a smile, which has a positive effect on customer loyalty.
10. On watches with Roman numerals on their dials, the number IV is often written as four units (IIII).
11. In total, man created or used as many as ten types of clocks: fire, electronic, water, electric, solar, mechanical, wheel, atomic, and sand.
12. In the clocks called “atomic” the smallest error is one second. in 6 million years, while the mechanical error ranges from minus ten to plus fifty-five seconds per day.
13. The most expensive watch to date cost more than $25 million. The dial of this watch is almost indistinguishable; it pales in comparison with the huge diamonds that crown the entire strap.
14. Approximately one billion watch movements are produced worldwide each year. Japan accounts for approximately 60% of this amount.
15. Since hourglasses were not afraid of pitching, they were often used in the navy for a long time.
16. When Nepal gained independence from India, it changed the time to fifteen minutes to confirm its position.
17. There are several versions of the appearance of the name “Big Ben”. The first is that the largest of the 6 bells is named after Sir Benjamin Hall, who was the supervisor of the construction work. A less common belief is that Big Ben was named after Benjamin Count, a famous wrestler.

We come across watches almost everywhere: on the street, at work, at home. It is difficult to imagine our life if clocks had not been invented. Interesting facts about this thing will prove how useful and important it is.

1.The first clocks were created by the Egyptians around 1500 BC.

2.The most popular color of watches is black.

3. The first water clock became known more than 4000 BC, and was used in China.

4.On a cuckoo clock, you need to change the time without touching the hour hand, because this can disrupt its mechanism.

5. In European countries, watches were usually used to lure people to prayer.

6. You will never be able to find a watch in a casino, because neither the waiters wear them there nor hang them on the walls.

7. There are clocks that move counterclockwise.

9.More than 1 billion watches are created every year in the world.

10. In cold weather, the hourglass will run much faster than in warm weather.

11.The first wristwatch was created for the Queen of Naples in 1812.

12. For a long time, watches were only a women's accessory, but during the First World War, men also appreciated them.

13. The clock goes from left to right, because this is exactly how the shadow of the sundial goes.

14. Interesting facts about watches confirm that many people in the world consider Swiss watches to be the most accurate.

15.Today there are watches without a dial and hands.

16.Wrist watch appeared in everyday use in the 18th century.

17.The most accurate clocks are atomic.

18. Mechanical watches were founded by H. Huygens, a scientist from Holland.

19.The hourglass appeared after the sunglass.

20.Pocket watches were used back in Ancient Rome. This thing was like an egg cup. This is evidenced by the facts about watches.

21.The first sundial had the only drawback: it only worked outdoors, especially in the sun.

22. People know fire watches.

23.James Joy, who is a famous and popular writer, liked to wear 5 watches at a time.

24.Tag Heuer is considered the most prestigious watch brand. The results of the Olympic Games and Formula 1 were measured with such a clock.

25. A Swiss corporation has created a watch with the image of Mario, who is a popular game hero.

26.The clock tower is considered the most visited place in Venice.

27.The most expensive watch those that were purchased for 11 million at a Sotheby’s auction are considered.

28.Switzerland is considered the birthplace of watchmaking.

29. The Hermitage has a famous exhibit - the Peacock clock, which was created in England. This watch was custom-made by Catherine the Second's favorite.

31.Germany is considered the birthplace of clocks.

32.The first walking clock had only 1 hand.

33. In Great Britain there is the largest museum, which houses a cuckoo clock.

34.The first mechanical table clocks were brought by Dutch traders to Japan.

35. Traditional Japanese watches looked like a lantern.

36.The dial, divided into 10 sectors, is called the “French Revolution” watch.

37.An analogue of a clock in China was an oiled rope with knots tied.

38. Design engineer Andy Kurovets created a unique and creative watch that represents fertilization.

39. A modern gadget is considered to be a watch that is worn on a finger, like a ring.

40. In New York there were clocks that showed not time, but .

41. There are clocks that show time for dogs. They're called dog watches.

42.Watches for nudists were produced in Holland.

43.Shops in Japan sold watches “for love.” Thanks to them special program couples could make love exactly as much as they had planned.

44.On Far East Water clocks were widely used.

45. Today, hourglasses are used for medical purposes when a patient undergoes a physical procedure.

46.Modern electronic watches are over 50 years old.

47. Cuckoo clocks appeared in the 19th century, and their price was not cheap.

48.More than 13 types of sundials were used.

49.A mechanical watch has only 4 main parts.

50.There are flower clocks on the streets of many cities.

History of watches for children.Conversations about time.

Let's talk about the types of watches.

Tell me, what is the name of the device that keeps track of time within a day?- This device is called a clock.

The most ancient clocks that people used to approximately know the time were solar clocks. The dial of such a watch was placed in an open place, brightly illuminated by the sun, and the clock hand served as a rod that cast a shadow on the dial.

The hourglass also came to us from ancient times. Maybe some of you have seen them? After all, hourglasses are still used in medicine when you need to measure a small but very specific period of time.

An hourglass consists of two small cone-shaped vessels connected at the tops to each other, with a narrow hole at the junction of the vessels. The upper vessel contains sand, which seeps in a thin stream through the hole into the lower vessel. When all the sand from the upper vessel is in the lower one, a certain time passes, for example, one minute.

Now let's talk about modern watches. Each of us has a clock in our house. Maybe not alone. This is a home clock.

Try to talk about them. Where are they located? What is their shape?

Watches can be wristwatches. They are put on the hand using a bracelet or strap.

Fashionistas love a beautiful watch in the form of a pendant or ring. A pendant on a chain is worn around the neck, and a ring on the finger.

Some men prefer chunky pocket watches. They are attached with a chain to a belt and carried in a trouser pocket.

You probably have an alarm clock at home.

Why do we need such a watch? - The alarm clock can be set for a certain hour, and with its bell or melody it will wake us up at the right time.

A clock that is usually placed on a desk is called a table clock, while a clock hanging on the wall is called a wall clock.

Where do you think the grandfather clock is? - Such a clock is on the floor. They are tall, massive, with heavy weights attached to chains, and with a melodic beat. Mantel clocks decorate indoor fireplaces.

Listen to the poem "Charming Clock".

Once upon a time there lived an old lady
(I've been retired for a long time)
And they were at the old lady's
Carved striking clock.
"Ding-dong, ding-dong!" —
They chimed every hour
The house was filled with noise
And they woke us up at night.
We, of course, were not silent,
We knocked on the old lady's door:
"Spare our ears,
Stop the clock chiming!"
But the old lady answered us
She answered: “No and no!
The clock speaks to me
I love their gentle fight.

Ding-dong! Ding-dong!
How beautiful is their chime!
At least he's a little sad
But transparent and crystal!
Days and weeks passed.
But the clock suddenly wheezed,
The arrows trembled and stood up,
And the clock stopped striking.
It became quiet. Even creepy!
We have long been accustomed to battle,
(But this is not a joke!)
There was something alive in him!
We, of course, did not remain silent,
There was a knock on the old lady's door:
"Why can't you hear the fight?
We need a master watchman!"
The watchmaker has arrived -
Wise, experienced old man,
And he said: “That’s it!
Here the spring has weakened,
The mechanism will receive lubrication,
And the watch - love and affection!"
He changed the spring.
And the bell rang again,
Silver chime:
"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!"
Revived the whole house!

What kind of watch “can cuckoo”?- Cuckoo-clock! A “cuckoo” is hiding in a clock made in the shape of a patterned wooden hut. Every hour the door of the house opens and the cuckoo appears on its threshold. She sings loudly: “Ku-ku, kuk-ku,” reminding us of what time it is.

Listen to the poem "The Cuckoo Clock".

Lives in a carved hut
Merry cuckoo.
She crows every hour
And early in the morning he wakes us up:
"Kuk-ku! Kuk-ku!"
It's seven in the morning!
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
It's time to get up!"
The cuckoo does not live in the forests,
And in our old watch!

There are also clocks on city streets and squares. They are installed on towers, station buildings, theaters and cinemas.

The most famous clock in Russia is the Kremlin chimes, installed on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin.

The first clock on the Spasskaya Tower appeared in early XVII V. They were created by the English master Christopher Galovey. For his work, he received a royal gift - a silver cup and, in addition to it, satin, sable and marten fur.

After some time, Russian Tsar Peter I ordered another watch from Holland. At first they were transported by ship by sea, then delivered on 30 carts to the Kremlin.

Master Galovey's old watch was removed and replaced with a Dutch watch. When this clock also became dilapidated, another large chiming clock was installed in its place, which was kept in the Armory Chamber.

For several centuries, the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower has been decorated with clocks. A whole team of experienced watchmakers maintains their work, making sure that the watches do not lag behind and are not in a hurry. There are 117 stone steps leading to the chimes. Behind them begin the cast-iron steps of a spiral staircase leading to the eighth floor. The chiming mechanism is located here.

“The iron colossus is all shiny, lubricated with oil. The polished copper discs of the dials shine, the levers are painted red, the gilded pendulum disc, similar to the circle of the sun, shines. It reigns over this system of shafts, cables, gears, forming a complex mechanism for keeping time” (L Kolodny).

On December 31, with the first strike of the Kremlin chimes, the country enters New Year. Having heard the chime of the famous clock, we wish each other happiness and congratulate each other on the New Year!

Watches he uses modern man, are mechanical. Then they need to be started at certain intervals.

Mechanical watches were invented in the 17th century. scientist Christian Huygens, since then they have served us faithfully.

In the second decade of the 20th century. Electronic and quartz watches appeared. They run on batteries or mains power.

And the most accurate clocks are atomic ones.

Do you know what watches are called natural or living?

In the old days, such a living clock in the village was, of course, Petya the Cockerel. The peasants noticed that the rooster crowed for the first time at about two o'clock in the morning, and the second time at about four o'clock in the morning.

Listen to the poem "Cockerel" about this.

The cockerel crows loudly.
The sun shone on the river,
A cloud is floating in the sky.
Wake up, animals, birds!
Get to work.
The dew sparkles on the grass,
The July night has passed.
Like a real alarm clock
The cockerel woke us up.
He fluffed his shiny tail
And straightened the comb.

Have you heard of flower clock?

In the morning, in a sunny meadow where dandelions grow, you can find out the time without a wristwatch. Dandelions open up at five o'clock in the morning, and by two or three o'clock in the afternoon they extinguish their golden lanterns.

Listen to a poem about dandelions.

There is a green meadow by the river,
Dandelions around
They washed themselves with dew,
They opened their doors together.
Like the lanterns are burning,
They tell you and me:
"It's exactly five o'clock,
You can still sleep!"

Dandelions are meadow clocks... But water lilies are river clocks. No wonder they are called “tourists’ watches.” At seven o'clock in the morning they open their snow-white petals to the sun's rays and turn to follow the sun throughout the day.

Questions and tasks:

  1. What is a clock?
  2. What antique watches do you know?
  3. What types of watches are you familiar with?
  4. What types of clocks are considered household clocks?
  5. What watches are considered street watches? How are they different from home ones?
  6. Tell us about the Kremlin chimes.
  7. What “natural” clocks do you know?

T.A. Shorygin "Conversations about space and time". Toolkit

A watch is an indispensable part of human life, without which it is almost impossible to imagine existence in the world. modern world, even if you do not take into account the abundant presence of all kinds of technologies. Most people know very little about watches: for some it is just an accessory with a useful function, and for others it is simply compulsory subject everyday use.

It is customary to choose the type and appearance of a watch based on plans for its future purpose, by brand and cost - on social status, as well as individual tastes, but when it comes to functional qualities, people almost never can understand what to start from when choosing a watch. choosing a potential purchase. Any information about such an unchanging thing (both historical and practical) will undoubtedly be useful for every person.

The oldest clock in the history of mankind was discovered in Egypt and was a solar clock.

Officially they are the most expensive and highest quality in the world. In addition, the vast majority of Swiss watches always have their own, elegant design, which always distinguishes them from fakes. The brand of this production is used on olympic games, recording the times and records of athletes.

The time of the most accurate atomic clocks on the planet has a microscopic error in its operation.

According to various ratings, CES electric watches are recognized as the most high-tech in the world. Taking into account the diversity of aesthetic preferences of each person and the rapidity of technology development, the first place in this rating may vary, but this brand was recognized as the best based on the results of 2016.

There is a type of clock called a water clock. The principle of their operation is vaguely similar to a sundial; they were used in ancient times, and in the present time there are no analogues left.

IN ancient China used to determine time fire clock. Later, something similar appeared in Europe, but with a different principle: they began to use candles on which marks were applied. As the candle burned, the elapsed time was determined, measured in units of these same marks.

They were named in this way long after their creation. Their distinctive features usually this means increased strength, water resistance and resistance to increased loads. Modern models often have built-in heart rate meters, stopwatches and other functions.

A mechanical watch has four main elements, and if one of these parts is removed, the operation of the device will be useless. Namely, they consist of: a spring or weight that serves as the engine of the device, a wheel with uniform toothed grooves for the main operation of the mechanism, a regulator that ensures uniform operation and a distributor - the basis for starting the watch.

The operating principle of quartz watches is directly related to the material of the same name – quartz.

In some major cities you can meet on the streets flower clock, designed both to tell time and to create a pleasant experience for foreigners and locals alike. As a rule, such watches simplest mechanism, located underground, they are made in large dimensions and real, fresh flowers are used as decoration, in the shape of a circle, numbers and decorating details.

  1. Scientists have proven that the human biological clock does not correspond to generally accepted standards. The experiment looked like this: two scientists voluntarily went to live in an equipped cave, without access to a clock or sunlight. A couple of weeks later, the biological rhythm of their lives went astray from the usual, which was documented.
  2. A watch is the only accessory that is considered absolutely universal. It is customary to wear wristwatches regardless of gender, age, social status and other factors.
  3. Almost every so-called fashion house produces its own collection of watches with individual designs depending on the show. The work of creating such specimens is usually carried out by Swiss workshops and factories.
  4. When creating women's watch models, attention is paid not so much to the functional part, but to external aesthetic beauty.
  5. The official name for wall clocks of a simplified type, with a pendulum and usually large in size, is walkers.
  6. Sometimes, on watches with Roman symbols, you can find the following symbol instead of the usual and correct spelling of the four “IV”: “IIII”.
  7. The first commercial for a clock mechanism showing the passage of time was released in the United States.
  8. A minute in medieval times was designated by the concept of “moment.”
  9. In China, from ancient times to this day, there has been one, unified time zone valid throughout the country. Thus, regardless of external changes in nature and transitions of solar illumination, the inhabitants of every city in China live according to the same time.
  10. Previously, the mechanism of all watches involved only one hand, moving along more precisely marked marks as smaller units of time.
  11. On advertising posters, photographs and during video filming, watches generally show the same time for the reason that the arrows do not obscure the logo of the advertised product.