Secrets of how to be sure to pass the Unified State Exam well. How to pass the Unified State Exam if you finished school a long time ago? Is it possible to negotiate with the exam committee to help? And they can give you some advice

So, today we will talk about how to pass the Unified State Exam. Actually it's quite interest Ask, which many schoolchildren puzzle over. This is especially true for those who want to study nothing and still get good scores. And so today we will try to find out everything that can relate to final school exams. In fact, if you put everything “on the shelves”, then everything will be extremely simple and understandable.

What is this?

First, we need to understand what we will be dealing with today. This is especially important for school graduates. The Unified State Exam will affect them in grades 9 and 11.

In fact, what is commonly called the unified state exam is nothing more than a test of the student’s accumulated knowledge in a particular subject. There are so-called mandatory profiles, and there are additional ones. It is thanks to such verification that school graduates can enter a university in one direction or another. “If I pass the Unified State Exam (mathematics, specialized level), I will be able to enroll in mathematics or physics,” is how many applicants reason.

But everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Just a year ago a very interesting change was introduced. Previously, everyone took the Unified State Exam at the same level and in all selected subjects, with the exception of the compulsory ones - mathematics and the Russian language. At the moment, the exam in the mathematical discipline is divided into 2 parts - basic and specialized. If you do not need mathematics for admission, then choose option 1. Are you thinking about math faculty? Then you will have to take a specialized exam. But this is not all that can be said about our topic today. Let's try to understand how the exam works and how to pass it.


All students are sent to different schools (USE bases) on the appointed dates, where they must pass the final assessment of knowledge. Usually, compulsory subjects are held in different days. But the optional ones can cost several pieces per day. If it turns out that the subjects “matched”, then you will have to write an application at your school so that you will be given the opportunity to take some discipline another time.

“If I pass the profile Unified State Exam (mathematics), as well as other exams, I will be able to enter good university"- this is exactly what many school graduates think. But in reality, the situation turns out to be not particularly encouraging. The competition among applicants is enormous, the scores vary, and the tension increases every time. This is understandable - every year more and more stringent rules are invented conducting the Unified State Examination and now we will get to know them.

After settling the situation with several exams in one day, it is worth preparing for the test and then coming to right time to the appointed place. There are just some small rules that everyone must follow.

First, you should not have a mobile phone with you. And no gadgets at all. Sometimes even a harmless player can cause removal from the exam. If you managed to bring a mobile phone with you (now they will check you right at the entrance), then try to make sure that it does not ring. And you better turn it off.

You also cannot withdraw from the exam (exit) or leave the classroom on your own. This is allowed only in the presence of an accompanying person and only 2 times maximum. Of course, if you really need to go to the toilet or feel unwell, you may be allowed to go out more often.

The examinee has the right to bring a chocolate bar with him to the exam (unfolded so that it does not rustle) and a bottle of water. You will need to place them on the edge of the table at which you are sitting.

Bring your own bags workplace forbidden. They are usually left at the entrance to the classroom - there are usually several chairs there on which you place your backpacks.

Communicating and talking during the exam, as well as freely moving around the classroom and cheating is strictly prohibited. After looking at these rules, many begin to think about how to pass the Unified State Exam. And answering this question can be very difficult. But we will figure out how to implement the idea. But first, let’s figure out whether it’s necessary to take the exam at all.


To be honest, whether you need to take the Unified State Exam or not, everyone decides for themselves. But in general it is customary to undergo this type of knowledge assessment. This is generally a mandatory item for applicants. If you do not plan to enroll, but want to become a housewife or work “for yourself” without higher education, then you must pass an assessment of knowledge in the Russian language and mathematics (basic level).

As already mentioned, applicants are required to pass exams to enter a university. Typically, educational institutions post in advance a list of specialties and subjects required for admission. At the moment, the student must make his choice before February 28. From now on you will have to prepare to test your knowledge.

In addition, the required passing scores will also be posted on the universities’ websites. The higher the amount for all selected subjects that are needed for the specialty, the better it will be for you - the greater the chance of entering on a budget.

In general, you are required to pass the Unified State Examination in mathematics and Russian language. Next there will be several subjects (sometimes one), which will give you the opportunity to choose a specialty. Plus, universities also choose the main science in which priority competition for budget-funded places will be held. For example, at the math department it is mathematics, at the medical department it is biology, at the philological department it is Russian, at the physical and technical department it is physics, at the physical education department it is Physical Culture, in historical - history, and so on. The higher the score in this subject, the better.

As a rule, which exams to take, everyone decides for themselves. It has already been said many times that it depends on the faculty and specialty you choose. For the most part, schoolchildren take Russian language, mathematics and social studies. These subjects are enough to enroll in management or economics.

If you didn't pass?

What to do if you haven't passed the Unified State Exam? A lot of people think about this. To be honest, there are several fairly simple options for action here. The first is to come at the appointed time to the exam point in the subject and try to retake it. Of course, you will have to prepare well. This is exactly what will be your lifeline if you decide to go to university.

The second option is to get a certificate of listening to lessons at school and go to work. As a rule, this prospect does not make schoolchildren very happy. This is understandable - no one wants to end up with a “nose” when you spent 11 years at school.

In addition, some school graduates can take the Unified State Exam at the university where they want to enter. As a rule, this opportunity is available only to those whose knowledge assessment has already expired. Please note that it can be very difficult to pass the re-test. Is it possible to take the Unified State Exam at school again? No. In the best case, you will actually be allowed to take a retake or sent to a university for testing.

Preparing for the "execution"

Many people are interested in how to pass the Unified State Exam. And now we will try to give you some very interesting and simple tips that will definitely help you in solving your task. Let's start by doing a little preparation for the process.

Pay attention to the time remaining before the exam. If you “came to your senses” within a week, you will have to work hard to solve the problem. But when you start to panic long before " doomsday", you can relax a little. The thing is that now, as a rule, they prepare for the Unified State Exam in schools, in graduate classes, directly in the classroom. Or at a time specially designated for this matter.

Besides, you will have to calm down. Panic and tension are something that can drive anyone crazy. If you are nervous, you will most likely forget all the information you were taught.

Also inquire about the required scores for admission to the university. They are usually not very high (for a contract basis). It is also advisable to prepare for the fact that you will not be on budget when you take the exam. It's about preparing finances. If they are your personal and not your parents’, then this will not only be an incentive to save money, but also a reason to relieve stress. After all, many mothers and fathers put a lot of pressure on their child, saying that they will have to pay for his education.

The last step is to find a quiet and peaceful place to prepare, where no one will disturb you. Sometimes this can be a park, a hotel room, a rented apartment, or even your own room. Everything depends on you. Now that a little preparation has been done, you can think about how to pass the Unified State Exam.

Own mind

The first scenario is usually the most honest. After all, we're talking about passing the exam. own knowledge. To do this, of course, you will have to learn material on a particular subject. There is no need to cram it - in a tense environment you can simply forget to “cram.”

In order for the exam to be successful, you must have the desire to pass it. And, of course, zeal for this. You can try to educate yourself - some people learn the material better when they “dig” into it and understand it themselves. If you constantly need control in this matter, then it is better to enroll in specialized courses to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

Remember that you cannot study all the material in the subjects in the last days. During this period, it is better to simply skim the text in order to refresh what you read. Don't overload your brain, otherwise you will simply fail the exam. And then you will have to go for a retake. But passing exams with your knowledge is far from the most popular way to solve the problem. Quite often, students are interested in how to pass the Unified State Exam in any case: with or without knowledge in their heads. And now we will try to help such applicants.

We delay the moment

The second scenario is not entirely fair. But he is able to help those who rely only on their own strength and knowledge, but for some reason do not have time to learn everything. You can delay the moment of judgment a little by having a good reason for being absent from the exam. This may be evidence of a difficult situation in the family or illness (treatment).

Nowadays you can get a certificate of illness very quickly and easily. As a rule, some doctors are willing to make concessions to some students. In extreme cases, some depict a real illness. Usually this is an acute respiratory viral infection with fever. And if you have doctors in your family, then the problem is solved very quickly.

If you provide all evidence of your illness, your exam time will be rescheduled. During this time, you will be required to prepare to the end, and then make your dream come true. Honestly, there are other methods that help answer how to pass the Unified State Exam. Which ones exactly? Let's figure it out now.

Ordering answers

On the Internet today you can “run into” a bunch of offers to provide ready-made answers to the Unified State Exam. There are several options for the development of events - obtaining ready-made answers from the exam database, as well as an individual solution directly during the exam.

It’s worth noting right away that this is not the cheapest pleasure. Moreover, there are no guarantees that the answer is correct. Recently, students have been trying to order ready-made answers, because it is quite difficult, if not impossible, to photograph the forms with assignments right in the classroom.

In reality, this scenario does not work very well. Often you will just pay the scammers and also get answers from another exam. Or completely made up. Maybe some of the options will coincide with reality, but that’s not what we need, right? Thus, it is worth worrying about other methods to solve the problem.

Gadgets to help

Particularly cunning and resourceful schoolchildren try to cheat on exams using various gadgets. Sometimes these are just "spurs" on the phone, sometimes - formulas, occasionally - complete material and even answers on a particular subject. It depends only on the student’s intelligence.

True, lately quite in an interesting way Cheating using gadgets is the use of a so-called micro-earphone. You call your friend, place the earphone in your ear (it will not be visible), and then use the phone to communicate with him. Read the task and wait for the answer.

But don’t delude yourself ahead of time. Currently, bringing gadgets into the territory of the Unified State Exam is prohibited. And if you manage to do this, then you risk being kicked out of the exam. Then you won't be able to find out how you passed profile Unified State Exam or basic, because they won’t give you the results. They will be cancelled. And you will have to be tested again.

Sometimes, of course, you manage to bring your phone to the exam. But don’t rejoice - most Unified State Examination points install special signal blockers. Thus, no communication on the territory of the “base” will be “caught”. Neither the Internet nor a mobile phone will help you.

Preparing cheat sheets

How to pass the Unified State Exam? To be honest, you can try to prepare cheat sheets. This is a fairly old and already proven method that can help many students. You don't even have to use them. The Spurs' help is based on something different.

The thing is that while writing them, you read and try to remember more material. Thus, writing cheat sheets is the same thing as studying a subject, but with a little safety net. You will be sure that if you forget something, you will always be able to spy on the material. The main thing is to hide the clues. How to do it? Decide for yourself. Some people write the entire textbook on a small piece of paper in small handwriting and then hide it in a shoe or sock, while others write a lot of “stickers” and “stuff” them all over their pockets. Choose the option that suits you best.

The main thing is that cheat sheets really help. At a minimum, they force you to involuntarily read and remember the material, and their presence also helps to calm your own nerves. It is calmness that often becomes the key to success.


So, today we got acquainted with the unified state exam, the rules for its conduct, as well as several common opinions about how you can pass this test.

In general, the Unified State Exam is very important for a student. Without this verification, it is now impossible to enroll in a university. But it is precisely this type of assessment of knowledge that becomes the cause of many troubles and deaths - nervous breakdowns and suicides among schoolchildren, as well as discord even in the most friendly families. Therefore, try to remain calm on the eve of the exam. If you can't do it on our own, then seek the help of a neurologist and psychologist.

Oh, well that's easy enough if you're in 10th grade right now. If at 11, you woke up a little late, of course, but there is still a chance and quite a big one.

First, you need to set a goal for yourself and work towards it. My goal was 100, I started from the very beginning of 11th grade. My luggage was very small, mainly formed on the basis of the Russian course literature of the 19th century century and the work of Karamzin in the retelling of his father-historian. So you must sit down and clearly evaluate what you can hope for. I was preparing together with a friend, an applicant to a provincial law school, who didn’t try very hard, but he just needed to overcome the threshold of 50 points, which he successfully did.

    The best textbook for passing the Unified State Exam is the Moscow State University history textbook by Orlov and Georgiev. You can buy it almost anywhere and it is very convenient. We teach “theory” using it.

    Then you need to buy benefits. I took the usual ones from FIPI, plus a separate allowance for difficult tasks. Take a book with CIMs and solve them, write part C in full in a specially kept notebook. It is advisable to find a teacher who can test them. Or by keys. Solve as many tests as possible and get better at it.

    Learn the codifier. Or at least read it carefully several times. You must know how each task is done. What points are given and taken away for? I highly recommend finding materials for teachers testing the Unified State Exam on the Fipi website - there are samples of tasks completed for average and high scores (Part C).

    Buy manuals with pictures and maps. The most frequently asked questions about maps are Slavic tribes, major battles and uprisings. It is very desirable to know what each ruler of Russia looks like (I’m not talking about Rurik and Svyatoslav, but it is imperative to distinguish Khrushchev from Andropov and Chernenko).

    Keep tables. From largest battles World War II until the reforms of Alexander I. If convenient, take notes. I didn’t write and just circled the right places in the textbook because it’s easier for me.

    If you want a good score, don't forget about culture. A lot of people miss it, especially those who are not preparing for the Unified State Exam in Literature. Feofan the Greek, Andrei Rublev, Falcone, Ton, Feofan Prokopovich and others, others, others. Learn famous churches, buildings, paintings, artists. There is a lot (!!!) of things here. Don't forget the culture of the 80s and 90s. Including TV shows.

    Hang excerpts from your least favorite and difficult topics above your desk. For me, these were all sorts of officials of the USSR (this question is very popular on the Unified State Exam) and the Pugachev uprising, I don’t even know why.

    Be prepared to study one topic 8, 9, 10 times. History is forgotten terribly quickly because there is so much information. I advise you to start with the most ancient one and end with Putin, it’s also advisable to learn him, you never know what they’ll come up with.

    Find a friend and get ready together. It's fun and interesting, especially if your friend knows much more than you.

    And don't express your opinion so clearly. If your grandmother was very offended by Brezhnev personally at one time, do not write nasty things about him in part C, even if it seems to you that you are absolutely right. Be completely neutral.

I myself passed with a 93, and the points were deducted in part C, and, as it seemed to me, this was completely unfair. The appeal had to take place 300 kilometers from my city on the day of my school graduation, and my mother did not let me go. So it goes.

At the DVI in History at Moscow State University (Faculty of History), I scored 95, if that.

According to the law, a graduate of previous years can apply for testing in any region of Russia - regardless of where he is registered and where he completed his education. However, if you are in the same city where you are registered at your place of residence, you will most likely have to submit an application in accordance with your registration, even if you live or work on the other side of the city. However, options are possible: the exact regulations for the operation of registration points for graduates of past years are established by regional educational authorities and may vary slightly in different regions of Russia. That's why, if you plan to take exams outside your place of residence, it is best to call the hotline at Unified State Exam questions in your region and find out where you are eligible to submit documents.

Hotline numbers can be found at official portal in the “information support” section. There you will also find links to regional websites dedicated to passing the Unified State Exam. It is on them that “verified” official information about the addresses of points where you can apply to take the Unified State Exam is posted - with contact numbers and opening hours. As a rule, applications are accepted on weekdays, two to three days a week at specially designated hours.

What documents are required to register for the Unified State Exam?

To submit an application you will need to present the following set of documents:

  • document on complete secondary education (original);

  • passport;

  • if in the interval between finishing school and passing the exams you changed your last name or first name - a document confirming this fact (marriage certificate or change of first or last name),

  • if secondary education was obtained in a foreign country educational institution– notarized translation of the certificate into Russian.

There is no need to make copies of documents: after the registration office employees enter all your data into the automated system, the originals will be returned to you.

What you need to know when applying for the Unified State Exam

By the time of your visit to the registration point for graduates of previous years, you must finally decide on a list of items that you plan to take - changing the “set” will be very difficult. While Russian language and mathematics are compulsory for school graduates, this rule does not apply to people who have already completed secondary education: you can only take those subjects that are required for admission to a university.

Decide will you write an essay. For eleventh-graders, obtaining a “pass” in an essay is an indispensable condition for admission to the exams, but graduates of previous years who take the Unified State Exam “of their own free will” are not required to do this - they receive “admission” automatically, based on the fact that they have a certificate. Therefore, it is better to clarify the question about the essay in admissions committee the university you have chosen: is its presence mandatory, can it bring you additional points upon admission. If the answer to both questions is “no,” you can safely not include the essay in the list.

If you are planning to take the Unified State Exam foreign language – decide whether you will limit yourself to only the written part (which can bring up to 80 points), or whether you will also take the “speaking” part (an additional 20 points). The oral part of the exam is held on a different day, and if you are not faced with the task of gaining maximum points, you do not have to participate in it.

Select deadlines in which you want to take exams. Graduates of previous years have the opportunity to take exams either on the main dates (in May-June, simultaneously with schoolchildren) or in an early “wave” (March). Choose what is most convenient for you.

How to register for the Unified State Exam for graduates of previous years

The application process is quite simple, but you should not arrive at the registration point 10 minutes before the deadline, especially if you are applying in the last weeks before the deadline: you may have to wait in line for a while.

Documents are submitted in person. To register for exams:

  • you will have to fill out a consent to process personal data and enter it into the AIS (automatic identification system);

  • registration point employees will check your documents and enter your personal and passport data, as well as passport data into the system;

  • you will inform which subjects you plan to take and when, after which an application for taking the exam will be automatically generated indicating the subjects you have chosen and the dates of the exams;

  • you will check the printed application and, making sure that all the data is correct, sign;

  • employees at the registration point will give you a copy of the application with a note about acceptance of documents, a memo for the Unified State Exam participant and will instruct you how and when you will need to appear to receive a pass for the exam.

How much does it cost to take the Unified State Exam for past graduates?

The Unified State Exam is held for all categories of participants, including graduates of previous years, regardless of how many subjects you decide to take. Therefore, the procedure for accepting documents does not imply the presentation of receipts or payment for registration services.

At the same time, in most regions, graduates of previous years can take part in “trial”, training exams, which take place in conditions as close as possible to reality, are assessed according to Unified State Exam standards and allow participants to gain additional preparation experience. This is a paid additional service offered by educational authorities - and you can use it if you wish. However, participation in such “rehearsals” is completely voluntary.

On May 27, 2019, the main stage of the Unified State Exam begins in Russia. This is a mandatory unified state exam for all 11th grade students. Based on its results, students are issued a school leaving certificate and are enrolled in universities.

Ekaterina Miroshkina

monitors the Unified State Examination

The Unified State Examination is taken strictly according to the schedule. On one day, one exam for all graduates of all cities.

Geography and literature are taken on May 27, social studies is written on June 10, and the main stage will end on June 13 in biology, computer science and ICT. A few more days are reserved for those who could not come for a good reason.

We have sorted out the complex issues that concern graduates and their parents in Unified State Exam period.

What will you learn

Can I change elective exams? If you indicated one subject in the application, and now decide to take another?

Additional exams could be chosen until February 1st. You cannot simply change the list of exams - only for a good reason, with the permission of the commission and if there are at least two weeks left before the exam.

A valid reason in such cases is, for example, when a university suddenly includes a new subject in the list of entrance exams. This is a violation on the part of the university, but it happens.

If you have chosen several exams in reserve in February, you don’t have to come to the one you don’t need.

You don’t have to donate the extra ones

For example, if the application indicated computer science, physics, history and social studies, and after computer science it became clear that there were enough points, you may not come to history and social studies. Nothing will happen for this.

If a graduate decides to enroll in another university and does not have enough exams, he will have to wait until next year. This also happens: it is unpleasant, but not fatal.

What happens if you don’t show up for the exam you need to take?

If you do not come for a good reason - for example due to illness - you can take the exam on reserve days. After the main stage is over, those who missed the exams will be allowed to take the exams. Good reason needs to be confirmed with documents. If there are no documents, you will not be allowed to take exams on the reserve day.

If you fail to pass the Russian language and basic mathematics at all, you will not be issued a school leaving certificate. But these subjects will be allowed to be retaken this year.

Do not come to mandatory meetings - only for a good reason

A missed elective exam will only be retaken after one year.

If you realize that you cannot come to the exam, be sure to call your class teacher and subject teacher. They will tell you what to do next, where to go, what documents to collect and when you can retake it. You can call teachers even late in the evening or early in the morning: during the Unified State Examination period they are usually always in touch, because they are sometimes more worried than the graduates. At least that's what all the teachers we talked to told us.

When will the results of the Unified State Exam be known?

Typically, inspections at all levels take a maximum of two weeks. Results may be published earlier, but not later than the scheduled date.

Who checks the work? How objective are the assessments?

Each work is checked by several people. The test part is checked by the computer. There are clear instructions for checking, so subjectivity is almost excluded. There may be different interpretations for oral subjects or essay, but usually the deviation is one or two points. If the examiners have different assessments, the result will be determined in favor of the graduate.

All forms are anonymous. Work for verification is distributed among experts automatically. No one knows that this particular student wrote a particular work. And students do not know who will get their work, even if they try to leave some kind of mark on the form.

After verification in your region, the work can be sent for cross-regional verification. And then, until March 1 of the next year, they are randomly checked again.

It's better not to negotiate with anyone

Negotiating with the commission, looking for acquaintances and paying money for verification is a huge risk. It is illegal. And no one can guarantee that everything will work out: the examination of the Unified State Examination is strictly controlled, including at the federal level. If something like this is discovered, everyone will be punished. And the exam results will not be counted at all, even if the work is really well written.

If you don’t agree with the results, what should you do?

File an appeal. There are two working days for this after the results become officially known.

It is worth filing an appeal if you know for sure that, for example, the essay was written perfectly. You cannot appeal the test part based on the results of your answers. The maximum that can be counted on is that the signs were not recognized correctly during the check, but the chances are slim.

Sometimes, based on the results of an appeal, the number of points is reduced, although the graduate was counting on an increase. You need to think carefully before drawing attention to your work.

How to find out the answers to the Unified State Exam in advance? They say they can be bought or found in other regions.

No. Leakage of Unified State Examination results is excluded. If some websites offer to buy test answers, they are scammers. No one knows the content of the test materials before students sit down at their desks and the exam officially begins.

Sometimes teachers themselves say that they found out what the options would be. Or one of the inspectors offers to buy them through an acquaintance. Don't trust anyone.

There are no answers to the Unified State Examination. What they sell is not the answer

There have already been cases when parents paid 50 thousand rubles or even more, but there was not a single match.

Teachers are not scammers, they want the best and may themselves think that they have got the right options. They sit and decide the night before the exam, as if to help. And then during the exam it turns out that the tasks and answers are different.

Can I take my phone to the exam?

It is forbidden. You cannot take anything to the exam except your passport and a pen. For some items you are allowed to take a ruler, calculator or protractor. Where the exam is held, there are metal detectors at the entrance.

Even if you managed to smuggle your phone in, you still probably won’t be able to use it. Here are some real situations where graduates tried to use the phone and failed.

Ivan put the phone in the pocket sewn to his underpants and said that the detector reacts to piercings. He carried the phone and left it in the toilet. I wanted to take time off during the exam and consult with the teacher via WhatsApp.

After the exam began, inspectors inspected the toilets and removed all stashes of communication equipment. It was a shame to go get a phone, and Ivan was left without a new Samsung. Until September, he was afraid that somehow it would be discovered that it was his phone, and the exam results would be canceled.

Everything worked out well: Ivan passed the exam himself and received a good score. If he had been caught, he would not have entered this year.

Anya carried the phone in her bra, hid it securely in the toilet, and no one found it. During the exam, Anya asked for time off, took the phone, but was unable to use it. There was a device on the floor to suppress the communication signal. The phone turned out to be useless.

At the Unified State Exam in mathematics, Anya relied on her phone: last year her friend succeeded. As a result, Anya missed five points and now her parents pay 80 thousand rubles a year.

Vitya carried the phone in his sneaker straight into the classroom where the exam was being held. I was afraid to leave it in the toilet because they might find it. Vitya didn’t need a communication signal either: he had no intention of writing or calling. He photographed the physics formulas on his phone in advance. I wanted to take time off and take a peek if a difficult task came up.

Vitya almost succeeded. But at 10:30 the phone vibrated with a call from the grandmother, who was very worried about her grandson. Physics didn't count towards him, he got a good grade technical university failed to do so.

Some manage to both carry the phone and use it. But this is a violation.

Can you bring cheat sheets? Will they be able to be used?

Theoretically, it’s easier to carry cheat sheets than a phone, but it’s better not to bring them in - this is also illegal. Inspectors do not have the right to ask a student to undress, grope him or check his pockets. The metal detector does not respond to crib sheets, but they are found in the toilets and taken away before the exam begins.

You won’t be able to use cheat sheets or additional literature directly during the exam. Video cameras are installed in all rooms and broadcast on the Internet. It is monitored in real time and then selectively reviewed after the exam.

It also happens like this.

Zhenya wrote a list of words with the correct accent on masking tape and stuck it on her legs under her skirt.. Zhenya is an excellent student and knows Russian well, but all her friends did this, and she too, just in case. The cheat sheet was of no use to her: she already knew the words.

Two hours later, Zhenya asked to go to the toilet and forgot about the tape. The crib sheets peeled off and slid down to my knees under my tights. This was noticed by a member of the commission in the corridor. Zhenya should have been removed from the exam in disgrace. She miraculously and with tears managed to persuade the inspector not to report the violation. And although Zhenya was met halfway, she was so worried that she wrote the essay poorly and didn’t get enough points for the journalism department. To be fair, almost all currently practicing journalists advise against going to journalism departments.

Vika and Lisa made history cheat sheets for two. They also took answers to tests that were sold to them as if they were real. To avoid being caught, they divided it all in half. Classmates ended up in different classrooms and agreed in advance to meet at 11 o’clock in the toilet.

They asked for time off, as agreed, at the same time, but did not take into account that they were being taken to different toilets - each was taken to the one that was closer. It didn’t work out to meet, but Lisa needed the crib sheets that Vika took with her.

Cheat sheets should be written before the exam just to remember better. You should not take them with you to the exam. Ideal options There is no risk-free situation; everything cannot be foreseen. Something can always go wrong, and not only the budget, but also the school leaving certificate will be at risk.

Is it possible to negotiate with the exam committee to help? Can you give me some advice?

No, no one will tell you anything. You can only ask a question after filling out the form. It must be answered loudly and clearly. Calling a member of the commission over and asking for help in a whisper will not work.

Such requests have no practical meaning. The committee consists of teachers in other subjects or administrative workers.

Members of the commission are monitored by other commission members, public observers, Rosobrnadzor and the prosecutor's office. Everything is very strict. If someone helps a graduate, they will be fined.

If everything is correct on the draft, but there is an error on the form, which answer will be counted?

The answer that is on the official form is always counted. Drafts are not graded.

You need to properly allocate time to check your work and have time to rewrite everything without errors.

What if I feel bad during the exam?

You need to contact a healthcare professional. He is always present in the audience. Then they will act according to the situation. If it is not possible to continue the work, this will be recorded, but the results will not be evaluated. It will be possible to retake it on a reserve day.

If you need to take medication during the exam, this is allowed. If you need to drink juice, eat sweets or get an injection, that’s also possible. You can bring water or chocolate with you, but you won’t be able to use them as cheat sheets: everything will be checked. If they find inscriptions, they will be removed without the right to retake.

If you don’t get enough points this year and you can’t study for a fee, what should you do?

If you fail to score even the minimum in basic subjects, you will not be given a certificate. Basic subjects will be offered to be retaken on a reserve day or in the fall.

If the scores are above the minimum, but still low, you can retake the exams in the required subjects next year and choose the best result.

Unified State Exam results are valid for four years. For example, if a graduate did well in Russian and biology, but got nervous in mathematics and missed three points, you can retake mathematics in a year and apply to the university again.

Postpone admission just because you didn’t have enough points in the prestigious university, unreasonable. Anything can happen in a year.

A simpler university is better than waiting a year

There is no guarantee that next year you will be able to pass the exams well, and the passing score will not be increased. It is better to choose a faculty or university that is simpler, and then look for options for transferring or enrolling again.

Ksyusha wanted to become a microbiologist or virologist. Of the additional subjects, she chose biology and chemistry, but entered the university for free. medical academy Did not work out. In order not to waste a year, Ksyusha submitted documents to the Institute of Food Production, where chemistry was also required. She entered on a budget and got a room in a dorm. The following year, she changed her mind about taking the Unified State Exam again and remained at her university. Now Ksyusha has already received a diploma, works as a food technologist at an international enterprise and earns five times more than her doctor parents.

If there are not enough points at all for admission to the budget, there is an option not to apply, prepare, and retake the Unified State Exam next year.

Sergei also wanted to become a doctor, but did not pass biology well and did not pass the budget. He had a deferment from the army, so in order not to lose a year, he entered a medical college in his city and was preparing to retake the Unified State Exam. If it hadn’t worked out, Sergei would have stayed in college, studied to become a paramedic and still worked in medicine, as he dreamed of.

But he succeeded. The following year, he retook biology and, with the same results in Russian and mathematics, entered the cardiologist's degree. By that time, he had also managed to get a referral from their local cardiology clinic, which also helped.

What are the ways to do well on the Unified State Exam?

To pass the Unified State Exam well, you need to prepare for it. It's better to start in tenth grade. You can prepare on your own or with a tutor.

Shortly before exams, it is most effective to solve tests from previous years. The tasks in the Unified State Examination are standard and in different years there may be very similar ones. If there is a tutor, he will select the correct preparation method taking into account the student’s abilities.

What is the best thing to do before the exam?

Graduates need to sleep. You can't sit up all night over your textbooks or look for answers for this year. Not getting enough sleep and being nervous is the worst thing.

What to do after the exams?

Monitor the results and celebrate graduation. When the official results are announced, prepare your documents for admission. If there are benefits or the right to additional points based on the results of the Olympiads, they need to be confirmed.

You can submit at the same time Unified State Exam results to five universities. Each has three specialties. All information about specialties, documents, quantity budget places and passing scores are published on university websites.

If you can’t enroll on a budget, think about where to get money to pay for your studies. It's better to take care of this before the exams, just in case. Find out at the institute how to transfer to the budget from the second year, if this is practiced. If you try, you can save a lot of money.

Experiment with faculties and universities. At one institute there is competition for 100 people per place, while at another there may be a shortage even for a similar specialty. The prestige of a university does not guarantee anything.

Invite the student to look for options for part-time work. You can transfer to part-time, work in shifts or remotely.

Hi all! Today I decided to devote a post to a very topical topic. Let's answer once and for all: is it difficult to pass the Unified State Exam? What steps need to be taken to pass school exams and enter a university on a budget? We will give all the answers in this article.

About a year and a half ago I learned something completely surprising to myself: classroom teacher first class on parent meeting one average Russian school began to talk about the fact that we need to start preparing for the Unified State Exam now - in the first grade. To which one mother asked: will the children even have a childhood in this case? The answer is obvious - of course not.

School life should be varied and captivate children not only to study science, but also to involve them in creative and other social life.

But the One State exam is a landmark event today. And for it, like for any event, you need to prepare in advance. But is this exam difficult?

I answer the question about complexity

To me, as a specialist in history with higher education, candidate of sociological sciences - in a word, an expert in the field of education of any Unified State Exam test in history or society seems very simple. I'm serious. Over ten years of teaching and tutoring, I have solved thousands of these tests, and they are actually quite easy for me.

And this is absolutely normal for a specialist who is an expert in his field.

Of course, any parent is generally easily frightened by Unified State Exam assignments- complex and too heavy for a child. And if such a parent sees any Unified State Exam assignment on history or society, then, of course, it will seem very difficult to him. After all, the parent graduated from school 20-30 years ago and did not remember the school curriculum for about the same number of years.

As the technology teacher told us at school: “Guys, you will only need mathematics in life to count money!” In general, we can agree with this: if your professional activity is not associated with serious calculations - mathematics in life is needed in order to count the money earned.

Well, with history or social studies in general another story: Most people consider these disciplines generally useless for life, and it’s not my job to convince you or anyone else of this. Not everyone can be historians, political scientists or sociologists!

But I will be more categorical. Any Unified State Exam test in history and social studies can be written by absolutely any school student with the maximum score if he meets three conditions:

  1. He or she has knowledge and understanding of school material.
  2. He or she has general social science erudition and curiosity
  3. He or she is able to formulate and express his or her thoughts orally and in writing in a correct manner without any problem.

In essence, school should teach all this: to formulate and express your thoughts in the correct form orally and in writing. And for thoughts to appear, the student must be able to reason: inductively or deductively - it doesn’t matter.

Such a school student is able to prepare for the Unified State Exam on his own.

In fact, the Unified State Exam is extremely difficult to pass.

In reality, despite the fact that the Unified State Examination test is quite easy, it is extremely difficult for an ordinary modern 11th-grader to solve it with a maximum score. The reason for this is simple: it does not meet all three conditions I outlined above.

Ask the guys to write an essay about themselves: a kind of autobiography. Motivating someone to write such a text couldn’t be easier: tell them that in life everyone will have to tell at least an employer about themselves. What will he say about his lifestyle, his hobbies, etc., how will he characterize his personal qualities?

So, 9 out of 10 guys will not be able to write such a generally simple paper correctly. In 45 minutes, most will write 3-4 sentences. Although a student who meets the conditions above will fill 3 notebook sheets and will not have enough time. By the way, if you are reading this text and do not agree with me, I really want to read your comment on what exactly you disagree with. I am based on my professional experience. Even almost half of university students cannot connect two words on a free topic in writing.

The reasons are obvious, and I will not touch on them here. So imagine that after 10 years of school life, during which the children were engaged in anything but systematic education, for the first time in their lives they are faced with a real life test, for which they will receive an objective assessment!

And also if they are shown exam paper, which they will see, God willing, at the beginning of their senior year. But many see it only during trial testing in May - a few days before the real Unified State Exam!

And it is not surprising that GPA The Unified State Exam falls every year. Because those who passed the Unified State Exam minimum scores They don’t tell their “descendants” anything. And those who will take the Unified State Exam again are confident that they will somehow cope with it: they somehow coped with school assignments for 10 years!

Children will find the Unified State Exam simply a tough exam that is impossible to pass. Add to this the constant intimidation of them by teachers who whip up hysteria every year on the Unified State Exam, mass rumors that the entire exam has changed radically - and you get such a “Molotov cocktail”, from which few will come out alive, in the sense of passing it relatively easy exam with honor and high scores.

How to pass the easy Unified State Exam with 90 points or higher?

And now a logical question arises: how? difficult exam turn it into easy and pass history or society with 90 points and above?

Not really. If you do not know how to formulate and express your thoughts orally and in writing, if you simply do not have your own thoughts, that is, in essence, you do not know how to think logically, then you will not pass the Unified State Exam with high scores.

Such is the nature of the exam that it tests precisely such skills as mastery of educational material at an excellent level, mastery of terminology, mastery of the skills of formulating and presenting one’s thoughts, as well as general social science erudition.

Most kids and their parents simply ignore this and rely on cramming.

As a result, natural problems arise: how the hell do you learn 30 definitions? How the hell do you learn so many dates? How do you even write an essay on social studies and history? And there are a lot of these questions. After all, none of the students and their parents are specialists in education and use old grandfather’s cramming.

Let's take a simple example. For example, a student is studying the topic of fragmentation in Rus'. Before him stands a fairly significant layer of educational material. Something like this:

  • Dates: 1097, 1103, 1111, 1113 — 1125, 1125 — 1132, 1132 — 1157, 1157 — 1174, 1169, 1157, 1185, 1205, 1216
  • Personalities: Vladimir Monomakh, Mstislav the Great, Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich, Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod the Big Nest, Yaroslav Osmomysl.
  • Terms: subsistence farming, Yaroslavich clan, Polovtsy, Lyubech Congress of Princes, boyar republic, thousand, mayor, archbishop, veche, etc.
  • Natural-geographical and political characteristics of the principalities: Novgorod Land, Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, Ryazan Principality, Galicia-Volyn.

It is not difficult to guess that to a student this all seems like overwhelming material that is simply impossible to learn. After all, there are so many dates, concepts, personalities, you need to know when they lived, ruled and what they did?! But this is a very small layer of material in the context of the history of Russia and World history. In fact, this is generally one of the easiest topics. There are topics that are much more complex and broader than this within the framework school curriculum on history.

Textbook aids will also make you sad. To prove this, I’ll simply ask: how long have you verbally answered questions to yourself in a textbook about a paragraph after reading it? No? Well then, don’t be surprised that you don’t remember anything, because in your educational process there is no reflection. And it is mandatory for any study of new material.

How often do you get high-quality answers from yourself to questions in a textbook paragraph? And then you still solve problems on this topic? Of course, the vast majority don't. Why bother? This is just an awesome waste of time and effort! And there’s still a whole six months left before the exam!

Meanwhile, as a specialist, I can offer you alternative path work both with the topic indicated above and with all the others. In this case, your time and effort costs will be at least five times less. That is, if on full development This topic will take you 5 hours on your own, but with the help of my technique it will only take you one hour! Intrigued? One hour against five is a fairy tale!

Well, here it is: imagine that you don’t have to read any textbooks or manuals. Imagine that I will tell you all the material on this topic in an interesting, accessible and understandable form in 15 - 20 minutes.

And for the remaining 40 minutes we will consolidate this material in the form of tasks for this topic in the Unified State Exam format.

This is what it looks like educational material at our training courses

How can I tell you 5 hours of material that is presented in a textbook in 15 minutes? Very simple. You do not need to waste time reading the text, comprehending it and taking notes. I've already done this for you. My story will be very structured: I will tell you about the reasons for fragmentation in Rus', about the main characters who were involved in it, and I will give you the characteristics of all the principalities indicated above.

Moreover, all the causes, events, and consequences are linked into a logical chain, and since the material is clear to you, you will remember it five times faster and easier!

And absolutely ALL the material on history and society is divided into classes like this. ALL material is presented in the form of video lessons. We discuss special nuances during webinars. Each lesson comes with assignments and all my original materials, which will help you easily and easily remember the material you have studied.

Our courses save your time and energy at least five times. If you prepare yourself from scratch, then at best you will learn all the theory only by April of your senior year. And you also need to learn how to solve tests! This is a separate big and sore subject. Most of the guys don’t pass the Unified State Exam properly, because they seem to know the theory, but don’t know how to solve tests.

In our courses, such a situation is basically impossible. Because each lesson is accompanied by tasks, through which the student learns to complete them according to the principle from simple to complex.

Fragment of the list of interactive tests that are available to participants of our training courses

In fact, he himself does not notice how he already understands seemingly complex problems. As a result, 90 points on the real Unified State Exam and higher!

This result is available to everyone who completes our courses in full, including the final exam papers.

Fragment of the list of training course participants and information on their progress

Here many people have a question: will he/she be able to complete the entire course? The answer is simple: of course yes, if you work out. Well, OK. For example, you wanted to learn how to play basketball. But they only completed half of the total number of trainings, and then they took it all and gave it all up. Will you achieve the planned result? Of course not! Or you decided to learn to play chess and get 2nd rank. But we only completed half of the training program. Of course, you will play chess better than before training, but you will be far from reaching the second category.

The same goes for preparation courses for the Unified State Exam. If you want maximum results, you need to complete the course completely. Although I had guys who abandoned the course, they passed the Unified State Exam with an acceptable 80 points, although they themselves did not expect to pass that much! Here, by the way, is a letter from such a student:

Here is the text of the letter:

Hello Andrey Alexandrovich.

Scored 79 points. I’m very glad, I couldn’t even dream of such points, considering that I only prepared for half a year and didn’t even finish the course... I actually wrote the essay on the go in 15 minutes, I didn’t have enough time... but nevertheless I wrote it and even I got 3 points out of 5. I didn’t expect that I would write the test so well, because I didn’t practice much, 31 out of 35. In many ways, this is your merit, so thank you very much, you helped me a lot!

Best regards, Andrey Puchkov