How to skip school for a good reason. How to skip school for a good reason Where to skip school

20:28 — 26.09.2011

1) Simulation of illness
The undisputed leader in popularity! Right now, at this moment in time, more than a million people around the world are using it. Pretend to be sick. Like a headache or a tooth or stomach, arm, leg, finger or hair in case of emergency. Because You will use this method quite often, then you need to learn to simulate professionally and artistically, so sit at home and practice limping, sniffling, coughing, and so on, depending on the disease you have chosen.
You will then receive without a doctor's certificate.
Effectiveness depends on acting skill.
Big, they can easily see through your concert.

2) You were released
Don’t go to the first aid station, just go up to the teacher and say that you have already been there and they have released you. You must say this very confidently so that you yourself believe it. If the teacher is naive and kind, then he will easily believe it.
Possible Side effects:
You may need a certificate that you do not have.
The effectiveness is average, but the method does not require preparation and is very quick to use.
It's big, they can easily figure it out.

3) No. 9. Go see an ophthalmologist
To check your eyes, they will drop you special drops that dilate your pupils and after that, not only will you not be able to write, you will have difficulty getting into the doorway. Don’t forget to take the certificate, then show it to the teachers.
Possible Side Effects:
You won't particularly enjoy a walk with eyes like that. Also, the downside is that modern drops only last for a few hours, so this method is only suitable if you live somewhere in Alaska, where the new technology has not yet reached.
It’s ideal, and the method lasts for quite a long time, so you can safely go somewhere to a resort.
They won't be able to find fault with anything, so relax.
4) No. 7. Need to go home urgently
Show an SMS with a message like “Let my daughter go home, the sewer has burst, we urgently need to wait for the plumber” or “grandmother has become ill”, there are plenty of options, you can imitate a call from your mother (a friend is calling, of course), who will talk to the teacher (use your imagination and come up with a reason ) and asks you to come, the connection is bad, I didn’t understand anything...
Possible Side Effects:
The teacher may know your parents, mom, dad, grandmother, cat, and so on personally, by sight, including voice, so they can easily figure it out.
It's good if it passes.
If they figure it out, you'll get it from the teacher for the rest of the year.
5) No. 6. Critical days
Naturally suitable only for girls. The main thing is to play your role better.
Possible Side Effects:
At the first aid station they may force you to show evidence. In this case, go to the women's restroom and select one of the copies from the bucket. It's disgusting, but there is no other way out.
There is a high probability that they will catch you, but you still won’t get anything for it. It is unlikely that the nurse will go to complain to the teacher.
6) No. 5. Eat soap
Some people eat soap to get rid of the army, although this is a very radical method in which it actually becomes bad, but in extreme cases you need to know it, you can also use it for school a couple of times a year.
Possible Side Effects:
You will feel so bad that you won’t even want to go for a walk.
7) No. 4. Important trip
If you are a guy, then say that the military registration and enlistment office is chasing you, if you are a girl, you went to the hospital.
Possible Side Effects:
This kind of truancy will work once, maximum twice. Because without documents, teachers have no reason to believe you.
Average, it’s hard to prove to you that you were running around on business and to them, that you weren’t running around on business. 8) Frank confession
This method is only suitable for you if you are an excellent student.
Tell your parents honestly that you haven't done your homework, preferably to your mother, because... she is more sensitive and will understand and allow you not to go to school, and then she will come up with something to make excuses for you to the teachers, they will definitely believe her.
Possible Side Effects:
This method can only be used a few times.
Weak. Need a very good relationship with parents
There shouldn't be any extremes or problems. (This method helps me a lot, I have a very good relationship with my mother and she feels sorry for me)

9) In the morning, in front of your parents, you hit your hand on something and say that your hand hurts. Of course, they will give you all sorts of ointment, but towards the evening (try not to move your hand much all day and keep it in one position), your hand will turn red, be cold and swell a little (don’t worry, this is not dangerous). When the parent sees this, they will be sent for an X-ray or to an orthopedist (surgeon). There they will touch your hand (tell me what hurts on the 3rd and 4th fingers) They will prescribe an ointment and in return you cannot write for at least 3 days! They just bandage your hand and that’s it! Go home, tell them, and they either keep you at home or send you to school (you sit stupidly in class and look at the book), having first taken a certificate from the doctor that you are forbidden to write.

10) if you have a loose throat
this method can help: take a toothpick and pierce the tonsils,
They are bleeding, you go up to your mother and say that your throat hurts!
shows his throat and there’s blood all over it, the mother calls the doctor in shock, he comes too
I’m shocked by such an illness. 2 weeks are guaranteed and another month of physical training!

This is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks for a child. After all, when adults are at home, there will be increased control over you, you will not be able to jump up all sick and sit down at the computer to play GTA 5 or the new Warhammer 40,000, since such behavior does not correspond to the patient. But ways to skip school from Sovetbati come to your aid.

If you have your own room, consider yourself lucky, half the work is already done, you will only be sick in it when mom or dad comes in. Use the following methods

Keep quiet and ask for tea more often, become invisible, this is how a sick person behaves. Eat less, don't watch TV and don't try to sit down computer games, since at a high temperature the head hurts a lot and obviously there should be no time for that.

Another reason not to sit in front of the computer and TV - you may be forced to do homework, which you learn from your classmates, mom or dad comes into the room and says “yeah, you play games, that means you’re healthy, let’s do your homework, buddy, otherwise you’ll fly out of school.”

To return to school and attend classes without receiving an N in the journal for the missed period, in most cases you will have to go to the clinic for a certificate. These are the strict requirements of the 2017 federal laws. However, in some cases you don’t have to do this, and get away with a note from your parents, read how many days can you stay away from school without a certificate? in law.

How to fake a school certificate? What will it be like?

Don't try to fake a school certificate or buy it from pseudo-companies, it will definitely be checked and at best you will be brought to administrative responsibility, at worst to criminal liability. And then you definitely won’t have to go to school anymore, “they will come for you in a wonderful lattice carriage.”

Question 1. Problem: I have to leave class

Solution: several options (
A. Pretend to be sick. You go to the first aid station, pretending to be a terrible sufferer (grimace on your face, half-open eyes). You report that you have PMS (pills, of course you took more than one (No-shpa, Nurofen), but nothing helps. You agreed with your doctor that only at home in a warm bed you will feel better...
Efficiency: 10 out of 10, if you are a good actress...
Extreme: 0, still legal

b. The same people, the same medical center, if you are embarrassed to lie about PMS, lie about migraine (a disease that is common to 70% of people on earth, regardless of age and gender, the symptoms are a HORRIBLE headache, recurring quite often (maximum twice a week) , there is no treatment against it, only relief is possible - pills with painkillers. Tell the nurse that you took the pills, but it didn’t get any better, and all that can help you: sleep, silence, rest and an eye patch (for with migraines, light and sounds annoying) Repeat persistently that this has already happened, and this is the only way to save you from suffering.
Efficiency: 10 out of 10, the main thing is to lie confidently and portray the sufferer well. Yes, don’t forget to go to the teacher before whose lesson you are leaving and warn that you were at the first aid station and they let you go, here’s a certificate.
Extreme: 0, everything is quite decent and official.

BY THE WAY: you shouldn’t lie that you have a sore throat and are getting sick, it’s very easy for a nurse to check this (check your temperature, look at your throat).
V. Don't go to the first aid station, just lie to the teacher that you were there and they let you go. Lie confidently. If you don’t need a certificate to leave the medical school, then it’ll give you a ride
Efficiency: 9
Extreme: 2 (you never know)
G. Lie that you need to see a doctor. Write a note from your mother (in one copy, if the teacher wants to pick it up, say that you need to show the guard to exit (if, of course, you have such a practice). Let your older friend write.
Efficiency: 10 (the teacher must let you go)
Extreme: 6 (suddenly calls or takes a certificate to show at a family meeting)
d. Lie that you urgently need to go home. Show an SMS with a message like (Let my daughter go home, the sewer has burst, I urgently need to wait for the plumber: my grandmother has become ill - there are a lot of options), imitate a call from a mother (a friend, of course), who will talk to the teacher (use your imagination and come up with a reason), just talk and say that I urgently need to go home, my mother called and asked me to come, the connection is bad, I didn’t understand anything...
Efficiency: 5 (they may not let go or suspect something, depending on the teacher..)
Extreme: 7 (the main thing is not to show your excitement, otherwise it won’t work
: Just leave the lesson, if you don’t want problems, don’t lie to the medical department. paragraph about diseases whose meaning and symptoms you don’t know (like my heart hurts, but you point to the right side, or the spleen, or the liver)

2. Problem: Skip classes in the morning (test, unfinished homework...)
Solution: Just stay at home (if your parents leave before you wake up) or go to school (But in fact, go somewhere, or stand in the entrance, wait until they leave, it all depends on the specific situation, on where the school is, Is there a café nearby, is there a chance that mom will go upstairs to see her neighbor... You have to decide for yourself, based on the conditions!) Then you calmly go home (or wake up). Remember, don’t open the door for anyone (suddenly grandma came to water the flowers) and don’t answer the phone (suddenly it’s a class teacher)... You come to the second, third lesson, and weave a story about how a pipe burst and you were waiting for a plumber, or something option, I was waiting for a doctor for my grandmother, or my mother forgot my documents and the keys to the apartment, and you were waiting for her to arrive, or you dropped off documents for her, or you live outside the city and your mother dropped you off at school, you got tested.... And show me another note ... Or that you went to get tested, then you don’t need a certificate... That’s it, your absenteeism is Legalized!!!
Never: lie about the elevator (corny), about the trolleybus (stuck or broken), about traffic jams in the subway (and that’s what my classmates said)

3. Problem: walking all day
Solution: There are two options:
A. Agree with parents...
- Honestly admit your intentions. Kind eyes, words about fatigue and workload, about the need to prepare well for the city conference, the Olympics, open lesson, a seminar, show a stack of books (borrowed in advance from the library), persuade that the lessons are not difficult and you have no problems with them, or prove that you will catch up on everything you missed... Usually it works.
Efficiency: from 10 to 0, depending on the parents and their mood. If you’re not exactly Cerberus and you’re not exactly a double-speaker, then everything is quite possible.
Extreme: no, it’s easier to come to an agreement with parents
b. Same people, but different reason
-Lie about feeling unwell, heat up the thermometer (it’s better to really lie than try to get sick, why do you need problems with the immune system, and besides, with a high temperature you don’t want to do anything (neither play nor go for a walk). In short, this is the option where the goal is not justifies the means. Be smart!) You can rub the thermometer in your hand (if it’s a mercury thermometer), rinse it in tea (if it’s an electronic one). Eat some kind of candy that will turn your throat red, sniffle (take a little water into your nose, you will see a slight runny nose immediately appear), sneeze (long live the pepper!), etc. Don’t overdo it so that your mother doesn’t think of calling a doctor (if you’re sure you’ll get rid of the picture in front of him, you’ll stay for a week)... You can pretend that you’ve been poisoned. It’s true that it’s not very pleasant to hang around in the bathroom, but you’ll have to go there a couple of times and provoke...Mom left. Next, behave calmly and quietly. When you call the class teacher, tell him that you are sick, your mother will write a certificate
Efficiency: 7
Extremeness: well, they can, of course, reveal it, but again it all depends on self-confidence and faith in success
V. go to the ophthalmologist. As you know, after visiting him, they usually write a certificate stating that it is not worth going to school (because special drops are instilled, they dilate the pupils, and writing and reading near is not only inconvenient, but also harmful) Naturally , it’s worth going to the doctor (it’s better to go to a private clinic or to a paid ophthalmologist, in short, not to a place where you are constantly being observed, and where there are fewer people, the best and cheapest option is to go to an eyeglass store, it definitely has a doctor) Check your eyesight, but Refuse to put drops in your eye (I motivate you by the fact that you recently had your fundus checked), ask for a certificate. If you wish, you can do it in 20 minutes, the rest of the day is yours. The advantages are that you can walk calmly, and if the teacher complains that she saw you in the park yesterday, answer her that the green (white) color soothes the eyes, and the doctor advised you to take a walk outside.
Efficiency: 10, bonus is that parents may not be aware)
Extreme: 2 (there is a certificate, what else is needed) Yes, if you know the phone number, call yourself and let her know why you were away, then she won’t have to call your mother.
G. Just don’t go to school. (An excellent option if your parents have gone somewhere) Call your class teacher (or a friend, as an option) and say that you’re not feeling well (poisoned, for example) And write out a certificate yourself. Lie that it was an allergy (it’s spring outside =), I felt bad, I had to go to the doctor, but he prescribed medications (antihistamines - anti-allergenic) and it got better... Or I did fluorography (check the opening hours accordingly), go (allegedly) it’s better in the middle of the school day, so that there are no complaints (I didn’t show up in the morning - I was on nerves, and then, have you ever been on time with a coupon? There are a lot of payers, you have to let them through...)
Efficiency: 10
Extreme: 7 (this can be revealed very easily!)

4.How to skip a week.
Solution: don’t go to school, call, say that you’re not feeling well (on behalf of your mother). At the end of the week, buy a certificate from a private clinic. Of course it will be expensive, but if necessary, do it) Or, there is a finished photo on the website, print it (better at a copy center or at the post office, where the printer is very good quality), fill it out, when asked, you live in the North-East Administrative District, and the certificate is from the South-Eastern Administrative District, say that you got sick at your aunt’s (uncle’s, grandmother’s..) or in another city altogether (I went to see Moscow for the weekend and got sick)
Efficiency: 8
Extreme: 9, the main thing is that the cool one doesn’t call her mom!!!

5. Problem: skipping one class
Solution: just don't show up. They can excuse themselves by saying that they were in the school library, preparing for a city competition (thus several people may not come right away)... They read it carefully, the bell is hard to hear... Etc. etc... As an option - at the medical center, they helped another teacher collect material from the laboratory, hung up notices, rehearsed a skit for the city competition... There are a lot of options
Efficiency: 8 (if you’re lying about being in the library, then at least go there during recess, what if there was a teacher there?)
Extreme: 3-7, depending on the application

AND FINALLY: school is evil, but nevertheless, not the worst years of your life will pass there (trust me as a graduate), and from my own experience I want to say that if you study well, then you will have privileges (you must agree that it’s one thing to be an excellent student lies about a plumber, and another thing is a poor student. They will definitely believe the first one (and they won’t check, but the second one will backfire) And, as a good student, you may be excused from classes in order to attend some kind of meeting, or go to some kind of competition (usually in the morning and no more than an hour, then - freedom).
In short, use the instructions, but don’t misuse them!!! If you remember any other ways, write in the comments and we’ll add more. And write your reviews!!!

Written by, an experienced truant who graduated from school with a gold medal!

Let's admit to ourselves: at least once in our lives, each of us has had the desire not to go to school. Just an incredible desire! Today we will delight young tricksters and tell you several reliable ways to skip school without consequences.

Ways to skip school with flying colors

Since you have already decided for sure that you want to skip school, let it be on your conscience. Just try our methods!

Method one

It is suitable only for those guys who get good grades. How can an excellent student skip school? Easy - taking advantage of your reputation. All you need is a little artistry and playing on the feelings of the parents. And since the most sensitive parent is mom, we boldly go to her and say that we didn’t have time to do our homework and there’s no point in going tomorrow, it will only get worse. If you try, your mother herself will come up with an excuse for you to skip school.

Method two, how to skip school

Lie to your parents that school tomorrow is evil. You urgently need to prepare for some kind of conference and you can’t waste a minute! Yes, there is a risk of being locked in a room preparing for a non-existent conference. But since we have already taken the path of lies, it’s time to complete the picture! Tell me that you need to prepare with Ivan Ivanovich, the new leader of your circle. Why new? Yes, because your ancestors may have the “old” number! The risk justifies the means, try it.

The third way to skip school

Don't want to involve your parents? It is necessary to act locally, at the school itself! Lie to the teachers that you were late in the library. Or you were accidentally locked in some office. The advantage of this method of skipping school is that it is almost impossible to check whether you are lying or not. The downside is time away. It is unlikely that they will believe you if you walk like this for several days in a row.

The fourth way to get out of school

Method for older grades:

  • Guys are often called to military registration and enlistment offices;
  • Girls have unscheduled medical examinations.

Is the hint clear? But often one will not get away with such an excuse: it is a very unrealistic situation when a guy is called by the military registration and enlistment office three times a week. And girls can complain about “certain complications” no more than once a month.

The fifth way to skip school

The method is smart and effective. Before using it, make sure that the class teacher is not in close contact with your parents. Otherwise it will be bo-bo!

Ask a friend to send an SMS message to your mobile phone with a text asking for help. The meaning is this: as if your mother is asking you to urgently appear at home due to force majeure. Well, a pipe burst or the dog got sick. Then rename your friend's contact to phone book to the banal “mom” - and show it to the teacher. Effect 100%! Warning: do not use frequently!

The best seventh way

Of course, you already guessed it. Simulation of illness! Yes, this method of skipping school has long saved entire generations of schoolchildren from hated knowledge. And why don't we take advantage? The main thing to remember here is no deviations. If you decide to skip school this way, you have no friends. Simply NO friends! No one should have to guess that you are faking. Otherwise, it may end in embarrassment and ridicule of you as a bad artist and a liar.

You can feign illness right at school. Approach the teacher, first putting on a “sick” look and declaring in a sad voice that you have a bad headache (stomach, etc.), ask to leave class to go home or to the first aid station. Usually, if you do not abuse this method, teachers are released from the lesson; this method is most suitable for a physical education lesson.

But you can feign illness at home, in the morning. If everything is done correctly, your parents will leave you at home, but it is important to convince them that something is just really hurting you today and you need to sit quietly at home and not call an ambulance.

This is how you can get out of school. You should not deliberately get sick or use dangerous methods that could harm your health. Remember, knowledge is power! And if you have already decided to skip school, then lie! And he started to lie - lie to the bitter end!

In the life of every student, a situation occurs when it is really necessary not to go to school. We would like to warn you right away: there is nothing good about a child skipping classes. If absences are repeated with regular frequency, this is fraught with gaps in knowledge, and also a bad habit of absenteeism is formed, which can create a lot of problems as a person grows older. But if the case is isolated, then our advice will tell you how to skip school without unpleasant consequences.

Agree with parents

The most legal way is to negotiate with your parents. If a child does well in all subjects, and his behavior does not cause any particular complaints, then they will most likely respond positively to the only request in the quarter to skip classes due to fatigue and write a note to the class teacher with a request to release the student for a day for family reasons.

Forged note

If the student is sure that the parents will not agree to write a note asking for release, you can ask an older friend, older brother, etc. make a fake note on behalf of your mother. This method is also suitable if a student skips school and does not know what to do. But it is necessary to remember that the teacher can clarify by calling the parents who wrote the note, or save the piece of paper until parent meeting for the purpose of determining authorship.

Illness simulation

If a student does not excel in his studies or his parents are very principled, then you can feign illness. If the mother and father do not take their word for it, you can slightly heat the thermometer on the battery (the main thing is not to overdo it; 37.5 is what you need!) In the case when the temperature has to be measured in the presence of parents or a nurse working at school, you can first With wet hands, grease the armpit area with ground pepper. Experts also advise eating the lead of a simple pencil. The body temperature will rise to the required level.

Visit to the military registration and enlistment office

Male high school students are periodically called to the military registration and enlistment office. When deciding how to skip school, it is possible to choose this good reason (if the high school student is sure that in the next few weeks he will not really be called to this institution).

Painful periods

Naturally, this option is available for girls of a certain age. Many women feel discomfort even on such days. If you are a born actress, you can exaggerate the suffering (the main thing is not to overact!)

Visit to the clinic

From time to time, everyone needs to visit a dentist, ophthalmologist or other medical specialist. This method is especially effective if the student has a chronic disease, about which teachers are aware.

How else can you skip class?

The following three methods can be used if you need to skip one or more classes.

Passing the examination

A reference to the fact that it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, for example, do fluorography, donate blood for analysis, etc. It is well known that these procedures are performed in the morning, so the reason will be significant.

Calling from lessons via SMS or note

An SMS message received on a cell phone or a note sent through a janitor with a request to be allowed to go home due to an emergency situation, for example, a grandmother has become ill or a plumber needs to come, etc., usually finds understanding among teachers.

Visiting a section, club

If a student attends a sports section, hobby group or receives additional education At school foreign language, you can take time off from classes due to the need to prepare for a competition or competition, attend an unscheduled lesson or training.

Use these tips as little as possible! Remember that by frequently asking for time off, you will arouse understandable suspicion, and if you lose trust, you will fall under total control, and then you are unlikely to be able to miss school without a good reason. In addition, every absence is a gap in knowledge, which may have to be filled over a much longer period of time, making much more effort.