How to promote a name. How to quickly promote yourself on social networks? Difficulties are mainly due to competition or there are other obstacles

You can learn how to present yourself in the American style. But is it worth it?

business people in a series with a casual guy doing the headstand

Andy Molinsky is a professor at Brandeis University Business School and Dorie Clark is a strategy consultant who has worked with Google, Microsoft and the World Bank.

Let’s say you find yourself in the USA, at some conference, and hear your colleague telling a potential employer about himself: “...I’m interested in learning more about your company and understanding whether we can cooperate. Before getting my MBA, I worked at Bain Consulting and before that I served as an officer in the military.” If this is only a fragment of a conversation, how would you evaluate what you heard?

a) There is too much self-promotion here: the person talks about himself too positively for this situation.

b) Self-PR is not enough here: already at this stage it is necessary to talk more about specific projects and clients, about what the person achieved during his service.

c) Just right. Of course, this is self-PR, but the situation allows it, and the person tells quite relevant information about himself in order to demonstrate himself in a positive light.

Most Americans choose option "c". After all, this is an event where people gather to make connections, and this is what a potential employer expects. But what's interesting is that foreign students MBAs often say something different: that there is too much self-promotion, that the person is simply bragging and going too far. Indeed, many foreigners in the United States have problems with the American style of self-presentation. Unlike the United States, in most other countries such behavior is not considered a demonstration of competence and confidence.

But in order to successfully advance your career in the States, in American companies or work with them, you need to learn self-presentation: show what you have achieved, what you have personally achieved. To a certain extent, you need to be able to do this in the process of work, building a reputation as a person who can be useful. How can you learn to go beyond the comfort zone that you have?

First of all, it is important to reconsider how you think about personal branding. If you perceive it as pure bragging, you will avoid it, which means you will miss the chance to become a more famous and respected professional. Focus on the big picture—how you've contributed, how you've helped your company—and you'll have a better chance of presenting yourself in a positive but honest way.

Then you need to understand how active self-presentation is appropriate in the situation in which you find yourself. Some people, shocked by the level of self-PR of these same Americans, sometimes overestimate it and, when talking about themselves, cross the boundaries. In any culture, even the American one, there are limits to decency in self-presentation, and going beyond these limits will make you seem like an arrogant braggart.

You also need to find your own limits of comfort. How big is the gap between how you naturally behave in a given situation and how you need to behave in order to communicate effectively about yourself? It may be worth thinking about the rules for talking about yourself. For example, if you are meeting someone at a conference or other networking event and they ask you how you spend free time, you can mention your participation in the alumni association. This will show that you are an active professional and highlight your connections to a good university. And prepare in advance an answer to the question “What did you do in Lately, what's new?" - Demonstrate your professional experience.

Finally, find yourself a mentor who knows how self-promotion works but can also understand your difficulties in adapting to this culture. It will help you master a new cultural code, determine the boundaries of what is permissible and acceptable for you personally, and work out possible solutions. And this way you will quickly learn how to promote yourself without losing yourself in the process.

It took radio 38 years to reach an audience of 50 million, television 13. Facebook gained 200 million users in less than a year.

More than 82% of Internet users have accounts in in social networks and sit in them (at least) two hours a day. Russia ranks first in Europe in terms of popularity of social networks.

There is a growing number of users who come to social networks not for communication, but for information, as well as businessmen who understand that social media is an effective marketing channel. If you want to promote a project through social networks, then get to know four in effective ways promotion.

Content is the main factor of promotion

Any SMM specialist will confirm: without quality content, promotion tools are useless. If your brand’s page is boring, you shouldn’t count on audience growth and loyalty.

Three components of good content:

  1. Uniqueness. The information you post should be relevant and engaging. Do not copy materials from other resources. The exception is cross-posting between a company’s blog and its page on a social network.
  2. Regularity. Articles should be published systematically. Two, three, four or seven times a week - depends on the specifics of the business and its target audience. So, for people from the business environment, two or three updates will be enough, but for the beauty community this is clearly not enough. It is necessary to adhere to the chosen content strategy regardless of the number of subscribers.
  3. Virality. Publications should be lively, evoking an emotional response in the form of a burning desire to tell friends about them. Avoid overtly promotional posts.

Facebook in Russia- “social services are not for everyone.” It is used by marketers, programmers and other IT-savvy people. They are not afraid of a “complex interface”, and their areas of interest include gadgets, the Internet, travel, education, books and business in all its forms. They willingly like and share materials on these topics, as well as motivating articles that set the mood for positivity. Most of active Facebook audience uses the mobile application - it is recommended to illustrate posts with pictures measuring 800 × 600.

"In contact with"- the largest social network on the Runet (more than 230 million registered users). Her audience is younger; Users' interests are mainly focused on entertainment (communication, games, music, movies, etc.). VK users do not like text content (it is advisable that the length of the post does not exceed 500 characters), but they love photos and videos.

The most popular among photo hosting sites in Russia is Instagram. At the same time, when maintaining a brand page on Instagram, it is recommended to adhere to a single design style (use not only standard filters, but also third-party photo editors), and also place objects in the photo on 2/3 of the screen (this makes the picture more visually attractive).


The ability to place targeted advertising is available on almost all social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and others. At the same time, it is believed that targeted advertising on social networks is more suitable for the B2C sector. However, there are also companies in B2B that effectively solve business problems through targeted advertising.

Some types of targeting:

  • Geographic (geotargeting) - displaying advertising to residents of a certain region / city / district, etc. For example, you want to promote a beauty salon located in Khimki near Moscow. Your targeted ad will be shown to residents of this city.
  • Socio-demographic - displaying advertising depending on gender, age, marital status and others social criteria. Thus, it is recommended to place advertisements for children's products and household goods on the pages of married women over 25, and advertisements for an art store - on the pages of designers, architects, and decorators.
  • Contextual - displaying advertising in accordance with the user's interests. Membership in groups such as “Fashion”, Fashion, “Shopping”, etc. clearly demonstrates the user’s interests. He will be interested in relevant advertising.
  • Behavioral - displaying advertising depending on specific user actions (travel routes, favorite places, frequent search queries, etc.). Let's say a person is interested in Latin American dancing, goes to a salsa club, and looks for relevant videos - there is a high probability that he will be attracted by an advertisement for a last-minute tour to Cuba.

Despite its apparent simplicity, targeting is a tool that requires serious preparatory work. First, you need to analyze the brand's target audience. Secondly, make an ad.

Advertising in communities

Advertising in communities (in the professional language of SMM specialists - sowing) is the purchase of posting posts or reposts in popular communities. In the first case (purchase of a post), the advertiser’s goal is to increase traffic on the company’s website; in the second (buying a repost) - attracting users to the company’s group on a social network. Moreover, the more subscribers the community in which you buy a post has, the more expensive the advertising campaign will cost.

You can negotiate with community owners directly or use the services of a special exchange. In 2013, it was opened by the social network VKontakte (an account for advertisers). Advertising is placed by the community administration in its feed and, according to the conditions, must remain there for 24 hours.

Professional promotion in social media

This refers to services that provide paid services on promotion on social networks. As a rule, they independently create high-quality content, launch a targeting mechanism and negotiate advertising in communities. These include Plibber. Why conditional? Because the capabilities of this service are much wider.

  • register;
  • decide on the format of work on the site (you can advertise your brand yourself or contact the Plibber team to organize a shocking advertising campaign);
  • prepare an advertising post;
  • select the most suitable sites from the target audience and begin sowing.

After preliminary moderation, your task will be available and you can start attracting fans of your brand.

How to get organic loyal traffic? We addressed this question, which is of interest to all advertisers, to the founder of the Plibber project, Oleg Ratunin.

Oleg Ratunin

CEO and the ideological inspirer of Knows everything and more about social media.

To attract potential fans to your brand, you should:

  • use quizzes, infographics, illustrations, viral videos, advertising games, etc.;
  • place a link within the visible area of ​​the post announcement (first and second lines);
  • introduce a call to action into the content;
  • add a provocative survey;
  • work with associative content format and its adaptation to the brand;
  • launch creative, vibrant and unique competitions.

If you manage to find the content that your audience craves, you can count on over 600 clicks from one post.

Also, do not forget to analyze the communication of large brands with their subscribers; now good results are being detected in the community


Today we reveal the secrets of self-PR on thematic platforms. How to properly promote your business or blog in different thematic communities? We’ll tell you how to do this in manual and automatic modes, as well as what results can be achieved with the help of self-PR.

Remember right away the main rule of successful PR: you should always build a dialogue with your audience, and not set out a monologue. In other words, if you share with your readers or followers any important and useful information, then it is extremely important in this case to receive a return in the form of feedback from the audience.

When developing the topic of dialogue further, we must remember that for each topic we need to look for a suitable platform and target audience. You need to find places where people sit who need the information you share. It is necessary to look for users who will be generally interested in the information. Otherwise, what's the point of all this? For example, why talk about diapers in a car enthusiasts’ public? Therefore, today we will talk abouthow to promote correctlyyour business and how to choose suitable platforms for successful promotion.

Self-PR - what is it?

Self-PR is cool thing that helps you present yourself and your business in at its best with the right approach this issue. As with any business, there are things that need to be done to proper PR , and there are things that must be avoided so as not to get a negative result.

Self-PR is a great opportunity to introduce yourself to the whole world. But whether you will take advantage of this chance is a question.

How to PR correctly:step by step instructions to help

  1. First, believe in yourself and your strengths.. If you don't do this, no one will believe your words. In short, without faith in the correctness of your words, all information will be perceived by readers as spam.
  2. Take a Clear Position. Decide in which area you are a real expert and promote yourself in this direction. You cannot be an expert in all industries. Then no one will take you seriously.
  3. Study your competitors.It’s stupid to think that you won’t have competitors when you start promoting yourself. Rememberthat self-promotion isThis is not an easy job, so it must be treated with appropriate care and seriousness. Therefore, before you start self-promotion, you need to study the competitive environment and take the best from it. In addition, this is an opportunity to avoid mistakes that competitors have already made.
  4. We create a successful image.Even if you are not as cool as you want to seem, let everyone think that you are not. Your main task is to make everyone believe that you are successful in life and business. Think about how this can be done more effectively, what is special about you, what is your highlight.
  5. Come out of the shadows.What is it about? In the modern realities of an information breakthrough, self-promotion without social activity is impossible. However, this does not mean at all that you need to hang out on social networks. You need to write informed and to the point comments on thematic platforms, post interesting and high-quality content on your blog. About, how to promote correctly ourselves and on what platforms, we’ll tell you a little later.
  6. Always be yourself.Let's move on, the next step - remember, you are an individual with your own opinion, which must be defended, even when it does not suit everyone. Prove your individuality and don’t strive to “be like everyone else.” You can't please everyone and that's a fact you can't argue with.
  7. Help others promote themselves.It will not be any worse if you recommend a professional to your audience of readers. On the contrary, it is useful and correct. By the way, as a rule, in such cases people also recommend in return.

    How to do it rightmyselfPR: what not to do

    • Don't pretend to be someone you are not.Imposture is a complete failure for self-PR.
    • Do not publish unverified information.This is unprofessional.
    • Don't be narcissistic egoists. If you are promoting a business, then narcissism and glamor are inappropriate. This only annoys people from business circles and sometimes even infuriates them. You do not want, do you. To be considered empty-headed upstarts?
    • Do not participate in various dubious and “bad-smelling” events and promotions. This can earn you a bad reputation, especially when it comes to politics. Then such knowledge can be used to your detriment.
    • No inadequacy. Are you suffering from delusions of grandeur? Remember, this is purely your problem, if you are promoting yourself, then there are no “royal manners”.
    • Forget about familiarity and familiarity. Do you present yourself as a professional? So be it always and everywhere. Don’t forget that there are ears and eyes everywhere that monitor your activity on social networks and more.
    • Say no to rudeness and avoid being overly political in your comments on social platforms. Later, such comments can be detrimental to you.

    Promoting correctly: howchoose thematic sites

    So, if you are planning to promote your business or blog, then you should not forget about various thematic platforms. There are many platforms on which communities of interest are created:

    1. Groups and publics on social platforms. For example, a group of BMW car enthusiasts.
    2. Thematic categories on major portals. For example, Reddit.
    3. Various forums of interest. Alternatively,
    4. Guest posts, as well as placement of special projects in personal blogs or publications. This is a great opportunity to build trusting relationships with target audience. The main thing is to prove yourself as a professional in the topic you are commenting on.


    So what do we get out of this? Self-PR is cool, important and simply necessary for promoting business in the virtual space. The main thing is to take a serious approach to this issue. About, how to promote yourself correctly and where, now you know, so it’s time to address this issue.

The path to fame is tortuous and thorny, but... not for everyone. There are times when, by the will of fate, a person becomes famous in just a few hours, without making any effort. Now, thanks to social networks, the number of such lucky ones is constantly growing.

Nicky Liebert - builder from Amsterdam

English student Danika met a handsome young builder on one of the streets of Amsterdam. The girl is interested in photography, so she asked the boy for permission to photograph him. He kindly agreed. Danika posted the resulting photos on her Instagram page, and they immediately gained a huge number of likes.

Internet users became interested in the handsome young man and found his account. Now Nicky Libert (that’s the name of the lucky builder) already has more than 36,000 subscribers, he is invited to various shows, and a famous modeling agency has offered him a contract. In a few days he became a celebrity! In his account, the young man wrote:

“What an incredible week this has been! Suddenly everything has changed, and you need to get used to it.”
Arshad Khan - tea seller from Pakistan

Luck also smiled on 18-year-old tea seller from Pakistan, Arshad Khan. Journalist Jia Ali photographed a handsome blue-eyed young man at work and posted the picture on her Instagram.

The photo received more than 30 thousand likes, and the Pakistani clothing brand Fitin signed a contract with Arshad. Internet users have dubbed Arshad the "hot tea seller". Arshad himself wants to gain a foothold in the modeling business and earn money not only for his family, but also for needy Pakistani children.

“I want to help children who cannot get a decent education, so I will build schools”

William Franklin Miller - the most handsome boy on the planet

12-year-old Australian William Franklin Miller has been named the most handsome boy in the world.

It all started when some Japanese schoolgirl posted his photo on her account. After this, all of Japan went crazy over William's beauty. His photos have been liked countless times, and his Instagram account has over 100 thousand followers. They began to interview the rising star and recognized him as the most handsome boy on the planet. William now works with famous modeling agencies, and recently he starred in a joint photo shoot with young model Jade Weber.

Cindy Kimberly - the stranger who captivated Justin Bieber

Very beautiful 17-year-old Cindy Kimberly from Spain studied at college and worked as a nanny, earning $4 an hour. The girl had a fairly popular Instagram account. But his popularity skyrocketed when Justin Bieber saw Cindy’s photo and posted it on his page.

“Find her for me!” - he begged his subscribers. What won't you do for an idol? Soon all the ins and outs of Cindy became known: even facts surfaced that she was brought to administrative responsibility several times for drinking alcohol in in public places. Fame fell on the girl like a snowball. Thanks to Justin's advertising, her number of subscribers reached 1.8 million.

“After Justin came into my life, it changed for the better.”

The girl left her job as a nanny and became a model; fortunately, offers from agencies were not long in coming.

True, things didn’t work out with Bieber: this womanizer quickly forgot about the beautiful Cindy.

Sarah Seawright - prison babe

24-year-old criminal Sarah Seawright became famous thanks to her mugshot that ended up on the Internet.

Sarah was arrested in April 2016 for failing to appear in court on charges of careless driving and driving without insurance. But this is not the girl’s most serious crime. She had previously been convicted of armed robbery. In 2012, Sarah invited her friend to take a ride in her car. The girl’s accomplice was already waiting for him in the car, who hit the man on the head with the butt of a pistol and took $380 from him. For her participation in this crime, Sarah was sentenced to 5 years probation.

When the photo of the criminal hit the Internet, it instantly went viral and spread across social networks. Users admired Sarina’s beauty:

"Oh my God! I fell in love! Marry me and we will do illegal things together!”
“I don’t commit crimes because my mugshot won’t be that perfect.”

Now Sarah is free and enjoying the fame that has befallen her.

Jeremy Meeks - the most handsome criminal

Californian Jeremy Meeks is another criminal who became famous thanks to his mugshot. In the summer of 2015, a 30-year-old man was detained for possession of weapons and ammunition. His photo was posted on the police department's official Facebook page and immediately became incredibly popular. The girls were amazed by the beauty and brutality of the criminal.

Jeremy was sentenced to 27 months in prison, and while he served his sentence, his fan base grew geometric progression. The “sexiest criminal on the planet” now has fan pages. His fans argued that he belonged on the podium, not in a prison cell.

One of the modeling agencies became interested in the criminal, and he got his own agent. While waiting for his release, Jeremy worked hard and worked out his muscles. He was released early in the spring of 2016, and he immediately set to work with enthusiasm.

Oksana Neveselaya – the hottest “teacher”

Photos of Oksana Neveselaya were published by such major world tabloids as The Sun and Daily Mail, calling the girl “the hottest maths teacher.” Oksana owes her popularity to the confusion surrounding the viral video.

It all started when a video appeared on the Internet in which a beautiful young teacher with blond hair was writing formulas on the board.

The video quickly went viral. Internet users tried to find the teacher on Instagram, but it is difficult to do so; in the video she is standing sideways, and it is not possible to thoroughly see her facial features. Then someone found the account of Oksana Neveselaya, who was quite similar to the heroine of the video, and distributed a link to it in the comments under the video. Oksana was immediately inundated with compliments and requests to “bring up her math skills,” and photographs from the account of the “hottest teacher” and articles about her appeared in major online publications.

The girl herself was puzzled by this situation.

“I said many times that it’s not me. But with the growing number of comments, it was pointless to do this.”

In fact, Oksana is not a teacher. She is only 17 years old and just finished school last year. Now the girl is not studying anywhere, but travels the world, enjoys life and continues to post photos on Instagram, where she already has more than 600 thousand subscribers.

Irwin Randle is the hottest grandpa

Irwin Randle is 54 years old. He is a teacher primary school from Houston (Texas). The man tries to keep up with fashion and dresses like a youth: skinny jeans, tight T-shirts, denim breeches, etc.

One day Irwin opened an account on Instagram, where he began to post his selfies and photographs from Everyday life. More than 140 thousand subscribers have subscribed to the fashionable gentleman’s account. Randle has been given the titles "Instagram's Hottest Grandpa" and "Mr. Steal Your Granny." And indeed, despite his advanced age, the man looks very stylish and is in great shape.

Randle himself did not expect his photographs to cause such a stir.

“At first I was dumbfounded, now I’m just perplexed. I always dress like this."

Now Randle is a frequent guest on various television shows. He continues to delight his subscribers with stylish looks, regularly visits the gym and enjoys babysitting his two grandchildren.

Pietro Boselli - the sexiest math teacher

Italian Pietro Boselli taught mathematics in University College London. One day, out of curiosity, his student decided to look for information about his teacher on the Internet and came across stunning facts. It turns out that Boselli, a serious young man with a scientific degree, was a former model! A curious student found photographs of his teacher, where he showed off a perfectly toned torso. The guy published one of these pictures on his Instagram, accompanied by the caption:

“That feeling when you realize that your math teacher is a top model”

Having revealed the secret of the young lecturer, other students also began to photograph him and post them on social networks. They became a real sensation!

Pietro was admired by people from all over the world. 1.5 million users have subscribed to his Instagram account. And there is something to see there: Boselli constantly pleases the eyes of subscribers (and especially female subscribers) with her selfies and photographs. The man is in excellent physical shape, he regularly exercises and looks impeccable.

At first, Boselli was not happy about the fame that befell him.

"I was ashamed. It seemed that people from the academic environment would not approve of all this ... "

However, Pietro soon decided to “shake off the old days.” He abandoned his scientific career and signed a contract with a modeling agency.

Evan Antin - sexy "Dr. Aibolit"

When Evan Antin, a Los Angeles-based exotic animal veterinarian, created his Instagram account, he just wanted to tell people a little about his work and didn't think he'd be the object of much attention and admiration.

Photos of a seductive veterinarian with his four-legged patients have excited the fair half of the Internet. Of course, such men don’t lie on the road! Handsome, educated, kind and brave: he is not afraid to pick up even poisonous snakes!

The girls bombard Evan with numerous comments and compliments. With such looks, he could become a supermodel. But the young man is in no hurry to part with his favorite job. He travels a lot to save endangered species. And after traveling, “the hottest Aibolit” hurries home, where the lizard Matilda, the dog Henry, the cat Willie, exotic fish and, what is especially sad for his fans, his fiancee Natalie are waiting for him.

Quite difficult. There are a huge number of books on promoting yourself and your services, which, I’ll tell you a secret, are sold neither shaky nor weak. PR agencies are opening everywhere that promise their clients increased fame, media attention, increased sales, etc. Just magicians and wizards who are ready to make a person famous and rich overnight! But for some reason, over time, there are no more real experts, pioneers in their niche and rich people: there are many more books on wealth. Everything seems to be simple: read and get rich, but something goes wrong. Maybe we're doing something wrong? Well, yes, of course! Therefore, we think, we need to turn to professionals, let them teach us, or better yet, do everything for us.

It turns out strange. Most business books by domestic authors are structured according to the following scheme: “I’ll tell you briefly how I achieved success. You will be happy for me, maybe you will learn something useful. And, if you want, you can order coaching.” Or: “Why do you need to read watery American books? I read them for you. I present the information gleaned from them as my knowledge. And, by the way, if it’s useful, then order coaching.”

“Eh, Sanya, why are you ratting out your colleagues?” you ask. And I’ll answer: I’m in the tank, in business opposition to everyone, and I don’t care. Yes, I used to read a lot of books myself and went through trainings where they gave me a bunch of stupid papers, against which a diploma higher education didn't look like such an unnecessary thing. But now popular authors have become completely lazy and write books according to a new principle: “This chapter is from my first book, and then I will tell you what I already told in my third book. In short, don't bother, buy these books and read them. I’d rather tell you from the pages of this book how good I am, and then I’ll sell my trainings for twenty pages in a row. Sorry, but without this my book will only be a brochure.” New authors who study with masters write their first books using the same model. Trainings are also developed on the principle of “a piece from here, a piece from there.” Then they wonder: “Why don’t they buy anything from us? Why are we not known? And they start looking for agencies to promote them. But agencies have already prepared their own templates in order to promote all clients according to the same type of scheme.

If you are reading this article, you are probably concerned about the same questions or you just want to be quoted in all public pages, and you would repost to your friends with fame: “Look what! So-and-so famous!” And so I will give you one effective piece of advice: don’t listen to anyone and don’t learn from anyone! There are very few brand people, since they do not follow the beaten path, repeating everything after their predecessors.

Want to write a book? Read more books and practice, but don't try to copy.

Do you want your articles to become popular? Forget about spelling them correctly and throw stupid advice out of your head.

Do you want to become a cool screenwriter? Read the stories of the formation of famous masters, except for those who write low-quality TV series. You will see: each of them is an individual.

Don't be like everyone else! Create your own style!

If you go out to conduct training in a jacket and tie (like everyone else), you will be forgotten a few days after the training. If you come in felt boots, they will remember you for a long time, and perhaps they will start writing about you without the prompting of PR people.

Well, in conclusion, I’ll give you one algorithm on how to instantly gain, albeit a little, fame:

  • Find several sites that post a variety of quotes and look for “Add Quote” in the menu.
  • Add as many of your quotes as possible to different sites, signing the authorship with your Last Name, First Name and Patronymic (required!). Quotes can be taken from your articles, books, trainings, etc.
  • The next day, enter your full name in the search window of any search engine or social network and rejoice: you have already begun to be quoted.

Use this advice, but remember that public pages and people do not quote all statements, but only those that.