How to make yourself happy and rich. Do you want to be happy and rich

This book, in fact, first of all taught how to be happy. Being happy means becoming richer. Richer not only spiritually, but also materially. Its main principle is to give.

Share to become richer. This idea is as old as time, but for some reason we often forget about it. Giving is one of the most powerful principles of all time. You might have heard this from other people, but you probably didn’t think about it seriously. Few of us have armed ourselves with this principle in real life. We may agree with this, but something constantly stops us: “I don’t have enough to live on myself,” “I need to earn a little more,” “I should save for an emergency,” “I will feel protected with this amount.” " Be honest with yourself, there will never be a perfect time to donate. Something will always interfere with you, and your good intentions without action are worthless.

Almost everyone clings to the old dogma of thinking: “You need to collect, not give, you need to save, not sacrifice.” But both psychologists and economists have long noticed that in order to receive more, a person must learn to give. Yes, you really need to learn this, it's not that easy.

Many modern people claim that they give part of their income to charity. How does this happen? They have shares in companies that spend part of their profits helping others. But it's not right. You must donate yourself, from your own pocket. Others say they can't afford to donate money, so they help by providing services. Yes, that's good, but that's not what we're talking about. If you want to get richer by receiving money, you should donate money too. There are people who claim that they would gladly donate if they knew where to do it. This is also not sincere. After all, you don’t have to participate in charitable foundations to help people; donate to someone in need on the street. Some people worry about what will be done with their money. Will they really be used correctly? This is no longer your money and not your concern. You let them go and become richer, you are not obligated to control the money you gave away.

By giving money to help others, you make yourself cleaner, freer and stronger. This does not mean that you should thoughtlessly part with your livelihood. You must stop clinging. Money loves ease; the easier you let it go, the easier it comes back to you.

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15 809 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about how to become rich and successful. Many of us dream of achieving financial well-being, not denying ourselves anything and never feeling an urgent need for money. However, only 3% of the world's population manages to achieve real wealth. What is the reason for such statistics and is it possible to become rich and happy?

Before asking the question “How to become rich in Russia?”, you need to understand what it is - the very wealth that everyone strives for. It's no secret that everyone needs different amounts of money. For some, 100 thousand rubles will be an untold treasure, but for others, even a million dollars will not be enough. How do you understand where the wealth line is?

Robert Kiyosaki (millionaire and author) defined wealth as the amount of free time in which you can not work, but at the same time your standard of living will not decrease, or as the amount of assets that can generate a sufficient amount of passive income.

It turns out that wealth is not a mountain of money, but time is a limited resource. Is it worth spending it on something that doesn't bring you pleasure?

What prevents us from becoming rich?

Anyone can become a rich person, but why not everyone achieves their goals. The causes of poverty can be:

  • Laziness;
  • Thoughts;
  • Criticism (of yourself, the state, others, etc.);
  • Complaints;
  • Life circumstances.

Are wage employment and wealth compatible?

If you study examples of rich people, you will notice that none of them became millionaires through hired work. All of them were passionate about their work and developed own business. And this is not surprising; hired work has several significant disadvantages:

  1. Often hired work is unloved. People do not like their jobs, work under strict instructions and do not have the space to realize their own creative potential, exchanging their dreams and precious life time for money and working for the success of another person.
  2. No free time. You definitely won’t be able to manage your time, decide when to work and rest. This will deprive you of many joys and make you feel dependent on circumstances.
  3. You constantly receive commands. The work hierarchy is structured in such a way that someone at the top will constantly give you instructions, and you will be forced to obey, even if you disagree.

The stability of hired work is an imaginary factor. Remember that the company only needs you as a profit-generating tool. As soon as you stop doing this or start working less efficiently, another employee will take your place, and you will either be fired, demoted or have your salary reduced.

Of course, this does not mean that you should run to write a letter of resignation right now. Especially if you love your job and are satisfied with your position. You can also achieve success in a hired job if the position implies freedom of choice and independent decision-making. In the end, there is always the opportunity to organize additional passive income for yourself.

Rich Man's Mindset

Rich people do not view money as the main purpose of their lives. They don’t idolize money, don’t pray for it, and certainly don’t think about how they can become rich. For them, money is just a means or a tool for getting what they want, opportunities and growth. Money in itself has no value - it's just pieces of paper.

The main differences between the rich and the poor are presented in the table.

Rich Poor
Job They work for themselves, build a business.Employed
Example They rely on the experience of already successful people and learn from those who are more successful.They communicate with people even poorer in order to assert themselves.
Actions I do more, dream less.They just dream and do nothing.
Attitude to circumstances They are not afraid of circumstances, they are confident in themselves.They adapt to circumstances and are afraid of change.
Risk They are not afraid to take risks, try new things, and are open to new ideas and projects.Avoid risk.
Work They love to work and are not afraid of work.They are lazy and reluctant to work.
Education They learn throughout their lives, easily accept changes and adapt to a new life.They complain that life is unstable and changeable. They reject the learning process, considering themselves to be quite smart and educated.
Environment They do not tolerate whiners and those who are always dissatisfied in their environment.They communicate with whiners and often complain about life themselves.
Envy They don't envy more successful people. Be inspired by their example.They envy everyone they can.

Karma of money

It is important to understand that money is energy. Monetary benefits come to you in exchange for your useful action. If this exchange of energy does not occur or something is done incorrectly, money energy stagnates and cash flow stops. Money does not like any aggressive or violent energy: deception, theft, and self-violence.

When you are out of place, not fulfilling your purpose and abandoning your function as a creator, you are literally raping yourself on the mental plane. Devoting time to work you don’t like, working only for money without pleasure and high goals, you will quickly notice how your material affairs will begin to deteriorate, and there will be less and less money.

On a subtle level, to attract money, adhere to the main points:

  1. Give 10% of your income to charity and helping other people.
  2. See things honestly, don’t look for hidden benefits in everything, don’t deceive.
  3. Give up the “money for money’s sake” principle.

How to become rich from scratch

Many people think that becoming rich without higher education, third-party investment, a gift from heaven, wealthy benefactors is impossible. However, the psychology of money says otherwise: Any persistent person can acquire financial wealth. To do this, you just need to adhere to a certain scheme.

1. Decide to be successful

Wealth begins with intention, so start your path to wealth by deciding to become a rich, successful and happy person no matter what it takes. Be aware of your decision and intention. Now you must always take action. Idle lazy pastime is no longer for you.

2. Make a plan and define your goals

The difference between rich people and poor people is that their lives are often planned out years in advance. They clearly know what they will do in the next 10 or 5 years, in the next year, month, day.

Make a plan for your life too. Determine who you want to be and what you want to achieve in 10 years. Of course, the goal of making a million dollars may seem unrealistic, especially if you currently work in a low-paying job. But it doesn't matter! Look at your goal with a cold eye, determine what exactly you need to do to make it a reality. Based on these actions, make a plan for the next 5 years, then for the year, month, week and day.

Now you have a clear algorithm of actions in front of you, and a non-abstract goal. Be sure to write down all your plans; they should now have a material embodiment, even if only on paper for now.

Ask yourself two questions often:

  1. What do you want?
  2. How to achieve this?

3. Find a role model

It is very difficult to go to wealth blindly and alone. Perhaps the journey along the road of life will be exciting and will become an invaluable experience, but it will require a lot of time. It is much easier to find an experienced mentor and turn to him for advice, learn from successful experience and get inspired.

If there is no living example or rich teacher on the horizon yet, examples of famous people will help you. Study books about outstanding personalities and their paths to success, read articles, watch films. Have an example that you can follow.

4. Develop the habits and mindset of a successful person

Once you have found your guiding star in the form of a rich person, study his habits, views and worldview. Try to implement them into your life.

Give up complaints, despondency, and the victim position. You are the creator of your life!

5. Reconsider your social circle

Protect yourself from all the people who are always complaining, whining and judging. By communicating with such people, you yourself become unsuccessful and become infected with a bad mood. Try to spend more time with positive, optimistic people and those who already know how to succeed.

6. Take care of yours financial literacy

It is very important to know how to properly manage your earnings. Most people who win the lottery and receive a large amount of money overnight find themselves in an even worse situation than before they won. This is due to the fact that they simply did not know how to manage money wisely: they threw it left and right, quickly spent it, became drug addicts, and lost their winnings in the casino. While a financially literate person could easily increase this money and not need anything for the rest of his days.

Basics of financial literacy:

  1. Save at least 10% of your income. This money should become inviolable. They will work for you in the future.
  2. Get rid of debt. From each income, devote at least 20% to paying off debts. Do not take out new loans - this is always a liability that takes a lot of your strength, energy and money.
  3. Read more books on the topic of financial literacy, listen to lectures, attend trainings and master classes. Become an expert on this subject. Make your financial plan and take action. If this kind of planning is too difficult for you, contact a good financial advisor.

7. Invest your saved money

Money must work. Those who save money “for a rainy day” sooner or later lose it. While you are accumulating the required amount for investment, start studying investing. This is a very complex issue and requires attention and careful consideration. You can invest in stocks, mutual funds, real estate, etc.

With proper investment, you can easily achieve passive income. Well, while there is no money, you can invest your time in education, development and research of new useful information.

8. Be patient and don't give up

Many successful people once started their journey from scratch, they faced difficulties more than once, and many lost everything and started over. If they had stopped then, would they have achieved wealth? No. Success loves persistent, confident people. Don't despair and don't give in bad mood. Remember, trials are given to you so that you become even stronger and more confident.

Once and for all, give up expectations of quick success!

The rich are very different from the poor in their thinking, habits, views and attitude towards life in general and towards money in particular. Today, a lot of literature has been written on the topic of financial independence and success. Below are some basic tips that will help you become rich.

Value your time and don't miss opportunities

  • Give up meaningless entertainment: watching useless TV shows, hanging out in in social networks etc. Instead, learn to spend your leisure time usefully: read useful books, attend interesting seminars and courses, spend time with loved ones.
  • Rich people always know what they will do today. Make it a rule for yourself to schedule and plan your days.
  • Don't refuse the opportunities that life offers you. Success loves determined, purposeful people who know how to properly manage their time, both working and free.

Do what you really enjoy

The difference between successful people and the average lies precisely in the fact that rich people did what they really liked and what they believed in with all their hearts. It is passion that helps you immerse yourself in your work, be passionate about your work, and overcome any obstacles. It gives motivation and desire to move forward.

Laziness, contrary to the opinion of the majority, is not an innate character trait, but a common lack of motivation and desire to develop in the proposed direction. You can cope with laziness simply - find something you like.

Listen only to the opinions of people whom you respect and consider competent in the area in which they are giving advice. This applies to both solicited and unsolicited advice. You should not listen to the opinions of people who have not achieved success.

On your path to wealth, you will more than once meet people who will laugh at your ideas, envy you, whisper behind your back, and condemn you. This is fine. All rich people went through this, because their opinions often differed from the generally accepted ones. Therefore, having received another piece of advice, think about whether it is worth listening to the opinion of an adviser?

Develop your communication skills

The ability to communicate helps solve many business issues, from finding employees and selling your product, to organizing various events and concluding partnership agreements. It is much easier to develop your business when you have connections and acquaintances.

Capture ideas

Our mind is always on the move. Nobody knows when a new brilliant super idea will come to your mind, so always carry a notebook with a pen for such an occasion. Try to write down all your ideas, because no one knows how successful they are. Later, you can re-read them with a fresh mind and, perhaps, find some interesting “tricks” for your business.

Take responsibility for your life

Stop complaining and whining when you encounter obstacles along the way. Realize that you are the creator of your own destiny. No one should bring you wealth on a platter or teach you how to build a business. Only you yourself are the culprit of what happens in your life. And only you are responsible for your life.

Have an active holiday

Life is motion! Therefore, give preference to active recreation. This is the type of vacation that rich people prefer to passive.

Watch your health

Among successful people it is difficult to find a person who does not care about his health. On the contrary, rich people are thoughtful about their diet, physical activity, daily routine and timely visits to doctors. They understand that without health it is impossible to work for the benefit of their favorite business and enjoy life. Money cannot buy health, so take care of it in advance.

Maintain a budget

A successful person can tell down to the penny how much he earned and how much he spent and on what exactly. While average people rarely keep a budget and do not know where the gap is hiding in their wallet.

Write down all your expenses and income, starting from even the smallest amounts of a few rubles, ending with large expenses. Today you can do this in various ways: using a notebook, a regular Excel spreadsheet on a computer, various computer programs, mobile applications, etc. Choose the method that is most convenient for you. After a few months, you will be able to draw conclusions about where your money is going and whether you are spending it wisely. It will be possible to highlight wasted expenses and reduce their amount, to understand where you can save.

By tracking the dynamics of expenses and income, you can plan your future expenses. Some sources recommend doing this in a 60/25/25 ratio:

  • Where 25% of the money is put aside as an emergency reserve,
  • another 25% is spent on entertainment,
  • and 60% - for mandatory needs.

This balance works if you have no debt. If your income is not yet very high and 25% is a very sensitive amount, you need to save at least 10%.

Get out of your comfort zone

If you are still not rich, then you are doing something wrong and you need to change the current situation. To do this, you need to get out of your comfort zone. Do what you are not used to doing, learn new things, look at things differently and step towards your fears and concerns.

Fight your fears

Fears need to be worked through. To do this, write down all your fears on a piece of paper, read the list and think about what you can do about them. Sometimes fear can be destroyed by touching it, that is, by doing what you are afraid of. In some cases, you can seek help from a specialist. A psychologist will tell you how to properly deal with your fears.

Always learn new things

Don't stop learning! Only development and endless growth will lead you to wealth. Study the art of handling money, marketing, business literature, public speaking. In short, everything that develops you as a person and a professional.

Accept challenges with gratitude

The fact that something doesn’t work out for you is not a reason to be upset, much less despondent and complain about life. Look at the world from a different angle. Accept challenges with gratitude as a chance to become even better, stronger and happier by going through obstacles.

Develop selflessness and generosity in yourself

The more you give, the more comes to you - this is the law of attraction of money. Learn to give sincerely and selflessly, without expecting or asking for anything in return. The more you help other people, the higher your emotional and spiritual uplift becomes, and your monetary karma improves.

Keep your plans secret

Don't talk about your ideas. How fewer people know about your plans, the more likely they are to come to fruition. And it's not a matter of superstition at all. By simply chatting about your intentions, you are dissipating the energy given to you to implement the idea. As a result, when it comes to implementation, you may not have enough of this spilled energy.

Stand your ground

All rich people face resistance outside world Therefore, it is very important to be moderately tough and defend your positions. You need to start now: politely but persistently tell them if you don’t like something. Don’t allow boorish behavior on your part, but you shouldn’t be too soft either.

Live within your means

By keeping a budget, you know exactly what you can afford and what you cannot. Never go into debt to buy an apartment, a car or another gadget - this is a typical poor man's syndrome. Plan your purchases carefully, get rid of frivolous spending and excesses. Buy only what your wallet allows. Remember, money loves counting and rational planning.

Get rid of the cult of money

Money is far from the most important thing in the world. Yes, they provide opportunities, development, comfortable life, travel. But they are not the ones who bring happiness into life. Learn to be a happy person without money, then they will be drawn to you. And the wrong attitude towards banknotes can only bring misfortune and grief.

Accept money from different sources

Money can come not only as salary. Gifts, various discounts, offers and even help are all manifestations of the energy of abundance. Accept everything that comes into your life with great gratitude and love. Never refuse the surprises of fate, this way you help not only yourself to further open the channel for receiving benefits, but also increase the abundance of your giver.

Believe in yourself

It's simple, if you don't believe in yourself, nothing will work out! Rich people rely only on their own strength, and not on luck.

Don't forget about other areas of life

A career and your own business are good, but don’t forget to spend time with your family, meet with friends, and have a good rest. Pay attention evenly to all areas of life - this will make your life full and fulfilling.

Create Passive Income

Invest your money and make it work for you. This could be interest from a bank, dividends, network marketing, rental real estate, etc. Explore everything possible options receive passive income and create it. Ideally, it will gradually become your main income, freeing up time for development, new projects and travel.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes

There is nothing wrong with mistakes; they help you draw conclusions and find the right path. Don’t stop acting, making mistakes, gaining experience and winning victories.

Work on your self-esteem

In fact, there will always be as much money in your account as you can afford. Therefore, if now you are getting by from penny to penny, think about whether everything is okay with your self-esteem?

Try new things

It is not enough to create a successful business. You always need to come up with something new, introduce new schemes, change the usual methods. There should always be room for innovation in your business.

How to become a rich and successful woman

How do women get rich? Many will answer this question that to achieve success and wealth, a woman needs to get married successfully, or even better, get a successful divorce and take away ex-husband half the fortune. Of course, in some situations such schemes work, but today a woman can easily achieve success on her own without the help of a man.

So how can you become a rich woman? The answer to this question has already been given in this article; the rules and algorithms of action described above are equally effective for both men and women. The only thing I would like to wish for lovely ladies is to preserve their natural femininity, softness and beauty, without becoming like the harsh business games of men. After all, it is in femininity that lies the key to happiness in all other areas of life, including personal life.

How to help your husband become successful

Not all women decide to achieve wealth on their own. Many people want to do this with the hands of their man. To help a man achieve more, follow these rules:

  1. Don’t put pressure on a man and don’t nag him for mistakes. Your desires are your desires, not his. In fact, he doesn’t owe you anything, so you shouldn’t demand anything or reproach your husband. This will only discourage you from doing something for you.
  2. Create an information field around yourself. Explore the topic of wealth, money and finance. Put the principles of wealth into practice. You won’t notice how your man will pull himself up, seduced by your sparkling eyes and passion.
  3. Listen and develop your intuition. In a situation where a man takes on the role of the main breadwinner of the family, all a woman can do is tell him about her misgivings. It just so happens that women feel the world more subtly than men.

Wealth and success are not such an unattainable goal. Believe in yourself, be persistent and positive and then everything will definitely work out.

Get Rich in 60 Minutes - Robert Kiyosaki

Useful articles:

Have you ever wanted something but mind-blowingly, with all passion, without experiencing negativity, sincerely and fiercely? I had such cases, and they led to one thing: I got what I wanted, and it made me happy. From frank little things to personal motorcycles and a successful career. Moreover, they happened suddenly, unexpectedly, and then I could not understand why this was happening, but it was damn nice. Now I know why, and you will too. This post will turn your life upside down if you allow yourself to be happy and get what you want every time. Everything is much simpler than you think.

We will talk about the world-famous author of many books on how to become rich, healthy, successful, and how to teach persuasion with words. He used to be an unfortunate homeless person who didn’t have a penny to his name, and life seemed to him something terrible. Today he is a million-dollar earner, a successful author, a famous marketing guru, and... This person has everything you could dream of: a luxurious home, expensive cars, excellent health. This is surprising, but all this can happen to you, my readers. He reveals the main secret of the Universe, the secret of attracting luck, money, love and everything you can dream of. It’s incredible, but it works, and I’ve tested his technique on myself more than once.

How it works

Think about what emotions your life consists of. Are you unhappy with yourself? Not good enough? Does something constantly break or fall out of your hands and is it annoying? People don't understand you and don't like you? Has the salary dropped below the plinth, and the bosses are demanding more and more? Or maybe you are confident and shine every day, doing what you love, you want to create and the earth is burning under your feet?

Think about what your life consists of: from negative or positive? In the first case, you will certainly attract failures, in the second, you will definitely be lucky. The author of the book, which I suggest you download absolutely free, invites you to delve into your own past, into yourself, to find the reason for your failures. After all, everything that happens to us is what we think about and what we feel.

I read this book from cover to cover, and every time I return to it, it becomes easier for me, so much easier that I want to fly on wings. This man is a brilliant psychologist who, in his training book, helps people understand their pain, sadness, hatred and let them go once and for all from their lives... In general, you will get rid of all the negativity that prevents you from moving forward. This is the first step on the path to absolute happiness, wealth, and health. Remember: nothing is impossible (Make sure of this by reading the short one). If you tell yourself, “No, I can’t afford this thing,” you are simply burying your dream in the grave.

I am not writing this post for the sake of advertising, I am simply grateful from the bottom of my heart to this man and his ideas, which helped me find love, buy a motorcycle (while still a student, after a year of working on the Internet I was able to save up the required amount), become a successful freelancer doing what I love business without supervisors.

My history

It was very interesting story. I dreamed of riding my own 2-wheeler, very for a long time. But I couldn’t decide which device I wanted to buy for myself. And I simply didn’t believe that I could afford it.

But then, although I didn’t have much money, I started looking on the Internet for something cheaper and came across a very interesting bike, which, however, was too expensive at that time. But I was so inspired by it that I continued my search. And so, literally a week later, my loved one called me and said that in our city (a very small town in which such a device simply could not appear) a motorcycle of the same make, model and volume that I was looking for on the Internet was being sold.

The seller brought it from Germany 2 years ago and it has not been used. The man just really needed money and he sold a 2-wheeler for half the price. But even then I didn’t have enough money. They asked me to wait a month and left a deposit, although I had no idea where to get so much money in 30 days. After 2 weeks, my customer appeared, ready to pay for my order made for her a long time ago (to be honest, then I already began to doubt and thought that they were trying to scam me) and the missing amount was replenished by itself. A couple of days later we bought it.

Background. Even earlier, before I read the book, I watched documentary, in which the author of this book participated. It said that our desires will come true if we imagine that they have already come true, and in all the details: we imagine our sensations, sound, smell, sound, in general, we recreate reality in our head. Plus we need something that would constantly remind us of our dream. My reminder was a postcard with a picture of a girl sitting on a bike. I pretended it was me and stuck my photo on the postcard. Marvelous, but a year later I got my own motorcycle.

The book is easy to read; it also contains amazing examples of how quickly people got what they wanted, simply by mentally attracting it. You won't even notice how you read it.

Some of the readers have already acquired the new car they dreamed of, some have begun to earn enormous amounts of money from what they loved very much, some have been healed of cancer... You don’t have to work hard all day long to get what you want! All you have to do is find outthe secret of attracting happiness, which is simple as hell.

How to become happy

Just read the books of Vadim Zeland - and they will help you find happiness and hope, and make you want to move mountains.

First of all, to you you need to learn to think positively and correctly. Michel Montaigne wrote: A person suffers not so much from what happens, but from how he evaluates what is happening, and the assessment of what is happening depends entirely on the person.”, this phrase contains great wisdom, think about it at your leisure.

I will just add that, for example, there are blind people, people with disabilities, no arms, no legs, if everything is okay with this, then you should already be partially happy. Learn to think positively.

Love and requirements for a soul mate

An important point for any girl. Finding your soul mate is difficult, but as experience has shown, there is no need to look, the time will come and “you will find it on its own”; if you are still single, then the time has not come.

The main thing is to be sure that she will be found and, again, you need to lower the bar of requirements for your prince.

Work and career

Believe me working for your uncle is a road to nowhere. For example, I have a girl I know who worked as the head of a department in a large IT company, a crisis came and she was fired and for 3 months she has not been able to find a job and this is with her experience.

You need to work for yourself and only for yourself, the sooner you understand this, the better for you. I will write about this in more detail below.


Universities are crap. This is 5 years of wasted time. Even if you decide to work for your uncle, practical knowledge is important.

The employer now doesn’t care about your qualifications, they care about your real knowledge and what you can do.

Read, improve yourself, but acquire only useful knowledge that you can put into practice. But at a university they give you a carload of unnecessary, outdated knowledge.

Own business

As I wrote above, you need to work only for yourself. If you can turn what you love into a business, then this is the best option. And if you can gradually expand it, then you will definitely achieve success and material well-being.

But for this you need to work, work and work again. Grandfather Lenin bequeathed to study, teach and study again, he is partly right, but it is more important to work, only by working, making mistakes, stumbling over them, you will learn practical knowledge and invaluable experience will appear.

And remember " God helps workaholics", this is my phrase. For a person who works very hard, God helps him in one way or another.

For example, he sent me a man who really helped me in my business and on the path to success. He helped just like that, for free, but the knowledge he gave costs a lot of money.

What is the difference between a smart girl and a stupid one?

This is the difference between a smart man and a stupid man. A smart woman works for herself and makes other people work for her. And the stupid one works for her uncle, making him rich. Think about it.

Family, children and the meaning and purpose of life

I think I won’t be mistaken if I write that any girl wants to be loved, healthy, rich, successful; at least for the majority, this is the formula for happiness.

I will just add that if a girl has a loving husband, children whom she will raise as real people this is also happiness.

Throughout my life I have been looking for the meaning of life, I never finally found it, but I realized that one of the options, worthy options, is to give birth to children and raise them to be real people, people with a capital “P,” to make them happy, successful, kind.

Money and freedom

Many people believe that happiness comes from money. They are partly right, because you can buy everything, almost everything. And even more precisely, it’s all individual.

For example, for me freedom and inner harmony much more important than money. By the way, this is not about me, but about the majority, and for most women the formula for happiness is “a lot of money + true love.” I have already written about love above, but about money, or rather about business, I will write a few more words.

And again about business

There is such a wise phrase - “ the one who walks will master the road". To paraphrase it, I can also say that “ the seeker will find happiness", but the one who truly seeks, diligently, tirelessly. Instead of looking for 5 minutes and forgetting.

This is what I mean. What you need to look for, find yours, start and make this business ideal, or rather strive for this and then you will succeed. And to make it perfect, you have to love your business.

In short, find something you love and make a business out of it and you will be half happy. Your business should bring not only money to you, but also benefits to people, and even better if it makes them a little happy.


Diligence, hard work, desire, trying to be happy will make you happy sooner or later. If, after time has passed, you still have not become happy, it means that on the path to happiness you screwed up somewhere or did not look for it well and strive for it.

And remember life is a struggle, the struggle for happiness, freedom, love, money, health, and only the most purposeful achieves everything!

According to encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efron, wealth is a collection of objects that serve to satisfy human needs and are in the possession of an individual, a group of individuals, or an entire nation. In other words, wealth is the abundance of material and intangible values ​​owned by an individual or society.

In practice, everything is more prosaic and wealth is often perceived as a certain amount of money and a number of other attributes. The amount of money and the quality of attributes are always individual. There is no “wealth line” analogous to the “poverty line”.

If we think in terms that wealth is measured by money, then John Davison Rockefeller can be considered the richest person in history. His fortune in 2006 equivalent could be estimated at $192 billion. He was studying oil industry. The richest man of our day, according to official information, is Bill Gates. His fortune is estimated at $76 billion. He is the founder and head of the IT giant Microsoft.

If you look at the Forbes lists, you can see big businessmen in all positions. There is not a single engineer, doctor, or even president there. It is logical to conclude that to achieve wealth on a very large scale you need your own business, and a large one at that. You can study the biography of each of those presented on the Forbes list, but still not fully understand how to become rich. You need to work hard to achieve results. But how many people work hard, and not everyone achieves wealth.

Most rich people have one characteristic - they love what they do. They really love their work madly. And they have a significant purpose. It is unlikely that John Davison Rockefeller dreamed of a specific amount at the beginning of his journey. You can read more about his biography, ideals, concepts to understand that he did not focus solely on money.

And there is one more feature. To become truly rich, you first need to feel rich inside, to break the paradigm of a poor person. It is necessary to stop hating the rich, not envying oligarchs and corrupt officials. But how can you feel rich if you live in a small apartment on the outskirts of the city and receive a small salary from a job you hate?

This is the time to remember that wealth is not just money. It can be intangible, it can be public. It's time to remember that you live in rich country. And it’s not just about gas and oil. If you can’t consider your culture and history rich, then at least you can imagine that you live in a rich world. High mountains, warm sun, dense forests, brilliant masterpieces of art do not belong to anyone in particular. They exist for everyone. If you still look at things down to earth, then someone would earn half their life in a small apartment on the outskirts of a metropolis, while others live in luxury, but on credit. And this also does not make a person feel rich. In general, once you are imbued with the spirit of wealth, you can look at things differently. You just need to choose something you like and that’s it. free time dedicate to him. How to make money doing what you love is an important, but technical point. If the matter does not please the heart, then the most best strategy will be crushed by harsh reality.

Let's get back to luck. Luck is just success that arises as a result of a combination of circumstances. But, as they say: those who are lucky are lucky. All of the above about wealth is also true for luck. Once you feel like a lucky person, you can really notice that there are more and more happy accidents in life.

To summarize, we can say that the formula for luck and wealth is a favorite thing, a positive attitude towards life events, a feeling of being rich and lucky. But casinos, sports betting and fraudulent schemes will never make you rich, and luck will not accompany you for a long time in such matters. If you don’t believe me, read the biographies of famous scammers and sad stories of people who went broke playing roulette.