What is the Unified State Exam score for admission? What are the chances of being admitted to the budget: by number of points, by university, by specialty. Use the Unified State Exam calculator and check where you can apply with your scores. Click

Future graduates, not to mention their concerned parents, are following all the changes that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation generously showers on the United State exam. Schoolchildren naturally think about a difficult but eternal question - who to become? - and, for the most part, they already know the direction in which they will step on the path to their desired profession.

This is extremely important, because by focusing on specialized subjects (future doctors should focus on chemistry and biology, those who dream of becoming translators into a foreign language, etc.), boys and girls will be able to get a higher overall score.

When passing the Unified State Exam, a special place is given to the knowledge threshold in the Unified State Exam scores. It is on the basis of overcoming the minimum score that the Unified State Examination certificate. We can say that these are Unified State Examination points in compulsory subjects that meet the mark “satisfactory”.

If a student receives a score below the threshold in elective subjects, nothing is added to the certificate. At the moment, every future graduate is interested in minimum Unified State Exam 2017 scores in all subjects.

Some changes in the Unified State Exam in 2017

Changes in the conduct and the Unified State Exam 2017 itself are almost the most pressing topic for many. Every year, eleventh grade graduates expect news about some innovations, innovations and corrections in the Unified State Examination, sometimes not in a positive direction.

So, in 2017, a third will be added to the two mandatory exams. In addition to mathematics and the Russian language, eleventh graders will need to take one more mandatory exam. There is no final decision yet on what the subject selected for the Unified State Exam will be, however, according to unconfirmed data, it is most likely that it will be history.

According to education officials, and due to the fact that it is in this discipline that students show low knowledge, making history mandatory would be the best option. It is expected that schoolchildren will take a stronger grip on learning the basics of this science.

In addition, even the form of the history exam (if this subject is included in the list of mandatory ones for the annual test of graduates’ knowledge) will be changed: the oral part will become much longer, while the test part of the exam is planned to be significantly reduced.

An oral block will be added to the Russian language exam. This is done to test the communication abilities of graduates. The changes will also affect essays - if previously a student could receive a “pass” or “fail” for a written essay, then when passing the Unified State Exam in the Russian language in 2017, they plan to give grades for the final essay.

Provided that the third compulsory subject is history, students will be offered the following disciplines to choose from, and they will only need to choose one:

  • Computer science;
  • Chemistry;
  • Physics;
  • Geography;
  • Biology;
  • Social science;
  • Literature;
  • Foreign language (English, Spanish, German or French).

Minimum passing scores for the Unified State Exam in 2017

Upon admission to the university, all graduates high school are required to provide the admissions committee, in addition to the certificate, also a certificate with the results of the Unified State Exam. According to the latest data, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation does not intend to change the threshold Unified State Exam scores for now.

The minimum scores of the Unified State Exam in all disciplines in 2017 were formed as follows:

  • Russian language – 24 points;
  • Mathematics, profile level – 27 points (this result is accepted in universities);
  • Mathematics basic level – 3 points (this result gives the right to receive a certificate, but is not accepted at universities);
  • Physics – 36 points;
  • Social studies – 42 points;
  • Biology – 36 points;
  • Geography – 37 points;
  • Chemistry – 36 points;
  • Computer Science – 40 points;
  • Foreign language – 22 points;
  • Literature – 32 points.

It is gratifying that the results that a graduate will receive at the Unified State Exam can be used within three years.

Upon admission, an additional 10 points may be added to an applicant for an excellent certificate, special academic achievements (scientific competitions, olympiads, etc.), as well as for high achievements in the field of sports.

It may be interesting for graduates to familiarize themselves with the statistics of passing Unified State Exam scores in all disciplines over the past years.

Item Minimum threshold Unified State Exam score
year 2009 2010 2011 year 2012 year 2013 year 2014 2015 2016
Russian language 37 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 24 points 36 points 36 points
Mathematics 21 points 21 points 24 points 24 points 24 points 20 points 27 points 27 points (P)
3 points (B)
Physics 32 points 34 points 33 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points
Social science 39 points 39 points 39 points 39 points 39 points 39 points 42 points 42 points
Biology 35 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points
Geography 34 points 35 points 35 points 37 points 37 points 37 points 37 points 37 points
Chemistry 33 points 33 points 32 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points 36 points
Computer science 36 points 41 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points 40 points
Foreign language 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 22 points
Literature 30 points 29 points 32 points 32 points 32 points 32 points 32 points 32 points

In case of unsatisfactory Unified State Exam result, the student has the right to retake the exam twice. Even if the threshold score is exceeded, the graduate can take the opportunity to improve his grade in order to gain the required score for admission to the chosen university.

Many people associate the summer of each year with a difficult exam period in schools and other educational institutions, it is at this time that all universities are accepting documents. If a graduate has scored a sufficient number of points, he can get into a budget department; those who enter a prestigious educational institution have a greater chance of finding a decent job in the future. Therefore, it is important to score the maximum number of points on the Unified State Exam. Over the few years that our state has had a unified state exam, the procedure and features of passing it have constantly undergone periodic updates. In 2017, applicants will have to experience the next innovations; applicants will have to try out an updated method for determining the minimum threshold for admission to universities.

A new calculation was proposed by the Accounts Chamber; at the moment there is no special method for calculating points; the maximum and minimum points are established based on the results of passing the Unified State Exam of the previous year.

Now let's take a closer look at what the minimum Unified State Exam 2017 scores will be in all subjects.

Unified State Exam in Mathematics 2017 will be held in different days, base and profile are assigned to different numbers, to be assessed exam papers There will also be different methods. Mathematics will be taken twice: early and on the main date. If a graduate needs to pass the subject ahead of schedule, then a date is set - 03/14/2017, both levels will be taken on this day, the reserve day for retaking is scheduled for 04/07/2017.

Profile level mathematics will be held on 06/05/2017, the reserve day is set for 06/28/2017. The base level is scheduled for 06/05/2017, the reserve stage will take place on 06/28/2017.

The profile level will be assessed as follows:

  • “troika” corresponds to the range of 2017 Unified State Exam scores from 27 to 46;
  • “four” varies from 47 to 64 points;
  • “excellent” rating – from 65.

The basic level has a 5-point calculation scale.

Russian language

In 2017, the unified state exam in the Russian language, like the mathematical exam, will be held in two stages: early and main. You can take the Unified State Exam before the deadline on March 20, 2017; the reserve day is set at April 7, 2017.

The main exam will take place on 05/31/2017, with a reserve day on 06/29/2017. The minimum Russian language score for obtaining a certificate of education is set at 22 points, the minimum score for the Unified State Exam 2017 for admission to educational institutions is 34.

Minimums for other subjects

Future students pass all other school disciplines based on their desire, and depending on which educational institution the student dreams of enrolling in. Accordingly, in 2017, three compulsory and one optional exams are taken. How many points do you need to score in other subjects to get into the university? The table is like this:

  • the minimum threshold value for biology in 2017 is 34;
  • passing test score of the Unified State Exam in social studies – 40;
  • history test score – 29;
  • physics set the minimum bar at 32 points;
  • “minimum” in computer science – 34;
  • foreign language threshold – 22 points;
  • minimum in chemistry – 34 points;
  • the minimum threshold for geography is 31 points;
  • Literature test score – 28.

When are exams taken?

The exam schedule for all disciplines in 2017 has already been approved. The exam schedule is as follows:

  • On May 29, 2017, graduates will take computer science, geography and ICT.
  • History and chemistry are planned for 06/02/2017.
  • The social studies exam will take place on June 09, 2017.
  • On June 13, 2017, according to the list, passing exams in physics and literature.
  • On June 15, 2017 they will take biology and foreign languages.
  • On June 16-17, 2017, the oral part in foreign languages ​​will take place.

The graduate is given a chance to retake the entire list of exams, even if the student just wants to improve his results in some subjects. An applicant can use the grades obtained based on the results of the state exam for 3 years.

Unified State Exam scores will influence the grade on the certificate

In 2017, a new methodology for assessing the knowledge of graduates will appear, and the number of points received on the Unified State Exam will influence the final grade in the certificate. For example, a student passes the Unified State Exam in history with a grade of three, but this year he had a grade of five, then the final grade will most likely be given as a four. The authorities are now developing a unified rating scale.

Also, do not forget that the 2017 OGE is coming for 9th grade students, and some changes are also envisaged in these exams. There is enough time left to carefully prepare for the exams, and in 2017 to be admitted to the university that you have dreamed of since childhood.

Don't be discouraged if your passing score is not too high. Successfully passing the USE/OGE will help you get into the budget (or at least just get in). And a certain number of points will even help you get into the budget!

Where is it realistic/impossible to go on a budget?

The average Unified State Exam score of those admitted to the budget will vary greatly due to the university they enroll in.

As a rule, the highest passing scores for the Unified State Exam/Unified State Exam for admission to the budget are in the most prestigious universities in the country: St. Petersburg State University, MIPT, Moscow State University, MGIMO, HSE, etc. To get here, you will have to score at least 90 points.

But applicants with a passing score of 80 can easily apply for a place in almost any other university. True, the minimum Unified State Exam score for admission to the budget must be found out separately in each specific case, because it may depend not only on the university itself, but also on the specialty for which you are applying.

From 60 to 80 - these are the scores needed for admission to public educational institutions that are not among the top ones, but nevertheless provide very high level education for its students.

Another point that is important to pay attention to when asking the question whether it is difficult to enroll on a budget is what city you are going to enroll in. Of course, than larger city, the greater the competition. This means that the requirements for the number (sum) of Unified State Exam points for admission to the budget will be higher than in less popular cities.

Is it difficult to apply on a budget: requirements for different specialties

Choosing a university is not everything. To enroll on a budget, it is important to take into account not only the passing scores for a specific university, but also for a specific specialty.
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And now, so that you can get your bearings and be able to accurately calculate what your chances of getting into the budget are, let’s look at the main directions and begin to soberly assess own strength so as not to waste time.

The coolest specialties: from 75 points

So, here are the specialties and areas for which if you don’t score at least 75 points, you can consider that you didn’t get in (we’ll tell you what to do later):

  • Foreign languages;
  • International relationships;
  • Oriental and African Studies;
  • Linguistics.

Typically, the average score in these areas can vary between 80-82 points.

A little less (75-80 points) will be needed for other, no less popular destinations:

  • Philology,
  • Jurisprudence,
  • Political science,
  • Economy,
  • Literary creativity,
  • Art theory,
  • Journalism,
  • Advertising and PR.

Destinations of average “steepness”: 70-75 points

What to do to enroll on a budget for specialties related to medicine, philosophy, nuclear physics or public services? You will have to score from 70 to 75 points.

Here is a list of destinations that require on average this number of points:

  • Healthcare,
  • Nuclear physics,
  • Municipal and public administration,
  • Information security and business informatics,
  • Publishing,
  • Story,
  • Design,
  • Culturology and philosophy.

Standard directions: 65-70 points

If you are often tormented by the thoughts “I’m afraid I won’t get into the budget!” - relax! There are always specialties that are easy to enroll in and then easy to study. Another thing is that you won’t be able to build much of a career afterwards, but that’s the next thing.

So, here are the most popular areas, for admission to which you will have to score 65-70 points:

  • Pedagogy,
  • Management and personnel management,
  • Tourism, service, hotel business (service industry in general),
  • Psychology,
  • Chemistry,
  • Biotechnology,
  • Sociology,
  • Religious Studies,
  • Library and archival science.

Availability of exact sciences: 60-65 points

What are the chances of getting accepted on a budget? Much more if you are a “techie” by mentality and not a humanist

Construction, technology, geology and other exact sciences (natural sciences and physics and mathematics) require a lot of intelligence, but, oddly enough, less passing score.

Here you can easily apply for a budget in one of the following areas:

  • Biology and ecology,
  • Physics,
  • Mathematics,
  • Construction,
  • Geodesy, geology, geography,
  • Space technology and aviation,
  • Computer technology and information science,
  • Automation and control,
  • Energy,
  • Oil and gas business,
  • Radio and electrical engineering.

It's as simple as that: up to 60 points

If you failed to score more than 60 points, do not be discouraged - the fields of technology, transport and Agriculture and the following directions:

  • railway transport,
  • water transport management,
  • light industry and technology,
  • food industry and technology,
  • Materials Science,
  • mechanical engineering,
  • soil science,
  • printing and packaging,
  • agriculture and fisheries.

Why be upset? In these areas you (unlike many others) will be able to gain real practical skills close to production. And despite the fact that such specialties do not sparkle with prestige, young specialists from such universities are always in demand and will always get a job, unlike newly minted philologists and art historians.

And the most NOT in demand among young people are the following specialties:

  • metallurgy,
  • forestry,
  • marine technology.

To become a public sector employee in these specialties, 52-55 points are enough.

In any case, you will first have to find out the number of required passing points so as not to waste time and go where you can go based on the points you have scored. This can be done by analyzing last year's situation. Usually this information doesn't change much over a couple of years, so based on last year's earnings you'll get a pretty clear picture of what's in store for you this year.

You can find out the number of passing points from previous years on the selected websites educational institutions. Usually, everywhere there is an “Admissions Committee” item, where average statistical data is published.

However, even a low passing score does not prevent you from striving for more points. So try to prepare conscientiously. And so that nothing distracts you from preparing (with a tutor, from lessons, self-study), contact us - you will be freed from the need to take an urgent test, write an essay, or even take an exam at school!

And as a bonus - a short video with tips from an experienced person:

Answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding passing scores

1. What is a passing grade?

A passing score is the minimum sufficient total score scored based on the results entrance examinations last enrolled applicant. In other words, if there are, for example, 10 budget places for which 20 people apply, who promptly submitted original documents to the admissions committee, then the passing score will be the total score of the tenth applicant.

2. When will the passing score be known?

The passing score becomes known only after the end of admission to this specialty and the publication of the corresponding orders for enrollment. In most cases this is mid-August. At the same time, if all budget places are filled with applicants before the end of the second wave of enrollment, it will be possible to find out the passing score earlier.

3. Who sets the passing score and is it possible to find out about it in advance?

No, you can’t, because the passing score is not set by the university admissions committee or anyone else. It is determined based on the results of a competitive selection and depends on the total number of points scored by each of the applicants applying for admission.

4. What does the passing score consist of?

In most cases, from the results of 3 Unified State Exams, corresponding to the list of entrance tests for the chosen specialty. When entering some specialties, they may also be supplemented by the results of the 4th Unified State Examination and/or additional exams conducted by the university itself.

5. Can the passing score be exactly the same as last year?

Yes maybe. Moreover, passing scores from previous years provide a fairly objective picture of the level of knowledge of applicants entering a particular specialty. At the same time, the passing score of the current year may differ from those before. Moreover, both in one direction and in the other.

6. What is the difference between a passing score and a minimum score?

The minimum score, in contrast to the passing score, is set by each university independently, and in advance, before the start of enrollment. In fact, the minimum score is a cut-off limit, after which the applicant has the right to submit documents to the admissions committee of the university of his choice. Naturally, the minimum score is below the passing grade.

7. Does the passing grade for the budget form of education differ from the paid form of education?

Yes, it is different. The passing score for a budget-funded form of education is, as a rule, significantly higher. Therefore, applicants who fail to score the required number of points, in most cases, have a real chance of enrolling in a contractual form of study.

8. What determines the passing score?

By and large, it depends on many factors. Here are just a few of them:
- level of preparation of applicants and grades for the Unified State Examination,
- popularity of the university,
- popularity of the specialty,
- the number of budget places and the degree of competition between applicants,
- the number of applicants admitted based on the results of Olympiads, etc.
So it’s very difficult to predict the passing score in advance, but using past years’ passing scores as a reasonable guideline is quite logical.

The minimum Unified State Exam 2017 scores for obtaining a certificate of secondary education and for admission to universities are determined by the Order of Rosobrnadzor dated November 18, 2017

To obtain a certificate of secondary general education This year's graduates take compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics.

Mathematics can be taken at the basic or specialized levels, or both levels at once. To obtain a certificate, it is enough to successfully pass mathematics at one of the selected levels. Upon receiving a positive grade on the basic or specialized mathematics If you select both levels, you cannot retake it in the same year.

Minimum Unified State Exam 2017 scores to obtain a certificate

Unified State Exam participants take other subjects on a voluntary basis:

Social science;
computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT);
foreign languages: English, German, French and Spanish.

Minimum Unified State Exam 2017 scores for admission to a university

You can donate any number of items from the list. In this case, you will need to plan to take the Unified State Exam both ahead of schedule and during the main period.

For those who want to continue their education at a university, the choice of subjects should depend on the list of entrance examinations for the chosen specialty (field of study).

The list of entrance examinations at universities for all specialties (areas of training) is determined by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

Each university selects from this list certain subjects that it indicates in its admission rules. You need to familiarize yourself with this information on the websites of the selected universities before applying for participation in the Unified State Exam with a list of selected subjects.

The difference is minimum scores To obtain a certificate and enter a university, there is only Russian language.

Please note that universities themselves may raise the minimum thresholds. For accurate information, see the official websites of universities.

The results are valid for 4 years following the year in which such results were obtained.

Unsatisfactory result

If a Unified State Examination participant (current year graduate) receives a result below the established minimum number of points in one of the required educational subjects, he has the right to re-take it in additional periods provided for by the unified schedule.

If a USE participant (all categories) does not receive the minimum number of USE points in elective subjects, retaking the USE for such USE participants is provided only after a year.