Classic iq test 120 questions. Eysenck tests

The technique is intended to evaluate intellectual abilities, determining the extent to which the subject has non-standard thinking. For the study of people from 18 to 50 years old with at least secondary education.

Test instructions

The time given to complete the test is exactly 30 min. Don't stay too long on one task. Perhaps you are on the wrong path and it is better to move on to the next task. But don't give up too easily; Most tasks can be solved if you show a little persistence. Continue to think about the task or give up trying and move on to the next one - common sense will tell you. Remember that towards the end of the series the tasks generally become more difficult. Any person is able to solve part of the proposed tasks, but no one is able to cope with all the tasks in half an hour.

The answer to the task consists of one number, letter or word. Sometimes you have to choose from several possibilities, sometimes you have to come up with the answer yourself. Write the answer to specified location. If you are not able to solve the problem, you should not write the answer at random. If you have an idea, but you are not sure about it, then write down the answer anyway.

The test does not contain “tricky” tasks, but you always have to consider several solutions. Before you start making a decision, make sure you understand exactly what is required of you. You will waste your time if you take on a solution without understanding what the problem is.


  • The dots indicate the number of letters in the missing word. For example, ( . . . . ) means that the missing word consists of four letters.
  • To solve some tasks you will need to use a sequence of letters of the Russian alphabet without the letter “ё”.
Test material

1. Select the desired shape from the four numbered ones.

2. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

BOTH ( . . . ) KA

3. Solve anagrams and eliminate the extra word.


4. Fill in the missing number.

5. Fill in the missing word.

GARAGE ( . . . . ) TOBACCO

6. Fill in the missing number.

196 (25) 324
325 () 137

7. Continue the series of numbers.

18 10 6 4 ?

8. Solve anagrams and eliminate the extra word.


9. Select the desired figure from the numbered ones.

10. Select the desired shape from the six numbered ones.

11. Insert the missing letter.


12. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

ME ( . . . ) OLAD

13. Fill in the missing number.

14. Fill in the missing number.

4 9 20
8 5 14
10 3 ?

15. Fill in the missing number.

16 (27) 43
29 () 56

16. Fill in the missing letters.

17. Select the desired shape from the six numbered

18. Select the desired figure from the numbered ones.

19. Fill in the missing number.

6 11 ? 27

20. Fill in the missing number.

12 (56) 16
17 () 21

21. Fill in the missing word.

JOIN ( . . . . ) MIRAGE

22. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

PRIC ( . . . ) ІЯ

23. Solve anagrams and eliminate the extra word.


24. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.

HAND ( . . . . . ) BUNK

25. Fill in the missing letter.

Z M ?

26. Fill in the missing letters.

27. Select the desired shape from the six numbered ones.

28. Select the desired figure from the numbered ones.

29. Select the desired shape from the six numbered ones.

30. Fill in the missing word.


31. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


32. Fill in the missing number.

1 8 27 ?

33. Fill in the missing word.

OLYMPUS ( . . . . ) BOAT

34. Solve anagrams and eliminate the missing word.


35. Fill in the missing letter and the missing number.

36. Insert a word that would mean the same as she does outside the brackets.

BAY ( . . . . ) PART OF THE FACE

37. Fill in the missing word.

MARKET ( . . . . ) SIEGE

38. Select the desired shape from the six numbered

39. Select the desired shape from the six numbered

40. Select the desired shape from the four numbered

Key to the test
  1. SUITCASE. (All other words denote utensils: plate, spoon, cup).
  2. 11. (Subtract the number on the floor from the sum of the numbers on the windows.)
  3. TOAD. (The first letter of a missing word is the last letter of the preceding word; the second letter of a missing word is the fourth letter of the preceding word; the third letter of a missing word is the third letter of the subsequent word; the fourth letter of the missing word is the fourth letter of the subsequent word).
  4. 21. (Add all the numbers outside the brackets.)
  5. 3. (Each number is obtained by adding 2 to the previous one and dividing the result by 2: 4+2=6; 6:2=3.)
  6. DOUGH. (All other words denote home furnishings: table, sofa, armchair.)
  7. 6. (Circle, triangle and square can be either an outer or an inner figure and can be black, white or shaded. Each of these features occurs only once in a row or column).
  8. 5. (There are three figures, differing in the way the line is drawn inside the rectangle, and three small figures inside - a cross, a diamond and a black spot. On each rectangle there are two such figures.)
  9. I. (The letters are arranged in reverse alphabetical order, alternately through two to a third and through three to a fourth.)
  10. 54. (The numbers in the left half of the circle are three times larger than the numbers opposite them in right half circle.)
  11. 11. (In each row, the third number is the sum of half the first number with double the second.)
  12. 27. (The number in brackets is the difference between the numbers outside the brackets!)
  13. M and I. (The word “doubt”, read counterclockwise.)
  14. 2. (The circle can be without lines, it can have a horizontal or vertical line. And small circles inside the circle can be in one of three positions. In addition, they have different shading.)
  15. 2. (The third figure of each horizontal row consists of those elements of the figures of its row that are not common to them.)
  16. 18. (Squaring the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively, adding 2 each time.)
  17. 76. (Twice the sum of the numbers outside the brackets.)
  18. LEATHER. (The first letter of a missing word is the last letter of the preceding word; the second letter of a missing word is the second letter of the preceding word; the third letter of a missing word is the fifth letter of the subsequent word; the fourth letter of the missing word is the fourth letter of the subsequent word.)
  19. SKUNK. (The remaining words indicate types of vessels: barge, yacht, boat.)
  20. BRUSH.
  21. S. (Rows are constructed from letters of the Russian alphabet, respectively, separated by 2, 3 and 4 letters).
  22. E and E. (The word UNITY, read clockwise.)
  23. 2. (There are three types of main figures, each of which has either a +, an arrow, or an x.)
  24. 1. (There are three types of flowerpots, three types of stems and three flower shapes. The flowerpot can be white, black or shaded. Each of these features occurs only once in a row or column.)
  25. 1. (Spikes pointing outward are considered +1; spikes pointing inward are -1. In each horizontal row, the last figure is considered the sum of the two previous figures: 4-2=2, -1+5=4, 2 + 2=4.)
  26. GROTTO. (The first and second letters of the missing word are, respectively, the fifth and third letters of the preceding word, and the third and fourth letters of the missing word are, respectively, the first and fifth letters after the following word.)
  27. SCREW.
  28. 64. (Cube the numbers 1,2,3 and 4 respectively.)
  29. PORT. (The first and second letters of the missing word are the fifth and first letters of the preceding word, respectively, and the third and fourth letters of the missing word are, respectively, the fifth and third letters of the subsequent word.)
  30. TUESDAY. (The remaining words indicate parts of the house: wall, roof, window.)
  31. F / 7. (The letters are in alphabetical order, one after another, alternately in the numerator and denominator. The numbers corresponding to the serial number of these letters in the alphabet are arranged in a similar way.)
  32. LIP.
  33. DEW. (The first and second letters of the missing word are the first and fourth letters of the previous word, respectively, and the third and fourth letters of the missing word are the second and third letters of the subsequent word, respectively.)
  34. 1. (In each row and in each column there are three different types of balls, three head shapes, three boot shapes and three hand positions. Those shapes and positions that are not in the first two pictures of the third row should be in the missing picture.)
  35. 6. (There are three styles of skirts, three hand positions, three types of shoes.)
  36. 1. (The second and third shapes of each row contain one of the elements inside the first shape, rotated 90 degrees.)
Processing test results

Plot the number of correctly solved problems on the horizontal line of the corresponding graph. Then draw a vertical line until it intersects with the diagonal line. From the intersection point, draw a horizontal line to the left. The point on the vertical axis corresponds to your IQ (intelligence quotient). The most reliable and reliable results indicating your abilities are obtained in the range from 100 to 130 points; outside these limits, the assessment of results is not reliable enough.

  • G. Eysenck Intelligence Test (IQ Test). First option/ Eysenck G.Yu. Test your intellectual abilities. – R., 1992.

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IQ logic tests, puzzles, tasks and riddles are unique in their selection; they also train memory for numbers and increase mathematical abilities. When you are thinking about an iq test, you select answer options for iq test, you remember, logical thought processes are activated, which work faster and faster, thereby increasing your mental capabilities. iq tests develop spatial, associative and analytical thinking. Cool tests develop ingenuity, attention, train memory and speed of perception.

Almost every person in his life has come across the concept of “intelligence quotient.” WITH scientific point vision - this phrase refers to the assessment of a person’s intelligence in a quantitative way. For this purpose they are used test methods, which evaluate an individual's level of mental ability in comparison with that of the average person and present numerical results. From large quantity tests that determine the level of intelligence, the Eysenck iq test is the most common and in demand. The British scientist Hans Eysenck (03/04/1916) developed it as a result of a long study of the intellectual capabilities of people depending on age, nationality, genetic factors, etc.

The Eysenck intelligence test is intended for people in the age category from 18 to 50 years, since it is at this age that a person’s mental abilities are considered to have reached their average value: before the age of 18, the brain is not yet fully formed, and after 50, brain activity decreases, mental processes are inhibited , ability to logical thinking becomes less pronounced.

Currently, Eysenck's intelligence tests are presented in 8 versions, most of from which determine general level human intellectual capabilities. However, among them, experts identify three, with the help of which you can determine mathematical, spatial, visual and verbal abilities. The most widespread is the third testing option, or Hans Eysenck test No. 3. This test consists of 40 questions, testing should not exceed 30 minutes. Also, any psychologist will say that it is advisable to complete tasks no more than once a month, since the indicators of subsequent tests passed will be higher. This assessment will not be entirely relevant - the imperfection of the technique is manifested in the gradual adaptation of a person to it.


Due to the development information technologies, you can take the IQ level test online and completely free. The time allotted for passing the test is strictly fixed; the task is interrupted after half an hour. Therefore, every minute must count; during testing you cannot:

  • Get distracted and do other things;
  • Staying too long over solving one problem can lead to you being on the wrong path and only wasting precious minutes;
  • You must take the test in a calm state: anxiety and unstable mood will affect the test results.

The classic Eysenck test consists of tasks that become more difficult towards the end of the test - as practice shows, very few people are able to complete it in the allotted period of time. Answers must be given in a number, letter or word. In some cases, you need to choose from several options, or come up with an answer yourself. You cannot write answers at random if you cannot solve the task. There are no answers with “subtext” in the test, but it is always worth considering several possible solutions.

Upon completion of the test, the result will be presented as a number. According to statistics, the average IQ level is from 100 to 120 points, where minimum score– 70, and the maximum – 180.

1. Intelligence test by G. Eysenck (iq test) - page No. 1/10

1. G. Eysenck Intelligence Test (IQ Test).

Appointment of the test.

The technique is intended to assess intellectual abilities and determine the extent to which the subject has non-standard thinking. For the study of people from 18 to 50 years old with at least secondary education.

Instructions for the test.

You have exactly 30 minutes to complete the test. Don't stay too long on one task. Perhaps you are on the wrong path and it is better to move on to the next task. But don't give up too easily; Most tasks can be solved if you show a little persistence. Continue to think about the task or give up trying and move on to the next one - common sense will tell you. Remember that towards the end of the series the tasks generally become more difficult. Any person is able to solve part of the proposed tasks, but no one is able to cope with all the tasks in half an hour.

The answer to the task consists of one number, letter or word. Sometimes you have to choose from several possibilities, sometimes you have to come up with the answer yourself. Write your answer in the space indicated. If you are not able to solve the problem, you should not write the answer at random. If you have an idea, but you are not sure about it, then write down the answer anyway.

The test does not contain “tricky” tasks, but you always have to consider several solutions. Before you start making a decision, make sure you understand exactly what is required of you. You will waste your time if you take on a solution without understanding what the problem is.


The dots indicate the number of letters in the missing word. For example, (. . . .) means that the missing word has four letters.

To solve some tasks you will need to use a sequence of letters of the Russian alphabet without the letter “ё”.

Test material.

1. Select the desired shape from the four numbered ones.

2. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

OBY (. . .) KA

3. Solve anagrams and eliminate the extra word.

4. Fill in the missing number.

5. Fill in the missing word.



6. Fill in the missing number.

7. Continue the series of numbers.

8. Solve anagrams and eliminate the extra word.



9. Select the desired figure from the numbered ones.

10. Select the desired shape from the six numbered ones.

11. Insert the missing letter.

12. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

ME (. . .) OLAD

13. Fill in the missing number.

14. Fill in the missing number.
8 5 14
15. Fill in the missing number.

16. Fill in the missing letters.

17. Select the desired shape from the six numbered

18. Select the desired figure from the numbered ones.

19. Fill in the missing number.

20. Fill in the missing number.

21. Fill in the missing word.


JOINT (. . . .) MIRAGE

22. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

PRIK (. . .) ya

23. Solve anagrams and eliminate the extra word.

24. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.

HAND (. . . .) BUCKLE

25. Fill in the missing letter.

26. Fill in the missing letters.

27. Select the desired shape from the six numbered ones.

28. Select the desired figure from the numbered ones.

29. Select the desired shape from the six numbered ones.

30. Fill in the missing word.



31. Insert a word that would mean the same as the words outside the brackets.


32. Fill in the missing number.

33. Fill in the missing word.



34. Solve anagrams and eliminate the missing word.


35. Fill in the missing letter and the missing number.

36. Insert a word that would mean the same as she does outside the brackets.


37. Fill in the missing word.



38. Select the desired shape from the six numbered

39. Select the desired shape from the six numbered

40. Select the desired shape from the four numbered

Key to the test.

  1. TEA.

  2. SUITCASE. (All other words denote utensils: plate, spoon, cup).

  3. 11. (Subtract the number on the floor from the sum of the numbers on the windows.)

  4. TOAD. (The first letter of a missing word is the last letter of the preceding word; the second letter of a missing word is the fourth letter of the preceding word; the third letter of a missing word is the third letter of the subsequent word; the fourth letter of the missing word is the fourth letter of the subsequent word).

  5. 21. (Add all the numbers outside the brackets.)

  6. 3. (Each number is obtained by adding 2 to the previous one and dividing the result by 2: 4+2=6; 6:2=3.)

  7. DOUGH. (All other words denote home furnishings: table, sofa, armchair.)

  8. 6. (Circle, triangle and square can be either an outer or an inner figure and can be black, white or shaded. Each of these features occurs only once in a row or column).

  9. 5. (There are three figures, differing in the way the line is drawn inside the rectangle, and three small figures inside - a cross, a diamond and a black spot. On each rectangle there are two such figures.)

  10. I. (The letters are arranged in reverse alphabetical order, alternately through two to a third and through three to a fourth.)

  11. SHOCK.

  12. 54. (The numbers in the left half of the circle are three times larger than the opposing numbers in the right half of the circle.)

  13. 11. (In each row, the third number is the sum of half the first number with double the second.)

  14. 27. (The number in brackets is the difference between the numbers outside the brackets!)

  15. M and I. (The word “doubt”, read counterclockwise.)

  16. 2. (The circle can be without lines, it can have a horizontal or vertical line. And small circles inside the circle can be in one of three positions. In addition, they have different shading.)

  17. 2. (The third figure of each horizontal row consists of those elements of the figures of its row that are not common to them.)

  18. 18. (Squaring the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively, adding 2 each time.)

  19. 76. (Twice the sum of the numbers outside the brackets.)

  20. LEATHER. (The first letter of a missing word is the last letter of the preceding word; the second letter of a missing word is the second letter of the preceding word; the third letter of a missing word is the fifth letter of the subsequent word; the fourth letter of the missing word is the fourth letter of the subsequent word.)

  21. LAD.

  22. SKUNK. (The remaining words indicate types of vessels: barge, yacht, boat.)

  23. BRUSH.

  24. S. (Rows are constructed from letters of the Russian alphabet, respectively, separated by 2, 3 and 4 letters).

  25. E and E. (The word UNITY, read clockwise.)

  26. 2. (There are three types of main figures, each of which has either a +, an arrow, or an x.)

  27. 1. (There are three types of flowerpots, three types of stems and three flower shapes. The flowerpot can be white, black or shaded. Each of these features occurs only once in a row or column.)

  28. 1. (Spikes pointing outward are considered +1; spikes pointing inward are -1. In each horizontal row, the last figure is considered the sum of the two previous figures: 4-2=2, -1+5=4, 2 + 2=4.)

  29. GROTTO. (The first and second letters of the missing word are, respectively, the fifth and third letters of the preceding word, and the third and fourth letters of the missing word are, respectively, the first and fifth letters after the following word.)

  30. SCREW.

  31. 64. (Cube the numbers 1,2,3 and 4 respectively.)

  32. PORT. (The first and second letters of the missing word are the fifth and first letters of the preceding word, respectively, and the third and fourth letters of the missing word are, respectively, the fifth and third letters of the subsequent word.)

  33. TUESDAY. (The remaining words indicate parts of the house: wall, roof, window.)

  34. F / 7. (The letters are in alphabetical order, one after another, alternately in the numerator and denominator. The numbers corresponding to the serial number of these letters in the alphabet are arranged in a similar way.)

  35. LIP.

  36. DEW. (The first and second letters of the missing word are the first and fourth letters of the previous word, respectively, and the third and fourth letters of the missing word are the second and third letters of the subsequent word, respectively.)

  37. 1. (In each row and in each column there are three different types of balls, three head shapes, three boot shapes and three hand positions. Those shapes and positions that are not in the first two pictures of the third row should be in the missing picture.)

  38. 6. (There are three styles of skirts, three hand positions, three types of shoes.)

  39. 1. (The second and third shapes of each row contain one of the elements inside the first shape, rotated 90 degrees.)
Processing test results.

Plot the number of correctly solved problems on the horizontal line of the corresponding graph. Then draw a vertical line until it intersects with the diagonal line. From the intersection point, draw a horizontal line to the left. The point on the vertical axis corresponds to your IQ (intelligence quotient). The most reliable and reliable results indicating your abilities are obtained in the range from 100 to 130 points; outside these limits, the assessment of results is not reliable enough.

2. Brief Orientation Test(CAT test by V.N. Buzin, E.F. Vanderlik).

Appointment of the test.
Determination of the integral indicator of general abilities.
Instructions for the test.
You are offered several simple tasks. Read this page carefully and do not turn it over without command.

Get acquainted with the sample tasks and the correct answers to them:

  1. "Fast"
    1 – heavy, 2 – elastic, 3 – secretive, 4 – light, 5 – slow.
Correct answer: 5

  1. Petrol costs 44 cents per liter. How much does 2.5 liters cost?
Correct answer:110 cents or 1.1 dollar.

  1. Minor minor. These two words are:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite in meaning.
Correct answer: 3.

The test that will be offered to you now contains 50 questions. You are given 15 minutes to complete the test. Answer as many questions as you can and don't spend a lot of time on one question. If necessary, use paper for writing. If you don't understand, ask now. Your questions will not be answered while the test is running.

After the command “Start!” turn the page and start working.

After 15 minutes, on command, immediately stop performing tasks, turn the page and put down the pen.

Focus. Place the pen to your right. Wait for the command.

Let's start!
Test material.

  1. The eleventh month of the year is:
    1 – October, 2 – May, 3 – November, 4 – February.

  2. "Severe" is the opposite in meaning of the word:
    1 – sharp, 2 – strict, 3 – soft, 4 – hard, 5 – unyielding.

  3. Which of the following words is different from the others:
    1 – definite, 2 – doubtful, 3 – confident, 4 – trust, 5 – faithful.

  4. Reply Yes or No.
    Abbreviation "A.D." means: "AD" (new era)?

  5. Which of the following words is different from the others:
    1 – sing, 2 – call, 3 – chat, 4 – listen, 5 – talk.

  6. Word "immaculate" is the opposite in meaning of the word:
    1 – pure, 2 – obscene, 3 – incorruptible, 4 – innocent, 5 – classic.

  7. Which of the following words refers to the word "chew" How sense of smell And nose:
    1 – sweet, 2 – tongue, 3 – smell, 4 – teeth, 5 – clean

  8. How many of the following pairs of words are completely identical?
Sharp M.C. Sharp M.C.
Fielder E.H. Fielder E.N.
Connor M.G. Conner M.G.
Woesner O.W. Woerner O.W.
Soderquist P.E. Soderquist B.E.

  1. "Clear" is the opposite in meaning of the word:
    1 – obvious, 2 – obvious, 3 – unambiguous, 4 – distinct, 5 – dim.

  2. An entrepreneur bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $5,500, earning $50 per car. How many cars did he sell?

  3. Words "knock" And "drain" have:

  4. Three lemons cost 45 cents. How much does 1.5 dozen cost?

  5. How many of these 6 pairs of numbers are exactly the same?
5296 5296
66986 69686
834426 834426
7354256 7354256
61197172 61197172
83238224 83238234

  1. "Close" is the opposite of:
    1 – friendly, 2 – friendly, 3 – stranger, 4 – native, 5 – different.

  2. Which number is the smallest:
    6 0,7 9 36 0,31 5 ?

  3. Place the words below in order to make the correct sentence. Write down the last two letters of the last word as your answer.
they were the only guests left after leaving

  1. Which of the five pictures below is most different from the others?

  1. Two fishermen caught 36 fish. The first one caught 8 times more than the second one. How much did the second one catch?

  2. "Rise" And "revive" have:
    1 – similar meaning, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.

  3. Put the words below in order to make a statement. If it is correct, then the answer will be P, if incorrect - N.
The stone is overgrown with moss and gathers momentum.

  1. Two of the phrases below have the same meaning, find them:
    1. Keep your nose to the wind.
    2. An empty bag is not worth it.
    3. Three doctors are no better than one.

    5. Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

  2. What number should replace the "?" sign:
    73 66 59 52 45 38 ?

  3. The length of day and night in September is almost the same as in:
    1 – June, 2 – March, 3 – May, 4 – November.

  4. Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the final one will be:
All progressive people are party members.
All leading people occupy major positions.
Some party members hold major positions.

  1. A train travels 75 cm in 1/4 s. If he drives at the same speed, how far will he travel in 5 s?

  2. Assuming that the first two statements are true, then the last one:
    1 – true, 2 – false, 3 – uncertain.
Bora is the same age as Masha.
Masha is younger than Zhenya.
Borya is younger than Zhenya.

  1. Five half-kilogram packs of minced meat cost $2. How many kilograms of minced meat can you buy for 80 cents?

  2. spread out And stretch. These words:
    1 – similar in meaning, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.

  3. Share this geometric figure straight line into two parts so that, adding them together, you can get a square:

  1. Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the last one will be:
    1 – true, 2 – false, 3 – uncertain.
Sasha greeted Masha.
Masha greeted Dasha.
Sasha did not greet Dasha.

  1. The $2,400 car was marked down 33 1/3% during the seasonal sale. How much did the car cost during the sale?

  2. Three of the five figures need to be connected in such a way as to form an isosceles trapezoid:

  1. The dress requires 2 1/3m. fabrics. How many dresses can you make from 42 m?

  2. Meanings of the following two sentences:
Three doctors are no better than one.
The more doctors, the more diseases.

  1. Increase And expand. These words:
    1 – similar, – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.

  2. The meaning of two English proverbs:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 2 – neither similar nor opposite.
It is better to moor with two anchors.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

  1. The grocer bought a box of oranges for $3.60. There were 12 dozen of them in the box. He knows that 2 dozen will go bad before he sells all the oranges. At what price does he need to sell the oranges to make a profit of 1/3 of the purchase price?

  2. Claim And pretentious. These words according to their meaning:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.

  3. If a pound of potatoes cost $0.0125, how many kilos could you buy for 50 cents?

  4. One of the members of the series does not fit with the others. What number would you replace it with:
    1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/6.

  5. Reflected And imaginary. These words are:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar. nor the opposite.

  6. How many acres is a plot 70 m long and 20 m wide?

  7. The following two phrases by meaning:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.
Good things are cheap, bad roads.
Good quality comes from simplicity, bad quality comes from complexity.

  1. A soldier, shooting at a target, hit it in 12.5% ​​of cases. How many times must a soldier fire to hit one hundred times?

  2. One of the members of the series does not fit with the others. What number would you put in its place:
    1/4 1/6 1/8 1/9 1/12 1/14?

  3. Three partners in a joint stock company (JSC) decided to divide the profits equally. T. invested $4,500 in the business, K. – $3,500, P. – $2,000. If the profit is $2,400, how much less profit will T receive than if the profit were divided in proportion to the contributions?

  4. Which two of the following proverbs have a similar meaning:
    1. Strike while the iron is hot.
    2. Alone in the field is not a warrior.
    3. The forest is being cut down, the chains are flying.
    4. All that glitters is not gold.
    5. Judge not by appearance, but by deeds?

  5. The meaning of the following phrases:
    1 – similar, 2 – opposite, 3 – neither similar nor opposite.
The forest is being cut down and chips are flying.
There is no big deal without losses.

  1. Which of these figures is most different from the others?

  1. A printed article has 24,000 words. The editor decided to use two font sizes. When using a large font, 900 words fit on a page, and a smaller font - 1200. The article should take 21 full pages in the magazine. How many pages should be printed in smaller font?

Interpretation of test results

It is advisable to begin analyzing the results by determining the level of general mental abilities. To do this, the number of correctly solved problems (IP) is correlated with the level scale.

The value of the IP indicator

Level of general mental abilities

13 or less



below the average




above average

30 and more
