Lesson summary "declension of nouns". Open lesson in Russian language. Topic: “Declination of nouns (generalization lesson)” Lesson declension of nouns

Lesson type: learning new material. In preparation for the lesson, the program requirements for working on determining the declension of nouns, the spelling “unverifiable spellings” were taken into account; on the development of written and oral speech, spelling vigilance; peculiarities educational activities; psychological characteristics junior schoolchildren. The chosen course of the lesson is logical and most optimal. During the organizational moment, students tuned in to productive work. When conducting vocabulary work reinforced the spelling of vocabulary words. With the help of the game element included in the lesson, a problematic situation was created, for the solution of which the students created an algorithm of actions, according to which they subsequently worked. At the end of the lesson, multi-level independent work was carried out to control the knowledge gained. For rational use time, better perception of educational material, stimulation of interest in the Russian language. A presentation on the topic of the lesson has been prepared.



Subject. Three declensions of nouns.

Target. Give the concept of three types of declension of singular nouns; introduce the recognition of the type of declension by ending and gender; develop spelling vigilance, coherent speech, thinking, attention, cognitive interest; cultivate hard work, accuracy, and mutual assistance.

Equipment: feedback blocks, lesson presentation, cards with multi-level tasks.

During the classes.

1. Organizing time.

– Check the workplaces, get into a working mood.

2. Making a work record.

– Open your notebooks, write down the number, “cool work.”

3. A minute of penmanship.

– What letters will we practice writing today?

(Lower letters v, l, t, d)

– Name the connections.

(Bottom, top, bottom)

– Pay attention to the height of the letters in relation to the line. Name the extra letter.

(l – unpaired consonant, t – denotes a dull sound)

4. Vocabulary work.

- Let's move on to repeating vocabulary words.

4.1. Oral work.

- Show the missing letter.






4.2. Paperwork.

– Identify the word by its lexical meaning, write it down, put emphasis, underline unstressed vowels.

1. Eating in the middle of the day.


2. A plant of the legume family with round seeds-grains.


3. One of the four cardinal directions is opposite to the south.


4. A perennial herbaceous plant that produces sweet red berries.


5. The space between the rows of houses for passage and passage.


Peer review.

"5" - no errors

"4" - 1 error

"3" - 2 errors

“2” - 3 or more errors

– Raise your hand if you haven’t made a single mistake. Who didn't do the job? What work needs to be done?

– We will continue to work in the next lessons. And I think soon all the guys will write vocabulary words no mistakes.

5. Communicate the purpose of the lesson.

– What part of speech are the written words?


– Find the nouns in the sentence.

The bus travels along Kirov Street and Freedom Square.

(Bus, along the street, Kirov, along the square, Svoboda)

– Determine the case of nouns along the street, along the square.


– Why do these words have different endings, although they are in the same case and used with the same preposition? This is the question we have to answer today in class.

6. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Horse, water, Yura, earth, daughter, sea, Vitya, table, window, steppe.

– Read the words, find the commonality.

(Singular nouns, nominative case)

– Divide the nouns into groups using the instructions.

– Name feminine nouns with endings –а, –я.

(Water, earth)

– Name the masculine nouns with the endings –a, –ya.

(Yura, Vitya)

– Read the remaining masculine nouns.

(Table, horse)

– Highlight the endings in them.

– Name the neuter nouns and highlight their endings.

(Window, sea)

– Name the remaining nouns. Determine the gender. What letter is at the end of words?

(Nouns steppe, feminine daughter with soft sign at the end)

Noun and. R. Noun m.r. Noun m.r. Noun Wed R. Noun and. R.

water Jura horse window steppe

earth Vitya table sea daughter

/__________________________/ /__________________________/ /__________/

1st declension 2nd declension 3rd declension

– By what criteria have we grouped nouns?

(By gender and ending)

– Using the gender and ending of a noun, we can determine its declension. Nouns are of the first, second and third declension.

– Conclude which nouns belong to the first declension, to the second declension, and to the third declension.

Conclusion: The first declension includes feminine and masculine nouns with endings –а, –я in the nominative case.

The second declension includes masculine nouns with a zero ending and neuter nouns with endings –о, –е in the nominative case.

The third declension includes feminine nouns with a soft sign at the end in the nominative case.

7. Working with the rule.

– Let’s check if we are reasoning correctly. Open your textbook to page 88. Read the rule.

– Who will try to recite the rule by heart?

8. Drawing up an algorithm of actions when determining the declension of a noun.

– How to determine the declension of a noun in the nominative case?


actions when determining the declension of a noun

To determine the declension of a noun, you need:

  1. Determine gender.
  2. Highlight the ending of the noun in the nominative case singular.
  3. Determine the declension by gender and ending.

Sample reasoning.

Notebook – she, mine – feminine noun with b at the end; in the nominative singular case there is a zero ending; means noun notebook third declension.

9. Physical exercise.

- I read riddles.You must guess them. If it is a 1st class noun, you should sit down with your hands forward. If it is a 2nd class noun. – lean forward, hands should reach your toes. If 3 cl. - jump.

1. Who is neither hot nor cold

Doesn't take off his fur coat?


2. Who was gnawing cones on a branch,

And threw the scraps down?


3. There is a ladder in the field,

The house is running down the stairs.


4. I’ll spin it, wrap it up,

I'll fly to heaven.


5. The box dances on its knees -

Sometimes he sings, sometimes he cries bitterly.


6. Doesn't offend anyone

And everyone is pushing her.


7. Many arms, but one leg.


8. Prickly, but not a hedgehog.


9. Six legs without hooves,

It flies and buzzes,

If he falls, he digs the ground.


10. It crawls along the ground,

But he doesn’t let you come to him.


11. The child is wrapped in a hundred swaddling clothes.


12. Above houses and paths

A piece of flatbread hangs.


10. Working with the textbook. Exercise 166.

– Read the task for the exercise.

(Primary reading “to oneself”, secondary reading by the student)

– What tasks should we complete?

(Determine the case of each noun. Write the nouns in three columns according to declensions)

9 nouns at the board, 9 nouns with commentary, 10 nouns on their own.

Examination. Read the first declension nouns. Read the second declension nouns. Read the third declension nouns.

11. Multi-level independent work.

– Now let’s check at what level each student has mastered the material. Read the tasks on the cards. Choose a card whose task you can handle.

Level 1.

Write down the nouns. Specify the declination.

Hero, hollow, night, apple, sea, blizzard, spring, weather, clearing, help.

Level 2.

Write down the nouns of the 3rd declension.

Life, oven, daughter, potatoes, steppe, car, carrots, notebook, horse, day, laziness, stump, pain, square.

Level 3.

Select and write down synonyms for the words. Determine the declension of all nouns.

Father, village, celebration, luck, sorcerer, heat.

12. Lesson summary.

– Let’s return to solving the problem that was posed at the beginning of the lesson: why in wordsalong the street, along the squaredifferent endings?

(Noun street of the first declension, noun square of the third declension)

– For what purpose is it necessary to learn to recognize the declension of nouns?

(To correctly write the ending of a noun)

– We will study this in the next lessons.

13. Grades.

14. Homework.

Ex. 168 p. 89. Learn the three declensions of nouns.


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Slide captions:

Three declensions of nouns

dear... horns l...sitsa g...zeta x...farm l...pata o o o and a

“5” - no errors “4” - 1 error “3” - 2 errors “2” - 3 or more errors Mutual verification. Lunch, city, north, strawberries, street.

The bus travels along Kirov Street and Freedom Square. D.p D.p.

Horse, water, Yura, earth, daughter, sea, Vitya, table, window, steppe. water earth Yura Vitya horse table window sea steppe daughter Exist. w.r. Noun m.r. Noun m.r. Noun w.r. Noun s.r. 1st declension 3rd declension 2nd declension

The second declension includes the first declension includes feminine and masculine nouns with the endings –A, -Я in the nominative case. masculine nouns with a zero ending and neuter nouns with endings –О, –Э in the nominative case. feminine nouns with a soft sign at the end in the nominative case. The third declension includes

Algorithm of actions when determining the declension of a noun To determine the declension of a noun, you need to: Determine the gender. Highlight the ending of the noun in the nominative singular case. Determine the declension by gender and ending. Sample reasoning. Notebook – she, mine – a feminine noun with ь at the end; in the nominative singular case there is a zero ending, which means the noun is a notebook of the third declension.


Working with the textbook

winter spring minute bird river apple tree desertstreet seeder summer hour year day pencil feather bullfinch blackbird lake tree iron field autumn night notebook lilac news danger area 1st declination 2nd declination 3rd declination

Independent work

Level 1 Hero, hollow, night, apple, sea, blizzard, spring, weather, clearing, help. 2 cl. 3 cl. 3 cl. 3 cl. 2 cl. 1 cl. 1 cl. 2 cl. 2 cl. 2 cl. Level 2 Life, oven, daughter, steppe, carrots, notebook, horse, laziness, pain, area. Level 3 Father - dad, village - village, celebration - holiday, luck - luck, sorcerer - wizard, heat - heat. 2 cl. 1 cl. 1 cl. 1 cl. 2 cl. 2 cl. 2 cl. 2 cl. 2 cl. 2 cl. 2 cl. 1 cl.

along the street along D.P. Square D.P.

Ex. 168 p. 89. Learn the three declensions of nouns. Homework.

Well done! Thank you for the lesson!

Lesson summary
on the topic: “Declination of nouns”

1. Full name Oskretkova E.I.

2. Class 4B

3. Topic: “Declination of nouns”

4. Lesson type: new knowledge lesson

5. Forms of student work: frontal, individual and group

6. Necessary equipment: didactic material.

The purpose of the lesson: give the concept of declension of nouns.



  • form an idea of ​​the declension of nouns;
  • learn to recognize cases of nouns based on questions;
  • inflect nouns;


  • develop students’ speech and mental activity (perform operations of analysis, synthesis, the ability to observe, draw conclusions, build a plan for their answer);


  • cultivate interest in the subject;
  • feeling of mutual assistance;
  • accuracy when performing written work.


  • the ability to determine the type of spelling patterns studied, explain, prove the correct spelling of a word with the studied spelling patterns, carry out mutual control when checking written work;
  • initial idea of ​​declension of nouns; names of cases and case questions;
  • the ability to change nouns by case;


  • the ability to formulate the goals of one’s activities;
  • the ability to construct speech statements in oral and written form;
  • development of thinking and attention through such mental operations as analysis and synthesis.


  • communication skills, listening and hearing skills.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.

The lesson begins.

It will, of course, be useful.

Try to understand everything

Learn to reveal secrets,

Give complete answers,

To get paid for work

Just a five rating!

We open our notebooks and sit down correctly. Read the date and type of work.

Write it down without errors.

2. A minute of penmanship.

To find out what letters we will write during the penmanship minute, let's read the words and name the unstressed vowels.

P. year, p. cash, p. lto, p. juice, p. court, p. tank, psh. face.

What letters will we write?

A, oh, e.

3. Vocabulary work.

Let's return to our words. What do they have in common?

All of them are dictionary and are nouns.

Prove that these are nouns.

Which word can be called superfluous and why?

Dog - This is an animate noun, and all other nouns are inanimate.

Let's make a sentence with this word.

For example: An angry dog ​​is walking in the yard

We'll find grammatical basis. Let's define parts of speech.

4. Updating of basic knowledge.

1. Frontal survey.

What section of the Russian language are we studying?

The noun is the most representative part of speech. Almost every second word in our language is a noun. Nouns appeared in speech among the first words.

You already know a lot about the noun, and I invite you to remember everything we know about this part of speech.

What words are called nouns?

What are the types of nouns?

How do nouns change?

Today we will supplement our knowledge about nouns and get acquainted with a very interesting phenomenon in the Russian language. This exercise will help us. Read the note on the cards:

A friend is a person who will understand everything and help. You won't forget your friend years later. You can trust a friend with any secret. I respect my friend. I'm proud of my friend. Many people dream of a real friend.

(?) Friend



(?) friend


(?) about a friend

What do these records have in common? Write out the word “friend” from each sentence with the question it answers. Highlight the endings in its forms.

Write on the board: Who? friend of whom? friend

Whom? friend by whom? friend

To whom? friend about whom? about a friend

Tell me, what changed in the noun “friend”? Why did the form of the word and its ending change? Why do nouns in the text change their form?

To be used correctly in speech.

This change in the form of a noun is called declension or case change. So what is the topic of our lesson?

"Declination of nouns."

Today in the lesson you will learn to change nouns by case or decline them.

You will learn not only to decline (change according to questions) nouns, but also to determine the case of nouns in sentences.

4. Studying new material.

The word “pine” in the exercise changed its ending 6 times.

In Russian The language has 6 cases and each has its own name:







In other languages ​​of the world it is different: in German it is 4, and in Finnish it is 15. Your task is to learn and understand your 6s in order to speak and write correctly and beautifully.

Nouns of different cases answer different questions. Now you will listen to poems in which each case tells about itself. And in these verses there will be questions that are answered by nouns in one case or another.

The word has 6 cases,

6 loyal little friends.

Nominative. He is the beginning case,
Questions – WHO? So what?
It contains mom, dad, elephant, playpen,
Both school and coat.
Genitive. Questions: No WHO? WHAT?
I don't have a brother
And not a single ship,
And Winnie the Pooh Bear...
Dative. This is an apple, tell me
I will give it to WHOM? WHAT?
Maybe a doll? Or Vitya?
... I'd rather take it for myself...
Accusative. Oh, the toys are a mess!
I don’t understand it myself:
Blame WHOM? So what?
Lenka? Cubes? Lotto?
Instrumental. I want to compose songs.
WITH WHOM? WHAT should I use to study sheet music?
With sister? And write... with a pen
Or colored pencil?
Prepositional. I'm thinking about WHO? ABOUT WHAT?
About Dasha, about verbs.
Or rather, I'm thinking about
I'm so tired of school...
But now all cases
I memorized it.
Friends will ask - “Give me a hint!” -
I will say - “Teach yourself!”

Public lesson In Russian.

Topic: “Declination of nouns (lesson-generalization).”

1. Full name (in full): Borodina Tatyana Yurievna

2. Venue: State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 28

3. Date: November 19, 2015

4. Position: teacher primary classes

5. Item: Russian language

6th grade : 4

7. Topic: « Declension of nouns"

8. Basic tutorial: V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky “Russian language. 4th grade" (part 1)

9. Lesson type: lesson summary

10. Forms of student work: frontal, individual and group

11. Goals:

    Generalization of knowledge about the cases of nouns;

    Improving the ability to determine the case of nouns.

Subject UUD:

    1. The ability to distinguish cases according to their characteristics;

  1. Determining the role of nouns in a sentence;

Personal UUD:

    1. Development of creative activity.

      Cultivate interest in the subject, a sense of mutual assistance, and accuracy when performing written work.

Regulatory UUD:

      1. The ability to set goals, objectives, and achieve them.

        Development of mental activity (perform operations of analysis, synthesis, the ability to observe, draw conclusions, build a plan for your answer);

Communication UUD:

1. Ability to work in pairs.

2. Develop students’ speech

12. Equipment and details:


    EOR ( , interactive tasks)



    Cards with the names of cases;

    Individual assignments;

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

Well, guys, keep quiet.
The lesson begins.
They sat down quietly - one, two, three...
And our lesson is now
Dedicated to science
What's our grammar?
It's called with love.

Write down the number, great job.

2. Calligraphy minute

U: Guys, tell me, how do we usually start our lesson?

D: From a calligraphic moment. We will write the letterHer , since we will encounter it in almost all connections. In this chain the capitalE , lowercasee alternate with one line with a loop at the top, then with two lines, then stirrups with such lines.

Let's write the chain in the suggested sequence.

3. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson

- Listen to the poem and formulate the topic of our lesson:(EOR No. 4, slide 2) .

The Nominative exclaimed:
“My birthday boy is the one
Which is amazing
Learns science!

“Togo,” said the Parent:
"I deny who
Can't live without parents
Put on your coat."

“To that,” answered the Dative, “
I'll give you a bad name
Who doesn't love diligently
Do the lessons yourself.

That,” said the Accusative, “
I will blame
Who reads the book intelligibly
Can't read.

With that,” said Creative,
I'm just fine
Who is very respectful
Refers to work.

About that,” said Predlozhny, “
I'll offer a story
Who in life can do
Useful for us.

So, what is the topic of our lesson?(EOR No. 4, slide 3)

D: “Declination of nouns. Summary lesson"

W: Yes, that's right. Today we will summarize our knowledge about cases. What tasks will you set for yourself for this lesson?(EOR No. 4, slide 4)

    Repeat the names of the cases, repeat the questions of each case;

    Improve the skill of determining cases of nouns;

    Repeat the endings of nouns in this case;

    Improve skills in determining cases of nouns;

    Develop competent writing skills.

4. Theoretical work
- So, what is declination?

D. - Changing the endings of nouns by case is called declension. (EOR No. 4, slide 5)

What part of speech do we determine the declension of? Let’s remember again?

(EOR No. 1. Interactive task on finding an error in defining a noun).

Well done boys. A noun is an independent part of speech that answers the questions who? What? and denotes an object.

How many declensions are there in Russian?(EOR No. 4, slide 6)

D. - There are 3 declensions in the Russian language.(EOR No. 4, slide 7), 1st - nouns zh.r., and nouns m.r. with endings – a-, -я-,(For example: uncle, grammar);
2nd - nouns m.r. with zero ending and nouns s.r.
(For example: lesson, morning) ; 3rd - nouns g. R. null-terminated(For example: terrain)

Let us complete a task for you to determine the declension of nouns.

(EOR No. 2. Interactive task to determine the declension of nouns)

- How many cases are there in Russian?(EOR No. 4, slide 8)

D. – The word has six cases.

U.- Let's write them down with questions and with words - helpers in our notebooks.
(clicks after each line)

Nominative(There is) Who? What?
(No) whom? what?
(ladies) to whom? what?
(I see) whom? What?
(satisfied) by whom? how?

Prepositional(Think) about whom? about what?

Peer review.

Exchange notebooks and check the correct spelling of the cases and their questions.

Okay, we completed the task.

(Children take turns reciting a poem about cases in specially prepared costumes and hats with the names of cases) (EOR No. 4, slide 9)

1. I – nominative case,
And I don’t have other people’s clothes on me.
Everyone recognizes me easily
And the subjects are called.
I don’t like prepositions since childhood,
I can't stand being around you.
My questions are who? So what?
No one will confuse it with anything.(EOR No. 4, slide 10)

2. And I – genitive case
My character is sociable.
Whom? What? - and here I am!
Prepositions are often my friends:
And from, and to, and at, and from -
Up to the sky and down from the sky.
I look like an accusative
I happen sometimes
But in the text you will discern
Always two cases.

3. I am called dative,
I work diligently.
Who should I give it to? Call for what?
Only I can say.
With the pretext to and as friends,
But I also go for walks alone. (EOR No. 4, slide 11)

4. And I am the accusative case
And I blame it all on the ignorant.
But I love excellent students,
I catch “fives” for them.
Who should I call? What to play,
I'm ready to give the guys some advice.
Don't mind making friends with pretexts,
But I can live without them.

5. And I am the instrumental case,
Filled with all kinds of hope.
Create! - How?
Create! - With whom?
I'll tell you - no problem!
Prepositions before, under and above
At any moment I am very happy.(EOR No. 4, slide 12)

6. And I – prepositional case.
My case is complicated.
I don't like light without excuses.
About whom? What was I talking about?
Oh yes, we need excuses!
I have no way without them.
Let it be about, and in, and with -
Don't accidentally erase them:
Then I can tell you
What to dream about and what to walk in?

5. Physical education minute

6. Consolidation of the material covered

We move from theory to practice. Now you will be offered several tasks that will become more difficult from stage to stage. Be careful while working. To check if you are ready for work, I suggest an oral warm-up. I will read the poem “The Adventure of the Green Leaf”, and you need to determine the case of the word -sheet. Show the answer using case cards. So, let's start...(EOR No. 4, slide 13)

Once upon a time from a big maple tree
The green leaf came off
And set off with the wind
Travel around the world.
The green leaf became dizzy.
The wind carried him and carried him,
I just left it on the bridge.
At the same moment the cheerful dog
Sniff towards the green leaf!
With your paw, grab a green leaf...
Say, let's play.

The wind again with a green leaf...
Spun over the old maple tree,
But the naughty guy is already tired
And it fell into my notebook.
I'm writing in the garden under the maple tree
A poem about that green leaf.

Well done! I see that you completed this task and got involved in the work.5.

7. Independent work on options (on cards) (EOR No. 4, slide 14)

Fill in the missing letters and indicate the case:

Br...did on l...su,

h...gum f...year,

hiding under the trees,

remembered about summer.

    It flowed... over the forest,

    I was on a...excursion,

    grow out of the grave,

    walked along the path.

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Presentation: “Declination of nouns”,

19 slides

Innovative educational materials

Lesson topic: Declension of nouns
The purpose of the lesson:
To introduce children to the declension of nouns, to develop spelling vigilance, attention, thinking, and speech.
Equipment: projector or multimedia console,
Set of slides or lesson presentation,
Today we are going on an amazing journey into the land of nouns. New discoveries await us ahead. We set off on this wonderful ship.
A sea of ​​knowledge awaits us.

Waves of discovery are calling.
What are the waves like on the sea? Show in the air.
Let's write this exercise in our notebook.
What letter do the waves remind you of?
(A table with the letter Mm is placed on the board)
What sounds does this letter represent?
([m], [m,] – agree, ringing)
In what cases is it written capital letter? (in proper names)
Let's write down the line Mm.
(The teacher writes the letters on the board with the count: “And - one - and, two - and”)
So, the sea awaits us. The ship set off.
(Write the word sea on the board.)
Choose words with similar roots to the word sea.
(Working with slides. Words are projected on the screen.)
Sailor, seafarer, sailor, sailor, sailor, sailor, sailor, seaside, seaside, Pomeranian, Pomeranian.
Read the words.
Are they all the same root?
How do you understand the meaning of the words Pomeranian, Pomorka?
Let's analyze these words according to their composition.
Pomeranian Pomeranian
Let's read all the words spelling.
(Two students work at the blackboard)
Write down the nouns.
Sea, sailor, sailor, sailor, sailor, seaside, seaside, Pomeranian, Pomeranian
Swap notebooks. Check it out. If the task is completed correctly, draw a fish in the margins.
Stand up, those who “caught the fish.”
Why did you write down these particular words?
What is a noun?
What three groups can nouns be divided into?
(masculine, feminine, neuter)
Name a noun with an unstressed vowel at the root.
What words can you use to check it?

These names are nouns and will take us to their native land of nouns.

Challenges and challenges await us,

Games, jokes - everything for us

Let's wish each other good luck

Get to work! Good afternoon.


Here comes the land of nouns.

(A card is revealed on the board)

What do you know about nouns?

What new grammatical concept have you come across? (declension)

What is the declension of nouns.


Can the following group of words be called a sentence? Why?

We need such a ship at sea that we can compete with any wave.

What needs to be done to get an offer?

Changing the ending of a noun according to the question is called declension.

(Slides are projected onto the screen.)

Six brothers of cases live in the Declension River.

Nominative – sociable case. Everyone wants to meet. He asks everyone: “Who are you? What are you doing?

Genitive – the case is amazing. Wants to know who your parents are. He asks: “Whose son or daughter are you?” And he is very surprised if there is no one or something.

Dative case – kind and attentive. Everything he has he gives away. So he asks: “Who should I give it to? Give what?”

Accusative – visual case. His vision is excellent. Screams loud and clear: “See who? I see what? Why accusative? He himself doesn't know. Probably because one question was taken from the nominative case, and the other from the genitive case. So he feels guilty.

Instrumental case – exceptional worker. He doesn't sit idle. He asks everyone: “What should I work with? Who to work with? And he is very pleased when work is found.

The prepositional case is an impossible story. He knows a lot and can talk about someone or something. Our ancestors called it fabulous, and M. Lomonosov called it prepositional, since this case is used only with prepositions.

These are the cases here!

And you will make friends with them!

Let us repeat the names of the cases and their questions.

What are the questions for?


With the help of case questions, a word changes its ending.

Each of us today is a sailor.

Let's change the endings of the nouns "sailor" and "boat" regarding cases.

(Recording is done on the board and in notebooks)


Sailor, boat


Whom? what?

Sailor, boat


To whom? what?

Sailor, boat


Whom? What?

Sailor, boat


Sailor, boat


About whom? about what?

About the sailor, about the boat

Changing the ending of a noun by case is called declension.

Read the output in the textbook.

What is declination?






One cunning forest animal came to visit us.

Cunning cheat

red head,

The fluffy tail is a beauty.

The fox did not come to us empty-handed. She brought a task for you.

Instead of questions, insert the noun "fox".

(Show slide)

The fox is a cunning animal.

(who?) has a fluffy tail.

(Who?) It’s so cold in winter.

The hunter tracked down (who?).

The hare does not like to meet..with (who?).

People made up fairy tales about (who?)

(Students copy the text, changing the noun “fox” according to the questions, and insert the missing letters. The teacher helps the “weak” students.)

Read the sentences. Name the ending of the noun “fox” and show the case.

(Working with the manual “Schoolboy - 3”)

What letters did you put in the words? Prove it.



Dunno was walking through the forest. Do you want to know why he went into the forest?

Let's read his telegram:

For a long time I wander into the fox,

I can't find a fox anywhere.

Find errors.

Which words are pronounced the same?

Highlight the endings in these words, determine the case.

(The work is done collectively)

Where does the fox live? (in the hole)

Decline the noun "hole".

(Students work along the chain: case - question - word)


Read the exercise task.

What is causing the difficulty?


What new did you learn in class today?

What is declination?

Name the cases and their questions.

Our ship remains in the Land of Nouns. In the next lesson we will continue to study the topic “Declination of nouns”.