Hundred Dragons Lift: The tallest lift in the world. The highest outdoor lift in the world - Hundred Dragons Lift 100 Dragons Lift in China

Hundred Dragons Lift: The World's Tallest Lift

If your knees are shaking and your palms are sweating, high altitude, then you will definitely never appreciate this entertainment, and we do not recommend you to take the high-rise Bailong elevator, which is better known as the Hundred Dragons Elevator. It takes tourists up the side of a massive mountain range to a height of 330 meters, and it takes place in the Hunan province of China.

The glass elevator cabin can accommodate up to 50 people, offering those wishing to rise to dizzying heights and discover stunning views of the plain.

The decision to build a lift was made in 1999. An elevator was needed to lift tourists up the 330-meter mountain. Before Bailong was built, tourists had to cover the entire distance on foot, and since the rock is almost vertical, few dared to attempt such a feat. Of course, environmentalists met the project with fierce criticism, because the new elevator was supposed to be located in the very center of the protected area.

However, the construction was approved, so to provide the elevator infrastructure, tunnels and shafts were cut into the rocks. This solution not only serves to hold the elevator, but also allows for the prompt evacuation of all people in the event of any natural disaster.

The structure was put into operation in 2002, but was quickly closed temporarily for safety reasons. The design has been improved, and the elevator has been in operation since 2003, becoming a cult place among tourists. The lift takes passengers to a height of 330 meters in just 1 minute, saving 3 hours of walking and admiring the valley with quartzite pillars, which inspired director James Cameron to draw the floating islands of Pandora for the film Avatar.

Supporters of the project argue that the elevators have the world's largest passenger potential, and therefore they did not harm the environment, but, on the contrary, saved the mountain trails from excess loads. However, opponents counter that the region, which is visited by more than 5 million people annually, is already oversaturated, and an extra attraction will only serve as a magnet for attracting even more tourists, rather than causing harm. environment.

Despite numerous protests, the elevators continue to serve people and, indeed, attract new tourists, increasing the attractiveness of the region.

Would you dare to ride the Hundred Dragons Elevator?

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China is truly an amazing country. It includes a huge number of attractions that will literally take your breath away. Just look at the Hundred Dragons Elevator, which is the tallest not only in China, but throughout the world. This miracle structure is located in a small province called Hunan.
This structure allows tourists to climb the mountain range, whose height is 330 meters. It is in this place that everyone will be able to admire the magically beautiful local landscapes. It is worth noting that even before the construction of the elevator, tourists had to cover such a distance on foot. Considering that the rock is almost vertical, not everyone could dare to take such a step. Now you can rise to the treasured height in just a couple of minutes, while experiencing amazing emotions. Well, staying directly on the rock itself will make you feel like a hero of the popular film Avatar, because the landscapes are very reminiscent of the very Pandora where all the action of the film took place. In general, if you have the opportunity to travel to China, then the Hundred Dragons Elevator is a must-visit.

After the elevator was put into operation, it immediately entered the Guinness Book of Records. It turns out that today this is the highest elevator that has an open view from the cabin. This was invented for the purpose that tourists could fully enjoy the beauty of the local nature. Moreover, it is the fastest passenger elevator and boasts the most power.

It is safe to say that this high-speed elevator with glass cabins will appeal to any fan of extreme sports, because such sensations cannot be experienced anywhere else. In total, this structure can accommodate up to 50 people, and they will feel very comfortable. The trip itself takes about a minute, so very soon you will be able to thoroughly enjoy the unique valley with quartzite pillars. As for the walk, it will last at least three hours, and the tourist will spend a lot of energy.

How to get there:

Zhangjiajie Airport is 10 km from the city and 33 km from national park, where the Hundred Dragons Elevator is located. You can fly to it from different cities in China, for example from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou or Chongqing. Regular buses run from the airport to the park. If you go by train, the best way to get there is from Changsha, the journey time is about 5 hours.

Find out how much the trip will cost you:
To find out how much a trip to Hunan Province, where the Hundred Dragons Elevator is located, will cost you, simply enter your departure city in the search form and click the “FIND” button. Aviasales will find you the best deals, and book tickets directly on airline or hotel websites.

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If you are afraid of heights, then this activity is not for you. The Bailong Elevator, also known as the Hundred Dragons Elevator, transports tourists 330m up the side of a massive mountain range in Hunan Province, China.

A ride in the glass elevator, which can accommodate up to 50 people at a time or 1,380 people per hour, offers stunning, if not dizzying, views of the plain.

(Total 7 photos + 1 video)

1. The Bailong Elevator, whose name translates as Hundred Dragons Elevator, was decided to be built in 1999. An elevator was necessary to transport tourists to the 330-meter mountain. Before the construction of the elevator, tourists could only make the ascent on foot, and since the rock is almost vertical, few could dare to do so.

2. The project was met with fierce criticism from environmentalists who were unhappy with the fact that it was located in the central part of the protected area.

3. Shafts and tunnels were cut into the rock to provide elevator infrastructure. In addition, in the event of an earthquake or natural disaster, people from all three elevator cabins can be quickly evacuated.

4. Supporters of the project say that these elevators, with the largest passenger capacity in the world, have saved mountain trails from being overloaded.

5. But their opponents point out that the region, which is visited by 5 million people every year, is already oversaturated with tourists and another attraction that will increase their number will only harm the environment.

6. Despite the protests, the elevator serves tourists, and indeed contributes to the growing popularity of this region of Hunan Province.

7. After the structure was put into operation in 2002, it was temporarily closed for safety reasons. After some improvements, the elevator resumed operation in 2003 and is now a cult destination among tourists. The lift saves 3 hours of walking and takes travelers to the mountain in just one minute, from which there is a beautiful view of the valley with quartzite pillars.

Elevator 100 dragons China

The Hundred Dragons Lift is the highest open lift in the world.
It is located in the Celestial Empire.
It is also called Bailong. But I think not everyone has the nerves to ride it. Not everyone agrees to ride in a completely transparent lift to a height of about 330 meters.
The cabin can accommodate up to 50 people. But in 1 hour of operation it is capable of lifting about 1,380 people to a height of 330 meters.
They say the view is absolutely incredible!
They decided to build it in 1999. Before the construction of the lift, tourists could only make the ascent on foot, and given that the rock was almost vertical, few could decide to do this.
It is worth noting that the project was met with rather fierce criticism from environmentalists, who were wildly unhappy that they wanted to build an elevator in the central part of the reserve.
The structure was put into operation in 2002, but it was temporarily closed due to safety concerns. After minor improvements, the elevator reopened in 2003 and is now an incredible tourist attraction.


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Hundred Dragons Lift - the highest outdoor lift in the world

If you are afraid of heights, then this activity is not for you. The Bailong Elevator, also known as the Hundred Dragons Elevator, transports tourists 330m up the side of a massive mountain range in Hunan Province, China.

A ride in the glass elevator, which can accommodate up to 50 people at a time or 1,380 people per hour, offers stunning, if not dizzying, views of the plain.

1. The Bailong Elevator, whose name translates as Hundred Dragons Elevator, was decided to be built in 1999. An elevator was necessary to transport tourists to the 330-meter mountain. Before the construction of the elevator, tourists could only make the ascent on foot, and since the rock is almost vertical, few could dare to do so.

2. The project was met with fierce criticism from environmentalists who were unhappy with the fact that it was located in the central part of the protected area.

3. Shafts and tunnels were cut into the rock to provide elevator infrastructure. In addition, in the event of an earthquake or natural disaster, people from all three elevator cabins can be quickly evacuated.

4. Supporters of the project say that these elevators, with the largest passenger capacity in the world, have saved mountain trails from being overloaded.

5. But their opponents point out that the region, which is visited by 5 million people every year, is already oversaturated with tourists and another attraction that will increase their number will only harm the environment.

6. Despite the protests, the elevator serves tourists, and indeed contributes to the growing popularity of this region of Hunan Province.

7. After the structure was put into operation in 2002, it was temporarily closed for safety reasons. After some improvements, the elevator resumed operation in 2003 and is now a cult destination among tourists. The lift saves 3 hours of walking and takes travelers to the mountain in just one minute, from which there is a beautiful view of the valley with quartzite pillars.