May Summer Holiday. Essay my summer holidays. For those who dig deeper and want to know more -

Topic: My Summer Holidays

Subject: My summer holidays

What student does not like vacation? Especially the summer holidays - the longest, the most long-awaited and usually the most exciting! Almost 100 days of pure pleasure even if you are not able to, which you have long dreamed of. You can read a lot of interesting books, wake up, go to bed at any time, walk and play with your friends and go to the sea. What is just not offered by summer!

What schoolchild doesn't like vacations? Especially the summer ones - the longest, the most long-awaited and, as usual, the most exciting! Almost 100 days of pure pleasure, even if you don't get to go on any trip you've been dreaming about. You can read a lot interesting books, wake up later than usual, go to bed at any time, play with friends and go to the sea. What summer doesn't offer!

If you are lucky enough to go somewhere and experience a different environment, you are lucky! But, in any case, summer holidays are always a great way to take a break from busy school and extracurricular work, tight schedules and heavy workloads.

I always use summer holidays that I need for my future studies. I improve my English, read literature and some historical materials. This work brings benefit and pleasure: reading books and listening to English songs, watching documentaries and training your memory while memorizing some verses, English phrases or dates. I am glad that my mother has taught me to do it easily and without any nervous tension. If you treat this work as a game or an amusement you can enjoy a part of the summer and facilitate for your future busy learning season.

I always use the summer to work lightly on the subjects I need for my future studies. I study English, read literature and history. This kind of work brings both benefit and pleasure: reading books and listening to English songs, watching documentaries and train your memory by memorizing some poems, English phrases or dates. I'm glad that my mother taught me to do this easily and without nervous tension. If you treat such work as a game or entertainment, then you can spend part of the summer well and profitably and make the future busy school season easier.

This year my family and I spent ten days at the seaside in Odessa. It is a beautiful city on the coast of the Black Sea and there"s always plenty of entertainment and wonderful beaches. our relatives or in a hotel. This time we did not only beached, but also went on boat trips, visited a water park and went fishing. The weather in late June was hot and most of the time we spent near the water. In the evenings we went to a restaurant and walked along the famous promenade. Odessa is gorgeous in the evening.

This year my family and I spent 10 days in Odessa, by the sea. This is a beautiful city on the Black Sea coast and there is always a lot of entertainment and magnificent beaches. We stay with relatives or in a hotel. This time we not only spent time on the beach, but also went on boat trips, visited a water park, and went fishing. The weather at the end of June was hot and most We spent time near the water. In the evening we went to restaurants and walked along the famous embankment. Odessa is magnificent in the evening.

In July I was in the country house with my grandparents. The terrain is very beautiful here: the lake, the fields, a lot of trees. The garden is planted with fruit trees, and there are a lot of vegetables. In the nearby village one can buy fresh milk and eggs. If there were the Internet and TV, it would be possible to spend the entire summer in the village. Unfortunately, the summer house is far from the city and we have to get there by train or a shuttle bus. To my shame, I could not do without all modern conveniences for a long time and my visit lasted not more than a week.

In July I was at my grandparents' dacha. The area here is very beautiful: lake, fields, many trees. The garden has fruit trees, raspberry bushes and many vegetables. In the neighboring village you can buy fresh milk and eggs. If there was Internet and TV, then you could spend the whole summer, like in the village. Unfortunately, the dacha is far from the city and you have to get there by train or shuttle bus. To my shame, I cannot go long without all modern conveniences and my visit lasted no more than a week.

In late August our friends and the family made a trip to Bulgaria. It was a wonderful time. Several excursions to the small towns on the coast, a lot of delicious food and, of course, a beach holiday. We stayed in a magnificent hotel with its beautiful grounds, excellent cuisine and entertainment. I met a few guys from other countries and we had fun on the beach and in the evening. With some of them now I correspond and we plan to meet next year.



1. Goodbye school!

2. Hello summer:

a) holidays are rest;

b) love of travel;

c) alone with nature.

3. “I really want summer not to end.”

I understand it myself: it’s ridiculous. What would I do if it weren't for summer? I wanted to have some fun in the wild! And now I miss school.

M. Borisova

Each of us is waiting for summer. For many, summer is their favorite time of year, primarily because summer is the biggest vacation. Who doesn’t dream of sunbathing, swimming to their heart’s content, or maybe just taking a break from the hustle and bustle of school. As soon as the spring sun warms up, we are already making plans for the future on how we will spend the summer holidays. We all can't wait to finish school quickly and hear the last school bell. On the one hand, it’s sad to part with school friends for several months. But on the other hand, warmth, sun, good mood, the thought that we have a lot of free time and can walk as much as we want makes us so happy that we think only about one thing: that the holidays come quickly.

Guys spend their holidays differently. Some vacation with their parents at the seaside, others - with relatives in the village or at the dacha. Some stay at home. But no matter where we are, summer holidays are still a wonderful, unforgettable time. This is a vacation. The main thing is to spend this time profitably so that you have something to remember for next year. Some people think that in the summer it is necessary to go somewhere far away from hometown. Of course, we associate summer with the warm sea and exotic nature. Who doesn’t want to soak up the sand, swim, and play in the waves! Some people like to relax away from the bustle of the city and go out of town, where they can swim in a clean river or lake, lie in the shade under a tree, and enjoy the singing of birds. During the summer holidays you can have a good rest at home. A river, a dacha, helping parents, walks in the park, picnics with friends. Is it possible to refuse this?

Among my friends there are many who love to travel. Visiting different cities and countries, people learn a lot of new and interesting things. I like to travel too. And if parents have the opportunity, we go to those cities that we have not yet been to. Our dream is to visit Prague and Paris. I know that this dream will come true, and we will wander the streets of Prague and admire the beautiful Paris. But we are sure that in our country there are also many places that cannot leave anyone indifferent. “The corner of Russia is dear to me - my kind father’s home,” wrote E. Sheveleva.

Probably, each of us has a favorite corner, a favorite place that we love to visit. My family and I often go out of town in the summer and relax in nature. Nature for us is not only a place of relaxation, but also a source of inspiration and strength. Imagine a hot July day. Who wants to sit in an apartment in this weather? So the whole family is heading out of town for a few days. We relax, swim, listen to birdsong, the murmur of a stream, and admire the flowers. It is generally difficult to imagine summer without flowers. And flowers are always a holiday for a person. With them joy and good mood come to us.

“I really want summer not to end...” Have you noticed that this song is played very often in the summer? Probably, many people want such beautiful weather to last longer, so that the summer mood does not leave us all year round. But the Indian summer will still delight us with the last warm days, and the holidays, unfortunately, will go away along with the summer. Let's not be upset, because we will meet with friends with whom we will share our impressions, plans for the future and together we will look forward to the new summer.

Of all the school holidays, I like to spend summer holidays the most because they are the longest and occur during the hottest period. Summer is one of the best seasons of the year, which provides many options for spending time. You can walk outside all day instead of sitting at home. Go to the sea, lake, river. Enjoying the nature.

I like to go out into the forest in the summer and admire the surrounding vegetation. All the trees around are green, wild flowers grow under them. They are just beginning to bloom and dawn. From biology subjects, I learned several wild useful flowers - yarrow, chamomile, which many people know. There are many other colors too. There are especially many spruce trees in our forest plantation, under which many old cones and old needles have fallen after last winter.

I also like summer holidays because the sun rises early and sets late. The days are very long and the nights are warm. You can go outside in the evening and admire the sunset. After the sun has set, it is nice to sit or walk along the street, enjoying the warm air, listening to the crickets and admiring the starry night sky.

I spend my summer holidays playing various sport games: football, volleyball. You can just walk and admire the beauty of summer, how the trees and flowers bloom. In summer, many people go to the sea, river, swim, sunbathe, and have fun.

Description of how I spent my summer holiday

In the middle of summer I was on school holidays in the country with my grandparents. I tried in every possible way to help them around the house, garden, and household chores. I fed the dog, the cat, the chickens. I tried to behave well and not spoil my grandparents’ mood. They were pleased with me and tried to please me in everything. They asked what to buy me and gave me gifts.

At the end of the summer I spent my favorite summer holidays in a camp in the forest near the lake. I liked it there very much. Fresh air, beauty of the forest, warm lake water. At the camp I met and made friends with boys and girls. The camp was very interesting, as every day was filled with many events. During the day we went to the lake, to the forest, and picked mushrooms. In the evening we watched cartoons or films, danced at discos. I really enjoyed it this summer. I guess, that academic year It will be interesting, and I will also try to conduct it usefully for myself and the people around me.

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Summer holidays are probably the happiest days of pupils’ life. Children don’t go to school, don’t do their homework and don’t have to get up early. That is the time when they can visit their relatives and have great opportunities for rest.

I don’t like to stay in bed long in a bright summer morning. That’s why I wake up early, have breakfast and phone to my friend Helen. Helen and I are old friends. We have always liked each other and when we get together we always have a good time. During summer vacation we usually play different games, ride a bicycle, go to the cinema, listen to music or go shopping.

Every summer I go to the country to stay with my grandparents for a week or two. In the village I go fishing, go for long bike rides and help grandparents in the garden. I have many friends there. From the early morning we like to go to the river. We swim in warm water, sunbathe and play badminton. Also my friends and I like to go camping. We often sleep in a tent, sit by the fire with my friends, cook potatoes and sing songs to the guitar.

In August my parents always take a three-week vacation. Thus, at the end of the summer, all our family always goes abroad. We went to Turkey this year. Our vacation in Turkey was wonderful. We went to the beach every day, swam in the sea and in the pool, taste delicious food or drank cocktails. In the evening we went to parties or visited restaurants. Sometimes we went to the beach in the evening and swam in the sea. When it was time to go home, we were sorry to leave Turkey.

Summer holidays are never too long for me. I hope that my next summer holidays will be the same or even better!

Translation of the text My summer holidays. My summer Vacation

Summer holidays are perhaps the happiest days in the lives of students. Children don't go to school, don't do homework and don't have to get up early. This is the time when they can stay with their relatives and they have great opportunities for relaxation.

I don't like lying in bed on a sunny summer morning. So I get up early, have breakfast and call my friend Lena. Lena and I are old friends. We've always liked each other and when we meet we always have a good time. During the summer holidays we usually play various games, ride a bike, go to the cinema, listen to music or go shopping.

Every summer I go to the village to visit my grandparents for one or two weeks. In the village I go fishing, go on long bike rides and help my grandparents in the garden. I have many friends there. From the very morning we love to go to the river. We are swimming in warm water, sunbathe and play badminton. Also, my friends and I love to go out into the fresh air. We often sleep in tents, sit near the fire with friends, bake potatoes and sing songs with a guitar.

In August, my parents always take a three-week vacation. Thus, at the end of summer our whole family always goes abroad. This year we went to Turkey. Our holiday in Turkey was wonderful. Every day we went to the beach, swam in the sea or pool, ate gourmet food or drank cocktails. In the evening you went to parties or to restaurants. Sometimes we went to the beach in the evening and swam in the sea. When the time came to leave home, we were sorry to leave Turkey.

Summer holidays never seem too long to me. I hope my next summer vacation will be the same or even better!

Additional Expressions

  • summer holidays/summer vacation- summer holidays
  • to have great opportunities for rest– have great opportunities for recreation
  • to get together- meet, unite
  • to go shopping- go shopping, go to the store
  • to go to the country- go out of town, go to the village
  • to go fishing- go fishing
  • from the early morning- in the morning
  • to go camping– go out into the fresh air, live in tents, spend holidays in the fresh air
  • to sing songs to the guitar- sing songs with a guitar
  • to go abroad- go abroad, leave the country

18 Sep

English topic: Summer holidays

Topic by English language: Summer holidays (My summer holidays). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

Favorite season

Summer is my favorite time of year because it is a difficult and stressful time. school days are left behind and long holidays await us. I always plan a lot of interesting things for the summer holidays.

Where do I usually go

Almost every year I spend my holidays in the village at my grandparents' house. I love this place because it is very beautiful. There is a river and a forest where my friends and I go to pick mushrooms and berries. In good weather we also like to swim in the river and sunbathe. In addition, I am always happy to help my grandparents around the house or in the garden - watering the plants or picking fruits and vegetables. I like to go fishing with my grandfather and then fry fish on the fire. And most importantly, I have the opportunity to breathe in the fresh country air and forget about city dust and smog for a while. I'm really having a great time with my grandparents. If only I could visit them more often.

How I spent last summer

Last summer my parents and I went to the sea. This was my first vacation on the seaside, and I could not even imagine that everything would be so wonderful. We went in August and were lucky to have sunny weather and warm sea all the time. It was so nice to do nothing but sunbathe and swim. There was a lot of entertainment there, but what I liked most was jet skiing and discos. I also built sand castles with my little sister and taught her to swim. I also managed to make new friends and we had fun together. We also went on excursions. What I remember most was the jeep ride through the rivers and mountains. Unfortunately, time passed very quickly and we had to return home. However, there were still a few weeks left before school, and I spent that time reading books, listening to music, watching TV, playing computer games and hanging out with friends.


In conclusion I would like to say that I am usually happy to go back to school because I can meet my teacher friends, but then I start looking forward to the summer holidays again.

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Summer Holidays

My favorite season

Summer is my favorite season of the year because hard and busy school time is over and long holidays are waiting for me. I always plan a lot of wonderful things to do during my summer vacation.

My holidays

Almost every year I spent my holidays in the country at my grandparents’. I adore that place for its landscape. There is a nice river and the woods where my friends and I can gather berries and mushrooms. We also enjoy swimming in the river and sunbathing when the weather is fine. Apart from this, I’m always ready to help my grannies around the house or in the garden watering plants and gathering fruit and vegetables. I like going fishing with my grandpa and cooking the fish over the fire. And one more thing which is worth saying is that I have a chance to breathe fresh country air and forget about the dust and the smokes of the city. Indeed I have a great time in the country with my lovely grandparents. I wish I could visit them more often.

Last summer

Last summer I spent my holidays at the seaside with my family. It was for the first time and I couldn’t even imagine such excellent holidays. We were there in August and were lucky to have sunny weather and warm sea all the time. It was so pleasant to have a rest doing nothing except taking sunbathes and swimming. There were different kinds of entertainment but best of all I liked water scooters and discos. I was also playing with my little sister on the sand and taught her to swim. Besides, I made some new friends and we had a lot of fun together. We went on several field trips. The one I will never forget was riding a jeep across numerous rivers in the mountains. Unfortunately the time passed very quickly and we had to return back home. However, there were still two more weeks left before school. I spent that time reading books, listening to music, watching TV, playing computer games and going out with my friends.