Malachite box – Pavel Bazhov. Malachite box Brief summary of the story malachite box

Storybook " Malachite Box"was written by Pavel Bazhov, who created it based on the stories of Ural mining folklore. The miner's storyteller Vasily Khmelinin loved to pamper his listeners with them. “Ural Tales,” as they were otherwise called, began to appear in periodicals from 1936 to 1945, and then they were translated into different languages peace.

P. Bazhov received many awards and prizes during his life. “The Malachite Box” (a brief summary of which will be presented below) is a unique literary treasury that is included in school curriculum For extracurricular reading. This is the folklore that, like a real nugget, represents Russian culture in its own bright and elegant way.

“The Malachite Box”: a summary for the reader’s diary

The list of the collection “The Malachite Box” includes many fascinating stories, including: “ Copper Mountain Mistress”, “Malachite Box”, “Stone Flower”, “Mining Master”, etc. Probably each of us had such a book in childhood. The story “The Malachite Box” became a continuation of the work “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain”. This found its approval among young readers.

Getting to the topic “Malachite Box”: a brief summary for reader's diary", we will describe only the most important events and plot lines.

So, it all started with the fact that after the death of master Stepan, the malachite box that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain gave him was inherited by his wife Nastasya and children. Even with her husband, she put on all these jewelry, but could not wear it, as they began to torment her. Either the lobes were pulled and they swollen, then the ring was compressed and the finger turned blue, and when she tried on the beads one day, she felt as if cold ice had been applied to her neck.

Bazhov, “Malachite Box”: summary

Nastasya wanted to sell these jewelry and even asked the price. A person who knew a lot about these matters told her that this malachite box was worth a lot of money. Summary further it tells that Nastasya at first did not want to sell it for a long time, and kept thinking about a rainy day. Meanwhile, there were many buyers: some gave a hundred rubles, and some two hundred - everyone wanted to deceive the illiterate widow, but she was in no hurry.

And all because she and Stepan had two sons and a youngest daughter, Tanya. She mourned her father's death very much. The only consolation for her was the jewelry box, “my dad’s memento,” which her mother began to give her to play with. After all the housework, she began to try on the rings and earrings from the box. From them she felt comfort, joy and warmth.


One day Tatyana was sitting at home, alone without her mother and brothers, and after cleaning, as always, she began to do what she loved - trying on and looking at jewelry. The “Malachite Box” continues with intrigue. The summary goes on to say that at that moment an unfamiliar man suddenly came into their house, holding an ax in his hands. Tanya turned to him, and when he saw her scream, he began to rub his eyes and was literally blinded by the extraordinary shine of her stones. The girl got scared, jumped out the window and ran to call her neighbors. No one later understood whether it was a thief, or just a man who came to ask for alms, as he himself claimed.


Life was difficult for the family without an owner, and Nastasya often began to think that a malachite box could save her from poverty. The summary continues with the fact that one day a wretched-looking woman appeared in their house and asked to spend the night. The hostess did not object and invited her into the house. But the wanderer turned out to be quite difficult, and for a short time Tanya became very attached to her. The woman taught the girl to embroider with silk and beads.

Mother did not like this activity, since they had neither gold threads nor beads. But the wanderer said that for the first time she would give Tatyana everything she needed, and then the girl would earn the rest for herself. It was then that the mother calmed down.


Then Tanya, waiting until there was no one left in the family’s house, decided to show the wanderer her father’s gift - a malachite box. They went down to the cellar together, and there the girl opened the treasured box. The summary of the fairy tale “The Malachite Box” continues with the fact that the old woman immediately asked her to try on the jewelry. When the girl put everything on herself, the wanderer adjusted the stones for her so that they sparkled even brighter. Then she told Tanya to look forward and not look back at her. And suddenly she sees that standing in the middle of the malachite royal chamber is a young girl of extraordinary beauty, all dressed in precious jewelry, and next to her is a man with slanted eyes, looking like a hare, and she hardly looks at him. The wanderer said that these rooms were decorated with malachite, which her father had mined, and who this beauty was, she would later understand, and she began to smile.

And now the woman was getting ready to go on the road. She left a button as a souvenir of herself and said that if any questions arise about work, let the girl look into it. There she will immediately see all the answers.


And then a misfortune happened - their house burned down. The arsonists probably counted on the fact that Nastasya would eventually sell the box, as need would force her to.

She set a price of two thousand rubles. At first there was no buyer, but then the new clerk, Parotya, arrived with his wife, and she really liked these jewelry, and since she was the mistress of master Turchaninov, she also had the money. However, she could not wear jewelry.


But soon Turchaninov arrived at the mines to dig up money and return his beloved. Parotya knew this and decided to get ahead of events. He had with him a portrait of Tanya, embroidered in gold, which he asked her to embroider. He showed it to the master. He, seeing the beauty there, was stunned and ordered to immediately show her to him. From that moment on, he forgot about all the women in the world and bought a malachite box from the clerk for Tanya. And then he immediately asked the girl to put on jewelry and then proposed to her. But she set the conditions for him to show her the royal malachite room from “his father’s booty.”

Turchaninov immediately gives the order to harness the horses, but Tatyana herself promised to come on horseback. By this time, the whole of St. Petersburg was already “on its ears” from rumors about Turchaninov’s bride and about the box. Tanya ordered her fiancé to wait for her near the porch. But when he saw that she was walking, wrapped in a scarf and fur coat, he was embarrassed and hid. The palace lackeys did not want to let her pass. But when she took off her outer clothing, she was wearing a dress that the queen herself did not have.

Royal malachites

The queen, entering the reception room, did not find anyone and, out of surprise, also hurried to find out where this self-willed woman was. Tanya became completely angry with the master and told him that it was she who ordered the queen to be shown to her, and that it was not her queen who needed to be shown. After these words, she leaned against the malachite wall and melted forever. Only the stones remained sparkling, and the button was lying on the floor. Turchaninov picked up that button, and in it Tanya herself laughed at him and called him a crazy hare.

Nobody heard anything more about her, only people later said that the Mistress of the Copper Mountain began to look like two people - they saw two girls in identical outfits at once.

This is how the story “The Malachite Box” ended. The summary, however, will not replace the original. Therefore, it is better to read it yourself.

Perhaps one of the most “fabulous” and magical Russian writers is P.P. Bazhov. “The Malachite Box” is a book that everyone knows: from very young children to serious literary scholars. And it’s not surprising, because it has everything: from a fascinating plot and subtly written images to unobtrusive morality and many allusions and reminiscences.


A famous Russian folklorist, a man who was one of the first to process Ural tales - all this is Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. “The Malachite Box” was precisely the result of this literary treatment. He was born in 1879 in Polevsky, in the family of a mining foreman. He graduated from a factory school, studied at a seminary, was a teacher of the Russian language, and traveled around the Urals. These trips were aimed at collecting folklore, which would later form the basis of all his works. Bazhov was called “The Ural Were” and was published in 1924. Around the same time, the writer got a job at the Peasant Newspaper and began publishing in many magazines. In 1936, the magazine published the tale "The Girl of Azovka", signed with the surname "Bazhov". “The Malachite Box” was first published in 1939 and was subsequently reprinted several times, constantly adding new tales. In 1950, the writer P.P. died. Bazhov.

"Malachite Box": the poetics of the title

The unusual title of the work is explained quite simply: a casket made of beautiful Ural stone, filled with wonderful jewelry made of gems, is given to his beloved Nastenka by the central character of the tale, the ore worker Stepan. He, in turn, receives this box not from anyone, but from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Which one hidden meaning hidden in this gift? The casket, finely crafted from green stone, carefully passed down from generation to generation, symbolizes the hard work of miners, the fine skill of lapidaries and stone cutters. Simple people, mining masters, workers - Bazhov makes them his heroes. “The Malachite Box” is also named so because each of the writer’s tales resembles a finely cut, iridescent, shining precious stone.

P.P. Bazhov, “Malachite Box”: summary

After Stepan’s death, Nastasya continues to keep the chest, but the woman is in no hurry to flaunt the donated jewelry, feeling that it is not intended for her. But her youngest daughter, Tanyusha, is attached to the contents of the box with all her soul: the jewelry seems to have been made especially for her. The girl grows up and makes a living by embroidering beads and silk. Rumors about her art and beauty go far beyond the borders of her native place: the master Turchaninov himself wants to marry Tanya. The girl agrees on the condition that he takes her to St. Petersburg and shows her the malachite chamber located in the palace. Once there, Tanyusha leans against the wall and disappears without a trace. The image of the girl in the text becomes one of the personifications of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, the archetypal keeper of precious rocks and stones.

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Year of writing: 1945

Genre of the work: fairy tale

Main characters: Nastasya- peasant woman, Tatiana- her daughter, Turchaninov- young master.


Nastasya had a box given by her husband. He received the box from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. The woman could not wear jewelry made from it; she experienced great pain when she put it on. The merchants wanted to buy jewelry, but Nastasya refused everyone. One master friend valued it at 1000 rubles. Tanyusha, Nastasya’s daughter, played with jewelry and felt warm when putting it on. One wanderer taught her to sew with unusual silk, which glowed amazingly. She also gave her a communication channel using a button and showed her a vision of a room with malachite. When the house burned down, the family decided that they could feed themselves by selling a malachite box. The clerk's wife, who bought the jewelry, was unable to wear it. As a result, the young master Turchaninov became the new owner. He decided to marry the beautiful Tatiana. She agreed, on the condition that he introduce her to the queen. But it turned out that the queen herself wanted to look at her. Entering the same room as in the vision, the girl is disappointed with the master, disappears, and the stones turn out to be drops.

Conclusion (my opinion)

The fairy tale shows how important it is to value your loved ones. The family did not sell the box to keep the memory of their father alive. Money doesn't give you happiness. In addition, your productivity will always be valued by your loved ones.

Bazhov P., fairy tale "The Malachite Box"

Genre: tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Malachite Box" and their characteristics

  1. Nastasya, wife of master Stepan.
  2. Tanya, her daughter. She is beautiful and skilled, independent, proud, and willful.
  3. Wanderer. A mysterious character teaches Tanya to embroider.
  4. Parotya, manager at the mines. Greedy and cruel.
  5. Turchaninov, master. The owner of the mines, stupid and ugly.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Malachite Box"
  1. Stepan's inheritance
  2. Nastasya's poverty
  3. Precious box
  4. Green-eyed Tanya
  5. How a thief was taught a lesson
  6. Mysterious wanderer
  7. Lessons from a Wanderer
  8. Wonderful Vision
  9. Wanderer's Button
  10. Well-deserved glory
  11. Parotya
  12. Buying a box
  13. Magic Jewels
  14. Portrait of the Mistress
  15. Barin Turchaninov
  16. Redeemed Jewels
  17. Tanya's request
  18. Poor fur coat, rich dress
  19. Tanya's indignation
  20. Malachite wall
  21. Two housewives
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “The Malachite Box” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences
  1. After Stepan's death, Nastasya alone raises two sons and the beautiful Tanya.
  2. The Wanderer teaches Tanya to embroider and shows her a vision of a palace with an empress.
  3. Paroti's wife buys a malachite box, but cannot wear the jewelry.
  4. Master Turchaninov buys the jewelry and promises to show Tanyushka the empress.
  5. Tanya herself comes to the palace and looks at the empress, and then leads everyone to the malachite chamber.
  6. Tanya dissolves into a wall of malachite.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Malachite Box"
True talent cannot be limited by any boundaries; it will make its own way.

What does the fairy tale “The Malachite Box” teach?
Teaches hard work, perseverance, perseverance. Teaches that real talent is given to a person from birth and should be developed. Teaches you to be independent and free. Teaches to punish stupidity and injustice. Teaches you to believe in the best and not give up in difficult situations.

Review of the fairy tale "The Malachite Box"
I really liked this colorful story. I especially like the girl Tanyushka, who has become a real great master, worthy of taking her place next to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself. I like Tanya for her tenacity, her desire for perfection, her independence and her ability to laugh at those who wanted to offend her.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Malachite Box"
Good fame is better than wealth.
Happiness and work live side by side.
Where there is talent, there is hope.
A stupid idiot has no talent at all.
He who works well has something to boast about.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "The Malachite Box"
When Stepan died, Nastasya left behind a malachite box with various women's jewelry. Only Nastasya herself did not wear them. It happened that he put it on, even during Stepan’s life, and everything was wrong, the ring presses on the finger, the earrings pull off the ears, and the beads are cold with ice.
And so the jewelry lay in the box even after Stepan’s death. Knowledgeable person I once said that these jewelry are worth a lot of money, and advised me not to sell them just like that.
Nastasya remembered these words and, even though need came, she took care of the malachite box. And the youngest daughter also begged her mother not to touch the jewelry.
After Stepan, there are only three children left. Two guys and a girl, it’s not clear who, dark-haired and green-eyed, they called Tanya.
Tanya grew up a beauty and loved to play with her father’s gift. And the strange thing is that her jewelry did not freeze, but rather warmed her.
One day, when her mother was not at home, Tanya put on jewelry, and at that time a thief, a sneak, got into the hut. He holds an ax in his hand. When he saw Tanya covered in precious stones, he covered his eyes with his hand and cried out that he was blind. So he jumped out of the hut, blinded, and there his neighbors intercepted him.
Tanya only told her mother how it happened, and she decided to hide the box. Only Tanya, by the warmth and the light, found her in the farthest corner.
And then a wanderer came to Nastasya, small, dark, nimble. I asked to stay overnight for a couple of nights, and Nastasya let me in.
And the wanderer immediately unties her knapsack, calls Tanya and shows her her handicrafts. Tanya saw the sparkling pattern and her eyes lit up. So the wanderer began to teach Tanya to embroider.
One day Tanya decided to show the wanderer her father’s box. And she asked me to put on jewelry. Tanya put on the stones, and the wanderer let’s straighten them. And then she said to look forward and not look back at her.
And Tanya saw a large hall with malachite walls, a crowd of elegant people, and in front of everyone a green-eyed beauty in a delightful dress. Near the beauty there is a little man who looks like a hare. And then Tanya saw her father’s jewelry on the beauty and the vision disappeared.
Soon the wanderer left, and as a farewell gift she gave Tanya a button, advising Hard time Look at the button for a clue.
And Tanya began to embroider. Then she grew up, guys began to look at her, even from the manor’s house, and Tanya turned everyone away, and even chuckled.
And her products came into fashion and people paid for them handsomely. People came from other places to buy embroidery.
But trouble came, Nastasya’s house burned down, and they only managed to save the box from the fire. And Nastasya decided to sell the inheritance. Tanya looked at the button, and there the green-eyed girl nodded to her, sell it.
Merchants came running, began to raise the price, it reached a thousand rubles, and Nastasya asks for two thousand.
Then a new clerk arrived at the mine, a foreigner who only spoke the word “Flog” in purely Russian, for which he was nicknamed Parotey. But even though he shouted a lot, the people breathed more freely in his presence.
Paroti’s wife was one of the count’s son’s mistresses; the old count specifically married her off to a musician and sent her to Polevaya so that she wouldn’t interfere with her son’s marriage. So when this wife Paroti heard about Nastasya’s jewelry, she immediately ran to look at them. And she really liked them, because even the empress had never seen them like them. And she agreed to buy them for two thousand.
The merchants wanted to beat the price, but Nastasya refused, answering that she had already given her word to the woman. Paroti's wife bought jewelry, but cannot wear it. She rushed to the craftsmen to fit her jewelry, but when they saw the box with stones, they flatly refused. They answer that no master can compete with such work.
Well, okay, Paroti’s wife decided to sell the jewelry to the rich fool and calmed down. And then the old master died, and the new master sent a letter to his mistress, promising to take her back to St. Petersburg.
Parotya found out about it and started drinking out of grief - his wife was beaten off. And someone told him about Tanya. Parotya went to look at the local beauty, and when he saw him, he froze. Then he began to ask to embroider Tanyushkin’s portrait for him. Tanya looked at the button, the green-eyed one nodded and pointed at herself.
Well, Tanya agreed, only she said that she would not embroider a portrait of herself, but of a woman she knew, there would be a similarity in the face, but the clothes would be different. Parotya agreed.

Tanyushka embroidered a portrait, Parotya looked at it and gasped, he looked just like Tanyushka, only the dress was different.
And soon the young master rolled up and began organizing parties. Parotya kept walking around drunk and one day began to show off his portrait. The master became interested, and then he heard about the jewelry box. He looked at the stones, bought them at exorbitant prices and ordered to call Tanya.
When Tanyushka arrived, master Turchaninov asked her to put on jewelry. Tanya put it on. and the master immediately began to ask her to marry. Tanya demanded that he show her the malachite chamber in the palace and the empress herself. Turchaninov agreed.
We agreed that Tanya would come to St. Petersburg to visit Pokrov when the master was there.
Tanyushka arrived in St. Petersburg, lives on the outskirts, and is in no hurry to move to the master’s rich apartment.
Meanwhile, the rumor about the Tanyushkin stones reached the empress herself and she began to demand from Turchaninov to show Tanyushka.
The master wanted to bring Tanya to the palace in a carriage, but she replied that she would come herself, and let the master wait for her at the porch.
And now the master is waiting for Tanya in the palace. And she put on a dress with decorations, an old fur coat on top and went to the palace.
And there the lackeys won’t let her in. Turchaninov saw her in a fur coat and also hid, feeling shy. And Tanya took off her fur coat and everyone just gasped. The queen does not have such a dress either. We missed it right away.
Everyone began to wonder who the queen was and what lands. Then Turchaninov jumped out and introduced Tanyushka as his bride. And Tanya is angry, why didn’t he wait at the porch?
Turchaninov brought her to the reception hall, and Tanyushka again became indignant. Again a deception, the wrong hall, not the malachite one. And she walked forward through the palace, and everyone who was in the hall followed.
Tanya reached the malachite hall and stood against the wall. waiting.
And at this time the queen enters the reception hall and sees that no one is there. They report to her that some girl took everyone to the malachite hall. The queen got angry, came to the malachite hall, and demanded to show her Turchaninov’s bride.
But Tanya stands, does not bow to the queen, she is offended. Again, deception. They were supposed to show the queen to her, but she, you see, wants to look at her herself. And Tanya laughed at Turchaninov. She leaned against the wall and disappeared. Only the stones on the wall remained. The queen faints, the master rushes to pick up stones. And the stones all turn into droplets. Only the button remained.
And when Turchaninov took that button, he saw a green-eyed beauty in it. She laughs and talks about the hare who can’t take her.
After that, the master lost his last mind, started drinking, and nearly auctioned off the factories. Parotya also went to drink, and his wife did not profit from anything.
And Nastasya’s sons grew up, got married, and had grandchildren. And no one else saw Tanya in those places. People just started saying that they began to see two Mistresses in identical dresses.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Malachite Box"

Nastasya and her husband Stepan lived near the Ural Mountains. Suddenly Nastasya became a widow and was left with a small daughter and sons. The older children helped their mother, but the daughter was still very young, and so that she would not interfere, Nastasya let her play with a malachite box - a wedding gift from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself, full of gems. But they didn’t suit Nastasya: either her earlobes were swollen or her fingers were swollen. My daughter Tanya really loved the jewelry and never parted with it. Nastasya, fearing that the jewelry on her daughter would attract thieves, hid the box. But Tanyusha found her and was already secretly trying on the jewelry.

One day, a beggar woman who came to get drunk asked to stay at Nastasya’s house, offering in return to teach Tanya to embroider beautiful tapestries. Having taught the girl, the beggar woman disappeared, leaving Tanya a button so that she could call her handicraft mentor at any time. Time passed, Tanyusha grew up to be a beauty and a needlewoman. Embroidery began to generate income, and the family began to live richly, but then their house burned down and Nastasya sold all her jewelry to survive. The clerk's wife Parotya bought them, but could not wear them for the same reason as Nastasya.

The young master Turchaninov arrived from St. Petersburg to get acquainted with the Ural property. Having seen a malachite jewelry box with his mistress, he decided to meet with the former owner. This is how Tanyusha and master Turchaninov met. The master fell madly in love with Tanyusha and, having bought the box from his mistress, as a sign of love he gave the very jewelry that the girl had loved since childhood. Tanyusha agrees to become his bride on the condition that the master introduces her to the empress and this will happen in the malachite chambers of the palace.

Turchaninov leaves to prepare the meeting and succeeds. The master calls Tanyusha to St. Petersburg. Tanyusha dressed up and put on all the jewelry, and so that those she met would not be blinded by the amazing beauty of the gems, she threw on an old fur coat. Turchaninov, who was waiting for Tanyusha on the steps of the palace, saw her poor outfit and decided to run away so as not to disgrace himself in front of the St. Petersburg elite, because he painted his bride as a charming beauty, and a beggar woman was coming to him. Tanyusha took off her fur coat and left it with the court servants. She, beautiful and radiant, went straight to the malachite chambers. But since the Empress was waiting for her in a completely different hall, no one was waiting for her in the malachite chambers.

Feeling deceived and humiliated, Tanyusha stepped into the malachite column and disappeared into it. The precious jewelry could not fit into the malachite, and remained hanging on the column. No one could tear them away from her, and since then two mistresses of the Copper Mountain began to appear to people in the Urals.