The name of the book exhibition for the summer. Summer exhibitions welcome readers of the children's library N3. Action plan for program implementation


Summer is a wonderful time, it's laughter, smiles and just a good mood. Summer holidays are a magical time; it’s not for nothing that people wait for it all year long. The holiday of freedom lasts all summer, and during this time you can redo a huge number of important things. Learn to fish, find an ancient treasure... And summer is also a time to read! Summer meets with traditional summer exhibitions for young readers children's library-branch No. 3.

Already from the doorstep library meets its readers book exhibition with current name “Summer, oh summer!”(0+), whose mood is also summery and joyful. “Manyashkino’s Summer”, “Sunny Day”, “The Mustachioed Sun”, “Santa Claus and Summer” and other books with warm summer titles will make good company and open up a wonderful world of reading!

In the summer, it’s good to read appropriate, summery, funny stories in the evenings. “During the holidays, don’t get bored, take a book and read!”- that’s what it’s called exhibition offer(6+) in library. The bookshelves display literature for studying school curriculum and also books for children, on the pages of which live wonderful heroes who undertake extraordinary adventures. Readers will plunge into a fascinating world of interesting meetings and events.
Book exhibition will be on display at the library's library during the summer holidays and will serve as an aid to preschool, junior and middle-aged readers when choosing literature.


“Book summer, be with me!”

Developers and implementers of the program

Selivanova L.A. – head CDB
Kostyleva T.A. – Ved. librarian
Shabalina L.R. – Ved. librarian

Duration of the program

June, July, August 2013


Students of 1st – 9th grades

Goals and objectives of the program

Formation of active reading activity and organization of leisure for children and adolescents in the summer;

Consolidating the role of books in the self-development of a young reader;

Encouraging children to read during the summer holidays;

Development creativity, reading taste, reading habit.

Expected final results

Introducing children to books and the library

Development of their creative abilities

Development of intellectual abilities;

Purposeful organization of reading and cultural leisure for children in the summer.

Program execution control system

Quarterly and annual reports.

Rationale for the program.

Reading for children is one of the most important prospects for the spirituality, intelligence, and culture of a nation. For the future of every nation, it is especially important how the process of children’s entry into the world of book culture occurs.

The meaning of books and how books must be presented in order to remain the main source of literacy and development for children is the essence of children's libraries.

Librarians pay great attention to the leisure time of children and adolescents in the summer. It is important that the child is busy with useful activities in the summer. When preparing and holding summer events, the interests of the children and their age characteristics, social status.

The library program “Book Summer, Be with Me” includes attracting children to the library, organizing their summer leisure through games and books, close communication between the little reader and the librarian, disseminating environmental knowledge among program participants, and instilling a sense of love for the Motherland.

Every summer the library must make its readers extraordinary, unforgettable. Competitions, games, adventures, travel and gifts will make children's leisure time not only interesting, but also useful. For the library, summer becomes another opportunity to attract children and teenagers to read and use the library.

Goals and objectives of the program.


  • Formation of active reading activity and organization of leisure time for children and adolescents in the summer
  • Attracting new readers to the library
  • Consolidating the role of books in the self-development of a young reader.
  • Promotion of high-quality literature that nourishes morality, citizenship, patriotism, and love for the motherland.
  • Attract readers to active participation in the summer program “Book Summer, Be with Me.”
  • To contribute to the formation and expansion of the reading horizons, interests, and hobbies of children and adolescents with the help of books.
  • Development of reading taste and reading habit.

Action plan for program implementation.

Creative project execution


  1. “Book summer, be with me” stand


  1. “In a sunny meadow” environmental game

Ogneva T.A.

  1. “Paths of Lukomorye” literary quiz game based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin

Kostyleva T.A.

  1. "From ancient Rus' before new Russia» video - story hour

Shabalina L.R.

  1. “Splashes of sunny summer” game program

Selivanova L.A.
Kostyleva T.A.
Shabalina L.R.

  1. “Holidays with a book” exhibition-viewing

June August


  1. “I read it and recommend it to you” book exhibition

June August


  1. “We are your friends, nature” ecological journey

Selivanova L.A.

  1. “Fantasies of little wizards” exhibition of children’s crafts

June August


  1. “Peter and Fevronia – Russian Romeo and Juliet” media conversation

Selivanova L.A.
Shabalina L.R.

  1. “I am friends with a daisy, a bird and a bug” booklet with tasks for the summer

June August


  1. "Cartoon Day"

June August


  1. “Books that are fun with” exhibition-viewing

July August

Reading room

  1. “The Magic of Book Summer” book exhibition

June August

reading room

  1. “On the Book Paths of Summer” bookmark

Shabalina L.R.
Kostyleva T.A.

  1. “Orthodox book for the family, for the home, for the soul” recommendation list

Shabalina L.R.
Selivanova L.A.

  1. “Unprecedented and much more” review of children's magazines and newspapers


Compiled by: Selivanova L.A. – head CDB

Shabalina L.R. – Ved. librarian for mass work with children.

Novikova Natalia Rafaelevna - head. sector of the non-stationary network.

Lokhmacheva Irina Vyacheslavovna - librarian of the reading room.

Lokhmacheva Lyudmila Valerievna - librarian of the reading room.

“In the summer I am friends with a book”
children's library project named after. A.P. Gaidar, branch No. 2 MUK TsGDB

The essence of the project: attracting children to reading in the summer through individual work with readers, as well as a system of leisure and educational activities in the library and beyond.

Goal: To attract children to reading in the summer.


Organize individual work with readers in all departments, aimed at attracting them to reading in the summer;

Organize mass work with summer camps and kindergartens in reading room;

Develop and conduct joint events with the Children's and Youth Center "Mir" outside the library (Children's Park, Children's and Youth Center "Mir");

Organize children's leisure time in the library in the summer.

Description of the project.

Preparatory work for the project implementation
Creation comfortable environment in library.

Play and information areas were designed to make it comfortable and interesting for children to spend their leisure time:

“Play, count, solve” (corner with board games and game books);

“Clever and smart girls” (corner of crosswords, puzzles, puzzles);

“City of Artists” (drawing corner);

“Let’s do it ourselves” - an exhibition of children’s creative works;

Design of the information stand “Vacations without boredom.”

Working with the fund.

Book exhibitions and corners were decorated:

“Books live in the world” in the reading room;

“In the summer I am friends with a book” on the subscription;

“Friends are calling for an anniversary” - book exhibitions on the works of anniversary writers;

“There is such a date in the calendar” - book exhibitions dedicated to significant dates of summer;
Creation of literary and gaming booklets and literary and gaming bookmarks.

The following were compiled, published and replicated:

Literary and game booklets “There are books in the world” for summer reading middle school students;

Literary and game bookmarks “The red summer has come”, “The red rocker hung across the river”, “Funny riddles from the forest, from the field, from the garden” to attract junior schoolchildren to reading books from the “Folklore” department;

Recommendation lists were compiled, published and reproduced:

List of books to read in the summer for children who have completed 1st grade;

List of books for summer reading for children who have completed 2nd grade;

List of books for summer reading for children who have completed 3rd grade;

Drawing up cooperation agreements in the summer with the heads of cultural and educational institutions.

An agreement was reached on cooperation in the summer with the following cultural and educational institutions:

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1,23,28,30,33,50;

DOU No. 28,60,66,110,170,176;

CDT (leaders of the “Soft Toy”, “Bead Weaving” circles, etc.);

DDT Leninsky district (associations “Inspiration” and “Friends of the Rainbow”);

Children's and Youth Center "Mir".

Individual work on a project.

Individual work was carried out by all departments.

At the entrance to the library, the children were greeted by an information stand “Vacations without Boredom”, which presented all the information about the summer project. Colorful books that had not been exhibited for a long time were selected from the reading room stock. The result was an extensive exhibition “We are calling you to a good fairy tale...” with sections: “Cartoon Fairy Tales”, “About Princes and Princesses”, “Guys about Animals” and “Fairytale Detective”. The subscription librarians successfully worked with readers on the book exhibition “In the summer I am friends with books,” which was of great interest to readers.

The book exhibition “Books Live in the World” was actively working in the reading room. This exhibition helped the children complete the tasks of the literary and game booklet. This booklet invited children - middle school students - to take part in an interesting literary expedition. Everyone received a booklet; it could be filled out either at home or in the reading room at the book exhibition. The booklet turned out to be large, but the children were asked to decide for themselves whether they would go the whole way or shorten their journey. Bookmarks with tasks were included with the booklet. Each bookmark is a stop, at each stop it was necessary to find a treasure. The travelers visited the Island of Fairy Tales, the Area of ​​Funny Stories, the Land of Flight of Fantasy, Igroland, Eco-Island, the Independent State of Extraordinary Adventures, the Poetic Valley and the Native Land. The guys enjoyed the trip. 27 people took part in it. The most active were 14 people. Some went all the way, others completed several tasks. But everyone was interested. The children coped well with the creative tasks. Creative works include poems, crafts, drawings, and an electronic presentation. This literary and play booklet was created for middle school students.

A comfortable environment, book exhibitions, as well as assignments from our literary and game booklets contributed to the manifestation of the creativity of readers in the library. The guys drew, painted, wrote poems, and created models.

When working to attract children to reading, the greatest attention was paid to working with fiction. Summer booklets were dedicated to the works of writers P. Ershov, A. Pushkin, P. Bazhov, A. Tolstoy, A. Nekrasov, V. Dragunsky, M. Zoshchenko, I. Pivovarova, A. Usachev, V. Berestov, V. Bianki and N. Sladkova. Book exhibitions on the subscription introduced the works of A. Pushkin, S. Georgiev, E. Veltistov, T. Jansson, V. Golyavkin, S. Kozlov, A. Aleksin, M. Zoshchenko, E. Chepovetsky.

And literary and game bookmarks for younger readers worked to attract people to read books from the “Folklore” department. The bookmarks also included creative tasks, which the children coped well with (see appendix). The bookmarks were filled out by 10 people, a total of 20 bookmarks were filled out. The results of working with bookmarks were noted in the corner on the subscription.

Our recommended summer reading lists were also in good demand. The lists offered suggestions for the best children's books on a variety of topics that we have in our library. Many guys read from lists.

The results of individual work are indicated by numbers. In total, 8,045 people visited the library over the summer, 5,383 of them individually.

Organization of mass work.

The start of work on the project was given on June 1. Readers of branch No. 2 participated in the procession “Read for yourself, read with us.” The branch column consisted of 79 people who walked from the branch to the Central Children's Hospital. The guys carried posters, shouted chants, and encouraged everyone to read. In the courtyard of the Central Library, librarians of branch No. 2 organized a playground where literary activities were carried out. sport games(see photo).

The presentation of the summer project was held on June 5 in the Children's Park near the Children's and Youth Center "Mir" at a joint event.

At the end of each month, game programs were held to sum up the results of the month. This is how a series of meetings with readers developed "Holidays without boredom", which consisted of:

game program “Books live in the world”;

game program "Holidays without boredom";

final meeting "The key to summer - the adventure continues".

Each game program consisted of a variety of games and tasks. During the events, children got acquainted with the best children's books. All activities worked to attract children to reading and summed up the results of work with literary and game booklets. The first game program was named the same as our summer literary expedition (based on literary and game booklets) - “Books live in the world.” Various forms of quizzes were used during the event. The video quiz was successful: the children used an excerpt from the feature film “Guest from the Future” to guess what would happen next.

The game program “Vacations without Boredom” was held in July. It was compiled so that the children would be interested in our booklets and books presented at the exhibition for reading in the summer. The game was played in the form of a competition between two teams. The children were offered a trip to extraordinary countries, islands, and valleys (a globe was specially designed). So, in the “Land of Flight of Fantasy” the children had to answer two video questions about the film “The Adventures of Electronics”; on Eco-Island you had to guess the voices of animals; on “Fairy Tale Island” you had to take part in a funny fairy-tale quiz. In the “Independent State of Extraordinary Adventures” the children became participants in “real” fishing (the game “Catch a Fish”). In the “Area of ​​Fun Stories” the children had to become real code breakers, and those who completed the task were revealed to have the name of the writer V. Dragunsky. In the “Poetry Valley” the children learned to write poems about simple things that surround them (for example, they read A. Usachev’s poem “Flying”). At the end of the game, the participants ended up on the island “Rodnoy Krai”, where they were waiting for the game “Say a Word” based on the tales of P. Bazhov. I really liked the game.

Most of all, the children liked the final meeting - the game program “The Key to Summer...”, which was held in August. Readers who actively took part in the project, as well as everyone else, were invited to the celebration. At the beginning the conclusion was summed up summer job according to literary and gaming booklets. The most active participants were awarded certificates. Then the project participants presented their creative works. Thus, Olya Ustinova (school No. 30 - 4th grade), presented an electronic presentation of her favorite sport - streetball. On City Day, Olya and her team took first place in the streetball competition in her age group. She imagined her work in sports uniform with a medal on her chest. This made an impression on the guys. Olya donated the disk with the presentation to the library. Another interesting performance was made by Vladimir Vituzhnikov (school No. 1 - 7th grade). He presented a model of Fox Mountain and read his poem about this favorite place in the city. Other guys presented their games, quizzes, crosswords. It was interesting to listen to everyone. Then the librarian of the reading room played an exciting game with all the children - a competition. The game is interesting because everyone present took part in it. It went quickly and entertainingly, the guys traveled to the same stations that were in the booklet (for game development - competitions, see the appendix).

The sports and game program “The Jungle is Calling!” was also interesting. Children, together with animal characters from children's books, traveled through the jungle and learned how to stay healthy. This game program included not only literary, but also outdoor games.

The forms and methods of mass library work in the summer were varied. In mass work, there were mainly game forms: literary and educational game programs, conversations and games. For example, the game - the journey “There on unknown paths”, the literary game “What a delight these fairy tales are”, the conversation - the game “The tea is fragrant, aromatic and always tastes good.” In preparing and holding the events, all technical capabilities of the library were used: computer and CD, DVD player, TV, tape recorder, copy machine. And to make it interesting for children, they looked for new forms and approaches in mass work. New form became creative search"Summer Detective Agency". The guys received a telegram from Sherlock Holmes asking them to find important evidence in the “Key of Summer” case. However, the guys are not detectives, and so they went to the School of Detective Sciences. They studied special subjects: encryption, conspiracy, identikit, etc. During these lessons, the children received assignments based on the books of the summer literary expedition “Books Live in the World.” For example, having solved the code, the children learned the names of the writers who celebrated their anniversaries, and drew portraits of the heroes of I. Pivovarova’s book “Stories by Lucy Sinitsyna” based on an excerpt from the work (lesson “Photographic sketch”).

Massive work was carried out in different directions. During the events, significant, memorable and literary dates were celebrated. But even the most serious events were carried out in game form. So, to International Day protection of children at the conversation - the game there was a rally fairy-tale heroes, where children, together with the characters from the books, learned about their rights. And for Russia Day, a game program “Vivat, Russia!” was held, in which unofficial symbols of Russia were remembered, such as the birch tree, the bear and others. The children played games and solved riddles associated with these symbols.

Much attention was paid to the environmental direction. Gaming and educational programs This direction was in demand not only among summer camps, but also among kindergartens. The most interesting event was the cheerful kaleidoscope “Fruit Surprise”. The children guessed riddles about various fruits, and if they guessed the riddle correctly, the corresponding real fruit appeared from the chest. The librarian told a story related to this fruit, and then games and quizzes were held, also related to this fruit. There was always a book exhibition for every event.

Local history was presented by a conversation - a game “About Girls and Boys” (for the 55th anniversary of S. Georgiev) and a conversation - a quiz “It was once called...” (for City Day). At the last event, the guys traveled through the streets hometown, found out what they were called before, guessed the names of the streets of Vyya from the description.

Much attention in mass work was paid to the works of the best children's writers and classics: A. Pushkin, E. and N. Charushin, S. Kozlov, T. Jansson, M. Zoshchenko, E. Chepovetsky, V. Golyavkin and others.

Children's magazines were not forgotten either. The guys celebrated the anniversary of “Murzilka” at a festive conversation - the game “Like on the “Murzilka’s” name day.”

In total, 93 events were held over the summer (cf. 2008 - 89), they were attended by 2662 people (cf. 2008 - 1843). The increase in indicators was due to the fact that the library was very actively visited by kindergartens and summer camps.

Cooperation with other institutions.

All schools and kindergartens in the region traditionally collaborated with us in mass work.

The Children's Creativity Center presented an exhibition of crafts and creative works “Let's do it ourselves.” This exhibition aroused great interest among our readers.

Children's associations "Inspiration" and "Friends of the Rainbow" of the Leninsky District Children's Children's Theater presented exhibitions of drawings by their students during the summer. These exhibitions decorated the library and also aroused the interest of readers.

This is the third year the branch has been collaborating with the Children and Youth Center “Mir”; this cooperation is especially close in the summer. During the implementation of the project, three events were jointly held, one per month. For the first time such a number, and for the first time in the Youth and Youth Center hall. In previous years such events were held only in the park, but in 2009 the first event was held in the park and the subsequent two in the hall. The Children's and Youth Center hall is modern, very cozy, with great technical capabilities. Working at the sites of the Children's and Youth Center "Mir", the library receives great opportunities to promote its activities, as well as children's and family reading.

So, in June, together with the Youth and Youth Center, a presentation of this project took place in the children's park as part of entertainment program"Colorful Fair" The library organized a Literaturnaya station and a visiting reading room. The presentation of the project was held at this station. Children received an advertising bookmark with an invitation to take part in the literary expedition “Books Live in the World” and learned about the work of the library in the summer. This action was carried out not only with children from summer camps, but also with children and their parents who were simply walking in the park. As participants in the fair, the children unraveled the literary confusion by correctly connecting the names of the celebratory writers and the titles of the works they wrote. The open-air reading room was a great success among all the children. The children enjoyed reading the most interesting children's magazines: “Princess”, “Mickey Mouse”, “Tom and Jerry”, etc. Also in the park there was an advertisement about the work of the library in the summer and about the “Key to Summer” program. During the fair, 168 people visited the Literaturnaya station and the reading room.

In July, a meeting at the Children's and Youth Center "Mira" was dedicated to A. Pushkin. Together with the Youth and Youth Center, a literary game “What a delight these fairy tales are” was held. The game took place in the building of the Children's and Youth Center "Mir" in the form of a competition between two camps. The librarians have prepared an interesting and varied literary quiz. It was supplemented by outdoor games prepared by the staff children's center. At the end, the full-length cartoon “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” was shown. The guys really enjoyed the event.

In August, a competitive and game program “The House We Live In” was held, dedicated to City Day and held within the walls of the Children’s and Youth Center “Mir”. The game took place among teams from four summer camps. It consisted of four stages, one of which was conducted by librarians from branch No. 2. The library stage was dedicated to the streets of the city. The librarian presented a story from the history of the streets of the city center and the Vyi district, and then the children were asked to solve the confusion “It was once called...”. Participants in the game had to match old and new street names. A small traveling exhibition of books about our city was organized for the event.

The success of our project depended on close cooperation with all these institutions.

Results of the project.

The goal and objectives of the project were achieved. All the work done came down to attracting children to read.

Total over the summer children's library them. A.P. Gaidar (branch No. 2) was visited by 8045 people (cf. 2008 - 6597), of which 2662 people at events and 5383 individually!!!

699 people signed up again(cf. 2008 - 337). In total, 16,323 books were issued over the summer (cf. 2008 - 12,846) (for more details, see the diagram).

Also over the summer there was 93 events were held(cf. 2008 - 89), they were visited by 2662 people (cf. 2008 - 1843).

At the end of the summer, the best readers received Certificates of an active participant in the summer program.

A lot of interesting, entertaining and exciting things happen here in the summer months. There are play corners here all summer long, and in August library staff welcome children on interactive creative platforms in reading rooms with a range of events "Library summer of creative color."
To the Department of Services for Preschoolers and Students younger age You can come with your child and read a toy book, play educational games Board games, draw. Recommendation flyers “To avoid getting bored in the summer, choose what to read” will help parents choose a book for their child according to their age, and an interactive bibliomarathon“Sunny Summer Book Relay Race” will determine the best reader of the month.

A real treat for readers of all ages in the department of organizing leisure time and developing children's creative abilities: everything for drawing, modeling and more creative work, discs with the best domestic and foreign cartoons, audio recordings of your favorite fairy tales and children's songs. Children can watch cartoons, draw, listen to audio recordings of fairy tales, poems, and stories performed by the best actors. The department has audiobooks that you can listen to directly in the library.
Older guys are waiting Department of Services for Middle and Older Students, where they can get advice in the field of electronic information. The staff will introduce you to the best sites for teenagers. Here you can play educational games computer games alone or with friends, attend individual and group master classes on creating electronic presentations, learn the rules of safe behavior on the Internet. In addition, in the department, readers will find almost all the works on the summer reading lists: books by classic writers and works modern authors. Literature can be borrowed from subscriptions and read at home. For those who like to read books from a computer in the reading room, you can read any book using the free the base of the Russian National Electronic Children's Library (NEDL).

Summer is free time for free reading, a wonderful reading time for the soul. During this period, the library hosts book exhibitions offering exciting books for summer reading. Here is a self-assembled exhibition “Tea party with celebratory books” in the department of services for preschoolers and young students, and an interactive exhibition-review “With a Book on Planet Summer” in the department of services for middle and older students.
Various promotions are held for children and parents: in the service department for preschoolers and young students - “To school with a book bouquet”, equipped with a relaxation corner “Teddy Nanny” and the book tent “With a book, heaven is in the tent”, all summer long, the libmob “There’s a library next door...” takes place in Memory Square, and bibliofresh is organized in the service department for middle-aged and older students “Repertoire for fashionable reading” and the readers’ competition “Literary Rally”.
All summer holidays in the department of organizing leisure time and developing children's creative abilities according to the program “Summer Adventures of Readings” opens at Knizhkin Cinema Hall, where you can watch and discuss the best feature and popular science films addressed to children and their parents. Here you can watch your favorite movie, sports show together, play board games, or do something with your own hands. Librarians always prepare various quizzes and Mind games, reviews of new book releases in case if the guys have such an interest.
We welcome the appearance within the walls of the library of friendly groups of children and teenagers who came simply to chat with each other among books, and of course children with mothers and grandmothers, many of whom were readers of our library in childhood, and now have brought their children and grandchildren.

Titles of book exhibitions

To help the school curriculum

"Want to know everything"

"To help teachers of literature"

“Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting”

"Across continents and countries"

"Geography of continents, oceans and seas"

"Rus. Russia. Russian empire"

“Every line breathes history”

"History in Faces"

"Two steps away from the textbook"

“My tongue is my friend”

"Your Friend Forever"

“Language is the confession of the people”

“With a book in the world of interesting sciences”

"Behind the Pages of the Textbook"

"For Know-Nothings and Know-Nothings"

"To know the world"

“The reference kingdom is a wise state”

About books and reading

"With a book for life"

"The book is in your hands"

"Creative Reader"

"Smart Reader"

“We read, we think, we reason”

“We read, discuss, create”

"To you, book lovers"

“Foreign writers for children”

"Humor in Children's Books"

“On vacation with a book”

"Aloud. Loud. About myself. About us!"

"Family Favorite Books"

"Open the book and miracles begin"

“We read fairy tales, watch fairy tales”

"Encore Reading"

“The second profession is a reader”

“Every book is about you, every one is for you, just take a closer look.”

"Book News"

"Books that everyone knows"

"Miracle - the name of which, book"

“Library – book – modern reader”

"Ethical Grammar"

“About beauty, fashion and good taste”

"A cultured person is..."

"Elegance, beauty, charm"

Fairy tales

"In the world of fairy tales"

"This good old fairy tale"

“The fairy tale is clever and charming”

"Visiting a fairy tale"

"Drawing a fairy tale"

"Journey to a fairy meadow"

"Journey to a Fairy Tale"

"There, on unknown paths"

"Let's play a fairy tale"

"In some kingdom"

"The wonderful world of fairy tales"

"The Magic World of Fairy Tales"

"Tales of the Good Wizard"

"Tales of the Peoples of the World"

"Fairy tales travel around the world"


"On the roads of fairy tales"

"Tales of the Udmurt people"

"Oh, these fairy tales"

About health

"If you want to be healthy"

"Healthy lifestyle"

"Beauty, health, youth"

"Your health is in your hands"

“Longevity actual and possible”

"Take care of your health"

“Take care of your health from a young age”

"Grow up healthy"

“If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything”

"Be healthy"

“Every day is a holiday for healthy people”

Nature and ecology

"With love for nature"

“Through a book – love for nature”

"A world to understand and love"

"Land of Silver Springs"

"Ecology and Books"

"We and our smaller brothers"

“About my native land with love”

"Live, nature"

“Live, Earth!”

"Living language of nature"

“I love Rossi, the noise of the forest”

“Man and nature: harmony or tragedy?”

"Our four-legged friends"

“We only have one land”

“The earth is our home”

"Our common Home- nature"

"You and I need Earth"

"Earth - native home humanity"

"Ecological Bulletin"

"Words, colors, sounds"

"Man and Ecology"

"Ecology of the native land"

"Nature of the native land"

"Nature and us"

"Nature and Man"

“Who lives around, what grows around”

"Forest and its protection"

"About our little brothers"

“In the fate of nature is our fate”

"Let's give the planet a chance"

"The Land That Isn't More Beautiful"

"The Earth is in Trouble"

“If we destroy nature, we will destroy ourselves”

"Know, love, take care"

“Man is responsible for the cleanliness of the land and rivers”

"We and our Earth"

"Earth is a blue planet"

"Nature. Ecology. Literature."

"Secrets of the Green Forest"

"In defense of nature"

"Alarm Bells"

"Ecology and Children"

"Ecology and Society"

“Ecology and everyday life: look around”

"Environmental problems: the severity of the situation"

“Love and know the Udmurt region”

"The soul of nature is present in us"

"Caution - nature!"

"Enter nature as a friend"

"Under the roof of your house"

"Problems of family education"

About love

"Lines of Love"

"Love, love is a mysterious word"

"Love is the heart of everything"

"There is a book of eternal love"

"Poems about love"

"Song of Love"

“But we will still love...”

"Writers about Love"

About Pushkin

"A poet for all times"

"Pushkin and his era"

"The poet through the eyes of his contemporaries"

"Pushkin's poetic echo"

"Let my soul open"

"Hope and love, dignity and honor"

"Pushkin in life"

"And life, and tears, and love"

"Pushkin and his Madonna"

"I loved you…"

"Beautiful and mysterious Pushkin"

"Pushkin and Natalie"


"Kaleidoscope of Magazines"

"Newspapers and magazines for children"

"Children's magazines visiting the kids"

"Country Journal"

“What the magazines say”

"Journey to the Land of Journalia"

"Hello, Country Journal"

“Scroll through us, read us, and we will teach you everything”

"New periodicals"

"New items in the magazine world"


"In the world of beauty"

"Journey to the Land of Inspiration"

"Journey to the Land of Creativity"

"Poetry and painting of the romantics"

“Learning to see beauty”

“Look at the world with admiring eyes”

"Good through beauty"

"Dialogue of true goodness and beauty"

"Surprise and Joy"

"In the Dream World"

"Beauty is all around us"

Choice of professions

"In the world of professions"

"Who to be?"

"I choose a profession"

"How to find yourself"

"Who am i?"

"Entering Life"

"Choose a profession"

"Your future profession"

“Young people are welcome everywhere”

"Journey through the professions"

"Kaleidoscope of Professions"

“All works are good - choose according to your taste”

Unusual, unidentified

"Secrets Revealed and Unrevealed"

"Obvious, but incomprehensible"

"The obvious is the incredible"

"Space trip"

"Secrets of magic and witchcraft"

Upbringing and education

“Pedagogical search: experience, problems, findings”

"To help teachers"

"Towards each other"

"We and our children"

"Lesson in a modern school"

"School: Search on the Way"

“From the textbook to the creative concept of the lesson”

"The Path to the Student"

We teach creativity"

“I am your student, you are my teacher”

Housekeeping and handicrafts

“Very good.” Skillful hands"

"For skilled hands"

“Skillful hands know no boredom”

“We made it ourselves”


“We sew, knit, embroider”

"Good hands craftsmanship"

"City of masters"

"Home crafts"

"Advice from Marya the Mistress"

“Skillful hands and painstaking work will not create this”

“On long winter evenings: we sew, knit, embroider”

"Under the roof of your house"

Traffic regulations

"ABC of a young pedestrian"

"Everyone should know this"

“About traffic rules for everyone without exception”

"Pedestrian ABC"

"Red, yellow, green"

"Attention, road!"


"Courage, Courage and Honor"

"Reflections on the Supreme Truth"

"Morals and Legal Responsibility"

"I, you, we"

"Journey to the Country of Rodaria"

"Under the sign of Zakhoder"

“From childhood” (about S. Lagerlöf)

"CD in the library"

“A reason for fun: Dunno and Deniska”

"The Life of Remarkable People"

"Briefly about miscellaneous things"

"Your own psychologist"

“My childhood, treasured country”