Direct educational activities for the preparatory group. Direct educational activities in the pre-school group “What do we know about professions? Wellness activities for the academic year

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the physical development of children No. 142”

Directly educational activities.

Subject: "The magic of a kind word"

Preparatory group.


Highest qualification category:

Makhova N.P.

G. Orenburg

The magic of a kind word.

Target: to form a culture of behavior, moral qualities: responsiveness, goodwill; train in the ability to give kindness to others in words and deeds.

Software tasks:

  1. Develop an understanding that our own moods and the attitudes of others depend on our actions.
  2. Develop ideas about what friendship and kindness are. Form friendly relationships between children.
  3. Expand your vocabulary to express friendly feelings.

Preliminary work:conversations, reading works of art, beating various situations from life, dramatization, listening to recordings, board game"I'm good".

Vocabulary work:friends, buddy, quarrel, fight, pity, politeness, kindness, put up, please, thank you.

Materials for the lesson:hat, ball, miracle tree, microphone, surprise box, stars, leaves with tasks.

Progress of the lesson.


Hello dear guests!
Come to the smart group,
Take a look at our work
Are you happy to see us?
We are for you too!

And to make it more fun,
For a fun idea
We invited the kindest hero of fairy tales

Leopold the cat.

Leopold the Cat, today you will be reminded of your famous phrase. Which one? (Guys, let's live together) and ask interesting tasks.


1. task: "Musical Cap"

Leopold the Cat will now help us remember words of politeness. Try not to repeat yourself, remember as many words as possible. (Children pass the hat to each other to the music, saying polite words).

2. task: "Turn yourself into a flower."
Imagine that you are daisies. You grow somewhere, you are happy about something, you dream about something, you see something at night, you are afraid of someone and your petals are whispering about something.
Flowers, what are your names? Where do you grow up? What are you happy about? What do you see at night? Who are you afraid of? What are your petals whispering about? (children answer questions)

3. task: Game "I'll start, you continue"

Now let's go back to our seats and play. You know a lot of proverbs about friendship, let's remember them. I will pronounce the beginning of the proverbs, and you will continue them.

If you don’t have a friend, look for it (but if you find it, take care)

Don’t have a hundred rubles (but have a hundred friends)

One for all and all for one)

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Who likes to lie (you can’t take him as a friend)

A friend in need is a friend indeed)

Friendship is like glass (if you break it, you won't be able to put it back together)

Strong friendship (you can’t cut it with an ax)

Where friendship is valued (where enemies tremble too)

Friendship and brotherhood (more valuable than any wealth)

An old friend is better than two new ones)

Friendship in business (assistant)

Remember friendship (and forget evil)

Hold on to each other - (not be afraid of anything)

What secrets of friendship are spoken about in proverbs?


4. task: “Miracle - tree”

There is an unusual tree in front of you, as it has unusual leaves. Questions are written on the leaves of this tree.


  1. Maxim urgently needs to contact the teacher, and at this time she is talking. What should be done?
  2. Sasha ran into Nastya at the door. What should he do?
  3. Polina brought a new doll to the group, and Vlada wants to play with Polina’s doll. What should Vlada do?
  4. Andrey was running, fell and injured his knee. What will the children do?
  5. The girls are playing an interesting game, Sveta approached them. What will the girls say to her?
  6. The boys built a house from blocks, Kirill was playing nearby and touched it, the house broke. What should Kirill do?
  7. You came to kindergarten and brought sweets. What will you do with them?
  8. Can someone who offends little ones be called polite?
  9. "Calm down the boy Elisha"
    Exercise: -in the world a lot of different words. With the help of words you can caress, upset, beautifully congratulate and calm, etc. A little boy Elisha came to kindergarten. Mom left him and went away. He burst into tears. Calm him down.

Well done! They answered questions well.

5. Physical exercise “Our hands”

6. task: Game with a microphone “What is kindness”

Guys, what is kindness for each of you? Say it quickly, without thinking. (Children say their thoughts in a chain)

All people need kindness
Let there be more good ones.
It’s not in vain that they say when we meet

“Good afternoon” and “Good evening.”
And it’s not for nothing that we have
Wishes "Good morning."
Kindness is from time immemorial
Human decoration...

It's not easy to be kind
Kindness does not depend on height.
Kindness does not depend on color,
Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.
If kindness shines like the sun,
Adults and children rejoice.

7.task “Do you know fairy tales?”

1) What apartment does Baba Yaga live in?
2) In what area is her hut located?
3) Who is Baba Yaga's best friend?
4) What magical things are there in fairy tales?
5) Where did the seventh kid hide?
6) Where did the woman get the flour for the bun?
7) What did the fairy make Cinderella’s carriage from?
8) “And the crane keeps pecking and pecking until it has eaten everything” - what fairy tale are these words from?
9) What is the name of the boy who was raised by wolves in the jungle?
10) From what fairy tale are these words “Don’t be sad, go with God, you will have a new trough”?
11) Where is the death of Koshchei the Immortal?

8.task: Surprise - a box with stars.

Leopold the cat has prepared a surprise for you. Take one thing out of this beautiful box.

Guys, what did you get? (Stars).

What stars? (Different in size and shape. Same in color, made from regular landscape paper).

What fairy tale are they from?

What does this fairy tale teach? (The fairy tale teaches that we must try to see in the people around us good qualities and at the same time, you cannot blindly trust everyone the way the stars trusted the evil wizard. We must remember that there is both good and evil in the world.)

Do you like stars?

Guys, how would you like to decorate your star?

What color can a star be?

Get to work, color your star the way you want it most.

Raise the stars, show how you got them.

Tell me, is there at least one star that is exactly the same, look carefully.

All the stars turned out different and beautiful in their own way. Just like each of you is special and unique. After all, we don’t have a second Nastya like her in our group, and we don’t have a second Andrey either. There are three Maxims, the boys have the same name, but they themselves are completely different.


Guys, what do you think, did Leopold the cat like it today? Why?

We can say that today in class with the help kind words did magic happen? Prove it.

What will each of you remember and tell your mother about at home?

What should you and I always remember?

And in conclusion, let’s sing the song of the cat Leopold “If you are kind”, and with this song we wish goodness to each other and to all the people around us.

Let's live together

And cherish our friendship.

And never quarrel

Then things all go wrong.

This concludes our lesson.

Application. A fairy tale about the Star Country.

In one fairy-tale country there lived stars, so the country was called Starry. The stars were different: blue and white, yellow and blue, green and pink, red and even black. They were different in size too. There lived here very tiny stars, and medium-sized stars, and even huge stars. There was not a single star among them that was exactly like the other. But they were all very kind and attentive to each other. The soul of each star was filled with love for all the inhabitants of this fairyland. Therefore, they saw only good and kindness in each other, and because of this they shone with an amazing magical light. The star country was extraordinarily beautiful and unique from this wonderful radiance. Peace, harmony, mutual understanding and love reigned everywhere.

But one day, the most dirty of all dirty tricks in the world, an evil wizard, whose name was Dirty Pakostevich, flew over the Star Country. He saw the Star Country, and envy began to boil within him. How can it be, he thinks, love is all around, beauty, peace. No one fights, no one quarrels. And Dirty Pakostevich had no peace. Unfortunately, there are also those who feel very bad when others feel good.

And Dirty Pakostevich conceived his evil deed. And so that the stars would not recognize him, he turned around as the wind of change and began to whisper that, they say, life in other countries is more fun, more interesting and more joyful. The stars became worried and worried. They also wanted to live even more interestingly, even more fun, even better.

What needs to be done for this? – the stars asked.

Everything is very simple: you need to find shortcomings in others, scold all the time, get angry, remember all the misdeeds that were once committed, taught Dirty Pakostevich with knowledge of the matter.

But the stars did not know how to do this. And the evil wizard began to teach them further.

“Hey, you,” he shouted to a black star named Adelaide. - Why are you so black? I know, I know, you’re too lazy to wash your face. Ugh, what a dirty little thing. It takes a ton of soap to wash something so dirty. Hee-hee-hee...ha-ha-ha...

Someone picked up, someone remained silent. But it didn't get any more fun. And the black star Adelaide, from rude ridicule, began to dim right before everyone’s eyes and no longer glowed with an amazing magical light as before. But Dirty Pakostevich did not let up.

“Hey, huge one,” he shouted to the big green star Iolanta. It's gone bad. Look, soon you will leave the whole country without food with such and such appetites. Ha ha ha...

Nobody stood up. And from the rude ridicule the previously bright green star Iolanta began to fade. But Dirty Pakostevich did not let up. He walked up to a little pink star named Yuta and started laughing at her.

Oh, I can’t... What kind of little thing is this? Not an asterisk, but some kind of microbe. Just look at it through a microscope. What good is it, it’s in vain that the sky smokes. And he laughed cheerfully again.

From such rude and evil words and strange laughter, Utah’s tiny pink star almost completely went out. And then many stars picked up the idea of ​​Pakost Pakostevich. They began with great diligence to look for flaws in each star, scolded each other, and recalled all the misdeeds that had once been committed. And from rude, offensive words, bad thoughts, love began to leave, and souls began to be filled with hatred, malice, and envy.

And because of this, the stars faded, dimmed and no longer shone with the amazing magical light that once gave a unique charm to the Star Country. Previously beautiful and bright, it has turned into a dull, gray, lifeless country.

The first to come to her senses was a very young white star named Lyuska. She decided to save her beloved homeland at any cost. “What to do,” thought Lyuska. – Maybe we should wait for the good wizard? But when will he arrive? After all, you can wait like this for a year, or two, or three, or thirty-three, or even not wait at all. But we must act right now immediately, otherwise it may be too late.” And she began to act at her own peril and risk. Lyuska began to find advantages in the stars instead of shortcomings, looking for the good and good that was in the soul of each of them. First she turned to the black starlet Adelaide.

Adelaide, you are very kind, you always took care of sick stars. Thanks to your attention, sensitivity, and patience, they quickly recovered.

And a miracle happened. The faded star Adelaide suddenly shone again with an amazing magical light.

Hooray! Happened. “Kind words help,” rejoiced Lyuska. And she began to act more confidently.

Iolanta, I have always admired your responsibility, your punctuality. After all, you have never been late for anything in your life. And from these kind words, Iolanta flared up again, sparkled, shimmering with all sorts of shades of green.

Then Lyuska spoke to the tiny star Yuta.

Even though you, Utah, are very small, it’s always so interesting and fun to be with you. Thank you for the holidays that you organized for us.

And Utah shone again with an amazing magical light. Lyuska’s idea was picked up by other stars. They began to look for in each other something kind and good that was in the soul of each of them.

And a miracle happened. The stars flashed one after another like the lights of a New Year's garland. Again the Star Country shone with an amazing magical light, again it became beautiful and unique, perhaps it became even more beautiful than before.

And Dirty Pakostevich realized that he had nothing more to do here and went home. He flew to look for a country whose inhabitants love to find faults in others, but do not notice their merits, where they love to offend each other, quarrel, remember mistakes and blunders, where they remember grievances for a long time.

Target: generalize children's ideas about the variety of professions and their purpose.


  1. Generalize knowledge about the variety of professions.
  2. Expand and concretize children’s ideas about professions, about social role labor.


  1. Develop attention, memory, cognitive interest.
  2. Improve skills in constructing complex and simple sentences.
  3. Develop speech activity, dialogical speech(by answering questions).
  4. Develop oral speech(through the construction of grammatically correct phrases and sentences).
  5. Develop voluntary behavior in games with rules.


Cultivate interest and respect for people of different professions.

Equipment and materials.

  1. Subject pictures depicting people of different professions, tools needed by people of different professions.
  2. "Miracle Box"
  3. Cards with a picture of a girl, a boy, with a picture of one and three balls.

Preliminary work.

  1. Conversations about parents' professions.
  2. Conversations and viewing of albums on the topic “Professions”.
  3. Reading fiction on the topic, learning poems, proverbs, sayings.
  4. Carrying out didactic games: lotto “Who needs what for work?”, “Professions”, “Attention, error!” etc.
  5. Word games: “The fourth wheel”, “Who does what?”, “Guess the profession”, “Guess what I do?”
  6. Riddles about professions
  7. Role-playing games
  8. Outdoor games

The total duration of the GCD is 30 minutes.

Children enter the group and sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys, L. Slutskaya has such a poem.


How much is needed in the world

People do around:

They weave sea nets

Those who mow the meadow at dawn,

They brew steel, they storm space,

Standing behind the machine in the workshop

Millions of smart adults

They teach children to read and write, someone pumps oil in the taiga

From the depths of the earth's layers.

And other tea leaves

Carefully plucked from the bushes.

Plenty of things to do every day

For you and for me,

Everything will always be alright

If the Earth works.

Educator: What is this poem talking about?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: That's right, this poem talks about professions. What is a profession?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: A profession is a person’s main occupation. This is a business that a person learns and then works.

When you become an adult, you will find some profession in which you will work.

There are many professions on Earth

But choose lovingly

Decide, my friend, who you should be,

After all, each of them is important.

Have any of you thought about what you would like to become in the future?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: To do this, you need to know what professions there are.

Well, let's take it in order, I'll guess - you guess, name your profession.

  1. Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches.

  1. Doctor, but not for children,

And for birds and animals.

He has a special gift


  1. Here the flames are raging

The smoke is coming in a column

"01" we dial

Whom do we call for help?


  1. Who nailed our heel,

Insert a lock into the boot.


  1. I'll make you laugh first

Stop! Now I'm filming!

I'll press the button

The bird flies out.


  1. At least he's a little worried,

Fusses and trembles,

But to thunderous applause

He is in a hurry to reveal his talent

  1. He is not a pilot, nor a pilot,

He's not flying a plane

And a huge rocket

So that I could rise to the stars


  1. Where is the earthquake

Or a flood

He will come to your aid,

will save you from death


Educator: I see that you are well acquainted with different professions. In order for a person of any profession to work well, people invented and manufactured various items, and the tools needed for the job.

I have a “Miracle Box” with cards in it, the cards depict objects, necessary for people different professions. You need to tell which profession people need these tools.

(Steering wheel, screwdriver, wheel, wrenches.)

Educator: What profession do people need these items?

Educator: What does the driver do? What qualities should he have?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: Why does he need these items?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: Lisa, tell me what you know about the driver’s profession?

(Child's story.)

Educator:(summarizes the answer). Driver, a very responsible and difficult job. The driver controls different types transport: cars and trucks, trolleybuses, buses, etc. Drivers transport people and various goods. The driver is well versed in cars and can repair them if necessary. The driver must know the rules well traffic. People's lives often depend on how he does his job.

Shows a card from the “miracle box”

(Thermometer, white coat, syringe, phonendoscope.)


(Children's answers.)

Educator: What does a doctor do?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: What qualities should a doctor have?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: What doctors do you know?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: Artem, tell us about the profession of a doctor.

(Child's story.)

Educator: A doctor is a very important and responsible profession. A doctor treats people, children, he prescribes medications, listens to the heart, gives injections. The doctor is very attentive, he listens to every patient. There are different types of doctors: therapists, cardiologists, ophthalmologists, surgeons, dentists, etc.

Shows a card from the “miracle box”

(pointer, chalk, globe)

Educator: What profession do people need these items for?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: What does the teacher do?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: What qualities should he have?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: Stas, tell us about the teaching profession.

(Child's story)

Educator: A teacher or lecturer is a very interesting profession. A teacher works at a school - teaches children. He knows a lot. He passes on his knowledge to children. The teacher is very attentive.

We will work with you,

Don't yawn, do it

And repeat after me.


We play in the profession (walking in place)

Instantly we became pilots (straight arms to the sides)

Flew on an airplane (circle around yourself)

And suddenly they became drivers (walking in place)

The steering wheel is now in our hands (hands in front of the chest)

We're going fast, just cool (running in place)

And now we’re at a construction site (arms bent in front of us at the elbows)

One brick and two and three (hands up)

We are building a house, look (join straight arms above your head)

It's game over

It's time for us to take our chairs.

Educator: Professions involve work. In order to work well, a person must know his business. Tell me, who does what?

Teacher - (teaches)

Tailor - (sews)

Artist – (paints paintings)

Driver – (drives cars)

Painter – (paints walls)

Janitor - (cleans)

Electrician – (conducts light)

Driver - (drives an electric train, train).

There is a lot of work on Earth

Hunt to try everything

To have a profession

We need to overcome laziness.

Educator: People have come up with many proverbs and sayings about work. I'll start, and you continue.

  1. Boring day until evening... (who has nothing to do)
  2. The master's work... (afraid)
  3. If there was a hunt, everything would go well... (work)
  4. Patience and work are all...(grind)
  5. For work and ... (reward)
  6. If there was patience, there would be... (skill)

Educator: Well done guys, you know the proverbs and sayings well. And now we’ll play with you and see who we can find out more carefully. I will name the profession, then show the card. If the card shows a girl, you need to name the profession in the feminine gender. If the card shows a boy, you need to name the profession in the masculine gender.

Teacher - teacher

Poet - poetess

Artist - artist

Clown - clown

Weaver - weaver

Waiter - waitress

Athlete - sportswoman

Educator: Next task: I will name a profession, then show a card. If there is an image of one ball on the card, you need to name the given profession in singular, if there is a picture of three balls on the card, you need to name the profession in the plural.

Cook - cooks

Painter - painters

Veterinarian – veterinarians

Carpenter – carpenters

Machinist - machinists

Pilot - pilots

Builder - builders


There are many professions in the world, it is impossible to count them. What do you think is the most important profession?

(Children's answers.)

Educator: Well done boys! You remembered many interesting professions. It is impossible to determine the most important and necessary of them. All are neither necessary nor useful. There is a lot of interesting and inquisitive things in every profession. Any work benefits people. Means:

“All professions are needed, all professions are important”!

Result: What did we talk about today? I have a flower with different petals in my hands. Go to the flower, tear off one petal at a time: if you were interested, a red petal, if you learned something new, a blue petal, if you were bored, a yellow petal.

List of sources used:

  1. "Child in kindergarten."
  2. "Preschool teacher."
  3. "Preschool education".
  1. O.V. Dybina “Acquaintance with objects and social environment”
  2. L.V. Kutsakov “Labor education in kindergarten”.
  3. Internet resources.

Summary of GCD in preparatory group"Journey with the Water Sorceress."

Description of material: The material is intended for teachers working with older children preschool age. This type of activity is aimed at developing cognitive activity and forming an ecological culture in children.
develop cognitive activity children.
a) Educational: clarify and expand children’s knowledge about water, its
properties, roles in human life and living organisms, about forms and
types of water (springs, rivers, seas). Give an idea of ​​the sources
water pollution, its consequences, measures to prevent
pollution. Strengthen your understanding of the relationships between adjacent
numbers; learn to distinguish between hard, soft, voiced, voiceless consonants
sounds, highlight syllables; make up words like a crossword puzzle.
b) Developmental: develop children’s coherent speech; intensify
lexicon; develop attention, memory, elements of logical
thinking, Creative skills.
c) Educational: to educate children to respect water and environmental culture.
Material and equipment: costumes of the Water Sorceress and Neptune; “drop caps”, carpet, easels; equipment for conducting experiments; educational games: “Fold the pattern”, “Transparent number”, “Logic screen”; pictures depicting sea creatures; crossword, large format cut alphabet.
Preliminary work: reading fiction, looking at paintings, illustrations, experimental activities, conversations with children.
- Guys, do you like miracles?
(Children's answers)

- Today a lot of new and interesting things await us, but let’s start in order, listen to my riddle:
Lives in seas and rivers,
But he often flies across the sea,
How will she get bored of flying?
It falls to the ground again. (Water)
- Now close all your eyes and a miracle will happen.
(An audio recording sounds - the murmur of water, the teacher puts on a hat decorated with droplets of water.)
-Guys, look at me, I am the Water Sorceress. Why a sorceress? Yes, because I can be different, and like any magician, sorcerer, sorcerer, I master the art of transformation: I can quickly run in a stream, splash in the sea, sparkle with cold pieces of ice in the ocean, float in the air with hot droplets of steam. I have prepared for you an interesting game “Logic Screen”.
Children approach easels on which sheets of assignments are located, the teacher asks them to look at them and answer the questions:
1.What kind of water is there? (river - liquid, ice - solid, cloud - in the form
2. Now think and answer the question, what other kind of water is there?
(Live, mirror, running)
Find on the card when the water is fluffy (snow), slippery
(ice), light (cloud), seething (waterfall).
H. What do you think water turns into when it evaporates and what happens to it?
happens later?

4.Who cannot live without water?
5.How does a person use water at home?
6.Where is water found in nature?
- Guys, where is the most water?
Children's answers.

- Would you like to visit the seabed, the underwater kingdom?
Children's answers.

- And for this you must turn into droplets. I will cast a magic spell, pour water on you from a magic watering can, and you will turn into droplets.
Come on, watering can, pour, pour!
For the kids, don't be sorry
Let them turn into droplets,
Have fun!
Droplets, tell me about yourself, what shape, color, size you are.
Children's answers.
The teacher conducts a motor warm-up:

- All the droplets gathered together and flowed in small cheerful streams. Bul-bul-bull the stream sings, runs between pebbles, trees, past paths, and descends from a ravine. We met large stones and boulders on the way, a stream began to make its way, and began to ring. Ding-ding-ding, a strong stream passed through the stones. And there's a river ahead!
How big and wide it is, how smoothly the waves roll, and now they float forward. There are huge boulders along the rapids. The river must pass through them. Let's jump over the boulders, the river has ended, it flows into the sea. We are with you on the seabed. Look how beautiful it is around and I invite you to my water laboratory. I was in a hurry to meet you and did not have time to finish my experiments. Will you help me?
Children's answers.

Sorceress Water:
- There is a glass of water in front of you. What kind of water is in the glass?
Children's answers.
Sorceress Water:

- How can it be cleaned?
Children's answers.
(Children purify the water.)

Questions for children:
1.Who pollutes the water?
2.What pollutes water?
3.What measures need to be taken to prevent water from leaving us?
4.What happens if suddenly there is no water?
Sorceress Water:
- There are 2 more glasses of water in front of you, try the water with your finger. What can you say?
(In one glass the water is warm, and in the other it is cold).
Sorceress water:
- In rivers, lakes, seas, water also occurs with different temperatures: both warm and cold. Some plants and animals can only live in warm water, others only in the cold.
Questions for children.
1. If you were a fish, what kind of water would you choose - warm or cold?
2. Where are there more different plants and animals - in warm or cold seas?
Children's answers.
Logorhythmic exercise “At sea”. (E. A. Alyabyeva “Development of speech and imagination of children 4-7 years old”)
The Water Sorceress praises the children and offers to solve a “sea crossword”. In the highlighted cells, children read the word "sea".

1.What is floating there?
Maybe jelly or ice,
Maybe the pulp is from a watermelon?..
Swims in the sea...
2. It looks like a soft pelvis,
The bright shine of huge eyes,
Eight long flexible legs
And all together -...
3. Tentacles - from the head,
Like a bunch of sea grass
He grabs them boldly,
The body looks like a glass.
4.He is the king of the sea,
Ocean sovereign,
He is the keeper of treasures at the bottom
And the lord of the mermaids
(Held sound analysis words sea).
Sorceress Water
- There are a lot of interesting things in the sea, for example, coral is one of the most beautiful stones. I have prepared coral reef sticks for you.
The Water Sorceress draws children's attention to the fact that coral sticks different color, suggests sorting them by color and then putting numbers out of them. Children lay out numbers from V. Voskobovich’s game “Transparent Number”.
Questions for children:

1. What figure did you post?
2. Name her neighbors.
Sorceress Water:

- You've done a good job, now you can rest. Children sit on pillows.
1,2,3,4,5 - we can all count
We also know how to relax -
Let's put our hands behind our backs,
Let's raise our heads higher
And let's breathe easily.
Our eyes are closed, we inhale the fresh sea air through our nose, the sounds of music calm you down.
Sorceress Water:
- Our journey has come to an end. As a souvenir of our journey, I want to give you a piece of water - magic droplets. Every morning they will help you wash out your sleepy eyes and help you rejoice sunny day, will always rush to help you when you need them, but you must also treat even these droplets of water carefully, wisely, and economically.

Shiltsova Irina Ivanovna
MBDOU "Children's No. 49 "Rainbow"
Krasnobrodsky village, Kemerovo region

Educational area: Safety


1. Educational objectives in the priority educational area

Safety: Systematize children's knowledge about the structure of the street and traffic. Continue to familiarize yourself with road signs - warning, prohibiting, informational.

2. Educational tasks solved in the integration of educational areas

Cognition (formation of a holistic picture of the world) : to consolidate children’s ideas about types of transport (ground, air, water).

Communication: encourage children to evaluate actions and actions

hero. Form the grammatical structure of speech, the ability to accurately express one’s thoughts, activate vocabulary (pedestrian, passenger, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing, road signs, transport traffic light, pedestrian traffic light)

Socialization: consolidate the ability to coordinate one’s actions with the actions of the teacher and comrades.

Physical Culture : train children to run like a snake between objects, perform a speed exercise.

Health: cultivate correct posture.

Music : enrich children's musical experiences when perceiving music.

3. Formation of integrative qualities (educational and developmental tasks)

To cultivate moral qualities: kindness, empathy, responsiveness;

Cultivate a desire to pass on your knowledge to others.

Develop memory, attention, prerequisites logical thinking, orientation in space.

Equipment for children: sheets of black paper and strips of white, house models, road signs, steering wheels.

Equipment for the teacher: multimedia presentation “Types of transport”, riddles.

Techniques and methods of work:

Verbal: conversation, artistic word, questions; musical accompaniment.

Visual: use of visual materials, use of multimedia presentation “Modes of Transport”

Game : didactic, outdoor game.

Preliminary work:

Tour of the village, examining traffic lights and road signs. Observation of transport while walking. Conversations with children about the rules of behavior on the road.

Organizing time.

IN: Good morning, Guys! What's your mood today?

Children's answers.

V. - Today we will go on an exciting journey. (The cat knocks on the door.)

K.- Take me with you, I also love to travel.

V. - But in order to travel, you need to know the rules of behavior on the road and in transport.

K. - Of course, I didn’t learn the rules, but I promise to be obedient.

V. - Then sit down and listen to the guys.

Before traveling, we need to remember what types of transport do you know? But for this you must guess my riddles. We look carefully at the screen, if the answer is correct, then a picture will appear.

So that he can take you

He won't ask for oats.

Feed him gasoline

Give me some rubber for my hooves.

And then, raising dust, it will run... (Car)

What a miracle bright house?

There are a lot of passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline.


Well, my friend, guess

Only this is not a tram.

It rushes quickly along the rails into the distance.

A line of huts.

The palace floats on the waves,

People are lucky on themselves.


Here's a steel bird

Aspires to heaven

And it is driven by a pilot.

What kind of bird?


(after each riddle, specify which type of transport it refers to)

V. - Now remember, Kotya - as soon as you leave your house on the street, you immediately become a participant in traffic. And if you are walking, tell me guys what to call this person. (pedestrian)

Walk carefully, watch the street!

And only where you can cross it!

And where during the day trams rush from all sides,

B. Now we’ll play a game

“Who is the most attentive?”

Educator. I will ask you questions. Anyone who knows the correct answer should raise their hand. Whoever answers correctly first gets a chip. At the end of the game we will count the chips and reveal the winner. And you, Kotya, listen carefully and remember everything.


- How many wheels does a car have? (4)

- How many people can ride on one bike? (1)

-Who walks on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

- Who drives the car? (Driver)

- What is the name of the place where two roads intersect? (Crossroads)

- What is the roadway for? (for traffic)

- What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules? (Accident or accident)

- What is the top light at the traffic light? (Red)

- How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (Two)

- How many signals does a traffic light have? (Three)

- What animal does the pedestrian crossing look like? (to the zebra)

- How can a pedestrian get into the underground passage? (down the stairs)

- Which cars are equipped with special sound and light signals? ("Ambulance", fire and police vehicles)

- What is the traffic police inspector holding in his hand? (Wand)

- Where should you play so as not to be in danger? (In the yard, on the playground)

V. - Did you remember everything, Kotya?

K. - There is nothing simpler. Go ahead boldly.

V. - And today we will fly on a magic carpet airplane. (All the children and the cat sit on the carpet and fly off to the music).

V. - We landed on the street - why check. What's there?

D. - Houses, cars, shops.

V. - What is missing here?

D. - Roads - roadways and sidewalks.

Q. - What should the roadway be like?

D. - Wide.

V. - And the sidewalk?

D. - Narrow.

V. - We take wide sheets of black paper and lay out the road. This is for transport.

What else definitely needs to be done?

D. - Lay a sidewalk (a sidewalk is laid along the edges on both sides) for pedestrians.

(at this time Kotya decided to cross the road on his own.)

D. - Where are you going? Wait, Cat!

Every pedestrian knows:

You can cross the road

Only through the transition!

K. - You are mistaken, I am not a Cat!

I'm a cat everywhere today!

And I walk as I please,

Even backwards!

V. - Don’t rush, cat everywhere!

For mom's sake, for dad's sake

Take care of the ubiquitous tail

And four omnipresent paws (A. Usachev)

V. - Kotya, if you want to stay alive and unharmed, never rush. We haven't completed the road yet. Listen to the children.

D. - Places where pedestrians are allowed to cross the road are marked with special signs, but the trouble is, someone ruined the sign (shows the sign). Children, who will help me collect it? (a sign is made on a magnetic board, 2-3 children lay out a pedestrian crossing and put up a sign)

To accustom the pedestrian to order,

They lined the asphalt like a notebook,

There are stripes across the road,

And they lead the pedestrian behind them.

(the teacher assigns the names of the signs and, with the help of the children, places signs along the road)

V. - Well done guys. Everything was explained correctly to Kochi. But is there still something missing on our road?

D. - Traffic light! (children find a traffic light).

- (A policeman appears here) - child

M. - Dear guys, in order for your trip to be safe, I must warn you that there are traffic lights for vehicles and pedestrians. This kind of traffic light is called a traffic light; it controls the movement of cars. He has three eyes:

Everyone looks at the traffic light

Pedestrians and driver.

If the light turns red,

So, Stop! It's dangerous to go!

And you'll have to wait

Even though there are no cars in sight!

Yellow light when on

He says to the driver:

“Be careful, drivers!

Another light will light up soon.”

I see green light!

Come on, children, keep up together

Let's cross the road!

And this traffic light has only two eyes, it is a pedestrian traffic light. Little men are drawn on them: red - standing still, green - walking.


Now you know that the movement of pedestrians and cars at an intersection can be controlled by a transport traffic light and a pedestrian traffic light.

Q. What do you think could happen if a traffic light suddenly breaks down?

D. - There is an accident, people can get hit by a car.

M. - And now a riddle for Koti:

I know him, of course, and how could I not know him!

I understand perfectly everything he wants to say.

His eyes are colored, not eyes, but three lights,

He takes turns looking at me from above.

(The cat finds it difficult, the children help). Traffic light

M. - Well done, for answering all my questions, we will play the game “racing drivers”

(Children are divided into 2 groups, receiving steering wheels).

Go through the cubes like a snake and quickly hand over the steering wheel to a friend.

After the game, everyone sits back on the airplane carpet.

V. - While we are flying home, let’s play the word game “Finish the sentence”:

1. Only the all-terrain vehicle does not know:

You can cross the road only through (crossing).

2. No movement, dangerous

The light came on (red).

3. Where the inscription “Transition” is,

Walk boldly (pedestrian).

So we arrived at the village.

Q. Kotya, did you enjoy traveling with us? We hope you will now be careful when crossing the street. Guys, you are going to school this year and I hope that you will always follow the traffic rules.

Inna Nikitina
Direct educational activities in the preparatory group “Our Home is Earth”

Target: Cultivating a feeling of love for the Motherland, forming the foundations of civic-patriotic feelings.

Integration of educational regions:

"Cognitive Development", « Speech development» , "Social-communicative", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Musical".

Integrated Tasks:


Strengthen children's knowledge about our planet: its form,

nature, animals and flora, clarify children’s knowledge about the parts of the day,

rules of nature conservation.


Coordinating words in a sentence, composing complete sentences,

learn to express your thoughts correctly.


Nurturing love for one's native land,

knowledge of its history, education of patriotic feelings. Nurturing love and

caring attitude towards all living things.

Material: Using multimedia equipment or typing items: globe, world map, cards with images of animals, trees, flags of Russia and Bashkortostan, multi-colored strips of cardboard for each child.

Preliminary work: Getting to know the globe and map, looking at atlases, talking about animals, about their native land, getting to know the parts of the day, reading fiction.

Organizing time:

(Finger game "Hello!")

Raise your palms higher and fold them above you

What happened? The roof is out, and under the roof we are with you!

Raise your palms higher and now fold them in an arc,

What happened? The geese are out: here is one, and here is another.

Raise your palms higher and fold them in front of you.

What happened? The bridge is out. We cross the bridge to guests:


(Children take their seats.)

Guys, this planet is our beloved home.

We have all lived on it together since birth.

The planet is beautiful: seas, oceans,

Flowers and trees and different countries

And the sun shines from dawn to sunset,

What planet is this, tell me guys? (This is Earth.)

Yes, if you go high, high into space, you can see that our planet looks like a ball. What is the name of the object that depicts our Earth?


What is a globe for?

(To see what is where.)

Yes, for example, our Bashkiria is located here. But everything on the globe is not very convenient

watch, because it needs to be turned and is inconvenient to take with you. Therefore people

came up with a map. Who do you think needs a card?

(Sailors, military, travelers, scientists, etc.)

Let us also look at the map of our planet.

(The world map is projected on the projector)

If you look at our planet from space, you can see that it

blue. Why?

(Because there is a lot of water)

So what do they indicate in blue on the map?

(Rivers, seas, oceans, lakes)

But besides water there is also land, it is also designated by different flowers:

brown for mountains, yellow for plains and deserts, what do you think is indicated?


(Plants, forests.)

Look, there is also some white land on the globe, what is it?

(Snow and ice.)

Our planet is round, so the sun heats it unevenly. There are places,

where it is always very hot. Where is it?

(Africa, South America)

There is where there is always snow and ice

(These are the North and South Poles.)

Our planet rotates around its axis and therefore there is a change of day and

nights. The Earth completes one revolution per day. Name the parts of the day.

(Morning afternoon Evening Night.)

Let's see how the change of day and night occurs.

(The teacher holds an image of the sun in his hand and turns it

globe, and the children watch the flag move.)

At the poles, day and night last for a very long time - six months. What could happen?

what if the earth stops rotating? Or, on the contrary, will it rotate very quickly?

(Plants, animals, people may die.)

Our Earth also changes its position in relation to the Sun, we have

dit change of seasons. What seasons do you know?

(Winter spring autumn summer.)

Place the pictures in order according to the seasons. Our planet is called

"inhabited", what does it mean?

(There is air on it and living beings and plants can live on it.)

We told you that forests are indicated in green on the map and globe.

What is a forest? What trees do you know?

(A game "The Fourth Wheel")

1. Birch, pine, spruce, cedar.

2. Apple tree, pear tree, poplar tree, plum tree.

3. Linden, currant, rowan, maple.

4. Birch, oak, palm, aspen.

There are a lot of people living on our planet. How are people alike, what are

Every person?

(Head, torso, arms, etc.)

How do people differ from each other?

(Skin color, tongue, eyes, faces, etc.)

What nationalities do you know?

(Russians, Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvash, Mordovians, Japanese, French, etc.)

All people live in societies, countries. There are very many countries on our planet a lot of:

India, America, China, etc. What is the name of our country?


What is the name of our republic?


Every country and republic has its main symbols: flag and coat of arms.

(The teacher shows the flag of Russia and Bashkortostan.

children talk about them)

This is the flag of Russia. It consists of three stripes:

The three stripes of the flag are for a reason:

White stripe - peace and purity,

The blue stripe is the color of heaven,

Decorated domes, joy, miracles,

Red stripe - the exploits of soldiers,

That they keep their Fatherland from enemies.

He is a great country's most important sign -

Valiant, tricolor - our Russian flag!

I'll tell you in verse

About the native Bashkir flag.

Look carefully

There are three colors on the flag!

Bottom green grass,

Above, the sky is blue.

The middle is white.

There is no purer color in the world!

And also the kurai flower

There are seven petals on it,

Means seven tribes.

Flag of my Bashkiria

For me, everything is dearer.

Let it prosper under the flag

Life in my favorite region!

A game "Collect the flag"(children are offered a set of multi-colored stripes,

At the teacher’s signal, they build the flag of Russia and Bashkortostan.

Yes, there are many in the world different countries and all people should live in peace.

(Physical minute "Friendship" to the music)

On our planet, besides people, there live many different animals, birds,

plants. I suggest you play the game "Who lives where?". I'll give it to you

pictures of animals, and you have to sort these pictures into

the places where they live.

(Children complete the task and comment on their actions)

Well done, you did everything right.

Guys, you have talked a lot about our planet, but we must take care of it.

What do you think can be done to save our planet?

(Take care of nature, protect animals and plants, live in peace with everyone)

(The child recites a poem)

Let's people be friends with each other

Like birds with the sky, like the wind with a meadow,

Like a sail with the sea, grass with the rains,

How the sun is friends with all of us!

Let's people love the planet

There is nothing like it in the entire universe,

In the entire Universe there is one for everyone,

What will she do without us?

Well done boys. Class over, thank you.

Publications on the topic:

Integrated direct educational activity “On the Road of Goodness” in the preparatory group Goal: To promote the development in children of ideas about goodness as a moral value. Objectives: Developmental - develop cognitive interest.

Direct educational activities in the preparatory school group “Getting to know the portfolio” Methodological development of direct educational activities in the preparatory school group