New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary. New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary How hug will be in English


hug (hʌg)


1) strong embrace;

to give smb. a hug hug smb.

2) capture, catch ( in the fight)


1) hug, squeeze

2) hold ( smth.)

3) be faithful, inclined ( to smth.)

4) express favor ( smb.)

to hug oneself on ( or for, over) smth. congratulate yourself on smth., be happy


1. (hʌg) n

1.a strong hug

~ of affection - a gentle hug

to give smb. a ~ - take smb. embrace, hug smb.

2. sport. grip, grip ( wrestling)

Cornish ~ - bearish grip

2. (hʌg) v

1.1) hug tight, hug

to ~ smb. to death - strangle smb. in the arms

2) hug tight

2. refl rejoice, congratulate yourself

to ~ oneself on / for / smth. - congratulate yourself on smth., be pleased with yourself

3. hold on ( smth.)

to ~ the coast - stay close to the coast ( about the ship)

to ~ the right side of the road - keep to the right side of the road

to ~ the barrage - military snuggle up against the breaks of the barrage

to ~ the wall - huddle against the wall

to ~ the wind - pestilence go beydewind

4. hold on ( opinions); cling to ( smth.); cherish ( thought, dream)

to ~ one "s beliefs - hold fast to your beliefs

to ~ a procedure - stick to a procedure

to ~ a prejudice - cling to prejudice

5. rare placate ( smb.); flatter ( to smb.), courting ( smb.)

6.1) sit on the wheel ( cycling)

2) overexpose the ball ( football)

3) apply capture ( wrestling)

Translation of words containing HUG, from English to Russian

New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary under the general guidance of Acad. Yu.D. Apresyan



(hju: dʒ) a

huge, huge, giant, colossal

~ mountain (building, animal) - a huge mountain (th building, animal)

~ eater - glutton

~ sleeper - sleepyhead

~ difference - a colossal difference

~ profits - fabulous profits

~ prices - incredible prices

~ delight - great / great / pleasure



1. (ʹHʌgə͵mʌgə) n

1. colloquial disorder, confusion; turmoil

2. mouth , rude. secret, secret

in ~ - secretly, secretly; on the sly; "Shit-covered"

why is there such ~ about the scheme? - why such a mystery around this plan?

2. (ʹHʌgə͵mʌgə) a decom.

1) messy; made somehow

2) secret, secret

3. (ʹHʌgə͵mʌgə) adv inf.

1) randomly, somehow, with a sin in half; in a mess

2) secretly, secretly

4. (ʹHʌgə͵mʌgə) v inf.

1) do smth. randomly

2) hold on to smth. in secret, in secret; hide

3) do smth. secretly, secretly; gather in secret

4) jam ( a business; also~ up)

English-Russian translation HUG

transcription, transcription: [hʌɡ]

1) Bruin raised one arm, and gave the dog a hug that crushed his ribs. ≈ Mishka raised one paw and squeezed the dog so that its bones cracked.

2) sports grip, grip (in wrestling)

1) hold tight, squeeze in an embrace (about a man, also about a bear) to hug one "s grandmother ≈ to hug a grandmother as the miser hugs his treasure ≈ how a miser hugs his wealth Syn: embrace 2.

2) show favor, love; seek favor, courting (smb.)

3) hold on, hold on (smth.) The road hugs the river. ≈ The road goes along the river.

4) cherish, groom He hugged his miseries like a sulky child. “He cherished his misfortunes like a sullen child. Syn: cherish

5) return. rejoice, congratulate yourself, be pleased with yourself He hugs himself upon his power over her. - He congratulated himself on being stronger than her.

warm hug - * of affection gentle hug - to give smb. a * hug smb., hug smb. tight (athletic) grip, grip (wrestling) - Сrnish * bear grip hug tightly, squeeze in an embrace - to * smb. to death strangle smb. hug tightly rejoice, congratulate yourself - to * oneself on smth. congratulate yourself on smth, be pleased with yourself hold on (smth) - to * the coast keep close to the shore (about the ship) - to * the right side of the road keep to the right side of the road - to * the barrage (military) to snuggle up to the breaks of the fire rampart - to * the wall to huddle up to the wall - to * the wind (sea) go beydewind hold on (opinions); cling to (smth.); cherish (a thought, a dream) - to * one "s beliefs to hold fast to one's beliefs - to * a procedure to adhere to a procedure - to * a prejudice to cling to a prejudice (rare) to appease (someone); to flatter (to someone), courting (smb.) sitting on a wheel (cycling) overexposing the ball (football) gripping (wrestling)

~ a strong hug; to give (smb.) a hug hug (smb.)

hug to be committed, inclined (to smth.) ~ to show favor (to smb.) ~ to hold on (smth.) ~ grip, grip (in struggle) ~ hug tight, squeeze in an embrace ~ tight hug; to give (smb.) a hug hug (smb.)

to ~ oneself (on (or for, over) smth.) congratulate yourself (for smth.), be pleased with yourself

New large English-Russian dictionary. New big English-Russian dictionary. 2011

More meanings of the word and translation of HUG from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "HUG" in dictionaries.

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  • HUG- (v. T.) To hold fast; to cling to; to cherish.
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  • HUG- (v. I.) To cower; to crouch; to curl up.
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  • HUG- (n.) A close embrace or clasping with the arms, as in affection or in wrestling.
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0 Today in the world, English is usually used for communication, however, not everyone knows the meaning of certain words and jargon. Therefore, on our website, we have created a special section in which we decipher popular expressions. Add us to your bookmarks, because we will still have a lot of sensible information. Today we will talk about the word, without which no romantic relationship can do, it is Hug, which means you can read a little below.
However, before continuing, I would like to advise you to look at a couple of other popular publications on the subject of foreign slang. For example, what does ESL mean, what is Skank, how to understand Kiss my Ass, what does Fuck Off mean, etc.
So let's continue what does hug mean translation into Russian? This term was borrowed from the English language, and is translated as "hugs".

Hug- translated as "hug", "squeeze in an embrace", sometimes used in the context of courtship, or expressions of favor

Bear hug- strong / strong hug, literally - "bear hug"

Warm hug- literally translated as "warm hug", it's a good way to make someone feel better if they've had a hard day, or just a way to show affection

Hugs and kisses- translated as "hugs and kisses", usually the phrase hints at something romantic and pleasant

Hugs are practiced between friends, relatives, man and woman, man and animal, or even animal and animal. Hug is an expression of warmth and friendliness, expressed by wrapping your arms around another. Hugs are used as expressions of love, kindness, sympathy, friendliness, greeting and are sometimes used to say goodbye. Hug or hugs create a feeling of closeness. If there is some kind of "chemistry" between a girl and a guy, then a spark of love and gratitude can slip through when embracing.

Hug is the thing that you can get from anyone. Boys, girls, animals, aliens, friends, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your wife, your husband, your lover, etc. Hugs can be nice, warm, happy, fast, or friendly. Everybody loves hugs, right?
Hug is the best thing anyone can do for someone else.

  • She looked like she was depressed, so I gave her a hug to make her feel better. (She looked like she was depressed, so I hugged her to make her feel better.)
  • She was so depresses, she needed a hug. (She was so depressed she needed a hug.)
Leather is the largest organ we have and it needs a lot of care. Hug can cover a large area of ​​skin and give you the condition you want. It is also a form of non-verbal communication between primates. Hug can say for you things that are simply not enough words. The best part of a hug is that you not only receive warmth and affection yourself, but at the same time give it to another person.
  • She was feeling unloved, so he came and gave her a hug and she felt all better, even grew a few inches.
After reading this article, you learned what does hug mean, translation from English into Russian, and you will no longer find yourself in a quandary if you find this word again.

Ist ein deutschsprachiger Familienname. Herkunft und Verbreitung Der Familienname Hug ist die nicht diphthongierte Form des Namens Haug. Diesem Lautmerkmal gemäß ist der Name hauptsächlich im Hochalemannischen, besonders in der Deutschschweiz,…… Deutsch Wikipedia

Hug- Johann Leonhard Hug † Catholic Encyclopedia Johann Leonhard Hug A German Catholic exegete, b. at Constance, June 1, 1765; d. at Freiburg im Br., 11 March, 1846. After finishing his studies at the gymnasium of his native town he went ... Catholic encyclopedia

Hug- Hug, v. t. 1. To press closely within the arms; to clasp to the bosom; to embrace. And huggen me in his arms. Shak. 2. To hold fast; to cling to; to cherish. We hug deformities if they bear our names. Glanvill. embrace affection, bear hug *, bunny hug *, caress, clasp, clinch, lock, squeeze, tight grip; concepts 190,375 Ant. push, release hug [v] hold close, cling to bear hug, be near to, cherish, clasp, clinch, cradle, cuddle, embrace, enbosom,…… New thesaurus

hug- vt. hugged, hugging put the arms around and hold closely; esp., to embrace tightly and affectionately 2. to squeeze tightly between the forelegs, as a bear does 3. to cling to or ... ... English World dictionary

Hug- Hug, v. i. 1. To cower; to crouch; to curl up. Palsgrave. 2. ... ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Hug- Hug, n. A close embrace or clasping with the arms, as in affection or in wrestling. Fuller. ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Hug- Hug, Johann Leonhard, gelehrter katholischer Theolog, geb. 1. Juni 1765 in Constanz; wurde 1780 zum Priester geweiht u. 1791 Professor der Theologie in Freiburg, badischer Geheimrath u. Domherr daselbst, wo er den 11. März 1846 starb. Er schr.:..… Pierer "s Universal-Lexikon

Hüg.- Hüg., Bei naturwissenschaftl. Namen Abkürzung für K. Al. Auf. v. Hügel (s. D. 2) ...

Hug- Hug, 1) Johann Leonhard, namhafter kath. Theolog, geb. 1765 in Konstanz, wurde 1789 Priester, 1791 Professor der Theologie in Freiburg, gest. daselbst 11. März 1846. Unter seinen Schriften hat bleibenden Wert seine »Einleitung in die Schriften ... ... Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon


  • Introduction to the New Testament Buy for 2012 rub
  • An introduction to the writings of the New Testament, Hug J Leonhard. The book is a reprinted edition. Despite the fact that serious work has been done to restore the original quality of the publication, on some pages you may find ...