Open occupation The earth is our common home. Summary of an open lesson on the surrounding world: “Our planet – Earth.” Physical pause “let’s put the planet in order” (music on slide)


Speech therapy session on OHP correction

using ICT and health-saving technologies

(preparatory group)

Subject: “The earth is our home, we are the masters of it”

Target: to clarify, consolidate and expand children’s ideas about planet Earth, about man’s place on this planet and his interaction with everything around him.

Correctional and developmental tasks:

- develop general speech skills;

Improve the skill of independently drawing conclusions;

Develop coherent speech;

Develop fine motor skills and coordination of speech with movement;

Develop ophthalmokinesis;

Develop visual attention and memory;

Improve sound and syllabic analysis;

Develop letter synthesis, prevent dysgraphia, forming an image


Educational objectives:

- improve the ability to correctly construct a sentence and answer with a “complete answer”;

To consolidate knowledge about the concepts of “sound”, “letter”;

Improve the ability to form words with opposite meanings;

Develop reading skills.

Educational tasks:

- cultivate cognitive interest in activities and games;

Develop the ability to listen and hear spoken speech;

Instill skills in collective and individual work;

To form self-control over speech, independence and activity throughout


Equipment: computer, projection screen, ball, envelopes with letters, envelopes with pictures for the poem, presentations for the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time.

Speech therapist: Today at kindergarten the postman brought an envelope. It says “To the children of the Tsvetiki group” and depicts some kind of creature. Who do you think it is?

Children: This is Luntik.

Speech therapist: Open the envelope. And here is a letter.(While the speech therapist is reading the letter, pictures appear on the screen)

"Hello guys. I think you recognize me. I am Luntik.(On the screen there is a picture - Luntik)I live on the moon. I accidentally ended up on your planet. (On the screen - Luntik appears on planet Earth)I made a lot of wonderful friends here and I really liked your planet. (On the screen there is a picture - Luntik and his new friends)But, unfortunately, my stay there is coming to an end and I need to go back. I also found out that you will soon go to school, but I don’t know what school is and why you need to go there. Please tell me about this, and I would also like to know more about your wonderful planet. Please send me your message with the first satellite that will fly to the Moon. Thank you in advance! »

  1. Speech therapist: Children, let's help Luntik and tell him what school is.

Dramatization “What is school?”

(Children read a poem in a chain, for each line of which a picture appears on the screen corresponding to the meaning of the spoken phrase).

What is school?

It's a lot of classes, a lot of light.

Children study in classes.

The school is rich in knowledge.

Invites everyone to study

He just asks not to be lazy.

  1. Speech therapist: What planet is our school located on?

Children: Our school is located on planet Earth.

Speech therapist: What are the inhabitants of our planet called?

Children: The inhabitants of our planet are called earthlings.

Speech therapist: Right. Now turn your attention to the screen. Read the sentence that appears there.

Children: "The Earth is ours common Home».

Speech therapist: Yes, guys, our home is planet Earth. We humans live on it. Who else lives together in dreams on planet Earth?

Children: Birds, fish, animals, insects, plants.

Speech therapist: Correct. Plants, fish, insects, birds, and various animals live with us on planet earth.(Called creatures and objects appear on the screen)Think and say: who is more important than everyone in this life on planet Earth?

Dramatization “Who is the most important on earth?”

1 child : I am the sun, the most important thing. Everyone needs my warmth.

2nd child: I am water, more importantly. Without me you will die of thirst.

3rd child: I am the air, all living things breathe. Without me there would be no life, I am the most important.

4th child: I am the soil. I'm the most important. Nothing will grow without me.

5th child: I am a plant, an ornament to the earth. I am more important, I grow on you.

6th child: I am an insect. I pollinate you. Without me you will have no seeds.

7th child: I am a hare, a herbivore. I’ll eat you, plant, which means I’m more important.

8th child: I am a predator, a wolf. I'm hunting you. I am stronger and more important than you.

9th child: I am a man, I can control water and wind, plow the land, plant plants, breed animals. And you, wolf, I can hunt.

Speech therapist: So who is the most important on our planet?(Children's answers are listened to)

  1. Speech therapist: Yes, children, on planet Earth we all depend on each other. Therefore, we must live together and protect nature. The sun warms our earth. Let's point our fingers and talk about it.

Finger gymnastics:

Sunshine, sunshine

Take a walk by the river.

Sunshine, sunshine

Scatter the rings.

We'll collect the rings.

Let's take the gilded ones.

Let's ride, let's roll around.

And we'll give it back to you.

  1. Speech therapist: The sun shines for everyone on our planet. Let's play a little game of "The sun shines for everyone."(Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist stands in the center of this circle)

Speech therapist: I throw the ball and name the word, and you, returning it to me, must name the word with the opposite meaning.

Ball game "The sun is shining for everyone."

The sun shines for both the poor and the rich, for the evil and for ....., for the sad and for ...., for the sick and for ...., for the little ones and for ...., for the lazy and for ...., for the tall and for ... ., for friends and for…., for the old and for…, for the cowardly and for…..

  1. Speech therapist: Let's continue our conversation about planet Earth. Which one geometric shape does planet earth have?

Children: The earth has the shape of a ball.

Speech therapist: Why is Earth called the blue planet?

Children: Because there is a lot of water on it.

Speech therapist: That's right, there is a lot of water on planet Earth. These are oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. And people live on land. There are different peoples living on planet Earth and they speak different languages, for example, Japanese in Japanese. What language do you think the French speak? English? Chinese?(Children's answers are listened to)What language do you and I speak?

Children: We speak Russian.

Speech therapist: In kindergarten, you learned to speak clearly and beautifully, pronounce all sounds correctly, and became acquainted with the Russian alphabet. Let's talk about this poem.

(Children read the poem line by line (or in chorus)

“There are many sounds in the world...”

There are many sounds in the world:

The rustle of leaves, the splash of waves.

And there are speech sounds,

We need to know them for sure.

We pronounce sounds clearly,

Let's listen carefully.

We read the letters correctly,

We write them carefully.

  1. Speech therapist: In space, in addition to our planet, the sun illuminates other planets and space objects. Name what planets and cosmic bodies and objects do you know?

Children: Mars, Venus, Saturn, comets, satellites….

Speech therapist: Right. But all these planets are so far from us that they can only be seen through a telescope. To do this you need to have good eyesight. And for good vision, you need to do eye exercises.

Oculomotor exercise “Indian Keen Eye”.

Look up, down, right, left, without turning your head; Rotate your eyes in a circle: down, right, up, left and in the opposite direction.

Eyes opened wide (5 seconds), closed (5 seconds). Blink your eyes quickly for 10 seconds.

  1. Speech therapist: Many planets and cosmic bodies revolve around the Sun in space. These envelopes contain the names of some of them. But all the letters are mixed up. Let's try to put them back in place.

Game "Collect the word."

Children take letters out of envelopes and add the words MARS, MOON, EARTH, SATURN, rocket, satellite.(After the children put the words together and read them, pictures of these objects appear on the screen.)

  1. Speech therapist: Look at the screen. What are these circles that appear on it? What are these circles called?(A sound pattern of the word Saturn appears on the screen)

Children: Sound diagram.

Speech therapist: Look carefully at the pictures on the screen and say which picture this sound pattern corresponds to.

Children: This is the word SATURN.

Speech therapist: Right. Name each sound in this word.(Children take turns naming the sounds in the word Saturn and giving them a characteristic: vowel or consonant, if consonant, then deaf or voiced, hard or soft.)

  1. Speech therapist: ABOUT cosmic bodies People learn about objects and objects not only by looking through telescopes, but also by making space travel themselves. What are people who fly into space called?

Children: People flying into space are called astronauts.

Speech therapist: Right. What kind of people are hired as astronauts?

Children: Only the strongest, toughest, and smartest people are hired as astronauts.

Speech therapist: Show and tell us what needs to be done for this.

Speech with the movement “Getting ready to be cosmonauts.”

We will try very hard(children do jerks with their arms bent in front of their chest)

Play sports together:

Run fast like the wind(run in place)

Swimming is the best thing in the world.(do hand strokes)

Squat and stand up again(squat and stand up)

And lift dumbbells.(depict exercises with dumbbells)

Let's become strong and tomorrow(hands on belt)

We will all be accepted as astronauts.(marching in place)

  1. Speech therapist: Well done boys. Now let's see if you have the patience and endurance to do these exercises for a long time.

Game "Do the exercise"

Speech therapist: I will name the words and show the exercise 1 time, and you must repeat this word and perform the exercise as many times as there are syllables in the word I spoke.

(Several children take turns pronouncing words and doing exercises at the same time): ZEM - LA, PLA - NE - TA, RA - KE - TA, KOS - MOS, KO - ME - TA,


  1. Speech therapist: That's right, in order to become a space explorer you need to study hard and play sports. And all this is still ahead of you. For now, we can only dream while looking into the dark night sky full of stars.

Mnemonics “Cosmonaut”

(Telling a poem based on a mnemonic tableThe speech therapist reads the poem, accompanying it by showing table pictures on the screen that appear as each line is read. The table is then removed. Children are given envelopes with a set of pictures, and are asked to arrange them in the same sequence as they appeared on the sample.Next, the speech therapist reads the poem again, and then several children are interviewed. As an option: children pronounce each line of the poem in turn, based on the table.)

Stars shine in the dark sky,

An astronaut flies in a rocket.

The day flies and the night flies

And he looks down at the ground.

He sees the fields from above,

Mountains, rivers and seas.

He sees the whole globe,

The globe is our home.

  1. Speech therapist: Well done. I think everything you told us can be written to Luntik.

He sent you these little gifts with a wish:

Let every day and every hour

They'll get you something new.

May your mind be good

And the heart will be kind!

Irina Vorontsova
"The earth is our common home." Summary of educational lesson in the senior group

Subject: Earth is our common home.

Program content:

Give first ideas about the planet Earth.

- Introduce the globe, with the help of which, determine the shape; determine the location of Russia, the capital of Russia, the city in which we live; clarify what the Motherland is.

Expand children's horizons and cultivate patriotic feelings.


Planet Earth, land, earthlings, globe, desert, steppe.

Preliminary work:

Targeted walks along the streets of the block. Conversation "The house I live in".

Materials for occupation:

Poster "Population land» , globes, illustrations: "Mountains", "Steppe", "Desert", musical phonogram.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today I want to tell you a story that happened in one city:

“They say there was a case somewhere such:

People were driving home from work.

We just got there, suddenly - miracles!

Everyone has forgotten their addresses.

Searching, worrying, watching all around:

“Where is this street? where is this house?.

Drivers are looking for: “Where is our garage?”,

Residents are rushing about: “Where is our floor?”.

Everything is confused, everything is lost,

Fortunately, this only happened in a fairy tale.”

Guys, could this happen to you? Do you know where you live, where your home is?

What is an address?

Give your address (children's answers).

This is the name of the street, house number, apartment.

Does our d/s have an address?

Our address is located on Frunze Street, house No. 19.

Is it possible to find a person if you only name the street where he lives? How do you think? Why? (children's answers).

You and I live in the same city. Our city is big and beautiful.

What is the name of our city?


Then give the full address of our d/s.

Togliatti, Frunze street, building 19, d/s No. 97 "Crystal".

If we live in a city, then who are we?

Townspeople, Togliatti residents.

What other cities do you know?

What is the name of the country where our city is located?

You and I live in Russia, we are Russians.

Russia is a large country, it is inhabited by many different peoples, most of them speak Russian.

But there are many other countries and people of other nationalities in the world.

What countries do you know? (children's answers).

The British live in England, the French live in France, and the Japanese live in Japan.

All people are different, but at the same time similar to each other.

How are people similar to each other? Earth?

They know how to think, speak, they can be cheerful and sad, kind and strict.

How are they different from each other?

Big and small, tall and short, thin and fat.

People also differ in skin color, hair color, they speak different languages ​​(view poster "Population Earth» ).

Look at the color of the skin - what color is our skin? (white).

But there are people with yellow skin - Japanese, Koreans, and there are people with black skin - blacks.

But we all have a lot general: we are all people and we have one huge one for all common Home.

What is it called?

Planet Earth, (general scheme).

All people living on Earth - earthlings.

For all the inhabitants of the planet Earth, one common blue roof is the sky, under your feet common gender - earth on which we walk. There is only one source of light that shines for us and warms us - this is the sun. We even general water supply is the clouds from which it rains. We have one fan for all of us – it’s the wind.

The houses in which we live are familiar to us, they are different - stone and wood, one-story and multi-story and even high-rise.

Would you like me to show you our planet? Earth?

And now we will have a rest, I invite you to "Space trip" (physical minute).

(I invite the children to sit on the carpet)

This is our planet Earth, where you and I live. Planet The earth is not just big, but huge, gigantic. And this is a scale model of the planet Earth.

It's called a globe (ask the children first, then repeat individually).

Let's look at the globe from all sides (I turn it).

What shape is our Earth, what does she look like? (ball, ball, apple).

In another way, our planet can be called the Globe. You could say we live on the globe.

Look what colors the globe is painted in?

Blue, light blue, yellow, brown, white.

Beautiful! But it was made not for beauty, but in order to tell as clearly and as much as possible about the planet Earth.

What color do you paint the sea when you draw your pictures?

Of course, blue. It’s not for nothing that songs and fairy tales say "blue ocean".

So on the globe, all the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes are painted in blue and cyan.

But if you look closely at the globe, you can see: in one place the paint is dark blue, in another it is lighter, and in a third it is even lighter. Why? Do you think it's a coincidence? Of course not! (ask the children).

- Color indicates depth: dark – very deep, lighter – shallower.

Notice how much water there is on our planet! Show areas of water. Show the deepest places, the shallowest.

Where do people live? Not on the water?

The globe will tell us about this too.

Everything that is not painted in blue or blue is land.

People live on land. But the color of sushi on the globe is also painted in different colors, what does this mean? (ask the children and then summarize) .

Level places on earth painted green - these can be forests and fields and meadows. Low hills are yellow and light brown, and high mountains are brown.

What do you think is more planet: water or sushi?

Planet Earth very beautiful and very different. Green forests grow on it, but there are also deserts - these are places where, everywhere you look, there is sand, on which only thorny plants can grow. There are steppes, there are no trees, but all the ground is covered with grass.

And there are other areas land, painted white, (ask the children).

In these places The land is only ice and snow, no plants, permafrost, kingdom of ice and snow.

That's what it is interesting planet Earth. What would you like to know about her? (children's answers).

Is there a country on the globe where we live?

Do you want to know where it is – our Russia? (showing teacher)

What is the name of main city Russia, our capital?

Moscow (show, cities on the globe are indicated by dots or circles.

Is our city located on the great Russian river?

Volga (show).

The globe shows that our country has a lot of land, there are flat places and mountains. Many rivers, lakes, oceans, (draw conclusions together with children).

This is how big and beautiful our Russia is.

Russia is our Motherland.

What does the word “Motherland” mean?

The place where a person was born, where he lives, where everything is familiar and dear to him. Your parents live here, your house is there, your family home is there.

Is on the planet Earth a lot different countries , but a person has one homeland, just like each of you has a mother.

There are proverbs about Homeland: “Beloved Motherland, Like a Dear Mother”, “A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song”.

Many poems and songs have been written about our Motherland.

We, earthlings, residents of different countries should protect and love common Home. Let's put the globe in our educational corner, and you're in free time Consider again what is on our planet.

Lesson notes « Earth is our common home » .

Integration of educationalregions :

1. Cognition.

2. Communication.

3. Fiction.

Goals :

ShowEarth - as common home for all living beings.

Encourage children to take care of theircommon Home , as a condition for preserving the life of humanity and all natural inhabitants.

Tasks :

Educational :

Expand and deepen your understanding ofEarth , about the role of all living things onEarth (cognition, socialization,

Make it with your kidsopening : Earth is our common home (cognition,

Teach children to analyze, draw conclusions (communication,

Practice constructing statements based on your own conclusions(communication) .

Developmental :

Develop cognitive and research activities (cognition,

Improveconstructive skills (cognition,

Develop coordination of speech with movements, the ability to act in accordance with the words of the text(Physical Culture) .

Educational :

To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature, a desire to preserve and, if necessary, help it(socialization) .

Preliminary work :

1. Conversations about the planetEarth , about animals, about plants, about why it is necessary to protect our planet.

2. Prepare a large poster with a physical mapEarth .

3. Prepare paper academic caps, paper animals, birds, fish, trees.

Progress of direct educational activities.

Surprise moment :

The group includes Dunno with a globe.

Hello dear guys! I know that all the guys in your group are very, very smart! Please help me figure it out. I found this item and I don’t know what it is... Can you help?(takes out and shows the globe) .

Educator - Hello Dunno! You've come to the right place! Our children are real young academics, because they go to kindergarten every day, and every day they learn a lot of new and interesting things! Well, my young academicians, let’s help Dunno figure it out?

Children - Yes, we will help!(children wear academic caps)

Educator - Come visit us Dunno, let's figure it out together. What is this guys?(the globe is on the table, the children are standing around the table) .

Children - Globe!

Educator - That's right, children, this is a globe - a small modelEarth ! The earth is our home , we live on it.

What color is there the most on the globe?(blue)

What does this color represent?(water)

What is indicated in brown on the globe?(land)

Who lives on our planet?(animals, people, insects and plants)

Well done! Every person has his own home. Both you and you have it(teacher addresses children) . You live in your own houses with your moms and dads. But all people have another big home - our beautiful planetEarth .

Educator - And besides people, who lives on it?

Children are butterflies and birds, fish and animals.

Educator - So it turns out thatEarth , the globe is truly ourscommon Home .

General a home for us and the turtle, for the crocodile and the whale, for the birch tree and beautiful flowers. There is enough space for everyone in our house.

Educator - We have one common roof over our heads.

Children are heaven.

Educator - There is one under our feetcommon gender .

Children -earth surface-Earth .

Educator - We all have a giant lamp, it’s also a stove.

Children are the Sun.

Educator - The rain is pouring on us and the breeze is blowing.


People have long been haunted by questions - what is it like?Earth , does it have a beginning and an end? Some believed thatThe earth is truly home . If so, it means it has walls and a roof somewhere.

Other people thought thatEarth lies on the backs of three giant whales.

And no matter how people thought or guessed, they agreed on one thingAll : The earth is flat ! Some said it was flat as a battle shield, some said it was flat as a pancake. But everyone has always wondered why, when a ship sails further and further from the shore into the sea, from the shore it seems as if it is plunging into the water, as if it is drowning.

TEACHER -Do you guys want to solve this riddle?(Yes)

And an ordinary ball and a paper boat will help us solve it. (children put the boat on the ball and move it along the ball until it disappears behind the ball, the teacher helps if necessary).

Educator - What's happening to the boat .

Educator - That's right, the boat will definitely hide behind the ball!

Educator - Once upon a time, a long time ago, people decided to swim to the edgeEarth . They boarded the ship and sailed away. After many days of sailing, we returned home again, but from the other side. So people found out thatThe earth is round like a ball! Dunno, did you understand that ourThe earth is round ? (Yes)

Teacher - Dunno, do you want to join us? (The teacher addresses the Dunno doll, Dunno agrees to play and answers"Yes" )

Educator - This game isattention : I will name my actions, and the children will say if I act well"YES" if it's bad"NO" . Let's listen carefully!

I'll go to the woods now

And I’ll pick a chamomile!(No)

I'll eat a delicious pie

I'll throw away the paper!(No)

Extra piece of bread

I'll leave it on the stump!(Yes)

I'll tie up a broken branch

I'll put a peg!(Yes)

I'll make a big fire

And I won’t put it out!(No)

I'll make a big mess

And I’ll forget to remove it(No)

I'll clean up all the trash

I'll bury the jar(Yes)

I love my native land

I protect nature!(Yes)

Educator - Well done guys! Listened carefully!

Educator - Well, Dunno, are you convinced that our guys are very smart?

Dunno - Yes! Thank you guys, you are very smart!

Educator - Guys, let's come to our planetEarth . And we’ll tell Dunno what will happen ifThe forest will disappear on earth ?

Children - If the forest disappears, thenThe earth will run out of oxygen , both animals and humans will have nothing to breathe, and there will be nowhere to hide from the heat. Humans need forests for construction, and the forest is home to many animals and birds.

Teacher - Well done guys! They said everything correctly to Dunno! We need to protect our trees! Let's all plant a tree on our planet together!(children paste trees onto images of the mainland) .

Educator - What is water for?

Children - For drinking, swimming, sea and river animals live in it, fish, squid, shrimp, etc. (Children place sea animals on the water partEarth ).

Educator - What happens if suddenly all the water disappears?

Children - All living things, plants, animals and peopleThe earth will die from drought .

Educator - Children, let's release our fish into the water so that they don't die!(we place our paper fish on the blue surface of the water) .

What will happen if all animals disappear from our planet? (A person eats animal meat, wears warm clothes made from animal skins and wool in cold winter(sweaters, hats, mittens, boots, fur coats) .

What happens if all the insects disappear?(the birds will have nothing to feed their chicks and they will die too) .

Educator - No onNothing superfluous to the earth ! Everything is important on our planetEarth !

Educator - Children, do you think that when you grow up, you will be true friends of nature? (the teacher listens to the children’s answers"Yes" ).

Educator - What will you do for this?(the teacher listens to the children’s answers)

Educator - What do you remember most from today?classes ? (the teacher listens to the children’s answers)

Educator - Well done guys!

Guys. You are so great, you know so much about our planetEarth ! What did I decide to tell you today?"Young Academicians" .

An academic is a person who knows a lot! And of course he loves and takes care of his nature! And I see that all the guys in our group know a lot and love their nature!

I present you with real academic caps!

Guys, our Dunno is also great! Now he knows everything, and we will no longer call him Dunno! He became a young academician with us(Take off your hat and put on your academic cap.)

And the motto of our young academicians will besuch :


Let's go out and hang our planetEarth in the group when your parents arrive.(the teacher goes with the children and places the planet on the wall in the group) .

Lesson notes on cognitive development in the preparatory group

on the topic: “Earth on a globe and map”


Educational: to give an idea of ​​the shape of the earth, its structure;

introduce children to the globe and its purpose, make it clear that a map is a flat image of the globe.

Developmental: develop imagination, thinking. Activate dictionary

Educational:to bring to an understanding of the uniqueness of our planet, to cultivate the desire to protect our Earth.

Progress of the lesson.


Today we will talk about our planet, the planet on which we live.What is the name of our planet?

Since time immemorial, people have been haunted by questions: What is the Earth like, does it have a beginning and an end? Some people believed that the earth rested on the backs of three giant whales, or on elephants, which in turn stood on a huge turtle swimming across the sea-ocean.

No matter how they thought or guessed, everyone agreed on one thing: the Earth, of course, is flat! The wisest of the sages assumed that the Earth was not flat, but round, like a ball, but this could only be proven by traveling around the world.

Their ships always moved in one direction, circumnavigating the Earth, and after three long years they returned home from the opposite direction. That’s when many people believed that the Earth was round.

In our time, astronauts have photographed the Earth from spaceships. WITH high altitude It is clearly visible that the Earth is a sphere.

The outer solid layer of the Earth is called the crust, deeper earth's crust The mantle is located, and even deeper is the earth's core. The earth is surrounded by a shell of air - the atmosphere. When scientists established that the Earth is spherical, they made a model of it, reducing its size by millions of times. This model was called a globe. A globe is a model of the Earth.

Guess the riddle:

There are seas-

You can't swim

There are roads -

You can't go

There is earth-

You can't plow. What is this? (Children's answers)

Physical education. "Monkeys"
Today we are monkeys - jumping on two legs.
In English - just decoys.
Let's make a little face
And let's clap our hands.
We nod our heads to each other
And again we run in circles.

Educator: Working with a globe is not always convenient; sometimes the part of the surface of the globe that faces the observer is visible. Scientists transferred the image of the Earth's surface onto a map. At the same time, for convenience, the globe was divided into two hemispheres: Western and Eastern. The result is a map of the hemispheres, on which you can immediately see the surface of the entire globe.

Look at geographical map and on the globe. There are all sorts of colors here: blue and light blue, green and yellow, brown and white. This was done not for the sake of beauty, but so that both the map and the globe could tell us as much and more clearly as possible about the Earth. On the map and globe, all seas and oceans are from pale pale blue to dark blue. This was done for a reason: the deeper the ocean, the darker, denser Blue colour. The shallower the depth, the lighter the paint on the globe and map.

On the globe there are mountains, and valleys, and peaks, and lowlands, the globe and the map are completely smooth. How can they tell us what is where?

Flat, low spaces of the Earth - lowlands are expressed in green. Higher areas of land - hills - dark yellow, brown. And also indicated on the map settlements: villages, cities.

And now you and I will relax and play the game “The sea is agitated once...”

Game to reinforce the material: “Say it correctly.”

What shape does the Earth have?

What is its structure?

What is a globe?

Why are the map and globe colored different colors?

Look at the globe, we know that this is a model of the Earth, where all the people in the world live. And it turns out that the Earth - the globe - is really our common big house. We have one common roof above our heads - the sky. Under your feet there is one common floor - the earth's surface. For all of humanity, one large lamp is the Sun and one common water supply is rain and snow clouds. And we have only one fan - wind and wind. Therefore, we people must love and take care of our common, our only home.

« Earth is our common home »

open lesson notes

Program content:

Educational objectives:

Developmental tasks:

  1. Develop memory and attention.

Educational tasks:

Progress of the lesson:

Stage 1. Motivational.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

That's how we met.

Film - Attention to the screen!


Let's remember:

White groves, forest oak groves,

Blue sea, forest stream,

Everyone trusts you man.

Stage 2



To the birds - they sing for us.

Clouds. Music.

Forest. The noise of the forest.

Stage 3

Slide.Wild animals.

Our journey continues.

Working with a mnemonic table

Wind - breeze;

Rain - rain;

Flower - flower;

Leaf – leaf;


I'll take the wand in my hands

I will call on the magic

With a magic wand

I'll wave in the air

Summary of the lesson.

What new things have you learned?

Nature in our lives

Plays a big role.

If you take care of nature,

Life will become more beautiful.

You can't cut down trees

We need to protect forests

Animals must not be harmed

They are our friends after all.

« Earth is our common home »

open lesson notes

Integration educational areas: “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world); " Physical Culture"; "Communication"; "Socialization".

Program content:

Educational objectives:

  1. Clarifying and expanding children's understanding that the Earth is our common home, in which animals, birds, fish, insects live, and humans are part of nature.
  2. Develop the ability to work with subject-schematic models.
  3. To develop in children the ability to observe, analyze, and develop coherent speech. Activation of the dictionary.

Developmental tasks:

  1. Skill development verbal communication, speech hearing, general motor skills.
  2. Develop curiosity, communication, creative imagination.
  3. Develop memory and attention.

Educational tasks:

  1. To cultivate in children a love for nature and a desire to take care of it.
    1. Cultivate friendly relationships positive attitude to the surrounding world.

Progress of the lesson:

Stage 1. Motivational.

Today we have guests. Guys, let's say hello. Let's get to know you and make friends in an unusual way. Come to me and stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

That's how we met.

The topic of our lesson today is “The Earth is our common ground”

Film - Attention to the screen!

The song “How beautiful this world is” is played. During the entire song, various pictures of nature are shown through a projector on the screen.


Let's remember:

What is the name of our planet? (Our planet is called earth).

What shape does our Earth have? (our earth is round).

Besides planet Earth, are there other planets? (Yes).

What planet has life on? (Life exists only on earth).

Why? (Because only on earth there is water and air).

Well done guys, you said it right:

“Our planet is called Earth, only on Earth there is life, it is round and constantly revolves around the sun, so our seasons change.

The earth is our common home. Guys, why do you think it is called that?

(because not only people live on earth, but also plants, insects, birds, fish and animals). (show design: globe)

All adults know, all children know,

That they live on the planet with us...

Lion and crane, parrot and fox.

Wolf and bear, dragonfly and marten.

White groves, forest oak groves,

Rivers, streams, trees and grass!

Blue sea, forest stream,

Everyone trusts you man.

You are the smartest, which means you are in charge

For all living things that exist on the planet.

Stage 2

You and I have seen how amazing and beautiful the natural world is... We are always in a hurry somewhere: to work, to kindergarten, to school. But let's try to stop. Look around.


Let's rejoice in the sun - it shines for us.


To the birds - they sing for us.

Now we will go to fairy forest. Do you want to go to the forest? (Yes). What can you use to go into the forest? (Children's answers). But you and I don’t have......, but we have a magic carpet - an airplane and we will go to the forest on it. Come in, get comfortable, close your eyes.

Clouds. Music.(music plays, changes in the design of the classroom, pictures about the forest, nature, birds, etc.). Our carpet - the plane begins to slowly rise up, we float above the clouds, a light breeze is blowing, the clouds gently touch your hands, our carpet - the plane slowly descends and on the count of “three” it touches the ground, one, two, three, open your eyes, stand up So we found ourselves in a fairy forest.

Forest. The noise of the forest.

Let's listen to the noise of the forest. How fresh and spacious it is in the forest. Let's inhale fresh air through our nose and exhale through our mouth. Forests are the real lungs of our planet, helping all living things breathe.

Why do you think forests are called the lungs of our planet? (because the forest gives us fresh air - oxygen, and absorbs, i.e. takes away poisonous gases).

Let's take a walk through the forest and see what interesting things await us here.

(there is a tree with magic leaves)

Stage 3

Guys, look at what a beautiful tree stands in the middle of the forest, and what unusual leaves hang on it. Go to the tree and pick a leaf. The rules of behavior in the forest are drawn on the leaves.

Now everyone will look at their sheet and say what not to do in the forest. (Children name everything together).

Let's not forget to use smart rules and protect nature.

Well done guys, remember these rules, follow them and talk about these rules to your parents, friends, and everyone who doesn’t know them.

They scream like that because they are lost.

Slide with animals house. and wild.

What animals are lost? (cow, horse, etc.)

How can they be called in one word? (domestic).

Why are they called homemade? (because they live next to a person and the person takes care of them).

What do they give a person for this? (milk, meat, fur, wool, etc.).

Slide.Wild animals.

Our journey continues.

Guys, look who's hiding under the bush. What animal model do you see? (model of a hare) The hare has prepared a task for us.

Working with a mnemonic table

Look carefully at the screen; there is a table on the screen. What do you think the pictures on the table tell? (about winter)

Who can tell me what can make a gloomy day brighter? That's right, let's smile at each other (the song "from a smile" sounds) and continue our journey.

Guys, look how many daisies there are, and someone is sitting in the daisies. What animal model do you see? (hedgehog model). Well done, you guessed correctly. What beautiful flowers and how many of them. And it’s not for nothing that the hedgehog is surrounded by such flowers. He wants to be a daisy. What kind of chamomile?

(White with orange eyes, beautiful, cheerful, kind, fragrant, fragrant).

Imagine if a hedgehog were a daisy, what would it be like? Answers. The hedgehog prepared a game for us (Vocical exercise).

Call it affectionately: Sun - sunshine;

Wind - breeze;

Rain - rain;

Flower - flower;

Leaf – leaf;

Well done. Let's call the hedgehog affectionately.

Dear friends, the time has come for us to part with the forest.


There are emoticons in the basket, they are different. Let's see how they differ? (mood: joy and sadness) If today it was interesting and easy for you in class and you were satisfied with yourself, take a cheerful emoticon, and if there were difficulties, it was not interesting and sad, take a sad one. We will attach all the emoticons to the magic tree.

Our journey is over. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

I'll take the wand in my hands

I will call on the magic

With a magic wand

I'll wave in the air

Magic will appear in the kindergarten.

Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what did we talk about in class today?

What new things have you learned?

Children's answers: (today we talked about our planet - Earth, we learned that only on earth there is life, that plants, animals, fish, insects live on the planet with us, we established the rules of behavior in the forest, affectionately called animals, recognized animals by modules,

secured domestic and wild animals, smiled at each other).

Nature in our lives

Plays a big role.

If you take care of nature,

Life will become more beautiful.

You can't cut down trees

We need to protect forests

Animals must not be harmed

They are our friends after all.

You did a good job today, and in memory of our journey today, the forest gives you a small model of our land.

« Earth is our common home »

open lesson notes

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world); "Physical Culture"; "Communication"; "Socialization".

Program content:

Educational objectives:

  1. Clarifying and expanding children's understanding that the Earth is our common home, in which animals, birds, fish, insects live, and humans are part of nature.
  2. Develop the ability to work with subject-schematic models.
  3. To develop in children the ability to observe, analyze, and develop coherent speech. Activation of the dictionary.

Developmental tasks:

  1. Development of speech communication skills, speech hearing, general motor skills.
  2. Develop curiosity, communication, creative imagination.
  3. Develop memory and attention.

Educational tasks:

  1. To cultivate in children a love for nature and a desire to take care of it.
    1. Cultivate friendly relationships and a positive attitude towards the world around you.

Progress of the lesson:

Stage 1. Motivational.

Today we have guests. Guys, let's say hello. Let's get to know you and make friends in an unusual way. Come to me and stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

That's how we met.

The topic of our lesson today is “The Earth is our common ground”

Film - Attention to the screen!

The song “How beautiful this world is” is played. During the entire song, various pictures of nature are shown through a projector on the screen.


Let's remember:

What is the name of our planet? (Our planet is called earth).

What shape does our Earth have? (our earth is round).

Besides planet Earth, are there other planets? (Yes).

What planet has life on? (Life exists only on earth).

Why? (Because only on earth there is water and air).

Well done guys, you said it right:

“Our planet is called Earth, only on Earth there is life, it is round and constantly revolves around the sun, so our seasons change.

The earth is our common home. Guys, why do you think it is called that?

(because not only people live on earth, but also plants, insects, birds, fish and animals). (show design: globe)

All adults know, all children know,

That they live on the planet with us...

Lion and crane, parrot and fox.

Wolf and bear, dragonfly and marten.

White groves, forest oak groves,

Rivers, streams, trees and grass!

Blue sea, forest stream,

Everyone trusts you man.

You are the smartest, which means you are in charge

For all living things that exist on the planet.

Stage 2

You and I have seen how amazing and beautiful the natural world is... We are always in a hurry somewhere: to work, to kindergarten, to school. But let's try to stop. Look around.


Let's rejoice in the sun - it shines for us.


To the birds - they sing for us.

Now we will go to the fairy forest. Do you want to go to the forest? (Yes). What can you use to go into the forest? (Children's answers). But you and I don’t have......, but we have a magic carpet - an airplane and we will go to the forest on it. Come in, get comfortable, close your eyes.

Clouds. Music.(music plays, changes in the design of the classroom, pictures about the forest, nature, birds, etc.). Our carpet - the plane begins to slowly rise up, we float above the clouds, a light breeze is blowing, the clouds gently touch your hands, our carpet - the plane slowly descends and on the count of “three” it touches the ground, one, two, three, open your eyes, stand up So we found ourselves in a fairy forest.

Forest. The noise of the forest.

Let's listen to the noise of the forest. How fresh and spacious it is in the forest. Let's inhale fresh air through our nose and exhale through our mouth. Forests are the real lungs of our planet, helping all living things breathe.

Why do you think forests are called the lungs of our planet? (because the forest gives us fresh air - oxygen, and absorbs, i.e. takes away poisonous gases).

Let's take a walk through the forest and see what interesting things await us here.

(there is a tree with magic leaves)

Stage 3

Guys, look at what a beautiful tree stands in the middle of the forest, and what unusual leaves hang on it. Go to the tree and pick a leaf. The rules of behavior in the forest are drawn on the leaves.

Now everyone will look at their sheet and say what not to do in the forest. (Children name everything together).

Let's not forget to use smart rules and protect nature.

Well done guys, remember these rules, follow them and talk about these rules to your parents, friends, and everyone who doesn’t know them.

Our journey continues.

They scream like that because they are lost.

Slide with animals house. and wild.

What animals are lost? (cow, horse, etc.)

How can they be called in one word? (domestic).

Why are they called homemade? (because they live next to a person and the person takes care of them).

What do they give a person for this? (milk, meat, fur, wool, etc.).

Slide.Wild animals.

Our journey continues.

Guys, look who's hiding under the bush. What animal model do you see? (model of a hare) The hare has prepared a task for us.

Working with a mnemonic table

Look carefully at the screen; there is a table on the screen. What do you think the pictures on the table tell? (about winter)

Who can tell me what can make a gloomy day brighter? That's right, let's smile at each other (the song "from a smile" sounds) and continue our journey.

Guys, look how many daisies there are, and someone is sitting in the daisies. What animal model do you see? (hedgehog model). Well done, you guessed correctly. What beautiful flowers and how many of them. And it’s not for nothing that the hedgehog is surrounded by such flowers. He wants to be a daisy. What kind of chamomile?

(White with orange eyes, beautiful, cheerful, kind, fragrant, fragrant).

Imagine if a hedgehog were a daisy, what would it be like? Answers. The hedgehog prepared a game for us (Vocical exercise).

Call it affectionately: Sun - sunshine;

Wind - breeze;

Rain - rain;

Flower - flower;

Leaf – leaf;

Well done. Let's call the hedgehog affectionately.

Dear friends, the time has come for us to part with the forest.


There are emoticons in the basket, they are different. Let's see how they differ? (mood: joy and sadness) If today it was interesting and easy for you in class and you were satisfied with yourself, take a cheerful emoticon, and if there were difficulties, it was not interesting and sad, take a sad one. We will attach all the emoticons to the magic tree.

Our journey is over. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

I'll take the wand in my hands

I will call on the magic

With a magic wand

I'll wave in the air

Magic will appear in the kindergarten.

Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what did we talk about in class today?

What new things have you learned?

Children's answers: (today we talked about our planet - Earth, we learned that only on earth there is life, that plants, animals, fish, insects live on the planet with us, we established the rules of behavior in the forest, affectionately called animals, recognized animals by modules,

secured domestic and wild animals, smiled at each other).

Nature in our lives

Plays a big role.

If you take care of nature,

Life will become more beautiful.

You can't cut down trees

We need to protect forests

Animals must not be harmed

They are our friends after all.

You did a good job today, and in memory of our journey today, the forest gives you a small model of our land.

« Earth is our common home »

open lesson notes

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world); "Physical Culture"; "Communication"; "Socialization".

Program content:

Educational objectives:

  1. Clarifying and expanding children's understanding that the Earth is our common home, in which animals, birds, fish, insects live, and humans are part of nature.
  2. Develop the ability to work with subject-schematic models.
  3. To develop in children the ability to observe, analyze, and develop coherent speech. Activation of the dictionary.

Developmental tasks:

  1. Development of speech communication skills, speech hearing, general motor skills.
  2. Develop curiosity, communication, creative imagination.
  3. Develop memory and attention.

Educational tasks:

  1. To cultivate in children a love for nature and a desire to take care of it.
    1. Cultivate friendly relationships and a positive attitude towards the world around you.

Progress of the lesson:

Stage 1. Motivational.

Today we have guests. Guys, let's say hello. Let's get to know you and make friends in an unusual way. Come to me and stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

That's how we met.

The topic of our lesson today is “The Earth is our common ground”

Film - Attention to the screen!

The song “How beautiful this world is” is played. During the entire song, various pictures of nature are shown through a projector on the screen.


Let's remember:

What is the name of our planet? (Our planet is called earth).

What shape does our Earth have? (our earth is round).

Besides planet Earth, are there other planets? (Yes).

What planet has life on? (Life exists only on earth).

Why? (Because only on earth there is water and air).

Well done guys, you said it right:

“Our planet is called Earth, only on Earth there is life, it is round and constantly revolves around the sun, so our seasons change.

The earth is our common home. Guys, why do you think it is called that?

(because not only people live on earth, but also plants, insects, birds, fish and animals). (show design: globe)

All adults know, all children know,

That they live on the planet with us...

Lion and crane, parrot and fox.

Wolf and bear, dragonfly and marten.

White groves, forest oak groves,

Rivers, streams, trees and grass!

Blue sea, forest stream,

Everyone trusts you man.

You are the smartest, which means you are in charge

For all living things that exist on the planet.

Stage 2

You and I have seen how amazing and beautiful the natural world is... We are always in a hurry somewhere: to work, to kindergarten, to school. But let's try to stop. Look around.


Let's rejoice in the sun - it shines for us.


To the birds - they sing for us.

Now we will go to the fairy forest. Do you want to go to the forest? (Yes). What can you use to go into the forest? (Children's answers). But you and I don’t have......, but we have a magic carpet - an airplane and we will go to the forest on it. Come in, get comfortable, close your eyes.

Clouds. Music.(music plays, changes in the design of the classroom, pictures about the forest, nature, birds, etc.). Our carpet - the plane begins to slowly rise up, we float above the clouds, a light breeze is blowing, the clouds gently touch your hands, our carpet - the plane slowly descends and on the count of “three” it touches the ground, one, two, three, open your eyes, stand up So we found ourselves in a fairy forest.

Forest. The noise of the forest.

Let's listen to the noise of the forest. How fresh and spacious it is in the forest. Let's inhale fresh air through our nose and exhale through our mouth. Forests are the real lungs of our planet, helping all living things breathe.

Why do you think forests are called the lungs of our planet? (because the forest gives us fresh air - oxygen, and absorbs, i.e. takes away poisonous gases).

Let's take a walk through the forest and see what interesting things await us here.

(there is a tree with magic leaves)

Stage 3

Guys, look at what a beautiful tree stands in the middle of the forest, and what unusual leaves hang on it. Go to the tree and pick a leaf. The rules of behavior in the forest are drawn on the leaves.

Now everyone will look at their sheet and say what not to do in the forest. (Children name everything together).

Let's not forget to use smart rules and protect nature.

Well done guys, remember these rules, follow them and talk about these rules to your parents, friends, and everyone who doesn’t know them.

Our journey continues.

They scream like that because they are lost.

Slide with animals house. and wild.

What animals are lost? (cow, horse, etc.)

How can they be called in one word? (domestic).

Why are they called homemade? (because they live next to a person and the person takes care of them).

What do they give a person for this? (milk, meat, fur, wool, etc.).

Slide.Wild animals.

Our journey continues.

Guys, look who's hiding under the bush. What animal model do you see? (model of a hare) The hare has prepared a task for us.

Working with a mnemonic table

Look carefully at the screen; there is a table on the screen. What do you think the pictures on the table tell? (about winter)

Who can tell me what can make a gloomy day brighter? That's right, let's smile at each other (the song "from a smile" sounds) and continue our journey.

Guys, look how many daisies there are, and someone is sitting in the daisies. What animal model do you see? (hedgehog model). Well done, you guessed correctly. What beautiful flowers and how many of them. And it’s not for nothing that the hedgehog is surrounded by such flowers. He wants to be a daisy. What kind of chamomile?

(White with orange eyes, beautiful, cheerful, kind, fragrant, fragrant).

Imagine if a hedgehog were a daisy, what would it be like? Answers. The hedgehog prepared a game for us (Vocical exercise).

Call it affectionately: Sun - sunshine;

Wind - breeze;

Rain - rain;

Flower - flower;

Leaf – leaf;

Well done. Let's call the hedgehog affectionately.

Dear friends, the time has come for us to part with the forest.


There are emoticons in the basket, they are different. Let's see how they differ? (mood: joy and sadness) If today it was interesting and easy for you in class and you were satisfied with yourself, take a cheerful emoticon, and if there were difficulties, it was not interesting and sad, take a sad one. We will attach all the emoticons to the magic tree.

Our journey is over. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

I'll take the wand in my hands

I will call on the magic

With a magic wand

I'll wave in the air

Magic will appear in the kindergarten.

Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what did we talk about in class today?

What new things have you learned?

Children's answers: (today we talked about our planet - Earth, we learned that only on earth there is life, that plants, animals, fish, insects live on the planet with us, we established the rules of behavior in the forest, affectionately called animals, recognized animals by modules,

secured domestic and wild animals, smiled at each other).

Nature in our lives

Plays a big role.

If you take care of nature,

Life will become more beautiful.

You can't cut down trees

We need to protect forests

Animals must not be harmed

They are our friends after all.

You did a good job today, and in memory of our journey today, the forest gives you a small model of our land.

« Earth is our common home »

open lesson notes

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world); "Physical Culture"; "Communication"; "Socialization".

Program content:

Educational objectives:

  1. Clarifying and expanding children's understanding that the Earth is our common home, in which animals, birds, fish, insects live, and humans are part of nature.
  2. Develop the ability to work with subject-schematic models.
  3. To develop in children the ability to observe, analyze, and develop coherent speech. Activation of the dictionary.

Developmental tasks:

  1. Development of speech communication skills, speech hearing, general motor skills.
  2. Develop curiosity, communication, creative imagination.
  3. Develop memory and attention.

Educational tasks:

  1. To cultivate in children a love for nature and a desire to take care of it.
    1. Cultivate friendly relationships and a positive attitude towards the world around you.

Progress of the lesson:

Stage 1. Motivational.

Today we have guests. Guys, let's say hello. Let's get to know you and make friends in an unusual way. Come to me and stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

That's how we met.

The topic of our lesson today is “The Earth is our common ground”

Film - Attention to the screen!

The song “How beautiful this world is” is played. During the entire song, various pictures of nature are shown through a projector on the screen.


Let's remember:

What is the name of our planet? (Our planet is called earth).

What shape does our Earth have? (our earth is round).

Besides planet Earth, are there other planets? (Yes).

What planet has life on? (Life exists only on earth).

Why? (Because only on earth there is water and air).

Well done guys, you said it right:

“Our planet is called Earth, only on Earth there is life, it is round and constantly revolves around the sun, so our seasons change.

The earth is our common home. Guys, why do you think it is called that?

(because not only people live on earth, but also plants, insects, birds, fish and animals). (show design: globe)

All adults know, all children know,

That they live on the planet with us...

Lion and crane, parrot and fox.

Wolf and bear, dragonfly and marten.

White groves, forest oak groves,

Rivers, streams, trees and grass!

Blue sea, forest stream,

Everyone trusts you man.

You are the smartest, which means you are in charge

For all living things that exist on the planet.

Stage 2

You and I have seen how amazing and beautiful the natural world is... We are always in a hurry somewhere: to work, to kindergarten, to school. But let's try to stop. Look around.


Let's rejoice in the sun - it shines for us.


To the birds - they sing for us.

Now we will go to the fairy forest. Do you want to go to the forest? (Yes). What can you use to go into the forest? (Children's answers). But you and I don’t have......, but we have a magic carpet - an airplane and we will go to the forest on it. Come in, get comfortable, close your eyes.

Clouds. Music.(music plays, changes in the design of the classroom, pictures about the forest, nature, birds, etc.). Our carpet - the plane begins to slowly rise up, we float above the clouds, a light breeze is blowing, the clouds gently touch your hands, our carpet - the plane slowly descends and on the count of “three” it touches the ground, one, two, three, open your eyes, stand up So we found ourselves in a fairy forest.

Forest. The noise of the forest.

Let's listen to the noise of the forest. How fresh and spacious it is in the forest. Let's inhale fresh air through our nose and exhale through our mouth. Forests are the real lungs of our planet, helping all living things breathe.

Why do you think forests are called the lungs of our planet? (because the forest gives us fresh air - oxygen, and absorbs, i.e. takes away poisonous gases).

Let's take a walk through the forest and see what interesting things await us here.

(there is a tree with magic leaves)

Stage 3

Guys, look at what a beautiful tree stands in the middle of the forest, and what unusual leaves hang on it. Go to the tree and pick a leaf. The rules of behavior in the forest are drawn on the leaves.

Now everyone will look at their sheet and say what not to do in the forest. (Children name everything together).

Let's not forget to use smart rules and protect nature.

Well done guys, remember these rules, follow them and talk about these rules to your parents, friends, and everyone who doesn’t know them.

Our journey continues.

They scream like that because they are lost.

Slide with animals house. and wild.

What animals are lost? (cow, horse, etc.)

How can they be called in one word? (domestic).

Why are they called homemade? (because they live next to a person and the person takes care of them).

What do they give a person for this? (milk, meat, fur, wool, etc.).

Slide.Wild animals.

Our journey continues.

Guys, look who's hiding under the bush. What animal model do you see? (model of a hare) The hare has prepared a task for us.

Working with a mnemonic table

Look carefully at the screen; there is a table on the screen. What do you think the pictures on the table tell? (about winter)

Who can tell me what can make a gloomy day brighter? That's right, let's smile at each other (the song "from a smile" sounds) and continue our journey.

Guys, look how many daisies there are, and someone is sitting in the daisies. What animal model do you see? (hedgehog model). Well done, you guessed correctly. What beautiful flowers and how many of them. And it’s not for nothing that the hedgehog is surrounded by such flowers. He wants to be a daisy. What kind of chamomile?

(White with orange eyes, beautiful, cheerful, kind, fragrant, fragrant).

Imagine if a hedgehog were a daisy, what would it be like? Answers. The hedgehog prepared a game for us (Vocical exercise).

Call it affectionately: Sun - sunshine;

Wind - breeze;

Rain - rain;

Flower - flower;

Leaf – leaf;

Well done. Let's call the hedgehog affectionately.

Dear friends, the time has come for us to part with the forest.


There are emoticons in the basket, they are different. Let's see how they differ? (mood: joy and sadness) If today it was interesting and easy for you in class and you were satisfied with yourself, take a cheerful emoticon, and if there were difficulties, it was not interesting and sad, take a sad one. We will attach all the emoticons to the magic tree.

Our journey is over. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

I'll take the wand in my hands

I will call on the magic

With a magic wand

I'll wave in the air

Magic will appear in the kindergarten.

Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what did we talk about in class today?

What new things have you learned?

Children's answers: (today we talked about our planet - Earth, we learned that only on earth there is life, that plants, animals, fish, insects live on the planet with us, we established the rules of behavior in the forest, affectionately called animals, recognized animals by modules,

secured domestic and wild animals, smiled at each other).

Nature in our lives

Plays a big role.

If you take care of nature,

Life will become more beautiful.

You can't cut down trees

We need to protect forests

Animals must not be harmed

They are our friends after all.

You did a good job today, and in memory of our journey today, the forest gives you a small model of our land.

« Earth is our common home »

open lesson notes

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world); "Physical Culture"; "Communication"; "Socialization".

Program content:

Educational objectives:

  1. Clarifying and expanding children's understanding that the Earth is our common home, in which animals, birds, fish, insects live, and humans are part of nature.
  2. Develop the ability to work with subject-schematic models.
  3. To develop in children the ability to observe, analyze, and develop coherent speech. Activation of the dictionary.

Developmental tasks:

  1. Development of speech communication skills, speech hearing, general motor skills.
  2. Develop curiosity, communication, creative imagination.
  3. Develop memory and attention.

Educational tasks:

  1. To cultivate in children a love for nature and a desire to take care of it.
    1. Cultivate friendly relationships and a positive attitude towards the world around you.

Progress of the lesson:

Stage 1. Motivational.

Today we have guests. Guys, let's say hello. Let's get to know you and make friends in an unusual way. Come to me and stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

That's how we met.

The topic of our lesson today is “The Earth is our common ground”

Film - Attention to the screen!

The song “How beautiful this world is” is played. During the entire song, various pictures of nature are shown through a projector on the screen.


Let's remember:

What is the name of our planet? (Our planet is called earth).

What shape does our Earth have? (our earth is round).

Besides planet Earth, are there other planets? (Yes).

What planet has life on? (Life exists only on earth).

Why? (Because only on earth there is water and air).

Well done guys, you said it right:

“Our planet is called Earth, only on Earth there is life, it is round and constantly revolves around the sun, so our seasons change.

The earth is our common home. Guys, why do you think it is called that?

(because not only people live on earth, but also plants, insects, birds, fish and animals). (show design: globe)

All adults know, all children know,

That they live on the planet with us...

Lion and crane, parrot and fox.

Wolf and bear, dragonfly and marten.

White groves, forest oak groves,

Rivers, streams, trees and grass!

Blue sea, forest stream,

Everyone trusts you man.

You are the smartest, which means you are in charge

For all living things that exist on the planet.

Stage 2

You and I have seen how amazing and beautiful the natural world is... We are always in a hurry somewhere: to work, to kindergarten, to school. But let's try to stop. Look around.


Let's rejoice in the sun - it shines for us.


To the birds - they sing for us.

Now we will go to the fairy forest. Do you want to go to the forest? (Yes). What can you use to go into the forest? (Children's answers). But you and I don’t have......, but we have a magic carpet - an airplane and we will go to the forest on it. Come in, get comfortable, close your eyes.

Clouds. Music.(music plays, changes in the design of the classroom, pictures about the forest, nature, birds, etc.). Our carpet - the plane begins to slowly rise up, we float above the clouds, a light breeze is blowing, the clouds gently touch your hands, our carpet - the plane slowly descends and on the count of “three” it touches the ground, one, two, three, open your eyes, stand up So we found ourselves in a fairy forest.

Forest. The noise of the forest.

Let's listen to the noise of the forest. How fresh and spacious it is in the forest. Let's inhale fresh air through our nose and exhale through our mouth. Forests are the real lungs of our planet, helping all living things breathe.

Why do you think forests are called the lungs of our planet? (because the forest gives us fresh air - oxygen, and absorbs, i.e. takes away poisonous gases).

Let's take a walk through the forest and see what interesting things await us here.

(there is a tree with magic leaves)

Stage 3

Guys, look at what a beautiful tree stands in the middle of the forest, and what unusual leaves hang on it. Go to the tree and pick a leaf. The rules of behavior in the forest are drawn on the leaves.

Now everyone will look at their sheet and say what not to do in the forest. (Children name everything together).

Let's not forget to use smart rules and protect nature.

Well done guys, remember these rules, follow them and talk about these rules to your parents, friends, and everyone who doesn’t know them.

Our journey continues.

They scream like that because they are lost.

Slide with animals house. and wild.

What animals are lost? (cow, horse, etc.)

How can they be called in one word? (domestic).

Why are they called homemade? (because they live next to a person and the person takes care of them).

What do they give a person for this? (milk, meat, fur, wool, etc.).

Slide.Wild animals.

Our journey continues.

Guys, look who's hiding under the bush. What animal model do you see? (model of a hare) The hare has prepared a task for us.

Working with a mnemonic table

Look carefully at the screen; there is a table on the screen. What do you think the pictures on the table tell? (about winter)

Who can tell me what can make a gloomy day brighter? That's right, let's smile at each other (the song "from a smile" sounds) and continue our journey.

Guys, look how many daisies there are, and someone is sitting in the daisies. What animal model do you see? (hedgehog model). Well done, you guessed correctly. What beautiful flowers and how many of them. And it’s not for nothing that the hedgehog is surrounded by such flowers. He wants to be a daisy. What kind of chamomile?

(White with orange eyes, beautiful, cheerful, kind, fragrant, fragrant).

Imagine if a hedgehog were a daisy, what would it be like? Answers. The hedgehog prepared a game for us (Vocical exercise).

Call it affectionately: Sun - sunshine;

Wind - breeze;

Rain - rain;

Flower - flower;

Leaf – leaf;

Well done. Let's call the hedgehog affectionately.

Dear friends, the time has come for us to part with the forest.


There are emoticons in the basket, they are different. Let's see how they differ? (mood: joy and sadness) If today it was interesting and easy for you in class and you were satisfied with yourself, take a cheerful emoticon, and if there were difficulties, it was not interesting and sad, take a sad one. We will attach all the emoticons to the magic tree.

Our journey is over. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

I'll take the wand in my hands

I will call on the magic

With a magic wand

I'll wave in the air

Magic will appear in the kindergarten.

Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what did we talk about in class today?

What new things have you learned?

Children's answers: (today we talked about our planet - Earth, we learned that only on earth there is life, that plants, animals, fish, insects live on the planet with us, we established the rules of behavior in the forest, affectionately called animals, recognized animals by modules,

secured domestic and wild animals, smiled at each other).

Nature in our lives

Plays a big role.

If you take care of nature,

Life will become more beautiful.

You can't cut down trees

We need to protect forests

Animals must not be harmed

They are our friends after all.

You did a good job today, and in memory of our journey today, the forest gives you a small model of our land.