Based on the text by Ilyin Budni. They are complete nonsense (Unified State Examination in Russian). Collection of ideal essays in social studies The problem of a person’s attitude to a bad mood

If you are in a bad mood, you should not remain silent about it. Complaining about life turns out to be very useful. When we open up and say: “I’m so tired”, “Nothing is working out”, we intuitively use the advice of psychotherapist Frank Jones, author of the book “How to Manage Your Mood”: “You need to share your bad mood and not be shy and talk about it out loud.” Everyone. Even to your boss. As an example, the book describes the story of a patient who worked as a leading programmer in a large company. When the boss called him and said: “We are late with the project, we could lose a lot of money. Can’t we hurry up?”, the employee began to cry instead of answering. He admitted that he couldn’t do anything since his girlfriend left him. The boss said the project could wait and gave him an extra day off. It sounds unrealistic, but respect for emotions and personal experiences really occurs, although they say that before, about 30 years ago, everything was tougher. And today, it seems, psychologists and doctors are about to lobby for the law “On respectful attitude towards bad moods and emotional instability of citizens.”

Name the problem

“Say it in words!” - asks the teacher in normal American school when a child, without knowing why, for no apparent reason, begins to cry or get angry. Usually it takes him a little time to understand that there is no reason or that it is, for example, like this: “I hate these green pants that my mother put on me.” After the secret is revealed and expressed, he immediately changes the negative mood to a positive one.

In the UK in last years As an experiment, 50 schools are conducting special lessons, during which teenagers learn how to properly express their emotions, manage their moods and make friends.

Evaluate your past

Bad mood is enough at any age. And, according to many experts, we have the same attitude in life that we were able to adopt from our parents. Psychologist Marcel Pic is sure that our mood is not so much our present as our past, with childhood problems, family priorities, grievances, and stereotypes. Some people are more accustomed and comfortable to be sad than to be happy, because... they just don’t know, haven’t seen how it’s done.

Singer Ashlee Simpson, the younger sister of star Jessica Simpson, once looked like a sad Pierrot with a long nose. Series plastic surgery turned her into a beauty, and her mood... still remained bad. Now Ashley “misses her old face”; she decided to undergo surgery only because she was tired of suffering and being in the shadow of her sister. She tried to solve the mood problem radically. It was not possible, she was unable to feel renewal and joy - this is how experts comment on her condition.

Only by changing their attitude towards their past can people change their mood. Only a few succeed. And the powerful and famous sometimes take it upon themselves to change the mood of millions. And they do this, which is why we love them. Popular comedian and show host Bill Cosby is trying to “cultivate” a new mood among the black population of America - focusing on opportunities, rather than on the humiliating slave past that gave many African-Americans a resentful expression.

Take sadness by the horns

Everything should be under control - many people try to achieve this. “I am a very organized person” is not a boastful thing, but a common description of oneself. Such people are usually successful in everything, and even if they are angry, sad or incredibly happy, it is for the benefit of themselves and those around them.

But let's look at the greats: for example, Abraham Lincoln was no stranger to melancholy. Contemporaries and comrades described that sometimes he sat for a long time with his head bowed low, but after a couple of hours he delivered a bright speech, which schoolchildren now have to learn by heart.

It is believed that melancholy and attempts to overcome it sometimes produce amazing results. “Make sadness work for you!” - say psychologists. And with the permission of Hollywood stars, they post an official list of people who are not just sad, but from time to time fall into depression and are not ashamed to talk about it. Who is not there: the beautiful Halle Berry, actors Harrison Ford and Jim Carrey, director Francis Coppola, publisher Larry Flynt... An endless list of people who not only cope with this condition, but know how to live with it, work, achieve results and even smile.

The founder of the Metro film company, Goldwyn Mayr, according to legend, was an uneducated man. But he subtly felt the mood of the audience and gave the viewer what he needed. After reading the play “Romeo and Juliet,” which was being prepared for film adaptation, the tycoon said:

— The story is not bad, but the ending is not good.

- But this is Shakespeare! - someone quietly objected.

- Well, tell your Shakespeare to rewrite it!

Personal opinion

Olga Prokofieva:

It's good if you are a woman to be given a few compliments in the morning. There is this recommendation to male managers: if you want to increase the productivity of the female team, then give all the women a compliment in the morning, this will immediately cheer them up! Compliments in the morning are a great way to lift your spirits! And treat yourself to something. If you like coffee, splurge and buy yourself the best and most delicious variety of this drink so that you can enjoy it. Life is too short to waste it being in a bad mood.

In his text, the Russian writer and philosopher I.A. Ilyin raises the current problem of the source of joy. Joy is one of the main positive emotions human, inner feeling of happiness and pleasure. But what can bring people a feeling of joy?

In the text, the author says that people associate weekdays with boredom, bad mood, and meaningless work. However, Ilyin argues that “you cannot blindly perceive daily work as meaningless forced work,” because most often it is work that is a source of joy that helps a person realize his creative potential.

We just need to find the meaning of our work and do our work efficiently. It is “the quality of work that causes the joy of work.” Then weekdays will certainly be filled with light and will bring happiness.

The author's point of view is expressed quite clearly. In my opinion, the writer strives to convey to us the idea that even if weekdays seem so gray and painful, there will definitely be something that will bring joy.

There are many works in the literature in which this problem is raised. As an example, I will cite Tvardovsky’s book “Vasily Terkin,” which describes a very difficult war time for the entire Russian people, which brought so much sorrow and grief. However main character, soldier Vasily Terkin, never lost heart and could find joy even in such sad times.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are many reasons for joy, you just need to learn to find them.

Option 2

The author raises a very important and current problem: the problem of attitude towards work. In a text that is small in volume, but capacious in content, the author discusses how, after all, to fill life with joy, to leave “sheer endlessness.” The writer encourages readers to love their everyday life. “This can be achieved by finding sacred meaning in your everyday work...”, says Ilyin.

The author's position is unambiguous and expressed quite clearly. The Russian philosopher thinks that it is impossible to get rid of everyday life, but you can love them, understand the meaning of your profession, feel the importance of your work, and then life will be filled with joy and bright colors. Ivan Aleksandrovich believes that a person who has found the meaning of his work is guaranteed to take off in life.

I have thought about the problem raised more than once, so the topic of the text is close and understandable to me. Indeed, you need to treat your work correctly and enjoy your work. It is important to understand why you are trying and to enjoy every success, even the smallest. After all, it is impossible to live without joy; you need to be able to extract it from everywhere.

I am ready to confirm my position with arguments from fiction. In V. Hugo's novel "Les Miserables", Jean Valjean, aka Mister Madeleine, did a lot of useful things for the city of Montreal-Maritime, thanks to him this place began to prosper. Uncle Madeleine, as the townspeople called him, loved helping people, he received joy from this and did not feel the burden of hopeless everyday life. For his services to the city, he was appointed mayor.

My opinion can also be confirmed by an argument from I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” Evgeny Bazarov has no one to rely on: his parents are poor. He has been forced to work since childhood and provide for himself. Even when he comes to stay at the Kirsanovs’ estate, he does not indulge in carefree laziness, like Arkady, but works all the time. A purposeful person, he understands that his future depends only on how fruitfully he works.

Reading the text helped me confirm the opinion that work is a very important component of our life; we cannot escape from it to an eternal holiday and carefree pastime. Sooner or later, you may get so bored with the holiday that you want to get back to business as soon as possible. Much depends on work activity, including the quality of our own lives and the lives of people around us. You need to love your business, achieve success, get joy from it and fill your life with colorful colors!

Option 3

Weekdays...Some people associate this word with some kind of joy, with a feeling of long-awaited wonderful days, with their favorite job, for others with sadness. After all, again work, study and no time to rest. Everyone perceives weekdays differently . How to cope with boredom in everyday life? In a text that is small in volume but capacious in content, the author talks about everyday life that passes joylessly, boringly, monotonously. About days devoid of meaning and joy. About life without a goal, with some kind of torture, torment. "Incessant noise, from time to time time interrupted by another failure,” writes Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin, the author of the text. Only dull, unmotivated people think this way, for whom life is a burden and does not bring any pleasure. But life is so interesting, multifaceted, you need to rejoice in every day you live, especially everyday life. Therefore, the author encourages us to appreciate everyday life, to appreciate life. First of all, you need to change yourself, your worldview, then weekdays and life will become a joy, you need to find the meaning of life. As a wise advisor and good friend, the author talks to us about how important it is to love life, to do what you love. How important it is not to perceive weekdays as just another boring and gray one. After all, a person cannot be unhappy. You need to take yourself seriously and to your profession. I completely share the author’s opinion. Indeed, you need to appreciate not only weekends, but also weekdays. You need to love your work, your life, appreciate every day you live, don’t get discouraged, never give up. Weekdays should be productive, should be beneficial and not you have to be a boring, joyless person who is not interested in anything.

Every person who studies or works most often works on weekdays and rests on weekends. But all people approach these days differently. In most cases, society does not like everyday life and constantly waits for weekends or holidays in order to relax, have fun and enjoy life.

The main problem of the source text is the problem of people’s attitude towards everyday life. But why don't people like them? And how can you change your attitude towards them?

In his text, I.A. Ilyin tries, firstly, to convince his readers that weekdays must be perceived as a gift of fate, as an opportunity to work and comprehend their activities: “We must understand the serious meaning of our profession and take care of it in the name of its high meaning. We must take ourselves seriously, and therefore our own profession, and our own everyday life.” And, secondly, the author makes us understand that it is impossible to live without meaning, because without it a person cannot exist, since he is deprived joys in life: “It’s meaningless - it’s joyless. Man is created in such a way that he cannot live joylessly.”

I completely agree with the author’s position, because almost every person spends most his life at study or any work, and if he does not comprehend his occupation, then he will not know real joy in life and its moments. Many Russian writers have addressed this problem in their works.

For example, in M.Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time,” the main character suffered from boredom. He was bored not only with noble ladies, but also with the “savage”. Pechorin left for the Caucasus in the hope that boredom would not overtake him there, but he was mistaken, and even the whistle of Chechen bullets ceased to affect his state of mind. The hero did not learn to enjoy the moments in the present time, did not comprehend his activities and did not appreciate the people who were next to him. Subsequently, he realized that he was absolutely miserable and could not find a spiritual refuge for himself.

And in A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” the main character was a prisoner whose life, it would seem, was incredibly difficult. But Ivan Denisovich was able to brighten up his everyday life and realized that even in Stalin’s camp there was an opportunity to make life, at least a little, more pleasant. The hero was incredibly resourceful: he waited for a parcel from his bunkmate and helped him, after which he was rewarded with a second portion of dinner and food from this parcel and carried a small piece of saw past the guards. But the most important thing is that Ivan Denisovich was happy about his work - construction. He performed it with joy, understood the meaning of this activity and learned to appreciate every moment of his life.

Weekdays should not be painful for us, because there are many more of them than weekends or holidays. And our lives are incredibly short for us to so thoughtlessly hate the days meant for work. To find happiness, we all need to fill our work with meaning, and only then life will become a “luminous thread.”

Essay-discussion on the topic “ Bad mood» according to Ilyin’s text

All people know that the world we live in is far from ideal. There is a lot of hatred and anger in it, so we are not comfortable with each other: we walk with caution and often expect a trip from our neighbor, not help. This happened because we do not know how to pacify hatred either in ourselves or in the people around us. The philosopher I. Ilyin writes about this problem.

He compares sympathy and antipathy to rays that penetrate the human soul and carry a certain emotional charge. When the sun of goodness gently shines on us, we feel good and calm. When the black rays of mistrust and misunderstanding gather around us, we feel bad, even if we move away from the conflict and the person creating it. This negative emotion remains with us as a weight on our hearts, which is not so easy to throw off.

The author offers a rather difficult, but the only possible way to solve this problem: one must respond to anger with goodness. Often we ourselves are to blame for the fact that a person has become our enemy. Perhaps we accidentally touched him, perhaps he is so persecuted by the circumstances of his difficult life that he hates the whole world. In any case, any enmity may be partly our fault. Therefore, in response to unmotivated aggression we have to say kind word, because people are becoming bitter because they don’t hear him. Love disarms them, who are not accustomed to mercy and compassion. In addition, this approach to conflicts will not leave an unpleasant burden and sediment on the soul, we will not stain it with hatred. I completely agree with the author, since I have read more than once about friendship and enmity in books and I know what the power of good and the poison of evil are.

As an example, I can cite A. S. Pushkin’s novel “ Captain's daughter" The main character meets with Pugachev, a dangerous rebel who spares no one and has no mercy on anyone. He has dozens of deaths to his name; Grinev would have suffered the same fate, but he was able to evaluate Pugachev’s actions as a human being, without class prejudices. Peter could not help Pugachev because of the oath, but he understood the revolutionary’s motives, sympathized with him, but did not betray his idea. For this decent attitude, the rebel did not kill the nobleman: thanks to Petrusha’s kindness, he was able to defeat the fierce beast within himself.

As a second argument, I would like to cite Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.” In it, the heroes did not forgive each other for their insults, and as a result, the enmity ended in a duel. Pechorin deliberately provoked his friend to meanness, and Grushnitsky went mad with jealousy and committed this meanness. They both tried to fight back and respond to anger with anger. All this led to a shameful outcome, but if only a little understanding had been shown, the fatal consequences of hostility could have been avoided.

A person lives among people, and everyone who surrounds him relates to him in some way. Some people like him, but others can't stand him. What can be done to reduce hatred in the world? I. Ilyin devotes his reasoning to this problem.

There is no doubt that this problem is important to all of us and it is not easy to solve. The author examines the issue of relationships between people in a philosophical manner, comparing emotions with rays: a light ray means a high and good feeling, and a black one means antipathy and hatred. The writer also offers ways to solve the problem, seeing them in the fact that a person should not respond with evil to evil, hatred to hatred, he should try to show sympathy and understanding, treat the enemy as a spiritually sick person and strive to help him rather than cause harm unnecessary suffering.

The author expresses his opinion on this issue quite clearly: he is confident that hatred can only be overcome with kindness and understanding. Hatred is a wound of the spirit, a new wound will not help to heal it - only love is capable of this as something opposite to a hostile feeling. It seems to me that the author is right in many respects, except that I doubt that it is always possible to fight hatred in all cases. After all, there are situations when we are talking about something truly terrible: for example, terrorism. In these cases, hatred is not, to continue the author’s comparison, an accidental disease. It is deliberately induced in oneself so that ruthlessness towards victims appears. If we talk about ordinary relationships between people, then, of course, it is difficult to argue with the author on this issue.

To illustrate my opinion, I would like to cite the example of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter.” The hero of this work, Pyotr Grinev, is in some strange and even inexplicable relationship with Pugachev, a murderer and robber. And the reason for this is simply that Petrusha treats the impostor humanly, without hatred and contempt, tries to convince him to repent, hopes for his salvation. And Pugachev’s temper is overcome by the kindness and sympathy of the young nobleman.

As an argument, I would also like to turn to the work of A. Kondratiev “Sashka”, the main character of which does not hate the captured fascist soldier, because he no longer perceives him as an enemy. He even takes pity on the German and thereby wins a moral victory both over him and over himself, rising to a deep understanding of the essence of humanity: a person must remain human even in war, without humiliating himself to brutal hatred.

Each of us must find the strength not to increase evil in the world by succumbing to hostility and contempt, but to counter these feelings with pity and understanding. This is what it means to be a kind person.

The material was prepared by Elena Valerievna Safonova, teacher of the highest qualification category, State Educational Institution SKOSHI No. 31, Moscow

Original text:

(1) Each person is a living, radiating personal center. (2) Every look, every word, every smile, every deed radiates a special energy of heat and light into the common spiritual ether of existence. (3) And even when a person, apparently not manifesting himself in anything, is simply nearby, we feel the rays he sends. (4) And, moreover, the stronger, the more definite and intense, the more significant and unique his spiritual personality.
(5) Receiving the first perception of someone else’s antipathy, we feel that the life rays we send are not accepted by the other person, are repelled or stubbornly not allowed into ourselves. (6) This is already unpleasant and painful. (7) This may cause us some confusion or even confusion. (8) A strange feeling of failure, or one’s own ineptitude, or even the irrelevance of one’s existence arises in the soul. (9) The will to communicate is suppressed, the rays do not want to be emitted, words cannot be found, the uplift of life ceases, the heart is ready to close. (10) Closed and uncommunicative people often evoke such a feeling in sociable and expansive people, even when antipathy is out of the question. (11) But antipathy, once it arises, intensifies to hostility, thickens into disgust and deepens to hatred.
(12) When I encounter real hatred towards me in life, a feeling of great unhappiness awakens in me, then grief and a feeling of my powerlessness.
(13) Following this, I experience a persistent desire to leave my hater at all costs, disappear from his sight, never meet him again and not know anything about him. (14) If this succeeds, then I quickly calm down, but then I soon notice that some kind of dejection and heaviness remain in my soul, for the black rays of his hatred still overtake me, penetrating to me through the common ethereal space. (15) Then I begin to involuntarily feel for his hating soul and see myself in its black rays as their object and victim. (16) A wound has formed in the spiritual ether of the world; it needs to be healed and healed. (17) My hater must forgive me and reconcile with me. (18) He must experience the joy that I live in this world, and give me the opportunity to rejoice in his existence. (19) For, according to the words of the great Orthodox sage Seraphim of Sarov, “man is a joy to man.”
(20) First of all, I need to find and establish whether it is not my fault that we are both now suffering: he, the hater, and I, the hated? (21) Maybe I accidentally touched some old, unhealed wound in his heart? (22) After that, I need to forgive him for his hatred. (23) I shouldn’t, I don’t dare respond to his black ray with the same black ray of contempt and rejection. (24) I should not shy away from meeting him; I have no right to escape. (25) From now on, I will meet the ray of his hatred with a white ray, clear, meek, kind, forgiving and seeking forgiveness.
(26) I must treat my hater the way a seriously ill person is treated, without exposing him to new, additional suffering. (27) I must send him understanding, forgiveness and love in my rays until he restores the thread that he broke leading to me. Hatred is healed by love and only love. (29) The ray of true love tames wild animals. (Z0) The radiation of love has a pacifying and disarming effect.
(31) The tension of anger dissipates: the evil instinct is lost, gives way and is drawn into an atmosphere of peace and harmony. (32) All these are not empty words: love conjures storms and pacifies the spiritual ether of the universe.
(33) And if one day this happens, his hatred will be transformed and the wound of the spiritual ether will be healed and healed. (34) Then we will both rejoice in the joy of deliverance and hear how high above us everything, rejoicing, celebrates up to the seventh heaven, for God’s fabric of love is one and integral throughout the entire Universe.
(According to I.A. Ilyin.)
Ilyin Ivan Aleksandrovich (1883-1954) - Russian philosopher, writer, publicist, author of the book “The Singing Heart. A book of quiet contemplations."