Has come in large numbers. Having come in large numbers Abgaryan Narine Yuryevna download in full

Narine Abgaryan is a famous Russian writer who started her career with a blog. She is Armenian by origin and moved to Moscow in the 90s. In her book “Coming in Large Numbers,” she shares with readers the difficulties that may arise along the way for visitors. The novel has been written unusual language. To convey the atmosphere of the “gangster 90s,” the writer used obscene expressions, which gave a special flavor to her work. The novel received the Manuscript of the Year award and high marks from critics.

A young girl decides to go to Moscow. This was a serious step for her, since she had to leave not only hometown, but also the country. But the main character is sure that luck is on her side and she will succeed, she will be able to adapt to new conditions and lifestyle.

Those who come in large numbers are hired to work at the exchange office of the famous Intourist hotel. The girl has to deal with harmful hotel residents and misunderstandings in the team. She learns to resolve disputes, even if it is not her fault. In general, the girl’s life turns from quiet and calm to eventful. Despite the fact that these are not fights and shootings, such active everyday life can also become a test for a visiting person. The girl does not yet know whether she will be able to settle in a noisy metropolis and please its residents. What awaits her next? What else will the One who has come in large numbers face? Will she be able to conquer Moscow and find happiness?

The novel raises many problems of our time. With the help of her heroine, the writer talks about how difficult it is for visitors. Many of them leave with nothing. Many are forced to work for pennies and endure difficult conditions. The problem of non-acceptance of a visiting person is very clearly reflected. The author shows how much you need to overcome to earn respect and achieve what you want.

The work belongs to the Prose genre. It was published in 2011 by AST Publishing House. On our website you can download the book "The One Who Comes in Large Numbers" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.79 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

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Title: Come in large numbers

About the book “The One Who Has Come in Large Numbers” by Narine Abgaryan

“The One Who Has Come in Large Numbers” is a novel by popular writer and blogger Narine Abgaryan. An Armenian by origin, in her book the writer spoke about the difficulties she encountered when she arrived in Moscow in the 90s. Despite the life-like and sometimes sad moments, the book is written very lightly and ironically. To reflect all the “color” of the “gangster” era, the author used obscene expressions. “Strong” words turned out to be very useful, giving the novel individuality and a unique charm.

Popular Russian writer, known for her works in the genre of humorous and women's prose, mine creative path started on the blog. Her first literary attempt was touching and at the same time fascinating stories about her childhood in Armenia. Gradually they “gathered” into a book and then the legendary “Manyunya” - the author’s first work - saw the light of day. With this book, Narine Abgaryan became a laureate of the Russian National literary prize“Manuscript of the Year” in the “Language” category.

The novel "The One Who Comes in Large Numbers" was also highly praised by critics. Moreover, this work received the Grand Prix of the Manuscript of the Year Award. And this is not surprising, because the writer’s style is unique. Fans assure that the author looks at even the most difficult and sad situations through the eyes of a child - cheerfully, a little embarrassed and with faith in miracles.
The book “The One Who Came in Large Numbers” by Narine Abgaryan introduces readers to an optimistic beauty who came to conquer Moscow. There is always a place for heroic deeds in life. One feat is to decide to emigrate. The second is to accept and love your new homeland for what it is, with all its pros and cons.

So, in order to provide herself with food and accommodation, the girl gets a job at the legendary Intourist Hotel as an exchange office. From this moment the adventures of the main character begin. No, no chases or shootouts. You will find ironic and funny stories about the everyday life of the Comedy One - problems with colleagues, funny guests and much more.

Through the prism of people, the writer tells how difficult it is sometimes to find a job in a big and noisy city. And how important are the people around a person, because they are the ones who create the very metropolis that “does not believe in tears.”
Here is a sweet, slightly sad and very truthful book about people. About how they live or lived, how to find friends, avoid problems and, most importantly, turn from a “newcomer” into a native Muscovite.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book“The One Who Has Come in Large Numbers” by Narine Abgaryan in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Coming in Large Numbers” by Narine Abgaryan

We need to take things more simply. It doesn’t work out now, it will work out later. It will definitely work. The main thing is not to be discouraged and not to doubt.

By and large, it doesn’t matter where you work.
Life is everywhere."

It is a great happiness to meet new people, smile, hold their hands, look into their eyes.
But how painful it is to part with them later!”

Our heroine was twenty-three, and she was constantly hungry. And sleep.

“I fumbled with my hand to catch on to something, and I fumbled for someone’s eggs,” O.F. later said, washing down the shock with vodka. - No, well, you're crazy, whores, there are tits on top, and dick on the bottom!

Please, please, butt licking. I'll remember this easily too.

- Howaiu. Sounds like "crap." I'll remember this easily.

We were the best - always. The most well-read, the most diligent, the smartest. We were often used as an example.
Now I sit at the cash register and watch life through the exchange window. Is this really all I wanted?

I love the current one. And I’ll fuck with my ex for old times’ sake. So as not to lose your skill.
Advice: when getting a divorce, maintain a cordial relationship with your partner, just in case. ex-husbands. Take care of your skill.

Natasha accepted the gifts with laughter and placed her neckline on the tray, which was pulled out back and forth to transfer money. And one day she let one boy hold her breasts. The boy then walked away from her sideways and even squatted, and Natasha said thoughtfully, looking after him: “I suppose he’s finished.”

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Narine Abgaryan is a Russian writer who began her career with an ordinary column in a living newspaper. The author’s first work was the book “Manyunya”, based on which several more books were soon created, continuing the adventures of the little girl.

The work “The One Who Has Come in Large Numbers” was published in 2011, when it won its first readers and fans. The book received the Grand Prix of the Manuscript of the Year award thanks to the author’s unusual and harmonious writing style, which surprises not only readers, but also literary critics. You can download “The One Who Came in Large Numbers” in fb2, epub, pdf, txt – Narine Abgaryan for free on the website

What is this book about?

In the foreground of the novel, the author shows a young girl who set off to conquer the capital and upon arrival was confident that luck was on her side and would not escape her. The girl decided to take two desperate steps at the same time - to emigrate to another country and get used to a completely new homeland, which is strikingly different from what the main character usually saw.
Initially, the girl decides to get a job, since she always needed to live and eat, and she only took money with her for the first time. The main character manages to get a job at a hotel called “Intourist”, where she was assigned to work at an exchange office. From this moment on, the girl’s most interesting and fun everyday life begins. She will learn about what a problem with a team is, how whimsical guests can be and how to resolve conflicts if it is not your fault.
The main character does not yet know whether she will be able to settle in this metropolis and whether the indigenous people, who essentially care only about character and the desire to work, will be able to accept her. Will a young and beautiful girl be able to arrange her life and truly fit into the world of rich and successful people? What awaits a beautiful foreigner, fame and love or the bitterness of loss and sadness? You can listen to the audiobook in mp3, read online “The One That Has Come in Large Numbers” or download it for free in fb2, epub and pdf on KnigoPoisk

What will the book teach?

The work “The One Who Comes in Large Numbers” opens up really interesting topics of society that concern most emigrants who are forced to leave another country and seek happiness elsewhere. Through the main character Narine, Abgaryan shows how difficult it really is to settle in a foreign city, settle down in it and find a job, not to mention finding your true happiness.
The main character tries to show that it is quite difficult to transform from a “newcomer” into a native Muscovite, and most of those who arrived simply fail to do this. The writer reveals the main problems of society - the rejection of a person in his world, the reluctance to understand that he is really needed in this world.
The author talked about her life, about how she once managed to fit into the team and how she had to arrange her personal life, ensuring that she was accepted and in no case abandoned to the mercy of fate.. Reviews and reviews about the book.

Who is the book for?

Narine Abgaryan’s work “The One Who Has Come in Large Numbers” is intended for all readers who love living and interesting books, written by calm and in easy language. It is not for nothing that the author receives the minimum amount of criticism and the maximum amount of praise. This attitude is due to the fact that the writer tries to tell the story on her own behalf. Narine Abgaryan always took plots for her books from personal experience, life and who and what surrounded her. It is this moment that readers and world critics like most.

Chapter first. Getting to know the one who has come in large numbers
Petrovka is a short and rather stupid street. Melted snow lies in piled snowdrifts on the sidewalks - you can’t walk, you can’t push through. Any car rushing past tends to be doused from head to toe in cold, dirty slurry. December 1994 turned out to be slushy and susceptible to frost - everything that had snowed in November, all the small and prickly snow pellets, mercilessly flying into the face and trying to get under the collar - all of this melted and came out in drops, leaving gray streaks on the sides of low old buildings .

A trading spirit reigned all around: from the Kuznetsky Most metro station to the Central Department Store there were rows of folding tables, thickly lined with books, Orenburg scarves, samovars, old sewing machines, vodka, packs of unusually tasty imported Wrigley chewing gum and Mars bars and "Snickers". Here and there, outlandish fluffy kiwi fruits and clusters of yellow, ripe bananas rose in neat hills. Kiwis cost a lot of money, so people took them individually.
“Just try,” they explained to the sellers for some reason.
Along the spontaneously formed shopping rows, a tall, skinny and big-nosed girl moved in an alarmed dotted line. A biting knitted hat stood up on his head, and murderously long, thin legs flowed from under a black coat sticking out like a spike. The girl was tightly clutching to her chest a large, slightly frayed leather bag with the controversial Chanel logo on the side. The bag was the girl’s special pride. It cost as much as thirty dollars, almost two months of my mother’s salary, and had served the mistress faithfully for the fourth year.
- Most importantly, don’t let her out of your hands, especially on the subway! - the mother admonished, packing her daughter for distant Moscow. - Press your elbow to your side and don’t relax - times are dark, thieves don’t sleep, they’ll snatch your bag, and you’ll be left without money and without documents.
The girl resisted leaving in every possible way, but the parents insisted on their own, scraped together a certain amount of money, converted it into foreign currency at the Yerevan flea market - it turned out to be as much as two hundred dollars, and sent their daughter to Moscow - for the second higher education.
- My girl will be a candidate of sciences! - Dad predicted.
“Or maybe a professor,” Mom smiled. - You are our pride.
- Well, what are you talking about? - the daughter burst into tears.
The airport was packed to capacity - exhausted by the war and hopeless blockade, people left their homeland with entire families. Children were crying, women were wailing, confused fathers of families were smoking gloomily in the corners. It was a great and terrible exodus - to Russia and further, abroad, to where they could at least somehow feed themselves and not fear for the future of their children.
“I don’t want to leave,” the girl hugged her mother. -Where will I go when you stay here?
- Everything will be fine. You can do it, I know.
Before disappearing into the waiting room, she turned around and caught her eye from the crowd of mourning parents. Dad nodded several times restrainedly, mom carefully stared so as not to burst into tears. She shouted something, but it was impossible to hear, the crowd was buzzing around, everyone was saying goodbye to their relatives.
- I can not hear! - The daughter shook her head.
Mom made a movement as if pressing her handbag to her side with her elbow. And she smiled through her tears.
The girl did not know how to hold her bag to her side. The long, thin arms protruded in all directions with sharp elbows and categorically refused to fold chastely along the body. Therefore, in order to avoid robbery, the strap of the bag was thrown over the shoulder, and the bag itself was pressed with crossed arms to the chest. Firstly, they won’t steal it, and secondly, it’s warm, and it drowns out the merciless rumbling in the stomach. And the girl knew how to growl her belly! It was more likely not even a rumbling, but some kind of catastrophic bubbling - with a subtle howl, turning into a muffled roar. Our heroine was twenty-three, and she was constantly hungry. And sleep.
This strange behavior of the body was explained by climate change: when you move to another country, for some time you have to lead an almost plant-based lifestyle. Recently, a girl set a personal record - she slept standing, with her forehead buried in a door with a menacing sign “DO NOT LEAN”, the entire gray metro line, from the Prazhskaya station to the Altufyevo station. And if it weren’t for the compassionate woman who tore her away from the sign and took her out of the car, she would have woken up in the depot, or wherever these fast underground trains go next.
Another time, the girl fell asleep at dinner, and the landlady, Aunt Polya, almost gave her soul to God when she found a marble statue intently snoring on a kitchen stool. Waking up in the morning, the girl discovered a small icon of the Mother of God on her bedside table.
“From the evil eye,” Aunt Polya said edifyingly. - Look, what have you decided to do - fall asleep at the table. Where has this been seen? I'm tired of dragging you to bed.
- I didn’t do it on purpose!
- Otherwise, I don’t see that it’s not on purpose!

It was no coincidence that the girl ended up in Petrovka. Today an interview was held at the central office of Golden Age Bank. The bank was recruiting girls to work at the exchange office, which was soon to open at the Intourist Hotel.
- Politeness, communication skills, knowledge in English. Do not offer sex! - Alya Shelgunova, our heroine’s classmate, read into the phone.
-Where did you get this ad? - the girl perked up. - And why on earth should an employee offer sex?
“Oh,” Alya giggled, “I made a mistake here!” Intimacy is usually offered by employers.
- How did you screw that up? Did you create it yourself?
- Well, yes! Mother got a job as an accountant in a bank. She asked me to create a competent advertisement for the recruitment of girls. Work - in three days.
- Al! Maybe I should try? I am polite, sociable, and my English is good.
- And you wouldn’t think of offering sex! - Alya did not fail to screw it up.
“Well, yes,” our heroine agreed mournfully, “I won’t offer it.” The main thing for me is to find some kind of job, otherwise I have practically nothing to live on.